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Study site area in southern lran, BPA is anarid covering4073 km'7(Fig. 1).Located in Fars Prov( 2 83 " 7'to ince 29'45'N,54'25't 5o 5' 16'E), it has been established asa protected (Ghoddousi Pro- area 1972 etal.2008). The statusand distribution of caracalCaracal caracalin Bahram'gur since Thecurrent King Bahram'gur lran, werestudied methods for t2 months. region is named after of tected Area(BPA), southern using different (224-652 dynasty who were restricted to spot-lighting at night,a method which pro- theSassanid a.c.e.) Directobservations photos onagers Fquus Twelve of a malecaracal weretakenwith wasveryfondof hunting duced threecaracal observations. (Darvishprey in thisreserve items were determined froma limitednumber of scat hemionus onager camera traps.Themain BPA rodents. Attackby herddogs sefat2006). is oneof the mostimsamples to be capeharc Lepus capensis andvarious protected portant facing in BPA. areas in lranbecause of killsweredetermined to bethemain threats thisspecies androad of endangered the continued occurrence (Drvyabhanusinh 1995). wildlife including onager, Asiatrc cheetah, in lran has been in lndia bylranians The occurrence of caracal bustard Chlamydotis undulata in lBBB fromKhuz- Once thiselusive catwasamong themost andHoubara reported by Blanford (Missone c0mm0n province, Thecentral aridregions, (Darvishsefat 2006). andless Southwestern lran dwellers of lran's estan part population growth, disturbed recent oI theprotected area, cover1959). from southern lran are re- butafter human Specimens prey inthenorthern habitat loss of larger ing325.76 km2, is considered asthecore lo C.c. schnitzi while degradation, and . ferred population parts herds from this in many trends zone. Livestock areexcluded bordering Turkmenistan C.c. michaelis animals areas, (Flg. (Etemad for most of theyear 2).Also, 1984, Nowell need to bemonitored in different region might bepresent & therefore wildlife most of thelarger species canbe 1996). Inlran, caracals are found in n r n t o e t o d a r p e s Jackson plains area, which rn2008 has been hills ofthecentral There isa severe lack data on found in this thearid and rolling of biological parts to "National Park" status. The withan thisspecies in lran andapart froma few upgraded andeastern of the country, population vegetation typeof BPA consists in southwestern lran observation reports andpreliminary stud- majority additional "caracal", (Etemad noother recent of Artenisiaspp.-Tygophyllum spp. with 1984). The name mean- ies(Farhadinia et a1.2007) "black-eared", in lran is 50% coverage. Also, the mountains from Turkish information about the caracal avaialmost ing comes {Misat as- ccntain Pistacta atlantica andAnygdalus 1959). were trained to hunt lable This first study in BPA, aimed sone Caracals The range thecaracal's wasundertakenlycioides. altitude of 1580-2840m in lran India inpast centuries. Interest-sessing status and jubatus and precipitaticn mean annual and temperaorUrdu name during anAsiatic cheetah Acinonyx ingly, theanimal has noHindi (Ghoddousr in a and I5'Chave resulted name, venaticus reconnaissance et al ture of 150mm and it isknown inlndia byitsPersian (Darvishsefat ("black-eared"). 2006). arid climate This may bebe- 2008). Long-term ecological studies using temperate Siah'gush (e.gradio-collarpardus precise Persian leopard Panthera saxicolor, forhunting more techniques cause theanimal was first used

Status of caracalin Bahram'gurProtectedArea, Iran

in ing) must beimplemented onthis species lran inthefuture.

ponts of caraca]b]ack dotsrad obseruations by Etemad1985(teddots)ln lran. Fig. 1. l,ocauonof BPArrIan wrtlt recentobservahon polnts of caracairpurpiedotsrard game wardenstatrons(redslqns)wrth borders BPAmap:camera-Eap sttes(bluedots),observanon of the protectedarea(black)and the corezone(Sreen)

CATnews 50 Spnng2009

striped hyena Hyaena hyaena,wolf Canis lupus, jungle Asiatic cheetah, cat Felis chaus, wildcat Felis sylvestris, common fox Vulpes vulpes, Blanford's fox Vulpes cana,honey badger Mellivora capensis, andcaracal are the well-known carnivores of BPA, while Asiatic mouflon goal }visspp.,bezoar Capra jebeer aegagrus, gazelle Gazella bennettii, (Ghodand onager arethemain ungulates dousi etal.2008).

