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Units and Dimensions

OBJECTIVES Upon completion of this presentation, you should be able to: 1.Convert a quantity expressed in one set of units into another equivalent set of units. 2.Explain the concept of dimensional homogeneity of equation. 3.Use linear interpolation. 4.Linearize nonlinear equation.

Units and Dimensions

A Dimension: A property that can be measured or calculated by multiplying or dividing other dimensions. Examples: length, time, mass, temperature, etc. Or velocity: length/time volume: (length)3

Units and Dimensions

A Dimension: A property that can be measured or calculated by multiplying or dividing other dimensions. Examples: length, time, mass, temperature, etc. Or velocity: length/time volume: (length)3

Units and Dimensions

Recall from your first grade the first rule of thumb in Mathematics:

Units and Dimensions

Use this fact when dealing with Dimensions and Units: You can ONLY Add and Subtract similar dimensions and units. In Case of multiplication and division, you can use different units and dimensions. Examples: 3L+5L=8L 3 cm + 5 kg = ???????? 5 m / 2 h = 2.5 m/h 3 m / 1 m = 3 (Dimensionless) 5 N * 3 m = 15 N.m

Systems of Units:
A system of units has the following components: 1. Base units for mass, length, temp., electrical current, and light intensity. 2. Multiple units, which are multiples or fractions of base units, such as minutes and hours. 3. Derived units which are obtained either by multiplying/dividing base units, (m/s).
The most common system of units used is the Systm Internaionale dUnits (SI). In this system the base units

are: length: m, mass: kg, time: s, temp.: oC or K In The CGS system: length: cm, mass: g, time: s In the American Engineering System: length: foot (ft), mass: Ibm, temp.: oF or R.

Table 2.3-1 SI and CGS Units:

Base Units
Quantity Unit Symbol


Mass Moles Time

meter (SI) centimeter (CGS) kilogram (SI) gram (CGS) gram-mole second

m cm kg g mol or g-mole s K A cd

Temperature kelvin Electric ampere current Light intensity candela

Table 2.3-1 SI and CGS Units:

Multiple Unit Preferences tetra (T) = 10

12 9

centi (c) = 10 milli (c) = 10


giga (G) = 10

-3 -6

mega (M) = 106 kilo (k) = 10


micro () = 10 nano (n) = 10


Conversion of Units
A measured quantity can be expressed in terms

of any units having the appropriate dimension,

e.g., velocity (m/s, or ft/yr,etc.). Thus, the

numerical value of this quantity depends on the

units chosen. The equivalence between two expressions of

the same quantity can be defined in terms of

conversion factors.

Conversion of Units
Thus, to convert a quantity expressed in terms

of one unit to its equivalent in terms of another

unit, multiply the given quantity by the

conversion factor (new unit/old unit).

Conversion of Units
To convert a quantity having more than one unit into its equivalent in other units, set up a dimensional equation: write the given quantity with its units on the left, write the units of conversion factors that cancel the old units and replace them

with the new ones.

Ex.: Convert 46 ft/min into its equivalent in m/s

46 ft min

1m 3.281 ft

1 min 60 s

= 0.2336 m/s

Recall Newtons second law: F a m.a. Thus, the natural units of force are: kg.m/s2 (SI), g.cm/s2 (CGS), and lbm.ft/s2. To avoid complexity of using such units, derived force units have been used, N (SI), dyne (CGS). Thus: 1 N = 1 kg.m/s2, 1 dyne = 1 g.cm/s2. In the American Engineering system, the derived unit is called pound force, Ibf, where 1 lbf = 32.174 lbm.ft/s2.

The conversion factor, gc, given by:

gc = 1 kg.m/s2 /1N = 32.174 lbm.ft/s2/1 lbf

is usually used to convert from natural to derived force units. The weight of an object is the force exerted on it by gravitational attraction (which is function of position), i.e., W=mg/gc

Example 1: Calculate the force in N required to accelerate a mass of 4.00 kg at a rate of 9.00 m/s2:

9.00 m 1N F 4.00 kg 36.0 N 2 2 s 1 kg.m/s

Example 2: Calculate the force in lbf required to accelerate a mass of 4.00 lbm at a rate of 9.00 ft/s2: 9.00 ft . 1 lb f F 4.00 lb m 1.12 lb f 2 2 s 32.174 lb m .ft/s

Every valid equation must be dimensionally homogeneous: that is, all additive terms on both sides of the equation must have the same dimension Example: Consider the following equation: v(m/s)=v0(m/s)+g(m/s 2 )t(s) Notice that both sides of the equation have the units m/s, thus this equation is dimensionally homogeneous.


