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created by Regina Satta

Material: 100g Sockyarn Merino// 468 yards (428 meters)

i.e. September Day from Romy (www.socknrolla.blogspot.com)

a set of DPNs 1 (2.5mm)


ZORA copyright Satta Design 2011

This pattern (whole or part) dont copy This pattern and all resulting produkts are only for private use

The sock is worked with 64 sts ( 4 x 16 sts) in this pattern. Size 4 - 5 If you knit more stitches at the beginning and at the end of needle you can work the socks in another size Cuff co 64sts and make a round
knit 1 round

15 rds: k1tbl, p1 Leg follow chart for desired lenght

Heel Flap

The heel flap is worked back and forth over 32 sts on needle 1 + 2 for 30 rounds 1.Rd.: slip1 , 30 sts as they appear, ktbl 2.Rd: slip1, 30 sts as they appear, ktbl R1: k17, ssk, k1 - turn R2: sl1 purlwise, p3, p2tog, p1 - turn R3: sl1 knitwise, k until 1 st before the gap, ssk, k1 - turn R4: sl1 purlwise, p until 1 st before the gap, p2tog, p1 - turn Keep repeating round 3 and 4 until all sts are knitted up. 18 sts remaining. Knit 9 sts. Now you stand by the beginning of the round

Turn Heel


Rearrange sts as follows: K9 sts onto new needle. Knit remaining 9 sts. (This is now needle 1) You are now ready to pick up sts for the gusset. Using needle 1 pick up and knit 16 sts. Follow chart for needles 2 and 3. Using needle 4, pick up and knit 16 sts, then knit the remaining Knit the following round as follows: k9, k16tbl, needle 2 + 3 as established, k16tbl, k9 Gusset Decrease: As of now, we'll start decreasing on every other round on needle 1 + 4folgt arbeiten: und 4) wie as follows: R1: K to last 3 sts of needle 1, k2tog, k1; work needles 2+3 in established chart, k1, ssk, k to end of needle 2 R2: knit needles 1+4, needles 2+3 in established chart. Repeat those two rows until there are 16sts remaining on needle 1+4 Foot: Knit instep (needles 2 + 3) in pattern established (chart)
Knit needles 1 + 4

Continue until the foot measures about 1,5" (3,5-4cm) less than desired length.
ZORA copyright Satta Design 2011
This pattern (whole or part) dont copy This pattern and all resulting produkts are only for private use


R1: Nd.1: k to last 3 sts, k2tog, k1 Nd.2: k1, ssk, k all sts to the end Nd.3: k to last 3 sts, k2tog, k1 Nd.4: k1, ssk, k all sts to the end R1: knit

Repeat Rows 1 and 2 until there are 10 sts left on each needle. Now decrease in every round (keep repeating row 1) until there are only 5sts left on each needle. Move sts from needle 2 to needle 3. Do the same for needle 1 and 4. Now you will have 10 sts on each of the two needles. Either do a 3 needle bind off from the wrong side or graft them together using kitchener stitch.

Chart 64sts (4 x 16sts)

right sock: left sock:
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

needle 2 and 4 needle 1 and 3

8 7 6 5 4 3 2

needle 1 and 3 needle 2 and 4

1 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 10 9 8 7 6

16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9

3 sts F

3 sts F

5 4 3 2 1

knit 3 sts F

purl 3sts on cableneedle front of work k3, k3 from cableneedle Variant You can also knit the cable only on one needle. Work the cable on needle 2 for the right sock and on needle 3 for the left sock.

ZORA copyright Satta Design 2011

This pattern (whole or part) dont copy This pattern and all resulting produkts are only for private use

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