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Steven Smith MHR Defence Minister Well Done Mattie!

From The Desk Today News 4 U Darwin NT Australia

Australian Australian Troops The Best Trained Men & Women In The World

Today is a Great Day For Justice In Australia


Monday, 26 November 2012

Greetings Fellow Australians

And friends around the World, today is a Great Day In Australia for Military Justice to be upheld in Australian Military life, and the running of the Government who are representatives sitting in both Chambers of Federal Parliament serving We The People of Australia 23 Million Of Us. May I first thank Stephen Smith MHR Defence Minister for standing up in Parliament today and admitting a wrong was committed within our Defence Forces in regards to abuse with our Military Personnel serving. Its hard people to stand up and say sorry, or admit to a wrong happening. But But may I draw everybodys attention back to the old saying It Takes A Man To Stand Up and Say Sorry, A Wrong was Committed But Any person who does so wins admiration, respect from everybody about so Stephen walk tall, head up high. My second word of thanks and praise goes to Australian Defence Force Chief General David Hurley, thank you General to you and your close staff working with you who worked in with Stephen Smith Defence Minister. Give yourself all a pat on the back for a job well done fellas!

But May I remind everybody concerned words a cheap, people at the end of the day judge those by their actions and deeds, so make sure you carry through with all that is set down and you promised today.

I Hate To Advise Remember Its Advise Only?

Please explain why Australian Defence Force Chief General David Hurley you and your most Senior Officers havent got set up behind the scenes in Canberra (4 Off The Books Top Secret Units)

Operating there?

These 4 Top Secret Units should be off the books nobody knows about except a few people within the Australian Army Command, not even the Defence Minister or Prime Minister should know about these Secret Units

Their Job?
1) Spy and keep an eye over ASIO and everything they do 2) Spy and keep an eye over ASIS and everything they do 3) Spy and keep an eye over Australian Federal Police and everything they do 4) Spy and keep an eye over all State Police Terrorism & Counter Terrorism Units If anybody steps out of line, then Military Police move in, arrest them, charge them and Australian Defence Legal Team and Office Prosecute them through the Courts.

If found guilty they serve out their sentence doing hard time, labour being sent to the South Pole, to pick up and bag Bird Poo. When enough collected for the day at night instead of watching TV, they sit on their Milk Crates and play Patty Cake, Patty Cake Pat, Pat, Pat the Bird Poo together flat. Then pack into boxes and when enough boxes order complete, arrange to send a C 130 Air Craft to the South Pole to pick those boxes up. Fly them to India and give out a box each for $10 to the poor people of India to burn on their oven fires and keep warm or cook the nights meal. The Money raised pay back into a Defence Force Fund and every Christmas have a Party at all the Australian Bases around Australia just to say thanks guys & girls for a good years service rendered.

I Mean Come On Guys Lets Be Truthful Now Ok?

Australian Prime Minister Julia (Mossad CIA) Gillard and all those other rats can say Oh Thats Rubbish, Thats Non Sense all she likes. If she does I would look two or three stories down Julia Gillard and hope those tapes of Jane Hartman arent mailed out all across America because you will have a lot of explaining to do Julia why YOU!

Nobody else Julia YOU! Are on the Parliament and Public Record saying Oh Thats Rubbish, Thats Non Sense Ex President George (Baby) Bush & Ex Vice President Dick Cheney (Master Mind) and certain others within the American Military, Police and Intelligence Agencies also the IDF and Israeli Mossad really did carry out 11th Sept Terrorism Attacks in New York City USA.

So we were all right!

You were wrong Julia Gillard and your on public record saying Oh Thats Rubbish, Thats Non Sense = Accessory Before and After the Fact & Part Of The Conspiracy to the above people carrying out those attacks. In a nutshell you covered these people Crimes Up Julia, you and all your Office Staff. Not just picking on Julia Gillard where is that other little smiling Chinese Assassin Kevin Rudd, your also guilty Kevin you and all your staff. There is another little Rat in hiding trying to play innocent too come out, come out guess who?


People guessed right Opposition Leader Tony Abbott, you were right beside Ex Prime Minister John Howard, seeing and knowing everything he did also in covering up this Crime. People may or may not be thinking oh this girl or guy is lying, then let the following be my evidence, proof and hard-core facts details I am talking the truth.

Black 9/11 Money, Motive, Technology, and Plausible Deniability

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BsDtvu2uTuA&feature=player_embe dded

Watch this video people its all the financial side behind the 11th Sept 2001 Terrorist Attacks in New York City USA. Warning: To all Police, Military and Intelligence Agencies thinking of pulling this video, copies have been made and every time you pull this video down it will be uploaded again under 10 different names.

Come On People Listen to The Video!

This is some of the stuff you will hear in the video 1) Donald Rumsfield Defence Secretary announced on 10th Sept 2001 $2.3 Trillion was missing from the Pentagon and books.
This was all dis information, saying that and to say and lead people on that there was an Independent Unit of Auditors, Accounts, Book Keepers were investigating that $2.3 Trillion Dollars missing.

The Truth
The real people in that part of the Pentagon where the plane hit was a Team Unit of ONI Office Of Navy Intelligence they were investigating Project Hammer set up years earlier by (Daddy Bush) a secret fund of $250 Billion to help be spent against Russia and bring Russia down to its knees.

