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) Credit card processing starts the moment the credit card is keyed into the processing terminal. Stage 2.) The movement of funds begins when the custom er gives the merchant their credit/debit information. Initially the funds are au thorized but are not placed into the merchants account until the end of the day. Funds are moved between the customers bank and then to the merchants bank that doe s the processing. Stage 3.) The authorization in Stage 2 occurs after the custom ers information, i.e. name, account number, is sent to the merchants processing ba nk by the debit/credit card companies who are: Visa, Master Card, Discover and A merican Express. These gateways handle the process for using these cards. Stage 4. ) The merchant decides if they want to handle American Express and Discover; all of American Expresses and Discovers applications, are handled by them individual ly which entails banking relationships with merchants etc., The companies issues their own cards, processing set-up and all systems related to the transaction(s ) is developed and managed by them. Stage 5.) The merchant decides if they want to handle Visa and Master Card, it is then automatically set up when the merchan t decides that they want to accept these cards. Stage 6.) Transactions initiated at the merchants terminal have all the customers information and are handled by a n 800 number or by the internet to the bank that handles the processing for the merchant. Stage 7.) At the moment of transaction the merchant knows within a min ute of it if it has been accepted or declined. Before midnight, on the day of th e transaction, all transactions are placed together orbatched. The merchant, by th is batching has to pay a batch fee. Stage 8.) The funds arrive in the merchants acc ount no later than 48 hours of the initial transaction. More often it occurs wit hin 24 hours.



Credit Card Processing System <> Version:1.0 Date:17/02/11 Credit Card Processing System Use Case Specification: Submit Order Version 1.0 Revision History Date 17/02/11 Version 1.0 Description Abstract for submitting the order Author C redit card Confidential Credit card, 2011

Credit Card Processing System <> Version:1.0 Date:17/02/11 Table of Contents 1. Submit Order 1.1 Brief Description 1 1 1 1 1 2. Flow of Events 2.1 2.2 Basic Flow Alternative Flows 3. Special Requirements 1 4. Preconditions 1 5. Post Conditions 5.1 5.2 Successful Condition Failure Condition 1 1 1 6. Extension Points Confidential Credit card, 2011

Credit Card Processing System <> Version:1.0 Date:17/02/11 Use Case Specification:Submit Order Submit Order 1.1 Brief Description This use case specifies about how the customer submits the order to merchant site. 2. 2.1 Flow of Events Basic Flow 1. This use case begins with the customer logging into his account with the user name and password. 2. Once the login is successful the user is navigated to home page. 3. Customer can browse the products that he to purchase. 4. The system checks for availabili ty of products. 5. If the products are available, customer selects the products that he wants to purchase. 6. After the product is selected the system displays information about each product. 7. Then the order is submitted and validated, th e system notifies the customer with success message. 8. Thus this use case ends successfully. 2.2 Alternative Flow: If in step 2 of the basic flow of submit ord er the user does not login successfully, then the use case ends with failure con dition. If the order is invalid then also the use case fails. 3. Special Requirements o The system should have to maintain the customer records. o The system should have to response the customer quickly. 4. Precondition The user should have logged if he is an existing user. In the case of new user, a user account has to be created for further access to information. 5. 5.1 Post Condition Successful Condition An unique order number is generated by the system each time an order is submitted by the customer. Failure Condition The user should be not ified if there was any problem in submitting order. 5.2 6. Extension Points None. Confidential Credit card, 2011

Credit Card Processing System Use Case Specification: Transfer Fund Version:1.0 Date:17/02/11 Credit Card Processing System Use Case Specification: Transfer Fund Version 1.0 Revision History Date 17/02/11 Version 1.0 Description Abstract for validating the card Author Cr edit card Confidential CreditCard, 2011

Credit Card Processing System Use Case Specification: Transfer Fund Version:1.0 Date:17/02/11 Table of Contents 1. Transfer Fund 1.1 2. Brief Description 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Flow of Events 2.1 2.2 Basic Flow Alternative Flows 3. 4. 5. Special Requirements Preconditions Post Conditions 5.1 Successful Condition 5.2 Failure Condition 6. Extension Points Error! Bookmark not defined. Confidential CreditCard, 2011

Credit Card Processing System Use Case Specification: Transfer Fund Version:1.0 Date:17/02/11 Use Case Specification: Transfer Fund Transfer Fund 1.1 Brief Description This use case specifies about how the amount get transferr ed from customer account to merchant account. 2. 2.1 Flow of Events Basic Flow 1. Merchant gives request to customers bank account. 2. Merchant gets the transac tion receipt from customer bank. Then the merchant submit it to the merchant ban k. 3.Merchant bank then credits the merchant account and submits the transaction to credit card network for settlement. 4.The credit card network pays the merch ant bank and debits the card issuer account. 5. The card issuer sends monthly st atement to the cardholder for resettlement. 2.2 Alternative Flow: If the custome r account does not have enough money then this use case ends with failure condit ion. 3. Special Requirements The system should provide facilities for secure money transaction. The system should have to update the accounts after every transaction. The speed of the system should be fast. 4. 5. 5.1 5.2 Precondition The Customers need to have an account. Post Condition: Successful Condition Both the customer account and merchant account should be up dated. Failure Condition The customer should be notified of unsuccessful modific ations. 6. Extension Points None. Confidential Credit card, 2011 1

