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Vide : Aude : Vole : Tace

To Know, To Dare, To Will and To Keep Silent

Official Level I Document of the

Copyright 2012 by Luciferian Order All Rights Reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means electronic, or mechanical including photocopying, recording or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher. Published by: Luciferian Order website: www.luciferianorder.com

Vide Aude Vole Tace


INTRODUCTION Throughout the ages, there have existed secret societies around the world in various civilizations that were comprised of prominently powerful people. Such organizations were home to profound esoteric knowledge that were reserved only for priest/priestesses, healers, mystics, magicians and sorcerers. These Magi were skilled in the craft of healing, foretelling the future, conjuring spirits, altering reality and high levels of magic. Though their beliefs and methodologies varied from sect to sect, they all utilized natural forces, energy influence, mind power, and pure intent to alter and manifest reality. These Magi possessed a secret knowledge that was held in high regard and protected with extreme caution. It was not given freely, and one must, to obtain this knowledge, spend years as an initiate into the sacred/esoteric sciences to earn access to this knowledge. As initiates became adept in the Secret Science and proved their skills of attaining results in the craft, they were admitted to even higher and greater secrets within their Secret Society. Today, there still exist many Secret Societies that strictly adhere to the creeds and maxims of long ago. However, as time passes, information has leaked and become more readily

available. Secrets that were once highly guarded are now readily available through various media sources and venues. Most of which has been squandered by once loyal seekers now perpetuating their own agenda for profit. Many of which have been stolen. Today, the squanders of Secrets are many, selling for profit the theories and basic fundamentals of a Sacred Science that takes a lifetime to perfect. Promising the masses some secret that can instantly change their life forever. However, what they are selling is only partial truths of what is known by the Magi as the Opus Magnum, the Great Work. It is a Sacred Science that requires dedication and a lifelong pursuit. It is a lifelong process of understanding and unifying the secret science of Universal Truths within ones own existence. The time is ripe for this information to be brought to into light on a greater scale, so that all may attain in the pursuit of Truth. The self proclaimed authorities are failing us, for they themselves have only a minute understanding of the Sacred Sciences and its secret formulations. What they offer is incomplete and insufficient data that inevitably leads the sincere student to incomplete and insufficient results. Their proclamation is: you only have to believe, visualize what you want, and if you affirm what you want the Universe will deliver unto thee that which you want. Bear in mind, there is truth in this, and the above techniques are both useful and powerful tools to manifest ones goals and desires. The failure rate of sold/squandered Secrets is much greater than the successes. Why? Because the secret runs deeper into the spirit of the Inspired than just wants and wishes, it must reach the heart of the matter. One can be inspired to do and be better, but

the Inspired must also take action, trust within and finally the Inspired must Know, Dare, Will and Keep Silent. Within many circles, altering reality through Will Power is known as Magic, and within most minds Magic is mostly misunderstood. For it is more than just simple spells, contrived conjurations, rigorous rituals, and special implements. Magic is a science and it is an art into the subtle energies of our selfs, our world and our universe. In order to eliminate any misunderstandings herein, this Sacred Science/Art of the subtle energies of transformation, hereafter will be designated as Manifesting. To manifest is to create a desired change/result through Thought, Action, Mind Power and Will Power. We do not do magic (though we do), we actually manifest, and the ultimate goal of manifesting is the manifestation of the Higher Self, Higher Intelligence through the Evolution of Conscious. Within the pages of the V:A:V:T, is given the truth, a powerful formulae for the proper execution of manifesting using the Sacred Science. For one to engage in such an esoteric science without the proper formulae can be detrimental to the practitioner and often leads to disappointment, disbelief and occasionally anger and depression. All of the above are not desirable attributes when manifesting, for having such will produce further undesirable and perhaps chaotic results. The proper knowledge of ingredients, implements, and application, as well as attitude greatly affect the success of any operation. As a serious student of the Sacred Sciences, the goal is results but as one may find, things do not always result as expected. However, they always result to the better, even if chaos ensues,

