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Name ____________________________ Date __________ Period____

STAAR Review Dinner Menu

Choose a combination of activities from the dinner menu below. The activities must total 100 points. Place a checkmark next to each box to show which activities you will complete. These assignments will count as a QUIZ Grade!!!
I Choose: _____ Appetizers (20 points) _____ Main Course (50 points) _____ Desserts (30 points) To equal my 100-point meal!

Appetizer (20 Points)

Design a worksheet of at least 10 problems (with answer key) that shows how to add and subtract fractions. Include mixed numbers and improper fractions, as well as word problems for your classmates. Create a brochure that provides instructions for completing calculations with integers (add, subtract, multiply and divide). Be sure to include examples of word problems readers might encounter. Design an instruction card that details how to write numbers in scientific notation. Include instructions for both positive and negative exponents, as well as examples to support your instructions. Create a Venn Diagram that shows the similarities and differences between independent and dependent events. Provide an example word problem and solution for each type of probability.

Main Course (50 Points)

Find the roster of your favorite NBA team. Create two box-and-whisker plots from this data, one for weight and one for heights, using the instructions below.
Record the heights (in inches) of each player in order from least to greatest. Create a number line that is slightly larger than the range of heights. Place the lower and upper extremes on your number line (to create the whiskers). Calculate the median of the data set and place on the number line. Calculate the lower quartile by finding the median of the lower half of the data set and place on your number line. Calculate the upper quartile by finding the median of the upper half of the data set and place on your number line. Create a box using the middle 50% of your data and draw whiskers to your extremes. Repeat this process using the weights of the player for your second box-andwhisker plot.

On a recent grocery shopping trip, you mom notices that some items are different prices at different stores. Knowing that you have great math knowledge and skills, your mom asks you to advise her on where she should buy each item.
Choose two stores to search for the following items: Mrs. Bairds White Bread, Chips Ahoy, Crayola Markers, Ozarka Water (12-pack). Calculate the unit rate of each of the items from the two stores you selected. Compare the unit rate and explain which store offers the better buy for each item. Create a grocery list for your mom telling her which store she should go to and how much each item is going to cost her.

Main Course continued (50 Points)

John has to deliver a campaign speech when running for Student Council President. He has decided to spend his allotted time as follows: 40% talking about dances and pep rallies, 25% talking about the food in the cafeteria, 20% talking about the canned food drive for the community food bank, 15% talking about recycling on campus. John is a visual person, and asks you to create a circle graph that represents the four parts of his speech.
Calculate the measure of each central angle for each sector in his circle graph by finding a percent of 360. Show your work. Use a protractor and the circle below to complete a circle graph that represents the four parts of Johns speech. Draw an angle with the first degree measure. The vertex of the angle should be the center of the circle. One side of this angle has already been drawn. Draw the other side of this sector and label this sector. Draw the second central angle such that it has a side in common with the first angle. Label this sector. Draw the third central angle such that it has a side in common with the second angle. Label this sector. Label the remaining sector. Use a protractor to make sure it has the correct measure. Create a title for your circle graph.

Using the pattern below, create a poster that answers the following questions.

Draw the next three figures in the pattern.

Create a table for the pattern showing the figure number and how many pebbles it takes to create the figure. Describe the pattern in words. Write an expression using the variable n to represent the number of pebbles in Figure n. (start by finding the common difference.) Use your expression to determine the number of pebbles in the 10th, 53rd, and 200th figures. For this pattern, is it possible to have a figure with 100 pebbles? Explain your thinking.

Dessert (30 Points)

Using the sports section of the newspaper, research the statistics of at least 10 players of one sport. After gathering the data, calculate the mean, median, and mode for the players on either a poster or PowerPoint presentation. Explain what each number means to the sport. The ancient Greeks tried to calculate the volume of the Earth. Create a poster that shows how this calculation could be accomplished. Using a piece of graph paper, make a drawing or picture using at least 25 coordinate points. Make a list of the coordinate points in order directing other students to create your drawing using only the coordinates. Design a PowerPoint with pictures of different geometric solids that can be found in your neighborhood (online). Include at least two examples of cylinders, pyramids, cones, and prisms. Be creative in where you look for your shapes, from signs, to art, to architecture. Label each example and describe its characteristics. The notorious crime gang, "The Fearsome Fractions," are on the run after stealing all the answers from the classroom. They are well-known for altering their appearances to hide from the police. They are capable of changing what they look like, but they always retain their values. The police have already arrested "1/2", "1/4" and "3/4". As a forensic

artist, you are to create a wanted poster for any other fraction gang member with at least three possible aliases. One alias must be a fraction, one a decimal number, and one a percent. You must explain how your fraction would put on each disguise. Dont let them get away.

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