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Brownlie, Ch. IV. Incidence and Continuity of Statehood for continuation of colonial rule.

for continuation of colonial rule. In whose interest and for what legal purpose is
government ‘effective’? Once a state has been established, extensive civil strife or the
I. Introduction. breakdown of order through foreign invasion or natural disasters are not considered
State – a type of legal person recognized by international law, but since there are to affect personality. Nor is effective government sufficient, since this leaves open the
other types so recognized, the possession of legal personality is not in itself a questions of independence and representation by other states to be discussed below.
sufficient mark of statehood. (d) Independence – in the Convention, this is represented by the requirement of
capacity to enter into relations with other states. It has been stressed by many jurists
The exercise of legal capacities is a normal, not a conclusive, evidence of legal as the decisive criterion of statehood. Guggenheim distinguishes the state from other
personality—puppet state may have the paraphernalia of a separate personality but legal orders by means of 2 tests he regards as quantitative:
be nothing more than an agency for another power. 1. State has a degree of centralization of its organs not found in the world community.
The criteria of statehood are laid down by the law; if not, it would produce the same 2. In a particular area, the state is sole executive and legislative authority.
structural defect present in some types of doctrines concerning nationality (Ex: certain The state must be independent of other state legal orders, and any interference by
aspects of recognition and acquiescence). A state could use its unfettered discretion such legal orders, or by an international agency, must be based on a title of
to contract out of duties owed to another simply by refusing to characterize the international law. Normally, this criterion creates few problems but there are sources
obligee as a state. A readiness to ignore the law may be disguised as by a plea of of confusion. First, independence may be used in close association with a
freedom in relation to a key concept, determinant of rights and duties, like statehood requirement of effective government, leading to the issues considered earlier. Again,
or nationality. since a state is, in part, a legal order, there is a temptation to rely solely on formal
criteria. Certainly, if an entity has its own exclusive and other organs, conducts its
3 factors contributing to low quantity of useful literature: foreign relations through its own organs, has its own system of courts and legal
1. Though important as a matter of principle, the issue of statehood does not often system and, particularly important, a nationality law of its own, there is prima facie
raise long-standing disputes (these usually concern facts, not applicable legal criteria; evidence of statehood. But, there is no justification for ignoring evidence of foreign
they concern specialized claims). control which is exercised in fact through the ostensibly independent machinery of
2. Literature often devoted to the broad concepts of sovereignty and equality of states state. The question is that of foreign control overbearing the decision-making of the
(prominence to incidents of statehood rather than its origins and continuity). entity concerned on a wide range of matters of high policy and doing so
3. The political and legal nature of may complete rifts in relations between particular systematically and on a permanent basis. The practice of states ha been to ignore—
states is represented by non-recognition of governments, not states. so far as the4 issue of statehood is concerned—various forms of political and
economic blackmail and interference directed against the weaker members if the
2. Legal Criteria of Statehood. community. There is a distinction between agency and control, on the one hand, and
Article I of the Montevideo Convention on Rights and Duties of States (Dec. 26, ad hoc interference and ‘advice’, on the other.
19933): “The State as a person of international law should possess the following
qualifications: (a) a permanent population; (b) a defined territory; (c) government; and  Dependent States – foreign control of the affairs of a state may occur under a
(d) capacity to enter into relations with other Sates.” title of international law (as a consequence of a treaty of protection) or some
other form of consent to agency or representation in external relations, or of a
Not all the conditions are preemptory and any further criteria must be employed to lawful war of collective defence and sanction leading to an occupation of the
produce a working definition of statehood. aggressor and imposition of measures designed to remove the sources of
(a) Population - the Convention refers to ‘a permanent population’, intended to be aggression. Example of the latter: Allied occupation of Germany under the Berlin
used in association with territory, and connotes a stable community. Evidentially, it is Declaration of June 5, 1845, where supreme authority was assumed in Germany
important, since in the absence of the physical basis for an organized community, it by the Allies jointly (not a belligerent occupation, no deballatio leading to
will be hard to establish the existence of a state. extinction of Germany as a state). Providing that the representation and agency
(b) Defined territory – there must be a reasonably stable political community and it exist in fact and in law, there is no formal difficulty in saying that the criterion of
must be in control of a certain area. The existence of fully defined frontiers is not independence is satisfied. But some writers confuse by rehearsing independence
required, rather, the effective establishment of a political community. In 1913, Albania as an aspect of statehood and then referring to ‘dependent states’, which are
was recognized by a number of states in spite of a lack of settled frontiers, and Israel presented as an anomalous category. Here, the incidents of personality are not
was admitted to the UN in spite of disputes over her borders. sufficiently distinguished from its existence.
(c) Government – Shortest definition of a state: a stable political community, ‘Dependent’ is used to indicate the existence of 1 or more of the following situations:
supporting a legal order, in a certain area. The existence of effective government, with
centralized administrative and legislative organs, is the best evidence if a stable 1. the absence of statehood, where the entity concerned is subordinated to a state
political community. But such existence may either be unnecessary or insufficient to so completely as to be within its control and the origin of the subordination does
support statehood. Some states have arisen before government was very well not establish agency or representation;
organized (Poland in 1919; Burundi and Rwanda, admitted to membership of the UN 2. a state which has made concessions to another state in matters of jurisdiction
at the 17th session of the GA). The principle of self-determination will be set against and administration to such an extent that it has in some sense ceased to be
the concept of effective government, especially when the latter is used in arguments sovereign;
3. a state which has legally conferred wide powers of agency and representation in  Associations of states – independent states may enter into forms of cooperation
foreign affairs on another state; by consent and on an equal basis. The basis for the cooperation may be the
4. a state, which in fact suffers interference from another state and may be a ‘client’ constitution of an international organization, such as the UN or the WHO. But, by
state politically, but which quantitatively is not under the complete and permanent treaty or custom other structures for maintaining cooperation may be treated.
control of the ‘patron’; One such structure, the confederation, has in practice either disintegrated or
5. a legal person of a special type, appearing on the international plane for certain been transformed into a federation (British Commonwealth of Nations and the
purposes only, as in the case of mandated and trust territories and some French Community). Membership of these 2 associations would not necessarily
protectorates; affect the primary legal capacities and personality of member states any more
6. a state which fails to qualify as an ‘independent’ state for the purposes of a than membership of an organization and has les effect than membership of some
particular instrument. organizations, for example, the European Community, which has a slight federal
The category of independence (or sovereignty used synonymously) can only be element, albeit on a treaty basis. But the French Community accommodated a
applied concretely in the light of the legal purpose with which the inquiry is made and variety of relations, some more intimate than others.
the particular facts. In the Austro-German Customs Union case (1931), the
Permanent Court gave an advisory opinion on the question whether the proposed (e) A degree of permanence – time is an element of statehood, as is space. But
customs union was contrary to the obligations of Austria under a Protocol of 1922 ‘not permanence is not necessary to the existence of a state as a legal order, and a state
to alienate its independence’ and ‘to abstain from any negotiations or from any which has only a very brief life may nevertheless leave an agenda of consequential
economic and financial engagement calculated directly or indirectly to compromise legal questions on its extinction.
this independence. The Court held, 8-7, that the customs regime contemplated would (f) Willingness to observe international law – the delictual and other responsibilities of
be incompatible with these obligations. ‘Independence’ referred to a specialized states are consequences of statehood, and lo9gically it is inexcusable to express as a
notion of economic relations in a treaty, and the obligations were not confined to criterion of statehood a condition which the entity has a capacity to accept only if it is
abstention from actual and complete alienation of independence. a state.
(g) A certain degree of civilization – Hyde states 4 qualifications for statehood (first
Tunis and Morocco Nationality Decrees (1923): Permanent Court emphasized that four above) but adds a 5th: ‘the inhabitants must have attained a degree of civilization,
protectorates have ‘Individual legal characteristics resulting from the special such as to enable them to observe…those principles of law which are deemed to
conditions under which they were created, and the stage of their development. A govern the members of the international society in their relations with each other’.
protected state may provide an example of international representation which leaves This is usually omitted and is redolent of the period when non-European states were
the personality and statehood of the entity represented intact, though from the point of not accorded equal treatment by the European Concert and the US. In modern law, it
view of the incidents of personality the entity may be ‘dependent’ in one or more of is impossible to regard a tribal society which refuses to conduct diplomatic relations
the senses noted above. with other societies as res nullius.
