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Rabbis Message Service Schedule

Temple Emanu-El
News Bulletin
Ira L. Korinow, D.D., Rabbi Nancy J. LaFleur, Temple Administrator
Mindy Harris, Cantorial Soloist Debra Levasseur, Religious School Director
Affliated with the Union for Reform
Judaism & the Synagogue Council of
Massachusetts. A benefciary of the
Merrimack Valley Jewish Federation.

How wonderful it is that nobody
need wait a single moment before
starting to improve the world.
Anne Frank
Vol. LXXI No. 4 Nisan Iyar 5773 :vu - ): April 2013
Friday, April 5
Candle Lighting 6:56 PM
Yom Ha-Shoah Holocaust Memorial Service 7:00 PM
Grade 7 Participates
Saturday, April 6 Parashat Shemini
Shabbat Morning Service 9:30 AM
Shabbat Shiur 12 NOON
Friday, April 12
Candle Lighting 7:04 PM
HEFTY Creative Service 7:00 PM
April birthday blessings will be given
Saturday, April 13 Parashat Tazria-Metzora
Shabbat Morning Service 9:30 AM
Israel Chavurah 12 NOON
Friday, April 19
Candle Lighting 7:12 PM
Saturday, April 20 Parashat Achrei Mot-Kedoshim
Shabbat Morning Service 9:30 AM
Shabbat Shiur 12 NOON
Friday, April 26
Candle Lighting 7:20 PM
Saturday, April 27 Parashat Emor
Shabbat Morning Service 9:30 AM
Shabbat Shiur 12 NOON
Friday, May 2
Candle Lighting 7:28 PM
Tot Shabbat 6:00 PM
Saturday, May 4 Parashat Behar-Bechukotai
Shabbat Morning Service 9:30 AM
Bar Mitzvah of Andrew Eisen, son of Amy & Ed Eisen
Shabbat Shiur 12 NOON
Dear Chaverim,
There are many gifts which the Jew-
ish people have given to the world,
the most prominent of which is the
Shabbat. But there is one gift which
God gave to us as human beings
that surpasses any gift that we may
have given to the world. That gift is
the gift of memory.
Several times the Torah commands us, Zachor Remem-
ber! It is through memory that the past lives on, whether it
be lives of loved ones or historical events in the world.
Early in April we have three of the most recent observances
on the Jewish calendar Yom Ha-Shoah (Holocaust Memo-
rial Day). Yom Ha-Zikaron (Israel Memorial Day) and Yom Ha-
Atzmaut (Israel Independence Day).
Yom Ha-Shoah falls on the 27th day of the Hebrew month of
Nisan (see further into this message why it will be observed
this year on the 28th of Nisan which is Monday, April 8th).
At 10:00 AM in Israel, the sirens are sounded throughout the
country for two minutes. Every person and every task comes
to a halt for these two minutes. All forms of transportation
stop. Drivers and often passengers step outside the bus or
car and stand silently in remembrance of the six million Jews
killed during the Holocaust and the millions of others killed
during World War II. The hustle and noise that flls the air at
Rabbis Message continued on page 2
Passover Service Schedule
Monday, April 1 7th Day of Passover
Passover Morning Service 9:30 AM
Tuesday, April 2 8th Day of Passover
Passover Morning Service 9:30 AM
(includes Yizkor)
Please note, that we ask during Passover that no food
or drink be brought into the Temple unless it is Kosher
for Passover.
For more detailed information on Preparation and
Celebrating Passover in your home, please go to our
website: www.templeemanu-el.org. Click on Shabbat
Services, Passover.
Community News
Rita & Jonathan Harris on the birth of
their grandson, Emerson Bourne Marr, son of
Emily Harris Marr and Bo Marr
Annette Burakoff, on the death of her husband,
Morris Burakoff
Larry Cowan, on the death of his uncle, Malcolm Brown
Eric Jacobs, on the death of his aunt, Lea Lieberman
Jacqueline Jacobs, on the death of her sister,
Lea Lieberman
Debbi Levasseur on the death of her mother,
Elaine Mandell
March 8 Susan & Barry Hantman, in honor of Scout
March 15 Parents of Tot Shabbat
March 16 Fred & Gina Coltin, Bonnie Coltin and
friends, in honor of Bonnie Coltin on her
March 22 Religious School parents, in appreciation of
the Religious School faculty
Rabbis Message continued from page 1
the airport stops. Security checks and baggage registration
stops. Cashiers stop scanning groceries and supermarkets
come to an eerie silence.
Our annual Yom Ha-Shoah service will take place on Friday
evening, April 5th. This will be the 17th annual community
observance in Haverhill with members of the Temple Ema-
nu-El Makheila (choir) participating along with members of
the Greater Haverhill Clergy Association who will be reading
selections written during the Holocaust. This is an important
community observance which we help facilitate.
This year we also have a special program for Yom Ha-Sho-
ah. The Adult Education Committee will be presenting Night
Words: A Midrash on the Holocaust, in Cascia Hall on the
campus of Merrimack College in North Andover on Sunday,
April 7th at 2:00 PM. The committee presented this program
to our Temple community in observance of Kristallnacht in
November 2011. At that time it was felt by those who par-
ticipated in the dramatic reading and by those who attended
it be presented for the greater community in the Merrimack
Valley and Southern New Hampshire. Please be with us as
we present this very powerful program.
Back to Israel. Exactly one week after Yom Ha-Shoah falls
Yom Ha-Zikaron, Israels Memorial Day, ending a full 7 days
of mourning. Yom Ha-Zikaron begins this year at sundown on
Sunday, April 14th with the sirens being sounded throughout
the country for two minutes of silence before a memorial
ceremony held at the Kotel, the Western Wall. The sirens are
sounded the next day in the morning as on Yom Ha-Shoah.
Once again, the entire country comes to a halt, this time in
memory of the soldiers who have died in the many wars that
Israel has had to fght in her short existence as a nation of
the world. Yom Ha-Zikaron normally falls on the 4th of Iyar on
the Hebrew calendar but when the 4th of Iyar falls on a Sun-
day (as it does this year), it is postponed one day because
the ceremony with the sirens sounding the evening before
would have to begin after Shabbat is over and that would be
too late. Hence, Yom Ha-Shoah, Yom Ha-Zikaron and Yom
Ha-Atzmaut (Israeli Independence Day) are all moved one
day later to accommodate the full week of mourning.
