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Section 1: The psychology of wealth

Section 2: Planning your wealth

Section 3: Creating your wealth

Section 4: Keeping and sharing your wealth

Hey Johnnie Cass here! As you may know I am one of the Co Founders of Unlimited Success- A worldwide Life Changing Company committed to helping you Create a Future You Design. Im a trained coach, NLP master practitioner and a public speaker. I dont say these things to impress you but rather to impress upon you what is possible. We all have unique talents and skills and Im very fortunate to be able to share mine with you. As you will read in this book Im just a normal guy, much the same as you and many others out there. Ive made more mistakes than most [which has contributed to my success] and have learned to follow certain Laws about life that have enabled me to be in a life that I choose. If you do not believe there are Laws about wealth then there is a good chance that you might not be where you want to be financially. These Laws are understood, studied and followed by the wealthy and successful and I would like to share them with you. We need to be very honest with ourselves. We might want to be honest with ourselves in all areas of our life, and I think it is especially important in the area of wealth. What better place to start being honest with ourselves than right at the start? If we are not where we want to be financially then what we are doing and the results we are getting need to change: I think it is that simple. As Einstein said, The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result. So if we can start with the right mind-set then we are setting ourselves up for success right from the outset, and that is where I want us both to be before we read this book. I see many people, especially when I speak at events, who want to be told how to do it. People who feel that anything about attitude is a waste of time, and that I should just get to the nitty gritty: the strategy and the how to. In fact Ive had people walk out of seminars in ten minutes because we had not actually talked about specifics in that time! What does that say about their attitude by giving up after 10 minutes?! Believe me when I say that psychology and attitude are paramount to your success, and probably more important than all the tips and secrets [there are no secrets!] that you are getting here. Once you have the right mind-set, you will ALWAYS find the how to. Like anything at all, when you know how something works, or you know someone who knows how something works who can do or teach you to do it; then it becomes easy. Wealth is no different. It really is accessible to anyone who believes they can make it happen, with the right mind-set.

I hope you enjoy The 48 Laws of wealth and I hope it helps you achieve all the wealth and happiness that you desire from your life. Im so confident that if you read this book cover to cover at least once, refer back to it once in a while and apply the strategies and Laws within, that you will be wealthy, successful, happy and a nice person to boot! Does that sound like someone you could be now? Our challenge to you: Do a little more each day. Learn something new and take immediate action on everything you learn.

Me and my pals taking a little time out

Ive read so many books- I cant even give you the number because I genuinely cant remember them all! And the one thing that has become apparent, no matter who we are, is that there are Laws that we must follow if we want to become wealthy and successful. Laws that are the same for everyone, that do not judge or stereotype. Laws that will not negotiate or reason. Laws that cant be fooled, tricked, cold read, manipulated, conned or deceived. You cannot sleep with the Laws to get ahead and you cannot pay them to keep their mouth shut or to give you a head start! What you can do is follow them, knowing that when you do your wealth and success will be guaranteed. If you do not believe me, then try this little experiment: ignore absolutely everything in this book for one year. Do not follow any of the Laws. Do your best to repel wealth according to the Laws set out here, because there are no Laws in life and you can do whatever you want to do. Please let me know how it goes. If you would like me to save you the time and tell you all about it just drop me an e mail @ Johnniecass@unlimited-success.co.uk Wealth, in my opinion, and as taught to us from great mentors [who were all very rich I might add!] is not defined as the amount of money we have in our bank accounts. Anyone can get given money, or borrow money, or get it handed down to us. The true definition of wealth is our ability to attract it: our ability to find and create money when the bank account is empty. Donald Trump was over 1 billion in debt at his lowest point. He made a decision there and then to get back on track and sort out his finances. The rest is history. Interesting isnt it! Mother Teresa had no money to speak of but do you think that if she needed to attract some money that she might just have been able to do it?!

I once knew a friend and was very good friends with his brother. His wifes sister was quite
negative around money. She knew people who worked in the city who looked a little too sharp and believed that everyone who had money only ever cared about themselves, money and nothing else.

The circles she frequented she believed were very money orientated and she did not want to be like those people. She spent a lot of her time focusing on this and got herself very worked up about it. I dont know if you know anyone like that? She had negative beliefs around money and was herself quite poor and struggling on a monthly basis, because she did not want to be like all the others who were grotesque with money. She attributed being wealthy to being ruthless, selfish and arrogant. She spent much time alone and would not engage in many relationships, especially with men, because she feared that they would only ever be ruthless, selfish and centred on money and material things.

Until one day, when she was introduced to a man that she had quite liked to meet for some time. He was young and apparently successful, though very down to earth; just the kind of guy she liked. They seemed to hit it off straight away and enjoyed spending much time together. They grew quite close and indeed became engaged after a little over a year of seeing each other... Imagine, just for a minute, what your life will look like now that you have all the wealth that you desire Imagine the house you live in, the car you drive, the friends you keep... Imagine the holidays you go on every year and the friends and family that you take with you. Imagine how it looks, how you feel and the things that people say to you... It is very important to be in the right frame of mind in everything that we do. Now that you are just where you need to be to make your finances work the way you want them to, here are the 48 Laws of wealth. These are studied and tested Laws, some of which were written nearly 100 years ago. I would love to say that this is my own entire discovery, but the fact is that success leaves tracks and, I have learned from many of the very best and most wealthy people in the world. If it is OK with you shall we start and get on with The 48 Laws of wealth? Enjoy....

Section1: The psychology of wealth Law 1:

This is where everything is born. This is our reason for doing what we are doing and being who we are. Why we are. This may seem like a big step, and it can take time [and believe me some say that it should], and that is just fine. So many people are living their life in reaction to their mind and what they tell themselves; doing things they do not like or love and treading water on a day to day basis: working in a job that they hate with people that they hate. It really does not have to be like that! Life is a choice. Everything is a choice! Know why you are here. Know what your purpose for making money is. Is it to help your family? Is it for a collection of super cars or matching shoes and handbags?! Is it to leave a legacy or set up a foundation? Is it to grow a large business so that you can create many jobs? Is it so that you can be in a position to teach other people to do the same? Whatever it is, you need to know it. Money is just a consequence of the value you give to other peoples lives. How can your purpose add to the lives of other people? When you have a real purpose, when you are in your flow, this will radiate and people will be attracted to your vision: to you. Nothing is more powerful than a person who knows his destiny and has chosen NOW as the time to pursue it. Jim Stovall. Know your purpose and why you are here. Enjoying the sights ;)

Law 2:
Faith in ourselves, or a higher entity that we may believe in, is the second essential ingredient to personal success. If we do not implicitly trust ourselves or believe in who we are, what we are doing and that we WILL get where we want to be, then who is going to? It sounds so easy in practice, and the truth is that it is, especially if you have a true purpose; a burning desire, passion and belief in yourself and what you do. Have I told you the Colonel Sanders story? Ok, so I know I havent, so here it is in its shortened form: For those of you who do not know it, and those that want to hear it again, Colonel Sanders was over 65 before he even got the KFC brand off the ground. He spent 2 years travelling across America and sleeping in his car taking his special recipe from restaurant to restaurant in the hope that someone would like it. Do you think he had faith in himself and his recipe? You know the rest of the story! Fundamental tip no.1: Faith in yourself and your ability to attract wealth is paramount to your success. I know that I am making it sound easy, and it really does not have to be hard, as long as we have the right psychology. That psychology understands that things will not always go our way, that there will be challenges and that we will have to work smart, stay focused, overcome some obstacles and keep faith in where we are going. And stop believing the scandalmongers who will always be there to tell us how we cant do it, how everything and everyone is doomed and why even bother to get out of bed in the morning?! You have everything you need now to be all that you can be and more. Just have faith in yourself and whatever you believe in and the wealth you desire will be yours.

Law 3: Passion and desire:

Can you think of anyone who really loves what they do? People who have passion and desire in what they do are radiant, attractive and successful in their own right, by their own definition, and generally quite wealthy and happy.

Passion for what we do and a desire to make it work is absolutely essential for our own personal success and happiness. Have passion and desire in everything you do, especially your vocation that creates your income and your investments. It really will make a huge difference. This includes having a passion for money and becoming wealthy. Fundamental tip no.2: You should be money conscious, money literate and thinking about money a lot of the time! This may be a tough transition for some of us but it is so vitally important. We get what we focus on the most. Professional footballers do not become the best at their game overnight, they think about football and playing at Wembley every day and from a very young age. They play and train every day and they have posters up of their favourite players. They watch games and study the best. Only then once they have gone through the ranks will they become great players, playing with the best players and training under the best managers. Your wealth is exactly the same, trust me on this and keep this in mind when you read the next Law. You need to be money conscious and money focused [and you dont have to be a git in the process: its your choice! [See Law 6]. You need to know how much you spend to the penny, how much that is as a percentage of your earnings, how much you save, how much you invest and so on. You need to read publications that teach you about money and finance. Read the Financial Times and the Economist. Have Forbes.com as your homepage. Read autobiographies of billionaires and understand the psychology of the very wealthy. Spend your time with wealthy people. Find out where they go, what they do, who they speak to, what they invest in and learn to do the same. Success leaves tracks and in order for you to be where you want to be you need to follow those tracks. It is your choice! Be passionate and desire the best for yourself.

Law 4: Belief:
Wherever your ceiling of belief is now; that is the limit to what you believe you can achieve, you need to raise it: Right now! A high jumper only ever jumps higher if he raises the bar.

Did you know that if you catch fleas and put them in a jar they will jump to try and get out, only to hit the lid of the jar. If you leave them there for a while they will continue to do the same thing over and over, jumping and hitting the lid, expecting a different result [what was it Einstein said?!]. Even more interesting is that when you take off the lid, the fleas will still only jump as high as where the jar lid was, even though they can jump higher and set themselves free! We are much more like fleas than we like to admit or realise! Belief is the centre of everything, and it is my opinion [and Im not necessarily right am I?] that we get what we believe we can achieve. Our results are directly related to our level of belief. If we look at where we are now, the chances are we dont really believe that we can get a great deal more. Let us be honest with ourselves here, if we did we would save one hell of a lot of time, energy and money. That HAS to change. The difference between the amount of money you or I make and what Bill Gates makes is down to belief. Now I am not saying you can go out now and make serious amounts of money... And what I am saying is that by following all the concepts in this book and applying them with a heightened belief that you will achieve whatever you desire now, your results WILL change. You have to trust me on this one. Well actually you dont, but it would be nice :) Dont be like most people and wait to see results before you start to believe that you can have what you want; you could be waiting a very long time. Believe NOW that you can achieve what you want to achieve and see the results change accordingly! What are your beliefs around money? Remember the story at the start of the book? My guess [in fact it is not a guess, I have coached many people and researched this thoroughly] is that where you are now is relative to your beliefs around money and wealth. If you are not where you want to be financially then perhaps you might believe that you cannot earn twice as much as you earn now. What would you say to me if I said you could earn 10 times as much as you do now? Would you believe it? Would you tell me to pull the other one? What do you think about wealthy people? Do you dislike them? Do you stereotype them? Do you think that being wealthy is grotesque, arrogant and selfish? Do you think rich people are fat and smoke cigars and never drive anywhere without a chauffeur? [I know people who really do believe that!] Do you think You deserve to be wealthy? Would you feel guilty if you attracted wealth? If you can relate to any of the beliefs above then you need to change that, fast! Remember we get what we focus on, and we get what we believe, so if you do not believe that you can earn and attract all the wealth you want right now, that you deserve it, and that you can be a great person with it and add value to many other peoples lives, then you must change that too.