U.S. Nationals in Morocco (1952): ICJ, referring to the Treaty of Fez in 1912, and the (h) Sovereignty – or synonymously, independence. A common source of confusion is
creation of a French protectorate, stated: ‘Under this Treaty, Morocco remained a that ‘sovereignty’ may be used to describe the condition where a state has not
sovereign State but it made an arrangement of contractual character whereby France exercised its own legal capacities in such a way as to create rights, powers, privileges
undertook to exercise certain sovereign powers in the name and on behalf of and immunities in respect of other states. Then, a state which has consented to
Morocco, and, in principle, all of the international relations of Morocco’. A common another state managing its foreign relations, or which has granted extensive extra-
opinion is that the evidence supported the view that the relation was one of territorial rights to another state, is not ‘sovereign’. If this or a similar content is given
subordination and not agency. to sovereignty’ and the same ideogram is used as a criterion of statehood and then
the incidents of statehood and legal personality are confused with their existence.
International responsibility may be said to be a necessary correlative or criterion of Thus, Germany’s condition after 1945 involved considerable diminution of its
independence, but this must be qualified when a case of international representation sovereignty in his sense but Germany continued to exist as a state. Such
arises and the ‘protecting’ state is the only available defendant. considerations led some jurists to reject sovereignty as a criterion.

 Federations – the federal state as such ahs indisputable legal personality and it Alternative approach: ICJ in US Nationals in Morocco: judgment that Morocco is a
is the status of the constituent states which creates problems. A federal “sovereign state’, (retained its basic personality in spite of the French protectorate.
constitution may confer treaty-making capacity and a power to enter into But it Is possible that a tribunal hold that a state that granted away piecemeal a high
separate diplomatic relations on the constituent members. Normally, the proportion of its legal powers had ceased to have a separate existence as a
constituent state is simply acting as a delegate or agent of the parent state. But, consequence.
by agreement or recognition, a federated state may assume a separate
personality, as an analogue of statehood, on the international plane. Thus, the (i) Function as a state – experience has shown that entities may exist which are
Ukranian SSR and Belorussian SSR, as members of the former Union of Soviet difficult to regard as states in the political sense. The treaty of peace with Germany in
Socialist Republics, concluded treaties on their own behalf and were members of 1919 created the Free City of Danzig , which had the legal marks of statehood in spite
the UN. of the fact that it was placed under the guarantee of the League of Nations and
Poland had the power to conduct its foreign affairs. The peace treaty with Italy in 1947 persons, their special capacity as principal Allied powers in 1919 may be projected on
provided for the creation of the Free Territory of Trieste, which was to be placed under the plane of time.
the protection of the Security Council. This type of legal personality is a cogneger of
statehood and it is the specialized political function of such entities and their relation 6. Membership of International Organizations and Agencies
to an organization, which inhibits use of the category of statehood. Such membership depends on the contractual terms by the founding states. But,
accession to membership may not be on the basis of right, by acceptance of a
3. States in Statu Nascendi standing offer. Usually, a leading organ of the institution will alone have the
A political community with considerable viability, controlling a certain area of territory competence to decide on qualifications for membership, and in practice political
and having statehood as its objective, nay go through a period of travail before that criteria may supplement the legal conditions laid down in a constituent instrument.
objective has been achieved. Since matters such as definition of frontiers and These conditions will normally specify or assume the existence of statehood and may
effective government are not looked at too strictly, the distinction between status then refer to additional qualities.
nascendi and statehood cannot be very strictly upheld. States may first appear as
independent belligerent entities under a political authority which may be called and Art. 4, UN Charter provides that membership ‘is open to all peace-loving States which
function effectively as a provisional government. Once statehood is firmly established, accept the obligations contained in the present Charter and, in the judgment of the
it is justifiable, both legally and practically, to assume the retroactive validation of the Organization, are able and willing to carry out these obligations’. Admission to
legal order during a period prior to general recognition as a state, when some degree membership is to be by decision of the GA upon the recommendation of the Security
of effective government existed. The principle of effectiveness dictates acceptance of Council.
continuity before and after statehood is firmly established (evidenced by legal
consequences accorded by governments and foreign courts to the acts of 7. Identity and Continuity of States
governments recognized de facto). ‘Continuity’ is not precise. It may introduce the proposition that the legal rights and
responsibility of states are not affected by changes in the head of state or the internal
4. Illegal Occupation and the Influence of Jus Cogens form of government. This can be used without reference to ‘continuity’ or ‘succession’,
Remember: state is still independent (with separate personality), if a foreign legal and is too general, since political changes may result in a change of circumstances
order impinges on it if such is under a title of international law. Illegal occupation sufficient to affect particular types of treaty relation.
cannot of itself terminates statehood (belligerent occupation does not affect
statehood; governments-in-exile are not states without people or territory when the Legal doctrine distinguishes between continuity (and identity) and state succession,
displacement is caused by a belligerent occupation; puppet states like Slovakia and which arises when one international personality takes the place of another (Ex. by
Croatia set up due to illegal threat or use of force in 1939 and 1911, received union or lawful annexation). Generally, it is assumed that cases of ‘state succession’
re4cognition from very few states). When elements of certain strong norms (the jus are likely to improve important changes in the legal status and rights of the entities
cogens) are involved, it is less likely that recognition and acquiescence will offset the concerned, whereas if there is continuity, the legal personality and the particular rights
original illegality. An aspect of jus cogens, the principle of self-determination, may and duties of the state remain unaltered. Attempting to make such neat distinctions
justify the granting of a higher status to some types of belligerent entities and exile confuses by masking the variations of circumstance and the legal problems that may
governments than would otherwise be the case. arise. Both concepts are levels of abstraction unfitted to dealing with specific issues.
Thus, the view that Italy was formed not by union of other states with Sardinia, but by
5. Necessary Legal Constructions annexation to Sardinia, has the corollary that this was a case of continuity and not,
Political circumstances may lead to legal constructions which at first sight are WRT Sardinia, a state succession. But would the difference in political procedure
excessively formalistic. A state’s legal order may be projected on the plane of time for make a great legal difference?
certain purposes although its physical and political existence has ceased. Example:
Germany since 1945: subject to powers under the Berlin Declaration and the Also, political and legal experience provide several examples of situations in which
unconditional surrender, 2 German states existed. The German Federal Republic there is ‘continuity’, but the precise circumstances, and the relevant principles of law
(GFR) rested on a constitution of 1949 and certain agreements. The German and good policy, dictate solutions which are only partly conditioned by the element of
Democratic Republic (GDR) rested on a constitution of 1949 and an agreement with ‘continuity’. Legal techniques may entail relying on continuity in one context but
the USSR (added complication: GFR claims to be successor to all German territory denying its existence in another. So, the political and legal transformation involved in
within the frontiers of 1937). In the Moscow Treaty of 1990, it was provided that the destroying the Austro-Hungarian monarchy and establishing a new political settlement
newly united Germany (including the former GDR and Berlin) was henceforth no in central and south-east Europe produced Austria, the Serb-Croat-Slovene state, and
longer subject to the quadripartite agreements of the former occupying powers. This Czechoslovakia, which rested on new political and legal orders. But for certain
was, Germany that surrendered in 1945 was would up. In the South West Africa purposes, principles of continuity with previous political entities were applied by state
cases (1962), Judges Spender and Fitzmaurice dissented, saying that the principal practice in these cases.