As the sun is setting on Yom Ha-Zikaron, Israelis take to the
streets to celebrate Yom Ha-Atzmaut. There is a lot of noise
on the streets but not from sirens. People are singing, danc-
ing, attending concerts (many of Israels popular singers
perform free concerts on the evening of Yom Ha-Atzmaut),
watching frework displays and simply having a good time
This is a truly Jewish phenomenon for Israelis to go from a
week of mourning (Yom Ha-Shoah through Yom Ha-Zikaron)
and immediately begin to celebrate their nations birth. Is-
raelis recognize that life must go on despite the horrors that
Israel and the Jewish people faced during the past 80 years.
Zachor Remember! This commandment has helped the
Jewish people and the Jewish religion survive for over 3,000
years! It is not merely a commandment written in the Torah;
it is an obligation that every Jew must perpetuate for our
peoples sake.
Lshalom, Rabbi Ira
Todah Rabah! Thank You to:
Claire Blustein for her donation towards the new boiler
Mindy Lichtman for chairing the Super Rafe
David Paul who donated his Super Rafe winnings back
to the Temple
Harriet Peick who coordinated the Indoor Picnic
Board members who participated in and those who
donated to the 2013 Passover Fundraiser
Annual Meeting
Sunday, May 5, 2013, 9:30 AM
Election of Ofcers
Board Reports addressed at this meeting:
Y Rabbi Y Religious School Director
Y President Y Reports read from Temple
Y Administrator Committee Chairs
Y Treasurer
This is your chance to come and listen to everything that is
happening at Temple, and to offer your comments as to what
we did correctly and what we need to improve.
Voice your opinion and vote on new ofcers
and Board Members
A light breakfast will be served
Hello Friends,
Happy Passover! Although April
is a short month here at Temple
Emanu-El, it is jammed packed
with activities; from the PTO Bas-
ket Auction on the 6th to Book
Club on the 28th. I hope you will
be able to attend one or all of
these events.
Thank you to everyone who helped with our Purim Car-
nival! It was a great success this year. Congratulations to
our 3rd Grade students on receiving their siddurim with
their names embossed in gold on the cover. Thank you
to all our High schoolmadrichim who assist the teachers
in the classrooms and do a terrifc job!
Thank you, everyone, who donated during our annual
Passover Fundraiser. Your generosity is greatly appreci-
ated! Your donations will help assure that our services
and program will continue into the future.
Some of the services we provide are:
A Fair Share dues program where no one is denied
membership due to inability to pay full dues
Our Religious School educates over 75 children a year
High Holiday Services in addition to all other major
holiday services, bi-monthly Shabbat services
Adult Education programs open to all members free
of charge
Break-the-Fast social
Israel Chavurah
Shabbat morning service and Torah study
Chesed activities
Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions.
Wishing you all a Happy Spring and I look forward to see-
ing you at the Temple!
Lynn Dreyfuss Martin
President's Message
Temple Emanu-El in Haverhill, MA
J o i n u s o n :
Do You Need a Ride
to a Temple event?
The Chesed Committee will be
happy to help arrange a ride for you.
If you need a ride, call the Temple
Offce at 978-373-3861.
Super Raf f l e Wi nners! ! !
Thanks to everyone
for participating in
this fundraiser!
Evan Kamien, Grand Prize
David Paul, 2nd Prize
George Roaf, 3rd Prize
Congratulations to the winners!
Scout Shabbat
Girl Scouts and Boy Scouts from Northern Massachu-
setts and Southern New Hampshire gathered on Friday,
March 8th at Temple Emanu-El in Haverhill, Massachu-
setts to celebrate Scout Shabbat, the Jewish Sabbath.
Scout Shabbat offers an opportunity for Scouts to show
their duty to God, an integral part of the Scout Oath, and
allows worshipers to honor Scouts and Scout leaders in
the community for their achievements and service.
As part of the regular Friday evening service, Rabbi Ira
Korinow recognized all of the Scouts and spoke about
the connection between Scouting and this weeks read-
ing from the Book of Exodus. All of the Scouts received a
special patch to commemorate the event.
Barry Hantman
Jewish Committee on Scouting, Daniel Webster Council
HEFTYs year is starting to wind down, but we are far
from running out of steam! Our last project was running
concessions and assisting at the Purim Carnival, which
was lively and successful.
A group of HEFTYITES will be traveling to Schenectady,
New York for the regional Fall Conclavette. It promises
to be an amazing time. Our annual Creative Service is
planned for April 12th. We have chosen the theme for
this year to be Jews in Entertainment. Needless to say,
the service should be very entertaining! Our next event
will be a rerun of the lunch at Wasabi that was canceled
in February due to a blizzard. Anyone remember that?
On April 24th, slating letters of intent are due from mem-
bers who want to run for an Executive Board position for
2013-2014. The slating committee then meets to deter-
mine the slate of offcers by May 8th, the slated offcers
and Board members will be contacted confrming the po-
sitions that they will have for the next year. There is then a
period to contest the slate from May 9th - May 17th. The
fnal slate of offcers will be voted on at the Spring Bar-
becue on May 19th. Details of the slating procedure were
sent to the membership in the middle of March.
Preparations have already begun for the end of year
barbeque. The barbeque is an age-old tradition where
we gather at someones house, have a cookout and
vote on next years Board. The barbecue ends with an
Old Board/New Board workshop where we transfer du-
ties and brainstorm events and themes for the following
year. Plans are underway to schedule an Old Board/New
Board off-site retreat during the Memorial Day weekend.
HEFTYs year is coming to a close, but there are still sev-
eral activities and some of our most important events yet
to come.
Ben Shalek, HEFTY Communications
The Ofcers and Board of
Directors of HJSLA
invite you to a meeting of:
Haverhill Jewish Scholarship Loan Association
Sunday, April 28 9:00 am
The Mandell Conference Room
Last year, our Association gave out $17,800 in Loans,
Scholarships, and Book Grants to Jewish students in the
community. We usually meet just once a year and ask
little of our members. We hope you will consider joining
us. Come hear what we are all about. You do not need
to have a school age child to participate. We welcome all
community members to join us and feel good about help-
ing our young people prepare for the future.