OK Johnnie, why all the changes?! Well if you are not where you want to be right now, then things need to change [Laws 13 and 32]. Believe that you are worth far more than you are getting paid now. Believe that you are always worth more than you ever get paid. Think in terms of the value you give to yourself, your family and other people and you will always be worth far more than anyone could ever pay you. Believe me when I say that this is the most important concept in this book and what most people do not understand. What sacrifices would you make to become wealthy and financially independent? [Law 10] Believe in yourself and Your ability to attract wealth and choose your beliefs carefully.

Law 5 Focus:
You get what you focus on. This is one of the most basic Laws, and one of the ones that most people, in my experience, find the most difficult to apply. Whatever it is that you think about most consistently is likely to become a reality in your life. Top professional sportsmen are just that because they have focused on their sport and being the best for the greatest amount of time and with the greatest level of commitment. Anyone who is an expert in their field is not so by accident, but because they have read the most books, done the most study, had the most learnings, made the most mistakes and had the most experience. Thoughts become things. Just think about flight. 500 years ago if you had told anyone that people would be able to fly anywhere in the world in under a day you would probably have been burned at the stake. Now it is common place because of certain people like the Wright brothers who believed that it could be done. They focused on making it happen, despite the fact that it had never been seen or done before. Fundamental tip no.3: If you want to be wealthy then you must think like the rich. The rich focus on wealth and money and business; learn how they think. Find rich people to mentor and coach you, and work out exactly what it is that they focus on the most. Where do they work, eat and what people do they spend their time with the most? They are where they are because of their focus, and you can do and have exactly the same. Most people envy the rich and choose to speak badly of them because of a lack in their life. This will not get us anywhere. Accept that we are all different with different pasts and different goals and learn what you want to know in order to get wealthy from those that are already there and you respect.

Focus on yours and not other peoples standards. You set your own definition of wealth, success and happiness. Watch yourself grow and if you need to compare you to someone else then compare yourself to you a year ago and enjoy seeing how far you have come. There will always be someone bigger faster, richer, slimmer, prettier and more intelligent than us [but dont forget that it is all just perception or opinion!]. However we all have unique qualities and we should focus on those rather than comparing what we have to others. If we all compared our wealth to that of Bill Gates then how happy would we allow ourselves to be? Use the unique qualities that you have and become great at one thing. Certainly the mistake that many of us make, and I have been hugely guilty of this in the past, is not focusing on one thing long enough to become so good at it that wealth and success are drawn to us. Become an expert in one field and watch what happens in your life. Do you think that Lord Alan Sugar or Donald Trump would have been approached to film the Apprentice if they had not been experts in business? I dont think so either. The beauty of this is that once you can do something that not many other people can do, something that is very specific [niched] with a clear message [USP] then you can call the shots and more importantly name your price. Some contacts I use such as copywriters charge me up to 10,000 per sales letter. Expensive? Yes. Worth it? Absolutely. Ask yourself now what unique skills you have. What can you do that most people cannot? What are you better than most people at that you could become the best? If you are drawing a blank now it is because you are not thinking hard enough. I know you have something that you are amazing at. Believe me there are people who have the weirdest talents who make lots of money, it really does not matter what it is. Focus is such a powerful thing I cannot stress it enough. Be opportunistic. It is on focusing on something that we spot more opportunities. Have you ever noticed that when you buy a new car that all of a sudden you see so many more of them on the road? Do you think that is because as soon as you buy your car everyone else goes out and buys the same car just to keep fashion with you, and then follows you around all day?! Or perhaps it is because that car has now come into your awareness! Focus works just like that. Be open minded and ever aware of the thousands of opportunities that are out there. Be thinking every minute of every day: How can I make the most of this situation. Put a notebook by your bed and believe me you will wake up with ideas. Try it if you dont believe me, I dare you! I double dare you! :) I think we have focused enough on focus.

Yes it was a long subject in this book, and that is for a reason. Focus on this section more than many of the others and remember: Be open to opportunities as you get what you focus on the most.

Law 6: Decision:
Perhaps one of the biggest things that we have seen that stops people making significant progress in their lives is procrastination. It is the disease of momentum. Both indecision and over analysis essentially lead to the same thing: a long road to nowhere! We are all going to make mistakes. This is a fact of life, and one that when we accept this as part of a journey, makes achievement much more accessible. A great friend of mine likes to make as many mistakes as he can because he believes that the more mistakes he makes the closer to his goal he is getting! I really admire that attitude. Pride and ego are our biggest barriers to success. Enjoy listening, enjoy learning and growing and know that we can learn something from everyone. Fundamental Tip no.4: Do not fear the consequences of your decisions. Be decisive. Use your knowledge, use your experience, use your intuition; make quick and well informed decisions. Decisions about what you believe. If you dont know, make a guess. Youll be close, and refine it from there. Wealthy people do not wait to make decisions; they make decisions and then refine their strategy and improve upon it. Decision [plus action] gets results. The greatest leaders are the most decisive leaders. And it is not just about deciding to say yes, it is also about knowing when to say no. [See Law 33] Perhaps you have thought about investing, saving or putting money into property [for example] for many years now but have not got around to it. Indecision can cost us thousands of pounds and far worse: freedom or happiness. As Napoleon Hill puts it: Do not wait; the time will never be just right. Start where you stand, and work with whatever tools you may have at your command, and better tools will be found as you go along. I could not agree more! Decision is a mindset: Be a decision maker.

Law 7: Diligence and Contingency:

Planning and preparation are absolutely essential in wealth and success. There are very few people who had lasting wealth by total accident, and although it may appear that way on the surface, the fact is that wealthy people are great planners. Do your diligence in all areas of life, especially in that of career, finance and investment. Know the worst case scenario, so that no matter what happens nothing comes as too much of a surprise that it knocks you on your knees. Be prepared for many situations that could arise and not just the one that you expect or desire. Know exactly what you spend daily, weekly, monthly and annually. Know that as a percentage to what you earn [in my opinion it should never be more than 70%, we shall look at that later]. Know how much you want to save and never touch. Have a separate account for unexpected costs that absolutely will come up [especially if you have not opened this account!]. Know the accounts that pay the highest interest and know how much tax free cash you can save on an annual basis. Know what vehicles you want to invest in [stocks, bonds, property] and how much you want to invest. Know how much you can afford to risk. Know the difference between investing and gambling and understand risk assessment. Know what other people want. Find out what they need. Know that people have their own agenda to any deal and make sure that you are aware of it so that a) you can strike the best deal, b) you can strike the best win win or relationship and c) you dont get ripped off. Always check the small print on any contract or agreement. Check the interest rates charges and fees of everything [especially when borrowing] and do not be afraid to negotiate and shop around as you can always find a better deal. Do not believe the first figure that you are told and do not settle for a deal you are not happy with. If youre going to get financial advice or investment help make sure you apply Law 21 and make sure that you pay for it. Be careful who you trust and give your money to and when you find good people to work with, keep them! Tie them in your basement, do whatever it takes to keep hold of good people, they are like gold dust! Good people to listen to are the very rich, the very successful, the ones who have the skills and knowledge that you require, and the ones who are already doing it! Know how other people have achieved great wealth and success and read about them. Learn their strategies and psychology. You will notice that there are a few laws that will come up time and time again. Dont just take my word for it! Trust your knowledge, experience and intuition and have faith in your ability in being prepared, diligent [and decisive!].

Law 8: Persistence: Never give up:

As Winston Churchill famously said [and repeated]: Never ever give up! Endearing persistence [not catlike annoyance] is absolutely essential in your quest for personal wealth and success. I have great friends that have persisted when to the outside world it has looked like the chances of success were negligible; in many areas of life such as relationships, health and especially wealth. Many people I know and have read about have faced bankruptcy, insolvency, even humiliation and have picked themselves up to be multimillionaires where most people would have given up. It took Thomas Edison thousands of experiments to finally see the light in his invention of the light bulb! He did not give up, and did not listen to those who told him that it could not be done. He knew that with every failure he was one step closer to his goal. No one in the world thought that the mile could be run in under 4 minutes. Then, once Roger Bannister proved to the world that it could, many others since have followed and improved upon this feat. Remember that if nothing else in this book: with every challenge [I dont really like to use the word failure] is a new opportunity and another step closer to your goal. Any given road from where we are to where we want to be is never a straight road. Most people think it is which is why they give up at the first hurdle. Any journey from where you are to where you want to be will have many twists and turns, potholes, road blocks, diversions, wrong ways up one way streets, speed cameras, slow drivers and all manner of challenges. That is life. Knowing and really understanding this surely makes life much easier. Just keep on going regardless and we WILL reach our goal. Be patient. Be focused on where you are going. Failure is only an option when we give up, until then we are still moving forward. Michael Jordan was quoted as saying: I have failed over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed, And he did ok, didnt he! Never giving up and having faith in ourselves will send us on our desired path.

Law 9: Discipline:
This is very closely linked to persistence and is a very important mind-set in its own right. Thats right I said mind-set, not behaviour or strategy. Discipline is the ability to control yourself and your

desires or urges for instant gratification. This is especially prevalent with your money. Most people are currently spending up to 120% of what they earn. This on average equates to 6,000 more in debt per year. Note that this interest compounds heavily and after 4 years the debt could have grown to as much as 50.000! No thank you, at least not for me! Discipline is so important. Choose a strategy [Law 25] and be disciplined enough to stick to it. If your strategy is to spend 70% of your income, then DO NOT spend any more. It really is quite simple [with a little discipline]. The wealthy know how to spend their money and how not to spend their money. Remember we said that wealth is a mindset?

Fundamental tip no.5: Wealth is the ability to attract money, success, value and happiness, and not just the amount of money you have in the bank. By the end of this book you will have many ideas for a simple, clear, effective and proven strategy. When you go out into the world to apply this there will be offers and people and emails and all sorts thrown at you left right and centre, most of which will be about how you can be a millionaire in 10 minutes. Ignore anything that seems too good to be true and stick to what you know. Stick to your strategy [whilst always being open and refining it]: Be disciplined. Remember the Laws for success and stick to your strategy.

Law 10: Commitment:

A great quote from Richard Templar states: You have to work hard to get rich enough not to have to work hard. I dont know if he said it, but I like it all the same. If you are not absolutely 100% committed to achieving your goals then you will not achieve your goals. Period. End of story. You absolutely must be committed because wealth and success, just like anything we do, comes at a price. The question is what price will you pay in order to achieve what you want? What are you prepared to give or give up in order to get where you want to be? Perhaps it is time or free time? Perhaps it is certain friends, bosses, jobs or environments that hold you back? Perhaps it is chasing members of the opposite sex?! It is always something.