Allied and associated powers of WWI might retain a residual or reversionary interest
in the ex-German territories placed under mandate. The 5 principal powers were the The functional approach in cases arising from unlawful use of force:
US, British Empire, France, Italy and Japan, and, while they still exist as legal
 Ethiopia was conquered and annexed by Italy in 1936. Many states gave de jure contained in the Charter a requirement of admission to membership and San Marino,
or de facto recognition to Italian control, but Ethiopia remained formally a Monaco and Liechtenstein (among others) have not applied for membership. Still,
member of the League of Nations. After the outbreak of WWII, the UK and other however small geographically or modest in resources, an entity is a ‘state’ for general
states treated Ethiopia, after liberation in 1941, as independent and co- purposes of international law provided the criteria of statehood are satisfied (very
belligerent. small polities have become parties to the Statute of the ICJ).
Since its early days, small nations have been members of the UN. Costa Rica,
 Czechoslovakia was placed under German control in March 1939 as a result of Luxembourg, Iceland, Maldive Islands, Bhutan, Comoros, Cape Verde, Samoa,
the use and threat of force. De jure recognition was generally withheld, and by Grenada, Sao Tomé and Principe are examples (never applied: Western Samoa,
1941, an exile government was accepted by the Allies as a co-belligerent. Nauru). Recently, increase in total membership and the modest size of some
 Albania was placed under Italian occupation in 1939 and was liberated in 1944. applicants for admission has caused UN organs to consider the possibility of
establishing some form of associate membership of the UN. Such regime might
 More difficult, since the community welcomed absorption, was Austrian involve ineligibility for seats on the SC, the right to participate in GA proceedings
Anschluss in 1938. Many states regarded this as illegal and Austria was not seen without a vote, favorable terms for contributions to expenses of the UN and access to
as responsible for her part in Axis aggression. the resources of specialized agencies like the WHO. Many problems are faced,
In all these cases, foreign control can be ignored since its source was illegal: ex including establishing criteria for ordinary membership.
injuria non oritur jus. The occupations in fact and form went beyond belligerent
occupation, since there was either absorption outright or the setting up of puppet
regimes, the control lasted for some time, insistence on continuity is theoretical; what Ch. V. Recognition of States and Governments
occurred on liberation was restoration, reestablishment of the former state. This is
qualified continuity. I. Recognition as a General Category
Whenever a state acts in a way which may or does affect the legal rights or political
In Austria after 1945 state practice, including that of Austria, has supported the interests of other states, the question is the legal significance of the reaction of other
position that Austria is bound by pre-1938 treaties to which she was a party. Germany states to the event. In the Eastern Greenland case (‘The better view is that the facts
has been held responsible by the Allies for the payment of the bonded external debt disclosed an agreement rather than an estoppel’), it was held that Norway had, as a
of Austria for the period 1939-45; Austrian courts have not accepted succession in the consequence of the declaration of her Foreign Minister, accepted Danish title to the
public foreign debt from this period except where the principle of unjust enrichment disputed territory. The acceptance by Norway of Denmark’s claim was by informal
required a different approach. Austria has accepted responsibility for the pre- agreement: in many instances formal treaty provisions will involve recognition of
Anschluss external debt. Nationality problems affecting Austria and Czechoslovakia rights. But, apart from agreement, legally significant reaction may occur in the form of
show very clearly the need to approach issues free from the tyranny of concepts. unilateral acts or conduct, involving estoppel, recognition, or acquiescence.
After 1945, the government of these 2 states did not revoke the nationality law of the Frequently, acts of states which are not within their legal competence will be
usurping German administration retroactively. The law of the GFR allowed those who protested by other states. Illegal acts are not in principle opposable to other states in
became German as a result if the Anschluss to maintain German nationality if since any case, and protest is not a condition of the illegality. Conversely, a valid claim to
1945 they had permanently resided on German territory (frontiers of 1937). territory is not conditioned as to its validity by the acceptance of the claim by the
defending state. However, acts of protest and recognition play a subsidiary, but, in
The political developments in Eastern Europe in 1990 to 1992 produced some legal practice, not insubstantial role in the resolution of disputes. Protest and recognition by
junctures involving the distinction between cases of succession, involving the ‘core other states may be good evidence of the state of the law on the issues involved.
State’[ as a successor to the previous federal union, and cases of dissolution, Also, there is a spectrum of issues involving areas of uncertainty in the law, novel and
involving no State succession on the part of the ‘core State’. Thus British practice potentially law-changing claims (development of claims to resources of the
accepted that the Russian Federation was the successor to the former Soviet Union. continental shelf), and actually illegal activity (apart from issues involving fundamental
Paradoxically, perhaps, the surviving Federal Republic of Yugoslavia was not principles, jus cogens), within which issues are most sensibly settled on an ad hoc
accepted as the continuation of the old Yugoslavia. In some cases, where the basis and bilateral basis; indeed, cases concerned with relatively well-settled areas of law
for continuity is tenuous, estoppel, special arrangement, and principles of validation are often decided on the basis of facts, including elements of acquiescence,
and effectiveness may provide elements of legal continuity. Lastly, the operation of establishing a special content of obligation between the parties, and this is quite apart
the principle of self-determination as a part of the jus cogens may support a doctrine from treaty. And, protest and recognition may be pure acts of policy not purporting to
of reversion; Ex. rights of way by a colonial power may not be opposable to the state be legal characterizations of acts of other states, and, whether having this purport or
which, in replacing the colonial power, is recovering an independence which it not, the protest or recognition, if unfounded in law and backed by state activity, may
formerly had. be simply a declaration of intent to commit a delict or, otherwise, to act ultra vires.
8. Micro-States (diminutive; mini-states) 2. States and Governments in Relation to Recognition
Membership of the UN is not expressed to be conditioned by the size (most common In international relations, it is the recognition of states, government s, belligerency
indicator used is population, as opposed to geographical area, gross national product, and insurgency which ahs been the most prominent aspect of the general category,
etc.). But, Article 4 of the UN Charter makes an ability to carry out the obligations and legal writing has adopted the emphasis and terminology of political relations. The
dominance of the category of ‘recognition’ has led to some perverse doctrine. Ex: Brierly comments: the present state of the law makes it possible that different states
when a state is in dispute over legal title to territory, a legal forum will examine all the should act on different views of the application of the law to the same state of facts.
legally significant conduct and declarations of either party. One party’s declaration This does not mean that their differing interpretations are all equally correct, but only
that id does not ‘recognize’ the other’s title will hardly determine the issue, and may that there exists at present no procedure for determining which are correct and which
be worth very little if it is simply a declaration of political interest and antagonism. are not. The constitutive theory of recognition gains most of its plausibility from the
Again, a statement registering the fact that at a certain date the opponent was in lack of centralized institutions in the system, and it treats this lack not as an accident
actual occupation will be a part of the evidence in the case, but only within the context due to the stage of development which the law has so far reached, but as an
of the particular case will the statement have a specific legal significance. But, when essential feature of the system.
the existence of states and government s is in issue, a proper legal perspective
seems to be elusive. Difficulties: adherents may feel a need to rationalize the position of the unrecognized
state and so may adopt near-declaratory views. WRT to recognition—How many
Doctrinal dispute between the declaratory and constitutivist views on recognition of states must recognize? Can existence be relative be relative only to those states
states and governments: which do recognize? Is existence dependent on recognition only when this rests on
Declaratory view: legal effects of recognition are limited, since it is a mere declaration an adequate knowledge of the facts? Cogent arguments of principle and the
or acknowledgment of an existing state of law and fact, legal personality having been preponderance of state practice thus dictate a preference for declaratory doctrine, yet
conferred previously by operation of law. Hall: “States being the persons governed by to reduce, or seem to reduce, the issues to a choice between the 2 opposing theories
international law, communities are subjected to law…from the moment, and from the is to greatly oversimplify the legal situation.
moment only, at which they acquire the marks of a State.” Thus, in a relatively
objective forum, such as an international tribunal, it would be entirely proper to accept 3. The Varied Legal Consequences of Acts of Recognition and Policies of Non-
the existence of a state although the other party to the dispute, or third states, did not recognition
recognize it. There is no uniform type of recognition or non-recognition. Terminology of official
communications and declarations is not very consistent: there may be ‘de jure
The award in the Tinoco Concessions arbitration adopted this approach: Great Britain recognition’, ‘de facto recognition’, ‘full diplomatic recognition’, ‘formal recognition’ ,
was allowed to bring a claim on the basis of concessions granted by the former etc. the term ‘recognition’ may be absent, and thus recognition may take the form of
revolutionary government of Costa Rica which had not been recognized by some an agreement, or declaration of intent, to establish diplomatic relations., or a
other states, including Great Britain. The arbitrator Taft noted: “The non-recognition by congratulatory message on attainment of independence.
