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Concept 4:

Your Mind

The Brain does not make the Man, the Man makes the Brain 5 - Wallaces D Wattles (Author)
The Mind is yet another widely discussed topic by all experts from all fields; from great leaders and motivational experts to scientist and neurologists.

What is so great about the mind that it demands such superior attention?

The mind is the Greatest Power in all of Creation 12 _ J.B.Rhine (Parapsychologist)

The mind can produce extraordinary music that it can contain enough wealth and knowledge to satisfy our needs for life 3

I brought this topic up because I feel it is Essential, it is a MUST to know, to understand and to apply within yourself in order for you to become someone and achieve something you desire. Everything starts from a thought in your mind. It is even so when you are discovering your passion, because you need to think about it.

Everything begins and ends with themselves, and they and only they alone are responsible for their destiny 3
We need to understand what needs to be done and why it is necessary in this journey to become the person you desire to be and achieve what you always wanted to achieve.

2012 HoneyComb Initiative

www.HoneycombInitiative.com Hp: +65 90178884

So what is the Mind? Other than what we know of it as?

Mind is the Master--power that moulds and makes, and Man is Mind, and ever more he takes the Tool of Thought, and shaping what he wills, brings forth a thousand joys, a thousand ills--He thinks in secret and it comes to pass; Environment is but his looking-glass. 12 - James Allen, As a Man Thinkth
What this means is that the Mind is such a Powerful tool that just by Thinking, it can bring about both wonderful things and/or unsightly outcomes. No one can hear your thoughts but its there and what you see around you, your environment is what you have created with Your mind. Though no one has seen the Mind before, because the Brain is not the Mind but rather is a part of the mind, it can be described in two entities most commonly known as the Conscious Mind and the Subconscious Mind. So what is the Conscious Mind? The conscious mind is the mind that is active. It is fully Aware of what is happening around it. The conscious mind takes in information from the outside world through the five senses: Sight, Sound, Smell, Taste and Touch. Through these 5 senses outside information is fed into the conscious mind. It has the ability to Accept, Reject, Choose and Originate. It has the power to Reason and to make Sense of. It can Originate information or it can use what it has received. All of this is not called thinking but rather known as Mental Activity and that is all that the conscious mind does; take in information and processes it. It does not change the way you live your life.

What about the Subconscious Mind then? The subconscious mind is the part of the mind that controls what happens to you and therefore around you. It does not think. Why do you think you speak the way you do? How

2012 HoneyComb Initiative

www.HoneycombInitiative.com Hp: +65 90178884

do you think you go about your daily routine? What makes you wake up, wash up, prepare your meals, and tell you its bed time? Your Subconscious Mind. It was all Programmed from the very beginning.

Programmed? How is it programmed?

The subconscious mind comes after the conscious mind, which means information flows in from outside, goes through the conscious mind and into your subconscious. Your subconscious was Programmed from the time you were born; in fact it was programmed prior to birth. Take a baby for example. In her mothers tummy, she hears what goes on outside, she takes in whatever her mom takes in. When she is born, shes new to this world. She cannot think and she cannot analyse. All she can do is take in information. The conscious mind of a baby does not exist yet. So what is left? The Subconscious Mind. Now since the subconscious mind does not think, it therefore only Accepts what is given to it. It is not able to reject neither can it differentiate between what is real and what is imagined. As Bob Proctor, an Author, a Business Consultant and Personal Development Coach explains it,

See a babys mind is wide open. The ideas, thoughts, concepts that are going around the baby are going right into the subconscious mind. Through repetition, over and over again and remember, the baby is getting it all day everyday, all week every week, all month every month, all year every year and this goes on for another 4 to 5 years. By then, that baby is Programmed by its people it was surrounded by 12
I ask you again. Why do you think the baby looks like she does? Why do you think she speaks like she does? If the family is bilingual, the baby will be bilingual. If the family loves eating sweet stuff, guess what, so will the baby! It is the Beauty of nature. That is why we say He is following in his fathers footsteps or She looks just like her mother.

2012 HoneyComb Initiative

www.HoneycombInitiative.com Hp: +65 90178884

And why we say Oh I was brought up this way

Exactly! When this child is able to think for herself, her thoughts and actions will be aligned with the subconscious mind.

Your behaviour is nothing but what is going on inside of you 12

Consciously you could be thinking of one thing but subconsciously, the idea that has been programmed in you will be Controlling your actions.

Controlling my actions? How?

