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Most children and teenagers are suffering from bullying each day. It is a problem that has spanned worldwide. Many teenagers take the matter lightly, but actually it is a serious problem, which must be prevented at all costs. Witnesses are important when there is a person being a victim of bullying. Most schools have decided to give educational talks about bullying, but they do not get to see drastic changes. Adults believe that such cases are solved quickly but the truth is that you cant solve them. Bullying affects lifetime. Some people think that the witnesses can affect the victim. That's why we've cast the question: What type of kid is most likely to stand up in a bullying situation?

1|Page Guatemala August 2012


A bully tries to put you down, because they are not up-Unknown Bullying has been a worldwide problem for years. Studies have established that approximately 15 percent of students are either bullied regularly, or are initiators of bullying behavior (Olweus, 1993). Bullying is widespread in American schools, with more than 16 percent of U.S. school children saying they had been bullied by other students during the current term. Students who engage in bullying behaviors seem to have a need to feel powerful and in control. Students who are victims of bullying are typically anxious, insecure and cautious. They suffer from low self-esteem, rarely defending themselves when confronted by students who bully them. The consequences can be heartbreaking for both the victim and for the bully. Chronic bullies seem to continue their behaviors into relationships, and adulthood; negatively influencing their ability to develop and maintain positive. For the victim, being bullied often leads to depression and low selfesteem-problems that can continue into adulthood. Bullying can be hard to percept when it is just starting because the victim does not show signs and because students typically feel that adult intervention is infrequent and ineffective. Telling adults will only bring more harassment from bullies. (Charach, Pepler, and Ziegler, 1995). The best way to solve bullying is preventing it. The best way to prevent bullying is by having an active speaking with student and youth by intervention programs. Effective intervention must involve the entire school community and parents, not just the bullies and victims of bullying. Intervention programs are effective because they solve bullying in a way to prevent it. Preventing bullying is right, but what happens if it has already happen? The best way to solve bullying in both sides (Bully and Victim) is by helping the bully first. Students, who bully others need to feel powerful because of a personal struggle, solving this personal struggle might help the need to feel powerful. Although, bullying is a serious problem, that can affect a student's academic and social progress. A comprehensive intervention plan that involves all students, parents, and school staff can help ensure that all students can learn in a safe and fear-free environment.

2|Page Guatemala August 2012

III. Choose a problem:

How does the behavior of students between the ages of 10-16 years affect their ability to stand up in a bullying situation?

Usually there are two types of kids: noisy and timid. Most people believe that noisy kids are most likely to stand in a situation because of the simple fact that they are outspoken. In the other side, timid kids are quiet and dont like to call the atten tion so they might keep their feelings to themselves. Kids can change from timid to noisy and from noisy to timid, the most common reason of it, is bullying. So, what type of kid is most likely to stand up in a bullying situation?

IV. Hypothesis: o If a kid is noisy, then he/she is most likely to stand up in a bullying situation. The hypothesis is that a kid whos outspoken and noisy would stand up if he/she watches someone being bullied, because he/she is not afraid to express him/herself.

Null Hypothesis: o If a kid is timid, then he/she is most likely to stand up in a bullying situation Because he/she is afraid and even though he/she is timid he/she knows the difference between right and wrong.

Variables - Manipulated Variable o Behavior - Responding variable o The ability to stand up in a bullying situation.

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V. Design the experiment. A. Write Procedures Hand out surveys to find out the behavior of the students related to bullying. 25 surveys are going to be given to students between the ages of 10-16. The students have to answer 13 questions. The answers are used to create conclusions about the ability of the students between these ages to stand up in bullying situation. B. List in order each thing that will be done. Hand out surveys. Create a campaign Watch videos of worldwide bullying cases. C. List the materials needed. Crayons and markers Scissors. Cardboard. Tape Carton / paper

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VI. Test the hypothesis Experiment Surveyed kids from ages 10-16 and we asked them questions about their personality, how often did they see someone being bullied and how they act as bystanders.

Make observations Survey Experience The kids answer the surveys during class, and a few per each grade were selected randomly to answer it. At first they were very excited and curious to answer the survey. But when they saw what the survey was about bullying, their facial expressions changed. Some of them happily answer the survey; others got a little shy and hesitated on the answers, demonstrating that some are familiar with the problem, knowing that is a serious matter. They had few questions, but the majority of kids didnt know the meaning of the word bystanders. The bystanders are those who watch bullying happen or heard about it. The fact that the majority of the kids didnt know what a bystander is, was considered a serious problem, since they are bystanders of bullying every day without even realizing it. Some write their names, not afraid of showing that those were their opinions about bullying, others asked if it was obligatory to write their names, and were relieved when they find out that if they dont want, they dont have to write . They hesitated on the answer thinking what the right thing to answer was. We conclude that some arent afraid of showing what their opinion is and strongly agree in some things, and others prefer to be anonymous and hesitated not knowing what was the right thing to answer.

