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Third Semester B.E. Degree Examination, July/August 2005

Logic Design
Tlme: 3 hrs.l JMruc.Marks 100
Note: AJrswa auy H VF full
1. (,\) Explain Dcmorgan's tlworems in Algebra.
(b) '>tate and explain two .1pplkations of shift register (6 Muk<)
Design a combmational n rcwt for 3 brt even-parity gt>nerator and implement rt
us N \NO on I)'. 10 \t.rl tl
2. (.1) Design BCD to Excess 3 code converter using NOR only. (8
(h) What is race around condJtion? Explain how it is elimm,\ted using J-K master-sl;l\'e
3. (a) Using Qume tl.lc Ousky t.tbulation metJ10d, obtam tJle set of prime implicants for
the futtelton
f(o., b, r, d)= I;(O, 1,4,5,9,10, 12, 14, 15) + L:;t/>(2,8,13)
ami hence obtain the mimmal form of tJle glVen function employing decimal
repre-sent.lhon )..brl .. }
(b) Design mod-4 ripple up counter wiU1 inrllal state rs (011 h Draw timmg diagram
for tJ1e same IS
4. (a) Sunplify lhl' followin g using VEM technique. Reduce 4 variables to 3 variables
Y - ,t B C D 'T 8 C D 1 B CD
-.-1 BCD - t1 8 CD A BCD - ABC D +A BCD
Implement it using AOI logic.
(h) Define f;m-in and fan out -
L"xplain a two mput NA '\JD ITL wiU1 totem pole output \...rith ,, neat circurt
dtagram tl l>hrll
5. (.l) Design 3:8 .tdtve low output decodt>r.
(h) CompMe Moon and \ileelily models.
,) Contruct 8 1 multip)i>xer 21 muluplexPr.
(7 Marl<tl
(S Marl<! I
(5 lo.hr\11
6. (,1) lmpiPITl('nt multi Boole.lll ftmction usmg 3 x 4 x 2 PI.A PLD

1.3,5) and

= L:m(3,5,7)
(h) SWte Shannons theorem .md using tJ1is theorem t'XJ-Mnd the fol low in.;
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(.; a !\100- 4 synchronous down n>LutiC' r us1ng IK flip tlnps ,1nd unplemtnt
it 1 I Mirl"l
7. I' i [){>fine' and explain prime u11plicate
(b) Soht' the following expressi<m using Booleiln ,1lgebr.J tt?Chmque
Denve transition tahll.'. Stah t.ble .1nJ statt> .. ll.tgr.1m for moon
shown in below figt.Jre. tiD Mrl"l
8. .1) Expl.1il1 the> working of a CMOS, f\:0 r, NAND and 1\JOR g. It<;.
ll) Implement the followmg multi-Boolt>,m fun.:hon usmg J>ROM PLD
J,(.cl,.rn) =X)1 .:to
/z(:r.,,.c.,) = .r, (4'vbtk<l
( f(a,b,c,d) = Em(1,2,3.5,1i. 7,1 1,12.13, 11,15)
for I hi' a bon rxprt>S5101l
i\ Dmw t.lw logic diagram u;.ing AOI logi for mmimal sum. Obt.1in nuntnMI
usmg K-map.
u) Fmd all the prime m1ph.-.1nts and essenti,1l pnme i1nplic.mts. t&
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