Bahrarn' w Protected Area

Methods The study wasconducted from August 2006 to August 2007using non-invasive field methods to detect the presence/absence ofAsiatic cheetah and to obtain basic ecological data onother large wildlife including caracal in BPA. Our efforts had a particular focus onthecore zone parts although other of BPA werealso surveyed. As a result of ourresearch we obtained anevaluation of thestatus of these species within thecore parts zone and other of BPA and a review of Fig. 2. A typical landscape of BpA (phoro A Habibi) thefactors impacting these species within ourstudy area. Themain methods arede- lnterview surveOuestionnaires werede- in thearea. Research wasfocused on the scribed asbelow: signed for completion by local villagers,core zone which is more heavilv orotected Canera-trapping: passive Three 35mm ca- game-wardens, herders and hunters in BPA. andoff-limits for domestic livestock. Also, mera trapunts were used in thecore zone 0uestions concerning thepresence and dis- most caracal people observations by local of BPA. For seven nights a dead onager was tribution ofBPA wildlife provided were game along and wardens were inrnts area. used asbaitin one of thecamera trapping withphotos to assist intheidentification of Camera-trapping produced promising data sites. Theother sitewas located neara thetarget species. People were interviewedonthepresence of caracal. A sampling efscent-marking tree which had oldreports g7 trap-nights of fromdifferent parts of thepark. Carnivorefort encompassing at two felidpresence. These two sites wereloca- species, human-wiidlife interactions, and sites captured photos: 21wildlife 12were plains tedinthevast BPA, of not toofarfrom poaching wereamong the most important of a male caracal obtained during two pe(Fig. each other 1).Unfortunately thethird questions asked. Areas identified as con- riods of trapping near a scent-marking tree unitwasstolen tnthemountainous partof taining carnivores during (Fig. theinterview sur- station photographs 3).Other wildlife BPA where it wasinstalled, so no photos vey were chosen forcloser scrutiny. wereof striped hyena,0nager, red fox, were obtained from thislocation. (twoscent- andCape Scat analysis'. From three sites hare. performed Spot-lighting for Spot-lighting. Nightspot-lighting transects marking treesanda caracal observation about 50hours over a distance of more than were conducted using a vehicle withanave- point) many carnivore produced scats were collected 750 kmontheroads of BPA three rage speed of 20km/h on all dirtroads in andsorted bymacroscopic shape andsize. caracal observations: a mother with two BPA using 1 or2 spot-lights. These randomly Caracal scats were identified bytheir felid- cubs wasobserved in August and0ctober chosen transects were located in allhabitat likeshape andsize andthe presence of 2006 at two nearby sites, anda single catypes of BPA although ourefforts were con- caracal hair. We wereveryconservative racal wasobserved in August 2007 at the centrated within thecore zone. in sorting thescats andfew caracal scats northern (Fig1). borders of thecore zone Fieldobservatrons sightings and wereidentrfied {animal for analysis. Scat samples During these transects twojungle cats were signs): 0pportunistic observations ofwildlife were studied forhailbone, claw and other also observed in theeastern BPA which is andtheir signs weremade; provided evidence these of prey items. a mountainous prey, area. 0f caracal numeinformation about thepresence and distriburous gerbil Baluchistan Gerbillus nanus and tionof different species within BPA. Tracks, Results 204 Cape hares were observed during night dens, scent marking sites, and any other evi- Information onthepresence of all fivefe- transects. lt should be noted thatthenredence of wildlife acttvity 0r pre-sence such lid species found in BPA wasgathered by sence pika)chotona of Afghan rufescens as remains, werenoted whileonfootand different methods during oursuruey. More has been reported forthe first time from the during vehicle transects. Surveys around wa- information was gathered (Ghoddousi about caracals area et al 2008) and thiscould terholes were a priority during thedrysea- than other species of wildcats in BPA. The be an additional foodsource for caracals son. 0bserved wildlife information occurrence ofcheetah {species, and leopard was limi- although nopika remains were found durnumber, time,location, etc.) wasrecorded tedto reports game from wardens. A total ingscat analysis. During field surveys two according protocols. to standard of 22 days of field survey wereconductedscent-marking areasof largecarnivores


