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Genesis - Day One In the Beginning

In the beginning the Mighty One created. Gen 1:1a

ar,B, myhila/ tyviareaB.

Remembering the Hebrew reads from right to left we get Bareshith elohiym bara Which is translated in the KJV In the Beginning the Mighty One created. Language is a wonderful tool, a tool that all civilisations are based on. It is the key to communication, to communicate ideas, insights, wisdom, truths, and knowledge. This is especially true of the Hebrew language that was, I believe, instituted By God Himself to convey His truths to mankind. Now, at this point we must remember that He wants His truths known to all; there is no secret knowledge, no mystical teachings which we need priests to dispense. No secret handshakes, no levels of initiated knowledge as in all the worlds nefarious political and religious systems, which includes Socialist Secular Humanism, with its replacement morality of political correctness, Atheism, Catholicism, Protestantism, Judaism, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, etc, etc. No Gods truth is there for all to discover without going through some pumped up religious clown. All we have to do is spend the time and effort to discover it. Yes it takes work, it will take time, we have to go back to the original language because language has one problem, and that is translating ideas, concepts, knowledge, names, etc. into other languages. You always loose something in translation, a meaning, a slight deviation from the original can become like a Chinese whisper, when translated and revised umpteen times you can loose 90% of the original meaning and hence 90% depth and beauty of the original. This is exactly what happened with Scripture, the word of God. The Word of God in its original form is beautiful and without error but sadly to say every translation today, although there is some beauty in them they are not without error, and the full beauty, meaning must be dug for. One other thing we have to watch out for is the deliberate changing of the Word of God, the copy edits, the dishonest interpretations. For example, Gods name, Yahuah, pronounced Yah-oo-ah, was taken out of the original text nearly seven thousand times by the religious Jews within the Babylonian captivity and they made it illegal, even punishable by death to say it. This is such a travesty, God put His name in His Word 7000 times so that we would know it!!!! I mean, how can you have a loving familial relationship with someone if you dont even know his or her name? Father wants us to know His name, which means Self-existent and eternal and is in the perfect and imperfect tense at the same time, that is past, present and future all wrapped into one! Also it is a lie when the Jewish Pharisees of today tell us it is impossible to pronounce Gods name because it is made up only consonants, for a start they are what is called in Paleo-Hebrew vowel-consonants and as such do not need vowel markers, also if they


can pronounce Torah, which they get from their own Scriptures, which should be pronounced tor-oo-yah then they can pronounce Yah-oo-ah or Yahuweh. No, He wants us to know His name just like He know ours, He wants us to know it so we can have that loving inter-personal relationship He so desires with us. Everything is in a name, especially in Scriptural names, like Yahushua, it means Yah saves, so our saviours name is Yahweh who saves us, His name gives us His character and His purpose. Also His title is Messiyah and not Christ. Messiyah means anointed implement of Yahweh whereas christ actually comes from the Greek chiomeans drugged whitewashed, anointed but not in a godly sense, in a medical or drug abuse sense, it can also mean poisoned. Incredible!!!!! An indeed He did save us by paying the penalty for our sin and enabling us to stand upright with Him. And that there essentially sums up the message of Scripture and the reason for existence, to stand with God, to have a relationship with Him, to be loved by Him and to love Him. But to understand these truths we have to dive through the shallow surface to get to the roots and depths, to the meanings that rarely see the light of day so that the light of our Father through the Word, Yahushua The Messiah, can shine all the more brightly in our hearts. I pray that this is the purpose of these writings, to glorify our Father in Heaven and uplift, build and root His called out Assembly, the Ecclesia. Our Father chose to communicate with us through the Hebrew language, a language He initiated, which is rich in depth & multi-layered. Every Hebrew word stems from a root word, normally a root of three letters, and to gain a fuller understanding of the specific word you have to go back to that root and look at the meaning of every word that comes from the root. Then you start getting the fuller implications of the meaning and the layers of meaning. Then, yes we are not finished, every Hebrew letter has a meaning all of its own, and it is best to understand these meanings because they also have an impact on the overall meaning, one last thing, the order in which the letters appear also add an added level of meaning. So it isnt just a case of one word translating into another, it is one Hebrew word translating into a sea of words from another language, each at differing levels and dimensions of thought and meaning. This language is rather like an ice burg with 90% hidden under the water and if you only give a cursory reading of the text you will only see that which is above the water and miss the riches below. But this coin has a flip side, if you do not see what is below the surface then you can be scuppered, your ship of life can be holed, can be lost, your life can slip below the waters of despair, especially in these trying times, these days and years of tribulation, that are to come upon us. So I implore all of you who might read these often clumsy words to search out these things for yourselves, take the time to check all I say against the Set-Apart Scriptures, wrongly called the Old Testament, look for the depth yourselves. Search them out and understand them as best you are able. Ask Father through His Anointed, Yahushua Messiah, and pray our Spiritual Mother, the Set-Apart Spirit to fill your understanding so that in the dark days to come you will be spiritually prepared to stand when all around is falling.


Bareshith elohiym bara There are some fundamental questions here the first being the most obvious in the beginning of what? What is this Mighty One? & He created what from what? And why would He create anything, what is His purpose? To answer these questions as fully as possible we must have a good sense and understanding of what the actual Hebrew words mean and as full as possible the depth of their meaning. Although we will never get a complete understanding of our Creator the Mighty One, His purpose, His mind, will and heart, nor will we get a full understanding of the reason for our existence from these first three words of His Scriptures, but we will, at the very least, get a foundation, the first building blocks laid in our understanding. For these words not only speak of the beginning they also speak of relationship, redemption, salvation, they speak of, even if only hinted at, space-time, relativity, energy, matter & their relationship, albeit in an inferred way. So lets look at these words individually and see what we can learn. Bareshith. This is a compound word made up of Ba & Reshith. Ba is the second letter of the Hebrew alphabet and means in, with, among, near, and in this case means in before the noun Reshith. But on further thought it could also mean within, as in within the beginning. If it is, within the beginning, then what is a beginning or the beginning that something can be within it? Is the beginning something tangible, is it something, I would say physical but nothing physical has been made yet, so could the beginning actually be the Mighty One? So is it, Within the Mighty One the Mighty One created? This is an interesting line of thought indeed and should be built upon in due time because the secondary meaning of the Hebrew word for beginning is firstfruits, which could also imply, within the firstfruits the Mighty One created. See very interesting indeed. Note: Bringing in a point of interest here the very word Alphabet is in essence a Hebrew word, it is made up of the first two letters of the Hebrew alphabet, aleph & beth. If you bring these two together you get the foundation of our word alphabet. Also the Hebrew alphabet was the very first alphabet devised, yes indeed there were many other languages and writings like the Egyptian Hieroglyphs, but there was no established alphabet until the Hebrew.

Reshith This brings us to Reshith. This word has been translated beginning and rightly so, but, this translation does not even start to cover the depth and breadth of its meaning. But, let us start by asking the question, in the beginning of what? Is it the beginning of the creation of the universe? No, I do not believe so because in the beginning of creation, at the start of the universe there was something, right after the big bang in the beginning there was something, and that something was energy, all the energy needed for the universe as we know it today. No, this beginning must be before that point, before the Big Bang, before there was any energy in existence, before time and space existed. This beginning must represent the domain of the self-existent, eternal Mighty One,


