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Volume 159, No.

Copyright 2013 Law Bulletin Publishing Company. All rights reserved. Reprinted with permission from Law Bulletin Publishing Company.

Tvo John Mui-hull -tudent- vll hold
conleience on clothng putent- und IP
appliod for and grantod for things
liko pursos, Laczok said.
Coach Inc., makor of pursos and
accossorios, has boon pursuing
court casos all ovor tho world to
fight tradomark infringomont to
holp protoct thoir brand, Laczok
What tho socioty is trying to do
is bring moro awaronoss to this
fiold of law, bocauso I dont think
pooplo ovon roalizo thoro is fashion
law, a spocializod aroa, 8tuttloy
Thoy aro trying to raiso awaro-
noss, 8tuttloy said, of copyright and
tradomark laws, brand liconsing,
laws rogarding toxtilos and tho
ongoing dobato ovor protoction for
what Long calls womons arts.
Fashion law has bocomo an in-
croasing focus of intolloctual prop-
orty law dovolopmont, Long said.
This focus includos incroasing
domands for now logal rogimos in
tho Unitod8tatos to protoct fashion
dosign as woll as intornational of-
forts to craft now standards for
Fashion dosign covors a wido
rango of domostic issuos, Long
said, and intornational issuos as
woll from tho protoctionist di-
roctivos of tho Europoan Union to
tho gonoral lack of protoction for
fashion dosign gonorally in tho
Unitod 8tatos.
Laczok startod a company with
hor mothor callod iKnitwaro. Hor
mothor producos hand-knit scarvos
and accossorios.
Wo woro foaturod in tho Mado
In Chicago 8toro at I6 W. Crand
Avo., Laczok said, and in Voruca
8alt, a storo at b20 N. Kingsbury
I would arguo that although
NowYork and Los Angolos aro vory
much focal points in tho fashion
industry, Laczok said, in Chicago,
wo havo our own dosign pro-
8ho said thoso programs aro
found at Columbia Collogo horo, tho
8chool of tho Art Instituto of Chica-
go and tho Illinois Instituto of Art
Chicago, 8b0 N. Orloans 8t.
Thoro aro a lot of Chicago-basod
fashion dosignors, Laczok said.
Laczok would liko somo day to
build a bridgo botwoon fashion law
and onvironmontal law basod on
onvironmontal and sustainability
issuos in tho fashion industry.
8tuttloy said for a whilo sho had
two clothing storos and was a law
studont, too.
8ho said sho is also a probation
officor on a floxiblo schodulo with
tho Cook County 1uvonilo Court.
Hor fathor is rotirod Cook Coun-
ty Circuit 1udgo Michaol W. 8tut-
tloy, who in 20I0 oponod 8tuttloy
Croup LLC, a law offico in Harvoy.
8ho wants to bring intolloctual
proporty law into hor fathors firm.
Im intorostod in doing casos on
fashion, ontortainmont and sports
law, sho said.
Lau Bulletin staff uriter
wo studonts at Tho 1ohn
Marshall Law8chool say thoy
want to put Chicago on tho
map for fashion law.
Thoy launchod tho Fashion Law
8ocioty at 1ohn Marshall, boliovod
to bo tho first such studont or-
ganization in tho Midwost, said
thoir faculty advisor, profossor
Doris Estollo Long.
Thoy havo also organizod a Fash-
ion and Dosign Law 8ymposium
with II spoakors, including oxports
fromCanada andMoxico, schodulod
on April I2 at tho school from 8:80
a.m. to 4:80 p.m.
Tho two organizors aro Michon
8tuttloy andNatalio Laczok, both in
thoir third yoar of law school.
8tuttloy, 87, from tho 8outh 8ido,
said sho has boon involvod in fash-
ion probably sinco I could walk
and sho droams about it.
I actually sloop with a notopad
by my bodsido just in caso I havo a
businoss idoa, sho said.
Until a yoar ago, 8tuttloy had hor
own clothing storo in Bucktown at
2042 N. Damon Avo. 8ho ownod tho
storo, known as Ms. Catwalk, for
oight yoars.
8ho said sho also has had soa-
sonal storos at Oakbrook Contor in
Oak Brook. And sho oxpocts to
opon a storo in Hydo Park soon.
8ho has a droam of having a
mobilo clothing boutiquo, liko tho
food trucks. Im currontly shop-
ping for a truck.
Laczok, 28, from tho Cloaring
noighborhood on tho 8outhwost
8ido, said Chicago has boon con-
sidorod a flyovor city for fashion.
Laczok said thoir main goal with
tho 2b-mombor Fashion Law8ocioty
was to host a symposium thoy
wantod to start with a bang.
Wo havo an opportunity horo to
put Chicago on tho map, Laczok
said. 8tuttloy usod tho samo
Tho studonts thomsolvos aro
sololy rosponsiblo for organizing
tho ono-day symposium, Long said
in an o-mail from London.
Long said it will havo tho fol-
lowing panol discussions:
Logal Issuos in tho Fashion
Industry: Croating and Protocting
Your Intolloctual Proporty,
North Amorican Comparativo
Fashion Law: Policios and Porspoc-
Advortising Fashion Focus: Do-
signors and Lawyors Porspoctivo,
Tariffs, Thimblos and Throad:
Customs Law for tho Fashion In-
dustry, and
Walking tho Walk: Labor and
Employmont Issuos for tho Fashion
Rogistration through April 4 is
$20 and can bo dono at jmls20I8
Ono of tho listod spoakors is
Ashloo Frooso of Cilborts LLP in
Toronto, a lawyor and tradomark
agont whoso practico oncompassos
tradomarks, branding and domain
namo laws.
Anothor spoakor is profossor
Roborto Frias of tho Law 8chool of
tho Univorsidad Iboroamoricana in
Moxico City.
Anothor will bo fromWilholmina
Intornational Ltd. in Now York, a
modoling agoncy. Also among tho
spoakors aro sovoral attornoys
from Chicago and Now York.
Thoyro oxponsing all of thoir
travol andaccommodations, Laczok
said. Thoyro coming for froo, which
is amazing.
Both studonts say fashion and
dosign law is a growing fiold.
Latoly, dosignpatonts havo boon
Michon Stuttlcy
Doris Estcllc Long
Natalic Laczck

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