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Case 2:12-cv-02997-MCE-DAD Document 124 Filed 04/19/13 Page 1 of 7


ftpresnled by c@ra Mich..l wate^ DepaMent OtJusrice. Omce Ot rhe


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b] c6rg. Michuel watn

Depaimenl of Juslie. otfl ce of The



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Anornel, Ccneml I100 I SlEel Seramenb. CA 95814 916-123-3050


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Emai qoQe@reEodoj US. Consrss, Elecloral Colleae, BarackObrm! A$isrant Anomet US




Case 2:12-cv-02997-MCE-DAD Document 124 Filed 04/19/13 Page 2 of 7


NrDberolDlcsir.l[dbgriir D{re,

Judge Mom$n C. England chisl Oisldcl Judde Eastem DBtiid of Caliiomia




nd s

considmble and signm@nt The qostion as lo whelhr ihe constilLnion and tute ot t6w tE6 ben \no&{6d ha6 et b6n are\krd. ftili qu.dio. hB !..a lr..lrllg ,rE 6.100 khsThe amonen p*ple dq6re s di.itiv an8rer wlrelher the ndldats, who cn in tE 2012 Prsidenlial el.ction commjfted n'aud and used lorged and lraudulently oDtaind lus. Judge England, we urge yd to her ihis c.s. on lhe merits,

reviMd the ,6adin9s i6 Gnnols et el v El6ctoEl co!raE6, u.s. congres, B.rack obrma 12q- 02997 beforB Chi6f Judge of the u.s. Dislrici coun tur the EaB0em Dkirict ot Caltornia ll/e htE sbo revie$/ed a l6rge ,'rmbr o, ohsr doojrcrtr and sfrdavits !6!rirlg on tho i$ue ot Prcaidenl Obama s erisibility to hold that hish offrce. fl app6a6 to u6 hsi the Congr633 and lhe Judiciary have iqnorod lhs eMdance pr6nt6d ln this cs shich is
rJ\b hrNo

of T

lhQ Anned ForcEo 0f uniled sbGs olamenca, \irls hav rv6d our country in times of peac6 and ln WWt, the Koraah War. the Vreham Ubr and Atgtunistan. uie look an o8lh to dfend and pretoi ths Constituiton or thc Unitd Slales ol Amerioa and w6 main failhtuJ lo lhal oa1h.

\.G, ihe unde.signd re sanior off66lg of


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TO: Ah,,A\y tqrL FAn<*. q+l- 7lt _71b3

bo w.





M.lbonm., FL 32940{705 Tdfi.,.321-757-9a21 f,n.iL Jrdc.br@.ol-.on

M.j. G.n. Joh B. D. Crelrd Unitd St t6 ArEy, Retir.d 1340 DeEmri.y ftme

Case 2:12-cv-02997-MCE-DAD Document 124 Filed 04/19/13 Page 3 of 7


Sacramento, CA 9581 +7300

Dear Judge England,



We have reviewed the pleadings in Grinols et al v Electoral College, U.S. Congress, Barack Obama 12cv- 02997 before ChiefJudge ofthe U.S. District Court for the Eastem Distdct of Crlifornia. We have atso reviewed a large number of other documents and affidavits baring on the issue of President Obama's eligibility to hold that high offce. tt appeaG to us that the Congress and the Judiciary have ignored the evidence presented in lhis case which is considerable and significant. The question as to whether the Constitution and rule of law have been violated has not been answered. This question has ben hanging fire far too long. Thb American people deserve a definitive answer whether the candidate, who ran in the 2012 Presidential election committed fraud and used forged and fraudulently obtained lD's,

nd s

Judge England, we urge you to hear this case on the merits. Rria pacta.0L4

of T


4r^r,*- c iD/d'e'g"

Fo g

bo w.

We, the undersigned, are Senior Ofncers of the Armed Forces of Unlted Stdes of America. We have served our country in times of peace and in WWII, the Korean War, the Vietnam War and Afghanistan. We took an oath to derend and protsct the Constitution of the United States of America and we remain faithful to lhat oath.