Would you rather give up trashy television and magazines to achieve wealth or give up wealth for a lazy lifestyle? Ok, stupid question! My studies of the most rich and successful people have found that they start earlier and finish later than the average person. They work harder, longer, smarter and more efficiently. They do not chase many rabbits, they focus. They are disciplined and almost tunnel visiond. They understand the sacrifices they make and the price they pay, and they are happy with that because it is their choice. You must be 100% committed to being wealthy to be wealthy!

Law 11: Anyone can do it. That includes You!

If you do not believe that you can have the wealth and success that you want then that has to change now. Remember Law 4 about belief? I am assuming, having read the first 11 Laws, which you believe or are working on the belief that you achieve any goals you put your mind to. Just look at anything you have achieved in the past: anything at all. Come on, lets do it now. Everyone has unique talents and I know that you are good at something; many things in fact. Whatever it is that you are thinking now that you are good at, where you have achieved levels of success can be replicated. My guess is you got there through focus, belief, confidence, hard work, teamwork, commitment and concentration, to name just a few of the Laws. There is enough money out there for us all to be millionaires many, many times over. Money does not choose where it goes and does not discriminate. There is no one single type of person that becomes wealthy. Regardless of age, race, upbringing, creed, nurture and health, we can all become wealthy right now. If you believe you can be wealthy, with an effective strategy and application of the Laws, you will attract wealth. It is that simple. Remember what we discussed in Law 5? We all have unique and amazing talents. You can utilise yours as much as anyone else can utilise theirs, as long as you believe it. Anyone can do it. That includes You.

Law 12: Take personal responsibility now!

Do you know anybody who is always blaming other people for things that go wrong? Perhaps even your boss or partner?! Maybe you know people who always blame the weather or bad luck for their misfortunes, people who say it only ever happens to me! and people who are never wrong and nothing is ever their fault! I [Johnnie] remember, being a competitive golfer in my youth, consistently blaming the wind for my poor scores. The irony is that the same wind blows on us all, doesnt it?! If only I knew then what I know now! Of course this is not you, but there are many people out there who have this attitude. That is their decision to be like that, and I have no problem with it at all. However this is not the attitude of the wealthy and successful. The most wealthy and successful people, investors and business owners understand responsibility. The performance of their assets is not due to market movements but their own diligence, faith, persistence and following of the Laws as discussed in this book. They know that for the long term their attitude and decisions will see them well. The performance of their staff is down to their management, and the responsibility to spend their money is on themselves, not on other people. The very best mentors that I have studied will take no responsibility for success; they will lay all the plaudits to the members of their team. However when things go wrong or challenges arise they will be the first to throw up their hand and take full responsibility for the situation. You will be amazed at how empowering this attitude is. It is solution focused not problem focused and gets so much from those around you who feel inspired by success and not blamed for failure. The more you take responsibility for everything that happens in your life, everything that you have control over, every decision you make, the more you will be in control of the things that happen in your life. Are you fully in control? If not do not worry [or blame someone else!] just read on with an open mind now. Take responsibility for your life, your decisions and your finances now.

Law 13: Money is not the answer, You are

If you think that money is the answer to all of your life problems, then your problems will never ever go away. Money is not the answer. Many of my business mentors state that with more money bigger problems come. Of course a problem is a perception, and the wealthiest see these so called problems as challenges or opportunities, but it is vital to realise that money does not solve anything. Look at your money beliefs again. I regularly check mine to see that they are where I want them to be and to make sure they work for me. Money is easy to attract because you have the unique abilities to attract it! Money is not prejudiced and you can have whatever belief or religion or political standpoint you choose, and still be wealthy. You are the answer. We must remember that money and happiness are completely unrelated. Some of the happiest people are the poorest and some of the most horrible revolting nasty people are wealthy beyond imagination! Dont look to money for the answers. You can choose to be whoever you want regardless of how much wealth you have now and how much more you will make in the future. You are the answer. Your attitude, beliefs and focus, and how you choose to earn and spend your wealth will determine your happiness. Those that continually spend more than they earn [even when they earn a great deal] are chasing their tails and in a self fulfilling vicious circle: always chasing more money to be happier only to spend more than they earn. I personally know of someone who earns a nice salary of 300,000 per year and is so heavily in debt. You are the answer. Your attitude and your strategy are the answer. Wealth is merely a consequence of whatever it is that you do. The harder and faster and smarter you work, the more money you will attract, but it is still just a result of that. Use your unique talents as mentioned in previous Laws. It is that which generates your wealth. You control money, it does not control you. You are the boss here, dont be a bitch to your money! [Sorry!] Money is not the answer, You are!

Law 14: Have everything now

Remember that money is not the answer?! Well if you have forgotten already then we have some work to do together, dont we?! It was only discussed in the last Law so you jolly well should. Your memory cannot be as bad as mine! :) If you are looking for money to be the answer then it is more than likely to be the problem. Fundamental tip no.6: You have everything you need RIGHT NOW to be as wealthy as you want to be; as wealthy as you believe that you want to be. With the help of these Laws I would like to think that you have the tools and guidance that you need, but I know that you know this already. Lets face it, Im not changing the world or telling you anything new here. I know that you can make the choices you need to make and that you have everything you need, now. I believe that we all do. You can choose exactly what you want now. You can have wealth and happiness and free time and a social life and a great family life and time with your kids and partner who you love dearly and who is appreciated and holidays 3 times a year and regular sex and breakfast in bed.. You really can have it all, and it is only belief that will ever tell us otherwise. You have everything you need right now.

Law 15: Trust your instincts and intuition

Your instincts and your intuition have been with you since the day you were born. They are part of you and who you are. Everything that you have ever learned or experienced has been stored in your subconscious. You have an innate ability to thin slice any situation: you can process millions of pieces of information in milliseconds and make shrewd judgements that you may not have made so well had you stopped to think about it. This is instinct and intuition at work. It is there to protect you and to help you. Trust it. Trust yourself and what your subconscious tells you. If you get a bad feeling about something absolutely do not go through with it. Do not work with or buy from someone you do not like, you do not trust or who gives you an odd feeling. There is a very good chance that your subconscious is telling you something. I listen to my intuition when it comes to making a decision not to work or make a deal with someone, but try not to get too excited when I get a good feeling!

Sometimes good feelings can lead us into problems because we are avoiding any due diligence. If you get a good feeling then by all means to the research to back up your feeling and pat yourself on the back if you are right. If you get a bad feeling run like the bloody wind! Stick to this strategy and you will not go wrong. The odd chance might pass you by but all in all you will be right to listen to yourself. It is about trusting yourself to trust yourself! There are so many great, honest, skilled and trusted people out there; there is just no need to risk your wealth and future by working with people who are anything less than right for you. Trust is everything in life, in business, in wealth, in relationships with other people; in absolutely everything. It can take a lifetime to build a team of trusted people, when you find them hold on to them for dear life. If you have great and trustworthy employees reward them. Treat them like gold. Treat them like family. Lets face it, you know when something is wrong, and you know you know, even if you try your hardest to tell yourself otherwise. We have all been in relationships that from day 1 were destined for failure, yet for some crazy reason we just carried on, ignoring all the things we knew to be true. Life is far too short, in my opinion, to waste our time. Trust yourself. Believe in your ability to make the right unconscious decisions now. And if you are sitting here demanding evidence for all of this then create a strategy around it and stick to it: 1 Listen to what you tell yourself. 2 Do your diligence. Find fact and respected opinion on your gut feeling. 3 Make an informed decision as to whether you will act on your instinct or not and get advice from those that have trodden the path: then act or move on. Trust your instincts and intuition and live with your decisions they will end up being right.

Law 16: Project wealth:

Most of us are aware of the almost clichd term of fake it until you make it. I have certainly played this role many times early on. It is not that I have had to do it because I do not believe in myself; it is just that how other people perceive you, especially potential customers or clients, is vitally important to our level of success. I always had the belief that I was already wealthy and that I was at a tipping point where I would be remunerated for the value I had given to other people. This was indeed the case and I will always believe that I will earn more and more money because of the continued value I believe I give to others.

If you want to be wealthy and attract money, as you have read you need to believe that you have the ability and unique qualities to attract it. Projecting wealth is the key to this. Would you turn up to an interview in shorts and t-shirt? If not, why not? What would the interviewer think about you from your clothes, manner, attitude and body language? A coach of mine uses the quote: how you do anything is how you do everything. I totally subscribe to this point of view. If you look wealthy people will think you are wealthy, and that will attract wealth and wealthy people to you. The clothes you wear and how you present yourself, the way you hold your head and your body language and the language you use are all paramount to your success at attracting wealth. Wealthy and successful people even have a walk. Walk like you are already wealthy. Walk like you have 5million now. Wherever you are right now, project yourself at a higher level; the level you know you will be at in 1, 2 or 5 years time. Be aware of the impressions you are making as they are of vital importance. This should be obvious but dont go too far the other way. Dont become arrogant or grotesque, dont be wasteful or thrifty and do not show off your wealth. Be everything that you are and just a little bit more :) Project the confidence, power and inner calm of those who have made it and made it big.

Law 17 Think BIG:

Whatever it is that you have been doing will yield the same results as you have always been getting, if you keep doing the same thing and thinking the same way. Now that might seem like a bit of a mouthful but it is pretty simple really. If you want more, think bigger. If you want more money think bigger deals; increase your level of belief. Do you think that Donald Trump does 1 bed property deals in Peckham?! That is not to say that property deals in Peckham do not work, it is just to say that if you want bigger results you need to think in terms of towers and skyscrapers not 1 bed flats! Thinking small and focusing on minutiae will not bring big results. Yes, save money and be diligent, of course, we have talked about this in great length [Law 7]. However, if you spend more of your time thinking about small economies rather than expanding your thinking in all areas, your results will reflect that. Remember we get that which we focus on the most. So focus on thinking bigger. Maybe just a little bigger at first. The speed and the size of the steps you take are entirely up to you; just make sure you make them a little bigger each time. A 1% daily improvement constitutes huge growth in 1 year.

Duncan Bannatyne started with one ice cream van and now has over 250m. Daniel Pena started with a phone and $800 and grew a $billion oil company. We guess you know the Facebook story, right? Gradually expand your thinking and your belief and your results will get bigger and bigger.

Law 18: Grow and accept change

If living things are not growing, they are dying. In this world, there is actually no such thing as standing still. It is forwards or backwards. If you think you are not moving I am afraid you are: backwards! Growth, evolution of the self and the acceptance that things do not stay the same are so important in your mind-set and achievement of wealth and success. Look at the internet. 20 years ago there was barely such a thing. Now you can do and find absolutely anything on the internet. Believe me, anything! Had you speculated about the evolution of the technological age 20 years ago I am sure that not even the most skilled forecasters could have predicted such phenomenal movement in technology. And the sad and unfortunate thing for many is that those who do not stay up to date with the fast moving world get left behind. They die. Many people have lived a life a certain way and are so resistant to change. It is so counterproductive and such a waste of energy trying to fight the trends of change. Imagine trying to use an abacus for Pythagoras or going shopping with half pennies! Your wealth and success is dependent on growth. Not just accepting the things that are new but growing within ourselves. All the things that you are learning here, all of which you already know now, will help your growth and evolution and your attainment of your life of choice. Your needs WILL change over time. A lot will depend on your age, education and your emotional mood. The people you know and deal with will change. Society will change. The rates from the bank and the value of money will change. The way you spend money will change. Understand this very important concept and accept it. Revise your strategy as you feel the need and know that you are on your path, and that growth and change are part of your journey.