12th Sept 2001 these Securities and Fund Certificates were about to become due then checks would have been made on who owned them etc. 2) Then we have another Team Unit of Investigators were also killed to stop their investigations. 3) Then look at who was on Flight 77 all the TOP Brass who were on that plane. 4) So by doing these attacks, they needed to clear electronically that $250 Billion from Computer Records, which is what was done when the Federal Reserve Bank declared an emergency.

These Mongrel Bastards Killed Their Own People to stop investigations from going ahead by Police, Military Intelligence Agencies.
Please people just listen to this video, it will explain allot which the Controlled Mainstream Media and all these Puppet / Stooges Prime Ministers and Presidents around the World and their Governments, never told us. I mean Julia Gillard, Kevin Rudd, John Howard might as well get a Special Team and let off a Mini Nuke at any Australian Military Base or Police Offices around the country.

That would be no different then all these crooks, liars, Congress, Senate, White House etc, etc did.

These Bastards Killed Their Own People To Cover Up their Crimes and Corruption
Its funny isnt it people? Come on people laugh? What nobody laughing?

I Mean Come On Guys Lets Be Truthful Now Ok?

Back to Australian Defence Force Chief General David
Hurley you and your most Senior Officers, you people our the Australian people 23 Million of us only and last defence.

You people are our own Obi-Wan Kenobi Knights in ObiKenobi Obi shinning armour. Question 1) What Is A New World Order? Question 2) Who is behind wanting to set up a One World Nazi Fascist Government World Wide putting the Whole Human Race into Slavery under their control?

And before anybody like Julia Gillard and others say Thats Rubbish Thats Non Sense Lookie Here Who Is on Recorded Promoting Such Things?

Bob Hawke Fabian Labor

"I gladly acknowledge the debt of my own Government to Fabianism"

36+ years of Labor PM Fabian Socialism, Fabians are also International

Anthony Charles Lynton Blair Former British Labour PM and Fabian


20 things you need to know about Kevin Rudd

6. A love affair with all things Chinese started at the age of 10 when his mother gave him a book on ancient civilisations. After high school Rudd hitchhiked down the east coast and eventually reached Canberra where he enrolled at Australian National University and studied Chinese language and history. He is fluent in Mandarin and was posted to Beijing as a junior diplomat during his time with the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade in the mid-1980s.

10 He earned his first political nickname, Dr Death

"Fresh Thinking" Rudd's "adherence to a Foreign Power" called the "New World Order"


"Rudd draws his New World Order" Rudd finds it important to meet war criminal Henry Kissinger to get advice

What is the "New World Order"? U.S. Major Bart R. Kessler was 'following the money' with his 1997 research papers. After G.H Bush rattled on about the "New World Order" back in the early 1990's this paper was put together to outline whom Bush was talking about, and those that founded the U.N and other bodies that would be behind running the NWO. U.N. Trivia You Should Have Already Been Taught In Public Schools


World War 1 was created by design in an attempt to create a world governance body run by unaccountable European bankers called the... "League of Nations" The first failed attempt at a global governmental body for the Rothschild banksters to straddle as a political tool to enter into Sovereign nations "privatising" public owned infrastructures. The World War 2: Another attempt to create a world governance body... "The United Nations" (U.N.) The United Nations Charter (rule book) is a near copy and paste of the G-dless Russian Communist Manifesto! Image: The U.N building in the U.S. A Former Nazi Ran the U.N. Between 1972 and 1982 a WW2 German Nazi, Kurt Waldheim (middle guy in the photo) ran the United Nations for 10 years! Image: Death camp commandant Kurt Waldheim (centre) President of Austria and Secretary General of United Nations 1972 to 1982 Image: The original U.N. logo


Can You See How We Have All Been Played? First UN Secretary General of the UN a dam Nazi from WW11 I Mean Come On Guys Lets Be Truthful Now Ok?
Back to Australian Defence Force Chief General David
Hurley you and your most Senior Officers, you people our the Australian people 23 Million of us only and last defence.

Answer Who Is Behind The New World Order and A OneWorld Government?

The Zionist (Fake Jew) Talmud International Bankers & the Globalist

So that being the case check out The Lowry Institution Sydney what is it full of Globalist, Marxist, Communist, Zionist, Bankers.

And who is a member of that group? >>>>> Look here Australian Federal Police


Which means this Whole Police Force and Agency Now No Longer serves Australian Citizens and the Commonwealth Of Australia anymore They work for and take their marching orders from The Lowry Institution Rats Nest In Sydney Australia right under everybodys nose.

Wake Up Wake Up Wake Up

Defence Abuse Victims Say Apology A 'Step Forward'
Victims of abuse within the Defence Force have welcomed the Government's apology and the prospect of compensation for the trauma they have suffered. Defence Force Chief General David Hurley has offered a formal apology to people abused within Defence ranks. It followed a parliamentary apology by the Defence Minister, Stephen Smith. The apologies are part of the Government's response to a review, which has received about 750 plausible allegations of abuse. Mr Smith announced a taskforce would be set up to examine the allegations, which may become a royal commission. One victim, who was abused as a 15-year-old junior recruit at the Leeuwin naval base in Fremantle, says that hearing the word sorry will help in his recovery. Albert Norley says shortly after arriving at HMAS Leeuwin in 1965, he was savagely assaulted by three senior cadets.


