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Hello God are you there?

Its me gargi Hey long time no see I was just checking in, to see if you r still there Haha you are hilarious, there? Where? I am everywhere, so where would I go. You know you sometimes get carried away Yeah well I am old, I am entitled Thats funny coz you actually are Hi five! See ya Laters. Thats generally how my conversations with God go. And dont worry I dont have people taking in my head, well not really, I had me checked. I am not an atheist. I do believe in god. I do, but probably not in the way you do. Sometimes I even have frequent conversations with him. Not in a schizophrenic sort of way. Although He rarely listens. I have no illusions that He sits there waiting for our conversations. He is a very busy person, being omnipresent and all that. Other times I think He is a psychopath who sits up there and laugh down at us while eating popcorn! Most people think I dont believe in God maybe because I never go, well almost never go to a temple voluntarily. I dont pray to Him much. I dont ask him for things. I dont barter or straight out try to bribe Him about things I wish were different. I never shout at Him or curse Him for doing something to me. Everybody does that and I mean everybody. Every once in a while , when I see people(deeply religious people), get all bent out of shape about one or the other rule according to their religion that someone has broken, I sit back and think about whether god actually exists or not? If he does then does he laugh at our perception of him? For me He is not a person or a supreme being. When I really think about what I believe in. I think of a universal energy source that exists well universally of course! I believe in the flow of energy. Would you believe me if I said I would give an arm n a leg to be able to live in avatars Pandora. Its always been arrogant of human to give everything humanoid characteristics. For instance take our depiction of Gods, or the way we try to make even animals seem to take on human characteristics. Whats up with that anyway? I believe most of you have read Dan Browns the lost symbol. If you have then he is a better writer than me and explains what I fell exactly as I feel about religion and spirituality. The only difference between you and God is that you
have forgotten you are divine!

I believe God would rather I sat in a field of daisies and fill my senses with the awesome beauty He's created while I contemplate inner peace. He'd rather I actually live the Ten Commandments than sit in a stuffy church and listen to some guy tell me how to live them. Hed rather I actually try to live the life of a good person than chant verses that tell us how to be a good person in a temple. I would rather go out and do things than think about doing them and whether its right to do them or not.

I think there is a big difference between being religious and being spiritual. Maybe you can be both, I don't know. I only know that a lot of people wear religion like a name tag, and they reduce it to bumper stickers. But spirituality is different. It comes from the heart and soul. Let me ask you a question. Have you seen the Ajanta and ellora paintings? Do you notice what they are wearing? NOTHING! Thats what you notice. Its the same for most of the old temples they werent ashamed of their bodies and had no problem wearing almost nothing. But the so called religious now a days think we should cover up what we are born with, and fear censure for what we really are. Whats the big deal in wearing sleeveless shirts and shorts, if we werent supposed to show them wouldnt we have fur on those parts? Anyway whats with worshiping Rama? He is a class A wimp! Whats with listening to a dhobhi and exiling your own wife. Talk about trust issues, did all that fun fare about rescuing her was just to show people how great he was? The ass! Poor Sita, all the time she spent exalting Rama virtues it would have been better if she had done something for herself , gotten out of the mess and gone on her own merry way. How can people stand to worship such a hypocrite? Another point I wanna make specially for people who think love marriage is something to be ashamed about and is not part of our religion should remember that the Radha-Krishna they love to worship so much werent husband and wife, she was his girlfriend. Dude how awesome is my religion that it promotes having a girlfriend. I once asked my grandmother if Krishna can have a girlfriend why cant I have a boyfriend and she being who she is replied Beta! Ofcourse you can, dont let people dictate what you do just for the fear of acceptance. They are gods because they follow there own path. I intend to follow mine, if people can accept it thats fine if not than one fine day youll be the ones following me. When I dont ask the so called god for thing (not for me not for anybody) I get what I deserve because I dont waste my time sitting on my ass waiting for him to deliver. I work without worrying for the results, may be thats why I get such good ones. I mean how can anyone one in there right mind even think of asking god for anything, if you believe he know everything and is all powerful then how can you doubt that he doesnt know whats right for you and give you exactly what you deserve. Thats stupid.
On the bright note that most of the people are stupid, I gotta go.

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