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Redes Neurais com Funes de Ativao de Base Radial (RBF)

Murilo Belezoni Loiola Rafael Ferrari RA: 971323 RA: 971422

Funes de Base Radial As funes de base radial (RBF) so uma classe especial de funes. So caracterizadas por uma resposta que decresce ou cresce monotonicamente com a distncia a um ponto central. Os parmetros mais importantes a serem definidos em uma funo de base radial so o centro e a taxa de crescimento, ou decrescimento, da funo. Uma funo de base radial tpica a Gaussiana. Para o caso de uma entrada escalar, a Gaussiana dada pela expresso: h( x ) = r2 + ( x c) r

A RBF Gaussiana monotonicamente decrescente com a distncia do centro. Um exemplo de RBF monotonicamente crescente tpica, para o caso de uma entrada escalar, dada pela expresso: h ( x) = r2 + ( x c) r

Nas funes mostradas acima, o parmetro c corresponde ao centro e o parmetro r uma medida de abertura. As RBFs do tipo Gaussiana so mais usadas e apresentam uma resposta significativa somente nas vizinhanas do centro. As RBFs do tipo multiquadrticas apresentam resposta global. Redes Neurais com Funes de Ativao de Base Radial As RBFs podem ser usadas como funes base em qualquer tipo de modelo de regresso no-linear, linear ou no-linear nos parmetros, e como funo de ativao em qualquer tipo de rede multicamada. Porm, RBFs tm sido tradicionalmente usadas em redes neurais com uma nica camada intermediria, como a mostrada na figura abaixo. Cada um dos n componentes do vetor de entrada x so aplicados s m funes de ativao, cujas sadas so linearmente combinadas com pesos wj, com j variando de 1 a m. Para o caso de uma nica sada y = f(x), o mapeamento entrada-sada dado por:
m r y = wj hj x j =1

( )

Rede RBF.

O modelo de regresso resultante pode ser linear ou no-linear nos parmetros. Se os centros e as aberturas das funes de ativao forem fixos e apenas os pesos da camada de sada forem ajustveis, o modelo ser linear nos parmetros. Caso os centros e as aberturas sejam ajustveis, o modelo ser no-linear nos parmetros. Comparao entre Redes RBF e MLP ( multilayer perceptrons ) As redes RBF apresentam algumas diferenas em relao s redes MLP. A mais bvia que os neurnios da camada intermediria das redes RBF tm apenas funes de ativao de base radial, ao contrrio dos MLP, que apresentam funes sigmoidais ou outras. As redes RBF sempre apresentam uma nica camada intermediria, ao invs das mltiplas camadas do MLP. Os neurnios de sada das redes RBF so sempre lineares. Mas a principal diferena est na forma como as entradas so processadas pelos neurnios na camada intermediria. A ativao interna de cada neurnio obtida a partir da norma euclidiana ponderada da diferena entre o vetor de entradas e o vetor de centros. No caso de uma RBF decrescente, por exemplo, quanto maior a distncia entre a entrada e o centro, menor a ativao do neurnio. Nas redes MLPs, a ativao dada pelo produto escalar entre o vetor de entradas e o vetor de pesos.

Reviso Bibliogrfica
A seguir feita a reviso bibliogrfica sobre redes neurais com funes de ativao de base radial, dividida em tpicos. 1 - Aspectos Tericos ( Capacidade de Aproximao ) As redes RBF possuem capacidade de aproximao universal. Esse tipo de rede neural de aprendizado local, de modo que possvel chegar a uma boa aproximao de qualquer funo contnua definida numa regio compacta, desde que haja um nmero suficiente de neurnios e de dados para treinamento na regio de interesse. As redes MLPs apresentam aprendizado global, devido natureza de suas funes de ativao, fazendo aproximaes globais em regies compactas do espao. Redes neurais RBF so muito eficientes quando a dimenso do vetor de entradas pequena. Porm, como nas redes RBF o nmero de funes de base radial deve aumentar exponencialmente com o aumento da dimenso da entrada, as redes MLPs possuem uma maior capacidade de generalizao para vetores de entradas de grandes dimenses. Este tpico apresenta textos introdutrios s redes RBF, abordando os aspectos gerais do assunto e sua capacidade de aproximao, sendo recomendado como ponto inicial dos estudos sobre o tema.
ORR, Mark J. L., Introduction to radial basis function networks, relatrio tcnico, Center for Cognitive Science, Univ. of Edinburgh, UK, pp. 67, 1996 Fonte: www.anc.ed.ac.uk/~mjo/papers/intro.ps Palavras-chave: supervised learning, linear models, least squares, model selection criteria, ridge regression, forward selection GORINEVSKY, D., On the persistency of excitation in radial basis function network identification of nonlinear-systems, artigo, IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks, vol. 6 (5), pp. 1237-1244, setembro de 1995 Fonte: http://webofscience.fapesp.br/CIW.cgi?2069_E2665368&Func=Abstract&doc=0/49&PR=0/48 LEE, C. C., CHUNG, P. C., TSAI, J.R., CHANG, C. I., Robust radial basis function neural networks, artigo, IEEE Transactions on Systems Man and Cybernetics Part b-Cybernetics , vol. 29 (6), pp. 674-685, dezembro de 1999 Fonte: http://webofscience.fapesp.br/CIW.cgi?1427_01E801AC&Func=Abstract&doc=0/59&PR=0/58 Palavras-chave: function approximation, Hample's estimator, robust objective function ROY, A., GOVIL, S., MIRANDA, R., A neural-network learning theory and a polynomial time RBF algorithm, artigo, artigo, IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks, vol. 8 (6), pp. 1301-1313, novembro de 1997 Fonte: http://webofscience.fapesp.br/CIW.cgi?42_11A46340&Func=Abstract&doc=0/68&PR=0/67 Palavras-chave: learning complexity, learning theory, linear programming, polynomial time complexity ALIPPI, C., PIURI, V., SCOTTI, F., Accuracy versus complexity in RBF neural networks, artigo, IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Magazine, vol. 4, n 1, pp. 32-36, maro de 2001 Fonte: WebSPIRS- Database: EI COMPENDEX (1999-2000/06) HAYKIN, S., Neural Networks: A Comprehensive Foundantion, 2nd edition, Prentice-Hall, 1999 CHEN, T. P., CHEN, H., Approximation capability to functions of several variables, nonlinear functionals, and operators by radial basis function neural networks, artigo, IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks, vol. 6 (4), pp. 904-910, julho de 1995 Fonte: http://webofscience.fapesp.br/CIW.cgi?2069_E2665368&Func=Abstract&doc=0/38&PR=0/37

