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Iss sue 7


TrollsZ Zine! is a Trollbridg T ge Production

T Trolls Kick In! I by Dan n Hembree R Raising Spir rits by Just tin T. William ms F Forecast for r a Bit of Ch haos by Val l Kelson K K-Bombs (N New Khazan n) by David d Moskowitz z T The Village of Wyrmsdale by E. P. P Donahue A All the Class ses in T&T by Dougla as Toth T The Wizard s Hut (T&T T solo) by y J. C. Lambe ert T They Know Kung Fu! by Dan Prentice M Muddled Ea arth by Da avid A. Ullery y S Sometimes the t Saving Rolls R Are With W You by y Ira Lee Go ossett B Black Powd der Oddities and Advanced Misfires by Justin n T. Williams T To Start Wit th by Pa atrice Geille T The Ruins of o the Castle e Pynnesse (T&T ( GM Adventure) A by Tori Be erquist T Troll Links 7

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T TrollsZine!

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C Credits s
T Tunnels and Trolls T is a trademark t of Flying Buffal lo Inc., and is s used with pe ermission. Fo or more inform mation on T Tunnels and Trolls T produ ucts visit www w.flyingbuffalo o.com. F First edition of this magazin ne published by b Dan Prentic ce and Kevin Bracey in July y 2010. A All rights reser rved. 2010 Trollbridge T T TrollsZine! Lo ogo 2012 M. M E. Volmar & Simon Lee Tranter T C Cover Layout Design 201 12 M. E. Volm mar & Simon Lee L Tranter C Cover Illustrat tion 2012 Je eff Freels A All visual and textual conte ent has been contributed c by y the individu ual authors an nd artists cred dited in this pu ublication. T The copyright ts for the con ntents of the magazine are e the property y of the indiv vidual contrib butors, who h have given p permission for r their work to o be published d within Trolls sZine! on a no ot-for-profit b basis. T The contents of this publi ication canno ot be reprodu uced elsewher re without the e express con nsent of the respective c copyright hold ders; however r, you may fre eely print the contents of t this publicatio on for your pe ersonal enjoym mentwe h hope you do!

E Editing g Credit ts
E Editor Dan Hembree C Compilation, Interior I Layou ut and Design Dan Hemb bree C Copy Editing Dan Hembr ree, Mike Hill, Val Kelson, David Mosko owitz, Dan Pre entice, M. E. V Volmar

A Art Cre edits

S Submitted Ar rt D Darrenn E. Ca anton: p. 41-42 A Alexander Coo ok: p. 9, 20-22 2 E E. P. Donahue e: p. 3, 14 James Fallows: p. 56, 57, 59, 62-65, 68, 69 9 Jeff Freels: Co over J. C. Lambert: p. 25, 27-33, 35, 37, 39 S Simon Lee Tra anter: p. 13, 53 3 D David A. Uller ry: p. 4-8, 43-4 44 Joshua E. Ulle ery: p. 70 C Cartography D Dan Hembree e: p. 71-72 E E. P. Donahue e: p. 15 (create ed using Hexo ographerTM b by Inkwell Ide eas) S Stock Art Jeff Freels: p. 2 P Public Doma ain Art p p. 47, 49, 51, 52 5 T TrollsZine! Page 2 Issue 7

Trol lls Kic ck In!

These are indeed exciting times for the t Tunnels & mmunity. Delux xe Tunnels & Trolls (dT&T) Trolls com will be released this summer th hanks to an n amazingly y successful Kickstarter K campaign that t er $125,000. The T outpourin ng of support t raised ove for the dT T&T Kicksta arter campaign n has proven n that T&T T is not a forg gotten game; it is alive and d well. I dar resay that the existence of TrollsZine! T and d all of the fan-produced d material in publications, , ums, and blog gs proves that point. online foru TrollsZine! #7 contains an a excellent mix m of articles, , nd adventures s to keep you u busy for the e stories, an remainder r of the winter r and into the spring. Justin n Williams has describe ed some wo onderful new w visions of o undead monsters to o throw at t unsuspect ting delvers and the finer details of f gunpowde er weapons in n T&T. Put these articles s together and have so ome fun. Val l Kelson has s provided an entertaini ing descriptio on of a new w pe monster cap pable of ruini ing the day of f golem-typ any party of delvers. David D Mosko owitz presents s n article for TrollsZine! in n the first New Khazan m fuele ed doomsday y which he describes magically hue has given n us a rather r weapons. E. P. Donah wn for delvers to rest and relax in after r quirky tow their lates st adventure; they probabl ly wont have e any mone ey left once th hey can get out, o but thats s beside the e point. Defin ning character roles is often n a point of f discussion, an nd Douglas Toth T lays out a ay of using th he standard T&T T types to o perfect wa produce an a array of character class ses that some e players fee el have been missing m from the t game. The e solo adven nture in this issue is by J. C. Lambert. The Wizar rds Hut is an excellent exa ample of how w one can create a rich an nd complex adventure a that t ry little physic cal space. If youre y tired of f covers ver your delv vers constantl ly beating up your poor r monsters, Dan Prentice e has offered to train them m in some more m advanced fighting tec chniques. Our r short stor ry for this iss sue is by Ira Lee Gossett, , who show ws us that it really r is bette er to be lucky y than good d. Patrice Geil lle has provide ed some solid d advice on n keeping your freshly cr reated delvers s alive fo or a while at least. l Finally, Tori T Berquist, , author of the solo adven ntures The Bul llow Lands and d b forth a new GM M The Sunk of Tarsus, brings C Pynnesse. This undeadadventure The Ruins of Castle d adventure c contains a det tailed and eng gaging filled back kground, a tou ugh set of cha allenges for d delvers to o overcome, as well as sever ral suggestion ns for addit tional advent tures. Do no ot enter this castle unpr repared, unless youd like e to remain there forev ver. The artists for t this issue in nclude Darren nn E. ton, Alexande er Cook, E. P P. Donahue, J James Cant Fallo ows, J. C. Lam mbert, Simon Lee Tranter, D David A. U Ullery, and Jo oshua E. Ulle ery. As alway ys, the qualiity of work that these ar rtists produce e and freely y contribute t to TrollsZine! i is outstanding g. The one and only Je eff Freels provided the c creepy illust tration feature ed on the cov ver of this is ssue that w warriors prob blems have really just begun n. ope you en njoy this iss sue of Troll lsZine!. I ho Rem member that TrollsZine! relies on your contr tributions. W We dont just need writers and artist ts, but also ed ditors, designe ers, play tester rs, and proo ofreaders. If y you enjoy TrollsZine!, then please get iinvolved. Vis sit the TrollsZ Zine! thread a at the TrolllBridge T&T T discussion fo orum to learn n how you can contribut te. My thanks s to all of you u have ady climbed on n board. alrea Dan Hembree

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Raisin ng Sp pirits
Undead, A Little D Differen ntly
By Jus stin T. Williiams
Are your r zombies sluggish, s you ur phantoms s dispirited, and your skel letons nothing g but sad bags s of bones? Then you may find some inspiration in n ction of undea ad oddities an nd anomalous s this collec apparition ns. For your delight and your players fright, let the t dead rise!

Famine e Spirit
What good d is a strong swo ord arm against t the death of a land? MR: 70 +35 (Witherin ng/Decaying Touch) T Dice: 8D+ Special Abilities: A Withering Wind: can sum mmon a terri ible wind that t ops, spoils foo od, and sickens animals. decays cro Raise Unde dead: can raise the bodies of those it has s slain and the bodies of o anyone or anything that t has died of starvation in the form of a Hunger r e below). Ghoul (see Control Hu unger Ghouls: can c command d any Hunger r Ghouls it has created. Summon/C Control Gore Crows: can summon s and d control Gore Crows (see e below). h by ma agic, silver, or r Immaterial: can only be harmed nts that have e been used d to harvest t instrumen foodsuc ch as scythes s, sickles, gra ain flails, and d other agric cultural implem ments. Ignore Arm mor: its wither ring touch ign nores all nonmagical ar rmor. ion: A Famin ne Spirit is a horrid h corpseDescripti like phant tom of indet terminate sex whose body y floats ethe ereally over th he ground and d shows all the e ravages of o death by starvation. It ts empty eye e sockets are a filled with h green flick kering corpse e lights. A Famine F Spirit is a revenant of vengeance e that is bro ought about when w an innoc cent is starved d to death for f a crime he h or she did d not commit. Such a de eath opens the body of the e deceased to o possession n by a vengeful ghost that t will use the e vessel to wreak w havoc until u it is put to o rest. A

unlikely to d directly Famiine Spirit is clever, and u conf front its ene emies, prefer rring to sen nd its serva ants, the Hun nger Ghouls, to deal with them, and its Gore Cro ows to spy an nd steal from them e it remains sa afe in a hidde en locationu usually while a sec cret stash of f food whose owner refus sed to share e even as othe ers starved.

Go ore Crows s
MR: : 20 Dice e: 3D+10 (Ser rrated Beak an nd Talons) Spec cial Abilities: : Wing ged Flight: are c capable of flig ght. Far-S Seeing: can tra ansmit image es they see t to the Famiine Spirit that t controls them m. cription: Hu uge crows th he size of vu ultures Desc with hooked serra ated beaks an nd bloody red d eyes. They y give off a foul corpse-li ike odor and d utter rauco ous guttural c calls. Gore C Crows are, in truth, spirit ts in physical form and mal liciousness

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salt o or flour, or tea ar apart a man n or dog to feast on flesh h. All of this s, of course, helps the Famine Spiriit to spread th he killing hung ger that it dra aws its powe er from. Hu unger Ghoul ls are capab ble of comp plex plans on nly when direc ctly controlled d by a Famiine Spirit. Otherwise, they behave e like mind dless eating m machines, incap pable of all but the most t simple of ta acticssuch a as hiding in a closet or un nder a set of f stairs, and w waiting to amb bush a victim m.

Ch harnel Dog gs
What t use to flee from m a tireless hunte er? : 58+ MR: Dice e: 6D+29 (Jag agged Teeth a and Ragged B Broken Claw ws) Spec cial Abilities: : Unde ead Resistance: are immun ne to poison n and disea ase, do not b breathe or fe eel pain, and d their unde ead state gives s them the equ uivalent of 3 p points of ar rmor. Speed d of the Dead: c can run tireles ssly and endlessly at top speedchara acters running g away from them ge have a +1 level of dif fficulty over a long rang incre ease on their r SRs to outr run or outdis stance them m. Impla acable Tracker: can track in nfallibly over land, acros ss rivers, and through the r rain once they y have been n given a targe ets scent.

h and bl loodlust, they y incarnate. Filled with hatred yes and scouts s of the Fami ine Spirit that t are the ey controls them, t serving it to satiate its own dark k desires. Gore G Crows are excellent thieves, and d have been n known to steal s small im mportant items s from their r Famine Spir rit's enemies and a to spy on n their plans s.

Hunger Ghouls
MR: 35 +18 (Claw-lik ke Hands and Teeth) T Dice: 4D+ Special Abilities: A Undead In nvulnerability: ar re immune to o poison and d disease, do d not breath he or feel pa ain, and their r undead sta ate gives them m the equivalent of 3 points s of armor. eproduction: a victim v killed by a Hunger r Undead Re Ghoul wh ho is not comp pletely devour red rises from m the dead as a a new Hung ger Ghoul. Undead Pe ersistence: do not n lose any of their dice e until they cease to function, but do lose their adds s with dama age as normal. . ion: Dependi ing on how the Hunger r Descripti Ghoul die ed, its body may m look alm most alive, be e horribly st tarved, mutila ated, or, if kill led directly by y the Fami ine Spirit, desiccated d an nd withered. Hunger Ghouls G are cre eated from the e victims of a Famine Spirit S and rise e to an un-li ife of eternal l ravenous hunger. They y will eat any y and all food d imals and peo ople. A single e they find, including ani G will happ pily devour a whole w sack of f Hunger Ghoul

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e Damned: can utter a guttur ral baying that t Howl of the strikes at and chills th he very heart t of anything g l characters must m make a L2SR L on INT T livingall or lose ha alf of their pe ersonal adds for that turn. Each sub bsequent tur rn, they ma ay make an n additional L2SR on INT T to overcome e their fear. tes: their bites can cause fev ver and illness s Infective Bit in their victimsfor th he cost of 3 po oints of Spite, , el Dog can inflict an infected i bite. a Charne Infected characters c mu ust make a L2 2SR on CON N or lose 2 points of STR R, DEX, and INT per day y until they can be cure ed by a spell or healer, or r y succeed at a L3SR on CON made once per day t lost points s will return without w the aid d (none of the of magic or o at least a we eek of uninter rrupted rest). ion: Large do ogs, mastiffs, wolfhounds, , Descripti hyenas, an nd the like, rotting and crawling c with h vermin an nd decay, with h hate pouring g out of their r empty eye e sockets or blind b cataractous eyes, and d their flesh h and fur dripp ping with corr ruption, while e slime and d bile foam from their fanged f maws. Charnel Dogs D are the e ultimate un ndead tracker r beasts, ma ade by only the most evil l and corrupt t Necroman ncers and Dem monologists. Filled F with TrollsZin ne! Page 6

hing but hatred d and a mad b burning will t to trail noth and bring down their prey, on nce they track k it ugh rain and d snow, over r rivers, and even throu acros ss the most t forbidding and inhosp pitable terra ainthey dest troy it. Charn nel Dogs some etimes guard d the tombs o of ancient prie est kings, and whole pack ks are said to o serve the d dead and dea athless witch h queen of the e marches eas st of Finder's K Keep.

Gib bbet Tree e

Wher re rest the souls o of the hanged? MR: : 50 (for its trunk) + 20 (per body ha anging from m it). Average MR: 150 Dice e: 16D+75 (T Trunk: Strangli ing Ropes; Ha anging Bodiies: Fists, Teet th, and Grapp ple) Spec cial Abilities: : Enta angle: each em mpty noose ha anging from it can reach h out and atte empt to grab or strangle a single chara acter at the c cost of 3 poin nts of Spite if the chara acter in questi ion fails a L3S SR on DEX o or LK, his o or her adds a are cut in half until a succ cessful L3SR R on STR or L LK is made. Reach h: can extend d its strangli ing ropes an nd the Is ssue 7

bodies tha at hang from its branches up to 30 feet t from its main m trunk. Steely Bark k: due to its to ough nature, it t is considered d to have 8 points p of armor. Aura of Fe ear: the reek of f decay and an n unquiet aura a surround it, i causing cha aracters and NPCs N to make e a L2SR on n INT or LK on the first combat turn any chara acter failing the t SR has a +1 level of f difficulty increase on his or her SRs for that t combat. ion: A huge an nd ancient tre ee with a great t Descripti canopy an nd many sturdy y limbs projec cting from the e trunk. Su uspended from m these limb bs are ropes s knotted into nooses, and hanging g from these e ropes are e the bodies s of its vict tims, twisting g pitifully in n the wind and d in various st tages of decay. A foul ste ench permeate es the surrou undings of the e Gibbet Tree, T and no othing will grow g near it. Sometime es, when a tre ee is used as a hangman's s gibbet, the souls of th hose hung possess the tree e t to vent their fury on the e living world. and use it When this s happens, th he Gibbet Tre ee will at first t ambush single individu uals who hap ppen too near r ie puppets. So oon, however, , and build up its zombi enly attack al ll within its reach, sending g it will ope out its un nattached Gibb bet Zombies to drag more e victims into its reach. When W attacked, the Gibbet t Tree will defend itself with its stran ngling nooses, , rom its branch hes will attack k and any bodies hung fr heir ropes lik ke monstrous s from the ends of th es. Gibbet Zo ombies can be distinguished d marionette from othe er zombies by y the nooses th hey wear, and d many have broken lolli ing necks. As most Gibbet t Trees are found at cros ssroads, they can c become a deadly me enace in short order.

Bo one Drago ons

The t terror of the anci ient past rises to stalk the presen nt. MR: : 125+ Dice e: 13D+63 ( (Crushing Fee et, Rending C Claws, Horn ns, and Razor r Teeth) Spec cial Abilities: : Resis stance of the Un ndead: are imm mune to poiso on and disea ase, and do no ot breathe or f feel pain. Bones s of Stone: their r bones are fo ossilized and h hard as stone e, providing 12 points of ar rmor protectio on. Terro or of the Ancie ent Dead: the bones of the e giant sauriian invoke te error in anyt thing smaller r than them mall charact ters must mak ke a L2SR on n INT or h have a +1 lev vel of difficu ulty increase to all comb bat SRs. Crush hing Strength: th their strength is as great as it was in lif feany SRs on STR mad de against them are cons sidered to be L L4SRs. Tram mple: for the co ost of 6 gener rated Spite points, a singlle beast can el lect to trample e all party mem mbers that fail a L1SR on LK or D DEX if it win ns that bat turnif trampled, a c character take es full comb dama age for that tu urn without th he benefit of a armor. cription: Desc The animated bon nes of great f fossilized dino osaurs brou ught back into o a sorcerous half-life to serve their r animators. T These giant te errors are the work of p powerful Necr romancers wh ho search tire elessly hese rare and deadly specim mens. for th And to end on a lighterif no less deadly! note

Gibbet t Zombie (unattached) (

MR: 30 +15 (Fists, Te eeth, and Grap pple) Dice: 4D+ Special Abilities: A Undead In nvulnerability: ar re immune to o poison and d disease, do d not breath he or feel pa ain, and their r undead sta ate gives them m the equivalent of 3 points s of armor. ersistence: do not n lose any of their dice e Undead Pe until they cease to function, but do lose their adds s age as normal. . with dama

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The Bombie B
Because Ne ecromancers can use u gunpowder too! t MR: 20 +10 (Teeth, Talons, T or Tor rch) Dice: 3D+ Special Abilities: A Undead In nvulnerability: ar re immune to o poison and d disease, do d not breath he or feel pa ain, and their r undead sta ate gives them m the equivalent of 3 points s of armor. ersistence: do not n lose any of their dice e Undead Pe until they cease to function, but do lose their adds s age as normal. . with dama Explosion: each Bombi ie has a spe ecial one-time e hich destroys it); once am mid a party of f attack (wh delvers, it will attempt to thrust its torch t into the e wn into its ab bdomen. If the t characters s bomb sew manage to o make a L3S SR on STR, DEX or LK, , they stop the Bombie from fr detonatin ng its payload. If they fai il, it does 10D D+10 damage e to all within n melee rang ge, minus any y armor the ch haracters may y have (all characters c can n make a L2SR R on DEX or r LK for ha alf damage).

cription: A z zombie wieldi ing a large bu urning Desc torch h, with a ho orribly distend ded abdomen n and hideo ous stitches running from m the end of its stern num to its gro oin. The Bom mbie is the u undead equiv valent of the smart bomb (Zombie? Sm mart?), creat ted by a prog gressive Necro omancer looki king to make e the most ou ut of her minio ons. You only y have to th hrow one at y your players, a and they will worry abou ut any torch h-carrying zo ombies they come acros ss as long as y you are game-m mastering.

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Foreca F st For a Biit of C Chaos

By Val Kelson n
hen we heard it, the strang ger said to the e Thats wh group gath hered around him near the e taverns fire, , a tormen nted scream that sent sh hivers up our r spines and d seemed to come c from ev verywhere and d nowhere. It didnt echo off the tun nnel walls but t set up a ch hill in the spiri it. The very howl h itself was s unholy. The T man paus sed for a sip from his mug g and drew on his pipe. d the trail mud d off my boots s and shut the e I knocked tavern do oor behind me. m Signaling the t innkeeper r for a pint, I shrugged ou ut of my pack k. I selected an n ble outside the e circle of list teners, set my y empty tab pack dow wn on one ch hair and pull led the other r around so o I could liste en to the tale e. I had been n tracking the t story of tunnel rippe ers, or chaos s clouds as they are so ometimes kno own, for the e better par rt of the last fortnight. It would w appear r that I had finally fo ound someon ne who had d a encounter with one. The T innkeeper r survived an quietly pla aced a tankard d on my table as if reluctant t to break th he spell being g woven in the e circle by the e fires light t. I dug out a coin and passed it over, , then leane ed back in my chair to listen n to the tale. The tale-spinner h held his pipe cradled in his s hand as he e resumed hi is story, We saw the flick kering light first, though h Mebwell, he e werent so lucky. That t thief had b been blunder ring along th hrough every y lock and tra ap, breaking o or tripping eac ch one as we encountered d it. I spose if twerent for r poor luck he wouldnt h ck ran have had any at all. His luc true and he was the first to fall to the chaos ds. cloud ey were about t the size of a grown houn nd and The there e were three of them. The eir appearanc ce was acco mpanied by a flickering o of dim lights and a gods s-awful chim ming and r ringing of metal. Mebw well, he was working on picking a loc ck, or break king his tools in it more lik ke, when the c clouds roun nded the corn ner of the tun nnel. The lead one sped d up and Meb bwell fell und der it with ba arely a scree ech. As the ot ther two adva anced on the r rest of us, I could see th hey had fancy y full helms i in the cente er of the clo ouds and gho ostly, shifting faces with a pair of bri ightly glowing g eyes. Aroun nd the ms was the sou urce of the be-damned ringi ging. A helm swirlling mass of b broken weapon ns and other m metal

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pieces flickered and glinted in the glow of the helmets eyes. I sipped at my tankard, the bitter ale about what I had come to expect from this part of the country. Oh, how I longed for a nice, fruity Trebmalian red or a smoky mezcal from the southern isles. Alas, such imported niceties didnt make it this far into the Keltonesh'ta Mountains. The bitter ale seemed to fit as hand-in-glove with the flickering firelight and rough tables of the room. I grimaced as I took another sip to ease my dry throat and returned my attention to the man surrounded by the rapt audience. The survivor, if the healing slice across his face was any indication, was pretty much how I would have expected an adventurer to appear. Rough, non-descript clothes covered his frame and scarred hands held his tankard and pipe. A quality leather belt gird his waist from which hung a worn leather scabbard housing a long dagger. The hilt of the dagger gave evidence of long use and the soft glints of dark red from the pommel suggested a jewel inlay. The boots propped up before him were of a quality similar to his belt. They were well worn and equally well taken care of. In short, a man who gave priority to the gear that would keep him breathing. Someone who let his skill, rather than his appearance, speak for him. The other two clouds rushed us, the man continued, Skeg took the first hit and it sounded like a group of demented tinkers all beating out of sync on his great shield. Id seen him take the charge of a wounded boar on that same shield with barely a grunt. This chaos cloud forced him two steps back. He once mentioned that his father was half-troll and to look upon him I didnt doubt it; the face only a mother could love and standing head and burly shoulders above the rest of us. That day I saw the hint of fear in his eyes. Skeg shifted the first cloud off his shield and it continued on past to Drebin and me. Drebin tried to duck back into the alcove next to him, probably hoping that it would miss him as it bounced off Skegs shield and the tunnel wall. It almost did. As the cloud closed on me a length of chain suddenly whipped out from it and snagged the dwarves foot. It dragged him out of that

alcove towards all those flickering and spinning shards. I leapt in with my hammer and somehow managed to knock the helm just right. The chain released Drebin and it was all I could do to dive out of the way. The cloud spun towards me as I backed up and ran into the wall. A piece of spinning steel suddenly shot out towards me. I tried to dodge, he said fingers brushing past the slice on his face, but I wasnt so successful. My vision wavered and I must have blacked out for a moment. When I could see again, I saw the helm lying in the tunnel dirt, a scattering of broken blades, armor and other pieces lying on the ground around it twitching. Our wizard was standing just past me casting a spell at the cloud charging him; probably the same one that had done in poor Mebwell. Id seen him throw spellfire before and its an awesome sight. Im not sure what this spell was, but when Jorgen shouted the cloud just came apart in midair and fell to bounce along the ground. Skeg was holding his own, trying to squash the remaining cloud into the wall with that great shield of his. The cloud must have taken offense to being caught between the troll and a hard place because the din it made as those blades raked his shield and tore chunks out of the wall would have put a group of drunken metal smiths to shame. Jorgen cast that spell of his once more and Skeg stumbled into the wall as the cloud dropped at his feet and he crushed the helm. Mebwell was a goner; there was nothing we could do for him. The helms and their metal pieces lay on the ground twitching up a storm as if theyd like to do nothing more than pull back together and have at us again. We didnt stick around to see how long theyd be out of commission; we high-tailed it out of there. The warrior took another long pull on his tankard and followed it up with his pipe. I wondered if the pipe somehow made the bitter ale taste better. It was worth looking into, all things considered. Looking back on it, the man continued, scouting out the tower ruins of the wizard Efqavarna probably wasnt the best of ideas.


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Hearing tales that he bound demons to his service is one thing; having seen it with my own eyes is something else entirely. I nodded to myself. The very idea should have been enough to make them question their sanity. That they had survived was a minor miracle. Perhaps Jorgen was one of those holy wizards, a wizard in service to one of the gods. Either way, I had enough to write up a quick report and send it along to the Archivists Collegium by courier. Perhaps further investigation and maybe an interview with the other survivors would elicit further details. Time would tell. A field investigator for the Archivists Collegium certainly wasnt the dull job that I had once thought it would be.

of security. It became a mark of prestige to boast that one had a series of Efqavarnas wards protecting ones property or that one of the mages sentinels patrolled the grounds. At times, even the mere rumor that Efqavarna may have been seen on some nobles grounds was enough to make thieves look for easier pickings elsewhere. The mages reputation became so legendary that some adventurers tried making their name by breaking into Efqavarnas tower itself. While none succeeded, for some bizarre reason decipherable only through the cipher of male machismo, many continued to attempt the feat. At one point, the inner and outer baileys of Efqavarnas modest retreat were quite literally littered with the remains of failed adventurers. Removing the bodies left the mage with a small mountain of weapons and gear that he had little use for or interest in. As he stood on the balcony considering the debris inspiration struck. Efqavarna adapted and modified a spell he had used to great success in the past. The mage inscribed the name sigils of demons he knew on the inside of each ornate helm and bound the being within. Laying a geas upon the demon he bade the nefarious beings to serve and protect. The demons had little say in the matter and could only act within the confines of the geas protect the grounds, keep and person of Efqavarna and defend against attack. They were able to create a semblance of a physical body from the debris of weapons and armor left over in order to interact with their environment and to carry out the mages orders. Efqavarna had created fragmented golem. the first cohesive

Chaos Cloud
Chaos Helmet MR 25; always found in groups of three or five. Chaos Coat MR 80; the same as a chaos helmet but an order of magnitude larger. Sometimes found with a contingent of chaos helmets. Heaven help you if its a group of five. Special: 0/Scream: L0SR on CHR or frozen with fear for one turn. Target cannot take any action. 2/ Blade Ejection: The tunnel ripper is able to make a missile attack against a party member. 3/Chain Whip: L2SR on Dexterity or entangled with whip for 1D6 turns; L2SR on STR to escape. Weakness: A successful casting of Curses Foiled can interrupt the curse binding the demon to the helm for 1D3 turns. This doesnt free the demon from the helm, but will interrupt its ability to control the helm and surrounding cloud temporarily. Its probably not a good idea to hang around to determine just how long the spell will last. Origin: Chaos clouds, or tunnel rippers as they are sometimes known, were created by the wizard Efqavarna in a fit of pique. Efqavarna was a genius when it came to magic and his brilliance truly shown when he bent his thoughts to matters

Beyond this, not much else is known. It is suspected that Efqavarna had created some means to allow for safe passage by himself and his retainers though what that may be has never been confirmed. That the chaos clouds had survived the wizards death is now no longer a simple fireside story, but a matter of fact. Why it has taken the chaos clouds over two-hundred years to emerge after Efqavarnas death is a matter open for debate, though it would seem that answer may only be available in Efqavarnas tower.