trust in the process and work through it. It is not uncommon when working with subtle energies, chaos will come first. Things may get worse before they get better, unfortunately most give up during this period of effort. It may break you, but maintain your will to endure the shift and trust in the process. Actually, chaos can be considered a good sign directly following an operation (averaging 3 days depending on your skill level), for there one can be sure the energies are shifting and change is in the works. And keep in mind, what you may have attempted to manifest will require you to be stronger in order to possess. So grow with it! Also as one proceeds, the shift may result in a profound realization, and this realization may move you in a different direction. Be calculating and follow your heart. The greatest result of any work, is trusting oneself, intuition and intelligence are both required along this path to survive and succeed. The path of Mastery requires dedication, hard work, study, experimentation, skill, adaptation, curiosity and a sincere love of all that life has to offer. Again, trust in the Self, the inner guide, the Soular Self/Higher Self for this is the greatest manifestation possible. So take heed, to those who will sell you Secrets instead of Truth, they are marketing to the innate desire of all human beings to that of living our dreams, creating reality and becoming a success. Caution is to be exercised and heeded, for they who will sell you a Secret sell only a partial truth and purposely use the term Secret to snare you for their profit. Rest assure, it is not a lie that we have the power to manifest reality and create riches but, it is nave to believe it is as simple

as visualization, affirmations, and desire. Magi spent years of their life in developing their skills and techniques in manifesting their Opus Magnum, the Great Work. Many of which did not desire to obtain riches, at least not earthly ones. Some however, did, reference King Solomon, he sought wisdom over riches, buth through his wisdom ruled a rich and vast kingdom. Though it is true that visualizations, affirmations and a strong desire are important ingredients in the Sacred Science, there is still so much more to it. As it is the work of ones life toward Self Mastery, the Sacred Science provides the keys that yield real results and the true powers to manifest ones will into reality by creating truth. That truth being the Soular Self, for therein is ones true power and presence. Anyone today can create or alter reality just by believing it so and everyday, everyone everywhere is changing reality. Unfortunately, the mass majority do not know this, and make reckless choices and have not thought process to guide and direct them, so they become lost letting peers, media and elders make their choices for them. Everyone desires that powerful presence within but only few will dedicate their life to attaining it, many will wander aimlessly. It should be your lifelong goal to attaining long term goals, not immediate gratifications. The lifelong, long term goal of the Magi was becoming greater and more powerful by integrating their will, with a higher will, an unseen conscious force that is alive within. To attain the powers of creation, to become more and more godlike. This is the idealism of self godhood, and does not happen

overnight. Humanity is making progress toward this state of being but it still lies dormant in the majority of people. In todays world more and more people are becoming inherently lazy and think that the world owes them everything without having to earn it. This is not the path of laziness, or deserving attitudes, it is the pursuit of betterment and attainment that requires time, effort and due diligence to manifest the ideal reality within the Soular Self. It is no secret that we do create our own reality and circumstances but we do so by the choices we make and most often done so unknowingly and/or subconsciously. A poor person can visualize all the riches their heart desires, but until the person makes a better choice and a sincere effort in the direction to earn those riches, they will remain in the same poor circumstances. Until they truly change their mind, their ways, and their habits, they will continue to experience a poor state of existence. The underlying truth to this is that until you truly believe it within, can see yourself at a higher level of existence, and believe that you can/have earned it, it will forever escape your efforts. You have to make the decision that It is what you want and want to experience and you will do whatever it takes to make it happen. Taken even more powerful it to know that It is who you truly are. Otherwise it is wishful thinking. You must know it in your heart that this is what you are, that you are willing and able to work persistently in order to attain this level of being. There is a big difference in I wish as opposed to I will, and even more powerful is I know and I am. The first is merely a want the second an intent, and the last a truth of being.