Assuming the validity of the following equation

D (m)=5+6t(s)

1. What are the dimensions of 5 and 6?

2. What are the units of 5 and 6? 3. Derive this equation for D in ft and t in min.


1. According to the previous rule, each term must have

the dimension of length, thus, the constant 5 should have the dimension of length and 6 the dimension of length/time.

2. For consistency of units the constants must be 5 m,

and 6 m/s.
3. Define new variables D(ft) and t(min) and find the

relation between the old and new units as follows:

Dimensional Homogeneity

D (m) = D(ft)

1m 3.2808 ft

= 0.3048 D

t(s) = t(min)

60 s
1 min

= 60 t

then D(m) = 0.3048 D(ft)=6 t(s) +5 = 6(60 t) + 5

or D (ft) = 1180.87 t(min)+16.401

Dimensional Homogeneity and Dimensional Quantities

Which of these equations is dimensionally homogeneous?

Dimensional Homogeneity and Dimensional Quantities

It is sometimes simpler to write the units as ``vertical fractions'' to facilitate canceling.

Just because an equation is dimensionally homogeneous does not mean that it is valid! Dimensional considerations act as a first test for validity only!

Dimensional Homogeneity and Dimensional Quantities

Dimensionless numbers
Pure numbers have no dimension: 1, 5.2, 3.14159 (sometimes constants do, however!) Alternately, sometimes all units cancel out:

6 ft/1 ft = 6

Dimensional Homogeneity and Dimensional Quantities DEFINITION:

Dimensionless quantities can be either pure numbers, or dimensionless groups (expressions where all the units cancel).


Re, Sh, etc...

o What are dimensionless groups good for?

For one thing, dimensionless groups are useful for ``pure' comparison
OBJECTIVE: Compare two quantities using a dimensionless group

Dimensional Homogeneity and Dimensional Quantities

Example: Which is further away, City 1 (136 miles) or City 2 (223 km)? Must match units in order to compare (in miles or km?). Could make ratio (doesn't matter what units as long as they cancel!).

Which is longer a movie (~2 hours) or how long it takes a car traveling 23 miles per hour to go 40 km? What would this dimensionless group look like?


Dimensional Homogeneity and Dimensional Quantities

Dimensionless groups can be any expression whose

units cancel! Here we consider ratio of lengths and

times, but force, pressure, resistance, etc. all work as

well! The only thing you can't have is a ratio of things

with different dimensions! (Obviously, since they would

no longer cancel.)

Another important use -> trancendental functions (sin,

exp, log, etc.)

Scientific Notation
A number is expressed as the product of another number (between 0.1-10) and a power of 10. Example:
123,000,000=1.23 x 108 (or o.1 23 x 109) 0.000028 =2.8 x 10-5 (or o. 28 x 10-4)

Significant Figures (SF) SF of a number are the digits from the first nonzero digit on the left to either: The last digit (zero or nonzero) on the right if there is a decimal point The last nonzero digit of the number if there is no decimal point. 2300 or 2.3 x 103 has 2 significant figures. 2300. or 2.300 x 103 has 4 significant figures.

2300.0 or 2.3000 x 103 has 5 significant figures. 23,040 or 2.304 x 104 has 4 significant figures. 0.035 or 3.5 x 10-2 has 2 significant figures. 0.03500 or 3.500 x 10-2 has 4 significant figures.

Significant figures also are indication of the precision with which the quantity is known. The more significant figures, the more precise is the value.

Numerical Calculations and Estimation

Generally, if you report the value of a

measured quantity with 3 SF, you indicate that

the value of the third of these figures may be

off by as much as a half-unit.

Example: 8.3 g, the mass lies between 8.25 and 8.35 g.

