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Reg asked me to Marry him some time ago. Recently we asked each other again, here is Regs
response, I will add mine later. WE DECIDED THAT LIFE IS TOO SHORT, AND WE NEEDED TO
SAY THINGS IN CASE TIME RUNS OUT. We wanted to make sure that we don’t leave things
unsaid, should an execution date take place. Reg wanted it put up on myspace. LOVE CAN
CONQUER ALL (from sandie)

To Sandra Blanton:-

My love indeed, many do spend their entire life searching for their soul mate. And many have searched
and searched for someone that has been right there with them the whole time, right there, hidden by the
cloud of dust they kicked up by their own feet in their searching vain. Defeated, the cloud had settled
and I could see the Divinity that has always been with me--- YOU, Sandra, my baby.

I Love You my Queen. I can’t even say how grateful I am that you are in my Life, that you love me,
and call me your King. I feel tears inside, YOUR KING? I worship you and sometimes feel that I am
unworthy of the ecstasy your love brings me. I am not perfect my love. And sometimes I’ve tried to run
to my comfort zone, when times got hard. And with my exhale, I say I release my fears, and will walk
into the unknown with you, your soft but strong hand in mine, a soldier, by your side. And even when
you buck against me, I'll be your rodeo star, shining upon you the radiance of my sacred love for you.
So know I shall never let go of you Queen. My hearts arms yearn for you embrace even when I'M mad
at you. So I give my tender heart to you along with my undying loyalty. I now take you as my Wife till
the end of time.

I will never forget the first day we met my love, Never. That moment changed my life. At that moment
we were in the presence of God. Nothing else existed. Your enchanting eyes summoned forth in me the
LOVE in the SOUL of the universe. My mystical Queen. And I just smiled, without knowing why.
Remember? I smiled for a long time, still smiling, smiling a knowing smile. Yeah the smile knew
you.... When EYE saw you. We became ONE, How can I forget the sweet silence Remember Baby? We
shared. Being in your presence is like being wrapped in warm honey-like light. We sat in a silence that
spoke things only our souls understand. Yes Baby, I remember and I cherish that Day. My best friend,
my lover, My Gem-N-EYE Queen, these are but facets of that jewelled moment. I more than cherish
you. I cherish all that you bring; the sun and the rain. And I will cherish you the rest of my days.

I want to be your everything. I want to stimulate every part of you. I want to be those burning flames
that purify, as well as that liquid love that soothes. I also promise to love you thoroughly and cherish
you. I promise to give you everything you need, even if it means you’ll be mad at me for it. I will tickle
you when you are angry and kiss your precious tears away when you cry. I promise to give you my all.
I'll elevate to my highest SELF so you can have GOD. Yet remain bowed at your feet, worshiping my

Queen you are my love, my love personified. And I Vow to love you, which means myself till the
illusion melts away and nothing else exist but pure, divine LOVE.

So I’m also getting on my Knees and in between giving your lips the softest sucking kisses, Sandra you
know I love you to tears baby, and never want to hurt you, you know you're the universe to me; the
womb from which creation is birthed. My love my best friend, my wife, my Queen, hell yeah ill marry
you. Will you Marry Me?

YES infinite times.



It’s the season to love? Chocolates, roses, reds, pinks, romances, lace, silk, all these things stimulates
that part of our being, bringing out in us some ideal sense of love. One aspect of Love is that we
romance, for a month, for a day. Then she gathers her robe and sadly returns to the dark corners of our
being from whence she came, neglected for the rest of the year. O’ how she yearns to be loved
completely, utterly. Yet we in our narrow mindedness, seek her for one thing, and one thing only. We
conjure her up for our limited purposes then push her away, we don’t let her BE. We don’t sit at her feet
captivated by her beauty, we don’t seek her knowledge and understanding that it, until we are cut, and
our hearts bleed. She will not be neglected. And you will treat her with divine reverence willingly, or
forcefully. You will learn to pay attention to her body language, you will learn the meanings behind her

I believe LOVE has initiated me into her divine mysteries. I have experienced love as pain and
pleasure. Something that will strip you naked bare, all parts exposed, then clothe you again, slowly, in
the finest garments, layer by layer. I believe love encompasses the emotions, colours of the universe,
and the friction of its intercourse creates the universe and everything herein, which includes you and
your life.
I believe Life is an inner and outer struggle whose purpose is to erect the throne for LOVE to reign
supreme. Yet love gets one day of worship? Neglected? Neglected to the point we need a reminder once
a year, limited as that reminder may be. My epiphany is this: How interesting is it that the month of
love is also Black history month? A month in which we reflect upon a history that many have also
neglected to those black shadows. Isn’t it also ashame that we need a month to be reminded of this,
such a forgetful people! And we only conjure this history forth selfishly, unfulfilling its own needs. It
also needs us to pay attention to its images to pay attention to the meanings behind the messages and
mind them.

Love and Struggle.

If we concentrate our observation long enough, LOVE, will reveal unto us her true identity. The stigma
of narrow, superficial vision will fall like scales from our eyes, allowing our sight to peer depths and
into our periphery, reconstituting the interconnectedness of her body, All things. Until then we wont
even see the interconnectedness of our own neglect, How our neglect dismembers her sacred, beautiful
body: The community self.