Until the truth of being is established, defined and continually refined within the core being, the want is confusable and most likely an external implant from societal controls. So it is with an unwavering truth within that guides one to become and be that which the soul knows in the heart to be, otherwise it remains to just living a lie. It is advisable to practice positive thinking, visualization techniques, and repeating positive affirmations on a daily basis. They are powerful tools to assist one to make ones vision of their Higher Self a reality. Such practices are designed to alter ones state of mind and beliefs about oneself. It is imperative to maintain a positive attitude. The heart and head cannot contradict each other for a successful operation. So to recite I am rich, might not yield any results, for the subconscious will reject it as untrue. However, to recite I am worthy of wealth or I create value in the world and I am rewarded for my efforts, has the power to trigger an aligned change of mind and thereby create a change in actions. The latter can and will manifest internal changes that generate results. The first is a wish, or a lie, and the soul knows this. Unfortunately, the majority of people will remain unsatisfied in life. They will continually lack the things that truly fulfill their lives, for they focus on what will make them happy over what will fulfill their life with purpose. So many only focus on what they think will make them happy; such as money, an arm candy lover, a home, a car, or perhaps traveling the world. They may never really give thought why they think (this or that) would make them happy. Or inquire of the deeper desires

that make those wants so appealing. Truth is, visualization and affirmations are designed to alter ones perception (primarily about oneself, for transformation begins within). Perception is a key to successful manifesting, for until we can change our perception of our self and our world, we will remain stuck in it. Changing our perception can and will change our reality because it will change how we act. To do so effectively, the focus must be turned inward on your self. Transformation takes place within first and then opens ones mind to a new realizations, and expands the minds ability to visualize greater possibilities. With the masses, the internal world comes into alignment with the external world, with the Mastery of the Sacred Sciences, the external world comes into alignment with the internal world. To do so requires patience and persistent into the exploration of the world within and without of oneself. To better ensure the successful implementation of ones Mastery of the Sacred Sciences, there exist an age old maxim that one must live by to be successful within the philosophy, science and art of the Magi.

VIDE:AUDE:VOLE:TACE Vide, Aude, Vole, Tace is the Latin term for the age old maxim, To Know, To Dare, To Will and To Keep Silent. V:A: V:T is an ancient creed of the Magi. What was once called High Magic was privy to the priesthood, the magus, and the elect few. The Elect were dedicated, initiated into the secret societies and thereby proven worthy and well qualified to attain the secrets and hidden knowledge of the Sacred Sciences. Today, as it was even then, few are found worthy to attain the real secrets of the Sacred Science. It has long been validated that the most profound truth can be given to the masses, but they will be unable to receive its Light until they are ready. The same holds true even today, that when one is ready, the Light will come unto them. Until one is ready to receive the Light, they will remain in the darkness. Today, the potential for the Light to shine upon the minds of the masses is far greater than ever before. For now is the time. However, for the Light to shine into the souls of all, we must redirect our focus on what is important. We know from experience that there is more to a fulfilled life than things. When King Solomon was asked what his greatest desire was he replied, Wisdom. This choice brought him all the riches of the world not because God bestowed good fortune on him due to his choice, but rather his choice of wisdom gave him the ability to attain Spiritual and Material successes. He made wise choices, became knowledgeable of his chosen interest,

and built upon the foundation of Spirituality in the material world. To assist and secure successful operations in the Sacred Science of Manifesting, the maxim To Know, To Dare, To Will and To Keep Silent should be your sacred creed upon which you strongly adhere. Therefore, given here to better understand the implications of this creed into ones own Opus Magnum, each of the four components will be addressed in a practical, easy to understand, working thesis for clarity.