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Doomsday Weapons for New Khazan
By David Moskowitz
The following device is to intended to be more than a simple weapon, but a major plot device for 9KW players seeking prevent/cause mass destruction on a given planet. If you just need a MacGuffin to destroy a world, just build a big enough Blow-You-To generator to teleport its core into orbit and watch the fun. Some things are better off in the low-Kremm vacuum of space. One does not think of Hellbomb Burst harpoons as contained explosive devices, but compared to their atmospheric counterparts... K-Bombs are so unpredictable, so damaging, that few of the 9,000 worlds possess them. The Imperrii, the Alliance, and even the worlds of Horde space have interplanetary agreements discouraging their use; but then, arent rules and contracts for those who benefit from them?

The Detonator
A Hellbomb Burst is required to trigger the necessary Kremm-reaction, but simply casting one on properly arranged pieces of Krestle wont work. One needs either: 1. A converted Hellbomb Burst harpoon torpedo with the Krestle inside. or 2. A detonator scroll wrapped around the bomb. When the trigger word is spoken, the scroll effectively reads itself, words glowing and vanishing at a predetermined rate, casting the spell. (Note: a detonator scroll without a Kbomb will eradicate anything within a 1 meter radius, but have no other effect.)

The Krestle Whizzboom Connection

The K-Bomb must contain exactly two Krestle crystals, coupled with a special detonator (see below). Additional crystals generate no additional yield; in fact they reduce potency by a factor of 10. The base unit of K-Bomb potency is the Whizzboom (WB). The number of WBs is the geometric mean of the charges of contained in each of the two Krestle pieces (i.e. the square root of the product of the WIZ charge of each Krestle). Any combination of Krestle may be used, but a WB total of at least 500 is necessary for a proper reaction, otherwise its a dud. (Game Masters are encouraged to take advantage of potential uncertainty about the Krestle quality. Few things are as entertaining as watching players ask each other, Do you think were far enough away?)

Detonating a K-Bomb produces a K-Pulse. To determine the blast effect of the K-Pulse, roll WB/100 D6. Calculate the total and then remove any die whose value is unique. Re-roll the remaining dice and repeat the procedure until you have a roll with all unique values; this is the Final Total (FT).

K-Pulse Damage and Speed

Unlike traditional explosions (i.e. gunpowder, nuclear bombs, Hellbomb Bursts) the K-Pulse begins slow and gains speed as it spreads. Your FT will have the following effect on those caught in the blast:


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Distance e Ground zero to (Final Total) x1 1 km x2x3 km m x3x5 km m x6x8 km m x10+ km m

Effec ct Everything is evapo orated. 1D6 spell-ship level damage (i.e. 1,000 0-6,000 CON) ) 1D6X X100 CON dama age 1D6X X10 CON dama age No damage. d Kpulse e fades to ineffe fectiveness.

Blast Speed 25 km/hour 100 km/hour 225 km/hour 3600 km/hour

2: Ite em explodes, doing 1D6 x 10 normal da amage to an nyone within a 1 m radiu us. All magic items withiin that radius turn to dust. 3: Ite em turns to du ust. 4-5: Item loses m magical proper rties and cann not be recha arged but mai intains its phy ysical propertie es. 6-8: A As above, but t can be recha arged. 9-10 : No effect. 11: D Doubles numb ber of charges s or, if perman nently enso orcelled, doubl les one aspect t (GM adjudic cates) 12: A As above, but the effect is tr ripled.

Total Annihilation A n
If your FT T > WB, then n the Kremm-reaction does s not stop, vaporizing v the surface of the t planet and d its atmosp phere.

Final notes
As d dangerous as K-Bomb may y be to what t little galac ctic stability t there is, who oever develop ps and mass s-produces sp pell-ship and h hand-help we eapons mim micking the K-Pulse will l be both prime cand didates to rule e the 9K wor rlds or, more likely, face total annihilat tion.

The K-Pulse and Magical Items

Any mag gical item (in ncluding Kre emm-powered d weapons and a Krestle) within w range of the K-Pulse e may be aff fected. Roll 2D6: 2

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The T Village V e of W Wyrmsd dale

By E.P. E Donahu ue
Theres a lo ong trail ahead for f the party and d a great deal of f space on th he map between here and there e. Looks like I should put in a town or vi illage or someth hing so the party y nd restock. Afte er all, it only makes m sense that t can rest an there would d be some inhabit tants between he ere and there. So o i one of my vanilla towns with a tavern, a I guess Ill include store and a smith troduce you to Wyrmsdale. Not so fast! Let me int Admittedl ly, its a town with a tavern, , a store and a smith, but t as everyone e knows, its not the town n that make es the visit sp pecial, its the characters in n the town n and Wyrm msdales inhab bitants are a motley bu unch for sure. d Wyrmsdale for f use as part of my Great t I designed Sump cam mpaign, but yo ou can use it anywhere a that t suits your gaming needs s. It includes elements e from m Bear Pete ers The Cata acombs of th he Bear Cult, , available from f Flying Buffalo B Inc., if you wish to o use these elements unc changed and dont already y own it. The entrance is a gateway made of din nosaur es, with a T-rex skull han nging down i in the bone cente er. Painted on n the skull is Wyrmsdale. The place e screams tou urist trapbut t there are no other touriists. cals will imm mediately welcome One of the loc acters and p point them in n the directio on of chara Snic ckss Licks G General Store: Wander a all you like and check o out the ball of f cat fur. But if you want t to do any b business, you u got to see M Mayor Snick kss firstits just the w way we do things aroun und here. If players attem mpt to enter a any of the e establishments besides the general store e, they will b be instructed t merce must firs st take that all comm place e at Snickss L Licks.

Sn nickss Lick ks Gener ral Store

This stores atmo osphere sugge ests an indoo or flea mark ket. On the counter sits an assortme ent of spoo ols of various c r tickets. On th he colored paper

Backgr round
b the hills, h forest, and grasslands s Nestled between along the Great Road from Khosh ht, Wyrmsdale e e relies on visiting travelers for its economy. The ers lodging and a does a brisk b business s town offe selling mu ules and oth her supplies. Miles before e players re each Wyrmsdale, they will l start to see e placards nailed n to tre ees, fastened against large e boulders, or posted alo ong the trail with w messages s such as:
Dont mis ss it!Its just ahead!...Wyrm a msdale! Everyones talking abo out Wyrmsdale e!

If you can nt find it in Wy yrmsdale, you cant find it! t ask us abou ut our magic ma arbles! Be sure to Wyrmsda aleIts an adv venturers delig ght! You won t believe it unt til you see it! Worlds la argest ball of cat c furAmaz zing!

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wall behin nd the counter r, amongst displays of other r goods, are e two different tly embroidere ed shirts. One e says, I trav veled 50 miles to t Wyrmsdale an nd all I got was s this lousy sh hirt and the ot ther says, I los st my marbles in n Wyrmsdale. Both have Worlds W Largest Ball of Cat Fur r on the bac ck. The prop prietor and village found der, Snicketti i Spilunkety y Wonktuzit t, is a ha alf-Uruk/halfLeprechau un who most simply call Mayor M Snickss. He is a cl lassic flim-flam m man, who benefits from m the better qualities of both b his paren nts kindred. A alker, Snickss is looking for r his long lost t smooth ta lovegold d, and Wyrms sdale is his las st ditch effort t to find so ome (this has something to o do with his s unique parentagewh p hich hes understandably y touchy ab boutand an nyone trying to t strong-arm m or cheat him h will discov ver his mean streak). nickss will inform charac cters that all l Mayor Sn commerce e in the villag ge is to take place p through h him becau use the villag ge is a co-op p. They must t purchase colored c tickets which they can c redeem at t the variou us shops and businesses. If I the players s attempt di irect trade at the t various sh hops, they will l be pointed d to the general store to pur rchase a ticket t (the excep ption being ch hance positive encounters at t the tavern n with some of f the locals). ings which can be purchased p in n Most thi Wyrmsdal le exist only in package deals. Players s cannot sim mply buy 50 of rope, but rather must t purchase the Ropety y Dope Spec cial (detailed d r which they will receive a yellow ticket t below) for that says, , Ropety Dope, D redeem mable at the e weavers shop. s Just abo out any mund dane item can n be found in Wyrmsdale e and GMs ar re encouraged d t own pac ckage deals with the total l to create their cost being g at least 50% % more than the calculated d sum of it ts parts. Add ditionally, spe ecial items or r repairs can n often be had d for a (well ab bove-average) ) price. ng characters s will soon discover is s One thin Snickss talent for sales s. Every time they enter the e c wh ho dont buy something, in n store, all characters addition to t lodging, are subject to o the mayors s salesmanship. Snickss will w secure a sale by making g h a CHR (his is 28) Saving Roll against each s IQ, (minim mum roll of five required, , characters DARO ap pplies). Those e short on money m will be e invited to o earn their keepat le east half the e TrollsZin ne!

town nsfolk are wor rking off ever-increasing de ebts to Snick kss. Rather t than wash dis shes in the tavern, dig new latrines, etc., charac cters will hav ve the on of taking o on a branch of The Cult o of the optio Grea at Bear whic ch harasses t travelers alon ng the Grea at Road, in nterfering w with busines ss at Wyrm msdalethe v village being a target due t to the cults s belief that t the town ass sists those wo orking nst their polit tical agenda. Snickss will offer again each h of the charac cters one week ks room and board (econ nomy of cour rse) in exchan nge for a dead d Bear Cult member. Th he town is no ot interested i in live oners, but cha aracters are fr ree to then tak ke the priso cult members bodies to Kh harzan for th he full boun nty.

x = 50 1 hex

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GMs may choose to use the full module, The Catacomb of the Bear Cult or simply throw a small group of cultists into the hills. The average cultist is a Level 1 Warrior, ST 12, IQ 11, LK 12, CON 11, DEX 13, SPD 12, CHR 5 who is armed with a francisca axe (3+2, can be thrown) and a javelin. All cultists can turn into were-bears: ST 42, IQ 6, LK 12, CON 55, DEX 7, SPD, 20, CHR 15 (5D+10 for jaw and claws). Common items for sale at Snicks Licks: Lodging (per night, per person): Deluxe Stay: A room complete with plush goose down bedding and a scenic view (i.e., not of the stables), one hot bath, one tavern pass, one hot meal, and laundry service. 20 GP Economy Stay: Windowless room with a straw pallet, one cold meal of biscuit, cheese and homemade jam (no bath, laundry, or tavern pass). 10 GP Sub-Economy Stay: Stable (no meals or tavern pass). 3 GP (+1 GP for clean hay, fresh water in the trough). Animal Boarding: Stable. 3 GP Food, drink, and entertainment: Tavern Pass: 1 drink and entertainment. 3 GP Meal ticket: 1 hot mealavailable only when theres no performance. Otherwise characters must purchase a tavern pass. 1 GP Drink ticket: 5 SP (well drinks) or 50 SP (top shelf) Pack Animals: Grade A Mule (will carry up to 300 lbs.). 100 GP Grade B Mule (will only carry half loads). 60 GP Pack goats (will carry up to 50 lbs.). 25 GP Adventuring goods: Mobile Tavern Kit: Pair of wooden water jugs (each holds 10 gallons) and mule harness. 100 GP Tourist Shirts: 8 SP Adventurers Kit: Backpack, 3 torches, 10 pitons, piton hammer, leather gloves, 25 rope. 90 GP Travelers Kit: Belt pouch, lantern, skin of oil, compass, rain coat, 3 days rations, cloth sack. 155 GP Delvers Kit: Mirror, stick of wax, matches, chalk, salt, twine. 30 GP

Ropety Dope Special: 50 ft. hemp rope, leather gloves, cloth sack. 12 GP Deluxe Handyman Special: Shovel, pick, hammer, two dozen nails, roll of wire. 80 GP Fasten-It-Fast Fun Pack: Special alchemist items: small jar glue, 15 sticky tape, roll of wire, ball of twine. 50 GP Bag of Magic Marbles: Small leather pouch with six assorted marbles. (See the alchemist shop for details). 30 GP Bucket of Beans On The Go: Wooden bucket filled with enough dried beans to feed one person for one week. 20 GP The Whole Mess: One cauldron, one boiler, one skillet, two cups, steel fork and spoon. 35 GP Medicine Chest Specialbuy three get one free: All poisons and potions in rulebook as well as concoctions from GMs campaign, still at 150% above normal cost.

Worlds Largest Ball of Cat Fur

Snickss will do anything for money, but even he knows not to charge admission to see the twofoot diameter sphere of lint, fur, and dust held together byits best not to ask. Characters who inquire or seem aware enough to ask (no Saving Roll needed) will notice there are no cats in Wyrmsdale either. (GMs should encourage speculation regarding Bear Cultists or the nondescript stew served in the tavern.)





The Faithful Flocks Tavern

The brother and sister Hobb partnership of Priscilla and Stewart Topbuttons jointly operate these properties noteworthy in Wyrmsdale for their good Hobb craftsmanship and tidiness. All the woodwork is well oiled and polished as Hobbs like things neat and orderly, and the tavern employs two ogres, Tudd and Gruu (MR 50 each), to ensure they stay that way. These two are the best dressed ogres characters will ever see, with their well-tailored jackets atop ruffled collared shirts and clean, form-fitting slacks held up with a large leather belt (Stewart insists upon this for all of his employees). Buckles, buttons, and boots are polished, highlighting the craftsmanship of the


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village blacksmith and tailor. Tudd and Gruu reside in one of the small huts near the Tavern. Priscilla sometimes plays the harp and sings in the tavern. She may choose to tell players how she and Stewart came to Wyrmsdale after members of the Bear Cult ransacked and burned the Hobb hamlet where they grew up. Its location is not far from Wyrmsdale and she longs to recover her mothers brooch which was lost as they fled. Those who did not scatter or die in the fighting were led away by the cult members, never to return. Stewart is the barkeep at The Faithful Flocks Tavern. He might disclose some local gossip about the village and surrounding areas. But if any character crosses him, Stewart will spit in his or her drinkpurposefully within his or her sight before serving it. All hot meals are served at the tavern and generally consist of meat, potatoes, cabbage, or a stew which resembles the previous days ala carte entrees, heavily seasoned. The drink options are mead, wine, and liquors with names like Dragons Breath Brew, Stalwarts Sumptuous Syrup, and Libations of Merry Men. The tavern is the hub of the village and one or more of the locals might be encountered there during the nightly entertainment. Stewart permits no gambling in the tavern. Those who insist will find themselves escorted by the ogres to the general store. There, Mayor Snickss is glad to offer players a game of dice or cards and of course, he cheats. In the dice game, victory goes to the high roll on 2D6; to simulate the mayors cheating, players must beat Snicks roll by 3. So, if the GM rolls a 4, they must roll a 7 to win and have no chance against Snickss rolling 10, 11 or 12. In the card game, high card wins the hand and the winner of two out of three hands wins the game. Before the game session, the GM should remove all aces, jacks, queens, and kings from the deck, shuffle the deck without the removed cards, and then place 3-6 high cards on the bottom of the deck. Players pick from the top of the deck, the GM from the bottom. (It may help GMs to draw the first or second round from the top to ease players suspicions). If the players notice whats happening and object, the GM can role play the resolution. Of course, no matter what happens in the games, Snickss will try to sell TrollsZine!

players something before they leave the store (CHR SR vs. IQ).

Longshoremans Stables
An ex-pirate by the name Saul Scumtuff manages the stables, which provide delvers a place to board their horses and buy additional livestockall sales going through Snickss Licks. Scumtuffs real pirate name is Rancid Pete and Mayor Snickss is the only one who knows who he is and that he ensconced from Captain Doublesticks Dustbins ship one night while anchored off the coast. Scumtuff may know the whereabouts of some buried treasure, but the info will cost plenty, matey. Generally, hes content and happy with his new life at Wyrmsdale with no interest in his previous career. He does love his Red-Eyed Devil Rum though, and if players get on his good side hell offer to redeem a Grade B mule ticket for a Grade A mule.

The Owls Cove Alchemist Shop

An old white-haired and grey-bearded twig of a man, Razfornia Frapsburg, is the mastermind behind some of the products only found in Wyrmsdale. It is not unusual for small explosions to be heard coming from his shop or for colored smoke to pour out of the windows, so the locals pay no mind. Frapsburgs gambling habit and resultant debt keep him tied to Wyrmsdalehe is also the reason there is no gambling at the tavern. Mayor Snickss makes sure to offer him a game of dice every once in a while to insure Frapsburgs continued contributions to the co-op. If players catch Frapsburg at the tavern, he may offer some item at a price that undercuts Snickss prices. He dreams that enough of these under-the-table deals will allow him to pay off his debt and leave Wyrmsdale once and for allbut for this gamesof-chance addict, these hopes are delusional. Players can find all sorts of elixirs, poisons, salves, and concoctions at this shop, as well as Frapsburgs specialty, Magic Marbles. These come in an assortment of colors and have limited effects when tossed against a hard surface (small flash explosion, colored smoke, oily puddles, loud whistling sound, growing pool of bubbles, etc.).

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Whenever r they purchas se a bag, Frap psburg will be e sure to say, Now mak ke sure you do ont lose your r marbles! guffawing at his h own joke.

Hir red Hands

Ther re are two hir red hands, Ma ary and Orian n, who help out with cho ores around th he village. For r their k, they receiv ve lodging in n one of the small work hom mes on the outs skirts of the v village. Mary y will usually y be busy at t the inn cle eaning, makiing beds, and d doing laundr ry. Players wh ho get to kn now her bette er will discove er that beneat th her swee et exterior she e is quite the p prankster. The ey may find itching pow wder in their freshly laun ndered hes or laxati ives added to their mo orning cloth mealland the p privy pad locked at the most inop portune time.. All in good f fun. an is often in t the fields or he Stable. Oria elping at the S s secretly a sp py for the Cul lt of the Great Bear He is and a were-bear r. Because o of this, it w will be impo ossible for pla ayers to surpris se the cult.

The Two T Stron ng Forge

The Forg ge is run by a Dwarf nam med Gunthar. Hes a goo od ol boy wit th a greasy bla ack mane tied d back in a ponytail and toothy grin that reveals a o missing tee eth (hell be quick to tell l number of players no ot to seek den ntal work at the alchemist t shop). Gu unthar wears a leather apron n over canvas s overalls an nd is handy at a all metal cr raft, from the e construction of shields to the makin ng of pots and d ponsible for building the e pans. He is also resp ooden water jugs (with seals and treated d special wo interiors of o a quality th hat makes them m suitable for r a wide range r of be everages) for r the mules. Occasiona ally, Gunthar r will show his skills at t juggling ax xes at the tave ern.

Wrinkle e In Time e Tailor and Fine e Fabrics s

w Vesper Tasmodian is a thin and somber fellow ks in a Shakesp pearean prose with thees that speak and thou us. He considers himself an artist and d what he does for the e co-op bene eath his true e t the Tavern n potential. Often hell be found at h beer, lame enting lost op pportunity. He e crying in his is also a hack h poet wh ho will perform m regularly at t the tavern n. Roses are blue, b tiz true .

Au uthors Af fterward
You may have no oticed I didnt include many y stats the NPCs in Wyrmsdale. T Thats to allow w you for t to cu ustomize thes se individuals as you see f fit for your r game. I wou uld suggest th hat Mayor Sn nickss woulld have higher r CON, IQ, a and DEX than n your run-o of-the mill Ro ogue, if you d decide to detai il him. Finallly, Wyrmsdal ale is meant t to offer a dif fferent envir ronment for t the PCs to in nteract with. M Maybe it co ould be a base e of operatio ons for the PC Cs or you could use it t as a spring g board for other entures. Most importantly, whatever yo ou do, adve have e fun with it ..oh, and m make sure you u dont lose your marbles..

Greyha ands Leat ther Good ds

Justin Gre eyhands loves his work to the t point that t it is all he h knows to talk about (and ( hes too o egocentric c to care how it bores other rs). His hair is s a reedy bl lond and his face always seems to have e two days worth of scru uffy whiskers. Hes wiry and d jerky in be ehavior, as we ell as a fast ta alker, but very y skilled at his h leather cra aft. There will be all manner r of dead critter hide es in variou us states of f preparatio on in his sh hop (GMs option o as to o whether or o not to in nclude the afo forementioned d missing ca ats). Like Wy yrmsdales oth her craftsmen, , hes quite e knowledgeab ble about his s field, and is s willing to o spend hour rs talking of f each hides virtues. TrollsZin ne!

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All the Classes in T&T

Characterization as Class in T&T
By Douglas Toth
I hope this article will inspire veteran and new players alike to expand their role-playing horizons. This article is based on the Tunnels & Trolls 5th edition which does not include lists of skills or talents. Many house rule skill sets have been developed and they will, of course, add to the characterization should you choose to use them; but the point of this article is that they are not really necessary. Back in the early days of role playing games (RPGs) we were unfettered by pages of skill lists, attributes, and reference charts. That is not to say that they did not exist, but rather we chose to ignore them when it was inconvenient. Indeed, only the dreaded Rules Lawyer (called a pest in those days, or perhaps a kill joy or not called at all) was the only one willing to pour over the many pages of a game publication looking for perceived advantages and other useless information. In this developing hobby, Tunnels & Trolls (T&T) dared defy conventional wisdom and stuck to its pure format. By liberal interpretation of the Save Roll (SR) rules our characters were truly role played. Even when playing in a different system we used a simple dice mechanic and the characters attributes to overcome the evil machinations of our game master (GM). The designers of T&T did not make a huge deal out of this system, but then, it was as new as the hobby itself. They may not have immediately realized the versatility of the elegant game mechanic they had hit upon. Dungeon running was the main focus of most games and that did not require a lot of different skills. Hiding, thwarting traps, and the occasional climbing challenge were the staples of such forays. In other rule sets, these were the duty of various specialty classes. Without such a character to do the job at hand, the players were stumped and the GM had to avoid introducing such challenges. Currently this class equals role mentality has been exacerbated by on-line gaming. Not one on these massive multiplayer online games (MMOs) can consider tackling the bigger challenges without a balance of tank, healer, and DpS (Damage per Second). This is all well and good if your goal is to make sure you have a large customer base and everyone has a part to play in the game. No one gets left out and everyone can contribute. For many, however, table top role playing is a more intimate affair. Gaming with groups of two or three players, including the GM, is common and this can leave gaps in the specialties needed to overcome challenges that are common in many scenarios. Multi-tasking is vital and T&T permits, even encourages, this sort of character development. Ironically T&T, lacking these arrays of nuanced classes, is sometimes passed over by those gamers wanting a more in depth role playing experience. My observation is, what can be more in depth than making the character you rolled up become just the sort of character you want it to be? Let me show you how.

The ranger has been a staple of the fantasy RPG from its early stages. In T&T we have opportunities to make the ranger not only a truly unique class, but each ranger will be a unique individual. You will need a superior Dexterity at the least, but it is worth the effort. The Barbarian: The average Warrior is a stalwart and true individual. By simply playing this character as a tribal huntsman and athletic protector, eschewing the dubious comforts of the civilized world, you will make the character much more of an individual. Barbarians dont go in much for armor and prefer big weapons, usually swords and axes, but these things are typical of


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vantage of T& &T is has to throw at you. The adv d as to choice of weapons s, it is that, while limited as nearly restr rictive as othe er systems. Th he rule not a is w weapons of 2 dice or less, which includ des at d may (if the e GM least one ranged weapon and ws) permit you u to dual wiel ld. Add to thi is that allow you have no arm mor restriction ns and you are well ed to live in th he wild places of the world. suite The Range Gui ide: Warrior/ /Wizards can make best use of all the eir abilities to o excel as pow werful erness speciali lists. They wil ll be rare, but those wilde few will have th he best choi ice of magic c and pons to tackle e the howling w wilderness. Th he use weap of b ow and arrow w enhanced b by their own spells es them formi idable oppone ents and the b best of make allies sor worst of enemies. rriors played by b many game ers. The gamer r many War that wants s to set their character ap part will avoid d being tak ken in by su uch modern concepts as s literacy, mathematics, m nd tolerating g frugality, an those high h-toned city folk. f In their own element t they will use Saving Rolls to trac ck and hunt. etting snares ar re going to be e Making a shelter and se n methods of survival. If yo ou have a high h their main Dexterity you will certainly wa ant to use, , appropriat tely enough, ranged weapon ns. The Scou ut: If your cha aracter is a Ro ogue, then you u are in a unique position n to take full advantage of f the great outdoors. o You ur high Luck will help you u find paths s and track an nimals and foe es quite easily. You may not have a lot t of spells, bu ut the few you u t use in the e do learn will be of the greatest s; Oh Go Away ay, Yassa Mass sa, Hidey Hole, , wilderness and Little e Feets will considerably increase the e chances of o survival for r you and you ur friends. Of f course, lik ke any outdoorsman, you will w want to get t clear of an ny city or tow wn as soon as you can. The e open vista a is where yo ou will want to t be, bow in n hand and sky overhead. . The Sham man: A Wizar rd can throw off o the veil of f civilization n and return to the wilderne ess as well. By y learning spells s that hav ve the greate est use in the e wilderness s and going native, n your character will l be looked d to as the reg gions protecto or and savant. You will need to mak ke some cho oices when it t ; comes to attribute increases when you level up; exterity and Co onstitution wil ll be needed higher De early on if f you are to su urvive what Mother Nature

Th hieves
t characters f fall into some e category of f thief Most since e they all tend d to plunder an nd rob, if only y from tomb bs and ruins.. By playing up those act tivities that you equate w with thief, and d making sur re you e a high Luck k, you can dev velop an inter resting have chara acter like no o other. Burg glars: Warrio ors that take e to thievin ng are some etimes an unsavory sort; they lack subtlet ty and simp ply waylay lone ere are e travelers in the dark. The those e that take a d different path and turn thef ft into high art. This takes some work at stealth, bing, and hidi ing though so building your r Luck climb and Dexterity is i important. It i is not an easy y path ake your chara acter on, but t the adventure is the to ta thing g and there wi ill be plenty of f that! undrel: Typic cally the Rogue e is cast in thi is role. Scou Seen n as dishonora able but some etimes lovable e, they are o often the comp panion of a heroic warrior. Their few spells will be useful in bre eaking and en ntering well as making fast getaways. This is exact tly the as we sort of thing that the Wizards Guild hates t to see. Som me Scoundrels s turn their talents agains st the upt rulers and d gain some lo ocal honor, bu ut they corru are s still crooks an nd will need to use all of f their guile e to keep from being ca aught. Using what Intellligence they have to se et traps and plan ambu ushes takes up p much of the eir time.

