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Ypivt NLS The Process, Meaning and Criteria for Mastering First Published in the LIK by The Anglo American Book Company Ltd Grown Buildings Baneyfelin Carmarthen Wales Copyright 1996 by Michael Hall The rights of Michael Hall to be identified as the author of this work are asserted in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988. British Library of Cataloguing in Publication Data A Catalogue record for this book is available trom the British Library. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be repro- duced, stored in a retrieval system, of transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording and/or otherwise without the prior permission of the publishers. This book may not be lent, resold, hired out or otherwise dis- posed of by way of trade in any form, binding or cover other than that in which it is published, without the prior consent of the publishers. ISBN 1899836047 Pri ted and bound in Wales To Richard Bandler without whom this book could not have been written, and the person who exemplifies the spirit of NLP. List of Charts A propulsion system . Moving to the master practitioner level Going meta to this mental mapping process Presuppositions and language . Operational levels of the meta-model The patter of deletions, generalizations distortions and presuppositions 7. Operational levels of the meta-model 8. Causation words 9, How belief relates to experience 10, Relationship between values and experience 11. Continuum of sounds 12. Bliciting and recognizing submodalilies 13. Meta-programs sorting grid PONE 2 Page 57 74 76 79 85 88 96 100 103 105 143 162 247 Contents Page Introduction vil-xx PART I: PROGRAMMING Ch. 1: Developing an Internal Propulsion System a Ch2: Learning Trance 41 Ch3: Developing a Deeper Understanding/ Appreciation of the Language, Structure, States of Trance PART I: LINGUISTICS Ch. 4: Mastering NLP Linguistics 7 Ch. 5: Master Level Persuasive Re Framing 115 PART Il: NEUROLOGY Ch. 6: Mastering The Neurology Of NLP 139 Ch. 7: The Wild And Wonderful World Of Submodalities 161 Ch. 8: Tracking Down Where Bratns Go 169 Ch. 9: Visiting More Exotic And Empowering States 189 Ch. 10: The NLP Meta:Programs 203 Ch. 11: Kinesthetic Time-Lines 257 Appendix A : Why The Use Of E-Prime In Writing This Book? 269 Appendix B : A Domain Of Logical Levels: Self-Reflexiveness In Human States Of Consciousness 273 Appendix C : Usefiul Addresses 291 Bibliography 295 THE SPIRIT OF NLP ‘The Meaning, Process, & Criteria For Mastering NLP INTRODUCTION What represents the spirit of NLP? What distinguishes a practitioner of this art from a masier practitioner? Wherein lie the distinctive meaning and criteria involved in mastering the NLP model? What process cnables one to master it? | have written the following, based first upon my own Master Practitioner Training and Trainer's Trainer under Richard Bandler, and then upon my own experiences and readings over the years with NLP as a psychotherapist and trainer, to answer these questions. As the years pass from my original training with Richard Bandler, my sense of him as someone who truly manifests the spirit of NLPhas grown. Accordingly, | have based much of the following upon this opinion. To know Richard Bandler makes one aware that he has served this many years as the creative genius behind NLP. To get to know him also beyond that rough extcrior that he can sometimes present introduces one to his spirit of passion in “going for it” and his curiosity for the possible, And this very spirit functions in a foundational way to make NLP dramatic and dynamic The NLP paradigm, as a communication and behavioural model, arose partly, it seems to me, as those men and women who later became the co-founders and developers of NLP began (o translate Bandler. Yes, Bandler and Grinder originally set out to model Virginia Satir, Fritz Perls, and Milton Erickson, ete. And yet as they did, they did so because of Richard's genius in so quickly and unconsciously modeling these experts with astonishing ease and speed. After he surprised himself by modeling Satir and Perls, he and John sct out to pull apart vil the component pieces of neurology and language to under- stand how this “magic” occurred and how they could enable others to install the same excellence in themselves. Richard Bandler’s spirit. then, with his wild and wonderful ideas, his gruff style, and his unpredictable curiosity lies at the heart of this revolutionary technology of human resourceful. ness. NLP reflects and represents his gentus of modeling | first picked up this conviction through reading all of the “classic* seminar books that Steve and Connirae Andreas edit. ed. From those books, I decided to do my NLP training with Richard Bandler himself. During my 1989 Master Practitioner training in San Diego, I took extensive notes which | later pub. lished with the approval of (the then) “NLP Products and Promotions" organization for the participants at the training. In 1990. Richard asked me to create another set of notes for his “Trainer's Training”, which I did. From there, Richard asked me to transcribe his work with “Applied Neuro Dynamics" which he gave at a London Seminar as well as his hypnosis work. This later became the basis for his book. “Time for A Change”. During that time 1 also worked with Richard in producing a Directory of the NLP Society of Bandler and Associates, in the years since that time, I have not only continued to use and develop NLP as part of my psychotherapeutic practice as a cognitive therapist, I have conducted numerous NLP practi. tioner and master practitioner trainings. More recently, I have researched the historical roots of NLP in Alfred Korzybski and Gregory Bateson. Some of that material has been published as a series in “Anchor Point”. | also did a series on “The Almost Inventors of NLP”, and then began creating integrations of NLP with several other psychologies such as Reality Therapy Adlerian psychology, etc. This work represents an expansion of my original notes by sev. eral hundred pages. This text focuses primarily on conveying the spirit of NLP. At the same time, I think that it offers, to a se degree, the genius, attitude, and passion of Richard ee ore that in identifying that spirit. sens nat and rategy offcrs a significant contribution to pas ee, of NLP, Wouldn't you like to have tne strategy that Bandler used in coming up with NLP in the first place? And. of course, the NLP model itself says that we all jnevitably keep manifesting our states and strategies por ongoing communications anyway. Does it not make sense then that Richard Bandler would construct, design, and present his trainings in a way that would manifest his own “spirit” or sirat ‘egy which made this field possible? s ese understandings and assumptions as | eter crete: Accordingly, you will find tn these pages most of the essential academic and informational data within the NLP Master Practitioner track, And you will find aS You will find within, behind, and beyond the words of the tex! what I believe serves as the spirit of NLP behind that informa- tion. WHY THIS APPROACH? Ea) NCP primarily consists cf = satel oot theory" then ts sirength lies in focusing much more on the model and medet- ng part over mere theory and theortang about it As “the structure of subjectivity” (NLP: Volume I, 1980), then the heai Of this domain ies in_ modeling what works. not theorising and/or attaching to NLP various psychological and philosopht cal systems. Yet in recent years many in the NLP community have attempted to do precisely that cople seem to know the NLP information in terms of all the jargon language, Ideas, etc. Dut lack the spi of Ne Esl ache liners peyote) wi) Hee received both practitioner and master practitioner training, and yet they lack a ferocious spirit of “going for it". In character and person ality, they do not have the characteristics of exeltement, curiosity, high level state management of their own ee passion, or commitment. They know NLP; they can even “d ix

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