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Psicotec 2013

Reasons for choosing new ways of learning

Doug Harward is CEO of Training Industry, Inc. and a former learning leader in the high-tech industry.

The learning leader is becoming focused on finding ways to ensure the initial impact of the training continues and is reinforced through a variety of traditional, formal, informal and social add-ons to the initial training initiative. The learning leaders goal is to maximize the long-term impact of the training.

Learning Leader Focusing on Sustainability -

Content Curation Becomes Integral to Training Organizations - As the growth and

sophistication of informal content is applied to learning initiatives, the role of the training librarian is needed to sift through and manage the relevancy of informal content as it pertains to the learners experience.

Knowledge Repositories Becoming the Foundational Tool for Knowledge Transfer - We have now moved to a world where the most important tool available to both learners and trainers is
the repository where an organizations knowledge is captured, organized and categorized.

Rapid Application Development Becomes the Basis for Custom Content Development Solutions that are quick, inexpensive, simple to create and easy to deploy or modify are
must-haves for those generating e-learning content. One emerging trend is integrating social media and social learning into e-learning courses. For example, embedding a link to a social learning source, such as a wiki or blog, is included within the course.

Doug Harward is CEO of Training Industry, Inc. and a former learning leader in the high-tech industry.

Mobile Learning Becomes Part of the Learning Solution - Sales, customer support, installation, and performance support are examples of where mobile technologies are becoming standard tools for communication, collaboration, performance support, and yes, learning Turn learning into a revenue driver for your organization - Every department is still expected to contribute to cutting costs, increasing efficiency and driving revenue. One way to contribute to all three is to adopt extended-enterprise technologies to serve content to external audiences. In a recent survey, over 53 percent of learning functions were already gearing some of their learning toward external audiences. These training audiences include customers, distributors and other partner organizations frequently in sales and compliance-related training that is industry-specific. Increase sales by delivering up-to-the-minute information Accelerate the adoption rate of new products and services Improve productivity and information-sharing with external partners Deliver certification programs and share knowledge Eliminate excess training costs while accelerating time to market Improve customer satisfaction Reduce effort, time and training costs

Connie Malamed is publisher of theelearningcoach.com and author of Visual Language For Designers and the iPhone app, Instructional Design Guru.

Weve crushed an evolutionary treshold, where increasing numbers of workers can no longer retain all the knowledge required to do their jobs. The quantity of knowledge is too grat and the speed of change is too quick. Internet access, devices that are always on, instant acess to knowledge
Future training roles will require specialists who can indentify and produce quick-access performance support tools that aid task completition as well as bits of miccrolearning for mobile learning on the go. Find the best information that others have written and posted onlinethe best articles, charts, tables, infographics, videos, or pictures. Collect it in a logical, easy-to-use navigational structure. Possible sources of content might include massive open online courses (MOOC) from top universities, expert demosntrations on Youtube, iTunes University Podcasts and relevant articles. As workplace structure flattens, employee become more responsible and accountable for their own learning. There is a future role for the learning and development professional, to educate the organizations experts on how to generate content and to teach employees about internal and external tools for building a knowledge network. Promote collaborative learning networks. Training groups can also take responsability for creating and managing comunities of practice. The astute training professional will indentify persistent problems in organization and pre-empt critical mltdowns by offering assistance from experts.

Creating on demand and Mobile Contents -

Curating Content -

Empowering Learners

Promoting Collaborative Learning Building Relationships

Sustainability Rapid Application Development Content Curation Empowering Learners Mobile Learning


Top technologies planned for aquisition

SIMULATION Highly realistic training scenarios arent just for soldiers anymore

SIMULATION Highly realistic training scenarios arent just for soldiers anymore

The Social Psychology of Badges

Representing achievements as badges or trophies is a standard practice in online gaming.
Goal Setting
Perhaps the most obvious function of badges is as a goal-setting device. Badges challenge users to meet the mark that is set for them. Goal setting is known to be an effective motivator, and experimental studies have illustrated that the most motivating goals are those that are just out of comfortable reach The notion of conceptual consumption is essential to understanding badges because, of course, ultimately the user is left with no physical goods, only the experience and memory which is embodied by a badge. Goal setting is most effective when users can see their progress towards the goal. Without signposts to mark the way, there is little or no feedback to keep users moving in the right direction. Furthermore, people often escalate their efforts when they know they are near their goal