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why not bring the em along on y your next delv ve. Be sure to bring a hig gh Charisma a as well. Skal ld: The Warr rior as poet is s more than just a story y teller; if they y are truly skill led and have a high Char risma they can gain entrance to many exclu usive parties. B By using the S Saving Roll sy ystem, a GM M could allow w them to us se song to so taunt enem mies and enco ourage friends so as to swin ng the tide of battle by lending their CHA adds t to the comb bat rolls. The Skalds voice e is the tool of f their trade e, so an instr rument is no ot required; b but of cour rse this means s that the char racter must b be able ng freely. to sin nstrel: Rogues s can use their r Luck and spells to Min hant and entra ance princes a and paupers. Some ench will t try to dupe th heir audience i into giving up p their hard d earned mon ney. Seducing g a noble to o gain ss to the rest tricted parts o of the castle is not acces unhe eard of, but th hey will always s want to be t true to their r small group of delving f friends. The u use of musiical instrumen nts is importan nt, as are brigh ht and eye-c catching cloth hes. Won nder Worker r: The Wizard ds Guild ma ay see Cou urt Magician as a poor u use of hard e earned skills s, but entertain ning the chos sen few of the e High Cour rt is just a side line. The comfo ortable cham mbers and gen nerous stipend d are all part of the contr tract. This allo ows the Wond der Worker an nd his delviing troop a s safe place to recuperate an nd the riche est delvers are e well known to the Royal family and t their court. urtier: A Warr rior/Wizard c can earn a pla ace of Cou spending time developing g their high regard by s rtly manners. They are able e to talk and laugh cour sses and in th his way learn m much, with the elite clas n things that are meant to o be secret. H Having even acces ss to powerfu ul spells is also o of benefit, b but the Cour rtier prefers subtlety; they do have their repu utation to think k of after all.

ns: Wizards turned bad will w use their r Charlatan powers to dupe and tric ck the innocen nt out of their r ned fortunes. Such an uns savory sort is s hard earn hard to sp pot; they don t go in for po ointy hats and d star embr roidered rob bes, the plain n clothes of f tradesmen n or the middle class is their t disguise. They can be dangerous s foes and by y the time the e Guild decides they have e misused the eir power they y le of Thugs an nd Scoundrels s may have a strong circl hem. Concent trating on tra aps and then n around th finding wa ays to enchant them makes s a Charlatans s stronghold d difficult to penetrate. p rs: Warrior/ /Wizards can n use their r Infiltrator abilities to t gain acce ess to many y places and d undermine e organization ns. The Wizar rds Guild has s its own loy yal enforcers known as the Adjudicators. Many king gdoms, and political p factio ons as well as s powerful guilds will em mploy Infiltra ators to steal l plans, assa assinate opponents, and pe erform acts of f sabotage. Your spells s will be th he type that t y stealth an nd infiltration n abilities. enhances your

He ealers
The most missed d character ty ype in T&T a and it need d not be so. U Using the Sav ving Roll system a cleve er player, wise e GM, and hi igh Intelligenc ce can fill t the apparent gap in man ny ways and avoid prem mature charact ter deaths. ssue 7 Is

The singin ng skald, lyric cist, and traveling minstrel l are all pa art of the cu ultures that make m up the e historical basis of our worlds of heroic h fantasy; ; TrollsZin ne!

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Leech: Warriors W know a lot about wo ounds, having g given and received man ny of them. They T will need d to build their t Intelligen nce and perh haps Dexterity y to be effective. Being in n the front lin nes they often n vices of a hea aler, but they y are also the e need serv most likely y to survive; so s it just make es good sense e to develop p an ability to o patch up th hemselves and d their friends. Equip you urself with ban ndages, salves, , nd thread. needles, an Healers: Rogues can be very effectiv ve in this role. A carefully y chosen set of o spells as we ell as superior r Luck and Intelligence will make the em invaluable e eking delvers. If you add in n to a party of danger-see u herbs for r constant attempts to locate and use m sought after ally. remedies, you will be a much on: Wizards will w want to fo ocus on those e Chirugeo spells that t heal and cure; Poor Baby, Healing H Feeling, g, and Too Ba ad Toxin are definitely d requi ired. It is also wise to pu ut effort into herbal remed dies and other r practical skills. s Stitchin ng up wound ds and setting g broken bo ones is essenti ial if you wan nt your patient t to heal pro operly. W rds that focu us on aid to o Cleric: Warrior/Wizar others are e seen as warr rior priests. They T can enter r the battlef field and bring g the injured back b from the e brink of death. d Like al ll healers they y will want to o understand anatomy and herbal rem medies to be e truly effec ctive.

Attribu utes as Sk kills

e player and GM G to think of f It may be helpful to the cters attributes s as generic sk kill blocks and d the charac potential for f success rat ther than solid d indicators of f mental an nd physical lim mits. For ins stance, a high h Strength clearly indica ates the chara acter is more e adept at feats f of phys sical prowess while a high h Charisma will indicate a character tha at can talk his s a out of mo ost anything. The T attributes way into and of Strengt th (STR) and d Dexterity (D DEX) are, of f course, two t types of o physical skills while e Intelligenc ce (INT) and Charisma (CHR) are solid d mental acuity and the more wily us se of intellect, , ) is the catch all for things s respectively. Luck (LK) not be prepa ared for, sur rprise attacks, , that cann sprung tra aps, and birthd day parties. Co onstitution

N) does not really indicat te that you c can be (CON pierc ced through w with arrows an nd sliced repea atedly; it ins stead lets you know how m much pain and stress you can withstand d before you simply drop from shock of so m much abuse as well as res sisting the s poiso ons and diseas se. The values from 3 to 20 wou uld indicate ab bilities is the minimu um for withiin the norm; the low end i nctioning hum a fun man being w while the high h end repre esents superio or ability. At 21 to 30 we enter the realm of O Olympian ath hletes and g genius intelllectuals; 31 to o 40 is the st tuff of legend ds and value es above tha at are surely only mythica al. Of cour rse, the chara acters will be expected to meet y of their capab bilities. challlenges worthy

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The Combat C Sy ystem

The defau ult combat sy ystem in T&T T works best t when the e players an nd opponents s are evenly y matched or o the charac cters have the e upper hand. Most conflicts will star rt using this system s and, if f cters are mor re powerful or o lucky, then n the charac the combat will end qu uickly using those t rules. It t me apparent after a a few rol lls of the dice e will becom which way y things are going. g When it t appears that t things ma ay go poorly for f the charac cters, then the e players wi ill need to use their chara acters special l abilities. The T fight wi ill then be able to shift t seamlessly y into use of the SR system m as attempts s are made to regain th he superior position or, at t least, run like mad to get g away. It is s well to note e l likely replace e the standard d that the SR system will ystem rather than t add a lay yer to it. The e combat sy stunt, feat t, or other wild move that the character r did is inte ended to put the t bad guy ta argeted out of f commissio on, temporaril ly or permane ently, then and d there. No stacking die rolls or gainin ng a bonus to o oll; BAM the hero makes th he SR and the e the next ro knife goes s into the vill lains eye sock ket or it does s not and th he hero takes a kick in the nether region n putting him h out if co ommission fo or a turn...or r longer.

inter resting and fu un for everyon ne should res sult in the p players chara acter being a cut above the e rest. The Barbarian tha at shuns armo or and charge es into that makes it t a point to a always battl e, a Ranger t ck the territor ry surroundin ng the campsi ite for chec e and presen nce of danger rous creatures s, and game the Healer that meticulously keeps their herb ks full can be pack e given 100 to 500 (or more) poin nts as a bonu us whenever e experience re ewards given. are g Anot ther perk that can be ap pplied is the level bonu us. If the play yer can elucid date as to wh hy the thing g their charac cter is doing is just the so ort of deed d that makes th hem what the ey are, then th he GM can allow them to apply th he characters level mber as a bon nus to the di ice roll for S Saving num s. The Assassi in can easily e explain that he e has a Rolls bette er chance to h hit a vital spo ot on an enem my, so an op pportunity for an instant k kill is appropri iate. A Burg glar can indica ate that they k know where p people think k it is safe to stash val luables, so p picking pock kets is a bree eze for them m. Surely a K Knight Erran nt has skill on n horseback ( (or whatever m mount is co ommon in the e world), so stunts and co ombat while e riding are going to be to his adva antage. Thes se sorts of player/GM interactions s and expla anations are called role playing and d they make e the game come alive much better r than recitiing a list of sk kills and bonuses. me players ma ay take time to adjust; to o help Som m along have them write d down as many y skills them as th hey like that w would define t their character r. You will n need to remin nd them from m time to tim me that they are not boun nd by that list; if Rambalam m the needs to try an nd pick up a t trail to Magiical Minstrel n rescu ue his friends s he can try. Thoog the M Mighty can t try and chat i it up with the e local nobility y if he think ks it will do so ome good, bu ut be ready to apply some e amusing resu ults for failure e.

Reward ds
fu of the gam me and playing g For many players, the fun er as they wish h to develop it t is enough to o a characte keep them m coming back k. But they an nd others may y have som me reasonabl le expectation that their r efforts wil ll give them an a advantage of some sort. Adventure e Point bonuses are the most m common n method of o letting the e players kno ow that their r efforts ar re appreciated d. The sort of character r development that make es the game more

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Real Role R Playing

an see, there are a no new ch haracter types s As you ca that I re ecommended adding to the t game or r ponderous s new mechanics; what yo ou must do is s break from the stiflin ng mind set of skills and d A yourself f to use your imagination n classes. Allow and play the t role you envision e for yo our character; ; the GM will w make hea avy use of the Saving Roll l system, bu ut that is its purpose. p If th he players are e still trying g to wrap thei ir head around d the concept t (or unwr rap it from the standard d way RPG G characters have come to o be represent ted) perhaps a couple lite erary source will w help them. The Engli ish hero Rob bin Hood was s a bandit, or r was he? He H is depicte ed as a noble e man turned d rebel, a common man m fighting the corrupt t est savvy hunt tsman. Which h government, and a fore is it? In T&T T terms, th he player coul ld choose one e but not be b limited by that choice; Saving Rolls s would be flying furious sly as Loxley did whatever r t save Maid Marian. M He wo ould be on his s he could to strongest ground if he e stuck within n the players s ou have to do o character concept but, dash it all; yo n to win th he day. what you need Bilbo Bag ggins was no burglar; he was w a middle e class man n living a comfortable c life. l He was s pressed in nto an expediti ion by a wily wizard w and, in n

orde er to save face e in front of th he dwarfish ro oyalty, had to force h himself into the role of e expert he h treas sure hunter. I doubt he w was chosen fo for his crimi minal proclivit ties, but he e developed them beca ause he needed d to and it was s expected of him. late a five foo ot move to ga ain an Did Conan calcul ck of opportu unity and av void his oppo onents attac coun nter strike so h he could use h his super chop p feat (leve el five only)? N No, he made a heroic assau ult into the o overwhelming g odds by Cr rom! Lackeys s were throw wn aside, guar rds attempted d to thwart him m, and the v villains only h hope was to fig ght or flee! o make some e choices that give You will have to r character a p perceived disad dvantage, but this is your t makes those characters (and their pl layers) what speciial. Perhaps you will be building your Char risma when o other players o of a similar ty ype of chara acter would b be min/maxin ng so they can n brag abou ut their high n numbers and d dice totals. Yo ou, on the o other hand, w will be develop ping a characte er that has a amazing stori ies to tell. Yo our feats of d daring and improbable e escapades wil ll be confirm med by GM because th his is why the ey run a game. the G h this in mind d, you can fee el free to igno ore my With choic ces of title an nd characteriza ation. They ar re just labells and you can n have your ch haracter take o on any of th hem that they desire; even a adding new ones as they travel the wid de world. Simp ply put, if you u want your r character t to be a Bu urglar then b burgle ething! some

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The Wizards Hut

A T&T 7.5 Edition Solo Adventure
By J.C. Lambert
This adventure is written for Tunnels & Trolls 7/7.5 edition. It is suitable for a newly created low-level humanoid (good kindred) warrior with no more than 30 personal adds. Preferred kindreds are human, elf, dwarf, or hobb. Feel free to use talents for Saving Rolls where appropriate. 1D3 can be determined by dividing 1D6 by half and rounding half numbers up. Defeated monsters are worth adventure points equal to their MR. Dont forget, a wizards hut can be a dangerous placecalculate all spite damage. You may leave the hut at any point if you wish, but you will not get any APs for finishing the adventure. If you are directly engaged in combat, you will need to make a L1SR vs. DEX to make it out the door without being hit by an undefended attack. If you miss the roll, you take one full attack from your foe as you flee. Subtract the full combat total from your CON minus any armor protection you have. If you survive this, youve made it out of the hut to safety. some trepidation you follow the dirt road winding its way into the woods. At some point, the path splinters and the fork you choose becomes progressively more narrow and overgrown. Finally it comes to an end in a small clearing that contains a ramshackle stone hut with a thatched roof. The roof is in need of repair and dark green moss hangs from the stone walls, staining it a swampy green. Needing a rest from your travels, you approach the front door only to find it open and unlocked. You give it a token knock as you carefully push the door all the way open and step into a cluttered one room dwelling. Go to 1. 1 You have entered what appears to be a reclusive wizards workshop. Nobody is in the room, yet you sense a power or unidentifiable presence nearby. The walls are lined with shelves filled with ancient tomes and odd, varied objects. A large work table stands in the middle with a variety of wizard experiments in various degrees of completion. It looks as if a scuffle has recently taken place. A chair is overturned and a pentagram drawn in soot on the floor has been smudged and walked through. Over the table, a cord floats suspended in mid-air unattached to anything above. On the table amid the scattered papers, writing utensils, and strange wizard spell ingredients, several things catch your eye: a collection of glass vials with colorful liquids in them, a rolled up scroll of parchment, an ornately carved ivory box, and a plate holding some halfeaten cookies. There is a mystery here, you can feel it. Your curiosity is kindled and you resolve to unravel the puzzle of the missing resident, uncovering the secrets of this abandoned hut. Surveying the table, a few possibilities for immediate action present themselves. Do you pull the hanging cord? Go to 48. Drink one of the liquids? Go to 17. Open up and read the scroll? Go to 12. Investigate the ivory box? Go to 19. Have a cookie? Go to 2. If you have been Issue 7

Youve spent your childhood in the small village of Balebottom, on the edge of the empire. Born into modest means, you were lucky enough to apprentice with a local retired adventurer named Lokan. For the better part of your late adolescence he trained you well in the arts of sword, shield, and bow, but the time came when he had taught you all he could. Now you must strike out on your own and see what the world has to teach, he told you. With bittersweet excitement you pack up what equipment and provisions you have, say goodbye to your family, and set out on your first adventure. For days you have been traveling through the nondescript wastelands that surround your village and insulate it from the wider world. On the fifth day you reach the outskirts of a wild forest called Brierdeep. The woods are known only as legend in your village, but youve heard enough to know they have a dark reputation. Wizards, wild beasts, and evil trees are thought to lurk within. With


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4 As y you are exami ining the statu ue you see it blink. Wait t a minute, th his thing is aliv ve! You jump p back as th he creature cur rses and launc ches into actio on. Go to 24 4. 5 As th he first skelet tons make the eir way throug gh the door r, you leap up p and give th he dangling c cord a yank k. Suddenly o objects from all over the room jump p up into the air. A broom, chairs, s stools, book ks, dust pan, fire poker, qu uill pen, knive es and spoo ons start flying g around the room. The o objects appe ear to be unaw ware of the s skeletons adva ancing throu ugh the room m as if they ar re flying aroun nd for some e other purpo ose. Nonethele ess, the object ts and skele etons collide with each other, creat ting a trem mendous cacop phony. You d duck to avoid being hit. M Make a L1SR R on DEX. I If you make i it you escap pe harm. O Otherwise tak ke 1D6 poin nts of dama age. Armor doesnt hel lp much in n this situa ation, so igno ore any armor r protection. When the d dust settles, th he skeletons have been re educed to p piles of bones s and the flo oor is littered d with brok ken objects. G Go back to 1. fore, disregar rd any cho oices already y here bef explored. If you are un ninterested in doing any of f gs or are done e examining th he work table, , these thing go to 61 1. Each time e you come back to this s paragraph, roll 1D6. If f you roll a 1, , take note of f this paragr raph number and go to 89. 2 You take a small bite of o one of the cookies. It is s one of the most delicio ous cookies you y have ever r tasted. You Y quickly gobble dow wn the rest. Whoever the absent wizard w is, he is one good d eling content you y go back to t 1. baker. Fee 3 As the im mps strength h begins to wane w and he e realizes th hat he may be beaten, he be egs for mercy. Stop, sto op! Please! Sp pare my life and a Ill show w you where e the wizards s treasure is, he whines. If f you decide to spare him m and take him h up on his s t 47. If you dont, d fight hi im to the end. offer, go to If you bea at the imp, go to 63. 6 The objects swarm m around the r room with fan ntastic d. As you do odge and side e step throug gh the speed mayh hem you reali ize that the o objects are cle eaning up t the workshop p. They floa at around ni imbly, rotat ting and mag gically bending g to perform m their tasks s with almost t human-like grace, yet sh how a surpr rising lack o of regard fo or your presence, smas shing into you u as you danc ce around tryi ying to avoid d them. Make e a L1SR on D DEX. If you fail it, you take 1D6 p points of da amage before the tement is all o over. Armor is snt very effect tive in excit the c chaos, so igno ore any armor r protection. If your CON N reaches 0 or lower, you are kn nocked sense eless. Go to 2 22. If you sur rvive the chao os, go to 10 0. 7 You snap out o wilderment q quickly of your bew enou ugh to grab th he small hands around your r neck and t throw the crea ature from yo ou. Go to 24.

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8 One of th he spiders has managed to in nject you with h a crystallin ne poison. Make M a L1SR against your r current CON. If you make it, you fight off the e G back to 43 3 and continue e effects of the venom. Go s roll, go o to 51. fighting. If you fail the saving 9 The wizar rd notices that t you are hold ding the magic c dagger in your y hand. T The runes on the t blade spell l out its na ame, Wizard ds Bane. I keep k it safely y hidden, as s it is dangero ous to the like es of me. It is s more pow werful than you u realize. Ill have h to take it t back so I can make sur re it causes no o harm. Wait t a second, youve becom me fond of th his remarkable e gly hand it ov ver? Go to 21. . blade. Do you grudging fi for it, go to 50. If you are prepared to fight 10 The unrul ly objects fin nally settle do own and stop p moving. The room has been n tidied up p bly and you discover d that the animated d considerab servants have h produced d an impressiv ve lunch from m a corner pantry. p The meal m is now sitting s on the e cleaned up p work table. If I you sit dow wn and eat, go o to 31. If not, n go back to 1. 11 As you reach for one of o the musty leather l bound d books on n the shelf f titled Nestoropholiss s Compendium of Wizard dly Ways ma ake a L1SR on n u make it, go o to 14. If you u dont, go to o LK. If you 38. 12 fully unroll th he yellowed pa archment and d You caref smooth it t out on the table. The wr riting is in an n unfamiliar r script. As you ur eyes scan th he first line of f text, the words w begin to o glow with a red light that t grows stro onger as if on n fire. Your eyes begin to o burn and water w but you u cant tear the em away from m the writing. A voice in your mind starts to speak k the alien words w from th he scroll. Mak ke a L1SR on n INT to see if you hav ve the menta al strength to o e If you miss it t, go to 35. If f resist the enchantment. you make the Saving Roll, you pull away a from the e scroll with h a tremendou us strength of f will and fling g it to the fl loor. With a sense s of relief f, you watch it t roll under the table out of sight. Go to t 1.

13 The claws dig d deep into you ur neck. You u take 2D6 +6 points of f damage befo ore you are able to g the creature from you and d engage in co ombat. fling y neck armor this will a absorb ou have any If yo norm mal damage. I If this kills yo ou, goodbye. THE END D. If not, go t to 24 and figh ht. 14 You notice a faint t shimmer of l light travel ov ver the spine es of the boo oks. Do you p pull the volum me off the s shelf, go to 38 8, or do you th hink better of f it, go back k to 30. 15 The scroll has dra ained you so c completely tha at you nately you are not lose consciousness. Unfortun ke to see the r results of the s spell. Go to 22 2. awak 16 Ther res no way youre giving g up this va aluable weap pon, and afte er all, it isn t called Wi izards Bane e for nothing g. You jump forward mus stering all of f your strengt th for a quick k attack. The w wizard mutt ters an undist tinguishable p phrase as you u leap and flop to the f floor. Someth hing is wrong g. The furniiture has grow wn huge and the wizard t towers over you from a tremendous height. He bends n and picks y you up in his h hand. Croooaaak, down you y yell in protest t. How nice, the wizard sa ays. I do n need another tenant for t the old toad cage. Youll do just fine e. Dont worr ry, room and board is fre ee and the fl lies are juicy in this part o of the fores st. THE EN ND.

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17 w magic c You have just sampled one of the wizards H been expe erimenting wit th altering the e potions. Hes mind and body. Roll 1D D6 to see whi ich attribute is s affected. 1=STR, 2=INT, 3=CO ON, 4=DEX, , 6 Roll 1D6 to see if i you gain or r 5=SPD, 6=CHR. lose attrib bute points. 1-3 you lose. 4-6 you gain. Roll 1D6 one more tim me to see ho ow much you u gain or los se. All change es are permane ent. If you are e the gambl ling type you u can drink ag gain. There is s enough for f 4 doses. Each dose will have a different effect. e Roll for each potion n to determine e the results s. When you are a done, retur rn to 1. 18 Suddenly it dawns on you...it y sounds s like the toad d is trying to o say imp, imp, over and a over. The e statue on the shelf does s kind of look k imp-like and d this really a statue? Do o you think to yourself, is de to go bac ck to 30 and d try another r you decid option? Or O would you like to test th his suspicious s statue? Go o to 29. 19 The box is made of antique ivor ry, beautifully y th overlapping g patterns dep picting spiders s carved wit and cobw webs in shallo ow relief. The ere is a small l locked hasp on the lid d, but it looks s like it could d easily be popped p open with a blade. If you force e the box open, o go to 43 3. If you leav ve it alone, go o back to 1. . 20 ng at the stat tue with your r You take a hard swin apon, knockin ng the statue off the shelf, f, trusty wea only to find that the statue s is actua ally a creature e posing as a statue. Go o to 24 to fig ght. Since you u et one undef fended attack k surprised him, you ge tection from non-magical l factoring in his prot on at the end d weapons. See the monster descriptio o for details. of the solo

21 The wizard thank ks you again and apologizes for any h harm you mig ght have come e to in his hut t. As a gestu ure of apprec ciation for sav ving him, he heals your r wounds, rem moves any cur rses, and allow ws you m a reward grab b bag. Roll on nce on to piick once from the R Reward Grab b Bag Table e at the end o of the solo.. Whistling at t your good fo ortune, you b bid the wizar ctions out o of the rd goodbye. With direc wood ds, you set off towards yo our next adve enture. Give e yourself 400 0 AP for surv viving The Wi izards Hut. THE END. . 22 now your fate. Something te errible You never will kn pened to you w while you wer re knocked ou ut and happ you died before regaining con nsciousness. B Better HE END. luck next time. TH 23 You reach down and touch th he statues arm m. To r surprise it is w warm; its aliv ve. You step b back your as it leaps at you.. Make a L1SR on DEX. I If you e gets one undefended attack fail, the creature nst you. Go to o 24 and prepa are to fight. again 24 sh imp. The statue You are facing a small, devilis s not really a statue you had seen on the shelf was r all, but an im mp pretending g to be carved d from after stone e. His bumpy y, speckled ski in is grey and looks just like granite. You medd dling buffoon n, he eks. I was jus st on my way. . I was finally going shrie to en njoy my free edom. Youll pay for this! He throw ws himself at t you. The mo onster fights w with a desp peration born of anger and frustration. H He has MR of 40 (5D6+20). See the mo onster a M descr ription at end d of the solo for explanati ion of ection the imps special l attack and partial prote m non-magical l weapons. If you reduce hi is MR from to 10 0 or less with hout killing hi im, go to 3. I If you kill h him without r reducing his M MR to 10 or b below, go to o 63. If he kill ls you, this is T THE END. 25 You crunch the l last spider under your boo ot heel and bend down to examine t the remains. When you pull off their r crystal legs, 3 nicely cut gems ain: a ruby wo orth 80 gp, an n emerald wor rth 60 rema gp, a and a sapphire e worth 40 gp p. Make a L1S SR on LK. If you make i it, go to 40, if f not, go back k to 1.

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26 The imps s tail strikes you in the face e and you fall l backwards s into the trap p door. It seem ms like you are e falling for rever. You feel the effects of the imps s poison nu umbing your face and spr reading down n your neck k. The last thi ing you see before b you hit t the groun nd and black out is the im mps laughing g face float ting above yo ou. You are dead. THE E END. 27 ourself throug gh the window w, you fall to o Pulling yo the groun nd and spri int away fro om the hut. Managing to avoid the e slow shuffli ing skeletons, , you make e it to the edg ge of the clea aring. As you u enter the woods w you lo ook over your shoulder one e last time and a see some movement in n the window. With a shu udder, you tur rn back towar rds the woods s and run fa aster. Give you urself 100 AP P for surviving g The Wizar rds Hut. THE E END. 28 et a closer loo ok at the toad. You lean forward to ge g ugly fella. He H stares into your y eyes with h He is a big a look tha at seems almo ost intelligent and lets out a tremendou us croak. He e starts hopping up and d down desp perately, beltin ng out, Croooaaakkkimp, Croooaaak kkkimp, as if trying to tell you u something g. Make a L1SR on LK L or INT, , whichever r is higher. If f you make it, , go to 18. If f you dont t, you shrug your shoulde ers and think, , what a ne eurotic toad, must m have bee en in that cage e too long. Go back to 30.

