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Re cr uit e r Re por t : GCAT for Pr oct or / POC

Applica n t I n for m a t ion N a m e : Rene Laurent e Reyes Applica t ion D a t e : Wed Feb 06 13: 21: 00 EST 2013 Applica n t I D : 6524362 Se ssion I D : 04604699127625547 This report is confident ial and it s cont ent s are int ended t o assist in t he predict ion of an applicant 's work behavior. I f you would like m ore inform at ion about t his int erpret ive report or ot her product s t hat SHL offers, please cont act y our account represent at ive. Ove r a ll Scor e Low Percent ile Ove r a ll Scor e D e t a ile d Result s Low Percent ile Ba sic Sk ills Te st Ove r a ll Scor e Tot a l Cogn it ive En glish Pr oficien cy Com put e r Lit e r a cy Pe r ce pt ua l Spe e d a nd Accur a cy Beh a vior a l Com pone nt Ove r a ll Scor e Com m u nica t ion Le a r ning Or ie nt a t ion Cour t esy Em pa t h y Relia bilit y Responsive ne ss Scor e I nt er pr e t a t ion Ba sic Sk ills Te st Ove r a ll Scor e This overall score indicat es t he applicant 's level of com pet ence in cognit ive abilit y and hard skills. - Tot al Cognit ive I nt ended for graduat e recruit m ent , t his is a m easure of t he t endency t o efficient ly and effect ively use verbal reasoning, num erical and analyt ical reasoning. This com pet ency is charact erized by t he abilit y t o learn w orkrelat ed t asks, inform at ion, processes, and policies. I t also m easur es ones abilit y t o perform when working w it h relat iv ely com plex inform at ion such as report s, correspondence, and research inform at ion; and it provides an indicat ion of how a person will perform when working w it h num bers, t ables, bar chart s, pie chart s, records, analysis report s and ot her dat a found in t he workplace. - English Proficiency The English Proficiency t est m easures t he candidat e's knowledge of English gram m ar and English reading com prehension. The t est covers t he following t opics: Art icles, Com parisons, Conj unct ions, General Quest ions, Misused Words, Nouns, Parallel St ruct ure, Preposit ions, Pronouns, Specific Quest ions, and Verbs. 87 96 91 79 39 58 70 47 69 33 61 62 30 Medium 70 High 100 81 30 Medium 70 High 100

The candidat e has m ast ered t he basic concept s of Writ t en English ( Conj unct ions, Art icles) and int erm ediat e Writ t en English concept s ( Nouns and Pronouns, Verbs, Parallel St ruct ure, and Com parisons) . The candidat e is likely proficient wit h m ore advanced Writ t en English concept s such as: Misused Words Preposit ions Candidat es in t his score zone will be capable of w orking on proj ect s involving Writ t en English and will be capable of m ent oring ot her s on m ost proj ect s in t his area. - Com put er Lit eracy The Com put er Lit eracy ( Windows XP) t est m easures t he candidat e's knowledge of how t o use a com put er. Test quest ions are based on a com put er running t he Windows XP Professional operat ing syst em in t he default ( not classic) m ode and default configurat ion. Designed for ent ry - level com put er users, t his t est includes t he following t opics: how t o inst all and launch applicat ions; connect ing w it h ot her users t hrough net w orks and by sharing files; using input / out put devices such as print ers, m onit ors and ot her peripherals; basic I nt ernet concept s such as em ail, firew alls and t he world wide w eb; m aint enance and set t ings of t he XP environm ent ; st orage and m anagem ent of files; audio and video feat ures; and using m ult iple window s t o w ork efficient ly. The candidat e has m ast ered t he basic concept s of Com put er Lit eracy - Window s XP ( I nput / Out put , Mult im edia) and int erm ediat e Com put er Lit eracy - Windows XP concept s ( Window s, Applicat ions, I nt ernet ) . The candidat e is likely proficient wit h m ore advanced Com put er Lit eracy - Window s XP concept s such as: St orage Maint enance & Set t ings At t his adv anced level, t he candidat e will be capable of working on proj ect s involving Com put er Lit eracy Windows XP and w ill be capable of m ent oring ot hers on m ost proj ect s in t he area. - Percept ual Speed and Accuracy This is a visual com parison t est which m easures t he candidat e's abilit y t o efficient ly com pare inform at ion and det ect errors. Beh a vior a l Com pone nt Ove r a ll Scor e This overall score indicat es t he applicant 's level of com pet ence across t he behavioral com ponent s. - Com m unicat ion A pat t ern of behavior charact erized by ex plaining service, keeping cust om ers inform ed using appropriat e language, and list ening. This person is lik ely t o list en and com m unicat e wit h cust om ers in an efficient m anner m ost of t he t im e. How ev er, he/ she m ay m is- com m unicat e services or product s from t im e t o t im e. - Learning Orient at ion A pat t ern of behavior charact erized by a willingness t o learn product and service inform at ion. This person will dem onst rat e m oderat e com pet ence in a cust om er service environm ent . He/ she will usually m ak e good cust om er service decisions by relying on know ledge of product s and services but m ay have t rouble in challenging cust om er service sit uat ions. - Court esy A pat t ern of behavior charact erized by polit eness, respect , considerat ion, access, and friendliness. This individual is likely t o be generally sensit ive and court eous t o cust om ers. He/ she is generally polit e and respect ful t o cust om ers, but m ay on occasion be reserved or difficult t o approach. - Em pat hy A pat t ern of behavior charact erized by knowing t he cust om er and m aking t he effort t o underst and cust om ers' needs.

This person is lik ely t o underst and cust om ers' needs in som e sit uat ions but m ay not at ot her t im es. This person is less lik ely t o be em pat het ic wit h st rangers or persons wit h who he/ she does not have a st rong relat ionship. - Reliabilit y A pat t ern of behavior charact erized by consist ency of perform ance and dependabilit y. This person is lik ely t o be reliable and dependable m ost of t he t im e but m ay not be at all t im es. I n nonrout ine sit uat ions, he/ she m ay be less reliable or dependable t han under rout ine circum st ances. - Responsiv eness A pat t ern of behavior charact erized by willingness and readiness t o provide service. This person is lik ely t o be considerat e and w illing t o provide service in som e sit uat ions but m ay not be at ot her t im es. He/ she w ill usually m eet cust om er needs and solve basic problem s.

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