Lena Anderson Training with Johnnie and Rob has increased my assets my 2million Johnnie is the best in the world

Law 19: Dont be a sheep

If we do what everyone else does we will get the same result as everyone else. Unfortunately the statistics are not good. Most people are not wealthy, financially independent or in a position of choice in their life. Most people are living in effect rather than at cause [they are a slave!] and they do not know what to do about it. You do! And you can! Most people will be happy to tell you what to do with your money, and if we follow the statistics that should tell us that most of that advice would not be of benefit to us. It is very important to be strong, to stick to your strategy and question the advice youre getting from someone, especially if is the typical pub talk taken straight form a daily tabloid. When there is a property crash the sheep flock and they sell and they lose money. The ones that succeed are the ones that have a strategy, are confident in that strategy and themselves; the ones that buy and hold when everyone else is selling. It is exactly the same on the stock market, or in business. Those that only take advice from those that know are those that succeed. Those that stick to their strategy succeed. Those that follow the laws succeed. Those that do not are covered in wool and go baa! :) Those that are successful are very often quirky, individual, different, sometimes excluded, sometimes ridiculed, very often creative, individual, perhaps stubborn and focused, definitely courageous, mature, educated, experienced and open minded. The rest stay with the herd because it is comfortable. Many people can be like crabs. Crab fishermen leave the lid off the boxes that they put crabs in because they know that when a crab tries to get out of the box all the other crabs grab hold with their big claws and pull the crab that dares to venture back in. Be successful, be courageous; dont be a sheep [or a crab]!

Ok, how about a little break?

This is a good place to just think about the last 19 Laws for a second. These Laws are based around the right psychology to attract great wealth into your life. Now that you have the psychology of a wealthy and successful person, or at least you have a reference in achieving that mind-set, the next 2 section are based on Laws of planning for wealth. Wealthy and successful people are great planners. Remember as you learn these Laws that anything can be achieved, absolutely anything, no matter how big, with the right psychology.

Many of the principles in Laws 119 will come up time and time again in the following Laws and should be in your mind whilst you read them now. Check back in on these Laws from time to time, it certainly wont hurt now will it? Enjoy!

Section 2: Planning your wealth

Law 20: Define what wealth means to you
Wealth means completely different things to different people. Mother Teresas definition of wealth is probably a little different from that of Bill Gates, and again probably a little different from yours or mine. Wealthy people know exactly what they want when it comes to wealth. It really does not matter what it is, and how much it is, as long as you are happy with it and it will give you the life of your choice. This is important, and just like the previous two Laws, should be set out in advance as a marker post for you. Do you have enough in the bank to live for 5 years, 10 years, 30 years? Do you want investments such as property that grow by x per year? Do you want passive income from a business or investment that you do not have to work for? Do you want a specific salary? Set it as realistic or as high as you feel comfortable with, and then use the rest of the Laws here to build your strategy around. Set yourself up for success in your journey towards the wealth that you want. Please do this now, before you read on. If you think you do not know just make a guess [it will be pretty close] and then refine it as you go. Your definitions and strategies will grow and evolve over time, which is just as it should be, and should not stop you from taking the initial steps. And do write it down. This is very important indeed. Any goal, value, idea or concept should be written down. Have a particular folder or file for your personal goals and keep them safe where only you know where they are.

They are yours. Use them as a reference, a guide, a rulebook, a checklist, a diary, a goal and as a useful tool to look back on to see just how much progress you have made. Enjoy the process; get excited about how you have just changed your financial destiny with one decision now, because that can be all it takes. Know your own definition of wealth.

Law 21: Money for what?!

Why do we buy a car? Not just to sit in the garage or to polish on the driveway, but to actually drive it and take us somewhere. What is it that you want money and wealth for? This is still part of the process of defining why you want to be wealthy, and it is as important as the last 5 Laws. Look back at Law 1. Think back to your purpose. Do you want wealth to change the world? Create a higher standard of living for you and the ones you love? Do you want to set up a shelter or charity? Do you want certain things, or travel to certain places? Are those matching shoes and handbags calling you?! It doesnt matter what, and just because one person might want a Ferrari 430 and to dine at nice restaurants does not mean that you want to do the same! If you are struggling here to come up with anything, especially those of us who are not too materialistic, why not think about what you dont want money for? Its a pretty good exercise in helping us find out exactly what we want our wealth for. Just like the other Laws stated beforehand, write this down. Use it as a goal, a checklist, a reminder, a reference and as a tool to look back on to see the progress you have made! Even though all of us clearly need money wouldnt it be a great place if we all acted as if we didnt?! Remember that money is just a consequence of what we do, so act as if it is not as important as the good you do for other people and the value you add to their lives and you will be in a good place to attract more of it than you ever have before. Does that sound like a contradiction? Good! It is supposed to. Remember Yin and Yang :) Know exactly what you want your money for.

Law 22 Ecology:
I was once told that making money legally is far easier than making it illegally [from someone who had made plenty of money using both strategies!].

Making money through methods that are unsafe, harmful to others or the environment, or that are illegal create so much negative energy. It really is not worth even trying. Anything that does not add to other peoples lives will eventually come back to haunt us when it comes to money and wealth. There are millions of new opportunities to make large sums of money every day; we just have to be open to those opportunities. Do not take what seems to be the shortcut or the easy option. Believe me at Unlimited Success we have seen so many people in the property game & the MLM Schemes come and go and do things in a less than ecological way. Trust me when I say this: they never ever last. In the end they always end up further back than when they started. Add value to peoples lives and think about safety, fairness, value and legality when attracting the wealth.

Law 23 See your journey before you:

We have spent time together discussing vision and the ability to think and create things from the mind. I really believe in the law of attraction; a glorified law of focus. You get what you focus on, think about the most the thing you want most and attract into your life. I know you know all about this law because this is not the first time you have heard it, not just in this book but in the real world too. So now it is time to really make this Law work for you. If you want to be successful in any venture; be it business, investing, a relationship or anything else, you need to have the skill of seeing your journey before you. This involves the following process: 1. Where are you now? You absolutely must know where you are starting from. Of course this sounds ridiculously obvious, but there are many people out there who could be described as delusional when it comes to knowing where they are. Honestly evaluate where you are [wherever it is, is just right for you] and get excited about the path you are about to build. Know your exact financial position to the penny: your monthly expenses, budgets and cash flow. Know the assets and liabilities [debt] you have and know your net worth.

Your total net worth will be your marker for your wealth and your progress; it is NOT just about cash flow. 2. Know where you want to go: your goal. You must have a clear idea of where you want to be. What is it that you want? 1million? 50 million? Financial independence? An unencumbered asset base? 9 super cars? Passive income for life? Of course your goal will be individual to you; we are all driven by different things. Your goals WILL change, and that is fine. We know as Law players that life is a journey not a destination, and each major goal will act as a significant milestone in your life. You must quantify your end goal: be specific with timescales, numbers and figures. The more real and tangible and specific you can make it, the more likely you are to attract it. 3. Be the man with the plan: have a strategy. The reason that the majority of people are in financial slavery is not because they do not have the ability to make or attract money; there are many people who make millions per year and are still broke. The main reason for their shortcomings is the lack of a specific plan and strategy. You have been given [and I sincerely hope that you have found them useful] some Laws that you can follow that will augment your wealth, and we shall discuss specific strategies in more detail. For now know this: What do you want your plan to look like? Do you want to get out of a job in the future and set up your own business? Do you want to invest in property? Do you want to leverage the skills of others to create you wealth? Do you want to build an empire and a legacy? Remember the more specific you can be now, the better. It may change, so be it; that is life. In your journey you will make many changes now and you will evolve like you never have before. For now, just make a plan :) In seeing your journey before you remember the following very important points: It is NEVER too late to start planning and becoming wealthy. Colonel Sanders is a great case in point. We once helped an investor who was 76 get a buy to let investment property at Progressive! Age is NOT an excuse. The best and most fruitful, rich, loving and exciting years of your life could be the ones you still have left, and you could live until you are 105! You are never TOO YOUNG to invest and educate yourself to becoming very wealthy either. There are many great Entrepreneurs who are in their teens, and the million dollar homepage that generated $1million was created by Alex Tew at 21. NOW is always the best time. There are 1000s of opportunities out there each and every day. Seeing your path before you opens your awareness to the things that you need, the people you need to meet and work with and the challenges you need to overcome to get where you want to be. Know that they will only present themselves to you if you are looking. Stay focused, aware and ready and see your journey before you.

Law 24 Be Realistic:
You may well be scratching your head thinking that some of these so called Laws seem to be contradicting each other. If you are thinking that, then well done for spotting it. Perhaps you might also realise that many things in life come in opposite: Yin and yang love and hate, black and white, north and south, light and dark and so on. I am a great believer in opposites in any situation; the sense of balance and equilibrium. How can you have black without white, and how can we understand what love really is if we do not understand what it is to feel loss or loneliness? Believe me you need both, you need the polar opposites and a sense of a middle ground. Yes think big. Yes think as big as you can. Believe that you can have everything. AND be realistic with it. If you have spent many years with results that dont work for you dont go and quit your job and buy a lottery ticket. Be realistic in your goals and your expectations of wealth. Understand that it will come to you [with belief] and that you might have to work harder, longer and smarter than you ever have before. Understand that you will have to learn new things as mentioned in many of the laws here and understand that the new learnings may not come to fruition straight away. Set yourself up to succeed, not to fail by being unrealistic about what you can achieve and when you can achieve it. Be patient and be realistic.

Law 25 Your wealth strategy:

We have discussed many Laws already in this book and we are over half way there! Well done for staying with me this far, you are in a very small percentage believe me. One thing that is essential in your attainment of wealth is setting yourself a strategy, a plan, a line of attack to put into practice all that you know and are learning to get you to your goal of great wealth and success [as defined by You!].

Most people live life by accident. It is not that they do not want success and it is certainly not that they do not have the ability to attract wealth; it is just that they have no direction. Your strategy is your road map that, if you follow and update when necessary, will lead you straight to your pot of gold. So let us set up a strategy, using all of the Laws in this book, that will act as a template or guide for you. There are 2 stages to this. The first is understanding exactly where you are now: 1 Know how much you earn. Exactly. It sounds so simple but the fact that so many people are living on 120%+ of their income must mean that many people think that they are earning more than they actually are! 2 Know how much you spend. Exactly. This is the big one. You need to be king of the spread sheet, prince of projection and budgeting and know in advance exactly what you have to spend in every area of your life. It is irrelevant how much [or little] you earn. If you do not know your finances inside out you will always end up spending more than you earn. Always have a contingency included in this amount. Always pay off your debts as a priority, before anything else. It is a great idea to open a separate account and put money in it for unexpected costs. Well put this into your strategy template in a minute. 3 Know your attitude to risk. Do you think that a 76 year old would have the same attitude to risk as an 18 year old? And I dont mean playing chicken with a train, I mean how much money you are prepared to risk or speculate in your investment strategy? Again, we shall cover this in this Law. 4 Know your potential avenues to earn. This is about passive income, about earning when you are sleeping, about spotting opportunities that present themselves to you. Perhaps you can spot a fast track up the career ladder or sell other products to a specific demographic you understand very well. How many different ways can you earn income? 5 Cash flow and capital growth. Understand the difference. Certain businesses, careers and investments will give you cash flow like a salary or dividend. Certain assets will give you capital growth such as property. You will need a strategy that includes both if you want serious wealth. So how about we put all this down into something you can take away and use? The second stage of your wealth strategy is to set it! Have a reviewable goal. As you earn more increase the bottom 3 columns not column 2 in the table above. This is very important. This is a template and it is not set in stone, but it does work and will give you long term wealth if you stick to it. The key to the efficacy of this is your discipline [Law 9]. Adjust the figures as you see fit based on monthly income: Earned income: 3,000 [after tax and N.I] Total living allowance [spend including living, debt and contingency]: 1,950 [65%] Tithing [giving back]: 150 [5%] Total saved and never touched: 300 [10%] Total invested: 600 [20%] Attitude to risk: 20% [total invested]. This is a fairly safe strategy. If you are young, ambitious, single and you like to wear superman costumes and enjoy the excitement of jumping off your garage roof I would suggest you invest more from your income. If you are a little older and want stability, you have children and commitments then take more of your earnings and add it to your total saved column.