Yahuah. In the beginning, in that place where the Mighty One exists before time & matter came into existence. Also this leads me to another thought, as the Mighty One is outside the universe He created, which must be a different dimension of existence, then He could not enter this material universe without destroying it for He must be greater than that which He created, also His energy, his being, must be far greater, maybe even infinitely greater than this universe could contain, and that sudden infusion of infinite energy would destroy this universe in an instant. That is why He set aside apart of Himself, well two parts of Himself in actuality, in the form of the Set-Apart Spirit, our Spiritual Mother, the feminine part of His full nature, and the Set-Apart Son, Yahushua Messiyah. Only these diminished forms of the Mighty One, I mean diminished in the sense of a lesser energy level, albeit they are still the Mighty One but in a powered down form, could enter our material realm. Which of course they did and do in the form of Yahushua walking with Adam in the Garden, walking and eating with Abraham, as the one giving Torah to Moshe, as the Messiyah standing up for us on Golgotha enabling us to stand with Him, and in the form as the Set-Apart Spirit that indwells and covers all of Yahs children There are other Hebrew words to describes the beginning of creation, the time when energy came into existence with a loud noise when energy started converting into matter according to Einsteins equation E=mc2, (well not actually Einsteins it is Gods equation. Einstein just discovered it), when expansion caused enough cooling of the new universe to enable quark confinement, without which no matter could exist. Yes the beginning of space-time would be denoted with risher & reshow, pronounced ro-shaw & roo-shone respectively, which have the very same Hebrew letters but differing context. No, Reshith represents that set-apart place from which God actually brought the universe into existence by His very Word Yahushua The Messiyah. The secondary and significant meaning of Reshith is first fruits as found in Lev 23:-11. Here the first fruits of the harvest are set-apart unto Father, Yahuah via the temple priests. These temple priests were to wave the sheaf, the first fruit of the harvest, before Yahweh so they will become accepted. Now this is very interesting because this very first word of the Scriptures points not only to the Mighty Ones domain but also to the very plan of salvation. How? First fruits is also a set-apart feast, one of seven called out assemblies, it is in fact the third feast of the year, Miquraey, which all Gods children are called to celebrate for all time. These are NOT Jewish feasts and festivals, no indeed, they are feasts and festivals for the Yahudim, those who follow or those who praise Yahuah, that means you and me, Jew and Gentile who love and walk with Yahuah. These seven feasts are as follows; Passover - this is a celebration of the time when the consequences of sin, which is death and leads to the dissipation of the soul or eternity in hell, (yes there are three destinations for mankind), are dealt with. This was foreshadowed in Egypt when the messenger of death passed over the Jewish houses that had the blood smeared on the upright post and lintel, but had its actual fulfilment in the Messiah when He hung on that upright post on


which His blood was smeared in order to enable us to stand upright with Him. But it also points to a future exodus of Yahuahs people from the four corners of the earth in the latter days, called the greater exodus. Unleavened Bread - which occurs the very next day after Passover and where the penalty of sin is dealt with, which is separation from God, and sin is removed from our souls as far as God is concerned. The actual feast remembers the children of Yah coming out from the land of Mitsrayim, it took seven days for them to leave the borders of the land of slavery. First Fruits - As the sheaf were waved before Yahuah so our Messiyah was also waved before Yahuah as a sin offering and was found to be acceptable, and so on the third day He was raised from the dead as proof of his acceptance before the Mighty One our redeemer. Yahushua was the first fruit of the harvest of souls that is to be raised, eternally, from the dead enabling us to also stand righteous and redeemed before Yahuah our Mighty One. Feast of sevens - This is so called because it takes place seven Sabbaths plus one day after First fruits, or fifty days and was the time when Torah was given to Moshe. This also pointed to the coming day of Pentecost, the time when the disciples were filled & clothed with the set-apart Spirit. The time when they were to be clothed in Her glory, I say her because She is our Spiritual Mother, more on this aspect in a later section. When we become part of Yahuahs family, when we love the Mighty One above all things, when we come to that place of standing with God, after we have walked through the Doorway of Salvation, Yahushua Messiyah, we become immersed in our Spiritual Mother, the Set-Apart Spirit, and clothed in Her garment of light, so when Father God looks upon us he sees not our sin stained flesh, no indeed, He sees a wonderful garment of light which shows we belong to Him and are a part of His family. I also believe it was these garments which Adam and Chavah were covered with before they sinned and it was that very act of sinning which left them naked for, the Spirit, She took Her Garments away and left them naked. Trumpets - or Taruah in the Hebrew and means to shout for joy or to shout a warning. This is a feast yet to be fulfilled and predicts the coming harvest which the Christian church calls the rapture; mind you it will be nothing like they envision; it is a time to call people out of the world and, with a great shout of joy, unto Yahuah. But it is also a time of great warning, a time to blow the trumpet sound from the city walls, to wake the inhabitants, to warn them of the coming storm, the coming judgements, for death rides swift and sure on his steed. And this is a warning we must sound and those who do not heed the warning will have their souls dissipated. It is especially the time to convey Yahuahs plan of salvation to all who would hear it. The day of Atonement - Kippurym - Reconciliations. This is predictive of our Messiyahs return in glory and judgment. The time when the conquering king Yahushua will return to judge all those who did not heed the warnings given out so many times by so many people. It is a time to answer and respond to the call, to the Messiyah and for


those who do not answer and respond it will be a time of separation. It is the time when the chafe will be separated out from the wheat and go to their destination while the wheat will spend one thousand years on earth with Messiyah which leads to the very last feast. Tabernacles - This is the time when we will live with Yahushua ruling us as king of kings, but also as our friend, our Brother, our Saviour. This also leads to the eight day of creation, the new beginnings, the new heaven and earth, the new universe, one in which we will witness being created. Yes, first fruits sets the tone of all of Scripture; it also starts to answer why? Why are we here? We are to become as the first fruit, reconciled unto the Mighty One, to have a loving familial relationship with our creator. Another thought. As the very first word of the Mighty Ones Scripture points to a place before He created Space-Time, His domain, it must also point to His Power, His Majesty, His eternality, His infinity. Think about it, if there is no time and yet He is still there, which He must be or nothing would have been created and this writing would not exist, then He must exist apart from time & space. You cant even say He exists beyond or outside of time as time has a beginning and God does not. Therefore, He must be eternal, and if eternal He must also be infinite in power and majesty. And if He is infinite in power and majesty, if He is eternal He must, therefore, be self-existent which is His very name, Yahuah. This is also why the name of God is of paramount importance for He is the beginning, the start, which is our start, our beginning, and if we do not know who created us then we will never know where we came from, how we came to be and why. But knowing our creator on a personal first name basis and in a relational sense then we will also know the how and why of existence. Another quick thought about infinity; by the very meaning of the word infinity cannot have an end nor a beginning and as such it must be forever expanding and growing, for if it has an and or a beginning then the ending or the beginning could, theoretically, be measured and therefore it would cease being infinite because you cannot measure infinity. So to recap, the first word of the Scriptures conveys a few important foundational concepts the first being our space-time construct has a beginning. Which was only discovered about 50 years ago, before that people like even Einstein thought the universe was stable, never ending, in other words self-existent, strange that, the Mighty Ones word being right and mankind wrong for so many hundreds of years, who would have guessed. Secondly, as there was a beginning there must be a before and that before must be something so special that we could never comprehend it in this mortal form. That before must be the Mighty One and as He is without time He must be eternal and selfexistent. So this word Reshith also points to Yahuwehs name, His power and majesty. Thirdly, it also points to the plan of redemption within first fruits. As such it points to the reason why we exist, to have a relationship with our creator, a loving familial relationship.


Elohiym This brings us to the second word of Scripture, elohiym. Elohiym is the plural of El which is errantly translated as God. Although most do so this is not the meaning of el, it actually means Mighty One, mighty in rank, or Divine one. It also denotes strength and power as in Judges and Magistrates. The two letters which make up this Hebrew word, el, is made up from the aleph and the lamed. The aleph in the Paleo-Hebrew is depicted as the oxen head and denotes power, strength, or might; and the lamed is depicted as the shepherds crook which denoted authority, as in the authority of the shepherd, it also represents protection, and chastisement, the shepherds crook is used for defending the sheep and also chastising them when they walk the wrong path. So putting this all together the Hebrew word el can also mean, the Mighty Shepherd and Protector who leads and guides His flock. That is a perfect picture of our Messiyah Yahushua. Note this can also be used of mighty people, kings, princes, or even heroes. This can also be a verb directing motion or a direction towards something. It also needs to be pointed out that this is not a name, or the Mighty Ones name; it is a title denoting Divine authority and power when used in this context. I find it very telling for the Mighty One to choose this word as a title because it goes another step in defining who He is and what He does. First of all choosing the plural of el speaks of His plural nature, I am not saying in any way that He is more than one, no, but the One Mighty One must be plural in nature. If the Mighty One created men and women in His image then He must have feminine attributes to His nature along with male attributes otherwise women could not have been created in His image, but clearly they were. So on this basis I think this plurality is speaking of Himself, the SetApart Spirit, who is always spoken of in Scripture as being feminine in nature, and His Son, Yahushua the Messiyah who are both set-apart from the Father. The Set-Apart Spirit and the Son was with the Mighty Father from within eternity, before creation, because the universe was created by the Father through the Word which was made flesh, the Son. This plurality speaks of the familial relationship which is the norm for humanity, and which He is the role model for. It also speaks of the type of relationship he wants with us which is the very reason He created us in the first place. Isnt this a Mighty One we should all want to know? This word also points to His being mighty in strength and power not only to create the universe but also mighty to save us, and for those who are not saved, not because of any deficiency in Yahuah but due to their own choices, He is mighty to judge. It also denotes His turning towards us in order that we willingly choose to turn towards Him. And we as fallen creatures need to turn to Him, to change our ways, to change the way we think and perceive, to change our attitudes. To knock on the Doorway of our salvation, to follow that narrow path this is Yahushua Messiyah. To seek the beauty and truths from His Words leaving no stone unturned and no hiding place left unearthed until we have discovered what we are looking for, the knowledge of the Mighty One, to know our creator, Yahuah, on a personal familial level which is the very reason for our existence.