Numerical Calculations and Estimation

Multiplication and/or division of numbers:
The number of SFs in the result should be equal the lowest number of SFs of any of the multiplicands or divisors.

Round off the final results and keep extra SFs of intermediate quantities.

Numerical Calculations and Estimation

3.57 x 4.286 15.3002 ------> 15.3 (5.2 x 10-4) (0.1635 x 107) / (2.67 318.426966 -----> 3.2 x 102=320

Numerical Calculations and Estimation

Addition and Subtraction:
It concerns the position of the last SF in the

sum, that is, the location of this figure relative

to the decimal point.

Numerical Calculations and Estimation

Rule: When two or more numbers are added or

subtracted, the positions of the last significant

figures of each number relative to the decimal point should be compared. Of these positions, the one farthest to the left is the position of the last permissible SF of the sum or difference.

Numerical Calculations and Estimation

Examples: 1530 - 2.56 = 1.53 x 103 - 0.00256 x 103 = 1.52744 x 103 = 1.53 x103 = 1530 1.0000 + 0.036 + 0.22 = 1.2560 = 1.26 2.75 x 106 + 3.400 x 104 = 2.75 x 106 + 0.003400 x 106 = 2.784000 x 106 = 2.78 x 106

Every problem: 1. How do I get a solution? (This course) 2. When I get the solution, how do I know it is right? (Validation)

Back substitution: Plug your answer back in and see if it works

Validating Results
Order of magnitude estimation: Round off the inputs, and check to see if your answer is the right order of magnitude (approximate the math and do it in your head - are you within a factor of 10? Reasonableness does it make sense: If you get a negative temp in K, you probably have done something wrong Did you get a negative time or mass? a volume bigger than the ocean?

Statistical Calculations

Mean Sample Variance of Scattered Data: Range Sample Variance Sample Standard Deviation

1 X ( X 1 X 2 X 3 ... X N ) N

1 X N

j 1

Most measured amounts are means.

All means are not created equal

80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0
80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0

Consider these two sets of data

80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0
80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0

R X max - X min

80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0

80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0

2 2 1 sx N -1 X1 - X X 2 - X ... X N - X 2

) (


Standard Deviation

2 X

Your calculator will find all of these statistical quantities for you. Spreadsheets also have built in statistical functions.

Standard Deviation
For typical random variables, roughly 2/3 of all measured values fall within one standard deviation of the mean.
About 95% fall inside 2 standard deviations.

About 99% fall within 3 standard deviations.

Standard Deviation
Reporting Variables with Error Limits: Example: x=48.2 0.6 0.6 = xmax- xmin ? 0.6 = sx, 2sx, 3sx ? It has to be clearly stated.

Data Representation
Collected data has scatter Calibration
9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 1 2 3 4 5

Two Point Linear Interpolation

We are experts at this from Thermo Dont get confused by the funky equation

y - y1 x - x1 y2 - y1 x2 - x1
This works if you have a lot of tabulated data for your linear interpolation

A more general and more compact way to represent how one variable depends on another is with an equation
Lets look at straight lines first y=ax+b


Flow Rate (L/min) 20.0 52.1 84.6 118.3 151.0

Rotameter Reading R 10 30 50 70 90

Rotameter Data
y = 1.641x + 3.15 160.0 140.0 120.0

Flow Rate

100.0 80.0 60.0 40.0 20.0 0.0 0 20 40 60 80 100 Rotameter Reading

In the example in the book they eyeballed the line I used Excel and a linear regression approach

What if the relationship between x and y isnt a straight line?

Plot it so that it is a straight line Why?
Look at page 25

y ax b

Plot y vs x2

a y b x
Lets try Example 2.7-2

Plot y2 vs 1/x

Use Excel as our graphing tool

y aebx ln( y ) ln( a) bx log( y ) log( a) 2.303bx
If you plot the ln(y) vs x, you get a straight line

Power Law
y ax

ln( y ) ln( a) b ln( x)

log ( y ) log (a ) b log (x )

If you plot the ln(y) vs ln(x), you get a straight line

Use Excel to make these plots

Use the trendline to find the equation of the best fit line

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