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March - April 2013

The Hope of Easter


Bringing the Good News of Jesus Christ to the people of Kenora.

"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through Him." John 3:16-17 These verses mark why the upcoming Easter Season is so significant. In it, it reminds us of why Jesus did what he did for us. Normally this time of the year in March we are beginning to enjoy the warmer days and longer daylight and longing for when we will see grass again. In that longing for future days we can allow Good Friday and Resurrection Sunday (Easter Sunday) to pass by and miss all that God wants to remind you that you are loved and that his son died on a cross that your sins may be forgiven. In a lot of liturgical Churches they invite their members to a time of preparation before Easter, they call this lent. While as Pentecostals we don't officially celebrate lent we would be wise to begin now to do intentional things to get our heart ready to truly celebrate Good Friday, where we remember Jesus's death and our sin that caused him to have to go and die for us, and Easter Sunday where we thank God that Jesus is alive and we pray to one that hears us. As with many things in life when we are prepared for something you are more ready for it than if you face something unprepared. Take some time now through prayer, reflection and fasting and hearing from God that this maybe a season of growth for you! If we are to truly see our vision for 2013 of an awakening happening in all of our hearts then we must make the effort to make it happen. As we wrap up another winter your pastoral team challenges you to draw closer to God this pre-Easter season so that when Good Friday and Resurrection Sunday do come your faith will be strengthened as we thank God for our salvation through the death of God's son on the cross and that he is alive now waiting to come back for his Church.

Our monthly Budget for 2013 is $10,000 a month. As of February 28, 2013 we have received $22,462.68. This includes our annual HST Rebate. Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously. Each man should give what he has decided in his heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. 2 Cor. 9:6

As we begin 2013 and our desire for an awakening in our hearts and lives for God, we look back on the last 2 months we have much to be thankful for: 1) On Thursday January 10 we started our new Bible Study series by Chuck Missler on the book of Revelation. This has been a very thorough series and left us with much to chew on. 2) On Tuesday January 15 Kids Club started back again. God has been doing some great things in the lives of the children, over the last 2 months we have had some new kids come. Please continue to pray for the children and leaders every Tuesday. 3) Monday January 21 to 27 was the week of Christian unity; on January 22 Calvary Church hosted a lunch hour service. Special thanks to Dwayne Krashel for leading the hymns. On Sunday January 27 we joined up at First Baptist Church for a wonderful service together. This was a great week to celebrate all that we do have in common with the other churches of Kenora. 4) Feb 8-10 was our marriage enrichment weekend as we brought in Glen and Jan Kyle from the National Association of Marriage enhancement. Marriages were strengthened this weekend. Special thanks to all that helped with childcare and other things to make the weekend a success. 5) On February 21st we had our Annual Business Meeting. We added Ryan Willis and Jim Wilson to our membership list and passed the 2013 budget. At the meeting it was confirmed that Marge Guderyan and Dan Remmerswaal were acclaimed for a 2 year term on the Board of Deacons. Please pray for our leadership team in 2013 that God will help Pastor John, Marge, Dan, Roy, and Angela give good leadership at the Board Meetings. 6) On February 26 was the Community Sliding night at Valleyview School


March 1 - Horizon College Youth Rally. 24 Guest Speaker: Pastor Mark Tombs. 26 - Kids Club Easter Outreach. 29 - Good Friday Passover Seder. 31 - Resurrection Sunday Service. April 2 Watoto Choir Presentation 30 - Final Kids Club meeting for the Season.

Senior Pastor: Rev. John-Mark Morley at pastorofcalvary@kmts.ca Assistant Pastor, Youth & Womens Ministry: Pr. Ana Willis at pastorana@kmts.ca Childrens Church & Nursery: Charlotte Morley at pastorofcalvary@kmts.ca Office Administration & Library: Marge Guderyan at calvarychurch@kmts.ca 1460 Valley Drive. Kenora, ON P9N-4K6 Phone: (807) 548-2000 www.calvarychurchkenora.blogspot.ca

Matthew 28:19-20
Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, "teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age." Amen.

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