Bara Scriptures third word, bara, means to create, the process of starting something new that has not been in existence before, it can also means to shape and to fashion, it can speak of righteousness and salvation, to make fat. Indeed, God did initiate a process, the process of creation, something that has never been in existence before. He also initiated the process of salvation and this word is used many times in YashaYahu, (Isaiah), pointing to the coming of Messiyah who is the very path of salvation. Also the Word of Yahuah, the Torah, Prophets and Psalms can indeed make us fat, spiritually speaking that is, fat in the knowledge of the Mighty One and His salvation. Lets face it, if the Messiyah was the Word made flesh, which He was, then we must ask ourselves what was that Word? Of course that Word must be the Torah, Prophets and Psalms, especially the Torah, for there was no other word to be made flesh. And so if we truly want to know our Messiyah in a relational, familial sense we must learn about the word, which is the Torah, Prophets and Psalms. We must come to understand the word, to love the Word, to search the Word in order for the Word to be written on our very hearts. But the converse is also true, is we do not feed on the Word of God then we will loose spiritual weight, we will get skinny, we will loose the spiritual vitamins that engenders healthy growth, this will lead to spiritual anorexia, which, if not treated leads to spiritual death, the dissipation of the soul into nothingness. And sad to say most of humanity are spiritually anorexic and on the wide road that leads to death and destruction. A note here, the word Torah does not mean Law, although it can mean that in a loose sense, it actually means instructions as in a manual, yes there are laws in them but that is but a small part of the Torah, most of the Torah is made up of instructions for living a life with God, they are guidelines. Didnt our mortal parents give us guidelines as children? I wouldnt touch that it is hot and will cause you pain etc. And so our heavenly Father who loves and cares for us as His own children gives us guidelines. Yes we might ignore our Fathers guidelines from time to time, well most of the time if I was honest with myself, as I did with my mortal fathers, but we will not loose our salvation, if we are part of His Family that is, and if we are not apart of His family then quite frankly it does not matter if we adhere to them or not for they are not for those outside the Family, except of course to learn about the Messiyah in order to become a member of Yahuahs family. That is the duel purpose of the Torah, Prophets and Psalms, firstly to guide people to salvation and secondly to guide people in their walk once they accept their free salvation. On reflection there is another purpose for the Torah, that is to convict people of sin, it is the yard stick by which all will be measured.

C : rah txw Myymvh ta

the heavens and the earth. Gen. 1:1b


Here in the second half of Genesis one we have what was physically created albeit not in its finished form but rather in its primordial form before even the first star came into being, when only three things existed, energy, hydrogen and helium, but we will get more into this when we cover the second verse. In the meantime lets get back to the Hebrew. The fourth and sixth words, et, the Hebrew aleph & thav, which happens to be the first and last letters of the Hebrew alphabet. This word can mean with, among, through, accordingly, and, also. It is also linked to owth and can convey the idea of a sign, a beacon, an omen, a miracle. Now here is a thought, what greater miracle can there be other than our Messiyah, Yahushua, taking up the form of man, coming into His own creation, to live to the full the Torah to redeem a people unto Himself? This Yahushua who also called Himself the first and the last, I do not think it a coincidence that these words, et & owth, are made up with the first and the last letters of the alphabet, I mean our Messiyah is also the Word or even the et, made flesh. Isnt He also the beacon of our salvation? The light on the narrow path which leads to the doorway through which we must walk to be with Father? Yes there are many wonders in every word of the Mighty Ones language. The fifth word of this verse is pronounced hashamayim, with the ha meaning the and the shamayim, being plural, means heavens. The root of this word means lofty and elevated and as such denotes the spiritual realm. Also, when put together with earth, the heavens and the earth, you get a idea of the whole universe, everything the Mighty One ever created, including the spiritual realm which of course would include the abyss, the final resting place of the fallen messengers and all those who willingly join with them either by leading people astray with false religion and or teaching. The final word in this verse is ha'eretz, again ha is the definite article, the, & eretz translates earth, but its primary meaning is land, region, realm, so in this case it could mean the material universe. We have to remember that the earth and our very solar system would not be formed for about eight to ten billion years after the big bang so the words here cannot denote our physical earth or even the universe as we know it because the very next verse tells us so when it says, the earth was void and without form, or the material realm was void and without form. We must also remember that when these translations were done nothing was known about sub-atomic particles, up and down quarks, protons, neutrons, electrons, and especially nothing about the quantum world. So their understanding was limited to their knowledge base hence they translated this the heavens and the earth which is accurate in itself especially as they divided the two realms as the spiritual, the domain of the Mighty One to which they hoped to achieve and the realm of men, the earth. But with the wonders of the scientific knowledge, which we have access to today, we can have a far deeper understanding. This aspect also shows the wonder of Gods Word, how it spans time itself, how it is for all people across all generations. So let us look at Genesis 1:1 from a different perspective:


In the beginning, (before space-time existed), the Mighty One, (the Father along with the Set-apart Spirit, our Spiritual Mother, and the Word made flesh, Yahushua Messiyah), created the spiritual and the material realms. *******

mymh mynP lc @xr myhila xwr mhT hnP lc %vx whB whT hyh #rahw
Haeretz hayah tohu bohu choshek al panee tehowm veruach elohiym merachaph al panee hamayim and the earth was without form and void: & darkness was on the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. Genesis 1:2 KJV. Here we have some incredible insights and digging deep to find them will reveal that the Word of God is closer to todays scientific discoveries than any would have believed. So lets get straight to the Hebrew and discover these wonders. The first word is haeretz which as we discovered in the last verse means land, region, realm, earth, matter, or the primordial substance just after the universe was formed and was maybe the size of a pinhead. So this is the time we are talking of, just after the big bang, of which Scripture points to and I will show. It was a time before the stars started forming, a time of chaotic energy, matter and anti-matter colliding and wiping each other out of existence, a time of total darkness as no stars were yet formed. The second word hayah means existence, existed or exists, be, or to be, and forms the basis of Yahuahs name, (self existent and eternal). The third word is tohu and can mean formlessness, unreality, emptiness, primeval chaos, the fourth word is bohu which means vacuity, absolute emptiness, a void. This brings us to the fifth word choshek which means to be dark, darkness, misery, destruction, death, ignorance, sorrow, wickedness, and obscurity. The sixth word is al which can mean the top, highest, most high, upon, along with, together with. The seventh is panee, which means the face, the presence. The eighth word, and the place where I will temporarily split this verse, is tehowm, which means ,the deep, abyss, even the mysterious depth. Lets start with the last word here tehowm this word comes from a root word huwm, myh,, which denotes a great roar, an uproar or a loud noise. Now where have I heard this before? Oh yes, loud noise, big bang? I think Yahuah got there first, well who would have guessed. You see the word of the Mighty One, in its original form, is never wrong, the only time error comes in is with our understanding of it, and it is this understanding that changes with time and not the Word of Yah. For thousands of years humanity thought the sun and moon were some kind of gods or mighty ones, for