other nations of a government claiming to be a national personality, is usually
appropriate evidence that it has not attained the independence and control entitling it The typical act of recognition has 2 legal functions:
by international law to be classed as such. But when recognition vel non of a 1. Determination of statehood, a question of law: such individual determination
government is by such nations determined by inquiry, not into its de facto sovereignty may have evidential (recognition is rarely ‘cognitive’) effect before a tribunal.
and complete government al control, but into its illegitimacy or irregularity or origin, 2. The act is a condition of the establishment of formal, optional and bilateral
their non-recognition of the US in its bearing upon the existence of a de facto relations, including diplomatic relations and the conclusion of treaties.
government under Tinoco for 30 months is probably in a measure true of the non-
recognition by her Allies in the European War. Such non-recognition for any reason, This 2nd function has been described as constitutivist, although here, it is not a
however, cannot outweigh the evidence disclosed by this record before me as to the condition of statehood. Since states cannot be required by the law (apart from treaty)
de facto character of Tinoco’s government, according to the standard set by actually to make a public declaration of recognition, and since they are obviously not
international law. required to undertake optional relations, the expression of state ‘will’ involved is
political in the sense of being voluntary. It is also more obviously political in that an
This reasoning also applies to recognition of states. There is also a substantial state absence of recognition may not rest on any legal basis at all, there being no attempt
practice behind the declaratory view. Unrecognized states are quite commonly the to pass on the legal question of statehood as such. Non-recognition may be a part of
object of international claims, charges of aggression, and other breaches of the UN a general policy of disapproval and boycott, of a policy of aggression and the creation
Charter, by the very states refusing recognition (Arab charges v. Israel; US charges v. of puppet states (legal consequences will stem from the breaches of international law
North Vietnam). involved). The use of the term ‘recognition’ does not absolve the lawyer from inquiring
into the intent of the government concerned and then placing this in the context of all
Constitutive view – the political act of recognition is a precondition of t\he existence of the relevant facts and rules of law.
legal rights: in its extreme form this is to say that the very personality of a state
depends on the political decision of other states (this view may allow certain rights 4. Is there a Duty of Recognition?
prior to recognition). The result is as a matter of principle impossible to accept clearly Lauterpacht and Guggenheim: recognition is constitutive, but there is no legal duty to
established that states cannot by their independence judgment establish any recognize. This has been criticized as bearing no relation to state practice and for its
competence of other states which is established by international law and does not inconsistency, since it comes close to a declaratory view. In principle, legal duty can
depend on agreement or concession.
only be valid if it is in respect of an entity already bearing the marks of statehood and
it is owed to the entity concerned. This postulates personality on an objective basis. Internationally, a statement that a government is recognized as the ‘de facto
government’ of a state may involve a purely political judgment, either a reluctant or
Confusion: recognition, as a public act of state, is an optional and political act, and no cautious acceptance of an effective government, lawfully established per international
legal duty. But, in a deeper sense, if any entity bears the marks of statehood, other law and not imposed from without, or an unwarranted acceptance of an unqualified
states risk themselves legally if they ignore the basic obligations of state relations. agency. But a statement may be intended to be or to include a legal determination of
Israel’s Arab neighbors can hardly afford to treat her as a non-entity: the responsible the existence of an effective government, but with reservations as to its permanence
UN organs and individual states have taken the view that Israel is protected, and and viability. Legal and political bases for caution may coincide. The distinction
bound, by the principles of the UN Charter governing the use of force. In this context between ‘de jure/de facto recognition’ and ‘recognition as the de jure/de facto
of state conduct, there is a duty to accept and apply certain fundamental rules of government’ is insubstantial, especially as the question is one of intention and the
international law: legal duty to ‘recognize’ for certain purposes, but no duty to make legal consequences thereof in the case. If there is a distinction, it does not seem to
an express, public and political determination of the question or to declare readiness matter legally. The legal and political elements of caution in the epithet de facto in
to enter into diplomatic relations by means of recognition (remains political and either context are rarely regarded as significant and both national and international
discretionary). Even recognition is not determinant of diplomatic relations and courts accord the same strength to de facto recognition as evidence of an effective
absence of the latter is not in itself non-recognition of the state. government as they do de jure recognition.

5. Recognition of Governments The distinction is only in the political context of recognition of governments. It is
Many of these considerations apply equally to recognition of states and governments. sometimes said that de jure recognition is irrevocable while de facto recognition can
The existence of an effective and independent government is the essence of be withdrawn. Politically, either may be withdrawn; legally, it cannot be unless a
statehood, and recognition of states may take the form of recognition of governments. change in circumstances warrants it. if a statement involving a legal determination of
In 1919, the British Foreign Office declared that the British Government recognized effectiveness is made, withdrawal as apolitical gesture is embarrassing but no more
the Estonian National Council as a de facto independent body with the capacity to set so than withholding of recognition on political grounds.
up a prize court. Everything depends on the intention of the recognizing government
and relevant circumstances. Although recognition of government and state may be There are cases of serious legal distinction between de facto and de jure recognition.
closely related, they are not necessarily identical. Non-recognition of a regime is not Some governments accepted legal consequences of German control of Austria, 1938-
necessarily a determination that the state represented by that regime does not qualify 45, and Czechoslovakia, 1939-45, WRT nationality law and consular agents. But
for statehood. some did not accept the legality or the origin of the factual control of Germany.

Non-recognition of a government may have 2 legal facets: ‘De facto recognition’ may describe acceptance of facts with a dubious legal origin: de
1. that it is not a government in terms of independence and effectiveness (facet jure recognition would be inappropriate and legally unjustifiable (British de jure
necessarily affecting statehood); or recognition in 1938 of the Italian conquest of Ethiopia in 1936 was later avoided). It
would be less hazardous to accept full legal competence of an administration
2. that the non-recognizing state is unwilling to have normal relations with the accorded only ‘de facto recognition’.
state concerned.
Bank of Ethiopia v. National Bank of Egypt and Liguori (1937): Court gave effect to an
Non-recognition of government s seems more ‘political’ than that of states because Italian decree in Abyssinia on the basis that the UK had recognized Italy as the de
unwillingness to enter into normal relations is more often expressed by non- facto government. But Italy was only a belligerent occupant. Also, where rival
recognition of the government’s organs. Recognition in voluntary relations may be governments are accorded de jure and de facto recognition in respect of the same
made conditional on the democratic character of the regime, the acceptance of territory, problems arise if the same legal consequences are given to both types of
particular claims, or the giving of undertakings (Ex. treatment of minorities). Optional recognition.
relations and voluntary obligations is a sphere of discretion and bargain. In bilateral
voluntary relations, an unrecognized government is no better off than an 7. Retroactivity
unrecognized state (some support the automatic recognition of de facto governments, This principle has been applied by British and American courts in following or
exemplified by the ‘Estrada doctrine’ enunciated by the Mexican Secretary of Foreign interpreting the executive’s views WRT recognition but Oppenheim describes the rule
Relations in 1930. but recognition cannot be made automatic when competing as ‘one of convenience rather than of principle’. No generalization but to say that on
governments appear or when there is an attempted secession and issues of the international plane there is no rule of retroactivity. When a state makes a late
government and statehood are linked). appearance of the existence of a state, then, in the field of basic rights and duties of
existence, this recognition ex hypothesi cannot be ‘retroactive’ because in a special
6. DeJure and De Facto Recognition sense it is superfluous. In optional relations and voluntary obligations, it may or may
Be wary of distinctions between these concepts since, as said, everything depends not be, since the sphere is one of discretion.