CATnews 50 Spring2009

et al A GhoCdousi
ofground density A high & Nel1998). enant in thedryseason holes water around birds forcasource food beanadditional could caracal of female observations Both racals. inthecore hole a water near were cubs and season drY during zone the about is verylrttleinformation There core BPA the of outside presence of caracal outof the of caracal Thelowdensity zone. to be attributed low prey could zone core lagomorphs, rodents, specifically: density, plus the ground birds and ungulates, small of herds of numerous presence permanent predation livestock of reports No livestock. and in oursurvey received were bycaracal for caracal than rather wildcat blamed locals reported, been has lt at night. poultry losses domestlc do predate thatcaracal however, parts other in poultry) (especially animals pers. comm (Oashqaei, , Farhadinia of lran by of attacks number high The et al.2007). are Africa South in stock small on caracals Fig.3.CaracalinltshabitatandaScent'markingtree(Photo:PlanfortheLandSoCletV). to take anidomestic place when assumed active not are rodents and .BPA lambing are (Farhadinia et al 2008) is mals species the felid which facilitated were recognized investigation Further (Avenant & Nel2002). observafor areas protected thebest in the among and scat-analysis camera-trapping populagomorph and of rodents pers inthecase (Darreshouri inlran species 0fthis tion survey. loss livestock of rate and fluctuations Caracalslation et al. 2008). Ghoddousi contact comm., dtrect whohave 0f the 15 people in beundertaken must carnlvores as to smaller ofthearea terrain hilly and in plains game-war-live (herders, biodiversity with BPA inthefuture. BPA camera-trap and bytheobservations ne proven ni questioned, were that hunters) and dens (Avenant & t0 beterritorial appear Caracals leopard pn0t0s. and cheetah from caracal identified our by supported was view This 1998) Nel andconfeeders aregeneralist isthe Caracals thatcaracal stated they Also, photos. returned caracal asthemale inBPA (Avenant research prey species of range wide a wildcatof theareaSome sume abundant most The periodically station in BPA to a scent-marking prey species main The cheetah & Nel2002). made had they that reported further tree scent-marKlng the visited caracal ro- male various and hare to beCape found rnthearea0f the were observations leopard and accordlng randomly dawn and dusk, night, at jird mammals Small Libyan including admlt- dents noone caracal, identified people who (Fig. 4) Cara3 & photos parts to 0urcamera-trap tnother of caracal diet themain or to havtng form a caracal killed tedto having tlmeof theyear at any reproduce may Avenant cals 1991, (Harrison & Bates stated ofitsrange further They so. doing ofothers heard butin Turkmeni1996), & Jackson Libyan (Nowell et al.2004). Mukherlee fromkilling & Nel2002, of refraining theirintentions in April-May found been have kittens stan, of rodent c0mm0n themost was which that jird, butnoted in thefuture, animals these observed We 1992). (Heptner Sludskii and of rtem food asthemain wasidentified caracals BPA, kill and chase sometimes dogs herd ofbirth timing the and August in cubs in young conducted study a tracking during caracal herds' livestock protectrng while In0ur that to similar be might species 1998) inthis (Van & Seddan Heezik Arabia andwolfwerethe Saudi hyena of striped Scats have kittens four to Up country. tn neighboring role a key to play seem don't in Ungulates scats carnivore found commonly most Park, National lran Kavir from reported arelow been dietas the numbers caracal bysize, BPA recognized scats 0f 10 caracal BPA butusu1977) & Darrehshouri and (Harrington arepresent carnivores larger other, mark- and scent caracal near location and shape tn areborn kittens upto five) 2-3(rarely btrds' ally Ground on them. dependent identified more the mostcommonly ing trees, still 1991 (Harrison & Bates ) Cubs litter offerpotential one jird along with wild ungulates of Libyan themandibles were remains in October until mother their in accompanied siteA study in thestudy resources hareAlsoCape food Cape and tibycus Meriones 9-10 is from independence of age The me- BPA. of daily thatupto 70% indicates ro- lndia unidentified thatofvarious furand hare 1996)' (Nowell & Jackson months obtained rs caracals for energy of tabolizable Noremains inallscats found were dents andis peranimal is a secretive Caracal (Mukheriee et al.2004)' rodents found from were birds or ground wildungulates recoros asthescattered notasscarce jirdsandCape haps of Libyan A highnumber scats. inthese Because 1991) (Harrison & Bates of the suggest vegetation bushy in thedense hares in relives and mammals small on feeds it more thisa considerably makes zone core 0iscussion threatened betheleast it may areas thanthe rest mote for caracal habitat isthemost suitable caracal that "Protected it seems Generally, a is Caracal lran. in felid any plant of of specifrc bycaracal use The BPA. of in true is also This BPA. in felid abundant of Department tolranian according posltlve Species" a signtficant showed in central communities area an arid Naein, Abbas'abad ls them hunting (DoE) and laws (Av- Environment of rodents biomass to prer7 other correlation withfour coexrst caracals where lran
CATnews 50 Spnng2009