hundreds of years Catholicism thought the world flat and that the earth was the centre of the universe; that the sun revolved around the earth. For many hundreds of years scientists thought the universe always existed, that it was somehow eternal. Some Protestant Christians still say the universe is only six thousand years old in spite of the evidence to the contrary. The Word of Yahuah never stated these things, as a matter of fact, like we see now, it either says directly or indicates the opposite. What has changed in all this? Has the Word of Yahuah changed? No, it is mans understanding of the workings of the universe that has changed, knowledge has increased and our understanding has also increased and dramatically at that. In the past when knowledge was limited, when only the few were allowed an education it was understandable they thought the sun orbited the earth, from our perspective it did seem to do so. But now we know differently. Its a shame knowledge was frowned upon for the masses or we could have discovered hundreds of years ago through the Word, and science, of the Big Bang, and so much more for the Word of Yahuah would have shown us where to look in science. We would have never lost the connection between science and the truth in Yahuah, they are two sides of the same coin, one tells us why, and in a limited degree how, the other gives us the how of it all. Thats why we need to understand both, the Mighty One and Science, because then we get a fuller picture. I am not saying in any way that we need both for salvation, no indeed, because we do not, we only need a knowledge of the Torah, prophets and Psalms which leads to Yahushua for that, simply because that is who Yahushua is, but understanding science as well, I would say after salvation, gives us a fuller understanding of our heavenly Father. I still find it amusing that Yahuah has been saying for three thousand years what science has been saying for fifty. Although the scientists have discovered the universe started with what they call a loud noise, they cannot, and could never see beyond the first micro seconds after the event. Leaving the Mighty One out of the equation they could never understand where the energy came from to cause the big bang in the first place. Also how can we see beyond the beginning? We couldnt, there is no way we can ever see beyond the big bang, its impossible, why? Because we are looking back beyond existence, beyond time itself, to the place where there is no time, and that is an impossibility, especially when we are limited to these three dimensions of existence, well four actually including time, and how could we, within time, look outside time? And that is the barrier. In a sense as God is too vast in His full form to occupy our space-time without destroying it and we are too small to even take a peek into His space. Also the Big Bang started as a point, which in physics is a dimensionless particle, no height, width, breadth, I know it is impossible to imagine this, I mean to say this is like saying it doesnt exist, with no dimensions how can it? So lets view it in relation to an electron which is really, really small, you cant even see it with an electron microscope, now think a billion, billion, billion times smaller, now we are seeing the beginning, the point that was the Big Bang. All you can see in the universe, and all you cannot see, all the matter, the energy, you and me, were contained within that very small point. That is creation, which is Yahuah at work, the entire material realm; the spiritual realms along with the inaccessible abyss were contained in that one point of creation. No wonder we can never see beyond into the Mighty Ones domain. Also it should be noted that according to MITs 2002 Physics Annual: the


theory doesnt explain the big bang but instead its aftermaththat period of time in which the universe expanded and cooled. The theory says nothing about the underlying physics of the primordial explosion and provides no clues about when the bang occurred, what caused it to bang, or what happened before it banged. The explosion theory gives no explanation for the razor-sharp fine-tuning of the universeand thus does not describe a universe that resembles the one in which we live. It is not often science is truthful. Also, when you think about it the big bang must have occurred outside time itself because time didnt exist when it banged, time came later with the formation of matter, so if the big bang happened outside time then is must have happened within eternity, and if so the cause must be eternal as well. Coming back to tehowm, this is the deep, the abyss, and is linked to tohu, bohu and choshek, I believe this is that place where the devil and all those who willingly follow him are bound. This is that dark vacuity, complete emptiness, where light will never exist, where form cannot exist. I believe this is that one-dimensional construct called time where the spirits of satan & his willing followers go at the end of time as we know it. All those who choose to be filled with the darkness of the adversary instead of the light of Yahuah will also spend their eternity with Satan in this void. And all those who choose light and life will be with the source of light and life in His domain. And for those who choose neither will have their souls dissipated and become as though they never existed, they will not suffer eternally, they will simple cease to be. I will show these three destinations from the Scriptures at a later stage. And so here in the second verse of Genesis Yahuah is hinting at the choice we all must make, choose life, death or cessation of existence. Choose a relationship with light and life, align ourselves with darkness, obscurity, chaos and death, or choose nothing and cease to exist at death, it is our choice and it always has been. Also, choice must be there or love could not exist. Without the freedom to choose how can any form of art, creation or love exist? Humanity has created some wondrous works of art through the ages past and even in the present, paintings, pottery, music, dance, architecture, etc, etc. but without a credible freedom of choice none of these could exist and humanity would be nothing but animals walking the face of the earth. We have been given the one thing the messengers of Yahuah were never given, the neshamah, the breath of the Mighty One, or better put we have been given the character of the Mighty One, a conscience, the ability to choose. But one might say didnt satan choose to go against Yah and so also has the ability to choose? Yes indeed he did, but there is a big difference. The messengers of Yahuah can be likened to His army, and that is exactly what they are. Now a soldier gets given an order to go here or there to do this or that and he has to go, but that soldier has the ability to disobey that order as does every soldier. That is the only choice they have to obey or disobey. They cannot choose what colour to put in what place to enhance that picture, or what note should be where in the music. These messengers cannot love as we do, they do not have the ability. No, all they can do is obey or disobey, and face the consequences of their choice, as a soldier in todays army, if he or she disobeyed orders they would be chucked out the army at the least, imprisoned or even shot. Also that is why satan can only copy what Yahuah has planned like the Beast and False Prophet to come are set-apart versions of himself, and where he


will be wounded in the head and die, (to raise again after 3 days?), he will perform miracles etc, etc. There is not an original bone in Satans body. Also the choice for human beings must be a credible one, there must be a credible spiritual choice, and that choice is to be born from above By Yahuah or from below by Satan. If you choose neither then you do not become a spiritual being and simply die at the end of your existence. So the first part of Scriptures second verse can be read as such: and the material realm exists as a formless, chaotic void obscured in darkness, together with, along with the inaccessible mysterious depths, abyss: Here we can see the material realm along with the abyss, the place of separation from the Mighty one. When you think about it, it is the only place Yahuah cannot go, it would be totally impossible for Him to go there, because if He was to He would become separated from Himself and it would no longer be the abyss. The rest of verse two states, veruach elohiym merachaph al panee hamayim. and the Spirit of God hovered, (moved, protecting, nurturing, covering, feeding), over the face of the waters, (The primordial soup of our new born universe, the material realm). So lets look at these words in detail. Ruach means breath, wind or spirit, and in this case it means Spirit as it is linked to Elohiym, the Mighty One. So we are speaking of the Spirit of the mighty One, Chokmah is her name and means wisdom, that which is set apart from the Might One and is also related to the Mighty One, which is also the Mighty One. The Spirit is also Yahuah, but is the feminine aspect of Yahuah. Ruach is a feminine noun in the Hebrew and as such depicts the feminine nature of the Spirit. Through out Scripture, and in the completed covenant, the Spirit is always given feminine attributes and does the work of a mother, she nurtures, teaches, covers, feeds, clothes, and protects. And this is exactly what she is doing with the young universe. But lets get onto the next word which is rachaph, this means to hover, to move over, but also to cherish, to brood. The root of rachaph is rachats which means to wash, to purify, especially with water, and in a spiritual sense. And the last word we need to look at is mayim which means water. So putting all this together and bringing in some more science before we start to understand even more the spiritual aspects of the Spirits work. The Spirit was hovering over the just created universe. The term hover means hover over like a mother would her child, her new born baby, watching out for the child, tending to the child, seeing to the childs needs, protecting the child, washing and purifying the child. Here the Spirit is tending to the embryonic universe, caring for its needs, making sure it would grow, securing its future. But lets pause here and try to understand what our embryonic universe was like? Let us try to imagine. The universe was hot, very hot, and something in the region of


