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PHP: Types - Manual


[edit] Last updated: Fri, 20 Apr 2012

Table of Contents
Introduction Booleans Integers Floating point numbers Strings Arrays Objects Resources NULL Callbacks Pseudo-types and variables used in this documentation Type Juggling

User Contributed Notes


Jeffrey 26-Oct-2008 10:31 The Object (compound) Type Like every programming language, PHP offers the usual basic primitive types which can hold only one piece of data at a time (scalar). I am particularly fond of the "object" type (compound) because that allows me to group many basic PHP types together, and I can name it anything I want. <?php class Person { $firstName; $middleName; $lastName; $age;

// // // //

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String String String Integer

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PHP: Types - Manual


$hasDriversLicense; } ?>

// a PHP Boolean

Here, I have grouped several basic PHP types together, (3) Strings, (1) Integer, and (1) Boolean... then I named that group "Person". Since I used the proper syntax to do so, this code is pure PHP, which means that if you run this code, you would have an extra PHP "type" available to you in your scripts, like so: <?php $myAge = 16; $yourAge = 15.5; $hasHair = true; $greeting = "Hello World!" $person = new Person(); ?>

// // // //

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Integer Float Boolean String

always always always always

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// a PHP Person

- available NOW!

You can make your own object types and have PHP execute it as if it were part of the PHP language itself. See more on classes and objects in this manual at: http://www.php.net/manual/en/language.oop5.php arjini at gmail dot com 06-Dec-2005 12:32 Note that you can chain type castng: var_dump((string)(int)false); //string(1) "0" shahnaz khan 18-Mar-2005 04:40 if we use gettype() before initializinf any variable it give NULL for eg. <?php $foo; echo gettype($foo); ?> it will show NULL Trizor of www.freedom-uplink.org 29-Jun-2004 06:14

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26/04/2012 11:04

PHP: Types - Manual


The differance of float and double dates back to a FORTRAN standard. In FORTRAN Variables aren't as loosly written as in PHP and you had to define variable types(OH NOES!). FLOAT or REAL*4 (For all you VAX people out there) defined the variable as a standard precision floating point, with 4 bytes of memory allocated to it. DOUBLE PRECISION or REAL*8 (Again for the VAX) was identical to FLOAT or REAL*4, but with an 8 byte allocation of memory instead of a 4 byte allocation. In fact most modern variable types date back to FORTRAN, except a string was called a CHARACHTER*N and you had to specify the length, or CHARACHTER*(*) for a variable length string. Boolean was LOGICAL, and there weren't yet objects, and there was support for complex numbers(a+bi). Of course, most people reading this are web programmers and could care less about the mathematical background of programming. NOTE: Object support was added to FORTRAN in the FORTRAN90 spec, and expanded with the FORTRAN94 spec, but by then C was the powerful force on the block, and most people who still use FORTRAN use the FORTRAN77.

Copyright 2001-2012 The PHP Group All rights reserved.

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