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66 May 30, 2001

Going Too Far

Bush’s Pledge to Defend Taiwan
by Ted Galen Carpenter

Executive Summary
When he pledged to do whatever was In addition to the balance of military
necessary—even use U.S. military forces—to forces, three factors are especially impor-
help Taiwan defend itself, President George tant in determining whether deterrence is
W. Bush seemingly replaced Washington’s likely to succeed or fail: the importance of
long-standing policy of “strategic ambigui- the interests at stake to the guarantor
ty” with a policy of strategic clarity. power, the importance of those interests to
Although the president and his advisers the challenging power, and the inclination
subsequently retreated from his initial of the challenging power to gamble. All
rhetorical stance, both China and Taiwan three factors work against the United States
are likely to believe that Bush’s original in the case of Taiwan.
statement accurately reflects U.S. policy. President Bush was right to approve a
That creates an extremely dangerous situa- robust package of arms sales to Taiwan. But
tion for the United States. that should be the extent of America’s risk
Proponents of a U.S. security commit- exposure. A security commitment creates
ment to Taiwan casually assume that the prospect of either a humiliating U.S.
Beijing would never challenge it. But that is retreat during a crisis or a catastrophic war
an assumption based almost entirely on with a nuclear-armed China. Moreover, the
America’s experience deterring Soviet likelihood of a challenge by the People’s
aggression against major U.S. allies during Republic of China to the U.S. commitment
the Cold War. Proponents ignore other will grow ever stronger as China’s military
examples of the failure of deterrence capabilities increase in the coming years.
throughout history.

Ted Galen Carpenter is vice president for defense and foreign policy studies at the Cato Institute and the
coeditor of China’s Future: Constructive Partner or Emerging Threat?
President Bush The various clarifying statements follow-
replaced strategic Introduction ing the president’s original comments sowed
confusion among Americans (and probably a
ambiguity with President George Bush startled people on good many East Asians).5 The Washington Post
strategic clarity. both sides of the Pacific when he seemingly noted aptly, “Administration spokesmen,
Unfortunately, he ended Washington’s long-standing policy of scrambling, said that Mr. Bush hadn’t misspo-
“strategic ambiguity” regarding Taiwan. ken but that U.S. policy hadn’t changed, both
clarified matters Previously, U.S. leaders had indicated that of which statements could not be true.”6
in precisely the the United States would regard the use of Attempts to resuscitate strategic ambigui-
force against Taiwan by the People’s Republic ty did little to allay the suspicions of an angry
wrong direction. of China as a serious breach of the peace and China.7 Beijing’s leaders seemed to regard
might—depending on the circumstances— Bush’s initial comments as Washington’s real
intervene militarily. That posture did little policy. Their suspicions were exacerbated by
more than reiterate the vague provisions of reports in the Taiwanese press that Adm.
the Taiwan Relations Act of 1979.1 Dennis Blair, commander in chief of the U.S.
Sometimes, strategic ambiguity took Pacific Command, had paid a secret visit to
extreme forms. During a visit to China in Taiwan to meet with military leaders there
1995, Assistant Secretary of Defense for East and propose more extensive cooperation
Asia Joseph P. Nye was asked by his hosts between the U.S. and Taiwanese militaries.8
what the United States would do if war broke To make matters even worse, stories that
out between the PRC and Taiwan. Nye were based on high-level leaks from the
reportedly replied, “We don’t know and you Pentagon appeared in the American press,
don’t know.”2 saying that the administration was consider-
In a series of interviews on April 25, 2001, ing shifting targets for some U.S. nuclear
Bush appeared to discard all nuances and weapons from Russia to China.9
caveats. When asked by ABC News reporter
Charles Gibson if the United States had an
obligation to defend Taiwan, the president Naive Enthusiasm
replied, “Yes, we do, and the Chinese must
understand that.” Would the United States Predictably, advocates of a hard-line poli-
respond “with the full force of the American cy toward the PRC applauded the president’s
military?” Gibson pressed. “Whatever it took initial comments. Claremont Institute schol-
to help Taiwan defend herself,” Bush replied.3 ar and former Republican nominee for the
In making such statements, President U.S. Senate Bruce Herschensohn praised
Bush replaced strategic ambiguity with Bush’s “moral instincts” and urged him to
strategic clarity. Unfortunately, he clarified repudiate the entire “one China” policy.10
matters in precisely the wrong direction. Rep. Tom Lantos (D-Calif.) stated that the
Indeed, even the new strategic clarity was president’s words marked a welcome shift in
muddied somewhat by subsequent com- U.S. policy and that the time had come to “go
ments of Bush and other administration offi- beyond” a policy of strategic ambiguity.11
cials. Later that same day, administration The Wall Street Journal editors likewise praised
spokesmen were insisting that there had the shift, stating that it sent a message that
been no change in U.S. policy. Bush himself “the U.S. sees a strong national interest in
sought to temper his remarks by saying that preserving Taiwan’s democracy, and that
the United States still adhered to a “one China’s attempts to undermine support for
China” policy and opposed any declaration the island through bluster and threats will
of independence by Taiwan and that the use have the opposite effect.”1 2
of U.S. military force in the event of a crisis Such endorsements reflect a lack of realis-
was merely “an option.”4 tic thinking. Even the public’s attitude, while