He says it was not just the abuse he suffered, but witnessing attacks on others that has left him scarred. "That was pretty heartbreaking and it's something I've had to live with, seeing friends beaten by a lot older (recruits)... we were 15-and-a-half-year-old kids," he said. Mr Norley was recently diagnosed with posttraumatic stress disorder. He says the Federal Government's apology will help him move on. "To be quite honest, for Stephen Smith to come out and apologise, that's a big step forward for us," he said. Timing of apology Military compensation lawyer Brian Briggs, who has represented hundreds of victims of abuse within Defence, has also welcomed the Government's apology. "I think it was sincere. I've got to commend the Minister for coming forward and giving a public apology in Parliament," he said. "I know that a lot of my clients and the inquiries that I saw, people were seeking an apology from the Government. "So I think that will go a long way towards at least in some way compensating them for the historical abuse and for the abuse that's happened to them whilst they were in the military." But Mr Briggs says it could have been more effective if victims were told the apology was coming. "Unfortunately because of things how it happened this morning, it was so quick that a lot of people wouldn't have had the opportunity to see the apology yet," he said. "It's a bit of a shame that some of those victims weren't present in Parliament to actually witness it in person, but again it was pretty short notice."


The Government has stopped short of setting up a royal commission into the wide-ranging claims of abuse, instead opting for an independent taskforce to investigate the issue. The taskforce will be responsible for overseeing a new compensation scheme that will give victims up to $50,000 each. The taskforce, to be headed by retired West Australian Supreme Court judge Len Roberts-Smith, will be given broad scope in considering the issue of compensation. Mr Briggs says he is pleased victims will not have to go to extreme lengths in pursuing compensation. "Len Roberts-Smith in his statement this morning made it clear that it's not going to be over the top with respect to proving beyond reasonable doubt that you're a victim of abuse," Mr Briggs said. "And it seems that the standard or the level that they have to reach will not be on strict evidentiary criteria, so that's a good thing." Mr Norley says he will be seeking compensation. He says the abuse he suffered affected his marriage and his relationship with his children. "So my 32-year-old daughter and son, other daughter have grown up with a father that they didn't know what was wrong with," he said. "I never went on holidays with them, per se, because I didn't like being away from the house. I'd like to stay at home. "Because I didn't like to be out in sort of, public access, for want of a better word. It's affected my entire life, from the day it happened."


Lets Blow These Pack Of Rats Incompetent Fools, Liars, and Bone Corrupt Bastards Out Of The Water Stephen Smith

Defence Force Chief General David Hurley caught lying to the Australian public to cover up the abuse of an 18 year old female.
Over the last few days some of the media and others have been calling for the resignation or sacking of Defence Minister Stephen Smith over the defence force Skype sex tape scandal. Yet have failed to call for the same from the Chief of Defence General David Hurley and the commander of the Australian Defence Force Academy Commodore Bruce Kafer. Criminal offences have taken place in their attempt to cover up criminal offences in the defence force and there needs to be a Royal Commission as the cover-up is being directed by the highest levels of the defence force.


Australian Defence Force sex tape scandal

The Australian public have seen the Federal Polices cover-up tactics in full flight in the last few days with the Australian Defence Force sex tape scandal involving the 18-year-old girl. The Federal Police initially swept it under the carpet and only decided to investigate when Channel 10 ran an interview with the girl on the nightly news or at least that is what the Australian Defence are implying by their public statements. Both Defence and the Federal Police are have been contradicting each other all over the place with their public statements. A quick overview is that an 18-year-old female cadet at the Australian Defence Force Academy was secretly filmed having sex with a male cadet using the telecommunication service Skype. The male cadet had set up the video unknown to the girl and six other cadets were in another room watching, two which were under the age of 18. Still photographs were also taken on mobile phones and distributed around the base. Another cadet was shown the photos and was disgusted and made a complaint to defence force officers. The 18-year-old female was told by defence that Federal Police had told defence force investigators that it was not a crime in the ACT like other jurisdictions (other states). She was told that all that would happen is that the cadets involved would have leave stopped and a restriction of privileges.


The day that Channel Ten ran the story they contacted the Australian Defence Force Academy for a response and were told that the Federal Police had changed their initial advice because it happened on federal property and it is covered by Commonwealth Laws and that the they would now in investigate. The problem with this is that the ADF (Australian Defence Force) have a very large and well resourced legal department and would have been well aware right from the start that a crime had been committed and that is was covered by Commonwealth Law. The General Counsel for Defence, David Lloyd would have been aware without a doubt but as you can see from a previous posting he has no hesitation in covering up corrupt and criminal conduct at the ADF. (The previous posting is titled How the Defence Minister Stephen Smith and others cover up the sexual abuse of women) The so-called initial advice that it was not covered by ACT laws and that they only decided to investigate when they realised it happened on federal property and is covered by Commonwealth Laws is one of the most stupid things I have ever heard. It does not matter whether it is on federal property or not to be covered by Commonwealth laws and the original Federal Police officer who gave the advice would have known this the same as David Lloyd General Council for Defence would have known. The whole of Australia is covered by Commonwealth Laws no matter were you are in the country. I really have to wonder if the ADF ever contacted the Federal Police in the first place and only did when the media became involved.


