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Art final

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Abstract Expressionist artists typically painted on 1. a : large scale. Although Daumier created many paintings, he is primarily 2. : known for his work in the medium of prints and he was primarily concerned with what subject matter? Lower class, satire Boccioni created the sculpture _____forms of Continuity 3. : in Space, which seems to emphasize the movements of forms in space. Unique Borromini 4. : designed a complex but unified Baroque structure using the dynamic oval form and alternating convex and concave forms. Braque painted 5. : The Portuguese. Briefly describe Rembrandt's use of light and shade. 6. : Used tennebrism with muted colors to emotional effect Briefly describe the politics of David's Death of Marat. 7. : Honors Marat, leader against the monarchy and nobility during the French Revolution - shows Marat stabbed in a medicinal bath. Briefly summarize the subject matter of Goya's Third of 8. : May. Depicts Spanish citizens arrested and executed after and uprising during the French occupation. Dali 9. : painted a famous Surrealist work that featured a super-realistic rendering of a dream-like landscape and a possible self-portrait. Define tennebrism: 10. : dramatic shifts in light and dark, usually in Baroque artwork DeKooning 11. : created paintings in his Women Series. Describe how Cezanne's work was like the that of the Impressionists, and how it was different. 12. : Focused on color and natural scene; careful composition and very specific placement of colors and shapes, lots of studies for work Describe one way that Postmodern artists challenge the Modernist emphasis on originality and creativity. 13. : Artwork represents a particular viewpoint, and this viewpoint should be recognized and challenged. Describe the characteristics of Fauve paintings: 14. : Bright, non-descriptive color, flattening of image Describe the common purpose of Caravaggio's Conversion of St. Paul and Bernini's The Ecstasy of St. Theresa. 15. : To draw worshippers back to the Catholic church Describe the way Jackson Pollock created his Action Painting Abstract Expressionist paintings? 16. : Drip paintings Duchamp 17. : was famous for his "ready mades", objects purchased and them presented as sculptures with virtually no alterations.

For Van Gogh, the primary purpose of color in his paintings was: 18. : emotionally expressive Frans Hals was given credit for the genre paintings of which female artist? 19. : Judith Leyster How did Andy Warhol utilize his background as a commercial artist in creating "fine art" works? 20. : He created a print-making studio, in which other artists created works from his designs, which he called the "Factory" How did Gauguin's use of color differ from Van Gogh's? 21. : flat areas color, non-descriptive color How did the religious and economic conditions in 17th century Holland effect artistic production and patronage? 22. : Holland was the center of economic trade and banking; patrons included merchants and the growing middle class. Religious and royal commissions were not as prominent. How does Color Field Painting differ from Action Painting? 23. : Large areas of color, usually for expressive purposes Identify two probable sources of the forms in Picasso's Les Demoiselles d'Avignon: 24. : Iberian sculpture and African masks In his action paintings, Jackson Pollock does not emphasize what principle of design? 25. : Focal point In what way did Bernini depict the vision of St. Theresa? 26. : As part of a theatrical program In what ways does Degas' work show the influence of photography? 27. : Focus of composition is not in the center of the work, captures a random moment in time Jaques Louis David depicted a legendary event from the culture of 28. : Republican Rome in the Oath of the Horatii. Jasper Johns created his paintings by combining wellknown motifs and using paint, newsprint, etc. Such works bring together found objects and are known by the term 29. : assemblage. Kirchner 30. : was the leader of an important German Expressionist group that hoped to build a bridge to a better, more enlightened future through their art. List at least two architects that worked on St. Peter's during the Italian Baroque and note the primary contribution of each. 31. : Bernini- exterior colonnade; Maderno, faade and extension of nave List four major Post-Impressionist painters. 32. : Cezanne, Gauguin, Van Gogh, Seurat

List three adjectives that describe the type of Rococo art created for the 18th century French aristocracy? 33. : Frivolous, intricate, delicate, playful List three characteristics of Impressionism. 34. : Focus on light, color applied unmixed, painting outdoors rapidly, unusual compostions List three Impressionist artists. 35. : Monet, Degas, Renoir List two adjectives that describe the Baroque style. 36. : Dramatic, theatrical, rich in color List two characteristics of Caravaggio's style. 37. : Dramatic light and dark contrasts, unusual compositions List two characteristics of Delacroix's style evident in the Death of Sardanapalus. 38. : Vivid color, swirling, dramatic composition List two features that contribute to the drama of Rubens' 39. : Elevation of the Cross. Diagonal composition, bright colors, movement of nearly every figure List two general directions taken by avant garde artists in response to turmoil in the first half of the twentieth century? 40. : Expressive and Analytic List two Neoclassical stylistic features that are found in that work. 41. : Figures are dressed in Classical attire, shallow space (almost theatrical), dramatic scene, highly representational work List two nineteenth-century phenomena that authors believe contributed to the greater consciousness of modernity, or "the state of being modern". 42. : Industrial revolution, development of middle class List two prominent themes in the art of the Surrealists. 43. : Dreams, unconscious, inner self Marie-Antoinette and Her Children, by Elizabeth Vigee Lebrun, depicts members of the royal family. Why? What was the intent of this painting? 44. : to humanize her and show her personal loss, to gain respect and sympathy of French public Mondrian was a prominent painter of the 45. : De Stijl movement. Name a Renaissance artist whose influence is apparent in Ingre's Grande Odalisque. 46. : Raphael Name a sculptor that worked in the Rococo style, and list two elements of his style. 47. : Cloidon, delicate, small-scale works of terracotta Name the two primary groups in German Expressionism. 48. : The Bridge, The Blue Rider Name two features of Courbet's Burial at Ornans that were remarkably different from other artwork created at the time. 49. : Depicted regular, identifiable people, depicted an ordinary scene from a small town, used impasto painting technique Name two Feminist artists: 50. : Chicago, Sherman Name two Minimalist sculptors. 51. : Judd, Serra