SCHILLING, R. J., CARROLL, J. J., AL-AJLOUNI, A. F., Approximation of nonlinear systems with radial basis function neural networks, artigo, IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks, vol. 12 (1), pp. 115, janeiro de 2001 Fonte: http://webofscience.fapesp.br/CIW.cgi?2069_E2665368&Func=Abstract&doc=0/54&PR=0/53 Palavras-chave: function approximation, nonlinear system XU, L., KRZYZAK, A., YUILLE, A., On radial basis function nets and kernal regression - statistical consistency, convergence rates, and receptive-field size, artigo, Neural Networks, vol. 7 (4), pp. 609628, 1994. Fonte: http://webofscience.fapesp.br/CIW.cgi?42_11A46340&Func=Abstract&doc=0/76&PR=0/75 Palavras-chave: kernel regression estimator, universal approximation, statistical consistency, convergence rate, receptive field size, parzen window estimator. PARK, J. & SANDBERG, I.W. Universal approximation using radial-basis-function networks. Neural Computation, 3(2): 246-257, 1991.

2 - Teoria de Regularizao Regularizao o procedimento de obteno de um problema de aproximao bem comportado, a partir de um mal comportado, pela incorporao de restries de suavidade junto ao modelo de aproximao. Este procedimento resulta em um problema de otimizao que deve minimizar uma funo objetivo apresentando dois termos bsicos: um expressando o erro de aproximao e o outro o nvel de distanciamento da condio de suavidade. Quando o termo que penaliza o distanciamento da condio de suavidade gaussiano, o resultado do problema de otimizao a RBF.
GIROSI, F., JONES, M., POGGIO, T., Regularization theory and neural networks architectures, artigo, Neural Computation, vol. 7 (2), pp. 219-269, maro de 1995 Fonte: http://webofscience.fapesp.br/CIW.cgi?2069_E2665368&Func=Abstract&doc=0/39&PR=0/38 Palavras-chave: projection pursuit regression, generalized cross-validation, smoothing noisy data, spline functions MC LOONE, S., IRWIN, G., Improving neural network training solutions using regularisation, artigo, Neurocomputing, vol. 37, pp. 71-90, abril de 2001 Fonte: http://webofscience.fapesp.br/CIW.cgi?2069_E2665368&Func=Abstract&doc=0/53&PR=0/52 ORR, Mark J. L., Regularisation in the Selection of RBF Centres, relatrio tcnico, Center for Cognitive Science, Univ. of Edinburgh, UK, pp. 16 Fonte: http://www.anc.ed.ac.uk/~mjo/rbf.html Palavras-chave: regularisation, regularised forward selection, nonparametric linear regression

3 - Treinamento e Aprendizado Existem vrias tcnicas de treinamento e aprendizado para redes RBF. Geralmente, elas se dividem em duas etapas. Primeiramente so definidos os centros e aberturas das funes de base radial, normalmente utilizando-se algoritmos de treinamento no-supervisionados, como quantizao vetorial ou um algoritmo de treinamento competitivo, ou computao evolutiva. Depois, determina-se os pesos da camada de sada, empregando-se tcnicas como pseudo inverso e ortogonal least squares ( OLS ). Nos textos a seguir, encontram-se vrias tcnicas para determinao de centros e aberturas e algoritmos para obteno dos pesos de sada.
BURDSALL, B. e GIRAUD-CARRIER, C., {GA}-{RBF}: Self-Optimising RBF Network, artigo, Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks and Genetic Algorithms (ICANNGA97), Springer-Verlag, pp. 348-351, 1997 Fonte: citeseer.nj.nec.com/71534.html

