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Class Time Code Lecturer Credit/ Hours Semester Year Status Room Course Description Objectives Sunday 7 8, Friday 1 2 and Tuesday I (evening) 430233 Ulfatul Marifah, M.Pd. Email: ulfamarifah@yahoo.com Phone : 081331553190 2 6 2012/2013 Compulsory A3/ The course is designed to equip the students with some theories of translation, principles of translation, process of translation, types of translation, translation strategy, grammatical and lexical equivalence, and translation practice. On successfully completing this course, the students are expected : 1. To know the theories of written and interpretation translation. 2. To know the strategy of translation 3. To be able to conduct a good translation in various texts or articles. Required : 1. Suryawinata, Z. & Hariyanto, S. 2003. Translation Bahasan Teori dan Penuntun Praktis. Yogyakarta: Kanisius 2. Gile, Daniel 1995. Basic Concept and Models for Interpreter and Translator Training. Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing Company. Recommended : Robinson, Douglas, 1999. Becoming a Translator. London: Routledge. Setton, Robin, 1999. Simultaneous Interpretation a Cognitive Pragmatic Analysis. Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing Company. Group Presentation Lecturing group discussion Simple translation practise

Course Text


Assignment Based on SCL Method

1. Students have to prepare the material which is appropriate with the syllabus by taking from some sources. 2. Students have to make presentation of the topic which is being disscussed in group. 3. Studentspresentation must be completed with slide which must be submitted after presentation. 4. Students presentatation will be used as a part of scoring. 5. The score will also be taken from quiz and final assigment. 6. The precentage of the scoring: Attendence 15% presentation + Quiz 35%

Midtest Finaltest Schedule of Topics Work through the reading before each class. Week 1 2 3

10% 30%

Topic Intoduction and learning contract The theories of translation from various experts Type of translation based on: Roman Jakobson Savory Type of translation based on Nida and Taber, Larson, and Newmark The different between semantics and komunikatif translation. The principle of translation Structural strategy Semantics strategy Mid test Gramaticall equivalence Lexical equivalence Translation practice Final test (project)

5 6 7 8 9 10 11- 14 14

Course Name Objective Objective Description of Assignment

: : :

Translation 1 Students are able to translate a certain text or article. Becoming good translator

What to do and limitation How to do Format

: Students translate an article with certain topic. : Work in group consisting 3 students in each group : - Group work consisting 3 students - Get settled with the topic through Consultation - The product will be presented in class : 20 % : 20 % : 15 %

Scoring Criteria

Authenticity Accuracy Clarity

Good structure In depth analysis Presentation

: 10% : 20 % : 15 %

Ketentuan lain: 1. Bagi mahasiswa yang memiliki kehadiran kurang dari 75% tidak diperkenankan mengikuti ujian. 2. Tidak ada ujian perbaikan. 3. Bagi mereka yang tidak mengikuti perkuliahan ataupun tidak mengikuti ujian tanpa surat pemberitahuan (paling lambat pada hari dimana kuliah/ujian berlangsung), dianggap tidak hadir dan untuk niali ujian dianggap nol. 4. Ujian susulan hanya diberikan bagi mahasiswa yang tidak mengikuti ujian karena alasan yg dapat diprtanggung jawabkan/dibuktikan dengan surat pemberitahuan sebelumnya. Ujian susulan dilaksanakan paling lambat 7 hari setelah ujian akhir semester dilaksanakan 5. Bagi mahasiswa yang diketahui menyontek baik saat quiz maupun saat ujian dikenakan sanksi berupa pengurangan nilai 50% dari nilai yang diperoleh.. 6. Semua keputusan berkaitan dengan penilaian bersifat final dan tidak ada negoisasi apaapa lagi setelah penilaian akhir. 7. Pada halaman akhir dari kontrak ini, setelah dibaca kemudian ditanda tangani oleh mahasiswa yang bersangkutan sebagai tanda menyetujui ketentuan yang ditetapkan dalam mengikuti kuliah ini.

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