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Kilauea Cell Tower Health Hazard Alert APRIL 2013 Update

Cell tower installation planned by AT&T/New Cingular Wireless at the Lighthouse Christian Fellowship. The
proposed fake pine tree tower would violate zoning height restrictions at 80 feet tall and would be approximately 200 feet from homes on Titcomb Road and the Kaua'i Christian Academy School with estimated radio frequency radiation (RFR) level of 22 micro watts per square centimeter (uW/cm 2) emitted by twelve panel antennas.


Oppose The Installation of this Microwave Radiation-Emitting Cell Tower! CONTACT the following to tell them you do not consent to this cell tower
Lighthouse Christian Fellowship Pastor John Schmeling (808) 826-9080 AT&T Representative Ali'i Wireless Keoni Fox (808) 351-6279 fox@aliiwireless.com Kaua'i Planning Commissioners Michael Dahilig, Director of Planning mdahilig@kauai.gov Kaaina Hull, Planner, Kaua'i County Planning Department khull@kauai.gov CC: Mayor Bernard P. Carvalho, Jr. mayor@kauai.gov & Kaua'i County Council Members councilmembers@kauai.gov Email or mail in your opposition to this proposed cell tower prior to ONE WEEK BEFORE the Planning Commissioners meeting on 5/14/13. Federal law prohibits legally challenging cell towers on environmental/health matters. We may speak to this, however legal reasons to deny this application are: it requires a height variance; it will lower property values; and it will ruin the view shed.


The Planning Commissioner's Meeting on TUESDAY May 14, 2013 9:00 am AT LIHUE CIVIC CENTER, MOIKEHA BUILDING, MEETING ROOM 2A-2B, 4444 RICE STREET, LIHUE, HAWAII (in the plaza of the DMV in the circular building) Date subject to change, please call (808) 241-4050 to verify date and time. Agenda Item is: Class IV Zoning Permit Z-IV-2013-12, Use Permit U-201311 and Variance Permit V-2013-4 to allow installation and height variance for an 80 ft. high monopine tower that includes twelve (12) panel antennas on a parcel situated in Klauea, along the western side of Klauea Lighthouse Road, immediately adjacent to the Kaua'i Christian Academy facility, further identified as Tax Map Key 5-2-004: 102, and affecting a portion of a larger parcel approx. 13.203 acres in size.


Resonance Beings of Frequency by James Russell. This film explores the impact of the electromagnetic fields and radiofrequency radiation from our modern technologies on our health and the environment. http://www.vimeo.com/54189727#at=0

CHECK OUT - www.BioInitiative.Org A 5-year update of the Bioinitiative 2007 report on electromagnetic fields and health.
Prepared by 29 independent researchers from ten countries. In light of newer evidence, the recommended exposure standards have been further lowered. This study covers EMF from powerlines, electrical wiring, appliances and hand-held devices; and from wireless technologies (cell and cordless phones, cell towers, smart meters, WI-FI, wireless laptops, wireless routers, baby monitors, and other electronic devices). Health topics include damage to DNA and genes, effects on memory, learning, behavior, attention, sleep disruption, cancer and neurological diseases like Alzheimers disease. New safety standards are urgently needed for protection against EMF and wireless exposures that now appear everywhere in daily life..." The report finds that RFR exposures should be kept below 0.001 W/cm2 in order to ensure public safety - compare to U.S. FCC exposure guideline of 1000 W/cm2. In China, Russia, Italy, Switzerland and Monaco the guidelines are 10 W/cm2. The AT&T tower is estimated to be 22 W/cm2 at 50 feet. (Per AT&T Representative Ali'i Wireless Keoni Fox at KNC meeting on 4/2/13.)

