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Electricity Tariffs (effective from 12th April 2013)

The existing Incremental Block Tariff structure is changed to a Volume Differentiated Tariff structure for Domestic (D-1) and Religious (R-1) Purpose and General -1 (GP-1) customer categories; where monthly (30 day) consumption falls within a certain range (block), the relevant tariffs for that range will be applicable for the entire monthly consumption. Customer Category and consumption (kWh) per month Domestic (D-1) 0-30 31-60 61-90 91-120 121-180 181- 210 211 - 300 301- 900 More Than 900 Religious (R-1) 0-30 31-90 91-120 121-180 >180 Energy Charge (LKR/kWh) 5.00 6.00 8.50 15.00 20.00 24.00 26.00 32.00 34.00 1.90 2.50 3.50 5.00 7.00 Fuel Adjustment Charge (% of Total Energy Charge) 25 35 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 0 0 0 0 0

Fixed Charge (LKR/month)

30 60 90 315 315 315 315 315 315 30 60 180 180 240

Customer Category

Energy charge (LKR/kWh)

Fixed Charge (LKR/ month)

Maximum Demand Charge per month (LKR /kVA)

Fuel adjustment charge (% of Energy Charge)

(1830hr 2230hr)



General GP-1 < 211 kWh per month > 210 kWh per month GP-2 GP-3 Government1 GV-1

19.50 21.50 25.00 14.50 24.00 13.50 14.65

20.50 19.50

240 240 3,000 3,000 600

1,100 1,000

25 25 25 25 0 or 25

GV-2 GV-3 Hotel H-1 H-2 H-3 Industry I -1 I -2 I -3 Street Lighting


14.55 14.35 22.00 15.00 14.00 12.50 11.30 10.50

3,000 3,000 600 3,000 3,000 600 3,000 3,000 None

1,100 1,000 15 15 15 15 15 15 0

24.00 23.00

10.00 9.00

1,100 1,000

21.00 24.00 17.00

7.00 6.00

1,100 1,000 None

Schools, Hospitals, Vocational Training Institutions and Universities included which are fully owned by the Government, funded through the national budget and providing services free of charge to the general public. Hospitals and schools will be exempted from the fuel adjustment charge.

Public Utilities Commission of Sri Lanka has directed the Licensees to fulfill the following set of conditions/ tasks prior to the next tariff revision; Task 1 Implementation of Dispatch Planning software with monitoring facilities to PUCSL 2 Bulk Supply Transaction Account 3 Power Purchase Agreements for CEB plants 4 Power Sales Agreements Document Methodology for Merit Order Dispatch Bulk Supply Transactions Guidelines Condition 18 of Generation License Condition 33 of Transmission and Bulk Supply License Condition 6 of Generation License Condition 9 of the Licenses Section 5.2.3 of Decision on Electricity Tariffs 2011 Least-Cost Generation Expansion Planning Code, Transmission Planning Code Completion Date 31/10/2013 Action By TL

30/06/2013 31/12/2013 31/12/2013

TL GL, TL DL1,DL2,DL3, DL4, DL5, TL GL All CEB Licensees

5 Long / medium term coal supply agreement 6 Revenue Separation and Audited Accounts of each Licensee for 2011 & 2012 7 Independent heat rate tests of thermal plants 8 Submit Long term Generation and Transmission Plans (2013) for Approval

31/10/2013 30/09/2013



All thermal generation licensees TL

DL1, DL2, DL3, DL4 DL5 TL GL

CEB Distribution licensees LECO CEB Transmission Licensee CEB Generation licensee

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