1x1032 degrees Kelvin, which is billions of times hotter than the centre of our sun. In size it was about 1 x 10-20 times smaller than an atomic nucleus, thats around one thousand, billion, billion times smaller. No matter was yet to exist, only energy, light was bound by electrons, photons were bound therefore no light could exist. It was at this stage the Spirit moved upon the face of the waters, a term used for the primordial chaotic soup we call the early universe. It was at this point that we get the start of what scientists call the Inflationary Period. Due to the Spirit the universe started to expand and the temperature dropped, so that after about 1x10-35 seconds the temperature cooled to about 1x1020 0k, and it was at this point that the Inflationary period happened. During this period all the laws of physics fell, as it were, by the wayside, it was like they were thrown out the window just so this Inflation could happen. No scientist has come up with a definitive answer as to why this happened, but without it we, this universe would, could never have existed. The rate of expansion was faster than the speed of light, a universal constant that can never be broken, except of course in this case. That is why I say it was the Spirit of God moving over the waters of the very early, very small universe to make it happen. This period of cosmic inflation is thought to have ended when the strong and electro weak forces separated. It is also believed by scientists that a vast infusion, burst of energy was released, reheating the universe to its new temperature. By the time the universe was a minute old it was many light years across, and its temperature dropped to around 1x109 0k, which is still about seventy times hotter than the internal temperature of our sun today. It was around this time that some nuclei particles started to form, Hydrogen, Helium, Beryllium and Lithium. Although some atomic nuclei were formed during the first few minutes from the Big Bang the universe was far too energetic for electrons and atomic nuclei to come together to form atoms. Any that might have formed would have been quickly broken up by multitudes of collisions by high-energy particles. The reason being the early universe was dominated by these high-energy particles of electro magnetic radiation such as gamma rays. This radiation was in the form of high-energy photons, packets of energy travelling at the speed of light. After about three hundred thousand years the universe cooled to about three thousand degrees Kelvin, and the energy of even the most energetic photons would have dropped enough to allow atoms and photons to co-exist, these primarily would have been hydrogen and helium. It would also be around this time that light would also be free to exist. It is this light Father will talk about in verse three so we are jumping ahead a little here. This matter then started to coalesce, to clump together to form long strings of primordial gasses. Motion, motion is a key also to existence, through circular motion these strings of primordial matter formed into the spiral galaxies we observe today. It is from these first clumpings that the first stars formed, stars that gave more light to the universe, and it is from these first stars that the heavier elements came to be. Elements that eventually formed the dust of the earth we live on, and from which we come. Another important thing to note here is the formation of spiral galaxies, the spiral is one of the few things common to nature, they are found everywhere from galaxies to sunflowers to sea shells and a great multitude of things in between, it is also the link


between the six literal days of creation and a fifteen to sixteen billion year old universe which we will look at after the next verse.. This is what I believe the Spirit of Yahuah did while she was hovering over the waters of our embryonic universe, protecting, washing, expanding, bringing order out of chaos so life, so we could exist. She enabled the waters to come into being, the hydrogen, which is the basis of water. She was like a mother nursing a newborn child. There is also a spiritual aspect to this as well, a pointing to a future time, a time when She would be doing the very same things but with individual souls, with human beings who come into a relationship with the Father. The ruwach of elohiym, the Spirit of the Mighty One, washes sin from our souls, she purifies mortal men and women, She clothes us in Her garment of light, She fills our hearts with the knowledge of the Mighty One, She guides us, She nurtures us, She teaches us, She is that still small voice that guides us, She hovers over us as a mother does her new born for She is our Spiritual Mother. And fifteen billion years later, from our perspective, and just over six days from Hers She would come to men and women after the Son, Yahushua, ascended to the Father, She came and indwelled all those who were part of Fathers family and to this day She indwells and moves over the waters of our individual souls and She will do till the time of completion. As it tells us in Deuteronomy 32:11-12, As an eagle arouses and stirs her nest, quickly cleaning and hovering over to protect it on behalf of her young, spreading out her wings like a garment covering them, receiving them, lifting them up and carrying them away upon her wings, so Yahuah alone, separated from others, led the way. And there was no false mighty one working or associating with Him. The eagle is depicted as a mother bird with her children simply because Yahuahs Spirit is our Spiritual Mother. This is the unique benefit of being born from above, being born of the Spirit, we become her children, the eternal sons and daughters of the most high God, Yahuah. And like the eagle with her young she hovers over us to protect us, she keeps us pure in Yahuahs eyes, always washing us and cleansing us from the sin in our soul, she feeds us, she instructs us, she carries us away on Her wings being led by our Father, Yahuah, having no other might ones before us. Not only is rachats the root of rachaph and means to make clean by purifying with /in water by washing, it is also analogous of immersion, spiritual baptism, in the Renewed Covenant. Another word with the same base is racham and means love, unearned favour, mercy & compassion, and explains the reason for the gift of salvation.. A third word from the same root is rachamah and means maiden, a virgin, so this words tells us the source of this Devine mercy. The fourth word from the same root is rachal which means ewe, a young male lamb; this of course identifies the method of this Divine mercy, our redemption. So we can say without any doubt that this portion of Scripture not only tells how Yahuah started to create the universe it also indicates why He made it and the path of our salvation, He is starting to show the ingredients of our redemption.



rwa-yhyw rwa yhy myhila rmayw

Transliterated vamar elohiym hayah owr owr hayah And the Mighty One said let exist light and light existed. Genesis 1:3 The first thing to note here is the words exist & existed, in the Biblos.com, (see http://biblos.com/genesis/1-3.htm), rendering these two words are made up of yhy and wyhyand if you combine these two renderings you have Yahuahs personal and proper name, yhwh, which means to be self existent and eternal. Also these two words for exist are the same word in Strongs numbering system, (Strongs #1961), which is hyh, hyh, which means to exist, or to become, and is the basis of Yahuahs name. Also, since hayah is vocalised in the first person ehayah it can mean , I was, I am, I will be, and as such this verse can be rendered as follows:- The Mighty One said, I was light, I am light, I will be light, I exist as light. Or even The Mighty One said Yahuah was , is and will be light, Yahuah exists as light. The most important thing to grasp hold of in this verse is that the Mighty One is light. This is the first of seven metaphors God uses to describe Himself. The others are Living Waters, The Bread of Life, The Word, The Rock of Salvation, The upright pillar and the Set-Apart Family. But the first of these, Yahuah is light, is pictured and told throughout Scripture, Yashayahu, (Isaiah, and means Yahuweh has saved), chapter sixty verses nineteen to twenty say, 19The sun shall no longer exist as your light by day neither for brightness shall the moon give light, Yahuah exists as everlasting and eternal light, your Mighty One and your adornment, a garment of shining appearance which brings honour, glory and splendour to the wearer. The sun shall no longer come and go, neither shall the moon, (an object denoting false gods, especially Islam), remove, gather and receive, for Yahuah shall exist as your eternal and everlasting light. The days of mourning over death shall be finished by way of restitution. Also in the Renewed Covenant we have, 22And I did not see or discern, perceive or discover, observe or understand, consider or contemplate a Temple or Sanctuary in it, for Yahuah the Mighty One Almighty, the omnipotent ruler of all things and the Lamb are and exist as its Temple and Sanctuary. 23And the city has and possesses no necessity or need of the sun, or the moon, so that and in order for them to shine and give light, bring things into view and make them visible and manifest, expose and make things known in it, for the splendour and brightness, magnificence and excellence, pre-eminence and dignity, grace and majesty of God shines and illuminates, makes things known, manifests and reveals everything in it, and its torch and lamp is the Lamb. 24And the nations and populations will walk, making their way and regulating their life by and through the means of, by the reason and ground of, because of and on account of its light and illumination, truth and knowledge; and the kings and rulers, princes and commanders, leaders, chiefs


and monarchs of the earth and land, ground and inhabited regions shall bring and bear, endure and express, uphold and carry their splendour and brightness, magnificence and excellence, pre-eminence and dignity, grace and majesty into it; (Rev 21:22-24). And, 4and they will see and perceive, discover and notice, inspect and examine, observe and look upon His face, having access to Him, and His name and title, character and person, reputation and authority will be upon their foreheads. 5 And night nor darkness, blindness, harm nor death shall no more and no longer be present, exist or be possible, and they have and possess no need for the light or illumination of a lamp or a torch, nor the light and illumination of the sun, for Yahuweh God will shine and illuminate, make things known, manifest and reveal everything to them, and they will be kings and rulers, princes and commanders, leaders, chiefs and monarchs forever and ever, for the unbroken age, the perpetuity of time and eternity. (Rev 22:4-5) What is light? Some say it is the purest form of energy, the photon is the unit of light as well as all other forms of electromagnetic radiation. It is mass less, as a result it travels at a constant speed in empty space, it has wave particle duality, but more importantly it gives life. First of all without light we could not exist in any shape or form, photosynthesis could never happen and we could never feed, animals could never come into existence. Light is as necessary to life as water. Light transfers needed energy from one place to another, there is a little packet of energy, a quanta of energy in every photon, the amount of energy depends on its wavelength, the smaller the wavelength the greater the energy and vice versa. Light also makes the darkness flee, and there is no better way to put it, I know this makes darkness seem like some sort of beast that runs from the light, it is not, it is just that without light there is only darkness. You see darkness is not the opposite of light, it is the absence of light. Like evil isnt the opposite of good it is the absence of good. And the Mighty One likening Himself to light points to the fact that in Him there is no darkness at all, and that all He is can be seen by all who would only look, but as Yahushua told us light came into the world but the people preferred the darkness. This also tells us what the abyss is going to be like, it is the only truly dark place in creation where light cannot exist, it is the absence of Yahuah Himself and all that He brings, love, compassion, mercy, kindness, laughter, joy, colour, peace and all the good things we could think of. Light, the light of Yahuah shines up the sin in our souls, it shows us who we truly are and what we are truly like, if only we were courageous enough to look and see. Then when we see, that is if we look, we turn to the source of that light for regeneration and cleansing, and to be covered with the Set-Apart Spirits garment of light by way of the Lambs sacrifice. The wearing of this garment from our Spiritual Mother is eternal, illumination time itself, and when time comes to an end we will live beyond time, living in Fathers domain, the place from where He created this very universe. Also, we must remember, on this first day the first stars were formed, these gave of light in a dark fledgling universe, they also were the source of all the heavier elements