VIDE: (To Know) Know Thyself. Knowledge is Power. To know thy Self, is the attainment of personal power. Without personal power, one cannot be influential in attaining their desires or goals. The failure rate of acquiring ones desires utilizing squandered, yet incomplete, Secrets of the Sacred Science is primarily because said person does not know what they really want. They do not know who they really are. By not knowing thyself, it is common to pursue things that provide temporary relief from the emptiness yearning within to be more. It is not to have, it is to be. It is the knowledge of the hearts (Soular Self) passion that exists within that is dying to get out and manifest itself. The Egyptians believed that all thought rose from the solar plexus, it is no coincidence that the term solar is there and it is in the region of the heart. For it is the hearts fire that fuels ambition and passion. Most people to not live their passion because of fear: the fear of failure, the fear of what others will say, ect. Because it is usually the thing that scares us the most and seems much bigger than us that is our true passion. To live this passion out will require courage, effort, persistence, and knowledge beyond our current self in order to attain this level of being. Therefore, the grandeur of this ideal Self impedes many from ever even trying. The Opus Magnum is a life long process, transformation is challenging and facing the truth of ones Self is no easy feat.

The focus must be turned within ones self to realize the type of person one must become in order to attain your highest ideals of living and being. Once one has catalyzed within ones self a new ideal state of Being that seeks to exist, one of two things will occur. 1: An external event will manifest in order to challenge the growth and development of the new state of Being or 2: The new state of Being will begin to take action upon the external world to shape reality in order to accommodate this new realization of Being. Regarding the change of events that challenge us, the vast majority of people fail to realize that the problems they experience in life are brought on by their own desire to grow. The required growth they so badly need requires effort and instead of working through it, they resist the very change they seek. Then blame the world and others for their shortcomings. Instead, the wise will look at the events taking place and think to them self, What do I need to learn from this? What are my options? Okay, my choices areandand? Which choice would lead me closer to my true purpose, my passion in life? What would my Higher/Soular Self do in this situation? Many people fear or hate change, it brings them out of their comfort zone especially the life changing events we attempt to perpetuate intentionally, the vast majority give up all too easy. It becomes too complex, too difficult, too scary, too confusing or too embarrassing. Fear, confusion an indecisiveness are our greatest challenges to manifesting from a point of truth. In case it is not clear thus far, be aware of the fact that we are each responsible for our own self and the reality that surrounds our existence. The world does not owe anyone anything. To

think so is weak. The weak are dependant, not prosperous and influential. Through Self Knowledge, we discover our strengths and our weaknesses and with this knowledge we should focus on our strength and overcome our weaknesses. The emphasis is placed herein on Self Knowledge, for the more one comes to know thyself, thyself will seek out the knowledge required to manifest its Higher Self. If thy Higher Self is to be a doctor, then thyself will pursue that related field of knowledge. If thyself deems its passion to cook, then thyself will pursue the knowledge to cook extraordinary. Seek first the knowledge of thyself and trust thy Higher Self to guide you in acquiring the knowledge to manifest and become the Divine Being that you know you are. Know Thyself, Knowledge is Power, Trust in Thyself is to be Self Empowered In all that you do, seek first to understand your Self. The more you know about yourself the better your ability to make the right choices to lead you to the person you wish to be, and the being you know yourself to be within. The better you know yourself, the more apt you are to choose the right path to get you to the place you know you should be and the less likely you will continue to be distracted by time wasters. Know Thyself, and create a mission statement. Create positive affirmations that are aligned with who you are to become. Enhance the belief of your highest ideal into a Knowing, do not believe you are, know you are. The more you learn about others and the world around you, the more you learn about yourself. Become mindful of everyone

and everything, question everything, especially yourself. And of utmost importance, trust in your Self. Know that there are no mistakes, that with each choice and action, you are coming closer and closer to being the Soular Self within you that the universe gave birth to, to shine your Light into the world.