The conscious mind gets an idea; the idea is aligned with the subconscious mind, which then tells the body what to do, producing the action which then produces the results. How your mind and body feels controls the result that you want to achieve. Think of your body as an engine. Your mind is a two layer funnel. The engine can only generate power or energy once there is fuel in it right? The fuel in this case would be the information from the outside. Have a look at the following diagram to better understand what I am about to explain:

2012 HoneyComb Initiative

www.HoneycombInitiative.com Hp: +65 90178884

So as you start adding fuel into the funnel, it flows through the filter and into the engine. Once the electricity switch is turned on, the engine starts running and does its work to produce the power or energy which in turn causes whatever that it is connected to, to start working and gets the job done. That is exactly how our mind and body works.

The mind is not a thing, it is an Activity. It is a Movement and the Body is the Manifestation of that movement 12

Just like how the engine cannot function without fuel, our body does not know what to do or how to react without the mind. The body is an instrument of the mind. Our body is this massive factory of energy. People ask, I wonder where he gets all the energy from? Bob Proctor says,

We do not get energy, we Release energy.12

2012 HoneyComb Initiative

www.HoneycombInitiative.com Hp: +65 90178884

So as a thought comes into your mind, it gets aligned with the subconscious mind, which then tells your body what to do. It charges your body with the energy to do what you desire to do. The subconscious mind is also known as the Emotional Mind because most of what we do is based on how we feel and even our reactions to situations have feelings attached to it. The way you live your life is all about emotions and feelings. Alright I understand how our mind and body works. Now tell me, how do I use this information to be the person I desire to be and achieve whatever I wish to achieve? In the book, Direct Your Subconscious, Paul Harris says,

It is possible to Influence your subconscious to channel energy towards positive goals, towards creating a new self-image, combining the physical attributes and perhaps more importantly the Emotional qualities and personality factors that you desire 6

The first step is to Change the way you think, the way you Feel about something. It is in human nature to think the two sides of a situation and most of the time we think of the worst possible outcome. Simply because the subconscious mind is Programmed to think that way. What happens then is that we focus too much on the negative, which leads us to feel worried or fearful. When that happens, things might go out of order and you will start experiencing more and more difficulties.

Doubts, fears and worries tend to destroy what you build with the power of your mind 7 Remez Sasson
But what if now your mind and your thoughts are positive and more focused? Rather then telling yourself I hope this doesnt fail, you tell yourself This is going to work!? Doesnt that feel much better? Doesnt it sound more confident?

2012 HoneyComb Initiative

www.HoneycombInitiative.com Hp: +65 90178884


think on 3 different plains of understanding. You are a Spiritual Being, you have an Intellect and you live in a physical body. You are a tri-human being and what you need to understand is how you get those parts all lined up, all in-sync. 12
We do that by Changing the way we Think and changing the way we Feel about situations. The body will just follow through and bring about what you desire through the law of attraction. The Law of Attraction is a theory where by our thoughts becomes our reality. As mentioned earlier on, we are filled with energy particles and if you know your physics, energy particles are vibrating at fast speeds. These vibrations are controlled by the subconscious mind which in turn controls the result. So here is how the Law of Attraction works: When you keep Thinking about an idea or the way you want things to go, your mind sends out a signal to your body. Remember how it was said we do not get energy but we release energy? When that signal is sent out, you emit this energy into the world and the universe and it will pick this signal up and give you what you want. It is a phenomenal concept and has proven itself many times. In the book The Secret, it is mentioned how our thoughts create the outcome of our day,

Our Thoughts, or in other words, our state of mind is ever at work fixing up things good or bad in advance 1 Prentice Mulford,
(Author, 1870s)

Make it a Daily habit to determine every event in your life in advance, through your thoughts. Think the way you want things to go in advance. 1

Coming back to your Subconscious mind, as you keep Thinking Positively or you keep Affirming to yourself, eventually it becomes a part of you. Remember, the subconscious mind does not think, accept, reject, it cannot differentiate between what is real and what is imagined.
2012 HoneyComb Initiative www.HoneycombInitiative.com Hp: +65 90178884

So as you create an idea in your conscious mind, and you can consciously Impress it into the subconscious mind, which then moves your body to generate the desired behaviour and with the law of attraction, things will start working towards that. Now remember we established that the mind is an emotional mind right? And the mind thinks in pictures. So now you create an image in your mind of how you want things to be, or rather the person that you desire to be and a picture of you achieving whatever it is that you wish to achieve, then you impress it into the subconscious and these images are expressed through the body, and the body will naturally move into action that produces the results.