somewhat more cautious, does not reflect an Continent’s elaborate system of alliances
understanding of the possible consequences would make war unthinkable. The tragic
of rushing to Taiwan’s defense. According to events of 1914 demonstrated how wrong
a nationwide poll conducted by the Christian they were. A generation later, the explicit
Science Monitor, 38 percent of respondents British and French security guarantees to
thought the United States should intervene Poland did not deter Germany from invading
to defend Taiwan from a PRC attack; only 29 that country.
percent wanted to stay out of that fight.1 3 In addition to the balance of military
But one ought to wonder whether forces, three factors are especially important
Americans would really be willing to assume in determining whether extended deter-
the risk of a confrontation with a nuclear- rence—attempting to deter an attack on an
armed China over Taiwan. That is an especial- ally or client—is likely to succeed: the impor-
ly pertinent consideration as the PRC’s mili- tance of the stakes to the protector, the
tary capability—probably including a much importance of the stakes to the challenging
larger and more modern strategic deterrent— power, and the extent of the challenging
increases over the next decade or two. power’s inclination to gamble. All three fac-
Proponents of giving Taiwan a security tors worked to Washington’s advantage to an
guarantee blithely assume that Beijing would unusual degree in its confrontation with the
Proponents of giv-
back down if faced with a clear demonstra- Soviet Union. ing Taiwan a secu-
tion of American “resolve.” The reasoning of America’s major Cold War security guaran- rity guarantee
Tom Lantos was typical: “An unambiguous tees—those for which the United States was
statement will guarantee that hostility in the prepared to put the safety of its own country blithely assume
Taiwan Strait will not take place.”1 4 The Wall at risk—were confined to Western Europe and that Beijing would
Street Journal also exuded confidence that a Northeast Asia. Both regions were considered back down if faced
U.S. security commitment to Taiwan will crucial to America’s own security and eco-
never be challenged: “Thanks to Mr. Bush’s nomic well-being, and U.S. policymakers were with a clear
statements repudiating the policy of ‘strate- determined to prevent those power centers demonstration of
gic ambiguity,’ there is now less chance of a from coming under the control of the rival
miscalculation by China’s leaders that they military superpower. It was therefore credible American
could attack Taiwan and then tough out the to leaders in the Kremlin that the United “resolve.”
resulting international opprobrium.”1 5 States would be willing to incur significant
risks—even the possibility of a nuclear war—to
thwart a Soviet conquest.
Realities of Deterrence Conversely, while those regions would
have been a significant strategic and eco-
Such beliefs are based almost entirely on nomic prize for the Soviet Union, neither
America’s Cold War experience. The conven- area was essential to Moscow. Nor did Soviet
tional wisdom is that aggressors will always leaders or the Soviet population have an
be deterred from molesting a U.S. ally or emotional attachment to either region. There
client to whom Washington provides an was, therefore, a definite limit to the risks the
unambiguous security commitment. But the Kremlin was willing to run to gain dominion.
assumption that the deterrence of Soviet Although Soviet leaders could never be sure
aggression during the Cold War can be repli- that the United States would really go to war
cated with regard to China over Taiwan is on behalf of its allies, challenging the com-
dubious. A strategy of deterrence is hardly mitment would have been an extraordinarily
infallible. Indeed, the historical record is lit- reckless gamble.
tered with the wreckage of failures of deter- Fortunately for the United States, the
rence. Many Europeans in the early years of Soviet leadership tended to be relatively risk
the 20th century assumed that the averse. Most of Moscow’s challenges occurred

