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Maintenance Techniques Evolution Maintenance Program Goals and Objectives Maintenance Perspective on the SDLC Maintenance Strategies
Maintenance For ORT/Express/High Speed Toll Lanes
September 12, 2007

Questions and Answers

Maintenance Techniques Evolution

Goals of Maintenance Program Extend the availability of the systems intended functionality Avoid the consequences due to the failure of the system components operational failures: result in revenue loss and cost of repair Increased traffic congestion safety failures: endanger personnel and equipment non-operational failures: result in cost of repair

Fix it when it breaks

Scheduled Maintenance (PM) Planning Systems Computerization



MTBF Predictive Condition Maintenance Monitoring Failure Modes & Effects Applications Diagnostics Proactive Maintenance TPM/RCM

System Analysis Maintenance Computerized Online Maintenance Management Management Systems

Consequences of System Failures

Where/When do we start planning for maintenance?


Where/When do we start planning for maintenance?

Maintenance Strategy

SDLC Project Definition and Feasibility Maintenance Strategy The appropriate maintenance strategy determined by a complete understanding and analysis of the following, The failure pattern that applies to ORT/Express Lanes Mean Time between Failures (MTBF): the number of installed components multiplied by the total operational hours for the period, divided by the failures in that period FMEA (Failure Mode and Effects Analysis): identify all the events which are reasonably likely to cause each failed state, most importantly, their effect on the operation of the system

SDLC Project Definition and Feasibility Maintenance Strategy The failure pattern that applies to ORT/Express Lanes
Failure Rates

Where/When do we start planning for maintenance?

A (bathtub curve)

Gantry Construction System Availability Reliability Maintainability

Time System Tuning, Manufacturer and Installation Defects Expected Life

Starting with system tuning, manufacturing and installation defects, going to constant operating conditions (high availability), ending in normal component failures rates

SDLC System Analysis and Requirements Definitions Gantry/Canopy Design Tremendous influence on Maintenance requirements and resulting maintenance performance

SDLC System Analysis and Requirements Definitions Open Road/Express Lanes Susceptible to Lightning

Accessibility of the installed components


SDLC System Analysis and Requirements Definitions

SDLC System Analysis and Requirements Definitions Software Reliability Usually measured in the number of anomalies (bugs) per line of code, metric development still in its infancy Conduct a series of tests including, Factory Tests Performance Tests Operational Tests

Reliability The probability that equipment will not fail in a given time period A measure of the frequency of downtime Measured in Mean Time Between Failures (MTBF) Sometimes confused with system accuracy Availability time available for production - downtime
time available for production A measure of the equipment uptime

Maintainability The required time in which a specified component or subsystem will be restored to a specified condition A characteristics of design and installation

Where/When do we start planning for maintenance?

Component Selection Component Diagnostics FMEA finalized Degraded Mode of Operations MOMS/CMMS

Where/When do we start planning for maintenance?

Prototyping Maintenance Procedures Failure Priorities determination

Maintenance Procedures Emergency Maintenance Definition - maintenance work requiring immediate response from maintenance employees due to unforeseen component failures Corrective Maintenance Definition restoring a component or subsystem to a prescribed state, within design tolerance or specifications, i.e. recalibration or realignment of components

Maintenance Procedures Emergency Maintenance/Corrective Maintenance Traditional or Low speed Lanes Response/Repair Times priority based
Typically - 2hr response, 2hr repair for highest priority

Lane Closures
Single barrier vehicle


Maintenance Procedures Emergency Maintenance/Corrective Maintenance Open Road/Express Tolling Response/Repair Times priority based Typically - 2hr response, Repairs times dependent on failure, or failed component
Lane Accessibility or component accessibility

Maintenance Procedures Preventive Maintenance Traditional Definition scheduled maintenance activities such as, inspections, lubrications, realignments, calibrations conducted on a prescribed frequency Open Road/Express Tolling Shifts from the physical performance tasks to more of system analysis. Review and interpret system log files, trends analysis, image quality, etc Maintenance technician skill sets shifts to accommodate this evolution in preventive maintenance

Lane Closures Full MOT requirements Modify lane closure request procedures, Immediate versus week(s) notice 1-2 hours setup and take down

Maintenance Procedures Predictive Maintenance Traditional Predictive Maintenance definition monitoring and tracking the run-rate or accumulated metrics such as operating hours, axle counts, flash counts, etc against the designed life of the components Open Road/Express Lanes Uses a combination of time based (MTBF) or runrate described above for predictive maintenance and condition monitoring

Maintenance Procedures Condition Monitoring


Operating Condition

Failure starts to occur

Failure can be detected

Degradation of performance detected

Failure has occurred F Time

Where/When do we start planning for maintenance?

Question and Answers

Environmental Testing Reliability/Maintainability Demonstration Tests QA/QC Maintenance Procedure and Techniques MOMS/CMMS notifications


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