from which would come our own solar system and of course not forgetting ourselves, for we are all stardust at the end of the day. *****

dvxh $yb rwah $yb ~yhla lrdyw bwj-yk rwah-ta ~yhla aryW
Raw-aw elohiym eth-owr kee-tobe bow-dal elohiym bane owr bane choshech. And the Mighty One saw, (found delight in, perceived and regarded), the light was good, (better, beautiful, cheerful, well pleasing, agreeable, higher nature, beneficial, morally good, bountiful as in prosperous, therefore trustworthy and true). And the Mighty One separated, (divide and separate, to sever out), light from darkness, (to be dark, darkness, misery, destruction, death, ignorance, sorrow, wickedness, and obscurity). (Gen. 1:4) The first interesting aspect of this verse is the eth in between elohiym &owr, eth is prepositional, it denotes a relationship with a noun or pronoun and another word. In this case it marks a relationship between the Mighty One and light. Also eth can give or suppose a sense of self, therefore, the Mighty One is telling us that He is, or should I say, light describes part of His nature and He is linking light to Himself as we saw in the last verse. The second interesting aspect of this verse is tobe, translated good, but has many related meanings as follows, good, better, beautiful, cheerful, well pleasing, agreeable, higher nature, beneficial, morally good, bountiful as in prosperous, therefore trustworthy and true. From this we can draw out that Yahuahs light, His way, His Word, (the Torah, Prophets, and Psalms, and the same made flesh, Yahushua), is of a higher nature, it is not just good for us it is also beautiful, beneficial. It will make us cheerful filled with joy, it is bountiful and will bring in a good harvest, it is morally good and as such it teaches us the moral wisdom and how to live our lives pleasing to Father which, of course, we can do only when we are filled with the Set-Apart Spirit, our Spiritual Mother and covered by Her light, in other words born from above as Yahushua told Nicodemus. Above all it, His Word, and He Himself, is trustworthy and true. As it is written, let every man be a liar and the Mighty One be true. As we also saw the light of Yahuah shines up the sin in our souls, light also makes the darkness flee, Yahushua is the light over the doorway of salvation as well as being that doorway, also Passover shines up the pathway of salvation along with the other six Miquraey, the called out feasts. The Word is light for it shows Yahs plan from creation to completion, from birth to life, from the material to the spiritual. The next word of importance is bow-dal and means to divide and separate, to sever out. Which again brings us to choshech, which means to be dark, darkness,


misery, destruction, death, ignorance, sorrow, wickedness, and obscurity, it is that place which shrouds with blackness, it brings down the veil by withholding the truth, which is the light of God, it is that place where lies are wrapped in a vestige of truth, with its mysterious and sinister suggestions leading to confusion, and ignorance and obscurity. This is exactly how Satans dark deceptive spirits work, they take a poisonous lie, one, or even many small insidious little lies and wrap them in a vestige of truth, they call it the mysteries, oh mystery Babylon, how that spider weaves its web of deceit across an ignorant and confused world. These lies taste so good to the mouth, so sweet, so tender, but, when they reach the bowels of your being they turn into the cancer they really are, and they eat away at your soul till there is nothing left. He wanders the dark places looking to see who he can devour, he lurks in the shadows, behind the scenes, he hides his true nature and purpose. He uses the political, religious schemes, and in this modern day he uses the mass media, but these are seldom considered satanic, for if they were, how would they seduce? He is the ultimate saboteur, the agent provocateur, wrapping himself and his beguiling institutions in the mysteries. Oh ignorance is no excuse for he preys on ignorance, he feasts on the ignorant. He wants nothing more than a confused and ignorant society; it is his favourite stomping ground where the pickings are easy. Remembering here that darkness is the absence of light and not its opposite, it is one or the other. There is no grey area, no in-between, it is one or the other, the darkness or the light, Yahuah or Lucifer the Satan, (adversary), that is the one most important choice of every persons life, the Mighty One or the devil, whats it going to be? The Mighty One has made the distinction here, He has given us a credible choice, and for there to be a choice then it has to be credible, and here He has shown the spiritual choice, darkness or light, whats it going to be? An eternity in a loving beautiful familial relationship with our Father Yahuah or an eternity with the other spiritual wannabe father where you will exist in a one dimensional construct of time and eternity, filled with only a knowledge of what could have been if you had only chosen different and of course let us not forget the despair those in that place will eternally expierance. Although it must be said, again which will be shown later, there is a third choice we can make and most will make it by default, and that is non-existence, choose neither spiritual place, light or darkness, and you just cease to exist, as though you never existed in the first place, you will become a long forgotten memory. Although this is not really a choice because if you do not choose light or darkness you automatically fall into this category, there is no choice in that. But, let it also be said that if you do fall into this category there will be no eternal suffering, no punishment, no pain, no tears, no nothing, it will be as the Buddhists seek, your soul, your life will go back to the Creator and your personality will dissipate into nothingness. *****

dxa ~wy rqb-yhyw br[-whlw hlyl arq $vxlw ~wy rwal ~yhla arqlw
kaw-raw elohiym owr yome choshech kaw-raw lay-il hayah ereb boker yome echad.


And the Mighty One called the light day, (an age of time, from sunrise to sunrise, but can also imply Day of Yahuah, when He comes in judgment), and the darkness called night, (a twist, (as in away the light), night. And fig. Adversity, without Divine guidance or comfort, personal distress, night of death.), and there existed evening, (Gives a meaning of mixing, grow dark, dusky, night, evening, also a mixing of day and night which implies a day must come before the night), and there existed morning, (Break of day, early morning; morning or dawn is the end of a day and also implies a mixing of a preceding night), day one, (A compound unity of one, to unify into one, a unified whole, yet being a complete one). (Gen. 1:5 There are some very interesting aspects to do with this verse and a lot of science which, hopefully, I will be able to put across in laymans terms, which I should be able to as I am a layman, but it covers Einsteins Relativity, cosmic time and the red-shift and some math. But before we get to the science let us look at some other interesting aspects of this verse. The word Yah used, remembering that Yahuah is very precise in His language and choice of words, is lay-il, and actually means a twist, the root of this word is luwl (lool, Strongs 3883,), which means to fold back, a spiral step, a winding step. Now what is interesting is that there is another word for night which does not have the twist in the meaning and simply means night and that is laylelah. If God meant just night without any secondary or further meaning then He would have use this quite adequate word, but He didnt, He used lay-il. Therefore, I believe Father wants us to see the deeper, meaning, a meaning which also connects to the abyss, the place of separation. This is the place of adversity, personal distress, and separation from Father, this would be personal distress in the extreme. It is also the place without Divine guidance or comfort. Have you ever thought what it would be like if all Divine comfort and love, guidance and help, was suddenly not here? Not a pleasant thought in the least. My mere mortal mind cant even begin to comprehend what it would be like separated from all good, love, comfort, colour, peace and even hope. Not nice ah? But that is the choice we have to make, light or darkness, day or night, the Mighty One or separation. Do we want a loving familial relationship or not, that is up to us, we can walk through the door of Yahushua, through the Passover lamb, or not, thats up to us. Another interesting aspect is, and there existed evening, and there existed morning, day one. From our perspective, when we see a day we look at it from daytime to night time, daytime and night time, one day. But that is not what Yah said here, He said evening, or night time, and morning, or daytime, day one. I think the Mighty One is looking at the day from a totally differing perspective, I should say He is looking at His creation from a totally differing perspective, He is looking from the very start forward but we can only look from the present back. See the difference? Yahuah existed before time and space, or space-time, so He is looking forward, but also remembering that He can look forward and experience all time from the beginning to the end in an instant as He exists outside of time. But from our perspective, us who live within time, we can only look back in time. So there are two different perspectives being spoken of here, and we will need to keep this in mind for the next science section.


