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Migraine is a common, recurrent, primary headache of moderate to severe

intensity that interferes with normal daily activities. Over 36 million Americans are affected by migraines annually. According to the World Health Organization, migraines have a direct and indirect economic cost of greater than $31 billion annually. A migraine is a neurological disorder associated with various triggers. Migraines can be caused by food, alcohol use, stress, caffeine withdrawal, hormone changes or change in sleep pattern. Typical age for onset of migraines is puberty to middle age adults, but more common during the ages of 35 - 45 with higher incidence in females. Symptoms of migraines are characterized by moderate to severe throbbing head pain (frequently unilateral) and associated with nausea, vomiting and sensitivity to light, sound and movement. Some migraineurs experience an aura, a visual disturbance, prior to onset of migraine. Pain from migraine headaches can often be so severe it may affect daily living and become debilitating. The trigger of migraines is due to abnormal sensory modulation. Excess blood flow in the brain over-activates signals leading to pro-inflammatory neuropeptide release. The pulsing from excess blood flow is perceived as throbbing by sensitized neurons on cerebral arteries which send pain signal transmission. Some medications like Triptans, if taken early enough can help block the irritating neuropeptides. Triptans, such as prescription Imitrex (Sumatriptan) are serotonin (5hydroxytryptamine [5-HT]) receptor agonist, which results in vasoconstriction and inhibition of vasoactive neuropeptide release and pain signal transmission. Unfortunately most of these prescription medications are only useful if taken right at the onset of a migraine and most individuals dont get auras to inform them of the onset of a migraine. In addition, most of these drugs come with a hefty cost and numerous side effects. Adverse effects include nausea, vomiting, dizziness, flushing, warm sensations, fatigue and somnolence. Up to 40% of patients still experience migraine recurrence within 24 hours of Triptan use Now, at Innovative Compounding Pharmacy, we offer an over the counter product proven effective as an anti-migraine dietary supplement, Designs For Health MigranolTM.

Design For Health MigranolTM consists of natural dietary supplements that have all been studied to show impact on migraine headaches. The main active ingredients in MigranolTM are vitamin B (12), magnesium, feverfew, rosemary, and

curcumin c3 complex. Vitamin B (12) is vital in synthesis of myelin and nucleoprotein, playing a significant role in normal sensory modulation. A study reported low levels of magnesium in migraine sufferers, prompting more studies on the effect of magnesium. The studies proved a statistically significant benefit of magnesium for migraine prevention. MigranolTM also consists of feverfew, the most studied herbal remedy for the prevention of migraine. Johnson Es, et al were able to show the efficacy of feverfew as prophylactic treatment of migraine. Rosemary and curcumin are in MigranolTM for their anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects. They help inhibit the proinflammatory neuropeptide release responsible for migraines. The combination of all these dietary supplements into one formula makes a great anti-migraine product in MigranolTM. MigranolTM can be taken as a once a day supplement for the prevention of Migraines, without the stress of waiting for signs and symptoms of migraines. Our costumers that have already tired MigranolTM only have positive testimonial of the product. Try MigranolTM, available at Innovative Compounding Pharmacy, and eliminate migraines for good! We work with our patients and their physicians and customize each persons care.
These statements have not been evaluated by FDA. These products are not indented to diagnose, cure, treat or prevent any disease.

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