Palavras-chave: GA, K-means clustering, self-optimising FRITZKE, B., Fast learning with incremental RBF networks, artigo, Neural Processing Letters, vol. 1(1), D Facto Publishing, pp.2-5, 1994 Fonte: citeseer.nj.nec.com/fritzke94fast.html Palavras-chave: learning algorithm, incremental RBF, Hebbian learning BERTHOLD, Michael R. e DIAMOND, Jay, Boosting the Performance of RBF networks with dynamic decay adjustment, artigo, Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, vol. 7, MIT Press, pp. 521-528, 1995 Fonte: citeseer.nj.nec.com/al95boosting.html Palavras-chave: learning algorithm, RCE, DDA BILLINGS, S.A. & ZHENG, G.L., Radial Basis Function Networks Configuration Using Genetic Algorithms, Neural Networks, vol. 8, no. 6, pp. 877-890, 1995. MOCLOONE, S., BROWN, M.D., IRWIN, L. A hybrid linear/nonlinear training algorithm for feedforward neural networks, IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks, vol. 9, no. 4, July 1998. MUSAVI, M.T., AHMED, W., CHAN, K.H., FARIS, K.B. & HUMMELS, D.M. On the training of radial basis function classifiers, Neural Networks, vol. 5, pp. 595-603, 1992. HOLCOMB, T.R. & MORARI, M. PLS/Neural Networks, Comput. Chem. Engng, vol. 16, no. 4, pp. 393-411, 1992. LEE, S. & RHEE, M.K. A gaussian potencial function network with hierarchically self-organizing learning, Neural Networks, vol. 4, pp. 207-224, 1991. SCHWENKER, F., KESTLER, HA., PALM, G., Three learning phases for radial-basis-function networks, artigo, Neural Networks, vol. 14 (4-5), maio de 2000, pp. 439-458 Fonte: http://webofscience.fapesp.br/CIW.cgi?1580_782F0044&Func=Abstract&doc=0/1 Palavras-chave: Visual object recognition, two-dimensional images, high-resolution, 3-dimensional objects KARAYIANNIS, NB., Reformulated radial basis neural networks trained by gradient descent, artigo, IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks, vol. 10 (3), pp. 657-671, maio de 1999 Fonte: http://webofscience.fapesp.br/CIW.cgi?1580_782F0044&Func=Abstract&doc=0/3&PR=0/2 Palavras-chave: clustering, function approximation, generator function, gradient descent learning, learning vector quantization KOTROPOULOS, C., NIKOLAIDIS, N., BORS, AG., PITAS, I., Robust and adaptive techniques in self-organizing neural networks, artigo, International Journal of Computer Mathematics, vol. 67(1-2), pp. 183-200, 1998 Fonte: http://webofscience.fapesp.br/CIW.cgi?1580_782F0044&Func=Abstract&doc=0/4&PR=0/3 Palavras-chave: Kohonen's self-organizing feature map, Learning Vector Quantizer, L-2 Learning Vector Quantizer, Split-Merge Learning Vector Quantizers KAMINSKI, W., STRUMILLO, P., Kernel orthonormalization in radial basis function neural networks, artigo, IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks, vol. 8 (5), pp. 1177-1183, setembro de 1997 Fonte: http://webofscience.fapesp.br/CIW.cgi?1835_78FD715E&Func=Abstract&doc=8/7&PR=8/6 Palavras-chave: approximation, function orthonormalization, times-series prediction WHITEHEAD, BA., CHOATE, TD., Cooperative-competitive genetic evolution of radial basis function centers and widths for time series prediction, artigo, IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks, vol. 7 (4), pp. 869-880, julho de 1996 Fonte: http://webofscience.fapesp.br/CIW.cgi?1835_78FD715E&Func=Abstract&doc=8/8&PR=8/7 Palavras-chave: Learning algorithm, approximation, classifiers, map

WANG, ZO., ZHU, T., An efficient learning algorithm for improving generalization performance of radial basis function neural networks, artigo, Neural Networks, vol. 13 (4-5), pp. 545-553, maio-junho de 2000 Fonte: http://webofscience.fapesp.br/CIW.cgi?977_B588F0BC&Func=Abstract&doc=1/15&PR=1/14 Palavras-chave: eneralization performance, rival penalized competitive learning, regularized least squares, recursive algorithm, real-time capability CHEN, S., COWAN, C.F.N. & GRANT, P.M. Orthogonal Least Squares Algorithm for Radial Basis Function Networks, IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks, 2(2): 302-309, 1991. COVER, T.M. & HART, P.E. Nearest neighbor pattern classification, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 13:21-27, 1967. MACQUEEN, J. Some methods for classification and analysis of multivariate observation, in L.M. LeCun and J Neyman (eds.) Proceedings of the 5th Berkeley Symposium on Mathematical Statistics and Probability, University of California Press, 1:281-297, 1967. AL-HADDAD, L., MORRIS, CW., BODDY, L., Raining radial basis function neural networks: effects of training set size and imbalanced training sets, artigo, Journal of Microbiological Methods, vol. 43 (1), pp. 33-44, dezembro de 2000 Fonte: http://webofscience.fapesp.br/CIW.cgi?1039_DF1F0188&Func=Abstract&doc=0/27&PR=0/26 Palavras-chave: training, identification, classification GOMM, JB., Selecting radial basis function network centers with recursive orthogonal least squares training, artigo, IEEE Transaction on Neural Networks, vol. 11 (2), pp. 306-314, maro de 2000 Fonte: http://webofscience.fapesp.br/CIW.cgi?1039_DF1F0188&Func=Abstract&doc=0/28&PR=0/27 Palavras-chave: orthogonal least squares, recursive algorithm, structure selection KARAYIANNIS, NB., MI, GWQ., Growing radial basis neural networks: Merging supervised and unsupervised learning with network growth, artigo, IEEE Transaction on Neural Networks, vol. 8 (6), pp. 1492-1506, novembro de 1997 Fonte: http://webofscience.fapesp.br/CIW.cgi?2069_E2665368&Func=Abstract&doc=0/36&PR=0/35 Palavras-chave: supervised learning, unsupervised learning, class-conditional variance, network growing MARINARO, M., SCARPETTA, S., On-line learning in RBF neural networks: a stochastic approach, artigo, Neural Networks, vol. 13 (7), pp. 719-729, setembro de 2000 Fonte: http://webofscience.fapesp.br/CIW.cgi?2069_E2665368&Func=Abstract&doc=0/41&PR=0/40 BRUZZONE, L., PRIETO, DF., A technique for the selection of kernel-function parameters in RBF neural networks for classification of remote-sensing images, artigo, IEEE Transactions on Geosciences and Remote Sensing, vol. 37 (2), Part 2, pp. 1179-1184, maro de 1999 Fonte: http://webofscience.fapesp.br/CIW.cgi?1427_01E801AC&Func=Abstract&doc=0/64&PR=0/63 TETTEH, J., HOWELLS, S., METCALFE, E., SUZUKI, T., Optimisation of radial basis function neural networks using biharmonic spline interpolation, artigo, Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems, vol. 41 (1), pp. 17-29, julho de 1999 Fonte: http://webofscience.fapesp.br/CIW.cgi?1427_01E801AC&Func=Abstract&doc=0/65&PR=0/64 Palavras-chave: splines, Green's function, response surface, optimisation MASHOR, MY., Adaptive fuzzy c-means clustering algorithm for a radial basis function network, artigo, International Journal of Systems Science, vol. 32 (1), pp. 53-63, Janeiro de 2001 Fonte: http://webofscience.fapesp.br/CIW.cgi?42_11A46340&Func=Abstract&doc=0/81&PR=0/80 ROJAS, I., POMARES, H., BERNIER, JL., ORTEGA, J., ROS, E., PRIETO, A., Sequential learning algorithm for PG-RBF network using regression weights for time series prediction, artigo, Foundations and Tools for Neural Modeling, Proceedings, vol. 1 1606, pp. 631-640, 1999 Fonte: http://webofscience.fapesp.br/CIW.cgi?42_11A46340&Func=Abstract&doc=0/82&PR=0/81