AUDE: (To Dare) In order to be Self Empowered, not only must one Know, but one must also Dare to be empowered by the Higher/Soular Self. As mentioned earlier, Fear, indecisiveness, and doubt are the primary inhibitors of manifesting ones Higher Self. Why? Because the Higher Self is an unbelievable state of being and to even attempt such an idea, one will be sure to meet failure, loneliness and ridicule along the path to greatness. Such is unfortunate! For within each human being is the potential for greatness, yet we hold ourselves back because we fear the ridicule of the profane and weak. We fear the failure, we are unsure of our self, untrusting of our ability. Most choose instead a path of safety, acceptance, and compliance with normality. Many choose a path that is not in line with their truth, except they want to be accepted, praised or some other self perceived deficiency. For many it is easier to just go with the flow than to swim against the current, it is easier to walk the path already laid out, than to cut ones own path. There is a bicameral clan mentality built into every human brain, which has the natural ability to bind members of the clan into the reality of social acceptability. Compliance to the rules and regulations is safe and provides security for the weak. To break away from the clan, to follow ones own path requires a daring spirit. To go outside of the comfort zone is to dare yourself into a challenging experience. The truth of the matter, is that the rules of social acceptability

have changed and actually society favors those who dare to be different? Stand Out, the world screams, Give us something to take us out of our miserable lives, entertain us, make us believe in something great and make us dream! Aye! The world cries out to wake up from their normality nightmares. The world is wanting, and craving leaders. Someone to save them from their mundane existence. Is it no wonder why athletes, movie stars and musician are so prized? Yet, even they who are considered by the majority as special also want to be freed. Even as athletes, musician and movie stars, they are not above emptiness and ask themselves at the top of the ladder, Is this it? One must inquire that if being a so called star is the highest dream and highest ideal then why do many of them end up in scandals, drugs, prison and even commit suicide. They too have dared, but they have not followed the formulae, something is still missing. As it has always been, only an Elect few have followed the formulae, most likely without even knowing it and/or without making millions. First, truly know what your heart desires to be, and then dare to be it, do not place focus on money and things. Know that As Above, So Below holds true, that to be attain in Spirit is to attain in the material world. It is so easy to fall to the allusions and illusions of that which we have been made to believe will make us happy. Be not fooled by glamour and illusion, but discover the gift that is within you. Dare to be the Divine Being that you are meant to be by design. We are each a Star, so define how you will shine. Most definitely, there are true Stars on stage that shine bright, so to should you be a star on whatever stage you find yourself.

Like them, continue to create your artful existence and shine your light upon the world, generation after generation. Meaning, you might not be a movie star and have no aspirations for such, but you can be a star in your chosen field, if you dare to shine bright without fear and doubt. Dare to be a Light unto the world wherever you go, even if there be no recognition given by it, intuit it and do it because you can not do otherwise. Be like a diamond shining in the rough and you will be priceless, your riches will be equal to your own value and Self Worth.

VOLE: (To Will) Once you have gained a better understanding and knowledge of Thyself, the awareness of your Higher Self will begin to reveal and unravel from the confines inside holding it back. To do so will require a daring spirit, and once that daring spirit begins to trust the Source of Self the Soular Self, flowing from within, it will need to be Willing to act upon this SelfRealization. I Will is not the equivalent of I Am. The I Am grows from Self Knowledge that gradually grows and manifests the Higher Self that declares itself into existence. I Will is the statement of intent declared by a state of being I Am, validating itself as a manifested state of Being. Self Actualization is the direct result of the I Am and I Will proclamation. However, here again, maintaining a true sense of self is imperative and we should guard against motivations that are not pure or aligned with the Soular Self. Without the knowledge, without a daring spirit, and without the will to act, manifestation will not be of your own will. For it is known, either you become committed to making your own dreams and passions a reality or you become enslaved to making someone elses dreams and passions a reality. A weak sense of self has a weak intent of I will, a strong will is motivated by an internal control of personal power that has a clear direction, while a weak will is made to act via external control. The first is a Master and demands discipline whilst the latter is a Slave and demands obedience. Commit to the Will

Power of the Higher Self and trust in Thyself. Fear nothing and refuse to be subject to anothers Will, unless it be thy own Will to do so. Do nothing against thy Will, for to do so is to go against thy own Divine Will and Divine Self seeking manifestation in this world. By doing so, you will rob the world of your own Divine Presence which is here for a reason. Avoid that voice that is of the weakness crying out, I want, I need or If only I. Seek out the true inner voice that says I Am and commit to the I Will from within it. Be determined. Determine who and what you are in this world and have the daring determination to be willing to be it.

