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Presented by, Arup Kr Moshahari, Roll No PHN11013, M.Sc. Nanoscience & Technology,(3rd Sem), Department of Physics, Tezpur university.

Mentors Dr.D.Mohanta. Associate Professor, Dr.P.Nath Assistant Professor.

Film of one or more monolayers of amphiphilic molecules, (surfactants). Amphipilic molecule containing hydrophilic and hydrophobic parts. Discovered by Irving Langmuir in 1918. Katherine Blodgett then 16 years later discovered the process.

What is LB film?

Reduces surface tension at the surfaces of interfaces.

Stearic Acid of 18 carbon atoms Long-chain fatty acid consisting

without double bonds. Chemical formula CH3 (CH2)16COOH. Name comes from the Greek word stear, which means tallow. Anionic amphiphilic compound having head group and tail group.

Synthesis & Deposition

1) 10 mg of stearic acid + 20 ml of chloroform . 2) Spreaded drop by drop by syring on water subphase in LB trough. 3) Allowed to stabilize for about 1 hr. 4) Compressing of barriers started and isotherm is run. 5) Compression stopped when stability is attained. 6) Deposition of the layer by layer of LB film starts. 7) Substrate allowed to dry.

Pressure ()-Area (A) Isotherm (5 monolayers)

(a)Solid state (b)Vapour state (c) Gasesous state Surface pressure - 45nm 2 /m

Pressure ()-Area (A) Isotherm (10 monolayers)

(a) Solid state (b) Vapour state (c) Gasesous state Surface pressure 45.75 nm2/m

Absorption of Stearic Acid LB film (5 monolayers)

1st Day


2nd Day


3rd Day


4th Day


Absorption Spectra of stearic acid LB film ( 10 monolayers)

1st Day 2nd Day

659 nm 660 nm

3rd Day
4th Day

661 nm
662 nm

Calculation of band gap from Taucs Plot

Calculation of band gap from Taucs Plot

Table for band gap

Sl No
2 3 4

1st day
2nd day 3rd day 4th day

Band gap (eV) 5 monolayers

3.43 3.39 3.35

Band gap (eV) 10 monolayers

3.41 3.37 3.35

Results UV peaks are slightly shifted towards the higher

wavelength ie, Red shift occurs. Wavelenghts are in the visible region of the spectra. Thus with the increasing time the LB film of stearic acid absorbs higher wavelength. Absorbtion peaks indicates the presence of COOHgroups.

spectra shows a linear increase of the optical absorption density around 650 nm to 670nm with an increasing number of layers of stearic acid LB film. The band gap of the LB film decreases with increasing time ie, with the passage of time both for 5 and 10 monolayers. There is a shift of the band gap.

Lubricants at a molecular level. Low friction coating surfaces for electronics. Sensors. Optoelectronics. Detergents . Molecular electronics. Energy transfer.

Future Aspects
Study the ageing effect of LB films of different layers. Doping of nanoparticles( silver or gold nanoparticles ) into the Stearic acid LB film and study its different properties for future applications. Fabrication and deposition of different multilayer LB film of silver or gold nanoparticles doped in stearic acid LB film.

Study the contact angle.

Thank you

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