Indoor Picnic/Game Day
Over 50 people attended our fourth annual Indoor Picnic/
Game Day. Everyone had a wonderful time. There was
plenty of food, both hot and cold. It was great to see every-
one so relaxed. As a family day it was wonderful; children
and adults spent time together eating, playing games and
just kibbitzing. Thank you to everyone who made donations
and attended. Part of the fun is having so many people
together, so just by attending members added to others
Please inform the Temple if you would like this event re-
peated next year, and what other social events you would
like the temple to organize. We value your input.
Harriet Peick
Indoor Picnic/Game Day Coordinator

With the cleaning and preparing

our houses and the anticipation
of Passover and Matzo ball soup
behind us, the school is busy
preparing for the end of the year.
Teachers are working to fnish cur-
riculums with your children, the
last of the year activities have been
planned and there is yet one more
week of vacation before we have
to say goodbye for the summer.
Watch your emails and check the temple website for
the most up-to-date calendar and events information.
Some dates you may want to note now:
April 5th our 7th graders will participate in the Yom
Ha-Shoah Service
April 6th join us for the 2013 Spring Basket Auction
(PTO Fundraiser)
April 10th Bar Mitzvah Seminar 2 for parents only of
students in grade 6
April 12th the HEFTY Shabbat Creative service led
by our High School Students
April 14-16 our 9th graders will participate in the
Confrmation class trip to New York
April 28th the whole school will participate in Lag
BOmer games and picnic snack
The Lag BOmer activities (The 33rd day during the daily
counting of the Omer until Shavuot) is usually celebrat-
ed with bonfres and outdoor sports. During school time
on Sunday, April 28 (weather permitting) we will all walk
one block over to 12th avenue and use the ball feld for
outdoor games and activities. We will then throw some
blankets on the grass and have a picnic style snack
which the school will provide. If it rains we will still con-
tinue with our activities but in the Winer Auditorium.
Please join us on April 6th for the 2013 Spring Basket
Auction our PTO Fundraiser. You still have time to do-
nate a basket or silent auction item. Then come to the
auction and bid on some of the wonderful things we
have for sale. Walk around, have some wine and set up
a table with your friends. Please remember this is our
biggest fundraiser of the year. We need everyones sup-
port. Tickets are only $10 per person or $15 per couple.
Proceeds from this fundraiser help pay for the Family
Education programs and help pay for extra supplies
and activities for your children. This is a fun night for all
On a more personal note, I would like to say thanks to
all of you who have been so kind in extending your sym-
pathy and warm friendships to me and my family during
the passing of my mother in early March. It is very much
Morah Devorah
Religious School
Day Care/Pre-School Space
Available at Temple Emanu-El
Approximately 2250 sq. ft
For more details call the Temple offce
at 978-373-3861
Move Right In!
Sisterhood Cooks Mitchs Place
and Community Meals
Our wonderful cooks for Mitchs Place for the
month of February were:
Claire Koffman, Zach Koffman, Janet Kopel,
Judy Kroner and Edna Shirley
Thank you all for this wonderful mitzvah we continue
to need volunteers and anyone able to help is greatly
Marilyn Goldberg
2013 Spring Basket Auction
April 6, 2013 7:30 pm
For tickets ($10. per person or $15. per couple),
please contact:
Marie Katzen (978-352-3341)
or marie.katzen@gmail.com
Lisa Desberg (978-360-8298)
or lisajoydesberg@gmail.com
Proceeds of the Basket
Auction to beneft the Adeline
B. Watnick Religious School
Childrens Fund
Sisterhood Gift Shop
Giftshop Hours:
Sundays from 11am to 12 noon
or by appointment
Looking for a new tax deduction? Got an old
clunker you want off your hands? Want to help
the Temple?
Did you know that you can donate your car to
the Temple? It is quick and easy. They will even
come and get it, so you do not have to bring it
anywhere. Its a win-win situation for everyone!
Heres why:
You dont have to worry about selling your car
and having the buyer invoke the Lemon Law
The car does not even have to be running
They will come to your house and take it right
out of your driveway
You get a tax deduction for the full amount of
selling the car
You make a donation to the Temple that
doesnt cost you any of your own money
You get an IRS form 1098 listing the Temple
as the recipient, that you use for your tax de-
What could be easier? You get rid of a car that
you dont want anyway, and the Temple gets a
If you are interested, call the Temple to help you
through the process. Or, better yet, call me, and I
will personally help you make the donation.
Kevin Miller, (603) 893-5421
UPDATE: The Temple just received their rst
check for over $1700 on only 1 car donation!!!
Collecting Labels
to support Religious School
The PTO is collecting labels in order to purchase
special educational materials for your children.
Check your cans and boxes and please drop the
labels off at the Temple offce or Religious School
Thanks for
your support!
The Temple is recycling phones
and print cartridges. Please drop
them off at the Temple offce or
Religious School offce.
Thank you for recycling
Fu ndr ai s i ng at Te mpl e Ema nu-El
Scrip Comes to Temple Emanu-El!
Shop with Scrip is an easy way to support Temple Emanu-El. Simply purchase gift cards (or scrip) for places where you plan to shop,
and use those cards instead of cash or credit. The Temple purchases the gift cards at a discount and sells them at full face value; you
use them at full face value at your favorite retailer. The beauty is that you put your regular shopping dollars to work. You earn money for
the Temple without spending a single additional penny. Keep cards for Shaws, Kohls, Starbucks, Target, CVS, Dunkin Donuts and many
other retailers in your pocket to use just like cash. Scrip can be used for all your household purchases: groceries, clothes, household
supplies, gasoline, entertainment, dining, and gifts, to name just a few.
Our frst two orders, though small, were quite successful. As we increase our participation, this has the potential to be a great fundraiser
for the Temple.
Order forms and additional information are available in the Temple offce and library, as well as on our website at www.TempleEmanu-El.
org/fundraising. You may also order scriponline at www.shopwithscrip.com.
Please submit all orders and payment to the Temple offce no later than April 10, 2013. If you have any questions, please contact Paula
Breger at 978. 373. 8846 or library@TempleEmanu-El.org.
amazon.com fundraiser
Did you know that the Temple earns a percentage of
every purchase made at amazon.com?
How To Order:
1. Visit www.templeemanu-el.org
(dont forget the dash!)
