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Dear Sir/madam, We are student of S.V.Institute of management, kadi. We are here by wants to do a study on production system of your company. Chapter 2 About Manufacturing processes 2.1 Type of process performed Que. 1. How production Processes are organized? (You have to observe & Write answer of this Question on your own. Put Description of some Point). Project Layout Work center Continuous process Manufacturing cell

Assembly Line

2.2 Process showing conversion of raw material to finish goods (You can Draw Process Flow Charting) Que 2: In your company How Raw Material Is converted into Finish Goods? (Along with photos)

Draw here Process

Que 3: In your company do you Use following Processes? Process Welding Surface Preparation Painting Galvanizing Non-Destructive Testing Buffering Blocking Staving Others (Specify) Response Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Chapter 3 Process Layout 3.1 Layout format in company Que 4: Which layout is used by company? Product Layout Process Layout Manufacturing cell Project If Yes, Then Where These Process are Performed? & How Performed?

Layout Flexible Layout

U-Shaped layout

Que 5: Description about the Layout Format used By Company? (Along with photos)

Que 6: Does company follow systematic layout planning? Yes No

Que 7: if yes, then among which department systematic layout planning is adopted & how it is adopted?

Que 8: Does Company Follow assembly Line? Yes No

Que 9: if yes, then fill following details? Workstation cycle Time Production time per day Required output Per day Sum of task time

Total number of taks performed in day Names of task company performing in day Cycle time Efficiency

Que 10: If Company Follow assembly Line, then draw graph of activities.

Chapter 4 Inventory Management 4.1 Inventory System Adopted by company Que 11: Which Inventory system is adopted by company? ABC Inventory Policy Fixed Order quantity Model (EOQ Model) Fixed time Period Model (P- Model) Other

Que 12: Answer the following only if company using Fixed Order quantity Model (EOQ Model) for its inventory. Cost Annual Holding Cost (Ask Company That Which Cost They Incurre To Hold Inventory Such As Security, Insurance Material 1 Material 2 Material 3 Material 4 Material 5 Total

Etc.) (In Rs.) Annual Ordering cost (In Rs.) Number of Units Holding on an average (In Units) Number of Order per year Annual Purchase Cost (In Rs.) Reorder Point Lead Time Que 13: When you generally Place an order? (Time Duration)

Que 14: Answer the following only if company is using ABC Inventory Policy. Catego ry A Goods in category Amount (Rs.) Units

Que 15: Answer the following only if company is using fixed time Period Model (P- Model).


Material 1

Material 2

Material 3

Material 4

Material 5


Review Time Lead time Average demand Annual Demand Safety Stock Inventory level Que 16: Does Anytime Stock out or surplus stock situation arise in your company? Yes No

Que 17: How do you Determine Safety stock of each Material?

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