on the government’s intention and the general context of fact and law. It is unlikely
that epithets refer to internal constitutionality. 8. Implied Recognition
Recognition is a matter of intention; may be express or implied. Secretariat), as such, accord recognition? For the purposes of the Charter, numerous
Implication of intention is a process aided by certain customary rules or, perhaps, determinations of statehood are called for: UN Secretary-General acts as depositary
presumptions. for important treaties—such determinations are binding within the particular
Lauterpacht concludes: in recognition of states, only the conclusion of a bilateral constitutional and functional context of the Charter. Whether and to what extent such
treaty which regulates comprehensively the relations between 2 states, the formal determinations provide evidence of statehood for general purposes must depend on
initiation of diplomatic relations, and probably, the issue of consular exequaturs, justify the relevance to general international law of the criteria in a given case (UN and the
the implication. process of political creation of some states: Indonesia, Israel, Libya, Republic of
State practice shows that no recognition is implied from various forms of negotiation, Korea or South Korea, the Somali Republic and Namibia). Attitudes of non-
the establishment of unofficial representation, the conclusion of a multilateral treaty to recognition may depend on the political prejudices of individual members and the
which the unrecognized entity is also a party, admission to an international view that in any case the special qualifications for membership contained in Art. 4 are
organization (in respect to those opposing admission), or presence at an international not fulfilled: statehood may be necessary but is not sufficient.
conference in which the unrecognized entity participates. Approval of the credentials of state representatives by UN organs raises similar
2 sources of confusion: problems with those concerning admission, since in practice the formal requirements
1. Terminology of governmental statements may create confusion and lead tribunals for approving credentials have been linked with a challenge to the representation of a
to give high legal status to acts intended only to give a low level of recognition (Ex. an state by a particular government.
authority with which only informal and limited contacts have been undertaken may be
accorded sovereign immunity by national courts) 10. Non-recognition and Sanctions
2. Different considerations ought to apply to different legal aspects of recognition, yet A commonly seen form of collective non-recognition is the resolution or decision of
doctrine tends to generalize about the subject. In terms of evidence in an objective League or UN organ, based on a determination that an illegal act has occurred.
forum like an international tribunal, informal relations, without intent to recognize in There is a duty of states parties to a system of collective security or other multilateral
the political sense, especially if these persist, have probative value on the issue of conventions not to support or condone acts or situations contrary to the treaty
statehood (but not incidental relations like attendance at an international conference concerned (Stimson Doctrine of 1932 on non-recognition of illegal changes brought
not primarily concerned with relations between the unrecognized state and non- about by the use of force contrary to the Kellogg-Briand Pact).
recognizing state). In some contexts, this duty will be express, and a duty of non-recognition may be
But, as a matter of optional bilateral relations and readiness to undertake normal associated with measures recommended or commanded by a UN organ as a form of
relations, recognition depends precisely on intention. Ex. UK did not accord formal sanction or enforcement against a wrongdoer. The Security Council resolutions of
recognition of the statehood of Namibia but it was implicit in the establishment of 1965 and 1966 characterized the Smith regime in Rhodesia as unlawful in terms of
diplomatic relations in March 1990. the Charter and called upon all states not to recognize the illegal regime. Similar
issues arise in relation to the situation in Namibia (formerly South West Africa)
9. Collective Recognition: Membership of Organizations following the termination of the Mandate (1971) and in relation to the status of the
Collective recognition may take the form of a joint declaration by a group of states Turkish-occupied area of Cyprus after the Turkish invasion of 1974.
(Allied Supreme Council after WWI) or of permitting a new state to become a party to
a multilateral treaty of a political character, like a peace treaty. The functioning of 11. Issues of Recognition before National Courts
international organizations of the type of the League of Nations and the UN provides Where, as in British and American courts, local courts are willing or are, as a matter of
a variety of occasions for recognition of states. public law, obliged to follow the executive’s advice, the unrecognized state or
Recognition by individual members of other members, or of non-members, may occur 1. cannot claim immunity from the jurisdiction;
in the course of voting on admission to membership and consideration of complaints
involving threats to or breaches of the peace. It has been argued that admission to 2. cannot obtain recognition for purposes of conflict of laws of its legislative
the League and UN entailed recognition by operation of law by all other members and judicial acts
WON they voted against admission—this is supported by principle and state practice 3. cannot sue in local courts as plaintiff.
—admission to membership is prima facie evidence of statehood, and non- Attitudes to questions of recognition adopted by municipal courts may thus reflect the
recognizing members are at risk if they ignore the basic rights of existence of another policies of a particular state, and quite apart from this, the issue of recognition
state the object of their non-recognition. Ex. UN organs have consistently acted on appears in relation to the special problems of private international law (conflict of
the assumption that Israel is protected by the principles of the Charter on the use of laws). Great caution is needed in using municipal cases to establish propositions
force vis-à-vis her Arab neighbors. about recognition in general international law. In particular, because of the
constitutional position of the British and American courts in matters concerning foreign
But there is probably nothing in the Charter or customary law apart from the Charter, relations, it is unjustifiable to regard the cases as evidence supporting the
which requires a non-recognizing state to give ‘political’ recognition and to enter into constitutivist position.
optional bilateral relations with a fellow member. The test of statehood in general
international law is not necessarily applicable to the issue of membership in the a. Luther v. Sagor (1921): Plaintiffs were a company incorporated in the Russian
specialized agencies of the UN. Can the Organization and its organs (including Empire in 1898 and, it was held, retained Russian nationality at time of action. Its
factory and stock of manufactured wood were confiscated in June 1918 by Soviet Lord Atkin: By ‘exercising de facto administrative control’ or ‘exercising effective
authorities. In Aug. 1920, defendants bought plywood boards from the Soviets and administrative control’, I understand exercising all the functions of a sovereign
imported them into England. Plaintiffs claimed a declaration of ownership, an government…There is ample authority for the proposition that there is no difference
injunction against the defendants and damages for conversion and retention of for the present purposes between a recognition of a State de facto as opposed to de
goods. Defendants said that the seizure and sale were acts of a sovereign state and jure. All the reasons for immunity which are the basis of the doctrine in international
had validly transferred the property to them. Lower court held against defendants. law as incorporated into our law exists.
Then, Letters of the Foreign Office of April 1921 said that the British government The case has curious features: their lordships regarded the Letter as conclusive as ‘a
recognized the Soviet government as the ‘de facto Government of Russia’, and that statement of fact’. Yet they interpreted and accepted it as conclusive on issues of law.
the former Provisional Government, recognized by the British government, ad been At this time, the Government had not ‘recognized’ the Franco authorities as de facto
dispersed on 13 Dec. 1917. Court of Appeal reversed: for the present purpose no government. Nor was the Letter intended to be conclusive as its terms indicate. In
distinction was to be drawn between de facto and de jure recognition. earlier cases, recognition de facto occurred as a public political act and WRT a
Bankes, LJ said: The Government of this country having…recognized the Soviet Government government of the state as a whole. In view of the still effective competition of the de
as the Government really in possession of the powers of sovereignty in Russia, the acts of that jure government within the state, the Letter did not necessarily accord equality to the
Government must be treated by the courts of this country with all the respect due to the acts of a governments. To equate a government in partial control of the territory with the state
duly recognized foreign sovereign State’. He looked at the evidence, including the Foreign itself is odd (it might be an assumption that the executive intended to act in breach of
Office information, and concluded that Soviet power dated from the end of 1917. international law by giving such a measure of recognition to belligerents or
Warrington, LJ said: “Assuming that the acts in question are those of the government insurgents).
subsequently recognized I should have thought that in principle recognition would be retroactive 2 other aspects showing Atkin’s speech’s more pragmatic basis:
at any rate to such date as our Government accept as that by which the government in question
1. he seems to say that the rationale of sovereign immunity was in any case
in fact established its authority.”
applicable on the facts: controversial in international law but not absurd since a
belligerent entity may become a de jure government;
b. Haile Selassie v. Cable and Wireless Ltd. (No.2) [1939]: on May 9, 1936, Italy
2. attractive principle of inadmissibility: “The non-belligerent state which recognizes 2
proclaimed the annexation of Ethiopia following a war of conquest. Before this,
Governments, one de jure and one de facto, will not allow them to transfer their
plaintiff through an agent contracted with the defendants, and in 1937, he
quarrels to the jurisdiction of its municipal courts”. This obviates the dubious
commenced proceedings for recovery under the contract.