2. Click on Fundraising tab and scroll down to:
3. Order online as usual
If you would like help, please ask Paula
in HaSifriyah for assistance.
An Olde
Fashi oned
P u r i m
Adult Education
A special Yom Ha-Shoah
Commemoration Night
Words A Midrash on the
Holocaust, written by David
Roskies, will be held at
Cascia Hall on the campus of
Merrimack College (315 Turn-
pike Street; North Andover,
MA ) on Sunday April 7th,
2:00pm. Night Words,
oriented toward adults and
older children is a dramatic
reading by 36 participants
which brings together the boldest writings from rabbinic,
medieval, and modern literary sources, dialogue, voices,
questioning, and even orchestrated rage at the calamity of
the Shoah.
This program, with readings by Temple members is
presented by the Temple Emanu-El Adult Ed Committee.
Invitations to do readings have been extended to other
community Temples and clergy. Congregants and young
adults interested in participating are encouraged to con-
tact Fred Feldman (603-580-5779; fredfeldman@comcast.
net ).
For the reading, as the participants of the reading enter,
they line up in a row and relinquish their shoes to the ush-
ers. They then proceed to the Place of Meeting (within
Cascia Hall) and are seated. There is music in the back-
ground and suffcient light to read by. A quorum for this
service is 36 people, men, and young adults. Roles are
distributed in advance and require no prior preparation.
Each participant receives a text of the service from which
they read. Non-reading attendees are seated around the
The reading has a basis in a millennial-old Jewish legend
that there are 36 righteous people on earth, called Lamed
Vavniks, unknown to others and themselves unaware of
their mission. No Lamed-Vav knows who the others are.
In fact, they often do not know that they themselves are
a Lamed-Vav. They lead challenging lives, taking upon
themselves the sorrows of the world. When they are
needed, they perform acts of kindness, charity, bravery
and then immediately return to their ordinary lives, without
the realization that they have just accomplished an act
that has caused the Divine to manifest in the world.
The 36: Story-teller; Historian; Rabbi; Messenger; Judge;
Clerk; Teacher; Soldier; Prophet; Clown; Abraham; Nurse;
Isaac; Tailor; Dreamer; Mystic; Investigator; Philosopher;
Magician; Barber; Scribe; Mute; Musician; Child; Cobbler;
Carpenter; Counsel for Defense; Witness; Woman; Doctor;
Painter; Singer; Citizen; Poet; School Girl; Hazan (Cantor).
Attendees are requested to R.S.V.P. nancy@templeemanu-
el.org or call 978-373-3861.
The Center for the Study of Jewish-Christian-Muslim
Relations (JCM) at Merrimack College is a co-sponsor of
the event.
The Adult Education Committee of Temple Emanu-
El is sponsoring the commemorative reading and the
program will be recorded for re-broadcast by Haverhill
Community TV.
Sunday, April 7 2:00pm
Special Yom Ha-Shoah Commemoration
Merrimack College Campus, Cascia Hall
Israel Chavurah
The Discussion Continues
Saturday, April 13
at 12 noon
The Israel Chavurah meets once a month
on Saturday as that weeks Shabbat Shiur
(Bible Study Class). Each session begins with
a kiddush/luncheon following the Shabbat
morning service. Join with other members
of the community to help develop a bet-
ter understanding of the issues concerning
Israel and the Middle East.
Save the following dates, too:
Saturdays, May 25 & June 15, 2013
April Shabbat Services
Yom Ha-Shoah Service
Grade 7 participates
Friday, April 5 7:00 pm
HEFTY Creative Service
April birthday blessings will be given
Friday, April 12 7:00 pm
Sunday, April 28
10:00 am
Once We Were
by Richard Balson
Please call the Temple ofce at 978-373-3861
to RSVP so that we can know how many people to
expect, though drop-ins are always welcome!
Temple Emanu-El
BookNotes &
As I announced recently, we in HaSifriyah are in the midst
of plans to upgrade our cataloguing and circulation system.
Our current library software is obsolete and no longer sup-
ported by the developer, thereby placing our data at risk in
the event of a hardware crash. Our hope is to obtain dona-
tions of approximately $1500 to allow us to purchase new
software and a new computer. One of my priorities for the
new cataloguing software is to fnd a package that will al-
low members of Temple Emanu-El to search our database
online. If you are able to assist us by making a donation for
this upgrade, please contact Nancy in the offce.
In March, the Temple book group met to explore The God
Upgrade by Rabbi Jamie Korngold, a book which explores
historical concepts of God and advocates a contemporary
notion of God that is compatible with both science and
Judaism. Though opinion on the book was divided, it pro-
vided the impetus for a wide-ranging discussion, covering
topics such as pantheism; whether God intervenes in the
world; whether science and religion are in conict; and what
makes one Jewish. Thanks to everyone who participated!
For our next meeting, on Sunday, April 28 at 10:00am, we
will be discussing Once We Were Brothers, by Richard Bal-
son. Part legal thriller, part historical fction, Once We Were
Brothers travels from Nazi-occupied Poland to present-day
Chicago, exploring themes of identity, family and betrayal.
Recent acquisitions in HaSifriyah include:
Making Loss Matter: Creating Meaning in Difcult Times,
by Rabbi David Wolpe
Requiem: Poems of the Terezin Ghetto, by Paul
B.Janeczko (thanks to Rona Gofstein for her donation)
Superman: the High-Flying History of Americas Most
Enduring Hero, by Larry Tye
A Woman in Jerusalem, by A. B. Yehoshua (thanks to
Rita Harris for her donation)
As always, Id like to thank everyone
for continuing to support our fundraising efforts through the
Amazon.com Associates Program. All funds are used to ac-
quire books, magazines, music, videos and supplies for the
library. This is a year-round program, so please keep the
link handy (or access it from the website (www.templeema-
nu-el.org/hasifriyahlibrary) and tell your friends and family.
Paula Breger
Trusts, Wills and Bequests
If you are interested in discussing gift and
naming opportunities, please call
Larry Cowan at:
(978) 372-1451 (offce) or
(978) 685-4535 (home)
or speak directly with Rabbi Korinow through
the Temple offce. Thank you!