JOIN US Sundays at 9:00 am as we show our community opposition at the Lighthouse Christian Fellowship at 4150 Kilauea Lighthouse Rd.
For more information contact: Lori Patch lorainepatch@gmail.com 808-652-2916

Quotes, References and Resolutions "Radio frequencies emitted from mobile telephone towers will have deleterious medical effects to people within the near vicinity according to a large body of scientific literature. Babies and children will be particularly sensitive to the mutagenic and carcinogenic effects of the radio frequency radiation. It is therefore criminal to place one of these aerials on or near a school. Helen Caldicott, MD, pediatrician and co-founder of Physicians for Social Responsibility http://em.gmnews.com/news/2010-10-20/Letters/Say_no_to_wireless_antennas_near_Menlo_Park_School.html "The FCCs current exposure guidelinesare thermally based, and do not apply to chronic, non-thermal exposure situations. Therefore, the generalization that the guidelines protect human beings from harm by any or all mechanisms is not justified. Norbert Hankin, Radiation Protection Division, EPA
http://www.emrpolicy.org/faq/noi_epa_response.pdf People Against Cell Towers at Schools. Individually we are the people that are constantly at the school volunteering, we are the PTA board members, the class room mom, the citizen picking up trash on the side of the road. Collectively we are a group of people that, for a number of reasons, do not think Cell towers should be placed on or near school playgrounds. http://expelcelltowers.org/ Los Angeles Unified School District Resolution opposing Cell Towers on or near school property (2000) http://cloutnow.org/lausd/ United Teachers Los Angeles (UTLA) union, representing over 45,000 teachers and other workers in Los Angeles, passed a motion to protect schools from hazardous electromagnetic fields. (3/13) http://takebackyourpower.net/la-teachers-union-passes-resolution-to-protect-schools-from-electromagnetic-radiation/

2009 European Union Parliament Resolution Health concerns associated with electromagnetic fields http://www.europarl.europa.eu/oeil/popups/ficheprocedure.do?id=568065 The European Union voted to recommend precautions be taken to protect human health with regard to wireless technologies, such as mobile phones, Wi-Fi/Wi-Max, Bluetooth, DECT portable phones and cell towers. That certain establishments be kept free of wireless radiation, including schools, day care centers, retirement homes and health care institutions; January 2008 National Academy of Science Report Identification of Research Needs Relating to Potential Biological or Adverse Health Effects of Wireless Communication Devices - http://www.nap.edu/catalog/12036.html The National Research Council (NRC), an arm of the National Academy of Science issued a report saying that we don't know enough about the potential health risks of long-term exposure to RF energy from cell phones, cell towers, television towers, and other components of our communications system. The scientists emphasized the unknown risks to the health of children, pregnant women, and fetuses as well as of workers whose jobs entail high exposure to RF (radiofrequency) EMF resolutions signed by concerned scientist and medical doctors Vienna resolution 1998 www.emrnetwork.org/research/vienna.htm Salzburg Austria Resolution 2000 www.salzburg.gv.at/salzburg_resolution_e.pdf

Freiburger Appeal 2002 www.laleva.cc/environment/freiburger_appeal.html

Catania Italy 2002 www.emrpolicy.org/faq/catania.pdf Benevento Italy Resolution 2006 http://www.icems.eu/benevento_resolution.htm Venice Italy Resolution 2008 http://www.icems.eu/resolution.htm Puerto Alegre Resoltuion 2009 www.icems.eu Advocacy Groups in US www.electromagnetichealth.org www.thepeoplesinitiative.org http:/www.emfsafe.com http://www.microwavenews.com

WHO Database - 10 Out of 14 Peer Reviewed Cell Tower Studies Found Significant Health Symptoms http://www.scribd.com/doc/11484728/10-Out-of-14-Peer-Reviewed-Studies-Found-Significant-Health-Symptoms http://www.sciencedirect.com/science?_ob=ArticleURL&_udi=B6TBB-4VRWNH12&_user=10&_rdoc=1&_fmt=&_orig=search&_sort=d&_docanchor=&view=c&_acct=C000050221&_version=1&_urlVersion=0& _userid=10&md5=b22f07bbd6f4e2076bdc07dbc4e94df6

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