A thought has to be repeated often, and tinged with emotions, in order for it to come true. 7 _ Remez Sasson
Now while many people do this, nothing actually happens. Why? Because the subconscious mind has been programmed at birth to believe it is not possible. Bob Proctor says,

Consciously I can tell you that you can change your annual income into your monthly income and intellectually you can entertain that idea. But if you dont get Emotionally involved in it, the mind will kick it right back out. Why because you are Programmed for what you earn 12
So we can change that right? Yes we can. Bob Proctor continues by saying,

When we become aware of how we are feeling, we can change it. We are in charge of how we feel. 12
Alright I get it. So now what? If you want to be someone and/or achieve something, be very Specific about it, about your goals. Make it Clear and Defined, know Exactly what is you want to achieve.

2012 HoneyComb Initiative

www.HoneycombInitiative.com Hp: +65 90178884

Once you figure that out, you need to start pressing it into your subconscious. So put it down on paper or make a picture, collage or a video out of it. Add images, sounds and feel it, add your emotions to it. As you are doing this, feel good about it and make sure it is in the present tense. For example, I Drive my BMW 645ci beautifully painted in silver with a spectacular sun roof, tinted windows and sports rims. What you need to do next is to repeat it to yourself or look at it every chance you get. See yourself, see your goal, see it being accomplished by you, feel how you are going to feel once you achieve it, visualise it. (Well discuss this at the next chapter) Soon automatically, based on the Law of Attraction, your behaviour, actions, expectations, attitudes, thoughts, all will bend towards that and hence help you to achieve what you wish to achieve and become what you desire to become. Allow me to share an incident that I just recently experienced. I had created a video displaying what I want, my goals in the manner as I had described above. I felt really good about it and enjoyed watching it every time. In this video, one goal was I am friends with successful people and there was this picture of an entrepreneur. Time went by, and I ended up getting a job in this entrepreneurs company. I knew who he was but I had forgotten that his picture was in my video. Then one day, he showed up at my work location. I looked at him, smiled and said hi. He smiled back and thats it. Again at this point what I had in my video never occurred to me. It was only when I went home the next day after work and saw that video that it occurred to me that hey, I met this guy! So you see, I painted that picture in my mind, made it tangible and I got it. He may not be my friend yet but soon I will be. Moving on; Remember that doing this alone is not enough. You need to have that discipline to do as mentioned above and take the necessary action as well should an opportunity arise. John Reese, an Internet Marketing Pioneer managed to make a million dollars in 24 hours because he knew exactly what he wanted, he had absolute certainty that he will make it happen, he envisioned it, did his work and found a way to execute it and with a little grace, he made it. To that, Anthony Robbins said that:

The Break-through to success is to condition your mind everyday by feeding it with a role model or a story. It is about putting yourself in a peak state where you follow through. It is about getting physically and mentally strong 4 to achieve whatever it is
you need to. (We will look into this in the next chapter)
2012 HoneyComb Initiative www.HoneycombInitiative.com Hp: +65 90178884

When you are doing this, you are aiding your subconscious mind. He continues,

You have to Shift your inside, what is going on in you, to shift what is going on in your world and once you can do that, there is no limit to what you can achieve or what you can create in your life. 4 Repeat to yourself your goal day & night, that is the best way to make the goal a part of you. Communicate it to your subconscious mind, which will in return, nourish by your commands, Will set to work 3

If you want to change your life, you must change your paradigm (which is a multitude of habits, an idea programmed into the subconscious mind over and over again that is literally controlling your behaviour). Once you can Change that, your Life changes. 12 Bob Proctor

A Positive action or thought, and a correct state of mind will always eventually bear fruit 3
Let us recap: You begin your journey to becoming who you desire and/or achieving what you wish to achieve by first Setting your Mind Frame right. Know what you want, who you want to become, what you wish to achieve. Be very Specific. Confirm it to yourself that this is what you want, (remember what was said about passion), Feel it and make it a part of you. Next, write it down on paper. Make it tangible. Add pictures, music, videos. Feel it. Make it all in the present tense, see yourself feeling great that you are achieving it and See it and Repeat it to yourself Everyday. Eventually, your mind together with the Law of Attraction, will work towards it. Also remember to be Grateful that you are receiving it because Gratitude is the key to success and happiness.

2012 HoneyComb Initiative

www.HoneycombInitiative.com Hp: +65 90178884

All that we are is a result of what we have Thought Buddha

Both Poverty and Riches are the offspring of Thought 18 Napoleon Hill

"No matter where you go or what you do, you Live your entire life within the confines of your head." Terry Josephson

You are the Only one who can create the life you Deserve 1 The Secret

You are what you are because you think as you do; you are where you are because you think as you do. 5 Wallace D Wattles (1860-1911)

It is possible to change your income, your health, your happiness and your relationships because it all happens in the Mind 12 Bob Proctor There are No Limitations to the Mind except those we Acknowledge 18 Napoleon Hill
2012 HoneyComb Initiative www.HoneycombInitiative.com Hp: +65 90178884

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