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The designers say: "The flag is generally a

symbol of nationalism and the worst elements of

the rightwing. The target is traditionally a Mod
symbol. If you change the Union flag you lose
continuity as a nation and that's dangerous. We
have reinforced the value of this symbol and yet
still looked at it in a new way. Being subversive
with the design it keeps it fresh and keeps it

Glancey writes: Back to the world of The

Who/I'm Backing Britain/Pop . . . and proof that
this kind of powerful and colourful imagery can
always be popular.

Robin Derrick (art director at Vogue)

The designer says: "Flags are increasingly

irrelevant so it would be nice to do a new flag
each season - like they do with football strips.
They could be themed with whatever is in
fashion. But you should keep some of the
traditional elements. For example, the red, white
and blue should stay if you change the pattern,
otherwise it wouldn't be the flag."

Glancey writes: Groovy, baby! Makes you feel

dizzy if you look too long.
David Cohen
You said: The Union Jack remains one of themost
distinctive and striking flags ever designed, and it
immediatelysymbolises the United Kingdom.
Therefore my design is evolutionary rather than
revolutionary. The brown and black areas
represent West Indian, Indian and Pakistani
British citizens, while the darker purpleis taken
from the West Indian cricketing flag. The blank
Blue Ensign signifies Britain's long colonial
history; the pink stripe is a mischevioushistorical
reference to the pink bits on the map.The light
green, red and yellow stripes are a reminder of
Britain's history in Africa, Asia and other parts of
theworld, while the darker green and orange
stripes are specific references to Ireland andIndia.
I am a member of the internet's Flags of the
World (FOTW), and I basedmy design on the
Union Jack image at FOTW created by Antonio
David Cohen, journalist and vexillologist
Perth, Australia

James McCreery
You said: Recreational drug use. one area we
still lead the world in...

Dave Martucci
You said: My design consistsof the traditional
flags of England (St George's Cross) and Scotland
(St Andrew's Cross) joined in a new way so that
one is not superior to the otherbut the symbolism
is still "United Kingdom". The design is known
intraditional heraldry as a gyronny (of 8) and
each segment contains acorresponding part of
the two flags alternately. Hope you like it. It
waspublished in our newsletter (NAVA News) a
few issues back. Pro Vexillis!
Dave Martucci
President, North American Vexillological
Assn, Secretary/Treasurer, New England
Vexillological Assn
Martyn Potter
You said: It's red, white and blue and stands for:
tongue-in-cheek stiff-upper-lip,new Britain,
frivolity, multi-culturalism, hope, union,
introspection,experience and 21st century

David McCutcheon
You said: Design - fine. Instantly recognisable
throughout the world, so why change it?
However, the negative connotations of the Union
Jack have been well documented. Better to adopt
the colours as used by dozens of countries
throughout the world, from Lithuania to Bolivia,
Mali, Guyana and so many more. The significance
of the colours may vary slightly, but I believe the
common interpretation is: Red=the blood of the
people (and the struggle towards
independence)Gold=the sun (the giver of
life)Green=the earth (the abundance of nature).
The flag will recognise and acknowledge the
multicultural society which welive in, placing the
UK firmly within global society. So much more
relevant to UK2000.

Jonathan Gardner
You said: It's very difficult to produce something
that is representative of today's fragmented and
diverse society, so I thought of rearranging the
current flag, then making alterations. Hope is
what we all need and have; the colours I have
used are the same as the current ones,
representing continuity.

Charlie Holmes
You said: Another version of the Union Jack.
Stephen Archer
You said: The colours are taken from national
colours of the four home nations: red and white
(England), blue and white (Scotland), orange
(Northern Ireland), red and green (Wales). In
addition, white symbolises peace; red, white and
blue stands for Britain and - if you want - orange,
white and green represents the Irish Republic

Des Willie
You said: This design represents more cultures,
more colours. The union has spun out of control
and colonialisms an embarrassing and painful
memory that needs throttling.

Ed Macleod
You said: I am probably one of the only entrants
to actually read the Guardian. I am 16 and still at
school. This is a lunchtime effort and I think it
looks good. The background is a blur, much like
the backgrounds to BBC sport presentations.
Having the bold lines is standard fare in a flag.
Y2UK is a play on the Y2K thing. I included the
test Great Britain because in this new millennium
where companies are battling it out to show you
their logo, we should think of the flag as Britain's

Justin Ginetti
You said: This "flag" image is art object cum
ironic nationalist symbol. On the one hand, the
vertical lines recall the work of Barnett Newman;
they also call to mind those ubiquitous bar codes
and the bands of genes onchromosomes. The red
and blue "bars" also suggest prison barsreflecting
the different cultural tolerances/attitudes about
nationalistor imperial agendas. The white spaces
in between the red and blue barsexplicitly signify
the unbalanced and tenuous status of
nationalisticons. I think the cumulative effect of
the image tends to destabilisethe hegemonic
weight of tradition - even inevitability - which the
Union Jack conjures up in this post-colonial era.
This image is a veritablereordering of that which

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