Badges can provide instruction about what types of activity are possible within a given system. This function is useful for indoctrinating new users, but also for helping silod users diversify their participation. Badges often embody the social norms of a system by exemplifying the types of activities and interactions that are highly valued, and in so doing provide a kind of social shaping of user activities. Through their instructive function, badges can benefit the system even if users never actually earn the badges. By viewing a list of possible badges, users come to understand individual valued activities and can also gain a Gestalt understanding of the community of users.

The Social Psychology of Badges

Badges are a valuable encapsulation of a users interests, expertise and past interactions, and can thus substitute for direct experience. Badges assist reputation assessments at several levels. At a general level, examining another users badges can provide a summary of interests and engagement levels, for example by indicating whether a user is a casual or fanatical community member. Like Boy Scout merit badges, in social media contexts badges can also provide information about a users skill-set and expertise.

Status / Affirmation
Badges can be motivating as status symbols. Badges advertise ones achievements and communicate ones past accomplishments without explicit bragging. Notably, the power of status rewards derives from the expectation that others will look more favorably upon someone who has undertaken the activity represented by a badge. More difficult achievements may be assumed to lead to greater status. Badges also provide personal affirmation in that they serve as reminders of past achievements. They mark significant milestones and provide evidence of past successes.

Group Identification
Badges communicate a set of shared activities that bind a group of users together around shared experience. Achieving badges can provide a sense of solidarity and increase positive group identification through the perception of similarity between an individual and the group. This type of group identification is valuable in social media because increased group identification promotes increased cooperation in collaborative situations.

Launch of Mobile Learning Platforms

Launch of Mobile Learning Platforms

Podcasting around the world

Capture front line retail sales elevator pitchs


Long-term goal is to make all systematic knowledge immediately computable and accessible to everyone.







Polleverywhere.com create stylish real-time experiences

for events using mobile devices

Curatr.co.uk Create engaging online

courses quickly with Curatr, the Social Learning Platform

Disee encuestas. Obtenga respuestas.

Yammer.com is a Private Social Network for Your Company Collaborate securely across departments, geographies, content and business applications

How To Vote via Texting


1. Standard texting rates only (worst case US $0.20) 2. We have no access to your phone number 3. Capitalization doesnt matter, but spaces and spelling do

How To Vote via PollEv.com


Capitalization doesnt matter, but spaces and spelling do

How To Vote via Twitter


1. Capitalization doesnt matter, but spaces and spelling do 2. Since @poll is the first word, your followers will not receive this tweet

Poll: Quien de estas personas no forma parte d...

Poll: Que os parece esta presentacin?

Trainers Advice Training Industry Brandon Hall Group Badges: Gamification: Mobile Curatr Poll Everywhere http://trainersadvice.com/major-trends-in-corporate-training-and-development-infographic/ http://www.nxtbook.com/nxtbooks/trainingindustry/tiq_2013winter/index.php?startid=20#/14 http://www.brandonhall.com/memberstore/details/959/103/document-type/case-study/using-virtualsimulations-to-avert-disaster.html http://gamification-research.org/wp-content/uploads/2011/04/03-Antin-Churchill.pdf http://gamification-research.org/2012/04/defining-gamification/ https://www.centrodeinnovacionbbva.com/magazines/innovation-edge/publications/2-gamificacion http://www.slideshare.net/jbersin/mobile-and-informal-learning-trends-for-2012 http://www.Curatr.co.uk http://www.polleverywhere.com


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Felipe Angulo Director Barcelona Psicotec eMail: fangulo@psicotec.es LinkedIn: http://es.linkedin.com/in/fangulo Twitter: @fxangulo
Para ms informacin entra en www.psicotec.es o nuestra Web 2.0 de empleo www.psicotecjobs.es
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