Caracal rn Eahrram J "D . o -ecleo A'ea

prohbited under any circumstances wth a fine ofat least US$ 750lntheAsian range states, thecaracal islisted inCITES AppendixI and has IUCN Least Concern status. ln BPA norecent poaching of caracal has been reported byDepartment of Environment officials although a road-killed caracal was photographed 20kmnorth ofBPA borders in 2005. The main threats agarnst thecaracal's survival lnBPA are considered to bedomesticherding dogs and motor vehicle traffic. Core zone biodiversity hasbeen conserved much better (e.g. during years recent there has beena considerable population increase of thecritically endangered onager there), andupgrading the protected area park to national status could ensure the survival of endangered species of thearea as long asthere is a sufficient buffer zone around it.Because ofthelack of grazing in thecore zone, vegetation cover is in good condition andsmaller prey items occur in Fig. 4. Caracal captured at clawn(photo: Plantor the LandSoclelyT high numbers. Meanwhile pressure severe fromlivestock grazing hasdegraded many plains outside thecore zone. Drought has References had a negative impact onBPA Avenant {particularly N L.& Nel J A J. 1gg8. Home range use, H a r r i s D on . L& B a t eP s J . J1 . 991 The Mammals in livestock areas) in therecent years, too, activity, and density of caracal in relation to of Arabia, Znd edition. Harrison Zoological Thelevel of conflict between locals and prey density. African Journal of Ecology 36, lVuseum, England. pp. 354 wildlife in BPA 13 is low, butpoaching ofwild 347 359. H e p t nV er G. & S l u d sA ki A 1992 lVamma olfs ungulates occurs in some parts of thepro- Avenant N L.& NelJ A.J 2002. Among habitat theSoviet Union, Vol. Z, ParI 2.,Carnivora. tected area. Bypreventing over-grazing and variation in prey availability and use bycaraEnglish Translation by Hoffmann B.S. Smithreducing herding dogs inthearea with spec a lF e l ic sa r a c a .4 a m m a Nl , aln Bliio .67 1, g-33 s o n i aIn n s t i t u t iL oi n braries. cralconcern, upgrading BPA infrastructure Darvishsefat A.A. 2006. Atlas 0f Protected Areas N/isonne X 1959Analyse zoogeographique des (including patrol cars andother facilities) of lran University [English-Persian] of Tehran lVlammiferes de l'lran. Publ. Inst RoySci andincreasing the number of game-war- Press. 157pp. N a tB . elgiqu se ,r1 .1 5.9 , 1-157 dens, thisvitalbiodiversity reserve could Divyabhanusinh. 1995. Theendof a Trail, the l V u k h e r jS e, e G o y aS l P,JohnsinA gh JT. & bea magnificent area forfelid research and cheeta hI n d i a in P.a u lP ' sr e s s , 2p 4p 7. Leite-Pitman B.P2004. Theimportance of conservation projects. Harborrng fivespe- Etemad E.1985. lVlammals oflran2.d Vol. lranian rodents inthediet ofjungle cat(Felis chaus), cies of wildcats, most of them of global Department of Environment. pp. 298 caracal jackal caracall andgolden lCaracal conservation concern, BPA needs more spe- Farhadinia M.S., Akbari H., Beheshri lV & Sadeaureusl in Sariska \Canis Tiger Feserve, Bacific studies 0nthedstrbution and ecology ghi A 2007 Ecologyand status ofthe Caracal, lasthan, India. Journal of Zoology, London. offelids. Caracal caracal, inAbbasabad Naein Reserve, 2 6 2 , 4 0 5

411. lran .oolog Z y in t h eM i d d lE ea s t1 , 4 5-g. - Status Nowell K.& Jackson P 1996 Wild cats F a r h a d iM n iS a . ,A k b a r i , Behesh H t i, S a d e lV plan. survey andConservation Action IUCN/ Acknowledgements ghiA. & Halvani M.R2008. Felids ofrheAbSSC Cat Specialist Group IUCN 3B3pp. Weare grateful fortheinvaluable information basabad Naein Reserve, lranCatNews 49, V a n Heezik Y & Sedda Pn J l 9 9 BB a n g se izeand ofgame-wardens who assisted usinthis survey. 1 41 6 . habitat use ofanadult male caracal innorthThe work was supported bythe staff ofplan for G h o d d oA u. s,G i h a d i r iT a.n , Fahim Hi.& N a b i a n ern Saudi Arabia. J.Arid Envir 40, i09-i12. theLand Society The team also thanks forthe IVI2008Presence/absence study onAsiatic logistical support byDoE province, ofFars and H. cheetah in Bahram'gur Protected Area, Fars, Ziaie, project former manager of "Conservationlran Plan for theLand {2006-2007). Society. I Plan fortheLand Society, Tenran, lran ofAsiatic Cheetah Project", for financial support Final report, 44pp [Farsi withEnglish Execu- <ghod dousi@pla n4la nd.org> providing and camera-traps. D.Stanton and N.L. tive Summaryl pla www. n4la nd.org Avenant made useful comments tothedraft 0f Harrington F.A. & Darrehshouri B.F. 1g77. A Guide paper the which wefully apprecrate. to Mammals of lran. Department of Environment. 93pp.