acceptance of belligerent entities engaged in civil war as sovereign states for
Bennett, J: at first instance, held for plaintiff who was still recognized as de jure sovereign of
Ethiopia by UK, had not been divested of the right to sue for the debt even if the British purposes of immunity from the jurisdiction.
government recognized the Italian government ‘as the Government de facto of virtually the
whole of Ethiopia’. Defendants relied on Luther v. Sagor to establish the exclusive power to the d. Gdynia Ameryka Linie v. Boguslawski (1953): on June 28, 1945, Government of
de facto government. Bennett distinguished that decision, confining it to acts of the de jure National Unity became de facto government of Poland, and at midnight, 5-6 July
government in relation to persons or property in the territory which it is recognized as governing 1945, the British government accorded de jure recognition to this government.before,
in fact. Present case involved a debt, a chose in action, recoverable in England. Pending appeal, the exile Polish government in London had be recognized de jure by UK. Issue:
British government recognized the King of Italy as de jure Emperor of Ethiopia and it was not whether the de jure recognition of July 5-6 had retroactive effect on the validity of acts
disputed that this related back to the date when recognition of the King as de facto sovereign
by the British government in respect of the Polish merchant marine and personnel
occurred in Dec. 1936. Thus, when action was commenced, the debt, as part of the public
property of the state of Albania, vested in the King and appeal was allowed (principle of under its control. The Foreign Office certificate said that the question of retroactive
retroactivity operated in a particular context, that of state succession in the matter of public effect of recognition was a question of law for the courts. But the House of Lords,
debts). except Lord Reid, regarded the case as one of construction of the certificate. The
conclusion was that it was not retroactive outside the effective control of the Polish
c. The Arantzazu Mendi (1938): during the Spanish civil war between Franco’s government in Warsaw, and the operative date was July 5-6. Reid and others
Nationalists and the Republican Government (overthrown in 1939), the Spanish accepted retroactivity as a general principle but apart from construction of the
vessel Arantzazu Mendi registered at Bilbao was requisitioned by the Nationalists in certificate, some considered that it should be confined in the sphere of de facto
northern Spain. Her master and the managing director agreed to hold the vessel, control. This runs contrary to normal rules over continuity of governments in respects
which was in the London docks under arrest by the Admiralty Marshal, at the of acts affecting nationals: note jurisdiction on the plane of time. The decision fails to
Nationalists’ disposal. The Government issued the writ, claiming possession of the give a solution when the metropolitan government purports to nullify acts of the exile
ship adjudged to them. The Nationalists moved to set aside since it impleaded a government, none taken by the Warsaw government.
foreign sovereign state. CFI directed inquiry of the Foreign Office as to the status of
the Nationalists. The British Government replied that it recognized the Spanish e. Civil Air Transport Inc. v. Central Air Transport Corp. (1953): the aircraft fell under
Republic as the only de jure Government of Spain or any part of it; that the Nationalist the control of Central People’s Government of China due to an action within Hong
Government exercises de facto administrative control over the larger portion of Kong of pro-Communist employees of the CATC. Thus de jure recognition would
Spain…it is not subordinate to any Government in Spain…that the question of preclude any other title. But the Judicial Committee held that retroactivity does not
recognition as a foreign Sovereign State appears to be a question of law… invalidate unlawful acts under local law, and taking of possession by employees was
The House of Lords said the Letter established that at the date of the writ, the contrary to an ordinance issued by Hong Kong authorities. This leaves questions in
Nationalist Government was a foreign sovereign state and could not be impleaded. international plane subject to a local law to the application of the principles of the
principles of continuity and succession of states. As in Boguslawski, de jure about the violation of human rights by the new regime, or the manner in which it achieved power,
recognized government was not permitted to regulate the fate of national assets by it has not sufficed to say that an announcement of ‘recognition’ is simply a neutral formality.
legislation not contrary to international law. There are practical advantages in following the policy of many other countries in not according
recognition to Governments. Like them, we shall continue to decide the nature of our dealings
with regimes which come to power unconstitutionally in the light of our assessment of whether
f. Carl Zeiss Stiftung v. Rayner and Keeler, Ltd (No.2) [1967]: issue: validity of title to they are able of themselves to exercise effective control of the territory of the State concerned,
property based upon legislative and administrative acts of the German Democratic and seem likely to continue to do so.”
Republic (East Germany). Foreign Office certificate available stipulated that since the
withdrawal of Allied forces from the zone allocated to the USSR in 1945 ‘Her This is an unfortunate change. Executive certificates, like in the Gur Corp. case may
Majesty’s Government have recognized the State and government of the USSR as be indecisive and reflect the premise that issues are unrelated to questions of general
de jure entitled to exercise governing authority in respect of that zone…and…have int’l law. This is inappropriate where legitimacy of the regime raises the issue of
not recognized either de jure or de facto any other authority purporting to exercise validity in terms of general int’l law (when it is a product of foreign intervention, or
governing authority in or in respect of the zone’. CA held that no effect could be given there are competing administrations and internal validity is linked to int’l law issues).
to the acts of the East German legal system. The House of Lords allowed appeal: Even if facts are relevant, they can only be assessed within appropriate legal
case should be approached in terms of the conflict of laws and East Germany was a framework—not helpful to lawyers and courts.
law district with a established legal system, even though the sovereignty must be
placed in the USSR (but Allied occupying Powers only had limited rights in their
respective zones: UK declarations on the status of East German Government were Ch. VI. Territorial Sovereignty.
not intended to imply that USSR had sovereignty over East Germany). Lord
Wilberforce’s obiter dictum: this was ‘an open question’, in English law, whether 1. Concept of Territory.
courts must accept the doctrine of the absolute invalidity of all acts flowing from 4 types of regimes in law:
unrecognized governments. i. Territorial sovereignty (TS) – principally over land territory, territorial sea appurtenant
to the land, seabed and subsoil of the territorial sea. Territory includes islands, islets,
g. The Rhodesian cases: Judicial Committee decisions of the Privy Council rocks and reefs.
concerning the validity of detentions in Rhodesia after the usurpation of power by the ii. Territory not subject to sovereignty of any state/s – possesses status of its own.
Smith regime in 1965 (Madzimbamuto v. Lardner-Burke, 1967) and of the English iii. Res nullius – same subject matter legally susceptible to acquisition by states but
courts as such concerning the recognition of Rhodesian divorce decrees, raise not as yet placed under territorial sovereignty.
substantially similar issues of policy to these proceedings. But, for English courts, the iv. Res communis – the high seas, including exclusive economic zones and the outer
major determinant was the constitutional illegality of the regime. Even divorce space, which is not capable of being placed under state sovereignty.
decrees were refused recognition. Per customary int’l law and dictates of convenience: airspace above an subsoil
beneath state territory, the res nullius, and the res communis are included in each
h. Gur Corp. v. Trust Bank of Africa Ltd. (1987): Ciskei territory is recognized by the category.
UK government and others, as subject to the sovereignty of South Africa. CA held that
the ‘Republic of Ciskei’ had standing to sue (counterclaim for declaration of rights in 2. Sovereignty and Jurisdiction.
commercial case) and be sued in an English court on similar basis as in Carl Zeiss. Physical and social manifestations of primary type of int’l legal person, the state:
Thus the executive certificate produced, with a process of judicial inference, was held i. Territory and appurtenances (airspace, sea);
to justify the view that the ‘Republic of Ciskei’ was an emanation of the Republic of ii. Government;
South Africa as a sovereign state and was acting by virtue of a delegation of iii. Population within its frontiers
legislative power from South Africa. Competence of states WRT territory usually described in terms of:
i. Sovereignty – legal personality of a certain kind; normal complement of state
12. British Policy on Recognition of Governments rights, the typical case of legal competence.
New practice concerning recognition of governments by British Government, 1980 ii. Jurisdiction – particular aspects of the substance, especially rights (or
statement (by the Secretary of State, House of Lords): claims), liberties and powers (like immunities).