ZHU, QM., CAI, Y., LIU, LZ., A global learning algorithm for a RBF network, artigo, Neural Networks, vol. 12 (3), pp. 527-540, abril de 1999 Fonte: http://webofscience.fapesp.br/CIW.cgi?42_11A46340&Func=Abstract&doc=0/85&PR=0/84 Palavras-chave: competitive neuron layer, maximum likelihood classification, hyper-ellipsoidal subspace, subclass clustering KUBAT, M., Decision trees can initialize radial-basis function networks, artigo, IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks, vol. 9 (5), pp. 813-821, setembro de 1998 Fonte: http://webofscience.fapesp.br/CIW.cgi?42_11A46340&Func=Abstract&doc=0/89&PR=0/88 BRUZZONE, L., PRIETO, DF., Supervised training technique for radial basis function neural networks, artigo, Electronics Letters, vol. 34 (11), pp. 1115-1116, maio de 1998 Fonte: http://webofscience.fapesp.br/CIW.cgi?42_11A46340&Func=Abstract&doc=0/90&PR=0/89 BENITEZ DIAZ, D., GARCIAQUESADA, J., Learning algorithm with Gaussian membership function for Fuzzy RBF neural networks, artigo, From Natural to Artificial Neural Computation, vol. 930, pp. 527-534, 1995 Fonte: http://webofscience.fapesp.br/CIW.cgi?42_11A46340&Func=Abstract&doc=0/93&PR=0/92 BIANCHINI, M., FRASCONI, P., GORI, M., Learning without local minima in radial basis function networks, artigo, IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks, vol. 6 (3), pp. 749-756, maio de 1995 Fonte: http://webofscience.fapesp.br/CIW.cgi?42_11A46340&Func=Abstract&doc=0/96&PR=0/95 BUZZI, C., GRIPPO, L., SCIANDRONE, M., Convergent decomposition techniques for training RBF neural networks, artigo, Neural Computation, vol. 13 (8), pp. 1891-1920, agosto de 2001 Fonte: http://webofscience.fapesp.br/CIW.cgi?42_11A46340&Func=Abstract&doc=0/99&PR=0/98 BRUZZONE, L., PRIETO, D., FERNANDEZ, Incremental-learning neural network for the classification of remote-sensing images, artigo, Pattern Recognition Letters, vol. 20, 11-13, pp. 12411248, novembro de 1999 Fonte: WebSPIRS- Database: EI COMPENDEX (1999-2000/06) MIYOSHI T., ICHIHASHI, H., TABUCHI, H., TANAKA H., Model selection for RBF neural networks using distorter, artigo, IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems, vol. 1, pp. I-38 - I-43, 1999 Fonte: WebSPIRS- Database: EI COMPENDEX (1999-2000/06) ROJAS, I., POMARES, H., GONZALES, J., BERNIER, J.L., ROS, E., PELAYO, F.J., PRIETO, A., Analysis of the functional block involved in the design of radial basis function networks, artigo, Neural Processing Letters, vol. 12 (1), pp. 1-17, agosto de 2000 Fonte: http://webofscience.fapesp.br/CIW.cgi?1835_78FD715E&Func=Abstract&doc=8/12&PR=8/11 Palavras-chaves: neural networks design, statistical analysis of RBF, RBF structures SILIPO, R., BORTOLAN, G., MARCHESI, C., Design of hybrid architectures based on neural classifier and RBF pre-processing for ECG analysis, artigo, International Journal of Approximate Reasoning, vol. 21 (2), pp. 177-196, junho de 1999 Fonte: http://webofscience.fapesp.br/CIW.cgi?977_B588F0BC&Func=Abstract&doc=1/16&PR=1/15 Palavras-chave: fuzzy pre-processing, computerized electrocardiography, diagnostic classification, validation ANDRAS, P., Orthogonal RBF neural network approximation, artigo, Neural Processing Letters, vol. 9 (2), pp. 141-151, abril de 1999 Fonte: http://webofscience.fapesp.br/CIW.cgi?977_B588F0BC&Func=Abstract&doc=1/18&PR=1/17 Palavras-chave: approximation, neural network design, orthogonalization ROJAS, I., VALENZUELA, O., PRIETO, A., Statistical analysis of the main parameters in the definition of Radial Basis Function networks, artigo, Biological and Artificial Computation: From Neuroscience to Technology, vol. 1240, pp. 882-891, 1997 Fonte: http://webofscience.fapesp.br/CIW.cgi?513_DD53E043&Func=Abstract&doc=0/19&PR=0/18