CATnews 50 Spnng2009

newsfromarounC the world

t0 monrtor genetic status of thewildand captive p0pulations. Mostimportantly, our multidisciplinary research is generating new insights into theunique biology of this species while ourintensive management is on course to meet theoverali recovery goal of attemptng reintroduction of captive-raised At themoment there are77lberian lynxin three centers: Acebuche, 0livillaandJe_ lynx by2010. Finally, theprogramme carles rezzoo.60 (30mares animals areadults and30females). andl7 arecubsborn this outa capacity-building plan aimed preparat yearin captivity. 10cubsarein Acebuche and7 in 0livilla. At themoment, thedif- ingprofessionals forworking onendangered ferent littersgothrough thesecond criticalstage in theirdevelopmenr, theperiod of specres conservatt0n as wellas sensitizing aggressiveness wherefightsbetween siblings cantakeplace. All littersbornthis the general public and decislon-marers about year have experienced periods offights during theirsecond month of life. theimportance of conserving habitat forthe recovery ofthis endangered felid This isthefirst year thata subadult female, troduction willoscillate between 20and 40 Dama, raises cubs successfully. parents, anrmals r Both per year. year This a new center will Centro "ElAcebuche,,, deCra deLince lbrico Dama andDomo, wereborn in captivity in beopened (see inPortugal below), and there Espacio Natural deDoana, Matalascaas, 2001 in Acebuche, and thisreproduction in ishope that in2010 thecenter of Granadilla Huelva, Espaa 0livilla represents a newlandmark for the inExtremadura willalso beoperational. This <astrid_vargas@hotmail.com> pr0gram. network of centers will be For thefirst time thisyear thereproductive managed under a unifed female Salrega wasallowed to share the direction withthemain purenclosure with herdaughter Enea of the pose to preserve thegenettc previous year during thewhole tme of ge- varrability of the species station andlactation. The results of thisex- withoptimal breeding pairs, perience are very satisfactory since Enea has and to produce prepare and been able to closely observe thematernal lynx for reintroduction procare that Saliega given has to her new litter grams Enea, together withhermothel 21. good The ex situ programme takes care ofthecubs plays and withher three sib- management team works lings. Wehope that this experience willhelp closely within situconserdevelop her maternal instinct. vation authorities, managers Aftersixyears ofwork, theexsituprogramme andresearchers. For examis twoyears ahead of thegoals setin the ple, skills and resources are Action Plan, and if theprogram contrnues to being shared to address the grow asforecasted, it willbeable to provide increase in disease conanimals forreintroduction asof next year. By cern for lynx andprey, and 2010, thenumber of lynx available forrein- proJects are coordinated Iberianlynx cubs (Photo wwwivnxexsitu.es) ASTRID VARGASI, ANTONIO RIVNS, IIEO SruCI2, FERNANDO VNRrru12, OSE ANTONIO GODOY EDUARDO ROIOru, RODRIGO CUNHA SERRAANd VINRN OS PNrZ

Iberian lynx conservation breeding programme- update

The work ofthese centres isbeing coordinatedbya multi-lateral commission involving various Spanish regional governments, as wellas theenvironment ministries of both Spain and Portugal. The new centre at Silves is being funded by Thenewest captive breeding facility to jointhe lberian lynxex situprogram was Aguas doAlgarve aspart of a series of comportugal, inaugurated in silves. southern on22Way 200g. Thiscentre irast6 breed_ pensatt0n measures stipulated bytheEur0ing enclosures with audioandvideosurveillance, a coordination andmonitoring pean Union fortheconstruction of theconbuilding, clinic, laboratory andquarantine facilities. troversial Odelouca dam. Other measures will include habitat and rabbit recovery projects in The Silves centre, the4th to jointheexsitu breeding centres, including thethree existing southern Portugal. program andthe firstto operate outside centres inAndalucia at ElAcebuche inDoaSpain, is nowbeing prepared to receive province, 1 Investigaqo up na,Zoo Jerez and La0livilla inJaen Veterinria Independente to 20animals until theend of theyearThe and further planned Spanish centrs inAndaLsboa, Portugal newcentre will formparlof a network of lynx lucia, Castilla-La Mancha andExtremadura. <rse rra@netc pt> abo.


First PortugueseIberian lynx captive breedingfacility

CATnews 50 Spnng2009

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