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NON-SENSE TALKS Chatter Patter Natter Gibber Jabber Prate Palaver Prattle Babble Blabber

CHILDISH Sophomoric Puerile Immature Callow Naive Juvenile Jejune

TO CRITICSE SEVERLY Savage Pillory Inveigh Chastise Castigate Censure Condemn Excoriate Lambaste Belittle Inveigh Smudge Sully Malign

B (Besharam) SERIES Brazen Blatant Brash Brassy Barefaced Effrontery Presumptuous Unabashed Audacious Flagrant Insolent Impudent Impertinent

L (LUST) SERIES Lustful Lewd Licentious Libertine Lubricious Libidinous Lecherous Lascivious Salacious Wanton Incontinent Prurient Obscene Vulgar Amorous

DESERVING HATE (Hate) Hateful(Hate) Loathsome(Loath) Despicable(Despise) Abominable Heinous Abhor able(Abhor) Detestable(Detest) Execrable(Execrate) Deplorable(Deplore)

Intelligent Sagacious Perspicacious Ingenious Insightful Canny Erudite Judicious Astute Wise

TO AVOID ANSWERING Parry Prevaricate Evade Equivocate Dodge

WRITING OF PRAISE Encomium Eulogy Accolade Exaltation Panegyric Citation Commendation

C (CHIDCHIDA) SERIES Short tempered Churlish Crotchety Curmudgeon Cantankerous Surly Grouchy Grumpy Fractious Irascible

Official Order Injunction Interdict Dictum Decree Edict Caveat Fatwa Summon Subpoena

Natural Liking Penchant Proclivity Propensity Predilection

**LASTING OR USED FOR A **SHORT TIME**(V.V. IMP) Ephemeral Evanescent Deciduous Meteoric Mercurial Transient Transitory Fugitive Fleeting

Wise Spender of Money Miser Stingy Mingy Penurious Skinflint Penny Pincher Tight Fisted Tightwad Niggard Cheapskate Provident Thrifty Frugal Prudent

Remarks showing Disrespect or criticism Condescending Belittling Derogatory Derogative Disparaging Denigrating Tainting Slandering Denouncing

Fickle minded Whimsical Spasmodic Sporadic Skittish Wayward Capricious Vacillating

Arrogant Imperious Domineering Disdainful Supercilious Haughty Conceited

Extreme Poverty Penury Privation Abject Poverty Indigence Destitution Impecuniousness

To be signal of sth (Predict) Harbinger Harold Omen Betoken Foreboding Premonition Augur Portend/Portent Foretell Bode Prognosticate Presage

To irritate Irk Peeve Pique Vex Exasperate Rile Rasp Chafe Gall

Too bright and showy (-ve) Flamboyant Florid Ostentatious Ornate Adorned Baroque Pretentious Tawdry Gaudy Lurid Meretricious Overwrought Rococo Bedizened

Who spends too much Extravagant Squanderer Spendthrift Prodigal Wastrel Profligate

Over Used Statement Clich Platitude Banal Bromide Trite

Courageous Plucky Gritty Spunky Mettlesome Chivalrous Gallant Valorous Valiant Vigorous Intrepid Ebullient

To flatter / to talk too sweet Blander Blandish Cajole Coax Blarney Inveigle Bootlick Fawn Kowtow Propitiate Ingratiate Wheedle

Containing Abusive Words Invectives Expletive Imprecations Malediction Obloquy Vilification Vituperation Opprobrium Vitriolic

Morally Bad Sleazy Seamy Seedy Sordid Squalid knavish Tacky

Feeling Sad Lugubrious Crestfallen Chap fallen Downcast Gloomy Dingy Rueful Sulky Grim Despondent Pensive

To bring to peace Pacify Mollify Appease Assuage Conciliate Placate Allay Alleviate Satiate

Extremely big in size Behemoth Mammoth Titanic Prodigious Colossal Leviathan Gigantic

To mock To scold Chide Rebuke Reprimand Reprove Admonish Lambast/Lambaste Berate Reproof Remonstrate Jibe Scoff Jeer Smear Flout

Lazy and unwilling to Work Indolent Slothful Sloven Spine Slumberous Lackadaisical Languid Languorous

Any object of trouble Bane Malady Scourge Nemesis

To put end to sth Scotch Scuttle Scupper Stifle Stymie Subdue Impede Encumber Hinder Obdurate Occlude Abrogate Rescind Thwart

Fleece Chisel Talks too less Taciturn Laconic Introvert

To confuse Perplex Discombobulate Baffle Bewilder Befuddle Fuddle Addle Muddle Puddle Flummox Stupefy Vex Confound

Talks as much needed Pithy Succinct Concise Sententious

Loves to talk Loquacious Chatty

Any obstruction Impediment Deterrent Baulk Waffle Preaching Talks Edifying Didactic Sermonizing Evangelical Hortatory

Too talkative Garrulous

To laugh in silly way Simper

Secret Covert Stealthily Clandestine Concealed Furtive Surreptitious

Crafty smile Smirk

Difficult to understand Occult Obscure Recondite Mystified Enigmatic Elusive Esoteric Subtle Arcane Hermetic Outlandish Runic Abstruse

