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Pros and cons of technology in Business: o Increased Production: Pro: Today businesses which have embraced technology have gained competitive advantage in

the market, technology can speed up production. Lets take a simple example of a bakery using technology. If a bakery automates its production line and installs temperature sensors and cooling facilities, it will deliver quality products in time. These temperature censors can be programmed and so that they can send information to the operator and they get to know when the room temperature drops or increases. This saves the operator of the bakery time and risks

Cons: The use of automated systems in a bakery will mean that manual labor will be cut down

which is a benefit to the business owner. But this will leave many people who would have done this task jobless. Also small bakeries which cant afford this technology will be left out because deploying these automated temperature censors might be expensive for these small businesses. Which means they will not be in position to compete relatively which might also led to the collapse of this small business and it will result into loss of Jobs. o Increased RIO: -Pro: Technology will help a business to scale out so first and increase on its production. Technology will also help a business to reach targeted clients very first at a cheap cost. For example, a small business growing flowers can use engineered fertilizers to speed up the growth of their flowers, yet at the same time, they can use internet to market their flowers with a little budget of only $200. They will target clients who are interested in flowers and they will make money in a short period of time. - Con: A small business owner will discover that they can do more with less, so they will not need to hire manual labor or pay for marketing experts to sell their flowers. At the end of the day, some people will be left jobless. o Supports Shared Information through Decentralized Computing: Pro: Technology can help a business and organizations create a unit where all parties in the

organization can access information at any given time. This can be implemented by creating a database

which stores all data necessary in an organization. So this will save time with in the organization, since departments with in the organizations can share information. Con Since this information is stored on a database, there is a high risk of losing this data. Hackers or unfaithful employees will take good advantage of this information. Some companies create internal networks which can only be accessed from with in the company, but still , if one of the employees is unfaithful, they can transfer that data using a flash disk and sell of that data to a competitor, which can damage the company.

(2) Pros and cons of using technology in the classroom: o Pro Computers and internet have made it easier for students to access academic material at any given moment of the day. Now days students spend more time doing research online and they also use the internet to learn more things. Websites like Wikipedia.org and Google.com have made internet research so simple and cheap. o Con Most of the information published online is not correct. Since most publishers do this for money, they will write about any thing for the purpose of getting massive traffic from search engines and make more money. A publisher will have a list of keywords most searched for online, and they will just write what they know, no one will review this data, but a student will use this information thinking its all bullet proof. Most students have failed exams because they use this type of data from internet. (3) . Pros and cons of using technology in our Society:

Pro Today society is benefiting from the invention of mobile phones. Communications has become so easy and cheap. Not only that, but now you can make internet calls for free, all it take is you install SKYPE or Google Talk software on your laptop, and start calling your friends for free, with this technology, you can even do a live video video call for free using broadband internet. Technology has simplified communication.

Con Even though we have mobile phones and we love using them, technology has exposed us to predators. Now days, businesses have devised cookies which collect private data from our smart phones and they use that data to suggest adverts related to our interests. This means that we have no privacy when we use these smart phones.

Technology pros and cons

Technology Pros
Here is a list of the pros of technology Technology help improve our standard of living with inventions such as the automobile, fridge, TV, computers, the internet and so on. Technology helps industries and individuals to automate complex process or to do dangerous tasks. For example, robots in the production line can operate all day doing mundane jobs that human workers used to do. Technology increase efficiency and productivity. This mean higher profit because technology can do more tasks faster than human. The invention of the computers helps us communicate, share information, invent, design, store huge amount of data, organize and manage tasks. Transferring million of dollars can be done in a few clicks and take seconds to securely transfer money from one person to another person anywhere around the world. As well as making online purchase, checking your balance and paying your bills without leaving the comfort of your home. Computers technology have brought new industries such as the software industry,

Technology Cons
Here is a list of the cons of technology

hardware industry, the internet industry, the search engine industry with Google, Yahoo!, Bing, and resulted in many high tech jobs. The internet is now an important part in how we communicate and share information. The internet positively changes the advertising industry, the entertainment industryand many other industries. Creating digitalize information allows large amount of information to be store in a small compact storage (CD, DVD, USB, hard drive, ect.). In addition, digitalizing information such as data, music, images and videos can be store for a very long time. Digitalize information also contains the quality of the information if it need to be duplicated multiple times, unlike the previous types of technology like tape recorder lower the quality of information when duplicate. Satellite communication is also an important part of technology. Without it, there would be no cellular phones, GPS, steatite radio or satellite TV to broadcast anywhere around the world. Cellular phones revolutionized the communication industry. Regular telephone was also a technology we still use today and it too revolutionized the way we communicate. With mobile phones, we are able to call anyone in the world outside our home, offices or walking down the street.

Digitalize information reduce waste from printed materials like magazines and newspaper. There are so many ways technology has an positive impact on our lives but it is impossible to list them all. If you think I miss something important, feel free to add it in the comment area below this page.

Science and technology have great influence in human life since their inception. A lot of technological advancements have been taking place day by day, and which clearly reflect on peoples life styles both positively and negatively.This essay focuses on some pros and cons of technological advancements, and asserts the need of reducing the precarious outcome of it for the rise of a risk free society in future. Technology is considered to be the one,is developed to reduce the effort of people.Which provides countless visible advantages for human beings. It is conspicuous that from paper clips to ultra-modern space crafts work on the principles of science and technology. Moreover,people are much relay on the benefits of this and a life with out computers, vehicles and other tech-applications is unable to imagine.Thus it is obvious that, now the human life runs with the beats of these advancements.

However,at the same pace technology brings some threats to people.For instance,the inventions of weapons especially nuclear war gadgets are extremely dangerous for the existence of the entire life forms on earth. In addition to that, an increased use of motor vehicles causes the contamination of our ecosystem, and thereby which directs certain problems such as global warming and unsteady climates.So the in appropriate application of these advancements will lead us to tremendous problems. To my mind, the appropriate use of technology by taking the positive effects and by ignoring the cons, can bring about great changes in our life styles. By promoting global peace by anti war campaigns can counter the use of weapons.Also, making an awareness in individuals about the hazardous outcome of increased fuel emission from automobiles can be instrumental in avoiding threats associated with global warming.

In a conclusion, the advantages and disadvantages of science and technology is purely depend up on the way in which which is applied. If it uses for goodness then it gives good results.Lets hope for a world without enduring the dangerous outcome of these inventions in near future.

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