TACE: (Keep Silent) There is power in Silence. Once you have determined who you are by Knowing Thyself, tell no one, simply act on it. For actions speak louder than words. Once you acquire a Daring Spirit to manifest the unlimited potential of the Higher Self, speak not of it to anyone. And once you are Willing, and determined to be that which you were designed to be and begin to take action, remain silent as to what you are doing. Again, actions speak louder than words, but there is more to it than this. Try this experiment, if you would like proof in the power of silence. The next time you are trying to get to the truth of something or just get more information from someone. Ask your question, then wait for the others answer. In typical conversation, one person speaks, then the other. After the other person has said their piece, do not reply, but be silent. They will begin talking again because most people do not like the awkwardness of silence. All too often, the majority love to ramble on about what they are wanting to do, what they are trying to accomplish, and why they are doing what they are doing. The Sacred Science is a silent process, like an artist painting a masterpiece. A master does not say he is going to paint this here and then that there; or use this brush or that brush, he remains quiet and lets it move through him/her. Like a master painting a masterpiece on a blank canvas there exist a vision, and in silence, one stroke after another, the work comes to life. It manifest itself of its

own free creative process, like the Higher Self expressing itself through a Higher Will, like a god manifesting reality according to the vision held within. It is not always easy to do, we love to talk about things, especially things that make us look good in the eyes of others. But remain quiet! Keep thy inner workings to thyself, only share with those of like mind and with they that have the capacity to further your personal developments, and even then be discreet. For there are many that will drain you, and few with who you can share with that will energize you, motivate you and empower you. By speaking your workings with undeserving people, you invite doubt, their doubt into your mind, and with the Opus Magnum, there is no room for doubt, especially others. To speak of the Sacred Science of manifesting ones Higher Self can invite discord, doubt, and disbelief. For many, too long, have they been lead astray their whole life by the limiting acceptance of others? Working and laboring their life away to make a living, but never really having a life? Do you yourself assist others in reaching their fullest potential or inhibit others? As a Master, one comes to realize all interaction with others to be an exchange of energies. To take without giving is an imbalance and unbeneficial to all involved. Instead, as a Master, every interaction is intent on the beneficial exchange of energies for all parties involved. Trust yourself. Whether you are living in a trailer park or living in Beverly Hills right now, the question remains, are you living from a point of Truth? Are you authentic, fulfilled and raising the energies in all with whom you interact? Are you living a fulfilling experience of the life and talents you were given? Do consistently seek to reach higher and higher levels

of being? Is there more to you that you have not shared with the world? Is there a part of you that is still hiding that you feel you can not share with others? Is there a Presence within you that you have kept silent too long? Yes, speak up, and share your voice, but do not share with others your intentions, for they should be above others comprehension. The lifelong process of what the ancient secret societies called the Opus Magnum, the Great Work, is performed and manifested within, and it shines outwardly. Are you prepared to Know, to Dare, to Will and to Keep Silent? The Great Work is a personal process. It is a manifestation of the Higher Self, and you may not have a complete understanding of the Great Work taking place within, and it is permissible to seek guidance from others knowledgeable. However, such a knowledgeable person will never tell you what to do, but ask you questions that will help you discover the answers on your own. It is an internal transformational process, a spiritual process of manifesting ones true Soular Self. It is advisable to keep silent of this in order to preserve the necessary energies required in the process of Soular transformations and manifestations. To speak of the internal process outwardly requires caution. To speak of it to the wrong council can invite confusion and doubt. This is unacceptable, for your energies need to be focused and clear to manifest. Others unworthy of the Sacred Science will be unsupportive as they remain confined by the mundane world of social