on the periphery, primarily in the Third archy. The reaction of high-ranking PRC mil-
World. Although Soviet leaders occasionally itary officers when Adm. Blair warned them a
tested the U.S.-led alliance network (especially few months ago that the United States would
over West Berlin), they did not put their pres- come to Taiwan’s aid in the event of an
tige on the line to such an extent that a tacti- unprovoked attack was not reassuring. The
cal retreat became impossible. Indeed, as military officers reportedly reacted with dis-
believers in Leninist doctrine, the Soviets were belief verging on scorn.16 That attitude is
patient—pocketing geopolitical gains whenev- reinforced by a pervasive impression within
er they could be obtained at relatively low risk the PRC military hierarchy—an impression
but backing off when the risk appeared exces- founded on an interpretation of the rapid
sive—supremely confident that their system U.S. withdrawal from Somalia and the way
would prevail in the long run. the U.S. military waged the Gulf War and
There are crucial differences in all three engaged in the Kosovo conflict—that the
deterrence factors when it comes to the American people are so averse to casualties
prospect of a showdown over Taiwan. Taiwan that they would simply be unwilling to fight
may have some importance to the United a serious war over Taiwan.1 7
States, since it is a significant trading partner It matters little whether Chinese skepti-
and a sister democracy. Nevertheless, its rele- cism about U.S. intentions is right or wrong.
vance to American economic and security If the Chinese believe the U.S. commitment is
interests hardly equals the central impor- a bluff, they will be inclined to call that bluff.
tance U.S. policymakers thought that Applying the supposed lessons of the Cold
Western Europe and Northeast Asia had dur- War to deter China from settling the Taiwan
ing the Cold War. issue on its own terms could, therefore, lead
The problem is that Chinese officials to either a humiliating U.S. retreat or a disas-
probably understand that point as well. trous armed conflict.
Soviet leaders may have considered it credible
that the United States would risk a major war
to keep Western Europe and Northeast Asia Toward a Balanced
out of Moscow’s orbit. But it is far less likely Taiwan Policy
that the Chinese believe that Washington will
incur the same risk merely to defend A clear distinction should be made
Taiwan—a “country” the United States does between selling arms to Taiwan and giving
not even officially recognize. the island a U.S. security guarantee. Selling
A clear distinction While Taiwan’s importance to the United weapons to Taiwan is a reasonable course of
States is much less, the island’s importance action. A militarily capable Taiwan makes it
should be made to China is much greater than was that of less likely that Beijing will contemplate using
between selling Western Europe or Northeast Asia to the coercion to pursue its goal of national reuni-
arms to Taiwan Soviet Union. fication, since the cost of doing so would be
To Beijing, Taiwan is not merely a political excessively high. That is the essence of a
and giving the and economic prize; the status of the island is “porcupine” strategy for Taiwan.1 8 It would
island a U.S. secu- caught up in issues of national pride and increase the likelihood that, as the economic
prestige. Taiwan is a reminder of China’s ties between Taiwan and the mainland con-
rity guarantee. long period of humiliation at the hands of tinue to grow, both sides will seek a peaceful
outside powers. When such potent emotions resolution to their differences.
are engaged, even normally dispassionate Moreover, the issue of credibility that is
political leaders do not always act prudently always a troubling factor in a case of extend-
or even rationally. ed deterrence would be less prominent.
Nor is it as certain that the Chinese lead- Beijing has ample reason to doubt whether
ers will be as risk averse as the old Soviet hier- U.S. leaders would risk their own country to