“…we shall no longer accord recognition to Governments. The British Government recognised Criterion of consent is significant: State A has much forces in and has exclusive use
States in accordance with common international doctrine.
of much area in State B, but if B consents to this, the derogation from sovereignty
Where an unconstitutional change of regime takes place in a recognised State, Governments of
other States must necessarily consider what dealings, if any, they should have with the new does not amount to acquisition of sovereignty by A.
regime, and whether and to what extent it qualifies to be treated as the Government of the State
concerned. Many of our partners and allies take the position that they do not recognise 3. Sovereignty and Ownership.
Governments and that therefore no question of recognition arises in such cases. By contrast, the Legal competence of a state includes considerable liberties in respect of internal
policy of successive British Governments has been that we should make and announce a organization and disposal of territory.
decision formally ‘recognising’ the new Government. Imperium – general power of government, administration and disposition; capacity
This has been misunderstood and despite explanation to the contrary, our ‘recognition’ recognized and delineated by int’l law.
interpreted as implying approval. For example, where there might be legitimate public concern
Dominium – either in the form of public ownership of property within the state or of ‘Residual sovereignty’ – TS has not lost status as such.
private ownership recognized as such by the law.
9. Residual Sovereignty.
4. Administration and Sovereignty. Occupation of foreign territory in peacetime may occur on the basis of a treaty with
Process of government over an area, with concomitant privileges and duties, may fall the territorial sovereign. Grantee may get considerable powers of administration
into the hands of another state (Allies’ assumption of supreme powers over Germany amounting to a delegation of the exercise of powers of the TS to the possessor for a
after WWII, but latter’s legal competence continued to exist). This is akin to legal particular period (Art. 3, Treaty of Peace of 1951—US given right to exercise powers
representation or agency of necessity—no transfer of sovereignty (belligerent of administration, legislation and jurisdiction over the territory, including territorial
occupation of enemy territory in wartime). Important features of sovereignty are the waters, and inhabitants of the Ryukyu Islands. US said that Japan retained ‘residual
continued existence of a legal personality and attribution of territory to that legal (de jure) sovereignty’ while US had de facto sovereignty. Restoration of full Japanese
person, not to the current holders. sovereignty was the subject of bilateral agreements, 1968, 69, 70.
Oppenheim calls this ‘nominal sovereignty’, has practical consequences: continuation
5. Sovereignty and Responsibility. The Ownership of Rights. of right of disposition (Lighthouses in Crete and Samos, 1939: Turkey had sovereignty
Confusion: sovereignty is also used as a reference to various types of rights, over Crete and Samos in 1913, had power to grant or renew concessions WRT the
indefeasible except by special grant, in the patrimony of a sovereign state (‘sovereign islands. Thus, Turkey was later able to cede to islands to Greece).
rights’ of coastal states over resources of the continental shelf; prescriptive, historic
right to fish in an area of territorial sea of another state; prescriptive right of passage 10. International Leases.
between territorial homeland and enclave). Exercise of “owned” rights (sovereign) is Each case depends on facts and terms of the grant. Presumption: grantor retains
not to be confused with TS. residual sovereignty (Convention of 1898, China provisionally ceded to Germany for
99 years both sides of the entrance to the Bay of Kiao-Chau. Art. 3 says China will
6. Administration Divorced from State Sovereignty. abstain from exercise of rights of sovereignty in the territory during the term of lease
International organizations not only administer territory as legal representatives but —it retains residual sovereignty and grantee has no right to dispose the territory to a
may also assume legal responsibility for territory in respect of which no state has TS third state).
(in 1966, UN GA terminated Mandate of South West Africa). Difficulty: historical Difficulties over the nature of grantor’s interest are present in amenity providing
association of concepts of ‘sovereignty’ and ‘title’ with the patrimony of states with ‘lease’ of railway station or military, naval or air base. Rights conferred by treaty,
definable sovereigns. executive agreement or intergovernmental agreement are of more limited nature:
grantor has right to revoke the ‘contractual license’ and after reasonable time, force
7. Territory the Sovereignty of which is Indeterminate. may be used to evict the trespasser.
Such that, a piece of territory not a res nullius has no determinate sovereign. This
isn’t the case where 2 states have conflicting legal claims to territory since a 11. Use and Possession Granted in Perpetuity.
settlement of the dispute has retroactive affect (winner deemed sovereign during the Residual sovereignty remaining with grantor: via Convention of 1903, Panama
period of contention—territory was the subject-matter of the claim, not the granted to the US ‘in perpetuity the use, occupation and control of a zone of land and
sovereignty). land under water for the construction…and protection’ of the 10-mile wide Panama
Sovereignty may also be indeterminate in so far as the process of secession may not Canal.
be seen to be complete at any precise point in time. But grantor might be seen to have renounced even the right of disposition, along with
Existing cases usually from renunciation of sovereignty by former holder and coming rights of jurisdiction. A license can be terminated but not a grant in perpetuity.
into being of an interregnum with disposition postponed until a certain condition is However, grantee’s rights rests on agreement and would be defeated by a disposition
fulfilled or the states having power of disposition for various reasons omit to exercise of the residual sovereignty to a third state in regard to which grant was re inter alios
a power or fail to exercise it validly (Japan renounced its rights to Formosa via a acta. The restriction on disposition consists in an inability to grant similar rights to
peace treaty but there was no transferee-British Gov’t acknowledged it of another state: RS remains transferable and grantee has no power of disposition.
indeterminate sovereignty; British Gov’t recognized Taiwan as a province of China).
12. Demilitarized and Neutralized Territory.
8. Terminable and Reversionary Rights. Restriction on use of territory, accepted by treaty, do not affect TS as a title, even
TS may be defeasible in some circumstances by operation of law [Ex. Fulfilment of when restriction is WRT national security and preparation for defence.
condition subsequent (Monaco: independent until there is no vacancy in the Crown)
or failure of condition under which sovereignty was transferred where there is an 13. Concept of Territory: Principle of Effective Control Applied by National Courts.
express or implied condition that title reverts to grantor (mandatories of ex-German In treaty or statute, ‘territory’ may connote jurisdiction. Courts are very ready to
territories nominated by Allied powers-they retain on a dormant basis a residual or equate ‘territory’ with the actual and effective exercise of jurisdiction even when it is
reversionary interest in the territories except when they have attained independence). clear that the state exercising jurisdiction has no been the beneficiary of any lawful
Reversionary interests depend on facts of the case; takes the form of a power of and definitive act of disposition. In Schtraks (1964), Israel sought extradition of
disposition or of intervention or veto in any process of disposition. appellant under an agreement with UK that the Extradition Act of 1870 be subject to
Reversion – change of sovereignty terms of Israel (Extradition) Order, 1960. Appellant applied for writ of habeas corpus
since Jerusalem (site of crime) was not ‘territory’ per the agreement (UK didn’t passage, even through airspace over territorial sea. Aerial trespass may be met with
recognize de jure sovereignty of Israel in Jerusalem, only de facto authority). House appropriate measures of protection but does not normally justify instant attack with
of Lords said that the instruments were concerned with territory in which territorial object of destroying trespassed.
jurisdiction is exercised—whatever is under the state’s effective jurisdiction. Space exploration by satellites has led to discussions of determining outer limit of
This avoids a legal vacuum in territories, gives solutions without need for lengthy state sovereignty. And, airspace is generally assumed to be appurtenant to land and
inquiry into roots of title, or legal quality of a protectorate or trusteeship. It is also sea territory, but the principle of appurtenance will not necessarily apply if grantee
theoretically sound to equate territory and jurisdiction: both refer to legal powers; only possesses and uses territory which remains under the sovereignty of grantor.