Upcoming Events
Family Bowling
and Pizza Party
Sunday, April 14 from 1:00 - 3:30 pm
Location: Brunswick Zone, 647 Pawtucket
Blvd, Lowell, MA
Cost: $10.00 per person (Adults and Kids)
includes bowling, shoe rental, pizza
and drinks
Register: www.mvjf.org or make checks pay-
able to:
Merrimack Valley Jewish Federation,
P.O. Box 937, Andover, MA 01810.
Registration Deadline: Monday, April 8
Questions? Call Michelle Soll at 978-688-0466
or email Michelle@mvjf.org.
Bring a new or gently used secular book that will
be donated to Boys and Girls Club of Lawrence.
Honor your Mother and your Father
The Torah tells us that we must always honor our parents. Our Jewish tradition extends that law to say that we
must honor all our loved ones, and remember them in death. There is no better way to remember and honor the
memory of your departed family members than to have a Memorial Yahrzeit Plaque on the wall of the Temple
You have seen the plaques on the wall of the sanctuary. Each week, the plaques belonging to our beloved
departed, whose Yahrzeit, or anniversary of death, is that week, are lighted. This is to recognize the anniversary
of that person, and to give us an opportunity to lovingly honor the memory of that person, at least once every
year. Also, three times per year, on Yizkor, all the plaques are lit to remember all the loved ones of our Temple.
The plaque contains the name of the deceased, both in English and Hebrew, as well as the date of the persons
death. The plaques are available whenever the sanctuary is open, so someone can always see the name and
remember the loving memories of the departed family member. This is a loving way to remember a parent, spouse
or child.
The cost of a memorial Yahrzeit plaque is a one-time cost of $250. This cost includes the engraving of the
plaque, placing it on the wall, in alphabetical order, and having it lit on Yahrzeit and Yizkor to perpetuity. To
purchase a plaque, contact Nancy or the Rabbi at the Temple, (978) 373-3861.
Jewish Film Festival
Sunday, May 5, 2013
3:30 7:15 pm
Osgood Landing 1580 Osgood Street
North Andover (South Entrance)
The Other Son
In Hebrew, French and Arabic
with English subtitles.
Hava Nagila (The Movie)
Fascinating! A fun and fanciful frolic.
Call 978-688-0466 for information
Purchase tickets at www.mvjf.org
General Admission $18
Lynne Balan, in loving memory of
her mother, Dorothy Myers on her
Margery Bendetson, in loving memory
of her mother, Esther A. Rome on
her yahrzeit, in loving memory of her
husband, Norris Bendetson on his
yahrzeit and in loving memory of her
mother-in-law, Anne Bendetson on
her yahrzeit
Laura Bendetson, in loving memory of
her mother-in-law, Anne Bendetson
on her yahrzeit and in loving memory
of David Barson
Genia Brindis, in loving memory of her
husband, Bill Brindis on his yahrzeit
Leslie & Anita Brindis, in loving memory
of their son, William Brindis on his
Leslie & Anita Brindis, in loving memory
of his brother, Marvin Brindis on his
Leslie & Anita Brindis, in loving memory
of his grandmother, Fannie Brindis on
her yahrzeit
Ronnie Cohen, in loving memory of
Laurie Hodas, daughter of members
Marilyn & Mike Myers
Larry & Janet Cowan, in loving memory
of Leona Sirkman
The Board of Directors of Temple
Emanu-El, in loving memory of
Malcolm Brown, uncle of board
member, Larry Cowan
Jodie Barnett, in appreciation of the
Rabbis services at the funeral for her
father, Eli Barnett
Teresa Brugman, in memory of her
father-in-law, Benjamin Bender, on
his yahrzeit
Annette Burakoff, Stephen Burakoff,
and Janey Levine in appreciation of
the Rabbis services at the funeral for
her husband and their father, Morris
Ellen Kaplan, in appreciation of the
Rabbis services at the funeral for her
father, Sydney Kaplan
Hedva and David Shikes, in memory of
their parents, Rivka & Abraham Rose
and Selma & Melvin Shikes, on their
Roni Wiseberg, in memory of her
husband, Howard, on his yahrzeit
Stanley Fishbein, in loving memory of
his father, Jerome Fishbein on his
Jackie Frye, in loving memory of David
In loving memory of Laurie Hodas,
daughter of members Marilyn & Mike
Michele & Paul Howard
Gerry & Pearl Shyavitz
Mitch & Judy Kroner
Joyce Cohen, in loving memory of her
grandmother, Jennie Greenstein on
her yahrzeit
Benjamin Hartman, in loving memory
of his mother, Dora Hartman on her
Howard Glazer, in loving memory of his
brother, Lewis Glazer on his yahrzeit
Shirley Fox, in loving memory of Alvan
Hirshberg, father of member Robert
Elaine Hirshberg, in loving memory of
her father, Harry Hirshberg on his
Marshall & Ruth Myers, in loving
memory of his mother, Ethel Myers
on her yahrzeit and in loving memory
of her grandfather, Jacob Pavloff on
his yahrzeit
Fred Feldman, in loving memory of
his father, Mendel Feldman on his
Edna & Mike Shirley, in appreciation of
all who expressed their condolences
on the death of her brother-in-law,
Ruben Ehramijian
Lucille Traister, in loving memory of
David Barson
Shirley Holber, in loving memory of
Miriam Weisberg
Deborah & William Wise, in loving
memory of Elaine Mandell, mother of
member Debra Levasseur
Bessie Grad, in appreciation of the
Chesed committee delivering a Purim
basket flled with delicious treats
Laura Flieder, in loving memory of her
father, Harvey Kopelman on his yahrzeit
In loving memory of Morris Burakoff,
husband of member Annette Burakoff:
Alexa Burakoff & JJ Morrissey
Lucille Traister
Bessie Grad
Myrlis Fineman
Arnold & Renee Weinfeld & family
Daniel & Marry Ellen Udelson
Karen & Ned Yetten
Norma Halpern
Gail & Jim Jokerst
Saul & Elsie Levine