This is what Commissioner Tony Negus has been quoted as saying in the last few days: Australian Federal Police commissioner Tony Negus said the original information provided by defence to police related to a very bare set of circumstances. That advice that was provided by defence didnt really fully comprehend the magnitude of what we now know to be the case, Defence sought advice from the AFP and was initially advised it did not appear any offences had been committed. Mr Negus said defence conducted some original inquiries and some preliminary legal advice was provided on the basis of that information. But then again the circumstances came out more fully later on, he said. Asked if he thought this was intentional, Mr Negus replied: No, there was preliminary advice sought on a particular question, that advice was provided and the circumstances then grew from there. Sounds like total crap coming from Tony Neguss mouth to me.

Just for the record what happened is a clear breach of section 474.17 of the 1995 Criminal Code: 474.17 Using a carriage service to menace, harass or cause offence
A person is guilty of an offence if


(a) The person uses a carriage service; and (b) The person does so in a way (whether by the method of use or the content of a communication, or both) that reasonable persons would regard as being, in all the circumstances, menacing, harassing or offensive.

Penalty: Imprisonment for 3 years.

It took me all of 15 minutes to skim through the 1995 Criminal Code to find a section that covers the exact situation. Are we really to believe the ADF and Federal Police did not know?

Two males were subsequently charged. At least one with the above law and which is due to go to trial next year.

Under pressure from Stephen Smith the defence force stood down Commodore Bruce Kafer and set up an inquiry headed by Andrew Kirkham, QC into the defence forces handling of the Skype sex tape.

It must be noted that Mr Kirkham is an ex-defence employee and has continued to work for them on a regular basis since he left the force so he is hardly independent.

Mr Kirkhams edited findings were presented to the media last Wednesday by Stephen Smith and General Hurley. The impression was clearly given that Commodore Bruce Kafer had been cleared by the Kirkham report of doing anything wrong and it was announced that he would be re-instated last Friday.


It was also stated that defence had legal advice that if they did not reinstate Commodore Kafer they ran the risk of Kafer instituting legal proceedings to be reinstated.

Well Kafer was never going to do this because his criminal conduct would come to light. What more than likely happened is that Kafer said to Hurley if I go down I will be taking others down with me so he was reinstated.

Mr Smith also said to the effect that a number of things that the 18 female claimed happened had been found to be untrue by the Kirkham report.

The net effect is that Kirkham has called the 18 female a liar and a fabricator.

I know who I believe and it is not the defence old boy Kirkham and his cronies at the ADF.

Kirkham is a disgrace bludging off the tax payer and who does not want to upset his cash cow which is the ADF.

He should never have been appointed with such a conflict of interest and was never even close to being independent.

Within 24 hours of the edited Kirkham report being released by Smith and Hurley Channel 10 was given at least some unedited parts of the report which showed amongst other things:

a leaked document revealed a senior defence official was strongly criticised and found to have acted inappropriately.

and Commodore Kafer could and should have foreseen that [disciplinary charges would be served on Kate] at a time when [she was receiving] medical treatment and had recently been advised of the Skype incident, and further that such service could cause her upset.

Mr Kirkhams report also found that Kate suffered unnecessary distress because of Commodore Kafers actions, and that he failed to inquire as to whether Kate wanted the disciplinary matter to be delayed.

The inquiry finds this failure unfortunate such inquiries would have been a sensible and appropriate course of action.

It seems the whole unedited report has not been leaked but only parts of it.

But just based on the parts that have been leaked General Hurley and Smith were clearly and deliberately lying to the Australian public and attempting to cover up the real report at least in relation to the actions of Commodore Kafer.

It does not matter how you look at it Commodore Kafer has to resign or be sacked and the same can be said for General Hurley.


The full report has to be released and an open and public inquiry into Mr Hurleys conduct needs be forthcoming.

And who were the people who originally lied to the female cadet and said what happened was not illegal in the ACT.

A separate inquiry was also commissioned last year by Stephen Smith. I said in the post titled Going Jack Air Chief Marshal Angus Houston:

At the time of writing this over 1000 people have made complaints of abuse in the Defence Force to the law firm DLA Piper who is investigating and doing up a report for the Defence Minister Stephen Smith.

Also last Wednesday Stephen Smith released the DLA Piper report which in The Australian said:

THE Australian Defence Force faces years of investigations into hundreds of allegations of violence and psychological abuse in its ranks, with some claims involving serious criminal offences.

and A national law firms initial review of more than 1000 complaints of abuse in the ADF has found that at least 775 were plausible allegations of abuse. Its recommendations for action include a possible royal commission, a national apology to victims and the likelihood of millions of dollars in compensation being paid.


If defence is able to sweep the Skype sex tape scandal under the carpet what hope have the 775 people who have plausible allegations of abuse of ever getting justice.

General David Hurley has been caught out for being a disgrace to his uniform and like his predecessor going jack on his soldiers.

