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Sheet1 The following charts can be used for psychological and spiritual instruction, training, diagnostics and correction.

Last update: Use this chart for understanding how what we know of the natural healthy mind should look like. 4/13/13 Map one row below over the below chart to match attributes with idealized and generalized functions, expectancies and expectations. Each part influences the body with the following functions, coming together as one whole functioning package. As each part functions on it's own, for the mind to function sanely, all three parts must work cooperatively and concurrently.

Functional attribute

Functional characteristics of the trinitarian mind

Subconscious cerebrum Work automates tasks ingenuity emotions Non-verbal (body language/hand gestures) indirect background casual submissiveness tests boundaries Relationships makes decisions conscious cerebellum Management handles tasks will intent verbal (denotations /connotations) direct conscious observant dominance enforces boundaries Belief & Certainty enforces decisions Conscience brain stem Administrative Handles routines authority attitude Non-verbal (vocal tone/facial expressions) silence conscientious scrutiny unity sets boundaries Behavior guides decisions

part Physical location Functional role functional responsibility Seat of language(s) assertion method assertion mode thought level awareness level Chief power Chief motivator Chief area of concern Chief empowerment

The physical relationship

the whole brain Machine facilitates action identity Attention & feelings Non-verbal (posture/alertness) physical instinct animal cohesiveness Interacts with boundaries Procedures acts on decisions

Use this chart for understanding how what we know of the natural healthy mind should look like Map one row below over the below chart to match attributes with idealized and generalized functions, expectancies and expectations Each part influences the body in the following ways, coming together as one whole personality package

Motivational attribute
part administrative thinking administrative style administrative function administrative role gender association expressiveness personal interest desires to preferences to

Driving motivational factors of the trinitarian mind

Subconscious contemplation learning serving judicial feminine covert what others think please serve conscious observation teaching commanding executive masculine overt what it thinks Be pleased command Page 1 Conscience analysis organization controlling legislative neuter presence attention to detail act abide

The mental relationship

computing facilitating communicating morality physically determined bodily pleasure relate sense

Sheet1 cravings for control mechanism affection others obedience self respect External authority intimacy the metaphysical mind

These relationships are designed to be cyclically recursive. The root level is God, followed be the human mind, then the family unit. Following behind are the academic levels, occupational levels, civil levels, marriage levels, church levels, and lastly the God-head Use this chart for understanding how what we know of the natural healthy relationships within the mind can be used to understand natural and healthy peer and authoritarian relationships Map one row below over the above 2 charts to match roles with idealized and generalized functions, expectancies and expectations While we're all capable of all roles and functions, yet for healthy peer to relations, we need to function within these administrative roles.

Authoritarian Role
Relationship Godhead relationships mental relationship familial relationships work relationships Level of expertise Academic relationships Civic relationships leadership relationships marriage relationships divine relationships Work Spirit Subconscious Child Crew Apprentice Student Individual Recruit Wife Believer

Recursive trinitarian relationships

Management Son conscious Mother Foremen Journeyman Teacher Country Follower Husband Disciple Administration Father Conscience Father Manger Master Dean God Leader God Jesus

Metaphoric embodiment
God Body Home Factory Tool school Citizen Organization Family Church

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