defend Taiwan. There would be little doubt pects that a nation with a $10 trillion econo- Washington
that the Taiwanese would fight to prevent my, more than 7,000 strategic nuclear war- should couple its
their own subjugation by armed force. heads, and a culture that permeates the
The proper course of action for the world scene would still be a major player even policy of arms
United States is not to return to a posture of if Taiwan succumbed to a PRC takeover. sales to Taiwan
strategic ambiguity, as some analysts have Certainly, the American people would not with a firm state-
argued.1 9 That approach also entails the risk like to see prosperous, democratic Taiwan
of miscalculation by either Beijing or Taipei. forcibly incorporated into the dictatorial ment that the
For example, one could easily envision a sce- PRC. And if the United States can help pre- United States will
nario in which Taiwan thought it had a secu- vent that result with minimal risk to itself, it
rity commitment it really did not have from should do so. But a security guarantee entails not become
the United States and pressed its de facto enormous, not minimal, risks. China already involved in any
independence to the point that the PRC con- has some two dozen intercontinental ballis- armed struggle
cluded it must respond militarily. tic missiles capable of reaching American
Instead of reviving strategic ambiguity, cities. In the years to come, that number between Taiwan
Washington should couple its policy of arms could well grow to several hundred. Even an and the PRC.
sales to Taiwan with a firm statement that armed skirmish originally confined to the
the United States will not become involved in Taiwan Strait might spiral out of control
any armed struggle between Taiwan and the regardless of the intentions of U.S. or PRC
PRC. The Taiwanese could then make their policymakers. Such a level of risk should
own decisions about whether to opt for inde- never be incurred except in defense of a vital
pendence, seek to preserve the ambiguous American security interest. Preserving
status quo, or attempt to negotiate the best Taiwan’s de facto independence does not
terms possible for eventual reunification meet that test.
with the mainland. They would pursue what-
ever course they chose at their own risk, not
America’s. Notes
This approach is based on the recognition 1. For a detailed discussion of the Taiwan
that Taiwan is a limited, or “peripheral,” not Relations Act, see Legislative History of the
a vital, American interest.20 Advocates of a Taiwan Relations Act: An Analytic Compilation with
security commitment to Taiwan typically fail Documents on Subsequent Developments, ed. Lester L.
Wolff and David L. Simon (Jamaica, N.Y.:
to make that distinction. Indeed, some of American Association for Chinese Studies, 1982).
them exaggerate Taiwan’s importance to The text of the act is on pp. 288–95. For a com-
absurd levels. Tom Donnelly, a scholar at the parison of the U.S. defense “obligations” con-
Project for a New American Century, argues tained in the TRA and the very real defense oblig-
ations in the mutual defense treaty that it
that the island is “the functional equivalent replaced, see Ted Galen Carpenter, “Let Taiwan
of the Fulda Gap [the gateway for a Warsaw Defend Itself,” Cato Institute Policy Analysis no.
Pact invasion of Western Europe during the 313, August 24, 1998, pp. 11–12.
Cold War].”21 He ignores the important dif-
2. Quoted in Brian Mitchell, “As Bush Vows to
ference that China, unlike the former Soviet Defend Taiwan, How Far Will the U.S. Really Go?”
Union, does not have global messianic, Investor’s Business Daily, April 26, 2001, p. A22.
expansionist ambitions. Ross Munro, a
senior scholar at the Center for Security 3. Quoted in David E. Sanger, “U.S. Would
Defend Taiwan, Bush Says,” New York Times, April
Studies and coauthor of The Coming Conflict 26, 2001, p. A1.
with China, is even more apocalyptic than
Donnelly. According to Munro, “The United 4. See Ben Barber, “Bush’s Remarks Leave in
States is finished as a world power if it does Doubt U.S. Policy on Taiwan,” Washington Times,
April 26, 2001, p. A12; Charles Snyder, “ Spin
not come to the aid of Taiwan in an unpro- Begins on Bush’s Comments,” Taipei Times, April
voked attack by China.”2 2Somehow, one sus- 27, 2001; Steven Mufson, “President Pledges

Defense of Taiwan,” Washington Post, April 26, 13. John Dillin, “The Price Taiwan Pays for U.S. Vow of
2001, p. A1; and Sonya Hepinstall, “Cheney Takes Assistance,” Christian Science Monitor, April 30, 2001.
Stab at Clarifying U.S. Stance on Taiwan,”
Reuters, April 27, 2001. 14. Quoted in Wright and Chu.

5. Robin Wright and Henry Chu, “Bush’s 15. “Committed to Taiwan.”

Remarks on Taiwan Sow International Con-
fusion,” Los Angeles Times, April 27, 2001, p. A1; 16. “China Policy Check,” Washington Times,
and Neil King Jr. “Bush Leaves Taiwan Policy in March 20, 2001, p. A18.
Confusing Straits,” Wall Street Journal, April 26,
2001, p. A3. 17. For a discussion of these attitudes, see
Thomas J. Christensen, “Posing Problems with-
6. “Foreign Policy Missteps,” editorial, Washington out Catching Up: China’s Rise and Challenges for
Post, May 4, 2001, p. A24. U.S. Security Policy,” International Security 25, no.
4 (Spring 2001): 17–20.
7. Charles Hutzler, “China Lashes Out at Bush for
His Pledge to Defend Taiwan,” Wall Street Journal, 18. For a discussion of arms sales and the logic of
April 27, 2001, p. A15. the porcupine strategy, see Carpenter, “Let
Taiwan Defend Itself,” pp. 15–17. The porcupine
8. Brian Hu, “U.S. Navy Official Made Secret strategy even reduces the likelihood of military
Visit,” Taipei Times, April 30, 2001. Also see blackmail by the PRC, which may be a more like-
William Foreman, “U.S. Commander Visited ly scenario than the actual use of military force.
Taiwan,” Associated Press, May 1, 2001.
19. Michael O’Hanlon, “A Need for Ambiguity,”
9. Walter Pincus, “U.S. Considers Shift In Nuclear New York Times, April 27, 2001, p. A27.
Targets,” Washington Post, April 29, 2001, p. A23.
20. For a discussion of how to categorize vital, sec-
10. Bruce Herschensohn, “Bush Shakes Free from ondary, and peripheral interests, see Ted Galen
the State Department on Taiwan,” Los Angeles Carpenter, A Search for Enemies: America’s Alliances
Times, April 27, 2001, p. A17. after the Cold War (Washington: Cato Institute,
1992), pp. 170–79.
11. Quoted in Wright and Chu.
21. Quoted in Mitchell.
12. “Committed to Taiwan,” editorial, Wall Street
Journal, April 26, 2001, p. A20. 22. Quoted in ibid.

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