If he had any self-respect he would resign summarily. What he has done is what only the low of the low would do. The same can be said for Commander Bruce Kafer.

And as for Stephen Smith there was a great article in the SMH on the weekend by recently retired major-general John Cantwell who said:

Its all about respect. Does the Defence Minister, Stephen Smith, respect the men and women of the Australian Defence Force? Regrettably, the answer appears to be no.

and this I provided a frank assessment of the quality of Afghanistan security forces we were training. Throughout, Smith sat immobile, taking no notes, making no comment. At the conclusion of this briefing, to which the then chief of the Defence Force Angus Houston added his insights, I asked if he had any questions. There were none. It must have been a cracking brief.


I doubt that abuse in the defence force is any higher than in the greater community as a whole and even though cover-ups go on in general society I have no doubt the level of cover-ups is significantly higher in the defence force as the above shows.

Going Jack Air Chief Marshal Angus Houston

In this posting we have a good look at the failings of Air Chief Marshal Angus Houston and how on his watch the judicial system in the Australian Defence Force has denied justice to defence force personnel. They are denied justice two ways.

One is even before it hits the defence force courts where they try to cover it up and two when it does go into court the courts are a joke. You might use the term Kangaroo Court for example. The chief of the Australian Defence Force, Air Chief Marshal Angus Houston retires on July 4, 2011.


There is obviously the standard back slapping going on saying what a great person he is and what a great job he has done.

In recent days the Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard has even implied she has a bit of a crush on Houston. Her exact words were:

I wanted to say to you tonight some words you might find hard to hear and that is: every woman I know is a little bit in love with your husband, Ms Gillard said.

Ive tested the proposition with the governor-general, whos a little bit in love with your husband; Im a little bit in love with your husband.

Were all a little bit in love with Angus because of his qualities, and dont they just shine through? Yes they do shine through!!!

I have previously done two postings where Angus Houston he gets a substantial mention.

I feel it is only right that we have a good look at his achievements or lack of them before he retires. The reality is that he leaves the Australian Defence Forces reputation in tatters from numerous view points.


At the time of writing this over 1000 people have made complaints of abuse in the Defence Force to the law firm DLA Piper who is investigating and doing up a report for the Defence Minister Stephen Smith. This came about after the recent ADFA sex tape scandal.

The obvious question is why did Air Chief Marshal Angus Houston not do something? There was and is a truck load of media reports of abuse.

Yet Houston has sat silent.

Given that there were plenty of previous enquiries why did Houston sit silent?

The facts are that the top brass in the Australian Defence Force have a history of doing nothing and covering up crimes committed in the defence force especially when a senior officer is involved or has liability.

The most recent example being the ADFA sex tape scandal. Senior officers were trying to cover it up and that is a crime in itself. What happened to them? Nothing?


Air Chief Marshal Houston would be well aware what the officers did was a crime but he has taken no action against them. That makes Angus Houston just as guilty as they are.

He deliberately conceals the sexual abuse man and women in the defence force and feels that if anyone complains it is fair and just to bastardize them to try to shut them up.

There are numerous examples of this, the latest being a report on the ABC program Four Corners titled Culture of Silence

The program relates to three people one being a female who was raped in the navy and the cover up, another being a male who was raped and bashed at the ADFA and the third being a male who was severely bashed by members of his battalion.

A story on news.com.au gives an overview of the Four Corners report which is titled Navy forced me to keep rape quiet, former cadet tells ABCs Four Corners

It is worth noting that the Defence Minister Stephen Smith, Air Chief Marshal Angus Houston and the incoming Chief of the Defence force Lieutenant-General David Hurley all refused to be interviewed for the Four Corners program. Looks like nothing will change under David Hurley.


The list goes on and on. But I think you do not have to go past the 1000 complaints and how does it get to this point.

This all happens on top of a Defence Force judicial system that is a joke and in 2009 was found to be invalid by the High Court of Australia.

It says the Defence website The Australian Military Court (AMC) was established on 1 October 2007 to try serious service offences involving ADF personnel.

On 26 August 2009 the High Court of Australia declared the provisions of the Defence Force Discipline Act 1982 (DFDA) establishing the AMC were invalid.

The High Courts decision removed the AMC from the military discipline structure.

From 2007 to 2009 over 170 decisions had been handed down by the Australian military Court.

Given that the High Court found the AMC to be invalid The Rudd government then passed amending legislation to replace the military court with the old courts-martial system and wiped the convictions it had recorded, but it left the punishments in place.


The punishments themself are currently being challenged in the High Court by a former officer, Paul Nicholas.

Mr Nicholas was ultimately sacked from the defence force for attempting to pervert the course of justice.

I think that is a bit rich given the amount of current serving officers, including Air Chief Marshal Houston that pervert the course of justice when someone makes a serious complaint of criminal offences.

Chief Air Marshal Angus Houston can only be described as a man who lacks any self-respect, integrity and honesty.

A man who lies, deceives and bullshits on with the best of them. He is nothing more than a common criminal. A man who will go down in history as one of the greatest failures this country has seen as a Chief of Defence.

And I have not even delved into the billion dollar financial mess of the Australian Defence Force under Angus Houston.