29 the statue. Do you You have your doubts about t t with a weap pon? Go to 20 0. Do take a swing at it bend down an nd look more closely at it? Go to you b 42. D Do you reach out and touch h it? Go to 23. 30 e isnt much le eft to explore in the It see ems like there hut. You are just a about ready to o give up sear rching signs of the owner when n you notice some for s motiion out of the e corner of yo our eye. Turn ning to the s shelves lining the walls of the hut you s search for w what could hav ave moved. Th he shelves are made of h heavy oak, bu ut sag with th he burden of many item s. They span t the width of o one of the wal lls and h up to the c ceiling. Amon ngst the bric-a a-brac reach you s see a row of t thick wizardly tomes, a sma all iron cage with a live giant toad, an object w with a roun nded top that is covered b by a cloth, and d a 2foot-high statue o of an ugly tw wisted humano oid. If you llook through the books, go o to 11. If you u make a clo oser inspection n of the toad and cage, go to 28. If yo ou take a pee ek at the obje ect under the cloth, go to o 46. If you in nvestigate the statue, go to 42. If you have been he ere before, dis sregard any ch hoices ady explored. If you have e tried all op ptions alrea abov ve and still find d yourself bac ck here, go to 88. Each h time you co ome back to this paragraph h, roll 1D6 . If you roll a 1, take note e of this para agraph mber and go to o 89. num 31 You thoroughly r relish the hear rty meal of omelet, d potatoes, and d bacon, wash hing it down w with a fried mug of ale you fi ind next to th he plate. Refre eshed, regain 1D3 po oints to your CON if it has s been you r dimin nished. Very s satisfied you r return to 1. 32 As y you recover f from the shoc ck and pain o of the fire, you hear th he eerie voice e of the elem mental n: You are l lucky, to be sure, but wh here is again your r vigor? With h one but no ot the other, , your grow bigger. When luck finally challlenges will g fails,, what can yo ou do but sur rrender? Are you a rior, my friend d, or just a pre etender? You u turn warri away y as the eleme entals light d dwindles. Som mehow you feel a little l luckier than b before. The t talking ed you. Add 1D6 to your Luck flam e has charme manently. You u close the s stove door an nd go perm back k to 61.

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33 Luckily yo ou have the mental willp power to tear r your eyes away from th he crystal ball l. You quickly y ver it. Feeling that you have e throw the cloth back ov a unknown and a possibly horrible fate, , avoided an you return n to 30. 34 Didnt yo our mother ever tell you u to not go o snooping through a wizards w thin ngs? You are e unable to o resist the e power of f the scroll. Uncompre ehendingly yo ou read throu ugh it, but a sense of dread d builds as a you near th he end. When n you finish h, the scroll crumbles to dust in your r hands. Yo ou look aroun nd waiting for the spell to o take effect t. Outside the e hut there is a commotion n and you run to look k out the window. w The e o small woodl land creatures s skeletons of a variety of f the dead d, pushing and d clawing their r are rising from way out of o the ground. . The skeleton ns close in on n the house e. Do you stand and fight them? Go to o 39. Jump through the window w and make m a run for r it? Go to 27. If you havent h yet pu ulled the cord d o hanging over the table, you can do so now. Go to d 5. If you have already pulled the cord and would o 45. like to do it again, go to 35 The scroll l has been enc chanted to for rce the reader r to cast a spell which is i powered by y the readers s kremm, re egardless of wizardly w abilit ties. Roll 1D6 6 and subtract this from m your WIZ. If this brings s Z to 0 or belo ow, go to 15. If not, go to o your WIZ 34. 36 Treat the flying objects as having a combined c MR R T maelstr rom is so o of 20 (3D+10). The ming that you u must make e a L1SR on n overwhelm DEX each combat turn. If you miss m it, youve e cked around and a disoriente ed, halve your r been knoc combat to otal for that t turn. If yo ou defeat the e animated objects, o you lo ook around at t the mess and d go back to t 1. Give yourself 20 AP for surviving. If your CO ON reaches 0 or lower, you u are knocked d unconscio ous. Go to 22. 37 You pop the cork and sprinkle a few w drops of oil l on the bac ck of your han nd. Rubbing it t in, you feel

pread through h your skin. A As the gentlle warmth sp sensa ation penetra ates deeper, a surge of str rength and power perme eates your bo ody. Roll 1D D6 for h of your attr ributes. Raise them accord dingly. each This augmentation n of your abi ilities will last for 8 graphs of the e solo or com mbat turns and d then parag your r attributes re eturn to what t they were b before g the oil. Return to o your pre evious using para agraph. 38 k off of the sh helf and pain s shoots You pull the book ugh your bod dy. The wizard ds books are b booby throu trapp ped. Luckily f for you, the s shock is not m meant to b be deadly, ju ust a deterre ent. Take 1D D6 of dama age; armor pr rotection doesnt help you u here. Go b back to 30. 39 Ther re are 3-6 anim mated animal s skeletons. Rol ll 1D6 to se ee how many s skeletons you face. If you ro oll a 1 or 2,, count it as a 3. Each skeleton has a MR R of 10 (2D6 6+5). The ske eletons are qui ite slow; if you u have a ran nged weapon n you have t time to make e two attac cks before h hand-to-hand combat. Ma ake a L1SR R on DEX to hit. Because of their clums siness, you c can avoid one e skeleton per combat turn if you make e a successful L1SR on DE EX. If you mak ke the Savin ng Roll, one e skeleton loses the chan nce to attac ck. If they def feat you, your r adventure is s over. If yo ou defeat them m, you kick a f few twitching bones out o of your way an nd go back to o 1.

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40 You notic ce something funny about the t ivory box. Inside, the box doesn t look as deep as it does s e from the outside. You push down on the inside vealing a fal lse bottom. In a hidden n panel, rev compartm ment you find a small 12-inc ch-long dagger r with eldri itch runes ca arved along the blade. It t appears to o be magical in nature an nd gives off a faint blue glow. The dagger d is wor rth 3D6+3 in n nd requires a STR S of 3 and DEX of 2 to o combat an wield. Go back to 1. 41 The imps s tail hits you u across the fa ace; take 2D6 6 points of damage. You narrowly avo oid falling into o d The wound drips blo ood into your r the trap door. eyes and you y must redu uce your com mbat adds by 5 for the rest of the figh ht. If you surv vive the fight, , you will have h a nasty scar that run ns from your r forehead over o one eye to your cheek kbone; deduct t 4 points from f your CH HR permanent tly. Finish the e fight with h the imp. If you win, go to 63. If he e beats you, this is THE END.

42 The statue is on one of the l lower shelves. You squa at down to tak ke a closer loo ok. It appears to be e of speckled d granite. The e figure is an n ugly made demo onoid with f fangs, clawed hands, stubb by bat wing gs, and a barbed tail that cu urls around. M Make a L1SR R on LK or I INT, whichev ver is higher. I If you make e it, go to 4. I If you dont, g go back to 30 0. 43 e behind the hasp and sna ap the You slide a blade ox. As you op pen the lid yo ou are lock off of the bo rised by three small spark kling creature es that surpr leap out at you. Y You swat them m to the groun nd and see t that they are c colorful spide ers made of c crystal. They y hop towards s you and atta ack. They each h have a MR R of 8 (1D6+4 4). Each time you take a po oint of spite e damage, mak ke a L1SR on LK. If you m miss it, go to o 8. If you kil ll all the spider rs, go to 25. I If they defea at you, go to 5 51. 44 imps tail whi ips over your head. You duck as the i sing the imps s deception, y you launch yo ourself Curs back k into the figh ht. If you win n, go to 63. I If not, the im mp finishes yo ou off. THE END. 45 You pull the h hanging cord hoping tha at the wizar rds helpful o objects might rescue you. A few objec cts around th he room quiv ver and jump p, but then fall still. U Unfortunately they have a already ormed their c cleaning dutie es today and d were perfo neve er enchanted f for protective purposes. Yo ou will have e to fight the s skeletons. Go to 39. 46 You pull the clot th off of the hidden objec ct and revea al that it i is a crystal ball. Shimm mering mult ticolor smoke e billows arou und within the e orb. Its q quite mesmeri rizing. In fact, , you cant seem to take your eyes off f of it. Make a L1SR on IN NT. If you m make it, go to o 33. If you do ont, go to 49. 47 The imp grovels before you. You wont regret this kind sir, bra ave sir, I wil ll lead you t to the rds treasures s and you w will be rich beyond wizar your r wildest dream ms. Come this s way, he say ys. He hes the wizard ds table to the e side and reve eals a push

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hidden tra ap door in th he floor. A wooden w ladder r descends down into th he dark. You peer over the e edge into the opening when suddenly the imps s M a SR on DEX. If you u tail lashes out at you. Make evel 1 SR, go to 41. If you make a Level l make a Le 2 SR or hi igher, go to 44 4. If you miss it, go to 26. 48 As you pull p the cor rd, you feel a quiver of f movement run across the room an nd suddenly a great num mber of object ts jump up in nto the air. A broom, ch hairs, stools, books, b dust pa an, fire poker, , quill pen, knives, and spoons start flying around d o crash into you. y If you try y the room threatening to k down n the whirling g to protect yourself by knocking g to 36. If you try to dod dge and avoid d objects, go them, go to t 6. 49 t able to resist t the pull of th he crystal ball. You arent The colored mist swirls s around and around a as you u ass sphere. Yo our mind is in n look deeper into the gla d feels as if it is i being sucke ed out of your r a daze and body into o another dim mension. Sudd denly a sharp p pain on your y neck br rings back so ome sense of f clarity. Fro om behind, sharp claws gr rab your neck k and begin to squeeze. Make M a L1SR on o LK. If you u 1 make it, go to 7. If you dont, go to 13. 50 The wiza ards face gro ows dark an nd a hint of f warning comes c into his h voice. C Choose wisely y young wan nderer, he sa ays. Do you re econsider and d hand ove er the dagger? Go to 21. 2 Otherwise e prepare to o fight for it. Go G to 16. 51 The poiso onous spider bites have overwhelmed d your imm mune system, you start to t feel weak. Looking down d at your r hand you se ee a lattice of f crystalline veins start to t spread acro oss your skin n our arm. You ur muscles sti iffen and you u and up yo freeze in place p as your body tissue is s transformed d into pure crystal. As the t process moves m inward d ts your organ ns, your heart stops. Looks s and affect like this is i it for you, but you hav ve left a nice e human-siz zed crystal tr rophy for wh hoever comes s along next t. THE END D. 52 As your weapon w cools s, you feel dr rained by the e ordeal. Yo ou gather your rself together as a the TrollsZin ne!

mental speaks again: Weak and unlucky, , what elem a sad d combination n. Perhaps the e young adven nturer rises above his sta ation? How d do you suppos se you make it to the e end? Keep go oing, hope, pr ray, or can m mayb be pretend. Your heart s sinks a little a as the elem mental vanishes in a puff of f smoke. You u think you might have f failed a myste erious test an nd you not sure wha at the implica ations will be e. The are n elem mental is gone e now and yo ou close the stove door r. Go back to 61. 53 You sift through the dust pile e with your fi ingers. Ther re must be so omething inter resting in the ereit is a wizards dust t pile after all l. Make a L1S SR on . If you fail i it, you LK. If you make it, go to 78. back to 61. find nothing. Go b 54 n the hot latch with a fire poker You carefully turn e door. Inside e you see a p pile of and pry open the d and coals. D Dancing abov ve them is a y yellow, wood fiery y form that pu ulses with hea at and power. Two ming creature red eyes are set into the flam e and dily look back k at you. You u are facing a small stead fire elemental. T The absent wizard mus st be erful to main ntain the emp ployment of s such a powe Is ssue 7

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being for such mundane service. Do you quickly slam the door shut and retreat? Go to 62. Do you try to talk with the elemental; begging its forgiveness for your intrusion and requesting its help in unraveling the mystery of the empty hut? Go to 68. Or do you attack it? Go to 60. 55 Something is indeed amiss, but unfortunately you are too groggy to wake up in time to do anything about it. The sensation of sharp teeth biting into your flesh brings you fully awake. To your horror you find that the bear skin has come alive, wrapped around you, and taken a bite. Take 2D6+6 points of damage. If this has killed you, this is THE END. If you are alive, you will have to fight. It has a MR of 30 (4D+15). Any spite damage against you activates its special attack of smothering. Make a L1SR on DEX or have your combat total halved for one turn. If you win, go back to 66. 56 You grab the rungs of the sturdy oak ladder and climb up to the loft. As you pull yourself up to the loft floor, you see that it is a simple yet cozy bedroom space. A stuffed straw mattress occupies the majority of the floor. Warm woolen blankets and furs cover the bed and an impressive bearskin tops the pile. The bearskin is adorned with the unfortunate bears head which stares rather vacantly at you. If this survey has satisfied your curiosity, you may descend back to the ground floor of the hut. Go to 61. If youd like to poke around the loft space a little more, go to 66. 57 You carefully advance on the alcove, ready for anything. Who knows what kind of surprises you might find in a wizards closet? You are relieved (and maybe a little disappointed?) to find the small niche stocked with typical items common to a rustic cloak room. There are a number of warm overcoats draped over hangers and an assortment of worn shoes and boots in various states of cleanliness. If youd like to inspect the overcoats, go to 72. If youd like to try on some boots or shoes, go to 73. If you have been here before and have already tried both or only want to try one, go back to 61. You can only try each of these choices once.

58 You take a sip of the tea warily. Its minty, earthy, and sweetened with honey. Even cold it is delicious. You cant resist finishing it off. Putting the cup down you let out an impressive yawn and suddenly feel exhausted. It couldnt hurt to just lie down for a minute. You make yourself comfortable on the bed. As you quickly drift off to sleep your last thought is that the tea is likely a sleep aid. Go to 75. 59 As you struggle towards wakefulness, you throw something constricting off of you. Leaping out of the bed you grab your weapon and face an unlikely adversary. The bear pelt has come alive and it menacingly flops towards you to attack. It has a MR of 30 (4D+15). Any spite damage against you activates its special attack of smothering. Make a L1SR on DEX or have your combat total halved for one turn. Fight it to the death. If you survive, go back to 66. 60 You must be pretty confident in your fighting abilities. The elemental flows out of the stove into the main room of the hut, flaring up to a menacing size. You are facing a supernatural power of unquestionable strength. The elemental has a MR of 200 (21D+100) and can only be harmed by magical weapons. You are committed to fighting the elemental. If you lose, you are burned to a crisp and this is THE END. If by some remote chance you actually win, take your APs and go back to 61. 61 You look around and take note of the other attractions the room has to offer. You have the unsettling feeling that unseen eyes are following you. On one side you see a ladder leading up to a loft area. On another wall you see a small alcove that serves as a cloak room. In a corner you see a small pile of dust that has been swept up and forgotten about. A broom and dust pan lie uselessly next to the pile. In an opposite corner is a cast iron stove. If you climb up the ladder to check out the loft, go to 56. If you explore the cloak room, go to 57. If you take a look through the dust pile, go to 53. If you would like to investigate the stove, go to 81. If you have been


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here befo ore and have exhausted all l the avenues s you would d care to exp plore, go to 30. 3 Each time e you come back to this paragraph, p rol ll 1D6. If you u t paragraph h number and d roll a 1, take note of this go to 89. 62 t and run from m the stove as s You slam the door shut lding your bre eath you wait, , quickly as you can. Hol g if the creatu ure will pursue e you. After a wondering few minutes of silence e it appears that t you have e ems that the e elemental is s nothing to fear. It see ed by and uni interested in you. y Go back k undisturbe to 61. 63 The imp keels over with w a last gas sp. You stand d d bod dy for a mom ment and catch h over his diminutive your breath. You hear a thumping noise behind d t The gia ant toad is lea aping up and d you and turn. down in it ts cage. His fr rantic moveme ents make the e cage jump p closer to the edge of the sh helf. The cage e falls to th he ground, th he door flies open o and the e toad flops s out. A glimm mer of rainbow w light passes s over its bo ody as its form m begins to pulse. p In a few w seconds, a plume of sm moke issues from f the toad d and solidif fies into the figure fi of a whi ite robed man n lying on the ground. It appears th hat you have e he hut. found the resident of th The wizar rd slowly stan nds up on sh haky legs and d smiles. M Many thanks for f your help, , stranger. My y name is Lesrillian. L How w excruciating g it was to sit t penned up u and watch h you fight for your life e knowing that mine als so hung in the balance. I rsome imp. He H had agreed d summoned that bother me my familia ar, but as I prepared to o to becom transfer hi im into the bo ody of a toad d he somehow w objected to t the arrange ement. I found that he was s protected by a power rful enchantm ment that can n s against the caster. c Next th hing I know I turn spells was trappe ed in the toad ds body and he h dumped me e in that dreadful d cage. . I think he e planned on n making off with whate ever treasures s of mine he e d. If you have e acquired a magical m dagger r could find in this solo o, go to 9. If not, n go to 21. 64 You have e held up wel ll against the heat and the e pain of th he fire, but the ere is a naggin ng feeling that t something g has not gon ne as well as it i could have. The eleme ental addresses you again: T To be strong TrollsZin ne! is a virtue, all agr ree, to be sur re. But if you u have stren ngth and are unlucky, can you win the e war? You will need m more than bra awn to preva ail this your life that is on the line. . The time . Its not just y mentals light b begins to fade e and go out, b but as elem it dis sappears, you feel a hidden n source of str rength grow w within you. The talking flame has cha armed you. Add 1D6 to your Strength h permanently y. You e the stove do oor and go back to 61. close 65 You wait for the elemental to respond. The en you wait some more.. Hmmm. Lo ooks like it i is not impr ressed and is not going to answer. It ju ust sits there e flickering ba ack and forth h. If you are f fed up and want to attac ck it, go to 6 60. If youd rather e the stove do oor and walk k away, go ba ack to close 61. 66 The bed looks qui ite comfy and enticing. The ere is a smalll table by the head of the b bed and on the e floor there e is a pile of dirty clothes. . You realize it has Is ssue 7

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been quite a while since you have rested. You are starting to feel the weariness of the road and the bed beckons invitingly. You can take a nap in hopes of restoring some lost CON by going to 71. If youd like to take a look at the bedside table, go to 84. If youd like to investigate the pile of clothes, go to 87. If youve been here before and are done with searching the loft area, climb back down the ladder to the main room. Go back to 61. 67 You try on a number of coats. When you finally find one that fits, roll 1D6. If you roll 1-5, go to 70. If you roll a 6, go to 80. 68 You make your appeal to the enchanted monster, asking him to excuse your violation of his privacy and enquiring about the absent owner of the hut. Your presentation was pretty good, but youll have to make a L1SR on CHR to see the results. If you make it, go to 74. If you miss it, go to 65. 69 You pull the hefty boots on and feel a cool sensation on your feet. Quickly pulling them off again you find your feet covered with wet clay. The boots must have been full of it. You feel a tingling sensation and wiping the clay off, you find more. Your feet have been transformed into living clay. Walking and running is now much more difficult and precarious. What a curse! Subtract 1D6 from your DEX and your SPD permanently. The effect can only be nullified by an 8th level Dis-Spell spell. Go back to 57. 70 You shrug on an overcoat that fits and take stock. Its itchy, a little bulky, and smells musty. The missing wizard has some pretty crappy clothes. This coat is useless to you. You throw it on the floor and return to 57. 71 What a great idea. A little rest is exactly what you need right now. You pull back the covers, kick off your boots and settle into the bed. Before you know it you are falling asleep. Go to 75.

72 The overcoats range in style, size and condition. Would you like to go through the pockets of the garments? Go to 86. Or would you like to see if there are any that fit you? Go to 67. 73 There is quite a selection of footwear to choose from. You look through the most promising. Decide which you would like to try: a pair of wooden clogs, go to 79, a pair of tall boots caked with clay, go to 69, or some athletic looking shoes made of canvas, go to 85. After you try on your selection, the remaining shoes and boots slowly fade and disappear. 74 The elemental silently wavers back and forth for a few moments. Just when you are starting to get discouraged you hear a strange humming and a melodic voice rings out in an otherworldly tone. The elemental doesnt respond directly, but addresses you in verse with this riddle: The coals burn fierce, the fire is bright. You will need some help if you hope to survive the fight. Are you true, are you lucky, are you strong? Test your weapon in the flame, what could go wrong? Is the creature asking you to put your weapon in the fire? If you would like to do this, go to 82. If you would rather close the stove door and walk away, go back to 61. 75 You have been deeply asleep for only a little while when a sense of something amiss pulls you back towards consciousness. Make a L1SR on LK. If you make it, go to 59. If you dont, go to 55. 76 You take a generous glob of the paste and start rubbing it into your skin. First it tingles, then it feels warm, and then it burns! Your skin starts to blister. You try to wipe it off as quickly as you can, but not before incurring considerable pain. Take 1D6 points of damage to your CON. Apparently the ointment has the opposite of its intended effect when used on one of the good kindreds. Return to your previous paragraph.


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77 When the weapon retur rns to normal l, you feel like e you have passed some e mysterious test of your r ntal speaks again in its s abilities. The elemen y voice: Now w you have pa assed the test. unworldly With honor you stand above the re est. I lend my y hand, but can you prev vail? If you me eet it, the real l m not fail. With a puff, the elemental l test you must extinguish hes itself and the stove goe es dark. Your r weapon has become permanently y enchanted. Multiply it ts dice (but no ot adds) by 1.5. Round half f numbers down. At yo our command, the magic c w burst into flame and ign nite any easily y weapon will flammable e material. He eartened, you u go back to o 61. 78 Roll 1D6 and consult the t table below w to see what t little treasu ure you find hidden h in the pile, then go o back to 61. l centipede hidden in the dust d bites your r 1. A small finger. The insects veno om stiffens yo our hand. Roll l 1D6; odds it gets your r good hand, evens it gets s er hand. Odds subtract 1D D6 from your r your othe DEX for r the remain nder of the solo. Evens, , subtract 1D D3 from your r DEX. o old, chewed wizards gum m. It sticks to o 2. A wad of your finge ers and is im mpossible to remove. r Your r fighting ab bility is hamp pered. Reduce your combat t adds by 1D D6 for the res st of the solo. ered gold pin n in the shap pe of a scroll l 3. A batte inscribed with the inscription, Wizardss Guilds s C Khara Khang K Champ pion Year of f Debate Club, 62. The pin is worth 10gp. 1 e of dried liza ard jerky. Wh hen eaten, this s 4. A piece snack will restore 1D6 points of lost t CON at any y he solo. point in th 5. You dont find anyth hing, but the dust must have e p some magi ical propertie es from lying g picked up around th he wizards hu ut. You find it t gives you an n unusually good grip on your weapon n. Add 1D6 to o your comb bat adds for th he duration of f the solo. y, small diamo ond. When you u brush it off, f, 6. A dusty you see th hat it is stunn ningly cut. Th he diamond is s worth 100 0gp. 79 You slip on the cl ately they mel lt into logs. Immedia your r feet and grai ains of wood appear on the skin of yo our feet, trave eling up your legs. Your ski in and flesh h have become om the knees d down. e wooden fro Youve lost some e feeling in y your legs; su ubtract 1D6 of DEX perm manently, but t the lower pa arts of r legs now ha ave special pr roperties. You ur feet your quite tough an nd do not nee ed the protecti ion of are q shoe es or boots. Y Your lower l legs are effec ctively armo ored and will t take 4 hits per r combat turn n. This has b been a bit of f a curse and a bit of a ble essing. The effect can on h level nly be nullified by an 8th Spell spell. Go o back to 57. Dis-S 80 You slip on the m most promising looking co oat. It feels good; just t the right size and quite comf fortable. This s one might b be a keeper. A As you walk k away from the closet, yo ou suddenly feel a hund dred barbs pie erce you. The coat is alive and is attac cking you; it i is a vampire c coat. The insi ide of the c coat is lined with many sharp teeth a and it attem mpts to drain you dry of blo ood. The coat t has a MR of 26 (3D+ +13). If you l lose, this is THE D. If you win,, go back to 5 57. END 81 The stove is by th he wall oppos site the ladder r. It is at in shape an nd is cast of b black iron. It has a squa king surface a and a pipe tha at runs throug gh the cook wall to exhaust sm moke. It app pears to have a fire Is ssue 7

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within. You can see through a grate in the door that it flickers with an oddly regular frequency. Do you want to open the door to investigate? Go to 54. If not, go back to 61. 82 You stick your weapon of choice in the stove. The elemental grows larger and flares up in a bright burst of fire. It expands and lurches forward to engulf the foremost tip of your weapon. Tendrils of flame travel up the length of it and you feel the weapon grow hot beneath your hands. As the heat grows your ability to maintain a grip is tested. The pain is almost unbearable, yet somehow you manage to hold on and withstand it. After what seems like eons, the flames subside and the elemental shrinks back to its former size. Make a L1SR on STR and a L1SR on LK. If you make both, go to 77. If you make just the LK SR, go to 32. If you make just the STR SR, go to 64. If you fail both saving rolls, go to 52. 83 You pop the cork and take a swig of the oil. It tastes slightly sweet with a strong floral flavor. Nothing happens for a few seconds, then you feel your throat start to constrict. This oil is powerful stuff; it is meant for topical application, not ingestion. Make a L1SR on CON. If you make it, take 1D6 points of damage to your CON and return to you previous paragraph. If you miss it, you drop dead on the spot. THE END. 84 You make your way over to the small table and find on it a book titled, Spirits, Imps, and Minor Demons: Their Habits, Life Histories, and Influences on the World of Men. It looks a little over your head. Next to the book is half a cup of cold tea, an unlit oil lamp, and a smoking pipe. There doesnt seem to be any way of lighting the lamp or pipe. You can take them if you wish. If youd like to try a sip of the tea, go to 58. Otherwise, go back to 66. 85 You put on the canvas shoes and suddenly feel light and buoyant. These shoes are enchanted to increase your SPD by 1.5 when worn and double the speed that you can run. You speedily return to 57.

