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The Honorable Elijah Muhammad prophesied that one day wild animals would overflow from their habitations and walk the streets where humans reside and work. Because peoples development projects have encroached upon animals living space and because of greedy capitalists rape of the wilderness, many wild animals have no choice but to forage for food where humans now live. The actual wild animals walking the streets are not the gorillas, mountain lions or bears. The real wild animals are the wild, passion-driven animalistic humans who terrorize people with their violent, bloody, savage behavior. People who are controlled by their basest instincts are considered to be wild animals. Unfortunately, that describes most Americans. Societal institutions are supposed to strain out the wild tendencies in people. Unfortunately, today the slightly more developed shot-callers of the Western World are more concerned with exploiting those tendencies than with civilizing them. The Lessons of the Nation of Islam say that the duty of the civilized man is to teach civilization to the savages. Another lesson asks, If the civilized man fails to perform his duty, what must be done? Why would the civilized man fail to perform his duty in the first place? Why would he refrain from teaching his savage brother?

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3/23/2013 10:31 AM



I dont think the civilized man neglects the poor savage on purpose. I think that, in his zeal to get his message to the movers and shakers of the world who can have such a positive impact, the civilized man gradually and unintentionally gets disconnected from the savage, the Lost-Found, the man in the mud. In the Name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful 1. He frowned and turned away. 2. Because the blind man came to him. 3. But what could tell you that perhaps he might grow? 4. Or remember so that the Dhikr might profit him? 5. As to he who regards himself as rich 6. Then you attend to him. --- Quran 80:1-6 Prophet Muhammad even made the mistake of neglecting the uncivilized or blind man. Allah castigated the prophet for frowning when the blind fellow interrupted while he was engrossed in trying to explain the Quran to Quraysh leaders. The Quran says poor Abd Allah ibn Umm Maktum (the blind man) might remember. Remember what? Because God taught Adam all things, ignorance (blindness) is not the natural state of man, its a very unnatural state. Man is, by nature, all-knowing. So the spiritual master (Imam or Guru) doesnt try to put anything in to the student, he tries to help the chela or student remember that which is already stored deep within he own subconscious. That is one of the effects of Dhikr (mantra chanting). It helps us to remember or recall to consciousness what we already know but have forgotten. And indeed We covenanted before With Adam. Then he forgot. --- Quran 20:115 The god part or higher part of man is symbolized as Adam (Atem, Atman). It forgets what it knows during our incarnation. Technically speaking, the Adam or Ba never forgets. It is the lower self which forgets its connection with the higher self (Adam) and the higher self temporarily goes to sleep inside the lower part of being called the personality.

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3/23/2013 10:31 AM



The Arabic word for rich is Ghani. This word derives from Ghana which was loaded with gold. Words like Ghana and Guinea meant gold or rich. Italians, to this day, are slurred by the word Guinea because some of their ancestry is Black African from West Africa where many African-Americans also have their roots. Allahs attributes Al-Ghani and Al-Mughni are actually rooted in the African Ghana culture. Another Arabic word for wealth, maal, derives from the great Mali Empire of West Africa. Arabs (descendants of the African princess Hagar) are far more African than they like to admit. In reality, their African ancestry is the heredity they should be most proud of. Africa was the civilized man who brought light, science, medicine, culture, religion, math, government, philosophy, democracy and astronomy to the rest of the world. As the Messenger use to say: Take it or let in alone. The Honorable Elijah Muhammad said that during a time he was only eating one meal every three days everything he saw seemed so dirty that he couldnt do his job of teaching the uncivilized. A persons own purification and resulting ascension in social status can surreptitiously separate the civilized man from the savage. A persons own success in self-cultivation can be a factor in crippling her or him from teaching the savage 85% of humanity. The Lessons teach us that a savage is a person (i.e., lower self or personality) who has lost the knowledge of his Self (soul, Ba, Atman) and is living a beast (emotion-driven) life. If hes lost self-knowledge, then he had to have once had knowledge of self. The civilized mans job, then, is to help him re-member (put back the members of) his soul. Egyptian texts symbolize this by Isis finding the 14 pieces of Osiris body. In Catholicism these are the 14 Stations of the Cross and the 14 disciples (including Judas replacements and Mary Magdalene). When Ausar came to Egypt he found it peopled by savage, warring tribes. He used music, poetry and lectures to teach civilization to them.

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We stand in a similar position today. Groups like the Masons use to guide societal advancement. Now, those groups seem to have left society to fend for itself. Despite more and more technological gadgets, people are getting more and more savage. They even grunt and howl like animals in their efforts to communicate. Ausars principle is unity. He is hieroglyphically depicted by the All-Seeing Eye. We need someone who can see the underlying unity of people with one another and with nature to begin the process of civilizing the modern state of international savagery.

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