For those who are not familiar with the term Going Jack which is in the title of this post it is defined as If an individual is not helping his mates it is said he is going jack on his mates.


And that is what Angus Houston has done to the majority of the Australian defence force personnel, he has gone jack on them. I always believe that you should not say something behind someones back if you are not prepared to say it to their face.

The email is below. What will he do?

Nothing. Because what I have said above is true and he knows it. From: XXXXXXXXX Name Withheld To Protect This Whistle Blower Sent: Sunday, 3 July 2011 9:05 PM To: angus.houston@defence.gov.au; Stephen.Smith.MP@aph.gov.au; tony.abbott.mp@aph.gov.au; David.Lloyd@defence.gov.au; Mark.Cunliffe@defence.gov.au; senator.ludlam@aph.gov.au; senator.brandis@aph.gov.au; senator.trood@aph.gov.au; andrew.wilkie.mp@aph.gov.au; meetinginvitation@pm.gov.au; david.hurley@defence.gov.au; governor-general@gg.gov.au; peter.leahy@defence.gov.au; alison.creagh@defence.gov.au; peter.leahy@defence.gov.au


Subject: Air Chief Marshal Angus Houston News Story Dear Mr Houston I have done a posting on my site as a farewell summary of your magnificent career as Chief of Defence. It is titled Going Jack Air Chief Marshal Angus Houston. In one of the better parts I say Chief Air Marshal Angus Houston can only be described as a man who lacks any selfrespect, integrity and honesty. A man who lies, deceives and bullshits on with the best of them. He is nothing more than a common criminal. How the Defence Minister Stephen Smith and others cover up the sexual abuse of women The cover-up of sexual abuse of women in the Australian Defence Force is starting to come out in a major way with an 18 year old girl blowing the whistle. Others are starting to come out now, including allegations of a rape cover-up at the Defence Academy. Below is an email chain that adds a lot of light on what is really happening in relation to sexual abuse of women in the Australian Defence Force and who is really covering it up. While many are starting to point the finger at various people in the Defence Force, make no mistake that the Defence Minister Stephen Smith MP and the previous Defence Minister Senator John Faulkner are up to their neck in the cover-up. The cover-up goes up to the highest levels in the Australian Defence Force including the Chief of Defence, Air Chief Marshal Angus Houston and the General Counsel for Defence Dr David Lloyd.


It paints a scary picture when you put my allegations together with the fact that Defence and the Federal Police are clearly attempting to cover up what happened to the girl until Matt Moran ran the story on channel 10, the rape allegation today and then also look at the artical in the Sydney Morning Herald today were it says: The criticism came as an army legal officer who has trained hundreds of Defence personnel on sexual assault and alcohol issues accused high-ranking officers and politicians of ignoring warnings about the toxic culture within the Defence Force. What amazes me is despite the fact that there will be regular incidents that occur in relation to sexual assaults, the irresponsible use of technology, fights, drink-driving and drugs, the ADF continues to provide lip service, Mr Donaldson said. He said he was talking as a civilian lawyer, rather than in any Defence-related role) The key part in email chain below is the response that I received from David Lloyd who is the General Council for Defence and my follow-up questions which they failed to respond to. From: XXXXXXXXXXX Sent: Wednesday, 28 July 2010 12:11 To: Lloyd, David DR Cunliffe, Mark MR Subject: Gyles Inquiry Dear Mr Lloyd I have not had any response or communication from your office in relation to the telephone conversation we had on Monday 21st June at 5pm which is some five weeks ago.


In that conversation I raised Roger Gyles corrupt and criminal history. I also said words to the effect that it looks like the Defence Force has brought Roger Gyles in to do a hatchet job on the inquiry which you refuted. Can you respond ASAP telling me what action if any you have taken? Yours Sincerely XXXXXXXXXXX

From: Lloyd, David DR [mailto:David.Lloyd@defence.gov.au] Sent: Wednesday, 4 August 2010 11:04 AM To: XXXXXXXXXX Cc: Cunliffe, Mark MR Subject: RE: Gyles Inquiry [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED] UNCLASSIFIED Dear XXXXXXXX As I stated in our telephone conversation the Hon. Roger Gyles AO QC was highly recommended to Defence as an appropriate person to undertake a full and open inquiry into the Success matter. He is a respected former Judge of the Federal Court of Australia who, since retiring from that court, also served as an acting Judge of the Supreme Court of New South Wales, Court of Appeal.


Defence remains of the view that he is an appropriate person for this role. In confirming this position Defence raised your issues with Mr Roger Gyles. I also obtained and reviewed your book which you directed me to in our conversation. I do not consider that the book raises any matters which would warrant Defence taking any further action. For the record, I wish to confirm that Defence entirely rejects your imputations regarding the motives for the inquiry. Regards Dr David Lloyd Defence General Counsel IMPORTANT: This email remains the property of the Department of Defence and is subject to the jurisdiction of section 70 of the Crimes Act 1914. If you have received this email in error, you are requested to contact the sender and delete the email. From: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Sent: Thursday, 12 August 2010 10:41 AM To: angus.houston@defence.gov.au; senator.faulkner@aph.gov.au; meetinginvitation@pm.gov.au; tony.abbott.mp@aph.gov.au; David.Lloyd@defence.gov.au; Mark.Cunliffe@defence.gov.au; senator.ludlam@aph.gov.au; senator.brandis@aph.gov.au