86 The pockets are mostly empty, but one is not. Roll 1D6 to see what you find and then go back to 57. 1. A rat. He bites your hand and leaps out of the pocket scurrying away. Take 1D6 points off your CON and 1D6 off your DEX for the duration of the solo. 2. A stale half-eaten sandwich. 3. A big lump of lint. 4. Six small stones. If you have a sling, these will work as sling stones. 5. A small container with a label that reads: McAllisters Imp Ointment: Has living on a human plane been getting you down? Rub some of this kremm into your skin for fast-acting and soothing relief (also works well for toads, frogs and lizards). It is filled with a green, questionable looking, foul-smelling paste. You may take it if you wish. If at any time in the solo you try some of this on your skin, note the paragraph you are on and go to 76. 6. A small bottle filled with a clear oily liquid with a label that reads: Oil of SSrraa: The secrets of the Nagas distilled in liquid form. This is no snake oil, but the real thing. If you want some of that old thyme magic, apply generously. You may take it if you want. If at any time in the solo you rub some of the oil on your skin, note the paragraph you are on and go to 37. If you drink some of the oil, note the paragraph you are on and go to 83. 87 You pick through the discarded clothes finding them used and in need of washing. The missing wizard really is a slob. There isnt anything notable here other than the smell. Go back to 66 and make another choice. 88 You have checked every inch of the hut and havent found the missing wizard. Strange. You sense that you may have overlooked something, but for the life of you cant think what. Shrugging your shoulders, you gather your things and walk out the front door. At least you were able to take a


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break from m the open road. r As you head into the e wild wood ds, you take a look back at a the hut and d hear some ething that sounds like a ch huckle. No...it t must have e been your imagination. i Give yourself f 200 AP for f surviving The Wizard s Hut. THE E END. 89 Your presence as an un ninvited guest in the hut has s triggered The T Wizards Home Prote ection System. Roll 1D6 and a consult th he table below w to determine e the results. If you roll l on this table more than n egard any dup plicate results. once, disre THE WIZA ARDS HOM ME PROTECT TION TABL LE nly out of now where, you ar re surrounded d 1. Sudden by multi-c colored flashin ng lights and loud l horn-like e noises tha at rise to a de eafeningly hig gh pitch. You u clamp you ur hands over your ears and d wait for the e worst, but t apparently there t is no one o around to o hear the commotion. c The T din subsid des after a few w minutes an nd you resum me your busine ess. Return to o your prev vious paragra aph. 2. You fe eel a tingling rush from th he bottom of f your feet to t the top of your y head. A blinding flash h explodes behind your eyes. When n your vision n u find yourse elf standing naked in the e clears you middle of the woods. You Y must be miles m from the e h There is no path in si ight and your r wizards hut. clothing, weapons, w mon ney, and equip pment have all l disappeare ed. Give you urself 50 AP for surviving g The Wiza ards Hut, then n strap some leaves across s your loins s. Good luck finding your r way back to o civilization n. THE END D. 3. An elec ctric current runs through h the air. The e light dims s, dropping to t near black kness. Then a dazzling brightness b bu ursts forth all l around you. When you ur eyes adjust t to the brillia ance, you see e yourself su urrounded by a circle of tall l wizards with h imposing staffs, sparklin ng wands, and d long flowing g You are foolish and d robes. Trespasser! blundering g, yet your in ncompetence has served a purpose beyond b your comprehension n. One of our r members of the Wiza ards Guild has h been held d nd your meddl ling has called attention to captive an his plight. As a reward for making re escue possible e we will tra ansport you to o safety. Ther re is a flash of f light and you y find yours self standing on o the edge of f TrollsZin ne!

Brier rdeep. You h have all of yo our equipmen nt and any damage you might have suffered is h healed. Give e yourself 100 0 AP. Its time e to look for a new adve enture. THE E END. ng spreads through your f fingers 4. A funny feelin and a across your ha ands. Looking g down you se ee that your r hands have e turned a b brilliant red color. ught red-ha anded. This is a Youve been cau perm manent afflicti ion. From now w on stranger rs will get a funny feeling g about you a and your red h hands, findiing it hard to trust you. Re educe your CH HR by 1D6 . The curse c can only be r removed by a an 8th pell. Return to your pre evious levell Dis-spell sp para agraph. Without warni ing, a great n number of o objects 5. W jump p up into the air. A broom, chairs, s stools, book ks, dust pan, f fire poker, qu uill pen, knives, and spoo ons start flying g around the r room threaten ning to crash h into you. G Go to 36. If y you have see en this happ pen before, yo ou must face e the objects again. This time they are e really going a after you. All around, th he light in th he hut grows s. The 6. A shap pes of objects and furniture e jump out in sharp relief f and their sh hadows grow d dark and men nacing. The shadows in the room se eem to be mo oving. t...you do a do ouble-take as y you realize tha at they Wait really y are moving.. The shadows detach from m their objec cts and flow towards you threateningly. They mov ve as if made e of smoke, p partially substantial angible, shift ting between their and partially inta nd the indistin nct shape of fourorigiinal forms an ed beasts. Tre eat the combin ned Shadow F Fiends legge as h aving a MR of 40 (5D6+ +20). If you defeat m, return to yo our previous paragraph. I If not, them this iis THE END D.

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REWARD GRAB BAG TABLE 1. A bag of 2D6 x 150 cp 2. A bag of 1D6 x 150 sp 3. A bag of 1D3 x 150 gp 4. Two emerald Catseyes Gems worth 456 gp. When pressed to the eyes they transform into a transparent lens that turns the users eyes a brilliant green. The enchanted eyes will glow slightly in the dark and allow sight in low-light conditions as per the Catseyes spell. The gems draw kremm from the user at the rate of 2 WIZ per turn as long as they are being used. They will pop back out of the eyes on command. They come in a clean leather pouch and must be washed with salt water once per week. 5. An enchanted Paper Roc. This magical item is constructed of ordinary paper folded and shaped to look like a miniature bird. On command, the figure will animate and transform into a large, paper eagle with a wing span of 20 feet. It is sturdy enough to serve as transportation (with a speed of 30mph) and will remain viable for 1 hour before resuming its original size. The eagle will respond to simple commands and instructions, but has no attacking power. It will land wherever it is convenient and safely deposit the rider on ground before turning back to paper. It works for one use only. 6. You have picked one of the wizards special cookies. It comes individually wrapped in wax paper. Lesrillian explains that he uses 100% pure powdered kremm instead of baking soda. Each cookie has a spell embedded in it that affects the eater without depleting his/her WIZ. Roll 1D6 on the table below to determine the spell. All spells work as described in the 7.5e rule book. 1. Little Feets 2. Hidey Hole 3. Poor Baby (heals 3D6 points of CON) 4. Fly Me (lasts for 10 minutes) 5. Healing Feeling 6. Shield Me (lasts for 10 minutes and shields from magical damage equal to the eaters INT)

MINOR IMP MR 40 (5D6 +20) Minor imps come from one of the many hell realms. They are often summoned by wizards who negotiate for their servitude as wizard familiars. In this case, they take up residence in the body of an animal such as a cat, wolf, raven, rat, toad, or goat. In animal form they have the MR and WIZ rating bestowed upon them by the wizard they are bound to (see TrollsZine! #3 for Justin T. Williams excellent article on wizard familiars). A minor imps main function as a wizard familiar is as kremm enhancers, but they also can complement a wizards abilities in other ways (see TrollsZine! #3). At lower levels they have little magical aptitude and are dependent on wizards to be summoned from their natural environs. At higher levels, minor imps have the ability to acquire spells and travel between dimensions on their own. Despite their greater abilities to travel, they are still bound by their contract with their wizardly master. With the death of their wizard master, they are released from their animal form and are automatically transported back to the hell realm from whence they came. In humanoid form, imps are about 2.5 feet tall and have speckled, bumpy, gray, or green skin, long fangs, clawed hands, a barbed tail, and stubby bat wings. They typically wear no clothing or, at most, a tattered loin cloth. They attack with their claws and fangs and have a special attack with their tail. Special attack: Special damage occurs when they roll spite damage which indicates a strike with their barbed, poisonous tail. Make a L1SR on LK or take 2D6 of extra damage plus the spite amount directly off of CON with no armor protection. This damage is regardless of the results of the combat turn and in addition to any normal damage the imp might inflict. Special protection: In both their animal and humanoid form, minor imps have some protection from non-magical weapons. The combat totals of normal weapons are reduced by half. Magical weapons have their usual effect. Spite damage affects imps as normal.


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The ey Kn now K Kung F Fu!

By Dan D Prentic ce
Zine! #2 I ex xplored a ho ouse rule for r In TrollsZ Warriors and a Paragons trained in sp pecial weapon n techniques s in an article e called 'I Kno ow Kung Fu!' This article took its in nspiration not t just from a 990's movie, but also from m the monster r seminal 19 special ab bilities introdu uced in the 7th 7 edition of f Tunnels & Trolls. The ese rules used the spite e damage mechanic m to tri igger addition nal effects of a monster attack. a Spite da amage, initially y a house rule e proposed by Roy Cram m in the magazine Sorcerer's s en a 6 is rolled d Apprentice (#13), is damage done whe ombat dice. With W this rule, one point of f on the co damage is s always done e to the oppo osing side for r each 6 rolled regardless of armor protection p and d n the final combat totals. Spite damage has been variously defined d as the e 'spiteful' nick ks and bruises s inflicted in n the rough an nd tumble of combat, or as s damage dealt 'in sp pite' of the e odds and d nces being st tacked heavily y against one e circumstan side. The Speci ial Damage ru ule for monst ters is set out t on pages 1 and 2 of the e Monsters and d Magic Book in n the 7th and a 7.5 editions of T&T T. Essentially, , monster special s abilities are triggered d by rolling a certain nu umber of 6's s on the dic ce when they y attack. Th he notation for r describing a special ability y trigger is X/description, the X indicating i the e o 6s needed in a single turn for the e number of special abi ility described to be triggere ed. This articl le sets out som me guidelines and examples s for creating your own n special abi ilities. It also o provides a couple of my m own house e rules related d to monste er special abi ilities Pack Attack! and d There Ca an Be Only One!

ties are trigge ered first, pr rovided enou ugh 6s abilit have e been rolled t to generate them. Take awa ay that num mber of 6s and d see if you ha ave enough le eft for more e special ab bilities to b be triggered. Any indiv vidual 6s left over are co onverted to r regular spite e damage. Exam mple: The party is fighting a pa air of gorgons, wh ho have a M MR of 60 each (7D+30) and d the special a abilities 5/Pe etrifying Glare and 2/Venomo ous Bite. The g gorgons attack k and roll six 6 6s on their 14 d dice. It's a bad day for the de delvers! The mons sters have rolled d enough spite to o trigger a Pet trifying Glare so o one hapless ad dventurer takes a harsh look. There is not en nough spite left to o trigger the Ven nomous int of spite is allo ocated as damag ge. Bite, so the spare poin Ther re Can Be Only One! It is good to hav ve special stu uff happen. I It lifts nts from the e mundane and the ord dinary, even addin ng spice to lif fe, and to role e playing. How wever,

House Rules
ack! Pack Atta When a number n of mo onsters with sp pecial abilities s are fightin ng delvers, do o not separate e out the dice e monster-b by-monster; instead i roll all the dice e together, and set aside any 6s. Sp pecial abilities s d or rder of power r should be triggered in descending ulty. Therefore, the most po owerful and difficu TrollsZin ne!

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there is a law of the Special: S when everything is s n is special. s To prevent this s special, nothing appalling state of affai irs from occu urring at your r able, I suggest t the adoption n of this rule. gaming ta Set a maximum m of f one Mon nster Special l Abilities triggered pe er delver per r turn. If you u have to describe too o many app palling events s o of the her roes (as they li ike to think of f befalling one themselve es), depression and ennui i may ensue. Their scha adenfreude at the misfortu une of their r comrades will be ou utweighed by y their own n n when they have h to once more m haul out t desolation 3D6 and roll them in order while pleading with h , a Naga, or a you to be allowed to play a Dragon, acter. Balrog after the demise of their chara

esounding B Blast - The monster em mits a 3/Re deafe ening shout. T The delver mu ust make a L3SR on LK o or lose their h hearing for 1D6 hours and d take 1D6 CON damag ge. rippling Strike e - The mon nster chews or cuts 3/Cr the d delvers leg m muscles. Make a L3SR on L LK or have e SPD reduced til all CON da amage d by half unt is rec covered and ta ake 1D6 CON N damage. 3/Sh hield Smash - The monste er deals a pow werful blow w, reducing th he delvers s shield AP by y 1D6 poin nts. If the sh hield is reduc ced to 0 AP P it is shed to kindlin ng. smas end Flying - T The monster hits the delv ver so 4/Se hard d that he/she i is hurled into the air. The la anding es 2D6 CON damage and t the delvers co ombat cause total is halved t the following g turn. Addi itional sing effects may occur depending on amus n the terra ain. 4/H ot Breath - A blast of supe erheated air fills the must make a L L3 DEX or L LUCK area. All delvers m age equal to the differen nce if SR, taking dama miss ed. etrifying Gaze e - The monster has the gl lare of 5/Pe the g gorgon and ha as caught the delvers eye. Make a L4S SR on LK or get turned to stone.

Specia al Ability Examples E

e by special ab bilities ignores s Note any damage done r protection. Spells S and spe ecial gifts may y any armor protect the delver at the e GMs discret tion. his monster is exceptionally y 1/Cunning Strike - Th vicious an nd however ba adly it is corne ered, it knows s how to draw d blood, doing 2 po oints of spite e damage fo or each 6 rolled. 1/Acidic Burn B - This monster m has access a to acid, , either in its blood, spit, claws, or test tubes of f rns a delvers s sulphuric acid. Each 6 rolled bur ducing the arm mor value or r armor or weapon, red dds by one. weapon ad ning Blow - Th he strength of f this monster r 1/Deaden is such tha at it is tiring to t fight; its po owerful blows s drain the energy from delvers muscles. Each 6 rolled reduces a delvers STR by 1. This loss can n red by rest in the normal wa ay. be recover ng Stench - The T reek of the e monster has s 2/Appallin made the delver nauseo ous. Make a L2SR L on CON N ver halves thei ir combat tota al next turn. or the delv T monster r has poison n 2/Venomous Bite - The f its fang gs. The delve er has venom m dripping from running through t their veins and must m make a L2SR on their current CON or los se 1D6 DEX X p is treate ed. until the poison g Horn - The e monster sta abs the delver r 2/Piercing with a pen netrating blow w doing 1D6 CON C damage.

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5/Lightnin ng Blast - The monst ter summons s electrical energy e to strik ke the delver. Make a L4SR R on DEX or o LK, or take e 5D6 CON damage. d m blasts the area with h 6/Fiery Breath - The monster ire. All delver rs must make e a L5SR on n magical fi DEX or LK or tak ke damage equal e to the e e. difference B - The monster m has th he gaze of the e 7/Death Blow basilisk or r the claw of f a cockatrice e. The delver r must make a L5SR on CON C or LK or o die.

Also o have regard to how often n an ability is likely he monster (o or monsters) needs to be e triggered; th to ha ave at least a as many attac ck dice as the e spite thres shold to have e any chance e of triggerin ng the abilit ty. Conversely y, when a mo onster has six times as m many dice as the threshol ld or more, i it will trigg ger on most tu urns. ggest that most monsters should have e only I sug one special abilit ty, but big scary monster rs like Dem mons or Drag gons may hav ve more than n one. Mixe ed groups o of monsters might also have diffe erent abilities - employ the Pack Attack! ! rule to se ee what happe ens. As w with all my house rules s, these idea as are prese ented for yo our interest a and to whet your gamiing appetite. P Please feel fre ee to ignore, c change or us se them accor rding to taste.

Assign ning Special Abilitie es

When giv ving special ab bilities to a monster, m have e regard to how relevant the effect is to t the type of f y appropriate e monster. Send Flying is particularly m monst ters like ogre es, trolls, and d for big muscly giants whi ile Hot Breath h is similarly ap ppropriate for r Salamande ers and Drago ons.

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So ometim mes the Sav ving R Rolls ar re Wit th You

By Ira a Lee Goss sett
Of all the bad luck! No ot only did it start s raining at t b after a qui ick search of his pack and d midday, but saddlebag, , Alaric was pretty p sure hed d lost another r cloak. We ell, looking at t the good sid de of things, it t probably had h a hole in it i somewhere and he would d have gotte en wet anyway y. oaked was wh hat had forced d him to leave e Getting so the road and a venture in nto the forest to find some e shelter in the first plac ce. After wan ndering about t hile, hed fin nally stumble ed across an n for a wh ironbound d wooden do oor set into the t side of a small hillo ock. oped to get hi is horse (mos st of us would d He had ho call it a pony since Ala aric was a bit on the short t side) insid de so they bo oth could dry y out, but the e stubborn animal wouldnt have an nything to do o g anywhere ne ear the hillock k. After a brief f with going tussle, his horse broke free to run off deeper into o the forest. . ought. Dumb b animal was s Humpfh, Alaric tho uble than it was w worth, ste epping on my y more trou foot and only o going where it wanted to go. Good ance! (You see Alaric nev ver could con nvince ridda hims self that it was s his fault he g got lost so oft ften. It seem med so much more reasona able that it w was his horse nature causing the problem.) ) es contrary n d by virtue of their stealth, h he did In hiis disgust and not notice a g group of h highly carniv vorous dland creatur res move off in the directi ion of wood his d departed steed d. ned by standin ng out Deciiding nothing could be gain in th he rain, Alari ic turned to examine the door. Know wing, as do all good delv vers, that one e does not just stroll t through a d door without t first cking, he looke ed it over care efully, searchin ng for chec s of danger. S Seeing no nam meplate or kn nocker signs on th he door, he co oncluded that t nobody was living there e so it would b be safe to go i inside. The rain was alrea ady working i its magic on Alaric by n now. While h his sniffles we ere still few an nd far betw ween, Alaric k knew that if h he remained o out in the w wet much lo onger hed en nd up with a fullblow wn cold.

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So with that thought t in mind and a a sneeze e A grasped d the metal pull-ring set in n forming, Alaric the middl le of the doo or and heaved d. Amazingly, , the door opened right t up without sticking. The e ame from the e strength he had put into o trouble ca his pull; it totally unba alanced Alaric c by swinging g open so easily e that, as s it swung fr ree, it banged d against him m causing him m to slip back kward and fall l unceremoniously into the mud. Jus st as he went t e sneeze that had h been form ming came out t down, the in a migh hty WOOOS SHoo!! doub bling him up. With his eyes e closed fro om the sneeze e, and his ears s filled with h the fury of it, Alaric hear rd neither the e click as the door opened nor the Wsszzz of f the arrow as it just miss sed his head. is nose, Alari ic stood up again a and set t Wiping hi about scra aping as much h mud off his clothes as he e could. Jud dging that to be b futile, Alar ric stepped up p close to th he open door rway. Seeing nothing n about t to grab him h and no obvious trap ps, he moved d cautiously y through. Pe eering around d in the gray y light affor rded by the rainy r daylight t behind him, , Alaric cou uld just make out o a rack of torches t before e the door slammed sh hut with an authoritative e pt and what t sounded too o disturbingly y Bwowmp like a hollo ow, echoing chuckle. mustve e Mmmm, Alaric said half aloud, wind . gotten up. y best closed anyway, a he said to himself f Probably as he re eached for a torch. G Grams always s pestering me m to stay out t of drafts when Im wet. t with the e torch in his hand and the e Standing there other reac ching into his pouch for his s flint, he was s suddenly aware a it wasn n't dark anymo ore. Dropping g the flint, he yanked out o his sword d and looked d uickly for wher re the flickerin ng light was around qu

comiing from. A quick glance was all it to ook to confi firm he was all alone. St traightening u up he wond dered where t the light had come from. I It was then that he saw th he torch he w was holding wa as lit! GHHHH!" he e screamed dropping it t and "AG jump ping back. n letting go of the torch h, Alaric was once Upon again n plunged into o darkness. ring nothing but his ow wn loud brea athing, Hear Alariic crept back k towards th he dropped torch. Hold ding his swor rd out in fro ont of him, Alaric squa atted down to pick up the torch again. A As his ers curled aro ound it, the t torch silently burst finge into flame. Drop pping it again n, Alaric then went ugh the same ritual five tim mes before deciding throu it wa as safe to cont tinue holding the torch. h his new fo ound magic t torch in his hand, With Alariic started ex xploring his surroundings s. He appe eared to be in a small cave about 6 feet a across and kind of oblong shaped wi ith the door at the the room. T The cave was s bare smalller end of t excep pt for the torc ch rack on the e wall near the e door with some kind of f plaque on th he wall near it and a h at the far end. The only other pile of wood trash ning in the cave was a pa assage over b by the open wood d pile. ng as nothi ing looked dangerous, Alaric Seein decid ded to build a fire so he could dry out. After first poking the w wood pile with h his sword to see if anyth hing was hidin ng in it, Alaric c piled some of the bette er pieces of w wood in front o of the open pa assage and lit them with h his torch. A As dry as the wood d up. Feeding g some of the b bigger was, it readily fired es on, he soo on had a wel ll-sized blaze going piece whic ch illuminated his cave and cast a little lig ght

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down the e passage. Se eeing nothing g of interest t down ther re and feeling g protected by b the fire, he e decided it t was time to get out of his h wet things. Alaric set down his to orch, which promptly went t , out, and stripped off his pack, leather armor, shirt, a boots. Af fter drying him mself with his s breeches and shirt, Alar ric donned his s only spare fr rom out of his s pack (than nkfully it was still too big fo or him and so o covered him h half way down to his knees). Alaric c then arran nged his things in front of the t fire to dry, , propping them up on sticks s so the heat h could get t ng warm and d dry, Alaric c to them. Now feelin estigate the plaque p he had d wandered over to inve seen. c with much tongue e sucking and d Looking closely, finger fo ollowing he was able to o make out t Elwanger r the Supreme es Secret Cav verns written n on the pl laque in Com mmon. This was w just what t hed been n looking for! Anything secret had to o have treasure. Once he had collected enough, hed o his Grams farm and live e happily ever r go back to after with her, their old d cow, and th he rest of the e H knew Gram ms would be happy to see e animals. He him again n so soon. She couldnt be ear his leaving g this last tim me, he knew. She was so choked c up she e had just pushed him ou ut and shut the e door behind d ening at the door, d he could d hear muffled d him. Liste sounds an nd was sure Grams just hadnt h wanted d him to see e her cry. t he knew what w was in his h immediate e Now that future, Ala aric went back k over to chec ck on how dry y his cloth hes were. After A smothe ering out a smoldering spot on his h pants where they had d gotten too o close to th he fire, Alaric c pulled them m back on and a then dug g out some je erky from his s pack to ea at. When he fin nished Alaric pulled out his s blanket an nd lay back with w his swor rd by his side e and his he ead on his pack to take a nap p before

going g exploring. With h images of gold and gem ms dancing i in his head d, Alaric soon drifted off to sleep. * ***** Alariic woke with a start. here am I? he e thought in a panic. Wh king for some ething His eyes darted around look see were sha adows familliar, but all he could s danc cing across th he walls co omingcomi ing to get h him! h a battle c cry on his l lips, that sou unded With some ewhat like E EAK! Alaric flipped his blanket off a and grabbed f for his sword as he leaped to his feet. He went into o a crouch pre epared for the e rush ing. that must be comi mmmm? Why y was it gettin ng lighter? Wh hered Hm all t the shadows go? Scannin ng around r rapidly Alariic quickly saw w what had h happened. Hi is fire had burned way down causin ng the shadow ws to danc ce and flicker across the wa alls, but now it was burn ning big and bright. No ow why was that? Mov ving closer he e peered at th he fire to see e what was burning. Hmm mm looked li ikewhere w was his blank ket? Well, it was too hea avy to carry a around and once inside th he caverns he e probably wo ouldnt e time to sleep p anyway. have Gath hering his ge ear and putti ing his armor and boot ts back on, A Alaric took u up his magic torch once e again and se et off down t the passage le eading into the cavern a and the gold and gems h he just knew w were waiting g for him.

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Black B Powd der Od ddities s and A Advanced Misfires M s

By Justin William ms
f firearms an nd gunpowder r In the early history of , there are th he obscure, th he impractical, , weaponry, and the downright dangerous: the seldom m mentioned d ancestors of modern arm maments that, , for the most m part, fe ell through the t cracks of f history. Here H we have unearthed so ome of these e oddities for fo your gami ing amusemen nt and terror. Also, to ad dd a little mor re variety and realism to the e black pow wder adventures of the aspi iring pirate or r musketeer r, we have an Advanced Mi isfire Table not every y botch nee ed end in an a explosion, , although we w have plenty y of those too o! mpting to use it will take e 1D+3 wor rth of attem dama age. Its muzzl le flash was so o horrendous that it regullarly set the r rigging alight aboard the sh hips it was used on, so o much so that Lord N Nelson ommissioned i Nile deco it after the battle of the N anyo one or anythin ng directly ab bove, below, or to eithe er side of the muzzles of a Volley Gun n takes 1D worth of fir re damage. Its roar was s also endous, and it took seven n times as lo ong to horre load as a regular L Long Armm meaning that it t takes me turns to re eload under op ptimal conditi ions. 2 gam

Firearm ms as Mele ee Weapo ons

Since mos st early firearm ms were singl le-shot affairs, , they were e also made to t be used as weapons in n melee com mbat. Weighte ed ends on pis stols as well as s metal but ttcaps on arq quebus and musket m stocks s lent powe er to their me elee usethus s Pistols used d in melee as a clubs do 2D D damage, an nd Long Arms s do 2D+3 damage.