allowance. You are on the path to freedom, and not all travel so bravely. The transformation taking place within during the process is not a level your best friend, business colleagues, or your family may understand, and they may try to save you from your delusions when it is they who remain confined in a world of delusion. They mean well to protect you, but realize that you do not need protection and instead attempt to shine you Light into their life. Remember, there is no need to tell anyone of your internal processes, for when the time is right, you will find the answers. So persevere. Others will begin to see a new light about you and see you making great improvements in your life and wonder what has changed about you. If they are true to you, they will ask sincerely. If they are not true to you, they will either be envious or attempt to save you back in your place. In either incident, maintain caution of what you reveal. Silence! Do not speak of this unless you are asked sincerely, then only speak in brevity. Conserve your vital energies to the transformation process, do not disperse carelessly your energies, or open the door to doubt. Indeed, you will encounter doubt along the way as it is, but it is for you, who seek to be SelfSovereign to determine thy own path of the Great Work. This is your life and you are possessed with an intelligent Presence. This Life is the Light of Illumination that is radiating a brilliance of Being that has the unlimited potential of manifesting a true power of the universe here on Earth.

CONCLUSION In conclusion, seek out truth, not secrets, for your lifes work, your Opus Magnum is to live from a point of truth. There are no secrets within you, only hidden truths. Do not be one that fears the truth or esoteric knowledge. Do not be afraid to follow your intuition and seek it out as you are guided from within to do so. Be mindful that Secrets can be lies, they can be incomplete or insufficient data for personal power. Ultimately, work to prove to yourself that you can trust your own judgments and decisions as you make your own life, your way. Seek to have an unwavering knowing within as to who you are and who you are to be, without doubt. Even though it is apparent that doubts may arise from time to time, but re-affirm your mission. Be it, make every thought and action supportive of the manifestation of the Soular Being within. Fear not who you find within, accept yourself and yield not to doubt. Dare to be that which you know yourself to be. Do not hold your tongue, and do not let anyone stand in your way to Be Thyself, especially your own self. To those who would seek to save you, or stop you, thank them for their consideration and move beyond their insecurities. To those who offer sound council, exercise caution and respect, but inevitably know that your choice in the end will be your own. Dare to take responsibility for your own actions to manifesting your truth. As the true knowledge of thyself and the daring spirit to pursue thy truth of being continues to manifest, the Will to do so becomes strong, calculating and enduring. The Will to

manifest the Soular Self and its realization of Being becomes a life mission. The life mission to bring our minds Light into the world and shine our Light into the world. To radiate the life we were designed to experience and share an illuminating experience with whomever we connect with. All knowledge is Light and all beings radiate a Light from which we can learn from and radiate brighter from the mutual exchange of energies between one another. To fortify our strength and personal presence, it is imperative that we do not disperse or dilute our energies. By keeping silent of our inner working, we conserve our energies. To only share our workings with those of like mind and influence we empower each other and do not drain or discourage others from reaching their highest potential. As it has been said, more people will celebrate your failures than your success. Therefore, seek out like minded beings that can help you grow brighter and which you in return illuminate. If however, you feel drained, it is recommended the discontinuation of contact, for both parties should be energized by the mutual exchange. It is wise to refrain from communicating ones Opus Magnum, as it is a personal transformation and not intended to be public. The transformation will be noticed by others within your circle and if one asks in sincerity, guide them to the Light, but guard against telling others what to do, merely offer guidance, help them find their own way. In closing, become a Light unto the world and radiate the Soular Self. Come to know thyself and trust in thyself above all else. Believe in your Higher Intelligence. The Sacred Science is a life long process of manifesting the Opus Magnum (the Great Work) of ones existence. Dedicate your

self to become the idealistic being you hold within your heart and soul. Let nothing sway thee from being who you are, you harness within you a Powerful Presence; a living, creative, intelligent presence that this world needs. You will do yourself and the world a tremendous justice by keeping to this creed: To Know, To Dare, To Will and To Keep Silent.

Level I V:A:V:T by:Lucian Black VI

Official Level I Document of the

Copyright 2012 by Luciferian Order All Rights Reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means electronic, or mechanical including photocopying, recording or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher. Published by: Luciferian Order website: www.luciferianorder.com

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