Cc: loakes@nine.com.au; news@nine.com.au; news@seven.com.au; news@ten.com.au; editor@theaustralian.com.au; 7.30syd@your.abc.net.au; aca@nine.com.au; glw@greenleft.org.au; cannews@winnsw.com.au; news@dailytelegraph.com.au; 4corners@your.abc.net.au; news@canberrafm.com.au Subject: FW: Gyles Inquiry [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED] Dear Air Chief Marshal Houston and Senator Faulkner I am writing to the both of you with the allegation that Roger Vincent Gyles has been appointed by at least one of you if not both to sweep the sexual misconduct in the Defence Force under the carpet. The prima facie case to support this is has gotten a whole lot stronger in what can only be described as very disconcerting correspondence with Dr David Lloyd General Council for Defence (see the 2 emails below). Roger Gyles is a well known hatchet man and has a long history of judicial misconduct such as hearing matters when there is perceived bias, actual bias (remember the Royal Commission he headed up into the building industry in the early 1990 s) and having a sexual relationship with a party to a preceeding where he is the Judge. It is not lost on me that the reason Gyles is conducting this inquiry into the sexual misconduct etc on the Navy Ship Success is because the first internal inquiry by Defence had to be disbanded because of actual bias. And we all know actual bias equals corruption. Defence was clearly caught out trying to do a hatchet job on the internal inquiry. So what does Defence do? They bring in one of the dodgiest former judicial officers there is, Roger Vincent Gyles QC.

I had a telephone conversation with David Lloyd on Monday the 21st of June. I said the Dr Lloyd that on the face of it, it looks like Defence is doing a hatchet job on the inquiry. Various issues were raised by me about Gyless history. This included his running the Royal Commission in the 1990 s into the building industry when he was a director of a construction company, the fact that he had a sexual relationship with Gail Hambly and heard a matter where she was a respondent and acted perversely and the fact that he was an alternate judge in the NSW Court of Appeal (he was only there from September 2008 to November 2008. Probably worth asking Gyles about his corrupt decision in the Tristar matter he handed down in August 2008 when he was a Federal Court Judge). David Lloyd raised Gyless handy work on the recent Storm Financial Inquiry as proof as Gyles good work (there is now a massive class action against the Commonwealth Bank). After some five weeks I had not had a reply from David Lloyd and had to send the follow email below to get a response which took him another week to respond to. This raises a number of issues: 1. One would have thought he would have responded within the week given the severity of the allegations. Or at maximum 2 weeks, not six weeks after a follow up by me. 2. In Mr Lloyds email response below he says Defence raised my issues with Mr Gyles, but it does not say how the issues were raised or what issues were raised with Gyles or what his response was.


Given the severity of the allegations against Defence and Gyles the only proper way to handle this would have been for Defence to write to Gyles and ask for a written response. Can you please supply me with of copy of the letter that Mr Lloyd sent Gyles and a copy of the letter Gyles sent in response. If not why not? If there are no letters it looks like a clear cover up. 3. Nowhere does he mention he raised the allegations with the counsel representing all the parties at the inquiry so they had the opportunity to have there say. If this has not happened it is absolutely scandalous. 4. He says he reviewed my book. Well there is a clear prima facie case to have Gyles charged at the very least for breaching section 34 of the 1914 Crimes Act given that he had a personal interest in a case he was hearing and acted perversely. 5. In my telephone conversation with Mr Lloyd I never got into every piece of evidence in relation to Gyles corrupt and criminal history nor did Mr Lloyd want it. There are obviously a lot of people involved in the inquiry who are hoping to see justice set right. Can you please reply in ASAP with the relevant documents supporting what Mr Lloyd has and hasnt done. E.g Notes, file notes, emails, letters and faxes etc.


One would surmise the correct action to take would be to put a stop to the inquiry until the issues that I have raised are investigated in full and in public. We all know it is not merely of some importance but is of fundamental importance, that justice should not only be done, but should manifestly and undoubtedly be seen to be done. Lord Hewart R -v- Sussex Justices, Ex parte McCarthy ([1924] Regards XXXXXXXX From: XXXXXXXXXXXX Sent: Sunday, 5 December 2010 10:57 PM To: angus.houston@defence.gov.au; senator.faulkner@aph.gov.au; meetinginvitation@pm.gov.au; tony.abbott.mp@aph.gov.au; David.Lloyd@defence.gov.au; Mark.Cunliffe@defence.gov.au; senator.ludlam@aph.gov.au; senator.brandis@aph.gov.au; senator.trood@aph.gov.au; andrew.wilkie.mp@aph.gov.au; Stephen.Smith.MP@aph.gov.au Cc: loakes@nine.com.au; news@nine.com.au; news@seven.com.au; news@ten.com.au; editor@theaustralian.com.au; 7.30syd@your.abc.net.au; aca@nine.com.au; glw@greenleft.org.au; cannews@winnsw.com.au; news@dailytelegraph.com.au; 4corners@your.abc.net.au; news@canberrafm.com.au Subject: FW: Gyles Inquiry [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED] Dear Air Chief Marshal Houston and Senator Faulkner I have still not had a response to the below email.