Neglected words....
I AM ….. but the superstructure, the synthesis of the dialectical processes of my past, the result of the
Yin and Yang in motion; a mere wave in Humanity’s ocean, bringing with me elements of the sea, to
the sea shore, a wave created by my beloved moon, my love; she, like Isis reconstituted my
dismembered body mind and soul, and resurrected me, like Osirus, from my zombie like ignorance.
And I am now able to see not just with my eyes but also my EYE, that inner –Eye of understanding that
sits at the top of the pyramid of my being, and I have no choice but to reach out to my brothers and
sisters about me, and grab them in a such a way that their rotting flesh makes them slip not from my
grasp so that I may initiate them also into what ive been made to understand. This is my task, besides
giving my gorgeous wife more love than she can comprehend, a love she deserves, a love I deserve to
be able to give her. I was once debating with a civil attorney that felt what I had been writing wasn’t
enough for people to understand who I am. Though to some extent, now I agree, then I argued that if
people were to read my writings, they would find a common thread of rationale that will guide them to
the essence of my being. Yet I don’t eve think she understood what I was saying. I was indeed speaking
from a dark void, I didn’t even understand, But my Queen, San asked me to expound upon what my
vision is –though the vision is not mine, and it’s what I want.
When ive demonstrated here behind the condition of humanity, officers have asked me, as if annoyed
“what do you want? I usually respond, without really thinking about it, by saying I want to go home to
my wife, I need to be able to hold my wife, most of them don’t know how to react to this humanity
pouring out of me, a DEATH ROW PRISONER. The chasm between us was too wide. The body had
been dismembered for so long, it didn’t recognise itself. Maybe they didn’t know I had the capacity to
love. They, out of neglecting part of who they are, don’t see…that I AM LOVE-Being. The love for my
Gem-N-Eye Queen-self sandie, consumes me like some mystical fire, We can communicate
telepathically, because we are made one, through the marriage of our LOVE. What we experience of
Love is LOVE’s most intimate parts. Through our love we taste God, Our love is ecstasy but the
physical separation is painful. It hurts, I wake up many times holding myself thinking it was her
cuddling me through the cold night. It sometimes the only way I can sleep. I pray that the heavens will
bless me with dreams of relishing in her touch. And I have, I talk to her, I told to you baby, when I pace
my cage, imagining us walking together. I talk to you my love when I go to this concrete tomb of a
shower. We talk, we laugh as we wash each other, washing the concrete tomb away.

I pound the wall “Damnit!! I shouldn’t be here! God let me Be with my Queen, my moon, my
anchor. I want to pillow fight with my queen, I want to pillow talk with my Queen. Cook and clean with
my Queen. I want to love her scars, and mend her deepest festering wounds with the love that flows
through me.
I am not just a husband, but a father. I need to be with the young balance to my Queens yin, in
that household, helping in raising her son, our Son Kye an intelligent and handsome young man. I can
be his example of what a man is. I can guide him through his awakening senses. I can show him how to
live in his heart, his mind, his soul, I understand im just an agent and that he is ultimately the son, the
sun of tomorrow. I can prune here and there but let him BE, blossoming into his own man, and not the
man I wasn’t in my past. I can show him that our Home is not only a microcosm of the universe but a
microcosm of the community. A Man.
My sense of self goes beyond me, beyond the self of my wife, and I, beyond the self of our
family. It encompasses the community self which is why I struggle within myself to further open
myself to the task at hand. I have an obligation wherever I am to build, to build the bridge reconnecting
the lower self to the higher self of the universal self. The level of your consciousness will determine
what’s left in your wake. This is one of the reasons I am so discusted with the system murdering
Stanley “big took” Williams, the co founder of the CRIPS.
While imprisoned he sought knowledge, and Became aware of self, and with that awareness
came a love of self. The more he expanded his circumference of knowledge the more his awareness of
his circumference of self expanded. Through his new found level of consciousness he re examined the
dialectical processes of his past and saw the causes and effects of the whole of his experiences, because
he understood what it means to live in a vacuum, because he understood that his peers, other
gangbangers and himself didn’t live in a vacuum but were reacting to forces they didn’t understand, he
was able to reach into a wide swath of the condemned that threatened to level everything in their path
to their level of un-consciousness and raised them out of their slumber, their zombification, he made
them aware of the motto “the fire within” them, so that they could channel it into passionate
community upliftment, and not passionate destruction. And many did what Nikki Giovanni asked of
them, Killing that “nigga” in themselves, while getting themselves free from the mis-education of
gangbanging. He was carrying out the community revolution to bring about our brotherly love over our
Big Took, had done from the narrow confines of his cell, what hundreds if not thousands of
school counsellors probation officers, judges, prison psychologist, and parole officers, couldn’t do. And
in the Governator’s narrow superficial vision of social justice he refused to weigh the social change
Tookie Williams was bringing with his “protocol for peace” and allowed Tookies execution to proceed.
This makes me wonder who or what exactly they wanted to kill. It boils down to Life; Life that began
to flourish from muck and mire of gangbanging.
Can we rise from our ignorance and show our intellectual and spiritual potency without
becoming a target, a head that must be severed or else it will lead? I feel the panic, I was told I
shouldn’t show myself to know too much, But I must scream: Thus system is not about rehabilitation
but incarceration! Thus why the recidivism rate is ridiculous. Thus why our brothers and sisters
enchained that demonstrates leadership qualities should be supported not Isolated.
I am a social scientist. I am concerned with grassroots activism, I have given myself to finding
solutions to social injustices, whether its raising the spiritual, socio-political consciousness of those
within my reach, or its organizing and mobilizing, behind a community agenda. Its what I have done,
and what I will continue to do as long as love flows through me.
This is the innocence behind my innocence. This is the extent of my LOVE. And I ask you to
meditate on what Love means to you. Now excuse me I have a valentines day poem to write for my
Queen Sandie.
Community Revolution in Progress
With everything I am
Reginald “Omari Huduma” Blanton

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