WAN, C.H., HARRINGTON, P.D., Self-configuring radial basis function neural networks for chemical pattern recognition, artigo, Journal of Chemical Information and Computer Sciences, vol. 39 (6), pp. 1049-1056, novembro-dezembro de 1999 Fonte: http://webofscience.fapesp.br/CIW.cgi?1039_DF1F0188&Func=Abstract&doc=0/32&PR=0/31 PEDRYCZ, W., Conditional fuzzy clustering in the design of radial basis function neural networks, artigo, IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks, vol. 9 (4), pp. 601-612, julho de 1998 Fonte: http://webofscience.fapesp.br/CIW.cgi?2069_E2665368&Func=Abstract&doc=0/47&PR=0/46 GAN, Q., SUBRAMANIAN, R., SUNDARARAJAN, N., SARATCHANDRAN, P., Design for centres of RBF neural networks for fast time-varying channel equalisation, artigo, Electronics Letters, vol. 32 (25), pp. 2333-2334, dezembro de 1996 Fonte: http://webofscience.fapesp.br/CIW.cgi?42_11A46340&Func=Abstract&doc=0/70&PR=0/69 ORR, Mark J. L., Local Smoothing of RBF Networks, relatrio tcnico, Center for Cognitive Science, Univ. of Edinburgh, UK, pp. 9. Fonte: http://www.anc.ed.ac.uk/~mjo/rbf.html Palavras-chave: supervised learning, multiple smoothing parameters, local smoothing

4 - Comparao de Desempenho Neste tpico so enumerados vrios textos que comparam o desempenho da rede RBF com outros tipos de rede. So feitas comparaes de desempenho tambm entre alguns tipos de aplicaes com solues baseadas em redes RBF e outros tipos de solues.
RIBEIRO, J. N. G., VASCONCELOS, G. C., QUEIROZ, C.R.O., A Comparative Study of the CascadeCorrelation Architecture in Pattern Recognition Applications, relatrio tcnico, Departamento de Informtica, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, pp. 9 Fonte: citeseer.nj.nec.com/131054.html Palavras-chave: comparative, CASCOR, MLP, RBF BERSINI, H., NORDVIK, J., BONARINI, A., Comparing RBF and Fuzzy Inference Systems on Theoretical and Practical Basis, artigo, International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks (ICANN95), Paris, France, pp. 169-174, 1995 Fonte: citeseer.nj.nec.com/bersini95comparing.html Palavras-chave: comparative, RBF, FIS, fuzzy KUNCHEVA, L. I., LAKOV, D. V., RBF Networks Versus Fuzzy If-Then Rules for Classification, relatrio tcnico, School of Mathematics, University of Wales, UK, pp. 8, Fonte: citeseer.nj.nec.com/25859.html Palavras-chave: Pattern Classification, fuzzy if- then rules, RBF, prototype-based reasoning VASCONCELOS, G., An Experimental Evaluation of the Cascade-Correlation Network in Pattern Recognition Problems, relatrio tcnico, Departamento de Informtica, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, pp. 4, Fonte: citeseer.nj.nec.com/70278.html Palavras-chave: comparative, CASCOR, MLP, RBF KURSAWE, P., ZINN, P., Classification of spirits by headspace gas chromatography and artificial neural networks, artigo, Deutsche-Lebensmittel-Rundschau, vol. 95 (11), 11 ref., pp. 4, 1999 Fonte: WebSPIRS, Database: FSTA Current 1990-2001/10 KARIM, MN., YOSHIDA, T., RIVERA, SL., SAUCEDO, V.M., EIKENS, B., GYU-SEOP, OH., Global and local neural network models in biotechnology: application to different cultivation processes, artigo, Journal of Fermentation and Bioengineering, vol. 83 (1), 33 ref., pp. 11, 1997 Fonte: WebSPIRS, Database: FSTA Current 1990-2001/10