when concentration of such powers occurs, analogy with TS justifies use of ‘territory’ iv. Internal waters – lakes, rivers, waters on landward side of baselines from which the
as shorthand. breadth of the territorial sea is calculated, comprise internal waters. Large bodies of
water like land-locked seas and historic bays are also under state sovereignty. There
14. Condominia are special questions relating to haring of amenities in cases of ports, rivers and
Condominium – when 2 or more states exercise sovereignty conjointly over a territory canals (refer to the Convention on the Territorial Sea and Contiguous Zone of 1958,
(Great Britain and Egypt over Sudan between 1898 and 1956). Art. 5: 1. waters on landward side of the baseline of territorial sea as part of internal
Theoretical consequences of this regime may be qualified by agreement. National waters; 2. when straight baseline is established based on Art. 4, enclosing internal
legislation and jurisdiction will not automatically extend to territory under condominium waters areas previously part of territorial sea or of high seas, right of innocent
(it has been said that riparian states have condominium over land-locked lakes and passage (Art. 14-23) exists.)
bays bounded by territory of the states, by operation of law). In int’l law, its important to distinguish between internal waters and territorial sea. No
Doubtful but possible for condominium to arise by prescription. right of innocent passage for foreign vessels exists in internal waters (apart from the
This problem concerns a status in rem; the fact that one state cannot alienate territory above Treaty). Rules WRT jurisdiction over foreign vessels differ.
without consent of one or the others does not justify application of the general WRT lakes and inland seas bounded by territory of 2 or more states, the legal position
category of joint tenancy, as opposed to tenancy in common. depends either on creation of prescriptive rights or on a treaty regime (water
boundary through Great Lakes of Ontario, Erie, Huron and Superior rests on
15. Vasalage, Suzertainty and Protection. Convention of 1909 between Canada and US). In absence of agreement,
Other types of shared sovereignty have occurred: presumption is for a middle line where only 2 states are involved.
Dominant partner, state A, has acquired a significant role in government of state B,
especially in making executive decisions relating to conduct of foreign affairs. Legal 18. Restrictions on Disposition of Territory.
aspects vary with the facts. Treaty provisions – states may agree not to alienate certain parcels of territory in any
Protected community or ‘state’ is part of state A and as a colonial protectorate, has no circumstances, or they may contract not to transfer to particular state/s. A state may
int’l legal personality, although in internal law, it will have special status. But the agree not to unite with another (State Treaty of 1955: Austria obliged not not enter
protected state may retain a measure of externally effective legal personality, into political and economic union with Germany. Before that, in the Treaty of St.
although exercise of its legal capacities be delegated to state A. Treaties by state A Germain of 1919, Austria’s independence was inalienable than with consent of the
will not necessarily apply to B. but, for certain purposes, including the law of neutrality Council of the League of Nations). An obligation not to acquire territory may also be
and war, B may be regarded as an agent of A. undertaken.
In case of breach of obligation, it is doubtful if the grantee’s title is affected. It may
16. Mandates and Trust Territories. regard the treaty as res inter alios acta; doubtful whether a claim by a third state for
The nature of state authority is not describable in terms of sovereignty and legal breach can result in nullity of transfer.
restraints on exercise of power in such territories do not in general protect the Principle of Appurtenance – state A merges into state B, the present extent of latter
ordinary legal interests of other states. This has close relations with the problem of includes by implication the territorial sea and airspace of A. As a corollary, the
representation in int’l law. territorial sea cannot be alienated without the coast itself, as well as airspace. The
legal basis for the corollary is not compelling: Fisheries (1951), “int’l law imposes on
17. Parts of State Territory. maritime State obligations and confers rights arising out of sovereignty exercised over
i. Land permanently above low-water mark and geographical features associated with its maritime territory. Possession of territory not optional, not dependent upon the will
or analogous to land territory; of the State, but compulsory.” Difficulties: How many of the various territorial
ii. Territorial subsoil – to state with sovereignty over the surface. extensions are possessed by compulsion of law? Desire to invest coastal states with
iii. Airspace – superjacent to land territory, internal waters and territorial sea; other responsibility of maintaining order and navigational facilities is insufficient to support
states nay only use such airspace for navigation or other purposes with the the above judgment, in essence supporting a doctrine of closed seas. States are
agreement of the territorial sovereign. Due to development in aviation and after WWI, permitted to abandon territory as res nullius, whereas the presumable consequence
customary law emerged: application of private law maxim cujus est solum est usque of disclaiming territorial sea is simply to extend a res communis, the high seas.
and caelum et ad inferos was dictated by concern for national security and integrity of
neutral states in time of armed conflict, desire to prevent aerial reconnaissance by 19. Capacity to Transfer or Acquire Territory
potential enemies, fear of surprise attack and economic value of granting the right to Capacity of dependent states: when the principal/dominant state opposes the
fly to foreign commercial agencies. The law does not permit a right of innocent transaction entered into by the dependency, the effect of transfer will depend on the
operation of law relating to prescription, acquiescence and recognition. In other the tribunal has jurisdiction as before parties before it. That C claims a particular
cases, the principal will tacitly or expressly ratify the transfer. This is similar to an parcel does not deprive the power to adjudicate and does not prevent A and B from
agency, a delegation of power and the question of capacity cannot arise as such. defining their rights in relation to the parcel mutually.
Related issues (powers of mandatory as to territory) are better considered as to Special problems: aggressor, having seized territory by force and committed a delict,
principle of nemo dat quod non habet. may purport to transfer territory to a third state. The validity of cession will depend on
the effect of specific rules relating to use of force. Again, a state may transfer territory
20. Concept of Title. which it lacks capacity to transfer: defects of title may be cured by prescription,
Legal competence as to territory is a consequence of title and is not coterminous with acquisition and recognition. Encumbrances may pass with the territory ceded: Lord
it. An important aspect of competence, power of disposition, may be limited by treaty McNair’s concept of ‘treaties creating purely local obligations’ illustrated when a
but such restriction is not total, since title is unaffected. ceding state grants to another the right of transit or a right of navigation on a river, or
Int’l law materials use sovereignty to describe both the concept of title and the legal a right of fishery in territorial or internal waters.
competence that flows form it. In the former sense, it explains 1) why competence
exists and what is its fullest extent; and 2) whether claims may be enforced in respect
of interference with territorial aspects of that competence against a particular state.
The second aspect is the essence of title: validity of claims to TS against other states.
In principle, the concept of ownership, opposable to all other states and unititular, can
and does exist in int’l law. Thus, the first and undisputed occupation of land which is
res nullius and immemorial and unchallenged attribution (as England and Wales),
may give rise to title equivalent to dominium of Roman law. But, in practice, the
concept of title used to resolve disputes approximates the notion of the better right to
possess familiar in common law.
The operation of doctrines of prescription, acquiescence and recognition makes the
approach inevitable but tribunals will favor an approach which reckons with the
limitations inherent in a procedure dominated by the presentation of evidence by 2
claimants, where result is not automatically opposable to third states.

21. Determination of Frontiers.

In principle, determination of location in detail of the frontier line is distinct from the
issue of title. Considerable dispositions may take place where grantee enjoys benefit
of a title derived from the grant although no determination of the line is made. But
precise determination may be made a suspensive condition in a treaty of cession.
The process of determination is carried out per a special body of rules, the best
known being the thalweg principle, which says that in a navigable river, the middle of
the principal channel of navigation is accepted as the boundary. Such geographical
doctrines are presumptions and principles of equity, not mandatory rules.
Practical aspects: agreements as to precise details, enshrined in a written instrument,
is often followed by separate procedures of demarcation or marking of frontier on the
grounds by means of posts, stone pillars, etc. A frontier may be legally definitive for
some purposes, but remain undemarcated. De facto frontiers (absence of
demarcation or presence of unsettled territorial dispute) may be accepted as the legal
limit of sovereignty for some purposes (civil or criminal jurisdiction, national law,
prohibition of unpermitted intrusion with or without use of arms).

22. Nemo dat quod non habet (a state cannot transfer what it does not have).
Palmas case: “title alleged by USA as constituting the immediate foundation of its
claim is that of cession, brought about by the Treaty of Paris, which cession
transferred all rights of sovereignty which Spain may have possessed in the region…
It is evident that Spain could not transfer more rights than she herself possessed.”
The effect of the principle is reduced by operation of the doctrines of prescription,
acquisition and recognition.
Except where there are only 2 claimants, adjudication by a tribunal of territory as
between states A and B is not opposable to state C. The decision itself gives title but

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