Now that you have designed your template with figures you feel comfortable with [dont kill yourself doing this. If you need to live on 80% of your income at first, then do it. We all start somewhere and you can build it up as you earn more] you need to think about where you are going to donate your tithing, what high interest account you are going to save your 10% [use your tax free allowance?] and what you are going to invest your 20% in. With your investment amount, dont worry if you cant invest it all in one go. If you want to invest in property, which I would suggest you absolutely should, you may need to hold your investment until it becomes enough to invest. Perhaps you might decide to invest 50% in shares and 50% in property of your total invested in year 1? It matters not as long as you have a strategy. Perhaps you might invest 33% in a business as well as property and shares? Believe me you will improve it and tailor it as the years and wealth develop [but dont keep changing it; give it a chance to work!]. You absolutely must save a percentage of your income and never ever touch it. In the book The Richest Man in Babylon written donkeys years ago and applied in Roman Times, we see how effective this strategy is in making you very wealthy at the end of your life. Consider it as saving for your later years, and of course now that we cannot rely on the state to look after us in our old age, we need to be proactive and make sure we are in good stead. Your strategy should be reviewed yearly as should your finances. Dont be scared of those spread sheets, get them open and update them and do a financial check-up to see where you are [Law 42] Compare them to last year and see that you are making progress in the right direction.

Law 26 Worst case scenario:

One of the biggest learnings I have had in the businesses I have built is that things will always take longer than you think, be harder and more challenging than you think, and cost more than you think. This is a fact of business and a fact of life, especially if you are like me in that you are quite creative and have vision [and a little impatience!]. The problem with us is that the how to can then cause us a few problems as we thought it would all just be so easy! In every business proposition or plan, in every investment decision or forecast, you must always think and take into account the worst case scenario. Is your business recession proof? What happens to your income if you become ill for 6 months and cannot work? What if interest rates double overnight? What if what if what if.... You know I generally hate the what ifs

What if I bought 10 properties 10 years ago? Well you would have been rich but you didnt and you are not! :) What if I had just held on to my property through the recession and not sold it for half its value? However, when it comes to your wealth, your business and future planning, you must think of the worst case scenario. If you plan your business to be making profit in year 3 and it does not happen until year 5, what are you going to do? How would you trade? How would you survive? You must work out your sensitivity analysis [projections of earnings/turnover] based on figures that are low. Ok, you might think you will be turning over 1m in year 1, but what happens if you turn over 50,000? If you plan to be MD of your company in 3 years and earning 200,000 dont go and spend that money now, as you may never get there [life has a funny way of pinching us if we are careless and wasteful]. If you think building your website will take 2 months and then you can start generating revenue give yourself 4 months. Believe me, from experience, when you are working with teams of people, especially when subcontracting, they will not be as urgent as you to get your products launched. If you budget 10,000 for marketing, think more like 15,000 or 20,000. Things always end up costing more, especially when they take longer. There will ALWAYS be unexpected costs that will sting you if you have not factored in a good contingency [Law 7]. Always keep your eye on your avenues of income. What happens if one dries up tomorrow? Can you stop it before it does and move your cash? It is a lot of fun playing these games. The key thing to remember is that you must keep a close eye on your money because there are plenty of ways that it can be taken from us, and the more we get the more people seem to want to take it! Always think worst case scenario.

Law 27 Know your exit strategy:

Before you even walk into any bar you should know where the fire escape is. If the proverbial hits the fan and chairs and tables start flying, how are you going to get out unscathed? Business and wealth can throw many saloon bars at us, and before we make any investment, business or career decision, we should look carefully at how we can get out and liquidate efficiently and cost effectively. If you are buying property know exactly when, where and how you can sell it and at what percentage under market value you will have to sell it at. Know all the costs of buying and selling assets. Know lead times, as they can mount up very quickly. Dont forget your contingencies.

If you are doing a refurbishment and it takes 9 months what will all of those extra mortgage payments mean to your cash flow? Absolutely check all the small print to anything you sign and make sure you know any contract. The last thing you want is to be tied into a 50 year lease for a property that you only want to be in for 3 years. Never sign anything unless you absolutely know what you are signing, and how you can exit safely and cost effectively. Have you had a bull run in your investments for 10 years? If you have you might want to think about moving all your profits and protecting them. Bull runs never last forever and knowing when to get out can be as important as knowing when to get in. Anyone who bought shares in Marconi will pay testament to that I am sure. Like the last Law, this comes down to diligence, planning and foresight. If you use this same strategy in all your important money decisions then I am sure I will be reading about you in Forbes and the Times Rich List :) Sometimes knowing when to get out can be as important as knowing when to get in.

Today you will say things you can predict and other things you could never imagine this minute

Johnnie on his world tour..part deux

Fancy a little break?! You have go this far and I think you deserve it! Now that you have planned for great wealth using the previous Laws, it is time to go out and get it! I know that all the Laws are as important as each other, and I find this section the most fun! I like to view this as a dos and donts guide that has been formulated and gathered from those who have been there and done it. One of the Laws in this section goes way back to Roman times and many of the basic principles have stood the test of time, and will continue to do so. This section is all about taking action. It is all about creating and attracting wealth using specific strategies and systems that are proven to work. If that is OK with you, then lets go:

Section 3: Creating your wealth Law 28 Teamwork:

Napoleon Hill calls it a mastermind alliance in Think and Grow Rich [an essential read in personal development] and I was rather amusingly quoted as saying: it takes team work to make the dream work in my recent TV show The fact really is that no man is an island and we all need great people around us: friends, family, coaches, mentors and advisors to help us grow and to help us in areas that we are not as strong. Can you see how this all ties in together now? The amount of money that you make will directly correlate to the amount of value you give to other people. If you can add some kind of value to other peoples lives then you will always be wealthy and abundant. Anything from a smile that can make their day, to financial offering and opportunity and everything in between. The greatest leaders in the world may look like they achieve success on their own, but this is not the case. Richard Branson could not have built Virgin without Freddie Laker of Laker Airways and Microsoft would not be the force that it is for Bill Gates without Paul Allen supporting him.

Indeed they would not be in their position without the 1000s of people working for them, with them, saying great things about them and buying from them. The real key to this is to build strong and trusting relationships with others and to find ways in which you can help them and add value to their lives. We like to think that this book [which has cost you nothing] will add a little knowledge and value to your life :) It is so important to mention here the 7 steps removed theories: It is said that contact between 7 people [that is you have contact with one, who has contact with another, who has contact with another and so on...] can give you access to everyone on the planet! How you treat that first person is so important to your network and reputation. Just because you might not see direct importance in them does not mean that they do not know someone who could be your future husband or wife, investor, friend, bank manager or mentor. This may sound simple but you would not believe how many people do not treat others very well. [And of course they go to tell everyone else how badly they were treated!] Treat everyone well and build a strong network of great people around you.

Law 29
Take action now!
Without actually doing anything about the first 17 Laws then there is no point in even getting up in the morning! I know this is an obvious point, but really, so many people know what to do and they just dont do anything about it. Fundamental tip no.7: Consistent action is the only way we are going to achieve wealth and success. It is all very well being great at visualisation and manifestation, and I strongly urge you to become masters in those arts, but without doing anything about it, nothing will ever get done. It really does not matter how fast or slow you take action, what direction you go or which strategy you use at first, as long as you continue to take action and you are open to opportunities and growth. Remember my challenge to you at the start of this book? Do a little more each day. It is this simple that there is no need to labour the point: Always be moving forward. Use consistent action with never ending improvement and you will be as wealthy as you believe you can be.

Law 30 Be Financially Literate:

If you wanted to get by in France: live, eat, shop, socialise, learn and have a loving relationship, do you think you would be able to do if you could not speak a word of French [and did not have a translator for all you smart asses!]? I really think you would find it very difficult. So why is it that most people who want to be rich are not financially literate? Why do they not understand the language of money? If you want to be wealthy then you need to be able to speak the language of money. I am not going to go into detail here: this is your homework [or home play as a mentor likes to call it]. You need to be able to read a balance sheet and understand it. What is the difference between margin and profit? What are the lifetime values of your clients? What is your net worth? [And do you keep an eye on it: is it going up year on year?] What is your time worth on an hourly basis? What are the total running costs to your business? What is sensitivity analysis? What is the difference between an asset and a liability? What books and publications do you read and what websites do you use? What is your homepage? Who do you spend the most time with? The more you learn about the language of finance, the better you will become at it. Language is such an underrated tool. This was an absolute epiphany for me when I learned this, and so ridiculously simple to implement. Our words are the gateway to everything we do and the nearest thing to articulating our thoughts. The language that we use is a direct representation of the knowledge we have of a subject. Improve your financial language, improve your knowledge, improve your results: improve your wealth!

Law 31 Why you must be a salesman

We are all salesmen. We are all saleswomen. As much as that might hurt some people, we really are all salesmen and women. We are selling ourselves to others every minute of every day. Every time we debate or argue we are selling to someone else the idea that we are right or that we are knowledgeable. We are selling all the time. We are selling to our friends, our customers, our colleagues, our boss, our partner and our children. If a child turns to drugs who do you think is the better salesperson, the parent or the drug dealer?

I know that this is particularly hard for some people to grasp. Of course we are not talking about you, and many people that I have coached have had a real struggle with this concept. But it really is pretty simple. If we ever want to borrow money from the bank then we need to sell them on ourselves and our ability to pay them back. If we want to convince someone to come on a date with us then we need to sell to them that we are good dating material [or tie them up and put them in the boot of your car no really, I DO NOT mean that, it does not work! :)] If you have a preconceived notion about salespeople being the stereotypically suited person who struggles from month to month and harasses people then you need to change that belief now. The 80s Glengarry Glenross salesperson is a thing for museums now. Selling is the process of finding peoples needs and giving them what they want, and the best salespeople are the most ethical, best listening, most conscientious and empathetic people you will meet. They understand totally the desires and needs of other people. They know they have the best products of which they have great knowledge. They are prepared, diligent, focused on win win scenarios and great at listening and understanding the world from other peoples perspectives. You are the same, and you will always see sales that way. Being a successful salesperson will carry you through to great wealth using the other Laws in this book. You need to be able to sell yourself, your ideas, via other people and other companies, on websites, in shops, at all prices with good margins, all over the world and in your sleep. A tall order? Well no, not really, because once you can sell yourself you can sell anything. You must be able to sell to be wealthy.