For many years the Christian church has held the belief, and taught it to many millions of people, that this earth and even the universe itself is just about six thousand years old and that the universe and everything in it was created in just six days. That is six twenty four hour days from our perspective, from our system whereby we measure time. Yet, every now and again we hear of this fossil, or that fossil that has just been discovered that is millions of years old. We hear of the cretaceous, Jurassic, Triassic periods of 60 to 250 million years ago right through to the Precambrian period of 600 million years ago. And we also have modern cosmologists and astro-physicists telling us that the universe is anything between 14 and 16 billion years old. Some in the Christian circles try and tell us that the Mighty One put the fossils in the ground to make it look old, umm, this doesnt wash with me, think about it, what kind of Mighty One would do such a thing? What kind of Mighty One would need to do such a thing? None that I would follow for a start. For a start why would He do it? Why would He want to lay false trails? Why would he want to play such infantile games with us? That is the sort of behaviour you would find in a soap opera or the school playground, or amongst immature college students, not an almighty, all powerful, creating Yahuah. Also, there is no good reason at all for Him to do such a thing. He is bigger than that and far more intelligent. And I find it sad that some people who claim to know Him would make up such a feeble and infantile excuse to explain what they clearly do not understand. So, lets ask the six million dollar question, is this universe six days plus six thousand years old or about fifteen billion years old? The answer is simple, YES. They are both right, this universe was created in exactly six twenty four hour days and it took approximately fifteen billion years!!! How can this be I hear you ask, what rubbish is this your speaking? How can it be both six days old and fifteen billion years old at the same time? The answer is again so very simple and Albert Einstein provides this answer in his law of relativity. But, the first thing we have to understand is there are two different time lines in Scripture, the first is the creation account, the six twenty four hour days, but this time line is from the Mighty Ones perspective, it has to be because He was the only one around who was a witness to it. He is giving us the account of creation from before there was any time, remember that time cannot exist without matter, and in Yahuahs realm of eternity time is actually meaningless because every measure of time, second or otherwise, is in and of itself eternal within eternity, therefore, time starts after the Big Bang at day one. So the first six days is from Gods perspective looking forward. The second timeline starts from Adam, I think it starts from the time Adam & Chevah was thrown out the garden for disobedience, but thats not the point. The point is from Adam onwards time is measured from our perspective, from our system. Yes we are approximately six thousand years from Adams fall but the universe took about fifteen billion years to get to today with time measured from our perspective, which is looking back in time. So what we see as fifteen billion years looking back in time, towards the Big Bang, Yahuah sees as six twenty four hour days looking forward in time, from the Big Bang, because time is relative to the system your measuring it from, so Both are equally right and valid. Thereby I do not see any problem whatsoever with having a fossil record. The strange


thing is when Einstein was formulating his theory of Relativity he didnt realise that he was reuniting the findings of science with the truth of Yahuah, its a strange world. We need to look at what else effects the flow of time, things like gravity and temperature and we need to look at some cosmology to get a fuller picture of things, we also need to have a basic understanding of Cosmic Background Radiation, or more accurately Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation, we then need to have a look at the red shift and the expansion of the universe, then we need to do a little math which shows the mathematical relationship between Yahs six days looking forward and our fifteen billion years looking back. I will be writing as a layman simply because I am one, so, hopefully the science will not be too daunting and the math will be fully explained and calculated out in a table. The math then can be easily reproduced by anyone else if they wish to do so, as long as they own a scientific calculator that is. Time is a fascinating concept, and is not what the human race once believed it to be, that is linear and constant. That no matter where you were in the universe time was a constant, regular flow, from one point in time to another. But within the last century we have discovered that time is relative to the system from which you are making the measurements, this is Einsteins Law of Relativity. From Earth, our perspective, with our gravity, given our position in space, fairly close to a star, our speed of rotation, on the earths own axis and orbiting our star, and with the temperature of open space time flows at a certain rate. We can only measure time from our perspective, with our tools, in our system. We cannot measure the flow of real time from say the sun, or from the Moon, or even from our nearest neighbouring star, about 50 light years away. We cannot measure real time from those places unless we actually go there and take the measurements. But if we did then the readings we get would be different those we get here on Earth simply because the system from which we are taking the measurements is different. For a start of, if we were on the sun we would be experiencing tremendous heat and a greatly increased gravity, these two variables alone would influence the rate at which time flowed. You would find, if you could stand on the suns surface, that time for you would slow by about sixty seven seconds every year. Lets say you had an exact twin living on earth while you was living on the sun, well, he, on Earth, would age sixty seven seconds every year more than you. How do we know this? We cannot measure real time from the sun but we can measure the effects on the wavelengths of light emanating from the sun. We know the length of the light waves coming from the sun and we know the wavelength of the very same light frequencies when created here on earth, and the wavelength of the light from the sun by the time it reaches earth has been stretched by 2.12 parts in a million. That translates to the sun aging sixty seven seconds less every year when compared to here on earth. Now, lets take this thought to another level. Imagine a set of twins, you and a brother or a sister. Lets say you moved to a planet that slowed time by a factor of say, 100,000, what that means is, for every second your clock ticked on your new world, your twins clock on Earth would have ticked 100,000 seconds. That means that for every ten minutes you age on your new planet your twin will age by about 1.88 years, about a year and nine months. Lets say you had a twenty four hour contract, and pretend there is instantaneous travel through some form of hyperspace, remember we are pretending here,


and you came back after that twenty four hours, your twin would have aged by approximately 270 years. Lets hope for a long life ah? That is what is meant by time being relative. So on that basis we could go anywhere in the universe and find a different rate at which time flows, because nowhere else is exactly the same as here on earth, and therefore, it is conceivable that we could go to a place that measures the age of the universe as a thousand years, another a billion years, another twenty billion years and everything in-between. It is even theoretically possible to find a place that measures the universe as six days old, umm, interesting. But, that is not what we need. What we need is a universal time, or a universal measure of time that encompasses the whole universe in its complete entirety, we need to be able to step outside the universe, outside all these differing time dilations, we need to find an all encompassing cosmic time. Fortunately we do have such a measure of universal time, a cosmic clock if you will. It is a cosmic clock that had its beginnings, it ticked its first Pico-second the moment the first proton formed from the free quarks that were flying around the primordial universe, that moment when the first quarks were confined into matter and light began to exist. That clock was the high energy photons of light, remembering that light is more than just the visible light that we see, it encompasses the whole electromagnetic spectrum, permeating the whole universe at the time of creation. This was a uniform, very high energy, very short wavelength radiation, gamma radiation, which we now call the Cosmic Background Radiation, or the CBR. The uniformity of the CBR was set in stone, as it were, within the inflationary event, when the universe expanded so rapidly that the very laws of physics seemed to have been put on hold. At that time the wavelength of the photon was approximately 10-12 meters long, thats about ten million times smaller than a mille meter, and it had an energy level of around 124 million electron volts. These high energy levels would have made the universe about a million, million times hotter than it is today, which is understandable remembering that all the matter and energy within the universe was compressed into a space smaller than a pin head. (We can even experience this heating effect today with a compressor, the machine compresses the air into a small compression chamber to maybe 20 or 30 atmospheres and there is heat generated because the air is carrying more energy.) Now we can see the self same CBM today uniformly throughout the universe, but, it is in a slightly different form and it is called Cosmic Background Microwave radiation, or CBMR. And it was discovered by Arno Penzias and Robert Wilson in 1965. This is the only radiation that has been around since the creation of the universe and is therefore the only basis on which to form our cosmic clock. So what took place that changed the CBR to the CBMR we see today? The simple answer is the stretching of the fabric of space itself, and as space and time are linked this would stretch time by the same factor. And we know this because of the CBMR we measure in the universe today. Going back to the CBR, if you stretch the fabric of space you must also stretch the wavelength of the radiation emitted at the big bang, and that gamma radiation at the start of the big bang has been stretched so far that we measure it today as Microwave radiation, it has shifted from the white/blue end of the spectrum to the red end of the spectrum, this is what is meant as the red Shift. How does