Unusual Gunpowder Wea apons

ock Gun) Name: Volley Gun (No heellock or Fli intlock Type: Wh Size: Ove ersized Long Arm A Dice + Adds: Seven Ba arrels 16D+50 0 q.: 25 STR Req DEX Req q.: 10 Weight: 200 2 Cost: Wheellock: 2,500 GP; Flintlock k: 1,200 GP ion: A huge seven-barreled rifle meant t Descripti to be fired d from the sho oulder or from m a light deck k mount. W there are earlier examp ples, the Nock k Notes: While Gun is th he most famo ous and best t documented d shoulder-f fired Volley Gun, G so I ha ave based my y stats on that weapon. . The recoil from it was s o break shoulders and kn nock men off f known to their feet a character with w less than 25 STR TrollsZin ne! Page 47 Is ssue 7

Name: Duck-Foot Pistol Type: Wheellock or Flintlock Size: Oversized Pistol Dice + Adds: 5D+5* STR Req.: 14 DEX Req.: 8 Weight: 80 Cost: Wheellock: 725 GP; Flintlock: 550 GP Description: A large multi-barreled pistol with the barrels fanned out in a spreading formation, much like the foot of a duck. Notes: I don't really see how anyone could carry one of these around, but here it goes anyway . . . the Duck-Foot Pistol was a weapon with a very specific purpose as it was designed to be used by a ships captain, at a point-blank range of 15 feet or less, against a mutinous crew. *With a L1SR, everyone in a 4-foot arc in front of the wielder is hit for 5D+5 damageI think this best reflects the intention of the weapon; i.e., not so much staggering damage as the knowledge that you will be hit. Name: Pepperbox Pistol Type: Wheellock or Flintlock Size: Pocket Pistol Dice + Adds: 2D+6* STR Req.: 6 DEX Req.: 10 Weight: 30 Cost: Wheellock: 850 GP; Flintlock: 675 GP Description: A small-caliber pistol with multiple rotating barrels (usually from five to eight). Once a barrel is fired, the wielder advances the next chamber by manually turning the barrels until a loaded barrel is under the firing mechanism. Once the charged barrel is positioned, the wielder primes the pan, and the pistol is ready to be fired again. Once empty, it takes 2 full combat turns to reload it in optimal conditions. Notes: Notoriously inaccurate, it was said of the Pepperbox that the only safe place was behind itunless, of course, it exploded. All ranges beyond point-blank should be considered extreme ranges. *Chain-Fire: If double 1s are rolled on damage, the Pepperbox has suffered a chain-fire; a spark leaps from one barrel to another, setting off every remaining loaded chamber and doing 1D+3 for each of the total remaining loaded barrels. A L1SR on STR is needed to keep the wielder from dropping the Pepperbox and suffering a penalty of TrollsZine!

half off his or her combat and missile adds on the following turn as a result of the numbing shock from the unexpected recoil. Name: Grenade Launcher (Hand Mortar) Type: Wheellock or Flintlock Size: Long Arm Dice + Adds: As Grenade* (see below); 10D+10 (if used with shot) STR Req.: 18 DEX Req.: 12 Weight: 200 Cost: Wheellock: 750 GP; Flintlock: 550 GP Description: A rifle stock with a short, heavy cup-like brass barrel. Notes: While it can be used to fire solid shots, its main function is to lob grenades over long distances or obstacles. The real problem with this is that you have to set the fuse before firing the grenade, either lighting the fuse before placing the grenade into the Hand Mortar (in which case you have a real problem if it jams or misfires) or using a longer match fuse and winding it back behind the grenade (hopefully, the explosion of the powder will light the fuse). Under no circumstances should you face the fuse port inwards, as the explosion of the powder will drive the fuse inward and the grenade will explode in the barrel. *If you light the fuse before you load the grenade, any jam or misfire result will call for a L1SR on LK to avoid an explosion. If you use the long match-fuse option, a failure of the SR on DEX required for hitting the target means that a L1SR on LK is required to avoid delivering a very nice ready-to-use grenade to your target. Name: Match-Fused Grenade Type: Thrown Missile Dice + Adds: 8D+10* STR Req.: 8 DEX Req.: 8 Cost: 50 Weight: 20 Range: 15 Yards Cost: 25 GP Description: Early hand grenadesa small castiron sphere filled with powder and fused with various lengths of match cord. As the match burns down into the powder, it explodes, sending fragments of the cast-iron sphere flying as shrapnel. Issue 7

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Notes: Unlike U other missile m weapo ons, these do o not need to t hit the targ get directly to do damage anywhere close does th he job. Unless s the target is s ehind or unde er cover, a L1 1SR on DEX X hidden be should be e sufficient to t come clos se enough to o damage th he target. *Unlike most m thrown missile m weapon ns, it damages s all targets in a 10-foot radius instead d of a specific c renades wher re notoriously y individual. But early gr d if double 1s are rolled d on the SR R fickle, and required for fo hitting the target, someth hing has gone e wrong. If a L1SR on LK L is made, th he fuse peters s he powder is caked or da amp, and the e out, or th grenade must m be re-fused or re-pac cked before it t can be use ed. If the SR is i failed, the fuse f burns too o fast or the e grenade is fu umbled and goes g off in the e hand or at the feet of o the throwe er, doing full l nd possibly se etting off any other powder r damage an the charac cter is carrying g. ire Lance Name: Fi Type: Ma atch Rocket Size: Spea ar Melee Attac chment Dice + Adds A : As Spea ar 3D+1 (whe en Fire Lance e is ignited 5D+10*) 5 STR Req q.: 12 DEX Req q.: 8 Weight: 100 1 Cost: Spe ear with Moun ntings: 25 GP P; Each Lance e Charge: 35 5 GP Descripti ion: A siege weapon w desig gned and used d mainly by the ancient Koreans, K these e are basically y ed to a spear with the vent ts in the front t rockets tie so that th hey spew fire for a short ra ange ahead of f the lance. he fire projec ctor will only operate for 2 Notes: Th combat tu urns before it exhausts its fuel f and must t be replace ed. *All target ts in the effec ct radius must make a L1SR R on LK or catch alight. A burning targ get can

perfo orm no action n other than to o try and extin nguish the f flames, and ev very turn he o or she fails to make a L1 SR on CON, takes 2D6 d damage direct tly off N without the e benefit of a armor. A turn n must CON be sp pent in prepa aring and light ting the Fire Lance befo re it may b be brought in nto play. As it is basic cally a rocket/ /grenade attac ched to the en nd of a spear r, if at any tim me more than n two 1s are rolled on th he damage di ice while the Lance is igni ited, a L1SR R on LK m must be made e to keep it from explo oding and sho owering the user (and any n nearby comp panions) with h burning pow wderfull da amage is do one to the user r, and anyone e around must t make the s same SR again nst fire as a sta andard target of the weap pon. me: Axe Gun Nam Type e: Wheellock or Flintlock Size : Carbine t 6D+15) e + Adds: Ax xe 3D+4 (Shot Dice STR R Req.: 15 DEX X Req.: 10 Weig ght: 160 Cost t: Wheellock: 625 GP; Flint tlock: 450 GP P Desc cription: An n axe mounte ed underneat th the barre el of a carbin ne-like arqueb bus. In many ways, the f first bayonet. me: Dagger Pi istol Nam Type e: Wheellock or Flintlock Size : Pistol e + Adds: Dagger 2D+ +1 (Pistol R Round Dice 3D+ +15) STR R Req.: 10 DEX X Req.: 12 Weig ght: 50 Cost t: Wheellock: 550 GP; Flint tlock: 360 GP P Desc cription: A la arge dagger or r knife with a small pisto ol barrel runni ing along the back or to on ne side of th he blade.

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Name: Shield Gun Type: Wheellock or Flintlock Size: Buckler Dice + Adds: 5D+15 Hits Taken: 3 STR Req.: 10 DEX Req.: 10 Weight: 100 Cost: Wheellock: 650 GP; Flintlock: 425 GP Description: A pistol mounted in a small metal shield, its barrel projecting like a spike from the boss. Notes: Unlike most early guns, it is designed to be used in close combat. When used in such manner, it should be treated like a TTYF spell in melee. While the damage counts toward the partys total for that round, only one target is subject to the Shield Guns attack. This weapon is complicated to load, and it takes 2 full combat turns to reload and prime. Name: Shield Gun Type: Wheellock or Flintlock Size: Buckler Dice + Adds: 5D+15 Hits Taken: 3 STR Req.: 10 DEX Req.: 10 Weight: 100 Cost: Wheellock: 650 GP; Flintlock: 425 GP Description: A pistol mounted in a small metal shield, its barrel projecting like a spike from the boss. Notes: Unlike most early guns, it is designed to be used in close combat. When used in such manner, it should be treated like a TTYF spell in melee. While the damage counts toward the partys total for that round, only one target is subject to the Shield Guns attack. This weapon is complicated to load, and it takes 2 full combat turns to reload and prime. In all other respects, treat as a buckler. Name: Bayonet (Plug or Socket) Type: Dagger or Spear (depending on whether it is mounted or not) Size: Large Dagger Dice + Adds: In Hand 2D+2; Mounted 3D+2 STR Req.: In Hand 2; Mounted 10 DEX Req.: In Hand 6; Mounted 8 Weight: 18 Cost: Plug: 15 GP; Socketed: 18 GP Description: A dagger or knife that either fits TrollsZine!

into the barrel of muzzle-loading Long Arms (for the plug variety) or snaps, or screws, into a place around or under the barrel (in case of a socketed bayonet), effectively turning the weapon into a crude spear. Notes: The earliest bayonets were crude daggers that plugged or screwed into the end of muzzleloading Long Arms. This allowed the arquebusier to defend himself in the heat of the battle after he had fired his weapon, when he was unlikely to have a chance to reload, or in damp conditions that would render the weapon unusable. Later, socketed bayonets were developed that allowed the musketeer to reload and firealbeit carefullywhile the bayonet was attached.

Revised Firearm Cost Table

For those that wish to make firearms a more common part of their games, here is an optional price list to bring the cost of black powder weapons more in line with other T&T equipment. Firearms Hand Cannon: Matchlocks: Snaphaunces: Wheellocks: Flintlocks: Accessories Black Powder: Powder Horn or Flask: W/ built-in Powder Measure: Spare Ramrod: Lead Bullets: Swabbing: Slow Matches: Cost 100 GP Pistol: 175 GP Musket: 150 GP Pistol: 250 GP Musket: 270 GP Pistol: 500 GP Musket: 600 GP Pistol: 300 GP Musket: 375 GP Cost 3 SP / charge 10 GP 20 GP 2 GP 5 SP / 10 1 CP / 10 1 SP / match

Characters using black powder would probably also purchase some bar lead, and a set of bullet and shot dies, so as not to be caught without ammunition. Issue 7

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Functio on and Ma alfunction

t understand what can go wrong with a In order to black pow wder weapon, first you hav ve understand d what it tak kes for everyth hing to go righ ht. cks: To load a Matchlock, you y first pour r Matchloc a measure ed amount of o powder int to the barrel, , then a lead d ball or measure of shot, followed by a wad of pa aper, rag, or cottonor eve en dried grass s in a pinch h. You take the e ramrod from m your belt (it t was not until much later that ramrods were e o the weapo on itself) and tamp t the load d mounted on securely in nto place, with hout packing the charge so o tight as to o turn your ar rquebus into a bomb. You u are now re eady to begin firing your Matchlock. s match a length of f You can light your slow y treated ro ope used to o ignite the e chemically chargew with flint and d steel or fr rom a handy y brazier, making m sure to blow on the match m or whirl the lit l end over yo our head to fa an its end to a good coal l. If it is damp, you had best keep your r unlit matc ch cord unde er your hat or o inside your r cloak, an nd you can give up on n using your r Matchlock k altogether if it is raining. Now that your match is lit, you mu ust sling your r cord over r your should der (hopefully y, not setting g your cloth hes alight), and d now is also the t time to set t up a gun rest if you are e using one. Next, N take the e metal cov ver off the pan, and, using your powder r horn or gourd, pour a small ch harge into it, , t cover and clipping the lit l end of your r replacing the

w match into o the serpent tine. Bracing your slow arque ebus against y your shoulder r (or, for very y early Matc chlocks, again nst the armor in middle of f your chest t), remove t the cover fro om your pan n and depr ress the bar ho olding the slow w match to bring it into contact with the priming c charge. If thin ngs go right t (usually as m many as one-in-four shots s went wron ng), the primi ing lights and d sets off the e main charg ge. About a second later, "Bang!" and yo ou are ready y to start all over again. e: If you are c carrying your w weapon loaded d, you Note will b be using a tam mpion or plug g that will be p placed tight tly into the en nd of the barr rel tohopefu fully keep p your powder r dry and the c charge in place e. It is advis sable to remo ove the tampi ion before fir ring if you d do not want y your arquebus to explode. Whe eellocks: A W Wheellock lo oads much li ike its Matc chlock kin, but the firing procedure is a bit diffe erent. The fi iring mechan nism is a to oothed whee elsomething g like the str riker on a cig garette lighte erthat grind ds against pyri ite. The wheel l must be m made of extrem mely good ste eel and mount ted on a cog gged axle. A c chain is wrapp ped around th he axle and attached to b both the axle a and a powerfu ful leaf sprin ng. When the w wheel is woun nd up with a s special span nner, tension is stored in t the spring, an nd the mech hanism is rea ady to spin an nd fire the charge. The trigger locks s the wheel in place unt til the wield der is ready t to aim and fir reaiming be eing a bit o of a novelty up until this point in fi irearm deve elopment. The en you open a and prime you ur pan, and close it agai in until you are ready to o fire. Finallly, you move the doga m moveable arm

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holding th he pyritefor rward and into o contact with h the wheel, , open the pan n, and pull the e trigger. If all l goes well, a shower of f sparks ignite es the priming g e, and you get g to make e and the main charge y don't like very unhappy y. someone you While this s may sound complicated, it is not until l the inven ntion of the percussion cap that guns s would bec come as reliab ble or weathe erproof as the e wheellock k once loaded d. Also of no ote is that the e first really y practical ca arry-and-fire pistols, often n with exag ggerated balls s or spikes on o the butts, , called Da ags, were Wh heellocks. Unfortunately, a good Whe eellock muske et or pistol wo ould probably y cost you ten t to a hund dred times th he price of its s Matchlock k or Flintlock k equivalent, making them m available only o to the wealthy w and th hose fortunate e enough to o scavenge the em from the battlefield. atchlocks and d Flintlocks: Flintlocks load like Ma ks, but the firing f mechan nism is, once e Wheellock again, diff ferent. Once th he charge is lo oaded and the e pan is prim med, the sprin ng-loaded coc ck holding the e flint or chert striker is i moved bac ck into firing g position and a the pan is opened. The frizzen or r steel striki ing plate is mo oved forward over the pan, , the weapo on is aimed, and the trigg ger depressed. The cock k is released, striking the e frizzen and d sending sp parks into the pan, lightin ng the charge, , and, with luck, setting g off the main charge and d firing its leaden prese ent downrang ge. While far r liable and weatherproof than the e more rel Matchlock k, the Flintloc ck still misfire ed once every y five or six x shots and was w extremely susceptible to o damp or even e humid co onditions, esp pecially during g loading.

Ad dvanced M Misfire Table

e is a table to o use if gunpo owder weapon ns are Here more e common in n your campaign or if yo ou are gettin ng tired of all l your guns ex xploding every y time you b botch! Roll 2D D6 and consu ult the table be elow. 2-3: Partial Burn owder charge igniteshalv ve dice Not all of the po weapon adds for this shot. . The weapon n must and w be th horoughly cle eaned before it can be relo oaded, addin ng an addition nal combat tur rn to the load time. to Ignite 4-6: Charge Fails t The powder is da y, and the w weapon amp or faulty must t be complete ely unloaded a and reloaded b before anoth her shot may be attempted. Pan 7-8: Flash in the P The priming pow wder goes off, f, but fails to ignite charge. The pan must be e re-primed b before the c anoth her shot may be attempted. 9: Ha ang Fire The priming pow off and seem mingly wder goes o hing happens. A slow burn causes the weapon noth to diischarge the following com mbat turn. Anyone stupiid enough to b be looking do own the barrel l takes a fulll-strength sho ot with no ben nefit of armor. . Malfunction in n the Firing M Mechanism 10: M The firing mecha anism has a malfunction: for a chlock, the m match cord is stubbed-out i in the Matc pan and will nee ed to be rel lit before firi ing is Wheellock or F Flintlock, the pyrite possiible; for a W or fllint in the co ock has shatte ered and has to be repla aced before an ny further att tempts at firin ng can be m made. A full combat turn will be need ded to repaiir the mechan nism if a repair r is possible. Burn Round 11: B The shot is insu ufficiently wa added or tam mped, urning instea ad of resullting in the powder bu explo oding. This ca an weld the shot into the b barrel, rend dering the gu un unusable until it ca an be fessionally repa aired. profe 12: W Weapon Explo odes The wielder takes s the full dic ce and adds o of the pon in damage ebetter luck k next character! weap

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To T St tart W With
By Patrice P Geil le
So youve e got some brand b new Tu unnel & Trolls s characters ready to go. Maybe M youve e created them m with an online o charac cter generator r, allocated a certain nu umber of poi ints between the different t attributes (so called d advanced d character r creation), or just rolled d some good old-fashioned d m have re ecorded your r six-sided dice. You may p of paper, a character r character on a loose piece vided with the e rules, or use ed one of the e sheet prov many fan-created chara acter sheets yo ou can find at t Trollhalla. . s, here you are with you ur brand new w Regardless characters, eager to sen nd them delvin ng. You might t have a gr roup of friend ds ready to play p T&T. If f thats the case, then good g for you u! If you are e his, however, you must be e a T&T fan n reading th with some e experience and the chance es are that you u take on th he function of f GM more often than not. If your fri iends do not often o come up p with a T&T T adventure theyd like to t run, you can c always try y one of the e many T&T games moder rated by other r GMs onlin ne. There are a couple of th hem currently y running on Vin Ahrr Vins V Trollbrid dge and others s om one of f Trollhallas s can be accessed fro ensional gates. If youd like to try y multidime something g else, fear not, the growing g line of T&T T solo adven ntures are jus st what you need. After all, , T&T is well known for its outstandin ng solos. Ther res just a snag g: most of the em (and the b best of them m!) were crea ated for mid ddle- to high h-level chara acters. Startin ng with Micha ael Stackpole s City of Te Terrors or Sewe ers of Oblivion is probably not a good d idea. Ken S St Andres sol los in particul lar are know wn for their h high mortality rate. For the ese the name es are self-exp planatory: Naked Doom, Dea athtrap Equa alizer Dungeon,, T.E.R.R.O.R R., and The T Toughest Dung geon in the Worl rld. viously you do ont want you ur characters to die Obvi right t away and thi is article is an attempt to increase their r chances of survival. But t remember, dying (i.e. llosing) is par rt of the game e and does happen from m time to tim me. That is wh hy I would su uggest that you dont p personalize yo our character rs too h at the be eginning. Wh hen you roll their much attrib butes, gold, h height, and w weight they a already have e their own i individuality. For example, they migh ht be exceptio onally strong or unusually dumb or cllumsy. Your character mig ght start his career with as little as 30 0 GP. She ma ay be very talland weight. Choo osing their kin n, type, equip pment, overw and t their starting talent will giv ve your charac cters a lot o of personality already. But w wait until they y have comp pleted at least t a couple of f adventures to o give them m more. Depe ending on the adventures th heyve been n on and wha at you already y knew about them when n you created them, you could name thei ir

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place of origin, religion, and social background. When your character reaches the second level, he will be able to pick up a new talent, which will personalize him even further. For the finishing touch, give him an earring, tattoos, a moustache, buy him a parrot and a pirates pistol, or let him smoke a pipe and wear a sombrero; whatever. The point is, do not personalize your beginning characters too much because the mortality rate is higher among beginners than among veterans. Your characters will then evolve naturally as they grow in power and experience. Your female warrior may turn out to be an Amazon or a barbarian with matching talents and equipment. Your wizard may evolve into a necromancer who creates new monsters or into a druid specializing in potions and herbs and casting strange spells deep in Mistywood. As it was stated in the Corgi Books T&T rules section, unlike other solo adventures, Tunnels & Trolls allows characters to grow and pass from one adventure to another () By upping the attributes, through encounters in the solo adventures and level raises, your character will have a whole host of spells and weapons made available to him. Money will allow him to buy armour or those weapons and spells, making him better able to face the trials and tribulations of the solo adventures. Your characters can pass from one solo to the next, earning titles and treasure in a never ending heroic career. One of the joys of T&T solos is indeed to have your characters grow and evolve. Another asset of T&T, which was not mentioned by the Corgi rules, is that you can always use your characters to play T&T with friends. Sharing and interacting with other players is also very rewarding. Having a wonderful advanced-level T&T character is fine, but having other players know that character and interact with him or her is even better! But if you want your characters to go that far, you will have to start them with adventures they can survive. A few early official T&T solos were made for beginners, but certainly not enough. Solitaire adventures like Buffalo Castle by Rick Loomis, Sword for Hire by James Wilson, and Labyrinth by Lee Russell belong to the maze-type adventure and were designed for first level Warriors. James Wilsons Blue Frog Tavern was also made for beginning Warriors and is an enjoyable sequel to Sword for Hire. Sorcerer Solitaire rewritten by James L. Walker is a fine adventure for apprentice TrollsZine!

Wizards and Goblin Lake by Ken St. Andre is a tough solo for low-level Goblins. Remember the time when everybody thought that since Flying Buffalo was not publishing anything new, T&T was a dead game system? Times have changed and its amazing how many T&T solos have been published during the last couple of years. Print-on-demand and watermarked PDF files have probably helped a lot; new authors keep on appearing. Luckily, many of these solos were designed for low level characters. Recently, I bought a funny mini-solo for beginning characters, called Hecatombe, by Al McDougall; it was short, but good enough. Stuart Lloyd designed his Temple of the Fool God for beginning characters, in which you have to retrieve the greatest treasure of the kingdom from the belly of a mad god. I certainly will try that one too. Andy Holmes, one of the talented authors of Tavernmaster Games, is one of the most prolific T&T authors and if I may add one of the best. For beginning Warriors, I would recommend his solos Escape from the Vampyre's Crypt, The Haunting of Tilford's Hollow, or The Halls of the Gorgon - Level One. I hope you like the atmosphere Andy tries to create in his adventures as much as I do. Darren Jones is a little known, but promising solo author; The Temple at Marterrine is ideally suited for beginning adventurers of all character types. Surviving characters gain considerable skill and should be able to advance to more perilous adventures after that. The same goes for Sid Orpins (author of The Tree of Life) Devotion to Duty solo, in which your beginning character will become a fighting monk. In Formication, you can even play a newly created fairy Warrior. In Sids latest solo, Rapscallion, you can play a beginning Rogue. W. Scott Grant (Sligo) wrote the excellent Final Exam, another of the few solos specially for beginning Wizards. Try it if you dare! Dan Hembree is also a solid author of T&T adventures. I already wrote a review of The Tomb of Baron Gharoth in TrollsZine! #3. Since then, Dan has developed a whole line of T&T solos as well as a very good GM adventure by Mike Hill, The Dungeon of the Rat. Dans Lone Delver Games product line currently includes five solo adventures, the latest of which is Crypt of the Wolf Prince, specially designed for beginning characters. Patrick Witmer (Jongjungbu)s No Rest Issue 7

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for the Weary at War is a mini-solo designed for 1st level characters and one of the finest I played over the last few years. Some solos allow you to use several characters in an adventure. A good example is The Old Dwarf Mine by Roy Cram in which you can send in up to 10 beginning characters at the same time. Roy Cram is also the author of the solos Mistywood and Gamesmen of Kasar as well as the Wilderness Encounters catalyst book. The Old Dwarf Mine originally appeared in Pegasus magazine #73; it was later rewritten by Ken St. Andre and published online. Overkill, rewritten by Michael Stackpole, lets you play several characters as well, but is much, much tougher. Then there are solos that can be played by characters of any level. Gristlegrim Khosht, Arena of Khazan, and Hela's House of Dark Delights, all by Ken St. Andre, Beyond the Wall of Tears by K. Martin Aul, Search and Ye May Find, by Michael K. Eidson, and Abyss by Paul Creelman (but only for characters who have died) fall into this category. Curiously enough, most of Ken St. Andres recent solos from his Trollhalla Press series were not designed for beginning characters, even though he is known to favor low-level games. The exception is Tavern by the Sea, which is tough but is actually designed for beginning characters (there are even three ready-to-play characters included in the booklet). Tavern by the Sea was co-written with Andy Holmes and is available in two versions. The first, by Trollhalla Press, is illustrated by David Ullery and includes a GM adventure version. The second, by Tavernmaster Games, is illustrated by Jeff Freels and includes a second built-in minisolo, The Tomb of the Sea Reavers Gold. It is perfectly possible to take a solo designed for advanced characters and adapt it to suit your beginning characters. Obviously, this will require adapting the difficulty level (Monster Ratings and Saving Roll levels) and the rewards (Adventure Points and treasure). There are guidelines provided in the Monsters and Magic Book found in the T&T 7.5 box set, called Balancing Encounters. Based on those guidelines, the most

appropriate MR to match a 1st level character is around 20 (3D6+10), which seems reasonable. Therefore, the MR amplitude should be between 10 (2D6+5 easy encounter) and 30 (4D6+20 tough encounter) while special damage triggers should be rare. The SRs should be 1st to 2nd level in most cases. Raising that difficulty level would usually mean instant death to a starting character (unless your beginning character is a troll, ogre, or balrukh; but in that case, I would recommend you send them to The Toughest Dungeon In The World or Strange Destinies both of which were specifically designed by Ken St. Andre to accommodate those kindred). Adventure Points do not usually need to be adjusted, since they are allocated depending on the MR of the defeated foe or on the level of the required SR. When additional APs are granted as a lump sum in a solo adventure, it is usually appropriate to divide them by four. Quite a few solos, however, already have some device to take your level and adds into account when awarding extra APs (e.g. Captif dYvoire). The value of any treasure should also be divided by four. But then, as is always the case in T&T, use your common sense and if you feel other adjustments are needed, go ahead! For example, Michael Stackpoles Sewers of Oblivion was designed with high-level characters in mind (up to 7th level, with as many as 425 combat adds but preferably between 150 and 300 adds). My personal guess is that in this solo, difficulty level and rewards should be divided by 10 for a beginner to have any chance of survival. Some of the solos that I cited in this article might be unavailable (or only available from illegitimate sources) or out of print. If thats the case, I suggest that you contact the author and convince him to republish it in one way or another. There are a number of ways to publish a T&T solo: 1) publish it in TrollsZine!; 2) publish it on the web (like IGS Games, Chimerae Hobby Group, Scott Malthouse, Andy Holmes, Tori Bergquist, or Patrick Witmer, and many others); 3) selfpublication (paper and/or electronic form via Lulu/RPGNOW/DriveThruRPG, like Trollhalla Press, Tavernmaster Games, and Lone Delver Games); and 4) via Flying Buffalo or Fiery Dragon (Andy Holmes just did that for his Castle Death).


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Th he Ruins of Cast tle Pyn nnesse e

A T&T 7.5 Ed dition G GM Adv venture
By Tori T Berquiist

Genera al Instructions
This adve enture is desig gned for use with the 7.5 5 edition of Tunnels & Tr rolls, but is play yable with any y edition wi ith minimal ad djustment. It is suitable for r 4 to 8 cha aracters of Le evel 3 or greater. There are e powerful enemies and dangerous ob bstacles to be e hin. found with

Backgr round
he Hexeri Mo ountains along g the Jhaknian n Deep in th Coast can n be found an old ruined keep. This s structure was w built as a bastion of refuge during g the Plague e Years and stood s the test of time. The e order of knights whic ch founded the t keep was s called the Knights of the t Thorn Cr rown and was s matic Dark Lady Corrigan, , dedicated to the enigm h Queen. Th hey were S Suethenurien, the Witch silver elves all, who had d foresworn th heir dedication n to the goddess Selene to pursue th he worship of f G of th he Unseelie. Still, S they were e the Dark Goddess opposed to t the hordes of the undead d god Unarak, , and they became mysterious folk heroes in their r time, as th he knighthood d protected th he refugees of f the old ki ingdom of Jh hakn and save ed many lives s standing in their defens se. They were e even part of f arnaethas and d the great siege against the witch Ta tspire, which h lies about one hundred d her Night miles nort th in the moun ntains. Among all l the Fey knig ghts of Castle Pynnesse, the e most famo ous was the slayer Kythero on, a silver elf f of such fe erocious reput tation that to this day tales s are told of o how he sl lew a thousan nd ghouls by y himself in n one evenin ng. The lege ends may be e boastful, but the rea ality is not far behind. ne who slew w the Wight t Kytheron was the on Y an nd personally delivered the e General Yon-hagar, generals head h to the do oorstep of the Nightspire.