LI, Y.C., LIU, L., CHIU, W.T., JIAN, W.S., Neural network modeling for surgical decisions on traumatic brain injury patients, artigo, International Journal of Medical Informatics, vol. 57 (1), pp. 1-9, janeiro de 2000 Fonte: http://webofscience.fapesp.br/CIW.cgi?1835_78FD715E&Func=Abstract&doc=8/13&PR=8/12 Palavras-chave: medical decision support system, decision theory, logistic regression SANCHEZ, M. S., SWIERENGA, H., SARABIA, L. A., DERKS, E., BUYDENS, L., Performance of multi-layer feedforward and radial base function neural networks in classification and modeling, artigo, Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems, vol. 33 (2), pp. 101-119, junho de 1996 Fonte: http://webofscience.fapesp.br/CIW.cgi?1039_DF1F0188&Func=Abstract&doc=0/24&PR=0/23 Palavras-chave: classification, modelling, multi layer feedforward, radial base function DATTA, D., TASSOU, A. S., Artificial neural network based electrical load prediction for food retail stores, artigo, Applied Thermal Engineering, vol. 18 (11), pp. 1121-1128, novembro de 1998 Fonte: http://webofscience.fapesp.br/CIW.cgi?2069_E2665368&Func=Abstract&doc=0/46&PR=0/45 HAMAD, D., BETROUNI, M., BIELA, P., POSTAIRE, J. G., Neural networks inspection system for glass bottles production: A comparative study, artigo, International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence, vol. 12 (4), pp. 505-516, junho de 1998 Fonte: http://webofscience.fapesp.br/CIW.cgi?1427_01E801AC&Func=Abstract&doc=0/66&PR=0/65 CARLIN, M., KAVLI, T., LILLEKJENDLIE, B., A comparison of 4 methods for nonlinear data modeling, artigo, Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems, vol. 23 (1), pp. 163-177, abril de 1994 Fonte: http://webofscience.fapesp.br/CIW.cgi?42_11A46340&Func=Abstract&doc=0/77&PR=0/76 TOLBA, A. S., Invariant gender identification, artigo, Digital Signal Processing, vol. 11 (3), pp. 222240, julho de 2001 Fonte: http://webofscience.fapesp.br/CIW.cgi?42_11A46340&Func=Abstract&doc=0/78&PR=0/79 MORAVEJ, Z., VISHWAKARMA, D. N., SINGH, S. P., Differential protection of a power transformer using ANNs, artigo, International Journal of Engineering Intelligent Systems for Electrical Engineering and Communications, vol. 8 n 4, pp. 203-211, dezembro de 2000 Fonte: WebSPIRS- Database: EI COMPENDEX (1999-2000/06)

5 - Aplicaes Este tpico composto por textos que falam sobre aplicaes de redes RBF em diversas reas.
5.1 - Controle: SHI-GUODONG, WANG-QIHONG, XU-YAN, XUE-GUOXIN, SHI-GD, WANG-QH, XU-Y, XUEGX, Online predictive optimum control of the temperature of a cold store based on a two-stage RBF neural network, artigo , Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering , vol. 15: 3, 6 ref, pp. 224-228, 1999 Fonte: WebSPIRS, Database: CAB Abstracts 1998/08-2000/07 ARCINIEGAS, J. I., ELTIMSAHY, A. H., CIOS, K. J., Neural networks based adaptive control of flexible robotic arms, artigo, Neurocomputing, vol. 17 (3-4), pp. 141-157, novembro de 1997 Fonte: http://webofscience.fapesp.br/CIW.cgi?1039_DF1F0188&Func=Abstract&doc=0/20 MAN, Z. H., WU, H. R., PALANISWAMI, M., An adaptive tracking controller using neural networks for a class of nonlinear systems, artigo, IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks, vol. 9 (5), pp. 947-955, setembro de 1998 Fonte: http://webofscience.fapesp.br/CIW.cgi?2069_E2665368&Func=Abstract&doc=0/34&PR=0/33 Palavras-chave: adaptive control, asymptotic stability, nonlinear systems, robustness, uncertain dynamic