this stretching of space stretch the wavelength of the photon? For a very simplistic answer, although the principle is the same, if you take a balloon and draw on it two well defined points, then draw a wave form, like a sin wave, the long way around the balloon connecting the two points. Then, blow it up, you will notice that as the balloon gets bigger the wave form you drew starts to stretch apart and the distance between two peaks gets wider. This is the wave length getting bigger and the frequency getting smaller. You will also notice the two points moving further apart. In the same way if the fabric of space stretches, as it clearly does, then the galaxies and stars will move further apart and the wavelength will increase. You can get a feel for this with sound. If you are standing at a railway station and you hear a train coming towards you, you will hear the train at a higher frequency than the trains real sound because the sound waves are compressed. Now, when the train reaches your position you hear the trains true sound. But, when the train passes you and speeds on the sound you hear is of a lower frequency because the sound waves are being stretched. Getting back to the cosmic clock, when the universe started the cosmic clock started, and over the eons with the stretching of space, thereby the stretching of the wavelength, the tick of the cosmic clock, time itself becomes stretched. The more the stretching the longer it takes for the cosmic tick to tick and today we find that tick is about a million, million times slower than when it first started ticking.

As light moves away from your position it stretches and the wavelength becomes longer, but as it moves towards your position it compresses and the wavelength becomes shorter.

Two different sources of redshift: Top, Doppler shift: the star moving to the left emits light that is blue shifted in the direction of the receiving antenna that the star approaches, and red shifted in the direction of the


receiving antenna that the star is leaving. Center and bottom panels: cosmological expansion: The distance between the emitting star and both antennas increases while the light is propagating, increasing the wavelength of the light seen by both antennas. Each panel shows the propagation of light over two periods: in the center panel at time of emission the wavelength is short, and in the bottom panel at time of reception the wavelength has stretched with the expansion of space. Patterned after Koupelis & Kuhn.
(Theo Koupelis, Karl F. Kuhn (2007). In Quest of the Universe (5 ed.). Jones & Bartlett Publishers. p. 557. ISBN 0763743879.)

Lets have a look at some math to see the relationship between the ticking of the cosmic clock back when it first started and today.

The Mathematics As we can see the spiral, based on a logarithmic scale, can be found everywhere within nature and is especially seen in the Nautilus shell. And time is likewise the same, the difference between time from Gods perspective and time from our perspective can be linked by a logarithmic equation, A=A0e-Lt, where A is Earth time, the number of earth days contained within the relevant Genesis day. Ao is the instantaneous ratio of cosmic time at the moment of quark confinement to current time or, equally stated, the ratio of cosmic background radiation then to now, which in turn is proportional to the ratio of cosmic background temperature then (10.9*1012oK) to now (2.730K). L is the natural Log 2. t is Genesis time in days and increases from one to six. To learn the duration of each Genesis day we integrate the equation and solve for each of the six Genesis days. We also must remember that the units is days, so we must convert the answers to years by dividing by 365, and summing the six answers will give the approximate age of the universe from our perspective. (See The Science of God, by Gerald L. Schroeder, ISBN- 978076903035. Gerald L. Schroeder is a distinguished physicist.) The integral of A=A0e-Lt = (-Ao/L)e-Lt A0= 10.9*1012/2.73 = 3.99*1012


Genesis Day one Two Three Four Five Six

Equation -(3.99*1012/L)e-L1 -(3.99*1012/L)e-L2 -(3.99*1012/L)e-L3 -(3.99*1012/L)e-L4 -(3.99*10 /L)e -(3.99*10 /L)e

12 12 -L5 -L6

Earth Days -2.88*1012 -1.44*1012 -7.20*1011 3.60*1011 1.80*10 9.0*10 Total years
11 10

Earth Years (to the nearest billion) -8 Billion -4 Billion -2 Billion -1 billion - .5 Billion - .25 Billion -15.75 Billion Years

We must not be surprised at the negative values for the answers because as stated earlier we are looking back in time from our perspective to the beginning, so our values would indeed be negative, and the value of Yahs six days would be positive because He is looking forward in time when describing the six days of creation. Before we gat back to the Scriptures themselves we must first be able to equate each of the six twenty four hour days of Genesis to relevant cosmology, geology and palaeontology records as we know them today. So this first day of Genesis when Yahuah creates the universe and separates the light from the dark, where the Spirit hovers over the newborn creation, equates to the big bang, which signals the beginning of the universe, the beginning of matter, the beginning of time. The Spirit hovering over it equates to the inflationary period at the end of which light itself breaks free as electrons bond to atomic nuclei to form matter in the shape of Hydrogen and helium, then the gasses coalesce and galaxies start to form and stars are born. This is the first day of Genesis, a twenty four hour day in Yahs time frame that lasted about eight billion years in ours.

Back the Word. In the beginning, (before space-time existed), the Mighty One, (the Father along with the Set-apart Spirit, our Spiritual Mother, and the Word made flesh, Yahushua Messiyah), created the spiritual and the material realms. 2 and the material realm exists as a formless, chaotic void obscured in darkness, together with, along with the inaccessible mysterious depths, abyss: and the Spirit of the Mighty One hovered, (moved, protecting, nurturing, covering, feeding), over the face of the waters, (The primordial soup of our new born universe, the material realm). 3 And the Mighty One said let exist light and light existed, or The Mighty One said, I was light, I am light, I will be light, I exist as light. Or even 55

the Mighty One said Yahuah was, is and will be light, Yahuah exists as light. And the Mighty One saw, (found delight in, perceived and regarded), the light was good, (better, beautiful, cheerful, well pleasing, agreeable, higher nature, beneficial, morally good, bountiful as in prosperous, therefore trustworthy and true). And the Mighty One separated, (divide and separate, to sever out), light from darkness, (to be dark, darkness, misery, destruction, death, ignorance, sorrow, wickedness, and obscurity). The Mighty Oned called the light day, (an age of time, from sunrise to sunrise, but can also imply Day of Yahuah, when He comes in judgment), and the darkness called night, (a twist, (as in away the light), night. And fig. Adversity, without Divine guidance or comfort, personal distress, night of death.), and there existed evening, (Gives a meaning of mixing, grow dark, dusky, night, evening,), and there existed morning, (Break of day, early morning), day one, (A compound unity of one, to unify into one, a unified whole, yet being a complete one). Genesis 1:1-5

So here we have the first day of Yahuahs creation, a twenty-four hour day that also lasted eight billion years. It is a day when God instituted the big bang, something we only discovered about fifty years ago, a day where the Mighty One made the spiritual and material realms, where He also set aside the abyss for the devil and his messengers, and all who will choose to follow him. This is the first day where He hints at salvations plan, at the coming Messiyah, the set-apart Son, and the work of the set-apart Spirit, our Spiritual Mother. Here He also lays out the family plan, Father, Mother, Child, a pattern He intends for us all. It is with this pattern of familial relationships that He shows us exactly why He created the universe and us; He wants a loving, dynamic, familial relationship with us, every one of us individually and collectively. This is the purpose of life itself, to love Yahuah as He first loves us, to freely choose to love Him in a personal way, to have a personal ongoing relationship where both can stand together, walk together, talk together. He wants our trust and reliance, He wants our Friendship, He wants our love!!! And that, my friends, is the choice that is also hinted at in the very first day of creation, the choice to love the Mighty One freely and live with the source of life, to love Satan freely and live with the source of death, or choose neither and have your souls dissipated into nothingness. That choice is solely yours. Also, another point to bring out with the first day, or I should say day one, and that is the number one itself, it is the number for Yahuah, He is the one true Mighty One and there is no other like Him and there can never be one like Him. Adding the number of the first day of creation together with the number of the last day of creation, which is also the number for man, six, you get the number of perfection, seven, and it is perfection indeed, the Mighty One and man together, unified in love and trust, the very purpose of creation.


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