As we all know In a court of law any inference that can be reasonably drawn from the primary facts has to be taken at its highest. (See the decision of J Gyles in Choundary v Capital Airport [2006] FCA 1755 at 3 and 23). See page 24 in my book Love Letters from the Bar Table. I am sure you can guess what inferences that I am drawing from your failure to respond. Can you please explain why I have not had a response (especially given that gravity of my allegations) and when can I expect a response. If you fail to respond to this email ASAP I will have no choice but to take it further. Anyone who is not up to date with where we are at please read the Senate website at: http://www.aph.gov.au/Senate/committee/fadt_ctte/hmas/inte rim_report/c02.htm It explains things like Gyles was meant to hand down his report by June 30, 2010 which he has missed to my knowledge (just like his handiwork during the Royal Commission in the early 1990 s) and also how Defence tried to intimidate witnesses at the Senate inquiry into the same matters etc. Yours Sincerely Regards XXXXXXX

From: XXXXXXXX Sent: Sunday, 27 March 2011 11:30 PM


To: Stephen.Smith.MP@aph.gov.au; tony.abbott.mp@aph.gov.au; David.Lloyd@defence.gov.au; Mark.Cunliffe@defence.gov.au; senator.ludlam@aph.gov.au; senator.brandis@aph.gov.au; senator.trood@aph.gov.au; andrew.wilkie.mp@aph.gov.au; meetinginvitation@pm.gov.au Cc: loakes@nine.com.au; news@nine.com.au; news@seven.com.au; news@ten.com.au; editor@theaustralian.com.au; 7.30syd@your.abc.net.au; aca@nine.com.au; glw@greenleft.org.au; cannews@winnsw.com.au; news@dailytelegraph.com.au; 4corners@your.abc.net.au; news@canberrafm.com.au Subject: FW: Gyles Inquiry [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED] Dear Mr Smith I have not received any response nor a response from your office in relation to the below correspondence which was sent on the 5th of December 2010. Although I did receive a response from Senator Faulkner on the 13/12/10 saying On your behalf I have forwarded your email to Minister Smith, asking that he address the issues you have raised and respond to you directly. (see attached email re: Gyles Inquiry) As of last Thursday it came to my attention that you have received Gyless report and tabled it in Parliament. I am also aware that in the last couple of weeks that there has been calls for you by the opposition to sack the head of the Navy for lying to you about the battle readiness of various Navy ships. Maybe that was at least one notch to low, maybe two.


Given that you have already tabled Gyles report in parliament I find it rather disturbing that you have not responded to the issues that I raise. One would have thought that you would have done that first. Can you please send me a response by the end of the week or is it your policy to sweep serious allegations under the carpet. Regards XXXXXX From: Butterworth, Michael (Sen J. Faulkner) [mailto:Michael.Butterworth@aph.gov.au] Sent: Monday, 13 December 2010 10:38 AM To: XXXXXXXXXXXXXX Subject: re: Gyles Inquiry Dear XXXXXX Thank you for your email regarding the Gyles Inquiry dated August 12, 2010. Your email was sent during the period of the Federal Election and as such, the Government was in caretaker mode which limits the conduct and actions of the Government and its Ministers. Prior to the election campaign I announced I would not be seeking a cabinet position should the Gillard Government be re-elected. Following the election the Hon Stephen Smith MP was appointed the Minister for Defence.


On your behalf I have forwarded your email to Minister Smith, asking that he address the issues you have raised and respond to you directly. Yours sincerely JOHN FAULKNER

I spoke to Denise Taunton in Stephen Smiths office today (Thursday 7th April 2011) at 1pm and asked her why they had not responded to my correspondence. She said that they had not received my email dated the 27th of March. She said the last email was from Senator Faulkner sent on the 13th of December. I pointed out to her that all that email said was that Senator Faulkner had passed it on to Stephen Smith to reply and that I had not had a response. She asked me to forward the email on to her again. I asked her when I would get a response and she said she did not know. I mentioned that there were new allegations today of a rape being covered up at the Defence base and that there needs to be a Royal Commission. She didnt seem keen on the idea and said that Royal Commissions are very expensive. I said I thought it was a joke that Stephen Smith had tendered Roger Gyles report to parliament and had not responded to my allegations.


She said that it was only Gyless initial report and he would be completing a full report later this year. Looks like Gyles is bludging off the tax payer even more. As it says above he was meant have finished his report June 2010. I was going to wait for a few days to do a longer posting but I believe the above needs to be published now and I will do longer postings in the near future. There is no ifs, buts or maybes there has to be a Royal Commission and I find it disgusting that no Federal Politician at the moment is calling for one. I think it worth repeating the quote from the beginning of this post: The criticism came as an army legal officer who has trained hundreds of Defence personnel on sexual assault and alcohol issues accused high-ranking officers and politicians of ignoring warnings about the toxic culture within the Defence Force.

Finally Now All Australian Know Why Recruitment Numbers are down for Australian Defence Force Question: - Would you serve under this bunch, of liars, cheats, con artist, incompetent fools, corrupt to the bone things? Australians are saying PIGS ASS I will serve under this lot!


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