Dr. & Mrs. Howard Goldberg
Janet Laudani
Claire Blustein
The Board of Directors, in loving
memory of Lea Lieberman, aunt of
board member, Eric Jacobs
Alma Klinetsky, in loving memory of her
beloved husband, George Klinetsky
on his yahrzeit, in loving memory of
Elaine Mandell, mother of member,
Debra Levasseur and in loving
memory of Morris Burakoff, husband
of member, Annette Burakoff
Michael Sandberg
Stuart Mandell
Gerda Kalman
Stephanie Brooks
Michele & Paul Howard
Trudy & Mitch Zakin
Bio Feedback & Counseling Center
Kathleen Klose & Jay Harris
Teresa Brugman
Shelly & Marty Gladstein
Iris Adams
Nora & Doug Cannon
Thomas Burke
David & Mattie Paul
Rena Roseman
Vladimir Ovchinnikov & Leah Serebrenik
Ellyn Spencer
Mitch & Judy Kroner
Gerda Kalman, Maot Chittim
Stuart Mandell, in loving memory of his
parents, Myn & Benjamin Mandell on
their yahrzeits and in loving memory
of his uncle, Louis Servetnick on his
Bob & Helene Mershon, in loving
memory of her father, Mark Mordecai
on his yahrzeit and in loving memory
of David Barson
Eunice Miller & Debby Miller, in loving
memory of their beloved parents,
Beatrice W. Miller & Arthur Miller on
their yahrzeits
Kevin & Eunice Miller, in loving memory
of Elaine Mandell, mother of member
Debra Levasseur
Sam Miller, in loving memory of Elaine
Mandell, mother of member Debra
Arthur & Katy Miller, in loving memory
of Elaine Mandell, mother of member
Debra Levasseur
Kevin & Eunice Miller & family, in loving
memory of Ethel Amato
Debby Miller, in loving memory of Ethel
Wendy Wise, Don & W. Huston Chabot,
in loving memory of Elaine Mandell,
mother of Debra Levasseur
Leona Paul, in loving memory of her
father, Alexander Bell on his yahrzeit
Esther Rosen, in loving memory of
Morris Burakoff, husband of member
Annette Burakoff
Shirley Holber, in loving memory of her
husband, Alan Holber on his yahrzeit
Deborah Kraft, in loving memory of her
father, Melvin Shapiro on his yahrzeit
Gerald Shyavitz, in loving memory of
his father, Moses Shyavitz on his
yahrzeit and in loving memory of his
grandmother, Fannie Porton on her
In loving memory of Elaine Mandell,
mother of member, Debra Levasseur
Rita & Jonathan Harris
Cheryl Hill
Trudy, Mitch, Michael & Melanie Zakin
Sam & Shirley Yanku
David Belsky Paula Breger & Claire
Breger Belsky
Harriet Peick
Nancy LaFleur
Michelle & Loren Goldstein
Stuart Mandell
Janet Kopel & family
Kim, Mike &Noah Callan
The Board of Directors of Temple
Adele W. Shamban, in loving memory
of her aunt, Ruth Dobrow on her
Trudy Zakin, in loving memory of her
mother, Marlene Dress on her yahrzeit
Janet Kopel & family, in honor of Gene &
Marcy Weiner on their 50th wedding
Trudy, Mitch, Michael & Melanie Zakin,
in honor of Rita & Jonathan Harris on
the birth of their grandson, Emerson
Bourne Marr
Leona Paul, in loving memory of her
father, Alexander Bell on his yahrzeit
Arthur Bloom, in loving memory of his
mother, Doris Bloom on her yahrzeit
Bonnie Ashmore-Davis, in loving
memory of her father, Frederick
Ashmore on his yahrzeit
Roberta Glazer, in loving memory of
her father, Hyman J. Gretsky on his
David & Dorothy Baker, in loving
memory of his mother, Anna Baker
on her yahrzeit
Lois Skaff, in loving memory of her
mother, Lena Karelitz on her yahrzeit
Adele Ash, in loving memory of her
mother, Shirley Leavitt Bauling on her
Dorothy Millman, in loving memory of
her father, Samuel Gofstein on her
Irwin & Jane Rosenston, in loving
memory of his parents, Diana &
Morris Rosenston on their yahrzeits
Allen Lampert, in loving memory of his
son, Seth Lampert on his yahrzeit
Donald Close, in loving memory of his
father, Maurice Close on his yahrzeit
Nelson Cohen, in loving memory of his
mother, Rebecca Betty Cohen on
her yahrzeit
Sandi & Stephen Lundquist, in loving
memory of her grandmother, Anna
Baker on her yahrzeit
Joel Hervitz, in loving memory of his
grandmother, Bessie Gerson on her
Richard Rosengard, in loving memory
of his parents, Esther B. & Joseph
Rosengard on their yahrzeits
Barry Gorevitz, in loving memory of his
father, Arnold Gorevitz on his yahrzeit
Jonathan Harris, in loving memory of
his mother, Dorothea R. Harris on her
Marsha & Harvey Katz, in loving memory
of her parents, Anna & Maxwell Baker
on their yahrzeits
Charlotte Gofstein, in loving memory of
her husband, Bernard Gofstein on his
Michele Howard, in loving memory of
her dad, Michael Rosenbaum on his
Thelma Forman, in loving memory of
her husband, Frank Forman on his
Alvin Fogel, in loving memory of his
mother, Bessie Fogel on her yahrzeit
Shirley Treff, in loving memory of her
father, Hjalmar Nurmi on his yahrzeit
Chester Haverback, in loving memory
of his mother, Tillie Haverback on her
Gail Korinow, in loving memory of her
mother, Sadie Jaffe on her yahrzeit
Vivian Gordon, in loving memory of her
mother-in-law, Grace Lillian Gordon
on her yahrzeit
Louis Shafmaster, in loving memory of
her grandmother, Ida Myers on her
Andrea & Tom Rosebach, in loving
memory of her mother, Dorothy
Sinsheimer on her yahrzeit
Sherri Griffs, in loving memory of her
mother, Evelyn Weinberg on her
yahrzeit and in loving memory of her
cousin, Leona Karelitz on her yahrzeit
Judith Kroner, in loving memory of her
parents, Lee & Hyman Greenbaum on
their yahrzeits
Helen Saltsman, in loving memory of
her father, Bernard Glagovsky on his
Harriet Dechowitz, in loving memory
of her father, Edwin Coltin, on his
Thelma Grant Caparell, in loving
memory of her father, Nathan Berman
on his yahrzeit and in loving memory
of her grandfather, Max Jacobs on
his yahrzeit
Virginia Jonas Sackett & Bette J.