Whe en the Plague e Years ended d, the castle t turned into something m more of a township and the ghts of the T Thorn Crown left to pursu ue the Knig evil of Unarak e eastward, bac ck to the gat tes of Start thias. They we ere not to be seen or heard d from again n until two d decades later, , when two dozen knigh hts returned, worn and we eary, with the e body of K Kytheron and other Suethen nurien in tow w, who had fallen in batt tle. They ente ered the castl le and ed their falle en in the de eepest consecrated burie catac combs, for t the elves hav ve never tolerated imm molation of the e dead. They then settled d down, to liv ve out their re emaining years s as weary surv vivors and w war heroes. The township whi ich sprung up p in the valley below the c castle came to be called Kha arador, after a an old dwar rvish word for prosper rity, though it is some etimes called d that as we ell. The town n was wide ely regarded a as a safe hav ven, for the p people were e confident in n the power of their knigh hts to prote ect the townsh hip from any harm.

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owever, things s changed. In n Over the centuries, ho ecame evident t that somethi ing was amiss s time, it be in Castle Pynnesse. P The e knights came e out with less s frequency, and one day y they came out o not at all. Only an occasional o sen ntinel could be b spotted on n the rampa arts. About tw wo centuries ago, the last t two knig ghts anyone laid eyes on n raised the e drawbridg ge over the chasm leadin ng up to the e castle, and d then disapp peared from view. v A local l elvish bard named Mer rcurian (who o still plies his s t region) said s that the elder knight t trade in the Thyllios told him that t no one was s to enter the e castle eve er again. The local people took this to o heart, unti il recently. m kn nights no long ger protecting g With the mysterious the towns ship, Kharad dor sought ou ut protection n elsewhere, , eventually fa alling under the t control of f Baron Ethamos E , who ruled out of his own n modest ke eep on his fam mily estates to the west. For r several generations the Ethamos fam mily ruled the e land with a benevolent touch, until recently r when n e in Gharspa ad stirred up p trouble and d civil strife Ethamos Keep was sacked. Bar ron Kalidan n Ethamos and his troo ops have fled to Kharador, , y took up resi idence in the city. c Kalidan where they TrollsZin ne!

zed that the castle nestled d at the top o of the realiz valley ressively defen nsible location n, and y was an impr decid ded to seize e it for his own, despit te the warn nings by the lo ocals. To a access the ke eep, Kalidan hired enginee ers to cons struct a bridg ge to span the e chasm prot tecting entry. Many st trange mishap ps transpired d during the e this effort, but t only the locals rem mained erstitious. Whe en the bridge was at last fin nished supe er in the sum mmer, Kalidan n rode forth a and in earlie four days his crew w brought dow wn the barred gates. They y entered the c castle grounds s, and he decla ared Castlle Pynnesse the new f fortress of H House Etha amos. It w was at this m moment that something te errible happ pened. The g gates that had d been pried open close ed of their o own accord, t trapping the B Baron and his men with hin the castle e grounds. T Then a great t deal of shou uting and conf flict could be h heard, and at last quelle ed. Those tra apped outside e were ble to determin ne what had h happened, but unab t loyal range ers to the Baron scale ed the walls s and disco overed a mass sacre within. T They could find no

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evidence of the attackers, but nor could they find the body of the Baron and several other men. The rangers returned to Kharador and relayed their findings to the Mayor and to the Baroness Inyrriel Ethamos. Stricken with grief, the Baroness stole away to the castle, and begged whatever lay within to spare her husband. To her amazement, an aged and worn knight, Thyllios himself, came to the ramparts and told her that though her husband was not dead, she could not save him, either. He begged her to leave and forget the castle, for it had long ago fallen to a great evil, which he was powerless to do more than contain, and that any that dared enter would likewise fall. Inyrriel, herself of half-elvish blood, could sense the pain of the knight and knew he spoke the truth. Nonetheless, she sent out the call for heroes. Could someone come forth and purge the castle of its curse, and possibly rescue her husband in the process? She sent runners to the far corners of Gharspad, and as far north as Pheralin and eastward to Etrurias to spread the word of the deed. She has offered a hefty reward for the task, 20,000 gold pieces. So far, two groups have made concerted attempts: a mercenary company known as the Red Blades has tried twice to siege the castle. The first attempt led to a disaster as two dozen men of the company were slaughtered when skeletons rose from the earth of the castle grounds and attacked. The men who had entered were all killed, for they had scaled the walls to enter. The remainder of the company now occupies the town, mulling over its options as the commander, Ashton Kesrik, ponders simply assaulting the forces of the Baroness in the villa she occupies to steal the coin offered. The second group to attempt the job is an adventuring company led by the half-demon fighter-mage Caius Adornin. He has been very cautious so far, and determined that where an army will draw attention from the skeletal guardians, a small team can move undisturbed. Still, they too have been rattled, when an amorphous thing absorbed two of his team into its mass inside the foyer. They too are now rethinking their approach.

Notable NPCs of Kharador

Baroness Inyrriel Ethamos Half Elf, Female, Level 2 Citizen; STR 10, CON 9, DEX 18, INT 22, LK 16, CHA 24, WIZ 14, SPD 12; Adds +5; (1/2 for being a citizen); Talents: Persuasion CHA+6, Etiquette CHA+5 Commander Ashton Kesrik Human, Male, Level 3 Warrior; STR 30, CON 18, DEX 15, INT 14, LK 12, CHA 16, WIZ 8, SPD 13; Adds +25; armed with a Great Shamsheer (5D+0); wears Banded Mail (13X2 hits); Talents: Swordplay DEX+4, Horsemanship DEX+3, Siege Tactics INT+2 Typical Red Blade Mercenaries Humans, Level 1 Warriors; STR 16, CON 12, DEX 12, INT 10, LK 10, CHA 10, WIZ 9, SPD 12; Adds +5; armed with Scimitars (4D+0) and Crossbows (5D+0); wear Cuirboille (7X2 hits); Talents: variable Caius Adornin Half-Demon, Male, Level 3 Paragon; STR 18, CON 16, DEX 22, INT 20, LK 30, CHA 18, WIZ 32, SPD 16; Adds +38; armed with a Magic Rapier (6D+8 enchanted) and a Crossbow (5D+0) with 30 silvered bolts; wears Soft Leather (5x2 hits) and a silver ring (spell focus, -3 spell casting cost); Talents: Thievery DEX+6, Persuasion CHA+4, Occult Lore WIZ+3; Caiuss Favored Spells: Take That You Fiend, Call Flame, Vorpal Blade, Cateyes, Hidey Hole, Poor Baby, Whammy, Blasting Power

Secrets of Castle Pynnesse

The Knights of the Thorn Crown were both paladins and warlocks of their dark mistress Corrigan. They had long sought to grant their mistress the souls she needed to restore her to life within the mortal plane, for she had wandered as a Fey spirit in the Weirding for more than fifteen hundred years. Their greatest champion was Kytheron, whose dedication was so great, it was said, that he had laid with the hag Black Annis, Corrigans mother, to attain his dark Fey pact. Indeed, it was Black Annis herself who told him


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the secret of returning her h daughter to t the physical l plane. At first th he means of attaining this goal seemed d difficult, for the Kni ights could not in good d e harvest mor rtal souls of the humans in n conscience the region n; at least no ot without im mbuing an evil l into the act that coul ld affect the Lady of the e Thorn Cro own herself, something s wh hich had been n done to her h long ago by her lost love, the Lich h Halistrak. The Knights wanted th heir Unseelie e o return as a pure p being. It was then that t goddess to the Plagu ue of Unarak k struck, and a source of f seemingly unlimited soul energy was w suddenly y made available. The Plagu ue of Unarak served both to bolster the e efforts of f the Knights and to hinder them. The e countless undead of Unaraks U arm mies were still l w soul energy; e this energy was s imbued with harvested in vast wave es, allowing th he Knights to o n achieving their t goals. But B it was a go far in hindrance as well, fo or the soul energy was s he undead of f Unarak were e corrupted and weak; th g shells of the living souls necessary to bring t the world. Still, in time e, the Knights s Corrigan to realized th hat only thro ough the deat th of Unarak k could the souls that the ey had harvest ted be used to o igan once mo ore. When Un naraks forces s free Corri were at last on the defensive d and d word of an n assault ag gainst Starth hias spread, the Knights s decided to o join the armi ies which mar rched against

They realized d that to slay y him the dread god. T ht be the u ultimate mean ns of resurr recting migh Corr rigan. he end, they a achieved this goal. With Th hyllios In th and the others, Kytheron str ruck the sund dering blow w that slew Un narak, stealing g his soul ene ergy in the p process. It w was then that Kytheron re ealized their r maddened error; for if th hey used the e energy of U Unarak to im mbue life in to their Un nseelie godd dess, she wou uld be inextricably corrupt ted by Unar raks very bei ing and becom me an even g greater evil. Kytheron, re ealizing this, t took the essen nce of rak into him mself, even as the other a avatars Unar sund dered the god ds body, spre eading it across the worlld so it could d never be i incorporated again. heron took hi is soul essence, and promis sed to Kyth sequ uester it away.. He got halfw fway back to Castle Pynn nesse before h he succumbed d and perished d. he time the su urviving Knig ghts returned to the By th castle e, more than n half had b been slain b by the necro otic energy o of Unaraks soul essence, which they had each tak ken in to hol ld as living v vessels ned to the c castle. When n they untill they return ved, only hand dfuls were left t to inter their r dead. arriv They y took the sou ul essence and d placed it wi ithin a cryst talline lattice d deep in the b bowels of the castle catac combs, and th he survivors swore to def fend it again nst all incursi once great go oal of ions. Their o resto oring their goddess was no ow lost to thi is new task ..or so they thought. ime, the numb ber of Knight ts dwindled. A few In tim defec cted but most perished wh hen the dead began to riise, including g their own knights, from m the corru uption of U Unaraks sou ul. It was when Kyth heron at last rose as an un ndead Fey th hat the real trouble began n. At first Th hyllios was ab ble to rain and then imprison him m, but it was s clear restr heron was up p to no goo od. Kytheron tried Kyth many y times to esc cape, but Thy yllios kept him m held or re ecaptured him m at every tur rn. It was not t until the d day that Baro on Kalidan Et tharnos arrived that the s scales tipped. The Barons m men were slai in, but the Baron hims self and thr ree soldiers were captu ured by a qu uiet horde of undead that arose from m the castle gr rounds. To Th hyllioss disma ay, the unde ead that captu ured the Baro on were unde er the contr trol of Kyther ron, who rem mained sealed in the north h tower wher re he had be een imprisone ed for two c centuries.

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Kytheron spoke to the e Baron, and told him that t ower was to be his, if he e the castle and great po ut aid Kythe eron in his desired goal. would bu Kytheron s plea to the Baron was simple: find d Thyllios, kill k him, and take t the key to o the tower to o release Ky ytheron; he was w then to accompany him m to the cr rystalline lattice in the ca atacombs and d shatter it, releasing the dark soul wi ithin. This, he e ld free the cast tle of its curse e. said, woul In reality, Kytheron in ntends to take e the soul of f nce more into o himself. He e believes that t Unarak on he can the en seek out th he divine spark k of Corrigan, , to channel the soul thro ough a dark ri itual to imbue e the Witch Queen with divinity. d The Baron B is just a ol to slay Thy yllios and gain n means to an end; a too om. His undea ad madness has h convinced d his freedo him that he h needs to us se the soul at last l to awaken n the Witch Queen.

with the Sueth henurien and assist If pllayers side w him, then they lea arn his name a and his missio on. He has iin his possession a scroll up pon which a n notice has b been printed, i indicating the e following:

W Wante ed
Heroes to L Liberate that w which overlooks s the Vale of Khar rador:

Cas stle Pynn nesse

I In vengeance f for the Just and Kind Baro on At the hand d of Creature es Most Foul To o the Liberators of Pynness se shall be awa arded E Ethanors dem mise W Wrought with E Evil

Prelude e: The Ma ad Knight t

re introduced to the debac cle in remote e Players ar Castle Pyn nnesse during g a chance en ncounter. In a major por rt city (any wil ll do, but pres sumably along g the coast of Gharspad d) the PCs ar re out for an n ding newly won w coin or r evening, either spend n they stumble e otherwise celebrating a victory when S Knight unde er assault. His s across a Suethenurien name is Sylas Endrat thor, of Hou use Istrion, a uethenurien of a large and d well-known n young Su clan amon ng the silver el lves. He has been b cornered d by a dozen n thugs; several more lay de ead at his feet, , but with still s more to come c it is onl ly a matter of f time befor re he perishes. NTER: 12 Hu uman Thugs (MR 18 each) ) ENCOUN and Sylas Endrathor E (se ee below)

20,00 00 Gold Pieces

M Mint of the R Royal Standar rd of Gharspa ad S See Lady Imyrriel Ethanor in her Mounta ain Retreat Orchard Lane, Kharador 7 West O

the sum of

s is young as s silver elves go o (barely 80 ye ears of Sylas age),, but he has a personal stake e in this matte er. His dfather, he says, was th he legendary hero grand Kyth heron, who se erved well dur ring the years of the Plagu ue of Unarak and despite h his dedication t to the

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Order of the Thorne Crown he was a good knight and of honorable name and action; at least this is what Sylas has been told and believes. Sylas will gladly recruit the party to aid him, for that is his exact reason for arriving in the port town; he needs allies. He will even go so far as to offer the party one half of his own share provided they aid him in recovering the remains and armament of his grandfather for proper transport to his native homeland in Golmadras (once called Sylvias, but such is the stuff of another tale). Game Masters can use Sylas as an extra NPC to flesh out the party if needed, or let him take something of a background role if the party is strong enough to hold its own. He can also provide Sylas as a companion character to a suitable PC. Sylas is partial to attractive women of any race for obvious reasons, and he may also be impressed with an especially gifted fighter from whom he can learn more of the fighting arts. Sylas Endrathor Suethenurien (Silver Elf) of House Istrion, Male, Level 2 Warrior; STR 16, CON 16, DEX 28, INT 16, LK 14, CHA 18, WIZ 14, SPD 17; Adds +29; armed with a Broadsword (3D+4); wears Enchanted Scale Mail (8X2 hits; will absorb double normal damage from spells, even those that bypass armor); Talents: Historian INT+3, Selenic Theology INT+4

information will be known depending upon the characters background. Students of following: theology might learn the

Made L1SR by 1 or better: The Knights of the Thorn Crown were a splinter group of radical Suethenurien who worshipped the Witch Queen Corrigan. They were dedicated to returning her to the mortal plane in a pure form, uncorrupted by chaos as she had been in past incarnations. Made L1SR by 3 or better: Corrigan is a dark Unseelie spirit, a goddess to some and a bane to others. She has manifested throughout time and always brought ill omen in her wake. The Unseelie see Fey as naturally superior to mortals, and are destined to rule. Made L1SR by 6 or better: Corrigan was believed slain by Xarion during the War of Strife over fourteen hundred years ago. Her cults believe that she can once again manifest in the mortal realm if she is imbued with the souls of fallen heroes and gods. Made L1SR by 10 or better: There are rumors of a young elf woman who claims or is believed to be the reincarnated form of Corrigan, but her cultists seek out a powerful spirit that can restore (or grant) her divinity. The Knights of the Thorn Crown sought to find this divine spirit to awaken her, it is believed, though they ultimately failed. Historians might know the following: Made L1SR by 1 or better: Kharador was founded during the Plague Years, and protected by the mysterious Suethenurien Knights of Castle Pynnesse from the undead that stormed the mountains. Made L1SR by 3 or better: The castle was built by a mysterious Order of the Thorn Crown, but was abandoned centuries ago for reasons unknown. Made L1SR by 6 or better: The Knights who survived the siege of Starthias returned, but they locked up the castle and forbade all from entering two centuries ago. There were rumors of a dark spirit inhabiting the castle. Avernan gypsies stopped visiting Kharador around that time, claiming a great evil hung over the region.

The Characters Arrive

When the characters arrive in the town of Kharador, they know the following: Baroness Inyrriel is willing to pay 20,000 gold pieces to the first group to purge the castle of the haunting evil within. Two other groups have tried so far and failed to get anywhere.

Rumors abound in Kharador. Each character should make a L1SR on INT (or appropriate Talent) upon arriving in the town. Based on the margin of success (i.e. the amount the player exceeds the target number) the following levels of


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Made L1 1SR by 10 or r better: The e avatars who o slew Una arak eight ce enturies ago charged the e Knight Ky ytheron with protecting a portion p of the e dismembe ered gods fo orm, though none know w what piece e it was, or ho ow it was to be e kept. Made L1S SR by 12 or better: b Kyther ron is believed d to have died on his return trip to Pynnesse, , h soldiers carried c his body b and its s though his mysterious charge the rest of the way y. e Students of elven lore might know the g (elves and half h elves only y!); following b The Knights K of the e Made L1SR by 1 or better: Thorn Cro own were a he eretical sect, cast c out of the e old Silver r Empire be efore it fell more than a thousand years ago. They T wandered for many y ore choosing this place to t build their r years befo castle. Th heir reverence e of the Wit tch Queen is s forbidden among elve es, and thou ugh there are e mbers of their r order abroa ad in the land, , living mem no elf encl lave will welco ome them. ccult might t know the e Students of the oc g: following Made L1SR by 3 or better: The castle c itself is s a a nimbus of f power, possi ibly offering a centered at direct con nnection to th he Feywild of the Weirding g Realm. Made L1SR by 6 or better: b The entire e castle is s d shadow fr rom the necro otic domain of f cast in a dark the Shado owfell. It ap ppears to be a nexus or r junction of o these two opposing o realm ms, suggesting g a powerfu ul source of f planar attra action hidden n somewher re within the castle c (Unarak ks Soul force). . Made L1SR by 10 or better: Ther re is a potent, , otic energy em manating from m deep below w dark necro the castle. n Knowledg ge that an ny local or r Common interested d person might m pick up asking g around: SR by 1 or be etter: The cas stle is a creepy y Made L1S place; you u can spot gho osts on the ram mparts during g strange ho ours of the ni ight. Few who o enter live to o tell the tal le; there are un ndead, and a hideous h entity y that abso orbs would-be e robbers wh ho enter the e main build ding. Made L1 1SR by 3 or r better: The Baron was s reckless and a ignored the t warnings of elders in n TrollsZin ne!

town n that the cast tle was best le eft alone. Som me say hund dreds of unde ead elves ros se to slay his men, and drug him off f for unspeaka able tortures in the combs below. catac Mad de L1SR by 6 or better: Th here are two g groups (Caiu us Adornins crew and the e Red Blades) ) who have e responded to o the Barones sss plea for h help so far. B Both failed. Mad de L1SR by y 10 or bet tter: At least t one Sueth henurien knig ght named Th hyllios is still s said to be alive inside the castle. The elder bard curion knows who he is, an nd it is said th hat he Merc has spoken with him along t the walls at times. me families sti ill leave food d and goods a Som at the e of the chasm m leading to th he castle, and those edge ds are always taken by my ysterious being gs the good next day.

Places of In nterest In and Aro ound Kharador

rador is a nice secluded m mountain town n, with Khar a rea asonable indu ustry in minin ng and lumber r. The town n is not huge e; there are ab bout 2,000 in n total cons sisting of mo ostly humans, , dwarfs, half f-orcs, handful of ho obbs live near rby in and goliaths. A h r own commu unity called A Alesburg. Curi iously, their only half-elves ch hoose to live here; the lega acy of ere is the castle keeps most elves at bay. The ored to be a s small clan of s satyrs in the r region, rumo but m most think it m merely fancy t tales. There is also

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a small community c of o gnomes in n the region, , although these gnome es belong to the dubious s Nightrock k clan, notorio ous for their thievish ways s and predi ilection for banditry. Thou ugh plenty of f merchants s in the regio on report bein ng robbed by y bandits (usually implyin ng the bandits have ogres or r trolls in th heir service), none n ever repo ort being held d up by gno omes. Noneth heless, road wardens w in the e region sus spect that mo ost of the loc cal banditry is s due to th he Nightrock clan, which worships the e goddess Phaedra P and appeases a her with w heaps of f stolen loot, stashed befo ore a shrine in n a mysterious s at has yet been found. The elder warden n cavern tha Mathar (a male human n ranger of th he woods) has s been sear rching for th his cave and d the gnome e communit ty for years no ow, to no avai il. He suspects s that they use u magic to mask m their hideout. The Skyli ight Tavern and a Inn This is th he most prom minent tavern n and inn in n town, and d caters to mer rchants and ou utsiders. Its a comfy locale, but costs 5 SP a day to stay here and d has some expensive foo od as well.

The Winter Bull This is a rowdy tavern wher re most local ls and good d gossip can be found. It t is managed d by a marllack draconian n named Yzd darak. This is also re the bard M Mercurion (a h human male) c can be wher foun nd, usually ma anaging a baw awdy tune tha at can still be heard ove er the cacoph hony of the W Winter Bulls usual row. curion has in ndeed met th he mysterious s lone Merc Sueth henurien who o stands ato op the parape ets of Castlle Pynnesse, a at least until r recently. He k knows his n name is Thyllios and he has s taken some of the Sueth henuriens sto ories and work ked them into o song. Merc curion is esp pecially interes sted in the a almost carna al lust that th he Suethenuriens remembr rances hint at, how it s seems that ev very knight o of his ent order was s madly in lov ve with the La ady of ancie the T Thorne Crown n. Mercurion does not kno ow the wom mans full nam me, however (though char racters train ned in religion might get a roll, abov ve, on heariing this title e to recogni ize it as on ne of Corr rigans nom de e plumes). curion might be tempted by some co oin to Merc acco mpany the PCs to the wal lls of Pynnesse (25 gold,, as well as free meals an nd ale for th he trip ough ht to do it; h hes easy) to play the song g that usual ally summons Thyllios, so that he may conv verse. If the PCs coerce h him into doin ng so, then see Area 1 (the gateho ouse) in the castle ription for more infor rmation on what descr happ pens. The Lumber Mil ll The mill is owned d and run by Mayor Esten and clan. Its a bus sy place and th he best spot to find his c the Mayor, who can answer any question ns the adve enturers may have. Esten is fielding mo ost of the questions by mercenaries for Lady In nyrriel, hted to tell P PCs what he k knows and will be deligh ut the history of the castle, being someth hing of abou a lo ocal historian n. He can relay any o of the infor rmation up to o the equivalen nt of a 10 or better succe ess for histor rical details (s see the histor ry lore roll, above for wh hat this includ des). He also k knows the information about the co onnection be etween raks dismem mberment and d the order; b but at Unar Lady y Inyrriels req quest, he is ref fraining from telling anyo one about it t to avoid scari ing away wou uld-be merc cenaries. The e concern is primarily that Unar raks legacy is s so great tha at mere menti ion of

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the dark god could scare s adventu urers away or r d luck to th he entire aff fair. Still, an n bring bad especially persuasive ad dventurer (L3 3SR on CHR) ) k Esten in to spilling s the be eans. He even n could talk has an old d tome, The Chronicles of th he Lower Unden n Valley and d the Historic Ta ales of Kharador r and Environs by the sch holar Taradus s of Pheralin, written thirty y years ago, that includes s block prints of the castle, , f Unarak. and recounts the fall of The Etha amos Retreat t This palat tial estate was built two dec cades ago as a getaway fo or the Baron and his famil ly. It is where e Lady Inyrr riel and her fa amily are dwe elling until the e matter of her missing hu usband is reso olved. Valleys End E Provision ner This trade e store has most m of wha at adventurers s could wan nt, and is run n by the dou ur iron dwarf f Magdor Ir ronthane. He offers good st tandard prices s for advent turing goods. The Smit thy With no fancy f name, th his smithy is ru un by the half f ogre Gurs ston, who is even practiced in forging g magical weapons w (of f a quality the GM is s comfortab ble with).

ears to have s shoved off th he ladder, dislodged appe the grappling ho ooks, and cu ut the ropes from abov ve. Scaling the e walls by han nd takes a L2S SR on STR R. Using the l ladder or a r rope and grap ppling k requires a L1SR on DE EX. The cha aracter hook drop ps 5 feet for ev every point a S SR is missed b by, up to tw wenty feet (1D D3 damage per r 5 feet, armor r does not r reduce damag ge). atehouse 1. Ga er the Evid dence of a lar rge battle is l littered all ove place e, but the gat tehouse is oth herwise aband doned (chec ck for a rando om encounter) ). 2. Gr reat Hall Ruin ns of old dco or, furniture, and once va aluable art liitter the hall,, which is als so strewn wit th the rema ains of the lo ong (and recen nt) dead. The eres a sligh ht chance (L1S SR on LK) th hat someone might stum mble across a u useful and inta act piece of ra andom equip pment amidst t the bodies an nd debris. 3. Th he Castle Co ourtyard Here e a slaughter has occurred d, but despit te any stori es heard told of in the town n, no bodies c can be nd. Plenty of secondary evidence ca an be foun notic ced (L1SR on n INT), such a as broken we eapons lying g in the mud, and many, m many foot and d hoof print ts. Some prin nts are especia ally oddma ade by bony y feet. There is evidence o of blood spilt upon the g ground; a lot o of blood. For every turn th hat the PCs linger here wi without being s stealthy, there e is a 1 in 3 chance of a an undead at ttack consisti ing of ed skeletons,, zombies, and undead d Fey mixe knigh hts: COUNTER: 2D6 skeleton ns (MR 22 each), ENC 2D6 zombies (M MR 28 each), 1D6 undead d Fey knigh hts (MR 44 ea ach)

Getting g to the Castle C

The journ ney to Castle Pynnesse P is a tough one; a long winding trail along g the valley wa alls and up the e southern slopes s of Mou unt Kern ends s abruptly at a vast chasm m. The bridge across this ch hasm is newly y built, but adventurers attempting to o cross it will l get the ter rrible sense th hat it is prone to collapse at t any mome ent. There is (for ( fun) a slim m chance that t for each person p crossin ng it will buckle and begin n to fall apa art in 1D3 tur rns. Anyone failing f a L1SR R on LK must m roll 1D6 6; on an odd d number the e bridge star rts to go! The e drop to the bottom b of the e chasm is about a 300 feet t (i.e. terminal l). Beyond the e unapproac chable shelf off of Mount Vassar V lies the e castle pro oper, protecte ed on all side es by terrible e drops and d unassailable cliffs. c The large wooden door rs and the iro on bars of the e portcullis are barred from the oth her side, but t ntures have left l plenty of f rope, a few w recent ven grappling hooks, and a wooden ladder lying about t g the twenty-f foot-high wal lls. Something g for scaling TrollsZin ne!