Credit Card Processing System <> Version:1.0 Date:17/02/11 <Credit Card Processing System> Use Case Specification: Validate Card Version 1.0 Revision History Date 17/02/11 Version 1.0 Description Abstract for validating the card Author Cr edit card Confidential Credit card, 2011

Credit Card Processing System <> Version:1.0 Date:17/02/11 Table of Contents 1.Validte Card 1.1 2. Brief Description 1 1 1 1 1 Flow of Events 2.1 2.2 Basic Flow Alternative Flows 3. Special Requirements 1 4. Preconditions 1 5. Post Conditions 5.1 5.2 Successful Condition Failure Condition 1 1 1 6. Extension Points Confidential Credit card, 2011

Credit Card Processing System <> Version:1.0 Date:17/02/11 Use Case Specification: Validate Card Validate Card 1.1 Brief Description In this use case customer details are verified by the cred it card issuer and then it validates the card deponding upon the available detai ls. 2. 2.1 Flow of Events Basic Flow 1. Customer presents a card to pay for products. 2. Merchant processes the card and transaction information and gives requests to merchant bank for authorizatio n. 3. Merchant gives the request to credit card network. 4. Credit card network passes that request to card issuer. 5. The card issuer issuer approves/declines the request. 6. Credit card network forward the card issuer response to the merc hant bank. 7. Merchant bank forward that response to merchant. Deponding on the response merchant does the transaction. 2.2 Alternative Flow: If in step 5 of th e basic flow of validate card fails then the card is invalid. Then the use case ends with failure condition. 3. Special Requirements The system should contain the updated details of the customer. The speed of the system should be fast. 4. 5. 5.1 5.2 Precondition The Customers need to have credit card. Post Condition Successful Condition Amount gets transferred from customer account to merchant a ccount. Failure Condition The customer should be notified of unsuccessful transa ctions 6. Extension Points None. Confidential Credit card, 2011 1












IMPLEMENTATION & TESTING: Submitui.java package submitorder; import java.io.*; import javax.swing.*; impor t java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; public class submitui{ Frame fr; GridLayo ut gr; JTextField name,address,pincode,phone_no,p_id,card_no,PIN_no; Label nme,a dd,pcode,pn,pid,cardno,PINno; Button bt; public void displayform() { JFrame fr=new JFrame("Submit Order"); fr.setSize(400 ,400); gr=new GridLayout(10,2); name=new JTextField(20); address=new JTextField( 20); pincode=new JTextField(20); phone_no=new JTextField(20); p_id=new JTextFiel d(20); card_no=new JTextField(20); PIN_no=new JTextField(20); nme=new Label("Ent er name"); add=new Label("Enter address"); pcode=new Label("Enter pincode"); pn= new Label("Enter phone number"); pid=new Label("Enter Product id"); cardno=new L abel("Enter card number"); PINno=new Label("Enter PIN number"); bt=new Button("S ubmit"); //bt.addActionListener(); bt.addActionListener(new MyAction());

fr.setLayout(gr); fr.add(nme); fr.add(name); fr.add(add); fr.add(address); fr.ad d(pcode); fr.add(pincode); fr.add(pn); fr.add(phone_no); fr.add(pid); fr.add(p_i d); fr.add(cardno); fr.add(card_no); fr.add(PINno); fr.add(PIN_no); fr.add(bt); fr.setVisible(true); fr.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); } public void notifySubmitFailure() { JFrame frame=new JFrame("Registration fails"); op= new Label("Registration Fails - Check All the Fields adn enter Properly"); frame .add(op); frame.setSize(500,400); frame.setVisible(true); frame.setDefaultCloseO peration(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); } public void notifySubmitSuccess() { JFrame frame=new JFrame("Registration Succ ess"); op=new Label("Registraion sucess"); frame.add(op); frame.setSize(400,400) ; frame.setVisible(true); frame.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); }

public class MyAction implements ActionListener{ public void actionPerformed(Act ionEvent e) { String s1=name.getText(); String s2=address.getText(); String s3=p incode.getText(); String s4=phone_no.getText(); String s5=p_id.getText(); String s6=card_no.getText(); String s7=PIN_no.getText(); if(s1.equals("")||s2.equals(" ")||s3.equals("")||s4.equals("")||s5.equals("")||s6.equals("")||s7.equals(" ")) notifySubmitFailure(); else notifySubmitSuccess(); } } public static void main(S tring args[]) { submitui a=new submitui(); a.displayform(); }} SAMPLE OUTPUT:

RESULT: Thus the UML model for Credit Card Processing System has been designed and imple mented successfully using Rational Software Architect.

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