Freedson, in loving memory of their
father, Irving Jonas on his yahrzeit
Mel Gofstein, in loving memory of
his father, Samuel Gofstein on his
June Goldberg Kann, in loving memory
of her grandfather, Zangwell
Goldberg on his yahrzeit
Michael Siegal, in loving memory of his
grandmother, Annie Siegal on her
Edward Cohen, in loving memory of his
mother, Rose Zelig on her yahrzeit
April 6
26th of Nisan
Nathan Apteker
Ruth Banner
Eleanor Bovernick
Fannie Brindis
Minnie Cheinstein
Simon Darivoff
Rona E. Dermer
Sally Douglas
Annie Finkle
Harry M. Fleet
Frank Forman
Edward Frank
Herman Freedman
Sol Gallas
Anne Goldberg
Louis Golubzik
Hyman Greenbaum
Aileen Greenberg
John Greenberg
Herbert H. Jaffe
Sadie Jaffe
Mildred Kimball
Abraham Litman
Myn Mandell
Bette Mandell
Louis Medelsohn
Annie Meirovitz
Simon Milhendler
Eva B. Miller
Joseph Nocella
Ida Resnick
Annie Ruth Ritter
Selmour Rubinoff
Esther Sanft
Lillian Shapiro
Bernard Shliveck
Samuel Shrensker
Israel Shriber
Saul Silberman
Dorothy Sinsheimer
Herbert Striesfeld
Minnie Tye
Rose Zelig
April 12 & 13
3rd of Iyar
Alexander Bell
Benjamin Bender
Morris Berkovich
William Brindis
Marvin Brindis
Ellis Brodie
Hyman Cohen
Martha Cohen
Edwin Coltin
Ruth Dobrow
Norma Faini-Pick
Shirley Feigenbaum
Hyman Fogel
Doris L. Gens
Lewis Glazer
Etta Goldberg
Max Jacobs
Irving Jonas
Esther Kramer
Nathan Levene
Betty Livingston
Kevin Lyman
Ruth Milhendler
Stephen Mills
Abraham David Novick
Michael Rosenbaum
Barney Salner
Jordan Sandler
Mary Scolnick
Louis Servetnick
Sophie Shade
Ruth Shinberg
Ruth Sideman
Annie Siegal
Bernice Sternberger
Abraham Supovitz
Sam Traister
Vina Trebach
Evelyn Weinberg
F. R. Whitman
Rose Whitten
April 20
10th of Iyar
Barbara Baratt
Nathan Berman
Estelle Birenbaum
Israel Bloomfeld
Max Epstein
Rose Faber
Bessie Fogel
Ella Garber
Bernard Glagovsky
Zangwell Goldberg
Martha Greenberg
Alan E. Holber
Wayne Kallman
Ada Karelitz
Rose Klion
Dorothy Kole
Fannie Krinsky
Eugene L. Lang
Norman Lazarus
Albert S. Levine
Ida Myers
Karen A. Phillips
Annie Sandler
Moses Schlafman
Harry Shapiro
Bessie Shlackman
Julia Snyder
Mark Zusmanovich
April 27
17th of Iyar
Stu Alman
Israel Alper
Pauline Baer
Moshe Bakel
Sumner Berenson
Gedalia Bourkett
Abraham Brown
Lewis Buchman
Rose Cohen
William Byron Coltin
David Dobrow
Rose Douglas
Linda Elson
Esther Emanuel
Howard Erbstein
Bessie Fiman
Abraham Fisher
Joseph Fox
Carleton Ginsburg
Jennie Greenstein
Edna Gross
Joseph Gurevich
Marshall Hershman
Leona Karelitz
Max David Klayman
Gladys Levy
Jayme Lipkin-Moore
Meyer Newman
Fannie Porton
Mortimer M. Propper
Bessie Ralby
John Ritter
Lee (Green) Roche
Beatrice Rosengard
C. Frances Sandler
Gussie Shain
Sara Shapiro
Moses Shyavitz
Eleanor Silverman
Sarah Soreff
Louis Streisfeld
Goldie Triedman
Betty Zelig Troen
May 4
24th of Iyar
Linton Bauling
Anne Bendetson
Frances Boyle
Eli Caplan
Gus Cohen
Nathan Field
Sara Bella Frankel
Sadie Garfnkel
Abraham Goldberg
Sophie Gordon
Sadie Gorodetsky
Ralph Max Grodberg
Vera Gronner
Fannie Harsfald
Dora Hartman
Miriam hervitz
Minnie Hodes
Ralph L. Isaacs
Edward Kaplan
Miriam Klein
Louis Kremer
David Labzofsky
Shirley Larks
Harold Mandell
Alfred Milden
Ethel Myers
Isaac Pollack
George S. Ralby
Egon Schwartz
Hansa Segal
Harry Shafmaster
Katie Sherman
Lillian Silverman
Lillian Spack
Louis Swartz
Ida Tenenbaum
Benjamin Vinecour
Milton Zidle
The following names at Yahrzeit will be read on Shabbat
If you are interested in talking about a potential gift to the Campaign as well as payment options,
please call me at my ofce (978) 372-1451 or at home (978) 685-4535.
Thank you! Larry Cowan, Chair
Windows to the Future Campaign
RAM Printing Inc.
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Business & Personal Insurance
Phone: (978) 372-1451
359 Main Street E-mail: cowanins@tiac.net
Haverhill, MA 01830 Fax: (978) 521-4669

If your ad were here,
it would be advertising
your business right now.
Contact the ofce at
nancy@templeemanu-el.org for details
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Bradford, MA 01835
Phone: 978-374-1081
C.M. Bailey & Sons
Plumbing & Heating
Please patronize those who advertise in our bulletin

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If your ad were here,
it would be advertising
your business right now.