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Collect Data. A. Timid kids agree that bullying is a problem in our community, but adults prefer to ignore it. They have witnessed this type of problem regularly in the school. They tried to help by telling an adult. They trust that school will help their friends, so they will not be bullied again. They know how the bully feels but they dont mind about in what they can help.

B. Noisy kids agree that in their community is the problem of bullying. Sometimes they try to help their friends by telling the problem to an adult. They know that when a case of bullying is known at school they will take it seriously. They believe that a bully can stop if him/she is punished. They dont like when someone is hurting their friends so they try to find out ways to stop it.

6|Page Guatemala August 2012

VII. Organize data Make observations.

Bullying is a problem in our community?

8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Noisy Noisy Noisy Timid Agree Timid (outspoken) (outspoken) (outspoken) Disagree Agree Disagree strongly agree Timid strongly agree


The majority of timid and noisy kids agree that bullying is a problem.

How often have you seen someone being bullied at school?

6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Noisy Noisy Noisy Timid Every (outspoken) (outspoken) (outspoken) Day Never Regularly Sometimes Timid Regularly Timid Sometimes Total

More noisy kids have seen someone been bullied at school, sometimes or never. While all of the timid kids have seen someone being bullied: everyday, regularly or sometimes.

7|Page Guatemala August 2012

What do you think adults do?

7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Nothing, Stop it and Stop it and Nothing, Stop it and Stop it and they ignore solve the tell everyone they ignore solve the tell everyone it. problem. to leave it. problem. to leave Noisy (outspoken) Timid Total

More noisy kids think that adults stop bullying and solve the problem, while timid kids believe that adults ignore it.

What do you do if you see someone being bullied at school?

9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Bully back Ignore Tell someone Ignore Tell someone Timid Noisy (outspoken)


The majority of noisy kids believe that is better to tell someone, and some of them bully back, while timid kids think that telling someone is the best option and some of them ignore it.

8|Page Guatemala August 2012

How often have you tried to help someone that is being bullied?
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Many times Not Once once or twice Many times Not Once Timid once or twice


Noisy (outspoken)

Timid and noisy kids have tried to help someone being bullied once or twice, but more noisy kids have done it many times.

How do you think standing up to bullying could make a difference?

9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 It could help stop bullying behavior It could not make a difference. It could show It could help It could show support for the stop bullying support for the person being behavior person being bullied and bullied and help them feel help them feel less alone. less alone. Timid


Noisy (outspoken)

More timid kids agree that it would show support for the person being bullied, and Noisy kids agree that it could help stop the bullying behavior.

9|Page Guatemala August 2012

How do you think seeing other people being bullied affects bystanders?
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 It can make It could It could It can make It could It could them feel influenciate make them them feel influenciate make them sad. later. afraid of sad. later. afraid of becoming a becoming a target. target. Noisy (outspoken) Timid


The majority of noisy and timid kids agree that it can make them feel sad about the person being bullied.

What would make it easier for you to speak out agaisnt bullying?
12 10 8 6 4 2 0 Knowing that my Knowing that Knowing that my Knowing that schoolmate will school will take schoolmate will school will take back me up. it seriusly back me up. it seriusly Noisy (outspoken) Timid


The majority of noisy and timid kids would speak against bullying, if they know the school will take it seriously.

10 | P a g e Guatemala August 2012

How do you think bullies feel when they harass someone?

12 10 8 6 4 2 0 Bad Happy Proud Sad Happy Proud Noisy (outspoken) Timid Total

The majority of noisy and timid kids think that bullies feel proud, but almost one third of the noisy kids think they feel happy.

How comfortable do you feel handling a bullying situation?

12 10 8 6 4 2 0 Comfortable I am not I have never Comfortable I am not I have never comfortable. witnessed. comfortable. witnessed. Timid Total

Noisy (outspoken)

The majority of noisy and timid kids are not comfortable.

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Write a summary - The experiment was designed to find out what type of kid is most likely to stand up and tell the people how bystanders can affect a victim. We made surveys, a campaign, and a worldwide research. We concluded that a noisy kid is most likely to stand up in a bullying situation, and a timid kid is most likely to be the victim.

VIII. State conclusions. A. Hypothesis accepted. The hypothesis was accepted. An outspoken kid is most likely to stand up in a bullying situation and protect his mates.

XI. Recommendations The best way to stop bullying is preventing it by active speaking at young ages. Timid kids should learn how to love and stand for themselves. Schools have to take the bullying problem more seriously. They need to give talks and teach the kids that no one has the right to make you feel inferior or bad. And if someone ever do that to you they have to stand up, speak by themselves. A bully will ever bully someone if he/she doesnt receive the adequate support.

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XII. Appendix.

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