Suppressed laugh Snicker Giggle Snigger

To cheat / steal from sbd Con Dupe Hoodwink Bamboozle Beguile Defraud Cozen Swindle

Laugh loudly (Punjabi style) Chortle Guffaw Cackle Cachinnate

To make up for sins Atone Expiate

Penance Penitence

Besmirch Disparage

Narrow depression in surface Fissure Crevice Cleft Rift Arroyo

A rave party Jamboree Bacchanalia Orgy Carousal Revelry

Cornucopia Verbiage (of words) Inundation

Very important Salutary Seminal Cardinal Pivotal

Deep opening Chasm Ravine

A small fight Spat Spar Scuffle Squabble Skirmish

Too emotional person Fulsome Mawkish Effusive Cloying Kitschy Maudlin

Too deep gap b/w surfaces Valley Canyon

Fight inside a group Schism Internecine battle

A fat person Rotund Portly Corpulent Obese Squat

Bottom less pit Abyss Gulf

A perfect example Epitome Quintessence Paragon

To think Witty comments Cogitate Cerebrate Deliberate Contemplate Ruminate Badinage Sallies Quip Retort Repartee Persiflage Banter Rejoinder

To isolate Quarantine Sunder Seclude Segregate Insulate

To taint image Desecrate Taint Tarnish Sully Belittle Deprecate Abase/Debase Defile Discredit

To change dir suddenly Veer Swerve Slew Curve

Over abundance of sth Surfeit Scads Slew Plethora Copious

Biased person

Partisan Iniquitous Invidious


Limber Lithe

A friendly person Amiable Affable Amicable Genial Cordial

To beg Implore Supplicate Conjure Beseech Cadge Entreat Adjure Hard working Diligent Sedulous Assiduous Perseverant

A person who abandons his beliefs (political/religious) Apostate Renegade Recreant Defector Turncoat

A boastful person Braggadocio Blowhard Braggart

Old fashioned Obsolete Superannuated Archaic Pass Antediluvian Antiquated

Approval Approbation Assent Accession Imprimatur Countenance Warrant Sanction

Relevant Germane Apropos Apposite Pertinent Apt

Poorly done Shoddy Slipshod Slapdash Bungled up Botched up

Irrelevant Saying Adages Aphorism Epigrams Idioms Pithy Maxims Apothegm Impertinent Extraneous Ulterior

Act of provoking Chaos/state of disorder Ruckus Rumpus Tumult Hubbub Mayhem Brouhaha Imbroglio Bedlam Hustle bustle Pandemonium Turmoil Fracas Insurrection Insurgence Instigation Incitation Foment Sedition

Active/Agile Spry Nimble Supple Pliable

Enthusiastic Fervent

Zealous Ardent Exuberant Vehement Torrid

Extol Exalt Eulogise Adulation Laud

Onslaught Zap Assail Pillage Besiege(surround)

Expert/skilled Dexter Erudite Adept Adroit Deft Having o Knack o Legerdemain o Finesse

Writing of praise Eulogy Encomium Exaltation Accolade Panegyric Citation Plaudits Commendation Songs o Idyllic o Paean

To hide to attack To destroy Ravage Raze Obliterate Efface Annihilate Decimate Pulverize Skulk Berk Waylay Ambush

Optimistic Coward Craven Pusillanimous Poltroon Dastard Roseate Sanguine Ruddy

To end before sth starts Forestall Pre-empt Preclude Foresee

Stupid person Bozo Buffoonish Wacky Nincompoop Doltish Dunce Inane Asinine Vacuous Imbecile

To complain over little things Nag Niggle Quibble Squabble Sulk Bicker Crib Carp Cavil Grump Snivel Whine Grouch Repine Fret

Very weak Frail Emaciated Wan Gaunt Scraggy Scrawny Angular Cadaverous Groggy Pallid Effete Impuissance

Harmful Baleful Sinister Pernicious Detrimental Deleterious

To praise

To attack

Noxious(gases) Insidious Inimical

Uncouth Boorish Oafish Barbaric

Exonerate Exculpate Vindicate Absolve Acquit

Loud person Rant Rowdy Boisterous Obstreperous Vociferous

Cautious Chary Wary Leery Punctilious Circumspect Scrupulous Decorous Discreet

Quarrelsome Combative Belligerent Bellicose Pugnacious Truculent

Irritated by small mistakes Fussy Fastidious Exacting

Deserted Marooned Stranded Forlorn Forsake

Punishes on small mistakes Stickler Taskmaster Perfectionist

To give up (power/belief) Abdicate Relinquish Renounce Repudiate

Demands too much precision Martinet Disciplinarian Moralist

Dirty and untidy Ramshackle Dishevelled Derelict Sloven Unkempt Hag Crone Frump

One who dominates Domineer Officious Tyrannical Dictatorial Despotic

Rude and uncivilised Savage

To free form charges

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