JEONG, S. Y., LEE, M., LEE, S. Y., CHO, J. M., PARK, C. H., Improving lookup table control of a hot coil strip process with online retrainable RBF network, artigo, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol. 47 (3), pp. 679-686, junho de 2000 Fonte: http://webofscience.fapesp.br/CIW.cgi?2069_E2665368&Func=Abstract&doc=0/44&PR=0/43 Palavras-chave: process control, rejection network, catastrophic interference, global and local information LIAO, T. L., CHIU, C. M., Adaptive output tracking of unknown MIMO nonlinear systems using radial basis function neural networks, artigo, JSME International Journal Series C -Mechanical Systems Machine Elements and Manufacturing, vol. 40 (1), pp. 52-59, maro de 1997 Fonte: http://webofscience.fapesp.br/CIW.cgi?2069_E2665368&Func=Abstract&doc=0/48&PR=0/47 BOQUETE, L., BAREA, R., GARCIA, R., MAZO, M., ESPINOSA, F., Identification and control of a wheelchair using recurrent neural networks, artigo, Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence , vol. 12 (4), pp. 443-452, agosto de 1999 Fonte: http://webofscience.fapesp.br/CIW.cgi?1427_01E801AC&Func=Abstract&doc=0/62&PR=0/61 SENG, T. L., KHALID, M., YUSOF, R., OMATU, S., Adaptive neuro-fuzzy control system by RBF and GRNN neural networks, artigo, Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems, vol. 23 (2-4), pp. 267-289, outubro-dezembro de 1998 Fonte: http://webofscience.fapesp.br/CIW.cgi?42_11A46340&Func=Abstract&doc=0/87&PR=0/86 Palavras-chave: adaptive control system, neuro-fuzzy controller, General Regression neural network, Generalized Predictive Control SESHAGIRI, S., KHALIL, H. K., Output Feedback Control of Nonlinear Systems Using RBF Neural Networks, artigo, IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks, vol. 11 (1), pp.69-79, janeiro de 2000 Fonte: http://www.ieee.org/organizations/pubs/pub_preview/NN/11nn01_toc.html TEREKHOV, V.A., TYUKIN, I. Y., PROKHOROV, D. V., Adaptive control on manifolds with RBF neural networks, artigo, Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, vol. 4, pp. 38313836, 2000 Fonte: WebSPIRS, Database: EI COMPENDEX (2001/07-2001/09) TSO, S. K., FUNG, Y. H., LIN, N. L., Analysis and real-time implementation of a radial-basis-function neural-network compensator for high-performance robot manipulators, artigo, Mechatronics, vol. 10 (12), pp. 265-287, fevereiro 2000 Fonte: WebSPIRS, Database: EI COMPENDEX (1999-2001/06) 5.2 - Modelamento e simulao: ZHANG, Z. X., KUSHWAHA, R. L., Applications of neural networks to simulate soil-tool interaction and soil behavior, artigo, Canadian Agricultural Engineering, vol. 41: 2, 11 ref., pp. 11, 1999 Fonte: WebSPIRS, Database: CAB Abstracts 1998/08-2000/07 KAMINSKI, W., STAWCZYK, J., TOMCZAK, E., Presentation of drying kinetics in a fluidized bed by means of radial basis functions, paper, 10th International Drying Symposium, Cracvia, Polnia, vol. 15: 6-8, 7 ref., pp. 10, 1996 Fonte: WebSPIRS, Database: CAB Abstracts 1996-1998/07 HAN, H., FELKER, P., Estimation of daily soil water evaporation using an artificial neural network, artigo, Journal of Arid Environments, vol. 37: 2, 21 ref., pp. 10, 1997 Fonte: Fonte: WebSPIRS, Database: CAB Abstracts 1996-1998/07 KUSHWAHA, R. L., ZHANG, Z. X., Artificial neural networks modeling of soil-tool interaction, paper, ASAE Annual International Meeting, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA, n 973067, 30 ref., pp. 11, 1997 Fonte: WebSPIRS, Database: CAB Abstracts 1996-1998/07 ZONG LOU GUO, A radial basis function artificial neural network model for water quality evaluation, artigo, Journal of Zhejiang University (Agriculture and Life Sciences) , vol. 27 (3), 2 ref., pp. 4, 2001 Fonte: WebSPIRS, Database: FSTA Current 1990-2001/10

MEGHABGHAB, G., Iterative radial basis functions neural networks as metamodels of stochastic simulations of the quality of search engines in the World Wide Web, artigo, Information Processing & Management, vol. 37 (4), pp. 571-591, julho de 2001 Fonte: http://webofscience.fapesp.br/CIW.cgi?1835_78FD715E&Func=Abstract&doc=8/11&PR=8/10 Palavras-chaves: meta-modeling, stochastic simulations, goodness measure of search engines, rejected web pages LOHNINGER, H., Evaluation of Neural Networks based on Radial Basis Functions and their application to the prediction of boilings points from structural parameters, artigo, Journal of Chemical Information and Computer Sciences, vol. 33 (5), pp. 736-744, setembro-outubro de 1993 Fonte: http://webofscience.fapesp.br/CIW.cgi?977_B588F0BC&Func=Abstract&doc=1/14 Palavras-chave: learning algorithm, classifiers, model WANG, L., WONG, P. M., KANEVSKI, M., GEDEON, T. D., Combining neural networks with kriging for stochastic reservoir modeling, artigo, In Situ, vol. 23 (2), pp. 151-169, 1999 Fonte: http://webofscience.fapesp.br/CIW.cgi?2069_E2665368&Func=Abstract&doc=0/33 LI, X., Real-time prediction of workpiece errors for a CNC turning centre. Part 2: Modelling and estimation of thermally induced errors, artigo, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, vol. 17 (9), pp. 654-658, 2001 Fonte: http://webofscience.fapesp.br/CIW.cgi?2069_E2665368&Func=Abstract&doc=0/52&PR=0/51 5.3 - Identificao de sistemas RAO, K. D., LAXMINARAYANA, P., REDDY, K. C., RBF neural networks for transient identification in nuclear power plants, artigo, IETE Journal of Research, vol. 43 (6), pp. 449-452, novembro-dezembro de 1997 Fonte: http://webofscience.fapesp.br/CIW.cgi?1580_782F0044&Func=Abstract&doc=0/2&PR=0/1 BROUWN, G. G., KRIJGSMAN, A. J., VERBRUGGEN, H. B., BRUIJN, P. M., Single-layer networks for nonlinear system identification, artigo, Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, vol. 7 (3), pp. 227-243, junho de 1994 Fonte: http://webofscience.fapesp.br/CIW.cgi?2069_E2665368&Func=Abstract&doc=0/50&PR=0/49 5.4 - Predio de sries temporais WEDDING, D. K., CIOS, K. J., Time series forecasting by combining RBF networks, certainty factors, and the Box-Jenkins model, artigo, Neurocomputing, vol. 10 (2), pp. 149-168, maro de 1996 Fonte: http://webofscience.fapesp.br/CIW.cgi?1835_78FD715E&Func=Abstract&doc=8/9&PR=8/8 Palavras-chave: Box-Jenkins, forecasting, certainty factors DAMAS, M., SALMERON, M., DIAZ, A., ORTEGA, J., PRIETO, A., OLIVARES, G., Genetic algorithms and neuro-dynamic programming: Application to water supply networks, artigo, Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Evolutionary Computation, ICEC, vol. 1, pp. 7-14, 2000 Fonte: WebSPIRS, Database: EI COMPENDEX (1999-2001/06) 5.5 - Reconhecimento e classificao de padres NAKAGAWA, S., ONO, Y., Estimation of the probability density-function and a-posteriori probability by neural networks, and applications to vowel recognition, artigo, Systems and Computers in Japan, vol. 25 (6), pp. 32-40, junho 1994 Fonte: http://webofscience.fapesp.br/CIW.cgi?1835_78FD715E&Func=Abstract&doc=8/10&PR=8/9 Palavras-chave: Probability density function, a-posteriori probability, speech recognition SALCHENBERGER, L., VENTA, E. R., VENTA, L. A., Using neural networks to aid the diagnosis of breast implant rupture, artigo, Computers & Operations Research, vol. 24 (5), pp. 435-444, maio de 1997 Fonte: http://webofscience.fapesp.br/CIW.cgi?1039_DF1F0188&Func=Abstract&doc=0/21&PR=0/20 Palavras-chave: Ultrasound mammography, classification, cancer