Name two Renaissance artists that Manet references52. in: Luncheon on the Grass. Titian, Raphael Neel 53. : had her first important show in 1974 when she was 74 years old. Neoclassicism was stimulated by the excavation of the Roman cities of 54. : Pompeii and Herculaneum in the mid eighteenth century. Rembrandt 55. : was paid to paint a troop of the civic guard, with each member paying an amount based on his prominence in the painting. Surrealism had the most direct impact on the movement 56. : Abstract Expressionism The Ecstasy of Saint Theresa is representative of what regional Baroque style? 57. : Italian The French 58. : favored a more restrained version of the Baroque style. The shift from reason to feeling, from objective nature to subjective emotion, is characteristic of the artistic movement 59. : Romanticism. Velazquez 60. : was court painter to King Phillip. Vladmir Tatlin was a central figure of the 61. : Constructivist movement in Russia. What basic colors and forms characterize Mondrian's mature work? 62. : Red, white, black, blue, yellow, horizontal and vertical lines, squares and rectangles What does the term "avante garde" mean? 63. : Advanced guard What does the word Fauvism mean? 64. : Beastly What event inspired Picasso's Guernica? 65. : Bombing of town in Spain by Fascists What feature of The Company of Frans Hanning Coq led to its being misnamed The Nigh Watch? 66. : Dark varnish What feelings does Mark Rothko hope to evoke with his large, luminous canvases? 67. : Spiritual, enlightenment What is a "Happening"? 68. : Activity in which the viewers are participants, seemingly random event but orchestrated by artist What is Chicago's Dinner Party designed to celebrate? 69. : The lives of women throughout history What is meant by Conceptual Art? 70. : Art that focuses on an idea, not the physical manifestation of the work What is meant of the term expressionism? 71. : Use of bright color and shapes to evoke certain emotions What is so-called "Greenburgian Formalism"? 72. : Focus on the physical aspects of a painting What is the basis of Cubist pictorial space, and how does it differ from Renaissance perspective? 73. : Pushing the limits of representation, rejection of traditional illusion

What is the importance of the subject matter in the Oath of Horatii? 74. : Metaphor for the French response to the coming French Revolution What is the subject of Las Meninas? 75. : Daughter of the Spanish King and Queen and her entourage. Shown with artist creating a painting, and the King and Queen in the background. What issue was of primary concern to Cindy Sherman? 76. : Depiction of women in specific roles, or the objectification of women What it meant by the "Age of Enlightenment"? 77. : Time when rational thought, scientific experimentation was paramount What major style developed in the United States after the influx of refugee artists from Europe? 78. : Abstract Expressionism What role did the salons play in the artistic life of 19th century France? 79. : Set the standard for the most popular artwork of the time, instructed artists What role does color play in Cezanne's paintings? 80. : Portray the structure of the composition and image What subject matter was characteristic of the Pop Art of the 1960's? 81. : popular contemporary culture What techniques did Gentileschi use to portray the drama of the scenes of Judith and Holophernese? 82. : Tennebrism What techniques were used to create 83. it?: China painting, embroidery What type of subject matter was typically found in the work of Fuseli? 84. : Dreams What type of subjects did Poussin consider to be appropriate for paintings done in the "grand manner"? 85. : classical What types of subjects did Renior prefer to paint? 86. : Middle class during leisure time What was Rembrandt trying express in his self-portraits. 87. : Reflection of himself as he changed over time. What was the original purpose of the Dada movement? 88. : To challenge the notion that things happened systematically, to suggest that everything was in chaos, even art What was the political message behind Gericault's Raft of the Medusa? 89. : To depict the French government as corrupt and inept. What was the primary focus of the Surrealist movement? 90. : To explore dreams and the inner world of the mind What was Vermeer's favorite type of subject matter? 91. : Middle-class women in a domestic environment What were Manet's primary concerns when he painted this work? 92. : To depict the structure of the image, to present a painting as a painting, as less like a window onto another world.

What were the Futurists trying to express in their art? 93. : Futurist manifesto - taking Italy into modern world and leaving behind antiquity Which aspects of Manet's Luncheon on the Grass shocked the contemporary public? 94. : Nude woman shown for no apparent reason Which painter used the work of color theorists to develop a specifically precise method of applying paint? 95. : Seurat Who are the Guerrilla Girls, and what is their agenda? 96. : Group of anonymous feminists who are trying to call attention to the disparity between male and female artists represented in art history (museums, texts, etc.) Who were Judith and Holophernese? 97. : Judith: held captive by Holophernese; she seduced him and when he was drunk she cut off his head; Holphernese: captor of Judith's people Why did Caravaggio use theatrical lighting effects and an unusual point of view in The Entombment of Christ? 98. : The painting was placed over an altar and was meant to evoke the Passion of Christ Why is it difficult to give a precise definition of Postmodernism? 99. : There are many different manifestations of postmodern thought, there is not one unifying principle as in modernism

: Counter Reformation

With what religious movement is much of the Baroque art in Italy and Spain associated?

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