Law 32 Adding value:

This has been mentioned many times already and so you should be warm to it. For me it is one of the most important Laws in this book, and I would go as far to say that it is a Law of life. A few years ago, when I [Johnnie]was over 35,000 in debt, I did not understand value. Every time bills came in [which I seemed to attract!] I would tighten up and refuse to give anyone [including myself] any money or any help as I felt I had to focus on getting out of debt. I was actually focusing on the debt [Law 5]. You can guess the result. I stayed in debt and was pretty unhappy about it. And the bills; they just kept on coming just like in The secret. The minute we start adding value to other peoples lives, whether financially, by service or in kind, we will start to earn more and our lives will grow. Fundamental tip no.8: The amount of wealth we have is directly proportionate to the value we give other people.

This point is so important. Just look at the most successful businesses such as Virgin and Google. They both have thousands of employees and help millions of people. They are all treated very well, both within the organisation and outside of the company. The value those companies give to other people is absolutely huge. Remember all of us are always thinking whats in it for me? when it comes to business, sales, wealth, investment and in all areas of life. This does not by any means make us selfish; it is just natural for us to want to make our investments and decisions work for us. If we all remember this when we are striking deals, using other people as leverage, for employment or skill set, to sell or to borrow from, then we will get the very best out of them. Great results for other people mean great results for us. To be sure that you have the wealth you desire, add value to as many other peoples lives as possible.

Law 33 Leverage:
Leverage is an art form in a scientific guise. If you can master the art of leverage then you will be wealthy beyond all your expectations, plans and goals. I am sure that I do not need to explain what leverage is, but always one for stating the obvious: leverage is utilising other peoples time, money and skill set to gain a greater advantage, result or wealth than you could ever do on your own. Do you think that Alan Sugar runs his 800m empire all on his own? Me neither! He relies on many people for skill, time, money, advice, service and so on to get the results that he wants and enable him to grow his businesses and his net worth. Fundamental tip no.9: Your key to success will ultimately come down to your understanding of leverage. You can use leverage in many different ways. You can learn from your peers and bosses in your job. You can get a money mentor or business coach [did I say you can, or you must?!], you can invest in property and use a tenant to pay your mortgage, you can use the internet to reach a greater audience, you can employ a personal assistant, you can subcontract, you can use a spread sheet, you can ride a bike, use a ladder, get a piggy back... You can have a business on the side of your job until it becomes a monster. You can use drop shippers and copywriters, earn commissions from referrals, join affiliate schemes and do joint ventures to reach more people.

You can invest in property and shares [Law 39]. You can use professionals to help you, though make sure you apply due diligence [Law 7] and use your intuition [Law 21]. Remember Law 11 and the use of a mastermind team? Who can you find who has the knowledge and skills you need to be wealthy and successful? Always be thinking in terms of leverage. Get other people to do the things you cant. Be a great people person and always offer great benefits to other people for their service to you. Your ability to leverage and attract wealth and success will rely upon you being a great leader. Great ways to do this: Never ridicule someone who is learning Only reprimand in private and when absolutely necessary Always praise good work publicly Be personable and care about other people Always involve people in your long term vision Remunerate well and reward good work financially Motivate, inspire and lead by example Be consistent Forgive Be clear of the outcome before you start [write it down] Set realistic goals: set others up for success not failure Earn respect and keep respect [which may involve distance and professionalism] Always be thinking in terms of leverage! Make your money and your wealth work for you! If most of it is stuffed under your mattress then it may be going down in value by as much as 4% per year! You could be earning 6, 8, 12, or 16% on that cash! Shop around for things: products, services, interest rates, investments and so on. Dont just pay for things slap happily on your credit card. Use Laws 7, 35 and 37 and make sure you are getting best value for everything you buy and invest in. Do things now. Bills that get paid now do not cost tomorrow. Investment decisions today earn you money tomorrow. Use Law 6 and be a decision maker. What is it we should always be thinking about..? Be constantly looking to leverage.

Law 34 Money attracts Money:

It is said that like attracts like, and money is no different. Einstein called the Law of compounding the 8 wonder of the world. He believed it was a Law, and that is what I would like us to discuss here, if that is ok with you. A great analogy is one of a bet on a golf course:

Betting 1 per hole and doubling your bet on each hole seems like a fairly innocuous challenge. However that 1 bet compounded over each hole turns into 256 in 9 holes. Quite a compounded effect isnt it?! Well thats not all. After hole 15 that amount has compounded to 16,384. Look at how much more money is now being attracted. Once we get to hole 18 the compounded effect is 131,072! The more money you invest, the greater the returns you will get. It seems pretty obvious, doesnt it?! And the beauty of it is that it all started from 1, but it was not spent and the returns were reinvested and compounded! Make sure you are damned good at Golf if you are going to make those sort of bets! I personally never bet unless I know that I will win! Dont we always hear people pointing out how the rich get richer and the poor get poorer? Well this is generally the case as they are attracting more of what they already have, very much like the mindset we were talking about earlier. Look at your wealth strategy and make sure you invest and reinvest. Take money for expenditure and by all means enjoy it, but only within your percentages and strategy that you have set for yourself. Remember that we are talking long term wealth here, not flash in the pan materialism. Invest and reinvest and watch your money multiply like gremlins [just add water]!

Law 35 Think Long term sustainability:

Rome wasnt built in a day. Nor were nearly all of the wealthy people and families on planet earth! If we want to get wealthy, be wealthy and stay wealthy, then we need to think long term sustainability rather than immediate gratification. Referring back to the previous Law [Law 30 in case you forgot!] money attracts money and compounds [both ways]. If we keep spending all we earn then we will never have long term wealth, because we are not saving/investing long enough to attract more of it. In any career, business or investment decision we have to ask ourselves the following: will this aid my long term wealth? Is this sustainable? Will this create a good return on investment? Remember your wealth strategy? [Law 25] The principles set about in this E-book are all geared towards long term wealth and sustainability. If the product, investment or decision does not fall within the set parameters then walk on by and let someone else take the gamble.

Whatever you do be careful of get rich quick zero to a million in no time type offers, ads and opportunities. I love the way most of them are sold: I have this great opportunity for you! Oh yeah? What is it? Well I cant tell you now but what I can tell you... Yes Ok. No thank you. If it seems far too good to be true then the chances are that it is. By all means adhere to the Laws discussed and do your diligence. I have been approached by so many of these companies and when I did my diligence I have always found that the ACTUAL results are never the same. Let me tell you this fact: most people in network marketing companies are not making any money, despite what they might tell you. Most home based business opportunities need about 60 hours a week for very little money. Think of all those Ponzi/Pyramid schemes that promised the earth and robbed people of their money. Also refer to Laws 21 [Trust your instincts and intuition] and 24 [Be realistic]. Warren Buffett looks for stocks that have longevity and sustainability, and you should be doing the same for your education, career, business and investments. Think 1, 2, 5 and 10 years ahead and think about your future and your goals. Will your decisions to invest put you nearer or further away from these? Will that car or that conservatory add to your long term wealth? In five years you can have as many material things and liabilities as you want! Build your wealth steadily and over time on solid financial and educational foundations. Build many avenues of income spread over different vehicles. Insure yourself and your assets against recession and unexpected events. Always make and have contingencies. Learn how to be tax efficient. Make money honestly adding value to other peoples lives. Grow and gain experience. Take time to live, to learn and to develop as a person and wealth God! :) If you cant be bothered about all that then try to sue a big company or marry a King or Princess, but remember that everything comes at a price; and that might just be your happiness! Think long term and be forever wealthy for generations to come.

Law 36 Know how to be good at saying no!

This is something that took me so long to learn it wasnt even funny! Ok, well I guess it was. My father took over a very rough Pub when he first moved to Peterborough and I helped him out working behind the bar to earn some extra cash whilst at university. He had a great vision for this pub to be a great carvery restaurant [which it still is now] and knew that he needed to change the clientele [kick out the riff raff!]. He was so good at telling them NO!

No more beer. No more crisps. No more drinking all day. No more kinds. No more pool. No more fights. No more coming into this pub! And I was not! I hated the thought of hurting anyones feelings and could not help but serve one more pint for fear of saying no. Needless to say that one last pint was all it took for the riffraff to get drunk, cause trouble and ultimately makes it more difficult for my father to achieve his goal. That was a great lesson for me in life. Sometimes you have to know when to say No: politely and with firm intent. Stand your ground and dont be bullied. When you say no, mean No. No can very often be the best decision you will make. Be decisive in saying no [and Yes! Law 6] People will respect you much more in the long run when you say no. You will know that it is for the best. It may be a little tough immediately but in the mid to long term the correct No is always the best decision. Sometimes no can be hard. We might think we are disappointing someone or letting them down, but provided it is the right decision [and we always know that, dont we?!] then it is always the best thing to be decisive. Be decisive and be good at saying No.

Law 37 Modelling:
And I am not talking about clay or plastercine or trains or aeroplanes. Modelling in the sense of studying how something works and then replicating it. Success and wealth leave tracks. There are learned systems, strategies, mindsets and behaviours that lead to great wealth. Your mission: find them and replicate them! This wealth game is so simple isnt it hey?! I used to be too proud in my youth to learn from those who were good. I was always either a tad jealous or thought they were just lucky. The best thing I ever did was grow out of my ego. Do not ever think that you know it all; we can all learn so much from each other if we just ask, listen and stay open minded. Wealthy and successful people are so for a reason. Most of the time it is not down to luck, most of the time you - can find out their strategies and most of the time they will be happy to share their knowledge with you! So it really is quite simple. Make it a life mission of yours to seek out those who have what you want and to learn from them. Read books about wealthy and successful people you admire. Hunt them down and buy them lunch. Take them out and ask them how they did it. Believe me they will be happy to share their stories with you.

Learn from their mistakes as well as their successes. Save yourself years of time, energy, trial and error. Become the one that is writing the book and teaching other people. Learn the walk of the rich and successful! Success leaves tracks. Use other people successes to help you to great wealth.

Law 38 Price vs. Value:

Details are very important. Apparently small things can make the biggest difference. I meet many people who do not know the difference between price and value. I am sure that you are not one of those, and that you know this already, and it really does need emphasising. Price is what people pay: value is what people get. People do not buy on price. This might seem a bold statement, because it seems that many people are so consumed by price. Price is determined by market and focus on price by marketing, but at the end of the day people will never buy anything that they do not think is good value, but they will pay premium prices for apparent value, sometimes regardless of cost. You can be as expensive as you want to be, and I would encourage you to be just that, and people will pay if there is perceived value. Why would someone pay 500,000 for a car when you can get a new one for 6,000? Because they see value in it. But at the same time someone could pay 6,000 for a classic car and get more value than a 500,000 super car that you cannot start in the wet [or on the cold or most of the time]. Understand the difference between value and price. Understand that something is only worth what the market [someone] will pay for it. Price is what you pay, value is what you get: Always offer value.