HOWELL, A. J., BUXTON, H., Invariance in radial basis function neural networks in human face classification, artigo, Neural Processing Letters, vol. 2 (3), pp. 26-30, maio de 1995 Fonte: http://webofscience.fapesp.br/CIW.cgi?42_11A46340&Func=Abstract&doc=0/74&PR=0/73 ROLLET, R., BENIE, G. B., LI, W., WANG, S., BOUCHER, J. M., Image classification algorithm based on the RBF neural network and K-means, artigo, International Journal of Remote Sensing, vol. 19 (15), pp. 3003-3009, outubro de 1998 Fonte: http://webofscience.fapesp.br/CIW.cgi?42_11A46340&Func=Abstract&doc=0/88&PR=0/87 HAGELIN, P. M., HEWIT, J. R., Artificial neural networks for locating eyes in facial images, artigo, Mechatronics, vol. 4 (7), pp. 737-752, outubro de 1994 Fonte: http://webofscience.fapesp.br/CIW.cgi?42_11A46340&Func=Abstract&doc=0/97&PR=0/96 5.6 - Meteorologia LEER. S. T., LIU, J. N. K., Tropical Cyclone Identification and Tracking System Using Integrated Neural Oscillatory Elastic Graph Matching and Hybrid RBF Network Track Mining Techniques, IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks, vol. 11, n 3, pp. 680-689, maio de 2000 Fonte: http://www.ieee.org/organizations/pubs/pub_preview/NN/11nn03_toc.html 5.7 - Telecomunicaes CHANG, P. R., YANG, W. H., Environment-adaptation mobile radio propagation prediction using radial basis function neural networks , artigo, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 46 (1), pp. 155-160, fevereiro de 1997 Fonte: http://webofscience.fapesp.br/CIW.cgi?1039_DF1F0188&Func=Abstract&doc=0/22&PR=0/21 ARNOTT, R., Diversity combining for digital mobile radio using radial basis function networks, artigo, Signal Processing, vol. 63 (1), pp. 1-16, novembro de 1997 Fonte: http://webofscience.fapesp.br/CIW.cgi?42_11A46340&Func=Abstract&doc=0/91&PR=0/90 Palavras-chave: adaptive antenna, smart antenna, diversity combining KIM, J. Y., Multiuser detection based on radial basis function for a multicode DS/CDMA system, artigo, IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics Communications and Computer Sciences , vol. E84A (6), pp. 1383-1391, junho de 2001 Fonte: http://webofscience.fapesp.br/CIW.cgi?42_11A46340&Func=Abstract&doc=0/100&PR=0/99 Palavras-chave: multiuser detection, multicode DS/CDMA FENG-JIU-CHAO, TSE-CHI, K., On-line adaptive chaotic demodulator based on radial-basis-function neural networks, artigo, Physical Review Statistical Physics, Plasmas, Fluids, and Related Interdisciplinary Topics, vol. 63, n 2 II, pp. 026202-1-026202-10, fevereiro de 2001 Fonte: WebSPIRS- Database: EI COMPENDEX (1999-2000/06) CID-SUEIRO, J., FIGUEIRAS-VIDAL, A. R., Recurrent radial basis function networks for optimal blind equalization, artigo, Neural Networks Applications, IEEE UPDATE SERIES, Patrick K. Simpson editor, pp. 565-574, 1996, ISBN: 0-7803-2566-4 5.8 - Processamento de sinais e Filtragem VOROBYOV, S. A., CICHOCKI, A., Hyper radial basis function neural networks for interference cancellation with nonlinear processing of reference signal, artigo, Digital Signal Processing, vol. 11 (3), pp. 204-221, julho de 2001 Fonte: http://webofscience.fapesp.br/CIW.cgi?2069_E2665368&Func=Abstract&doc=0/40&PR=0/39 Palavras-chave: interference and noise cancellation, hyper radial basis functions, Manhattan algorithm HAYKIN, S., YEE, P., DERBEZ, E., Optimum nonlinear filtering, artigo, IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, vol. 45 (11), pp. 2774-2786, novembro de 1997 Fonte: http://webofscience.fapesp.br/CIW.cgi?42_11A46340&Func=Abstract&doc=0/69&PR=0/68 Palavras-chave: Kalman filter, nonlinear filtering, optimum filtering, stochastic calculus.

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