Contact the ofce at
nancy@templeemanu-el.org for details
Members of the Executive Committee
Lynn Martin President 603-382-8771
David Belsky 1st V.P. 978-363-8846
Larry Jacobs 2nd V.P. 603-458-1884
Judd Nathan Secretary 603-362-6293
Larry Cowan Treasurer 978-685-4535
Kevin Miller Assistent Treasurer 603-893-5421
Loren Goldstein Past President 603-373-7494
Stuart Mandell Life President 978-372-3514
Temple Committees
Adult Ed Rhoda/Fred Feldman 603-580-5779
Budget Larry Jacobs 603-458-1884
Brotherhood Jay Koffman 978-521-5148
Chesed Sharyn Russell 978-372-5777
Communications Director Fred Feldman 603-580-5779
Dues Larry Jacobs 603-458-1884
Fundraising TBD
HaSifriyah (Library) Paula Breger 978-363-8846
House Loren Goldstein 978-373-7494
Membership Outreach Eric Jacobs 603-329-4441
Religious Practice Kevin Miller 603-893-5421
Religious School Rita Harris 978-352-6842
Renovations Kevin Miller 603-893-5421
Security David Belsky 978-363-8846
Sisterhood TBD
Social TBD
Social Action TBD
Trusts/Wills/Bequests Larry Cowan 978-372-1451
Windows to the Future Larry Cowan 978-372-1451
Youth Trudy Zakin 978-475-8170
Members of the Board of Directors
Jackie Berman 2014 978-521-0903
Nora Cannon 2013 978-352-6334
Sandy Channen 2015 978-374-0813
Fred Feldman 2014 603-580-5779
Rhoda Feldman 2014 603-580-5779
Eric Jacobs 2013 603-329-4441
Jesse Kamien 2013 603-898-6630
Jay Koffman 2013 978-521-5148
Mark Messinger 2015 978-374-0700
Eunice Miller 2015 603-893-5421
Harriet Peick 2014 978-689-4517
Barbra Forman Salladay 2014 603-329-5359
Paul Shalek 2014 603-382-5487
Vincent Van Der Linden 2015 978-609-8044
Pat Whitman (zl) 2015 603-362-4258
Doug Zimon 2015 603-382-5329
Temple Administration
Rabbi Ira Korinow, rabbik@templeemanu-el.org
Debbi Levasseur, Religious School Director, Debbi@templeemanu-el.org
Nancy J. LaFleur, Temple Administrator, nancy@templeemanu-el.org
Mindy Harris, Cantorial Soloist, mindyharris@templeemanu-el.org
Kim Giannopoulous, Bookkeeper, kim@templeemanu-el.org
Cheryl Hill, Religious School Administrative Assistant,
Temple Emanu-El
514 Main Street, Haverhill, MA 01830 E-mail: nancy@templeemanu-el.org
Phone: 978-373-3861 Fax: 978-373-7995 www.TempleEmanu-El.org
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April 2013 Nisan / Iyar 5773
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
1 21st of Nisan
7th Day of
Service 9:30am
Ofce Closed
No High School
2 22nd of Nisan
8th Day of
Service 9:30am
(includes Yizkor)
Ofce Closed
3 23rd of Nisan
Religious School
Choir 7:00pm
Executive Mtg
4 24th of Nisan 5 25th of Nisan
Yom Ha-Shoah
Service 7:00pm
Grade 7 participates
6 26th of Nisan
Parashat Shemini
Shabbat Morning
Service 9:30am
Shabbat Shiur
7 27th of Nisan
Religious School
High SchoolOrientation
ATID 9:30am
HEFTY Bd mtg 12pm
Adult Ed Program
2pm, Merrimack
College Campus,
Andover, MA
8 28th of Nisan
Yom Ha-Shoah
High School
9 29th of Nisan
MJJF Board meeting
10 30th of Nisan
Rosh Chodesh Iyar
Religious School
Bar Mitzvah
Seminar II for
parents 4:00pm
Board Mtg
11 1st of Iyar
Rosh Chodesh Iyar
12 2nd of Iyar
Creative Service
Service 7:00pm
13 3rd of Iyar
Parashat Tazria-
Shabbat Morning
Service 9:30am
Shabbat Chavurah
14 4th of Iyar
No Religious
15 5th of Iyar
High School
16 6th of Iyar
Yom HaAtzmaut
17 7th of Iyar
No Religious
Choir 7:00pm
18 8th of Iyar 19 9th of Iyar 20 10th of Iyar
Parashat Achrei
Shabbat Morning
Service 9:30am
Shabbat Shiur
21 11th of Iyar
Religious School
FC3 & 4 9:00am
FC Orientation 9am
Grade 7 Field trip to
Touro Synagogue
22 12th of Iyar
High School
Falafel Dinner
Religious School
Committee Mtg
23 13th of Iyar 24 14th of Iyar
Religious School
Choir 7:00pm
25 15th of Iyar 26 16th of Iyar 27 17th of Iyar
Parashat Emor
Shabbat Morning
Service 9:30am
Shabbat Shiur
28 18th of Iyar
Religious School
Lag BOmar
outside games
Haverhill Jewish
Scholarship Loan mtg
Book Club 10am
Faculty Mtg 12:15pm
29 19th of Iyar
High School
Grade 7 invited
30 20th of Iyar
Executive Mtg
NH Vacat i on Week
No Food or Drink to be brought into the Temple
unless Kosher for Passover
The Jewish Advocate is offering a FREE
6-month subscription to NEW temple members.
Call 617-367-9100 ext. 120
ALL temple members can receive a free, ongoing
subscription to The Jewish Journal. Call 978-745-4111 x121
or email business1@jewishjournal.org.
MA Vacat i on Week
NY Conf i r mat i on Tr i p
Temple Emanu-El
514 Main Street
Haverhill, MA 01830
Tzadikim Elijahs Table Amoodim
When you become a member of either Tzadikim, Elijahs Table or Amoodim, you are doing an act of loving kindness by helping one
of the families in our community who cannot afford to pay full dues.
Tzadikim 5773:
Members who contribute $475 over the $1900 Family Membership Full Dues or $238 over the $950 Single Membership Full Dues.
Laura Bendetson Marilyn & Mike Goldberg Alma Klinetsky
Margery Bendetson Caren & Howard Hantman Howard Paul
Ronnie Cohen Michele Howard Gina & Robert Vega
Elijahs Table 5773:
Members who contribute $950 over the $1900 Family Membership Full Dues or $475 over the $950 Single Membership Full Dues.
Janet & Larry Cowan Patricia & Bill Herman Essie & Brian Shuman
Anonymous Janet Kopel David Watnick
Amoodim 5773:
Members who contribute $1900 over the $1900 Family Membership Full Dues or $950 over the $950 Single Membership Full Dues.
Stuart Mandell Mattie & David Paul Stephen Sall
Leona Paul Nancy Paul

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