Law 39
Risk: Speculation, investment and gambling:
Your attitude to risk will determine your financial results.

If your wealth strategy is based on trap 6, stall 1 or always black, then your results will match accordingly. Maximum risk generally equates to minimum wealth. Conversely minimum risk may lead to a pseudo comfort, but you will never ever become wealthy without ever taking a calculated risk. If you want to go on holiday you are going to have to step on a plane one day [unless you are happy with a regular beach hut in Skegness!]. So you are probably expecting another clich from the repertoire. Not wanting to be one to disappoint: you have to speculate.... Exactly. Just like everything else, you already knew! When thinking about risk please remember that everything is relative and you need to decide your own perception of risk [and regularly review it]. Do you think that Evil Knievel has the same attitude to risk as someone who has agoraphobia?! I dont think that someone who is afraid of leaving the house would jump over canyons on a moped! By the same token a billionaire investor would think nothing of risking large amounts of capital because he/she knows that they have got where they are by increasing their attitude to risk. Your perception is what is most important here [and your expanding it], so lets put this all into perspective: Anything less than an educated, well researched and carefully timed investment is a gamble. You might think you are investing by throwing your life savings into Marconi, your nephews new grass cutting business [he is 6] or tip of the day Eor at Ascot, but I do not need to tell you that you are not! Law 25 outlined your wealth strategy and your attitude to risk. Let that be your benchmark and stick to it. Only ever invest money you can afford to lose and never chase money that you have lost. Let me say that again because it is so important: Fundamental tip no.9: Only ever invest money you can afford to lose and never chase money that you have lost. Speculation is your start to wealth. It is not gambling. The difference is in your careful selection [Law 7]. It is the investment of money to produce a greater return for your long term wealth. It is about discussion with and advice from investors, mentors and those who have it and have done it, some careful thought [Law 7 again] and then some action [Law 18]. Once you have done what you need to do, you need to take action. Sure you will make the odd mistake, you will probably lose a bob or two along the way, but unless you put money in you will never get any money out. Remember this: the investing of money or capital in order to gain profitable returns, as interest, income, or appreciation in value. Courtesy of the dictionary :) This is your goal. This is your ticket to wealth and success. Know that in order to be wealthy you must invest but not gamble.

Law 40 Deal making, and negotiation:

There are certain skills that are essential in attaining long term wealth and success. We have discussed the Art of sales [Law 27]. Two more skills that are essential are the arts of deal making and negotiation. Deals will create you far more wealth than a job or exchanging time for money, as they can return potentially a life time of passive income [such as negotiating a great property deal with discount and a high yield]. If you want to be able to strike great deals then first you must understand negotiation. This is what negotiation is not: 1 2 Skinning people to get a cheap price. Bullying people to give you what you want.

3 Conning, tricking, cheating, making people sign to things they did not agree to or understand. This is what true negotiators are great at doing:
Vicky Wusche Training with Johnnie - Ive lost 42lbs in weight and created my ideal mobile life.

If you cut people too much on price they will either pull out or change their mind later, or they will resent you for it and you will get a reputation of being a git! The true Art of negotiation is highlighting perceived benefits to the other party, doing everything you can to help them and make the transaction as easy as possible, and letting them have the last word so that they feel like they have won the negotiation. These 3 things are absolutely key to your negotiation success, as most negotiations break down due to ego, barriers to entry or selfishness. Think cooperation not competition. Think partnership and long term benefits to building a great relationship. Negotiation is prevalent everywhere, not just in your job, business, wealth and success. It will make you better with your kids, your family, your friends and your loved ones. Always remember the following when entering negotiations: Know the maximum you are prepared to pay and do not go over it. Dont get the EBay bidding syndrome; walk away if the price is not right. There will always be other deals and the chances are at about 30% that you might be recontacted.

Know your goal and what you want out of the deal. Find out what they want. Be cool. Be patient. Read into what they are not saying: their posture, body language and what their eyes are telling you. Understand the emotions involved in negotiation: dont wind people up or take the Michael. Be diligent and educated about the deal. Be flexible: offer other benefits. Dont give anything away; offer exchange. Let them feel good about the negotiation; it is not a fight or a testosterone kick. Once you have mastered the Art of negotiation you will be halfway there to being a great dealmaker. Being a great deal maker requires the following traits: Being a good negotiator! Knowing what value and price the deal is worth. Shopping around and understanding relative value. What might seem like a good deal in isolation might be expensive when compared to the market. Know your goal and what you want from the deal. Know what other people want from the deal. The biggest mistake that most deal makers make is that they always state from the outset that they want cheap or they want discount. Do you think that is what the seller wants; to give his product or service away for less than he sees it is worth?! Be opportunistic. Know that you have things, products, services and knowledge that other people need and offer them in return. Be diligent and educated about the deal. Know other people that can help. Be flexible, professional and personable. Be great at deal making and negotiation and you will attract wealth and success.

Law 41 The Art of borrowing money [and the rules!]

When borrowing money consider your strategy very carefully indeed. As we have already discussed Donald Trump was over $1billion in debt at one stage in his life. He is a very successful billionaire Entrepreneur and understands the Art of borrowing money. When thinking about borrowing money there are Laws that wealthy and very rich people follow. They follow these for good reason and they can easily be adopted into your strategy. Because we all start from different places; and where you are is just where you ought to be, some of the following may not be relevant to your current position, but you never know when you may need to draw on these Laws: 1.Only ever borrow from friends or family if you absolutely must! Borrowing from friends and family can put a strain on the relationships that are closest to you. Believe me I talk from very personal experience. You will always be trying to avoid those who you owe money too, they will always be trying to catch up with you and friendships can be strained or lost because of that.

2.Only break the above Law if you absolutely positively MUST! And then make sure you do! When we [Me, Rob and my other business partner Mark] set up Progressive Property I borrowed money from just about everyone I could find! Yes I broke no.1 but it really was my last avenue for cash flow and investment into my business. I had sold clothes to friends, possessions on Ebay; I had other part time jobs and no salary or share compensation from a previous directorship for 6 months. In this scenario, when you have invested everything you have into something you truly believe in, you absolutely do what you HAVE to do to make it work [Laws 8 and 10]. I did and never looked back, and this is the ONLY exception to borrowing from friends and family [who have all been paid back and feel good about being able to have helped in a successful venture!]. If it is sink or swim then blow up your orange wings and start doggy paddling! Fundamental tip no.10: 3. Only borrow to invest in income producing assets. There are many schools of thought [particularly that of the Industrial age], that you should never spend anything until you have it and never borrow money. This is a sound base on which to build a solid financial platform, and certainly far better than borrowing to buy cars, go on fancy holidays and build conservatories! Never ever borrow money to invest in liabilities until you can afford to do so. However, no one ever set up a big business without borrowing money. Most people could never buy a house unless they borrowed money. There can be great leverage in borrowing money to create something that could potentially generate a lifetime of income far beyond the repayments. We will discuss investment further and how to spot an investment opportunity, and believe me there are enough out there. The equity in your own home, for example, could potentially be used to purchase a further 5 or 10 properties with a little help from the bank. It is this simple: if you believe, having followed the other Laws in this book that you have an investment opportunity that will return greater income than the cost of the loan repayments, then you should be borrowing money to invest. Remember that borrowing money can cause a lot of pain. People have been killed over borrowed and owed money. Interest on loans can be crippling and emotional debt to someone can be even worse. Think very carefully when borrowing money. Always pay off your debts and loans as a priority. Never spend or borrow against the promise of future earnings that may never happen: Never ever ever ever amen! The Law of compounding [Law 30] can also work just as effectively [or destructively] in reverse. Interest can be such a waste of money if it is not going to give you a much greater level of return in the future. Only ever borrow if you have to or you are sure you will get a greater level of return on your money.

Law 42 Property and shares:

I could write about this Law and never finish, even if I started to turn grey and my beard touched the floor. So the challenge is to keep this brief and get all the relevant points in to give you somewhere to start. I am not going to get involved in the age old debate of what is better in the long run; property or shares. Everyone will tell you differently, and they will work individually dependent on strategy. But know this: property and shares, if chosen wisely, will generate long term sustainable wealth for you and many generations to come. Fact. Look at the Times 100 Rich List, almost 50 % have made great fortunes through property. The second richest man in the world made his fortunes through shares as have many other famous and hugely wealth people. Property and shares enable you to utilise the art of Leverage [Law 29]. Property and shares utilise the Law of compounding [Law 30]. Property and shares make you money while you sleep. Shares have potential for huge growth from growing companies that perform well. Property can benefit from areas of increasing growth. Shares can return money in the form of dividend. Property can yield monthly cashflow [with the right strategy] as well as capital growth. Shares will give you a good spread of diversity if you choose to go down that path and is highly liquid [you can sell and collect profit very quickly]. Property has doubled in value every 710 years over the last 40. Large companies like Coca Cola and Gillette are very unlikely to disappear off the face of the earth tomorrow [Warren Buffet owns around 5% of both a good guide!]. You can personally control your property portfolio; you can see it and touch it. And so on: Very real reasons for investing in these vehicles. Of course there is risk with any investment. Any share or property can go up as well as down, and can do very quickly [the crash in the 80s and the dot com crash on the NASDAQ]. Only ever buy into anything that you understand [Law 7] and that you can personally control [or can control the person that controls your investments]. [Please refer back to Law 36 at this point]. That is life. If you use the Laws wisely then you will always succeed in the long term.: ALWAYS. Chosen correctly, property and shares will give you long term wealth.

Law 43 Multiple avenues of income:

If you want to increase your wealth then on a basic level you will need to do one of two things: earn more through the one channel you already earn, or open more channels to earn more. Of course we could all earn more money through our chosen avenue. We could increase profitability in a business or earn more as a salary, and we should always be striving to do so. In order to significantly increase wealth we need to create multiple streams of income. Take Alan Sugar as an example; of course he has many companies that earn him significant amounts of money. Since he has worked on The Apprentice he has now created multiple streams through television, books, DVDs, sponsorship and advertising and the future benefits that will naturally materialise. How can you use your skill and expertise to create multiple streams of income? What other benefits and value can your business or skill set offer that can increase your wealth? Can you open and estore? A website or more shops? Can you franchise your business model or sell a portion of your business? Can you sell education based around your skills? Can you reach more people? Can you utilise the media? As well as creating extra streams of income from your job or business, look at how you can create multiple avenues of income through your investments. The more avenues that you can earn from and compound, the wealthier you will become. And the beauty about multiple streams of income, especially through assets, is that you earn whilst you sleep. When you master the Art of earning when you are asleep, then you know you are well on your journey of great wealth. Create multiple avenues of income for great wealth.

Law 44 Only buy quality:

Many people I have met believe that cost cutting and small economies are the way to make money. Of course we all know that saving money is not making money, and cost cutting can become obsessive and counter productive to wealth creation. Buying cheap, unless very well calculated, will very often end up costing you more money in the long run. This is of course as relevant in business with regards to stock as it is to personal possessions. To give you an example I used to buy shirts from high street shops. The average shirt would cost me around 35 10 years ago. Those shirts very rarely lasted for more than one season for three reasons: they were quite cheap, I did not like them for very long and they went out of fashion very quickly and because the quality was low so they faded, shrunk or went out of shape.