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4. The So outh Fountain n Court Any who o enter this area are surprised by a veritable horde h of skel letons that sw wim up from m the appar rently bottom mless fountain n pool in the e center of the courtyard. Indeed, if one were to o l (about one e swim to the bottom of the pool a fifty feet down) there is a length of f hundred and tunnel wi inding about and openin ng up in the e catacombs s below. Mo ost of the skeletons that t appear here are decrepi it, but if the PCs P dont get t out of her re quickly mo ore powerful skeletons and d zombies will w appear. The T fountain will disgorge e 100 weak, , water-logged d skeletons an nd 20 skeleton n soldiers be efore it runs out. o NTER: 20 skeleton soldi iers (MR 26 6 ENCOUN each), 100 0 waterlogged skeletons (MR R 16 each) 5. The Sta ables The stable es, like most of the outer castle, are in n ruins. The ere is a 1 in 6 chance of f 1D6 undead d horse skel letons animating and attacki ing. NTER: 1D6 undead hor rses (MR 30 0 ENCOUN each) clogged stretc ch of find its hideous lair in a c nage that was s once used to hose dow wn the drain floor rs above after festivities. Bu uried in the m muck is a bea autiful golden n statue of the e Queen of T Thorns ridin ng a bull wort th 1,500 GP a and an ornate e wrist band d which, when n worn, grant ts the user a shield of in nvisible armo or worth 10 hits of prote ection. Ther re are portion ns of the diss solved hand which once e wore it still a attached. COUNTER: Protoplasmic chaos beast t (MR ENC 86; 2 2/Spite: the ch haos beast beg gins to sing an n eerie song g which induc ces paralysis in each pers son in listen ning distance w who fails a L1 1SR on WIZ) reat Tower 7. Gr Stand ding apart from m the main cas stle, this tower stands omino ous and impenet trable, surround ded by a deep dry ry moat and a accessible only v via a long bridg dge walk that s stretches from the balustrades of the main cas stle walls to the highest floor of the curious to ower. Arrow slit its are visible on nly y from top floor of the structure and, for just a sec cond, it the to appea ars that a figur re is standing by one of the slender portal als, watching you u from above. f Meeting for r the Knights s, this e the Hall of Once impe enetrable bast tion can only y be reached via a secon nd bridge ove er its own less ser moat. The e moat to th his tower is dr ry, however, a and can be cr rossed caref fully. It is her re that the las st living Fey k knight, Is ssue 7

Notabl le Encounters in th he Castle e Interior r

/Foyer 6. Parlor/ This parlor r has seen better days; once elega ant furniture and d draperies ar re now covered in dust, moth-e eaten, and worn n through tim me. Old candelab bras still stand, while w glass vases s show eviden nce of running, the t glass beginni ing to slowly lose e form over time. t Bones and d debris litter th he floor, and in n spots eviden nce of a strange slime s can be foun nd running from m along the grate g down the center of the floor. fl A strange e stench eman nates from somew where below. Fro om somewhere in n the distance e you hear strang nge mutterings as s if from dozens s of babbling madmen. t Here is the lurking protoplasmic chaos beast ehind old ta apestries; a starving s beast t hidden be which is now ravenou us after its re ecent meal. It t waits more pr rey. It will see ek to ambush h eagerly aw any who fail to spot it ts location on n entering the e SR on INT). room (L2S s defeat the ch haos beast and d pry open the e If the PCs grate in th he floor (L2SR R on STR) then n they will TrollsZin ne!

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Thyllios, dwells. He keeps no company, as he despises the undead that lurk in the castle. Presently, Thyllios occupies the tower, but he has been gravely wounded and his master key stolen. This key can free Kytheron from his prison, and opens up the passage to the catacombs in Chapel Area. The Baron, touched by madness now, stole the key and decided to enter the catacombs first, before freeing Kytheron, to investigate this source of power for himself. Thyllios is near death and the wound is suffused with necrotic energy, so there is little (without GM fiat) that can be done to save him. He will aid the PCs with knowledge and direction as best he can. Five minutes after the PCs enter the tower, should they succeed, a spectral shadow demon will manifest to try and finish off Thyllios and the adventurers. ENCOUNTER: Spectral shadow demon (MR 186; 2/spite: the shadow demon sucks the heat and ambient light from the area, suffusing the region in darkness and dealing spite in cold damage to one or more characters (GMs choice); the shadow demon takes double damage from attack that radiate light; anyone slain by the shadow demon will return as a lesser shadow demon (MR 50) ten minutes later) 8. Garden Terraces As you approach what appears to be a desiccated grove of trees, probably a long-forgotten shrine to the forest god Niras, you see evidence of foul droppings and bones scattered everywhere. From above in the ruinous brown branches and dried leaves of the trees is movement, as a colony of harpies awaken with a terrible shrieking noise. Here lurk five hungry harpies who have taken up residence in the deadened trees. The safest possible cover from the flying creatures is in the grove itself; any character entering the grove gains advantage of partial cover (-2 to attackers), but also finds the ground to be treacherous as it is covered with harpy offal and scattered bones. Each turn a PC moves through the grove in combat requires a L1SR on DEX, otherwise the adventurer slips on the uneven, harpy-offal strewn ground and reduce his CBT by one half for that turn.

ENCOUNTER: 5 harpies (MR 64 each; 3/spite: a harpy grabs a random PC and lifts him up 1D6 X 20, then drops him for 1D6 in damage per 10 fallen (ignoring armor) unless the character makes a LK SR at 1 Level per 20 fallen) 9. Overlook Tower The overlook tower stands on the precipice of the great cliff overlooking the valley below. One lengthy staircase runs up along the main castle wall to reach the third floor of this tower, but where a door would ordinarily be there is only a smooth wall. A quick inspection shows where an entrance to the tower was once to be found, but it has since been bricked up, to create an almost seamless wall with the main tower; indeed, it appears even the arrow slits have been bricked and sealed. In the center of this bricked up area is a small hole at eye level, about a foot deep and just wide enough to thrust an arm through. On the far side of the hole, wreathed in the pitch dark of the sealed tower, you can barely make out silver hair and a lean ear. A voice emanates from within. Please, says the whispered voice with an elvish accent. You must help release me. I have been here so long. There are madmen in charge of Pynnesse. I must stop Thyllios, my captor, and that mad Baron. You must help me. Here is the walled-in prison tower of the undead knight Kytheron. Kytheron is still trapped here, waiting for the Baron to complete his task, but anxious at the outcome as he knows that the Baron has forsaken him to the tower for now. The entry to the tower appears to be a smooth wall, but the master key will fit into the small hole and open up the otherwise seamless entry. Kytheron can manifest himself to visitors in a spectral form just outside of the wall, but no further. A squadron of eight spectral warriors will attack any who try to free him by a means other than the proper key, which is held by Thyllios. Kytheron will try to gain the confidence of the adventurers and will do his best to obscure his undead nature. He will call upon his vestigial connection to the Weirding Realm to make himself appear as he did in life (L2SR on INT to pierce his glamor and sense that something is amiss). Kytheron will implore the characters to stop the Baron, explaining that he intended to be free and to stop the ancient evil within the crystal in the catacombs that has led to the death and corruption of the once great castle. He explains


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that the Baron has gone mad with power, and must be stopped, for only Kytheron can insure the crystal is properly disposed of, thus why Thyllios keeps him locked up, for Thyllios was long ago driven mad by the crystal and answers only to the dark spirit within. If PCs attempt to ascertain if Kytheron is telling the truth or not, those who made their INT SR earlier need only make a second L1SR on INT to suspect something is wrong with his story. Otherwise, he is very convincing and only the shrewdest of PCs will be likely to believe he lies (L4SR on INT). Should the PCs free Kytheron, either by use of the key or through impressive brute force (players can be endlessly surprising in their solutions!) then they will face a rather ominous opponent: a Level 5 silver elf wight! Kytheron will play along if it benefits him to gain the crystal, but the moment he can, he will seek to destroy it and take in Unaraks spirit. This would be very, very bad, as the undead knight is suffused with a portion of the evil divine spirit of the God of Undeath. ENCOUNTER: Kytheron, Elvish Wight (Level 5 Warrior; STR 58, CON 50, DEX 30, INT 28, LK 30, CHA 24, WIZ 40, SPD 12; Adds +87; armed with a Hand-and-a-Half Sword suffused with necrotic energy (6D+0; any damage done comes off of both CON and WIZ); wears Enchanted Scale Mail (8X2 hits, enchanted to stop up to 3 spite damage per turn) OPTIONAL ENCOUNTER: 8 spectral warriors (MR 45 each; all damage dealt drains both CON and WIZ at the same time) 10. Long Gallery This grand gallery held the prized arms and armor of the castle. Along the upper reaches of the walls are windows, most of them shattered; the broken glass is strewn about the floor of the gallery. While many of the shields and suits of armor are rusted and falling apart due to the severe weather of the Hexerei Mountains, a handful of items stand out as being in excellent condition. As you take in the chamber, several suits of armor suddenly begin to move, brandishing weapons! It is then clear that there are animating skeletons inside these suits; they advance to defend the ancient gallery with their unlives.

There are ancient arms and armor within this grand gallery, and four armored skeleton soldiers to defend it, led by one death wight. The armory itself contains many fine suits of arms and armor, including several enchanted weapons and suits of armor (roll or choose randomly, but most suits of armor can be found here in varying states of repair). A duplicate gallery can be found in the south tower of the inner complex. It is free of undead, and hidden in the debris are the bones of an old saint of Naril, the sun god, which causes the room to radiate a pleasant ambient light that heals those who rest within (1 CON/turn). ENCOUNTER: 4 skeleton soldiers (MR 38 each) and 1 wight (MR 65; 2/spite: each character must make a L2SR on INT or flee in terror for 1D3 combat turns; once a character makes the SR, he is immune to the effect for the duration of the battle) 11. The Grand Hall Here dwells the Fey undead knight Elias, who will attempt to stop the PCs if he thinks they intend to disrupt the lattice or free Kytheron. He sits upon an old throne, once the throne of the High Lord of the Order, and ponders fate while he dallies with strange semi-real imagery which overlaps from the Weirding Realm of the Fey. The chamber contains dark faeries and other Unseelie sprites that produce a bountiful harvest of food that he cannot enjoy, but will offer to PCs he has befriended. He is unable to leave this room, as Thyllios has warded the doors and windows to keep him trapped within. ENOUNTER: Elias, Suethenurien wight (MR 88; 2/spite: each character must make a L2SR on INT or flee in terror for 1D3 turns; once a character makes the SR, he is immune to the effect for the duration of the battle) 12. The Chapel/Temple Presiding over this chamber is an impressive wooden statue of the Witch Queen. She is quite radiant and surrounded by ancient artifacts, including a holy amulet (add 30 to the wearers WIZ for purposes of spell resistance) in her right hand and an Orb of Defense (+3 hits taken while held) in her left. Issue 7


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The Offices 14. T Here e are the old d quarters of the knights and a librar ry. Within th he library is a ritual book k with sever ral useful ritu uals called O On Stranger Kyn ndes of Thau umaturgy. The ere is also a bo ook called Incanteus Mort tis in which h the nature of the Crystalline Lattiice as an obje ect that can be ontain e grown to co souls s is described.. The ritual includes a part w where you can utter a rit tual that eithe er frees the tr rapped s of the lattic ce, or explains s how to com mpress souls the la attice down to o a hand-sized d crystal, for a time. It ex xplains that sh hattering the lattice will force the bond ded soul in t to the vandal ls body. Gen nerous GMs s can also let the PCs find d some spell b books with useful spells h here. The Catacom mbs Entrance e 15. T Ther re are two way ays into the ca atacombs: a pa assage down nward from K Kytherons to ower (A. righ ht stair cham mber) and a p passage from the Chapel (B B. left stair chamber). R Regardless of f which passa age is n, the ancient vestige of Ky ytherons goo od side taken will manifest and d beg the pla ayers to release his sical embodim ment from torm ment. Moreov ver, he phys m not to allo ow Corrigan to be will implore them owered by U Unaraks bleak k soul, that i if any empo ritual al is allowed t to commence in which Un naraks soul is bound to C Corrigan then n she will be u utterly upted by the b blight of the G God of Undea ath. corru Unfo ortunately Ky ytherons vesti ige will ask th hem to inste ead shatter the e matrix of c crystal that co ontains Unar raks soul. A L3SR on I INT or WIZ Z will sugg gest that this is s a bad thing t to do; it will r release Unar raks spirit o once more, allowing his own vest tige to seek k out the el leven parts o of his phys sical form and d attempt to re eunite them! Kytherons ves stige should come into co ontact If K with his undead form, the p physical aspe ect of heron will era adicate his ve estige of goo odness Kyth with a wave of i its hand and d a fair amou unt of scoff fing that anyo one thought it t could be use eful in defea ating him! Th he vestige know ws this, and w will try to diiscourage the adventurers f from trying to use it in an ny such capaci ity. The NW Cros ss Chamber 16. T This chamber is where the Ba aron Ethamo os met fate. He was s slain by the undead an nd has his f retur rned as a wig ght, slaying hi is surviving m men in the process. He now lurks here with s several Is ssue 7

ehind the grand altar is a secret s passage e Hidden be to the cata acombs. It can n be opened with w Thylliass s master key y, which must be inserted in the hole in n the center r of the altar, or it can be found with a L2SR INT T; but any at ttempt at picking the lock k (L3SR DE EX) will trigg ger the trap regardless of f success. When W the catacombs are op pened, a ghoul l and severa al zombies (fr resh from the e ranks of the e recent incu ursions) will charge c up and attack! NTER: 1 ghoul (MR 42; 1/ /spite make a ENCOUN L1SR on CON or be paralyzed for 1D6 combat t d 27 zombies (MR ( 28 each) turns) and P 13. The Pantry The pantr ry has been ov verrun by gian nt spiders. The e pantry is otherwise filled f with th he desiccated d f spider victim ms and old rus sted cutlery. remains of ENCOUN NTER: 3 colo ossal spiders (MR 50 each; ; 2/spite: each e character r must make e a L1SR on n DEX or become en ntangled in spider webs, , m as well as all DEX D and SPD D reducing movement values by until they deal 30 hits of damage to o t escape) the webs to TrollsZin ne!

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zombies, waiting w to am mbush any intruders. He has s the Maste er Key to the e castle, whic ch opens any y door excep pt the one to the catacombs. NTER: Baron n Ethamos, human h wight t ENCOUN (MR 148; ; 2/spite: eac ch character must m make a L2SR on INT I or flee in n terror for 1D D3 turns; once e a characte er makes the SR, he is im mmune to the e effect for the duration of the battle) ), 18 zombies s ach) (MR 28 ea l Burial Cham mber 17. The South Central The most t holy of the Order were laid l to rest in n this chamb ber. A Fey kn night named Warden W dwells s here, over rseeing the pr rotection of the t tombs. If f slain, the characters will w find a sc croll of Born n Again as s well as a hand-and-a a-half sword d permanen ntly enchanted d for double dice (10D+0 0 weapon). NTER: Ward den, Suethen nurien wight t ENCOUN (MR 125; ; 2/spite: eac ch character must m make a L2SR on INT I or flee in n terror for 1D D3 turns; once e a characte er makes the SR, he is im mmune to the e effect for r the duratio on of the ba attle; 5/spite: releases a Hellbomb Burst B worth 80 points of f damage) N Central l Burial Cham mber 18. The North Holes in the t walls here e lead to deep per caverns in n the moun ntains. A fam mily of giant subterranean n cave worm ms has made this chamber their home. Young on nes are roosting here an nd will attack k immediate ely. NTER: 8 gian nt subterranean n cave worms s ENCOUN (MR 75 each; 3/spite: make a L2SR R on DEX to o ng swallowed! Swallowed ta argets take full l avoid bein CBT dam mage until the ey can cut themselves out; ; they need to deal 20 hits h directly to o the stomach h e worm to free e themselves) wall of the 19. The North N East Bu urial Chambers Here the ghoul g Adonis and his clan have h taken up p residence. They have a narrow pass sage (must be e hrough) that descends d all the t way down n crawled th the valley to a hidden entry beneath h the Lumber r ey snatch oc ccasional vic ctims, usually y Mill. The transients and passers s-through, fo or food. The e ssages also open o up into o the greater r ghoul pas caverns of f the Hexerei Mountains. M

COUNTER: 7 ghouls (MR R 42 each; 1/ /spite: ENC make e a L1SR on CON or be paralyzed for r 1D6 comb bat turns) The South E East Chamb ber of the C Crystal 20. T Latti tice This is where the e enigmatic C Crystal Lattice ework etches from w wall to ceiling g. The was placed; it stre cework pulses s with a purp ple light and mist, lattic and emits an alm most intoxicati ing power. A final great t trap has be een placed he ere; any who enter witho out observing g the inscription written in silver upon n a metal ban nd inset in the e stone runnin ng the lengt th of floor to o the ceiling i is struck (L3S SR on WIZ Z); if the SR is failed, then th he target takes 2D6 dama age to INT an nd WIZ plus 1D6 ongoing g INT dama age per turn so long as t they remain i in the room m (no additio onal SRs allow wed; damage e ends when n the room is s exited). A d deep resonant voice tells the offenders s to Flee, inte erlopers, and l let the d of Undeath r rest for a drea amless eternity y. Lord

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Adventure ers who mess s with this cr rystal run the e risk of unl leashing the sp pirit of an und dead god.or r at least portion thereof. Should some event t w leads to o the spirits release, it will l transpire which first seek k to inhabit t a suitable e host. Any y prospectiv ve host must make a L5SR R on WIZ or r become dominated d by the fragment of Unaraks s spirit. The e host will the en begin to tr ransform into o an undead d wight of pa articularly grea at power, and d seek to escape in order to find the other pieces of f Unaraks divided d spirit. This could le ead to further r adventures down the ro oad. The PCs found the Incanteus I Mortis s in Area 14 4 then they have the ritua al to do damag ge (or protect) ) al. They migh ht risk the so ouls escape if f the crysta Kytheron s vestige in Area 15 talk ks them into o shattering the crystal (which can take 40 hits s before sha attering). The PCs could tr ry to haul the e crystal away as it is, but t staying within 100 feet of f it causes inevitable co orruption and d madness; a d is required d while in its s L1SR on WIZ each day A permanently y presence; each failure saps 1 CHA racter. When CHA reaches s from the afflicted char c beco omes a wight. zero, the character

8 9 10 11 12

1D3 Fey knight wights s (MR 64 each h) and mbies (MR 28 e each) 2D6 zom beast (MR 120) ) 1 chaos b er swarms (M MR 30 each) 1D6 spide 1D6 colossal spiders (M MR 50 each) D6 zombies (MR 28 each h) and Horde! 6D 6D6 skele etons (MR 22 each)

Random m Encoun nters

e per room or region en ntered (or reRoll once entered); when w in doub bt, there is a chance of an n encounter r if you roll a 2 or 12 on 2D6. In map p areas that are undefine ed or left open, the chance e nter happens on o a roll of 2, 3, 11, or 12. of encoun If a rand dom encount ter occurs, roll 2D6 and d consult th he appropriat te table depen nding on the e location of the party. ncounters Castle En 2D6 Encounter E 2 2D D6 zombies (M MR 28 each) 3 1 human wigh ht (MR 50), 2D6 2 zombies s MR 28 each) (M 4 4D D6 skeletons (MR 22 each) 5 1 Fey Knight wight (MR 64) and 1D3 3 pectral warrior rs (MR 42 eac ch) sp 6 1D D6 spectral warriors w (MR 42 4 each) 7 1 human wigh ht (MR 64), 4D6 4 skeletons s (M MR 22 each)

acomb Encou unters Cata 2D6 Encount ter 2 3D6 ghou uls (MR 42 eac ch) 1D6 gho ouls (MR 42 2 each) and 1D6 3 zombie do ogs (MR 20 ea ach) 4 4D6 zom mbies (MR 28 e each) 5 1D3 shad dow demons (M MR 80 each) 1D6 giant t cave worms (MR 50 each) ) 6 1D6 wigh hts (MR 64 eac ch) 7 4D6 giant t rats (MR 16 each) 8 1D6 colossal spiders (M MR 50 each) 9 44; 2/spite: th he soul 1D6 soul takers (MR 4 10 ls all damage f for the turn d directly taker deal to the pla ayers choice o of INT, CHR R, LK, or WIZ) s (MR 64 each h) and 1D3 Fey knight wights 11 mbies (MR 28 e each) 4D6 zom h) and 12 Horde! 100 zombies (MR 28 each tons (MR 22 e each) 100 skelet

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Troll Links 7
Trollszine! 1 : http://www.rpgnow.com/product/79185/TrollsZine TrollsZine! 2 : http://www.rpgnow.com/product/81203/TrollZine-%232?src=s_pi TrollsZine! 3: http://www.rpgnow.com/product/83082/TrollsZine-3?src=s_pi TrollsZine! 4: http://www.rpgnow.com/product/99363/TrollsZine-4 TrollsZine! 5:http://www.rpgnow.com/product/103116/TrollsZine!-%235 TrollsZine! 6: http://www.rpgnow.com/product/107627/TrollsZine!-%236

T&T Websites
Vin Ahrr Vins Trollbridge: http://trollbridge.proboards.com/index.cgi Trollgod's Trollhalla: http://www.trollhalla.com Tunnels and Trolls : www.tunnelsandtrolls.com Tunnels of the Trollamancer: http://trollamancer.weebly.com/index.html Gristlegrim: http://www.gristlegrim.com/ JongJungBus T&T 5th Edition Gathering and Paraphernalia: http://www.jongjungbu.com/home Hog Tunnels: http://sites.google.com/site/hogtunnels/home Darrghs Den: http://www.darrghsden.co.uk/ The Vital Spot: http://www.vitalspot.f9.co.uk/ The Tunnels and Trolls Archive: http://www.angelfire.com/rpg2/ancientworlds/tandt.html Free Dungeons: http://www.freedungeons.com/ The Troll Mystic: http://www.trollmystic.com/pub/ Ardenstone Adventures: http://www.ardenstoneadventures.com/ Tunnels et Trolls: http://tunnels-et-trolls.eu/ T&T Random Dungeon Generator: http://www.apolitical.info/webgame/dungeon/index2

T&T Blogs
Ken St. Andre: http://atroll.wordpress.com/ The Lone Delver: http://danhemsgamingblog.blogspot.com/ The Delving Dwarf: http://thedelvingdwarf.blogspot.com/ Maximum Rock and Role Playing: http://maximumrockroleplaying.blogspot.com/ Tenkars Tavern: http://www.tenkarstavern.com/ The Omnipotent Eye: http://theomnipotenteye.blogspot.com/ Lloyd of Gamebooks: http://virtualfantasies.blogspot.com/ Trollish Delver: http://trollishdelver.blogspot.com/ The Many-Headed Troll: http://kopftnt.blogspot.com/ Troll Hammer: http://trollhammerpress.blogspot.com/ Hrrrothgarrrs Hovel: http://hrrrothgarrrshovel.blogspot.com/ The Order of the Eldritch Imp: http://protectivepentagram.blogspot.com/ Realms of Chirak: http://realmsofchirak.blogspot.com/ Hobb Sized Adventures: http://hobbsized.wordpress.com/ Gems and Giants: http://gemsandgiants.blogspot.com/ The Tower of the Silent Sorcerer: http://jrl755.blogspot.com/ Alchemy Gaming Blog: http://alchemygaming.blogspot.com/ Deeper Delvings: http://delver.posterous.com/


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T&T Shops S
Flying Buf ffalo (print): http://www.fl h lyingbuffalo.co om/tandt.htm m Flying Buf ffalo (pdf): htt tp://www.rpg gnow.com/ind dex.php?filter rs=0_0_0_0&m manufacturers_id=2238 Fiery Drag gon (print): ht ttp://fierydrag gon.com/drag gonsbreath/ Fiery Drag gon (pdf): http p://www.rpgn now.com/pro oduct_info.php p?products_id d=59112 Lone Delv ver Games (pr rint): http://w www.lulu.com/spotlight/da anhem35 Lone Delv ver Games (pd df): http://ww ww.rpgnow.co om/index.php p?manufacture ers_id=3094 Peryton Publishing (prin nt): http://ww ww.perytonpu ublishing.com/ / f): http://www w.rpgnow.com m/index.php? manufacturer rs_id=2586 Peryton Publishing (pdf Tavernma aster Games (p print): http://www.tavernm master-games.c co.uk/ Tavernma aster Games (p pdf): http://w www.rpgnow.c com/index.ph hp?manufactur rers_id=4176 Trollish Delver D Games (print): http:/ //www.lulu.co om/spotlight/ /trollishdelver r Troll Ham mmer Press (pd df): http://ww ww.rpgnow.co om/index.php p?manufacture ers_id=4505 Trollish Delver D Games (pdf): http:// /www.rpgnow w.com/index.p php?manufactu urers_id=4283 Zodiac Go ods Publishing g: http://www w.rpgnow.com m/index.php?m manufacturers s_id=2583 Postmortu um Studios: ht ttp://www.rp pgnow.com/in ndex.php?cPat th=5386 Alligator: http://www.r h rpgnow.com/i index.php?ma anufacturers_iid=3801 Eposic: ht ttp://www.rpg gnow.com/in ndex.php?man nufacturers_id =4010 Fabled Wo orlds: http://w www.rpgnow. .com/index.ph hp?manufactu urers_id=2927 7 Slloyd14: http://www.r h rpgnow.com/i index.php?ma anufacturers_iid=3777 David Ulle ery: http://ww ww.rpgnow.co om/index.php p?manufacture ers_id=4305 Tunnels & Trolls en Fra anais: http:// /www.lulu.com m/spotlight/G Grimtooth Khaghbbo oommm: http://www.rpgn now.com/inde ex.php?manufa facturers_id=4 4780 Michael Haensel: H http:/ //www.rpgnow w.com/index.php?manufac cturers_id=45 535

T&T Artists A
Liz Danfo orth: http://w www.lizdanfort th.com/ Jeff Freels s: http://jeffw werx.com/inde ex.html Southern Realm: R http://web.me.com m/kevinbracey y/Southern_R Realm/Welcom me.html Simari De esign and Illust tration: http:/ //www.simari.co.uk/

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