Then I started to buy very high quality shirts. It started as vanity and image as a young man but has since turned into a business decision [as well as vanity and image; you have to have some excuses!]. I now buy shirts at 65 200. Most of the shirts I buy I get from one supplier who gives me a large discount, and my average spend for a shirt is 90. I have many shirts that I still wear that I have had for up to 10 years now, and many that are around 5 years old. All are as good as new otherwise they get given to charity. At five years that would be 175 worth of bad shirts that were not well designed and did not make me look or feel good. This law of quality is apparent in everything that we buy. There is a point at which the value is the greatest and it is not at the very cheap end. It is not at the really high end either. Do not go and spend 1,000 on a shirt [you will need to live until you are 350 to get value out of it!]. The diminishing law of returns state that as you spend more and more after that critical point, things actually become less value again and you notice much smaller increases in quality compared to the increase in price. As well as the business decisions there is the utility and feel good factors. How much will you use something? It might be great to have a Ferrari but if it spends all year in the garage then where is the utility? Can you get almost as good a feel good factor from a M3 or an Audi R8 which are one fifth of the price, you can drive very day and are therefore infinitely more value? If you can feel good about the things you buy, enjoy having them and know you have purchased value, you will enjoy money far more than wasting it. In everything you buy there is a critical point where quality versus price is at its optimum. Find and only buy good value quality items.

Law 45 Work on your wealth not just in your job:

This is probably one of the more profound [and yet so simple] concepts regarding small business. Whether you own your own business or are employed matters not, you MUST work on your wealth as well as your job, career or business. One of the main reasons why most small businesses fail and so many people do not move forward in their career is because they do not understand the difference between working on and working in. All of us work in our career or job. We do our daytoday as defined in our job description [or not] and think nothing of it. We live month to mouth and get our regular and very often unsatisfactory pay cheque. Fundamental tip no.11: If we are to move forward then we need to work on our business. We need to work on our careers, ourselves and our wealth.

We need to step outside ourselves and look at how we can grow, improve, increase turnover, increase profit and margin, reduce costs and overheads and learn more that will give us the skills we need to succeed. Remember that we are NEVER too busy to step outside our job or business. It will be the best use of time that you can apply to your wealth strategy. This is the strategy part of our business and career. How can I work towards that promotion and better salary? How can I grow my business or set up systems so that it is not dependent on me? Michael Gerber uses a great analogy of a hairdresser in The Emyth. Most hairdressers only cut hair, and that is why most of them do not run profitable businesses. Gerber hypothesises [he actually does more than that!] that the last thing the owner of a hairdressing business should be doing is cutting hair! How can you work on your wealth? Well let me tell you, right here and now, you are working on your wealth. You are gaining the right mind-set and psychology, you are looking at the right strategies and systems, and of course you will be taking action on these Laws. Always spend a specific and set time to work on your wealth. Maybe it is one hour every morning? I would suggest that it should be at least that. Do not let day-to-day get in the way of growing your wealth. If you do not specifically set out this time without disruptions then your job will get in the way to becoming wealthy. Do it at a time when you are at your most productive and you when you will not be distracted. The most successful and wealthy people I have ever met or read about spend a lot of time on growth, strategy and the future of their businesses. We should be doing the same! This should also include a monthly and yearly review of your finances. Every month you should know that you have worked within your wealth strategy [Law 25] and how much as a percentage you have spent/invested compared to what you had planned. Then every year you should do a thorough check up where you review your net worth compared to what it was the year before. Edit your spread sheets as you change your figures and increase the amount of money going in, debtors and creditors, expenses, investments, loans and interest, direct debits and standing orders, credit card balances and so on. And remember one golden rule [no not the man with the gold!] never ever ever spend money before you have it. Never. Work on your wealth and you will become wealthy.

Section 4: Keeping your wealth Law 46 Remember how you got here:
We have all got here one way or another; where we are now. And that is just fine. There will have been certain behaviours, mindsets and strategies that would have enabled us to be where we are, right now. When you become wealthy and successful, which it is your destiny to become [which you are already], always remember how you got here. If you used certain strategies and mindsets, as illustrated in this book, then dont go and undo all the years of hard work and growth by betting everything on black; that is NOT how you became successful. And dont go and bet it all on red either! :) You will have become wealthy and successful for a reason; for many reasons. Remember all the people who you helped so much and received great value from you; dont go all selfish and arrogant [of course I know you wont do that]. Dont become over protective, possessive or paranoid about your wealth; continue in the same way using the same principles that have got you where you are. It is very easy to get carried away with it all and end up with nothing, or even worse than that. Do not starting flaunting your wealth, you will lose it faster than you can say edacious. Fundamental tip no.12: Be wise. Be consistent. Be thoughtful. Be gracious and understated. My other business partner and CoFounder of Progressive property Mark has had many discussions with me over this Law. He spent many years from the age of 16 being very prudent with his spending. Most of the money he earned in his various businesses was compounded and reinvested and grew over time. He is still doing the same; compounding his earnings and reinvesting in his businesses and investments. There have been times when he has thought of spending more and enjoying the money he has made. We discussed that he was probably enjoying how he spent his money anyway and had he started to spend more he would have had less to invest with and would probably not be where he is today. If you did manage to get here by cheating, lying, stealing, deceiving and being fraudulent: then you are one lucky bastard and you best watch your back :) Remember how you got here and continue the same way.

Law 47 Give back:

We really cant take it with us. So I guess that gives us 2 choices: go and blow all of our money we have worked so hard to earn just before we croak it, or pass it on to others we feel would benefit from it. Personally, when I get old, a little batty and my metabolism slows down to the pace of a snail [Im hoping that is not until I am at least 85!], I can not imagine that I will want to go out on all night benders and blow all of my money George Best style. What I could imagine doing is passing it on to my children and grandchildren in a way that would educate and benefit them for their future businesses and careers. I could see myself passing it on to foundations that use it wisely for the benefit of others less fortunate. Of course I am still young and have millions and millions more to earn, but that day will come and I want to be ready and do what is right for those I care about and who need it the most. Take a lead from the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation and from Warren Buffett. Look at how we can help others in a way that will empower them to have a life of choice like we have chosen for ourselves. We got here adding value to other peoples lives, so why not do the same when we go. That is probably going to give us a good chance of going to heaven if that is what is waiting for us! :) There are many ways that we can give money to others that save tax and dont make people feel guilty or indebted. Think about gifts and education and funds to set up businesses and property and investments and all such things. And for goodness sake go and get some advice from a qualified financial advisor. I am certainly not trained in areas outside of mindset, principle and experience. Choose your charities wisely. I once heard about a charity set up by a woman who I will not name. She generated around 400,000 for a charity of which that cause only saw 50,000! Of course her salary was at somewhere near 6 figures and I am sure the expenses matched. This is a heinous way to run a charity in my opinion. It is not that I feel that workers are not deserving of remuneration for the work they put in, but I would not want to know that only 12 pence in every 1 I was donating was reaching the cause. You worked very hard over a lifetime to earn that money, choose where you put it very wisely. The feeling of giving back can add a huge amount to our lives. Give back wisely. We were in a very fortunate position to have donated over 100,000 to Cancer Research within the last 3 years.

Law 48 Pass on your knowledge:

Nothing is best kept secret when it comes to wealth and success. You might think it feels good to be wealthy and successful; and it does. It feels even better to pass on that knowledge to help others achieve the same and get the same feelings. I feel that it is a must for all of us who are successful to pass on our knowledge. We have the so called secrets here [of course we know they are not secrets, but others do not have the same privilege]. Those who have not yet been exposed to them are missing out on a right I believe we all should have. Success breeds success. Wealth attracts wealth. We have arrived at this point through adding value to other peoples lives, so why go and keep it all to ourselves? Your lives will become so much more abundant by passing on your knowledge. There is enough wealth on this planet for us all to be millionaires thousands of times over, so why is it that there are so few who ever actually get there. Take example of the richest men in the world. Carlos Slim, Bill Gates and Warren Buffet, as explained in the previous Law, are giving billions to help others less fortunate than themselves. If they can do it, we can do it. It is not just about giving money; it is about education. We all know the give a fish/teach to fish analogy. And remember that the best lessons are not always about giving money and letting people spend it. It can be about saying No [Law 33], it can be about reward for creativity and profit rather than gift, it can be about learning the value of money by having to get by without it and it can be about allowances and budgeting and not bailing them out when they are skint! We have learned so much together here. So much that most of us already know, but of course we dont ever know until we do, according to the old Chinese proverb. I agree! Think of all the fun we can have teaching our kids about the Laws of wealth and success; teaching our friends and family, using the internet to teach thousands of others. We can even increase our wealth substantially doing so. What a great way to earn our corn. Once we have learned, we should all be teaching, according to Stephen Covey. Be subtle, be good at listening, be patient [dont be one of these network marketing salesmen for goodness sake! I know what they are like, I have been one]. (This statement might piss of network marketers that might be reading this! ) Think how we can help other people achieve the life of wealth, success and choice that they want. Pass on your secrets and your knowledge of wealth.

So there we have it. 48 Laws that, if followed, will guarantee your long term wealth and success for you and generations to come. I cannot tell you how much me and Johnnie have enjoyed writing this book. It has been around 15 years in the making, from when my Dad used to give me money to shop for him and I used to keep the change. He knew what he was doing, and before I knew it I had enough money to get me through different stages of my life, compounding the money I saved and earned, enabling me to set up 5 businesses and get to a place of choice. And most importantly for me: happiness. Yes these Laws are very important. Use them wisely. Refer to them often. Share them by way of teaching and remember this: Enjoy everything you do. We have freedom and choice and it does not matter what we are doing, we can choose to love the process and add value to other peoples lives. We can mess things up [sometimes over and over] and still have a fulfilling and enjoyable life. It took me many times to sort my finances out. I made many mistakes over and over. Fortunately [well through choice actually] I made a few good ones and stuck to the Laws. Accept where we are; make the choice to always grow, to listen to what everyone has to say with an open mind, to make mistakes, to enjoy making mistakes, and to be all that you can be right now.

...so having been together for a year and becoming engaged, she realised that she had fallen in love with someone who was very wealthy indeed. He was very focused on money [as we now know we have to be] but chose not to flaunt what he had. He was a Laws player and understood all the principles involved in becoming wealthy and staying wealthy. And he was a very personable chap to match [which of course we know he would be]. So of course her views around money changed because of her experience and her CHOICE to do so because she had learned that people can indeed have great wealth AND be nice, warm, friendly and fun; which was exactly what she was looking for. I think the greatest lesson that can be taken from this is that it really does not matter who we are, where we are from or what has happened to us, we can DECIDE to be whatever we want to be, and can put any positive meaning on any situation. The wealthiest people can start with nothing or have been fed with a silver spoon for their whole life. They can be ruthless or they can be kind and warm. They can be tall or short, slim or big boned! What is your choice about who you want to be?

I really hope that we get a chance to meet personally; when we are both extremely wealthy and helping others achieve their own goals. All we have to do is ask... Be wealthy, be successful and be happy.

Johnnie Cass

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