Case 2:12-cv-02997-MCE-DAD Document 124 Filed 04/19/13 Page 4 of 7

Jldge lroir6on C Enqrand

E.slern Dsincl

or Cal,ro,n a

Sacranento CA 95814


Vr'e theJndersgnod are Sen or Ofi,cers oflhe Armed Forces or Un(ed Srates ot Amer We have served curcou.rry n Irmes o.peacea.d F {,!V| the Xore.. Wa. rl)e Vremai War.nd algha.slan we rook an oarh locerend6.d p.orecr the conslnlnon olne ed srales or ame/ca and we remarn la ihf! ro lsal oall



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J.dge En9l4d *e




the 6su oiPiesldmtobamas e gJr' lyto.odihat h'gh ofl'ce Iappea610 us thal ihe cong.ess aid Ihe Jud'c,ary hare ronoreo tle ev'dence prerented n IhLscasewhrch s consLderaole andsLgnifica.r The quesior as 10 {hiher $e consl lutDn and ture ol iaw have bee. ! o aled has not been aiswered Th6 queslon has b.en hang ng irre ta.roo rong Ttre Amercan peopi d6etueadef'nrtveafswerwhetherrheca.ddare whoranrn$e2Cr2 Presidenl,al eled on comm'lled fraud and used torged a^d lraldutenr y obta'ned tos

Fo g

We have rereweo the pead'nqs h Gr nots er a v EreclorarCo ege U S Congress Bara.k obafia 12 cv 02997 belo.e chrel JLdge or tre 0 srict codrl fo he Easrern D,sl d oi yr'e carlfna halearso.evewed a argenumoerofotherdocumenrsandatfd.vrsbeanngon

bo w.



Case 2:12-cv-02997-MCE-DAD Document 124 Filed 04/19/13 Page 5 of 7



C. EngLnd


Dlsid orcalifmi6


of T

W. h3vc @i.*d tn dcadilgs in C.inols .l al v Et*ronr colr.gc, U.S. C@sds, Bet Ob,ma r2.N. 01947 bIoE ChietJudgo of rhe U,S, DbEicl Cou for the EJ.dm Ds!flcl of Cal ifomia. we f are al$ wiew.d a ,Is. ihbq o( othr denoE and offtdaviB ba,ins oi tlE isflc of PEsidcd Obds3 .lisibility ro hold ihnr ligL ofr@. It srpN lo us dtsi rhe CogB. od l!. Judiciary lDve i&or.d 0D cyidere lBenled i, this cN *hich it o6idau and iigific&r Ttc qudrion s to *'i.rtEr rhe Constftuio. dd rolc of raw have bn viol,Gd h4 not beb @cM lhE qEsrion hs @n h&8ue 6rc t'r t@ ,one. rh. Ar.ns people de$^e s d.finitiv. aMr whehs rhe @didare. Nho @ in rhe r0t2 PBidcdial .lelion c@ined irud ed ued lo4cd dd Faudutatty obt in d rD,s.


Es. rlu




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Elr'9EM R w^r-SH

rbb c@ on th

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wc, thc udcaigred m Sc.ior Oflicds oftn Am.a Fona orulircd Stat6 ofAn ri@. Wc [3E sa.d ou ourtry d drcs olpe and th WwE, the Xola Wd, th. \ icllm wr nnd AlShuitEi We l@k e oat! b daGod ud pmr.d lh. CoEritudor ot te Udcd Sral* of Amdica 6!d rc hoin ldithtul io th.4 orri,

bo w.


AI!.il t8,2013

Case 2:12-cv-02997-MCE-DAD Document 124 Filed 04/19/13 Page 6 of 7

John l,.,.Duslv,. Dtn,.lr

(5a0) 62t-1222
.ludge Morison

sa.hh.,Ent. ca s5314-730o

We have rev ewed lhe plead ngs n Grno s el

American people deserye a delin I ve answer whethe.lhe @ndidate, who @n n the2012 Ps dedial election ommirred f6ud and lsed lorged and lEudulent y obla ned lDs

Judqe Enaland, we urseyoL to hearthis caseon the merls



nd s

of T

Obama12cv O2s9TbeforechielJudqeoftheUS Dislri.l courtforlhe Eastern Distric( of caifornia we have also reviewed a larce iumber ol olher documenls a.d affdavits bearng on ihe rssue of Presideni Obamas e igib lty to hod lhal high oilice ll appeaEto usthailhe co.qress and the Jld ciary have ignored theevidence presenled iiths case wh ch is conslderable and sionifnt. ThequestonastowhelherlheCorslilulionandruleoilawhave been vio aled has not been answe.ed Th s queslon has been hanqinq fne lar too ong The


Fo g

We,lhe unde6igned, are Senior Ofiicers of the Amed Forces oi United Slates of Amerl.a We have seryed olr country in limes of pea@ and in Ut4lri,lhe KoreanWar the Vietnam War andAfgha.istan we took an oath lo delend and prolect the co.sriiulion ofrhe llnited states ofAmerca and we rema n iailhiullo that oath
ecloralCollege, lJ.S. Conqress BaEck

bo w.

Eastern District ol ca ilorn a


C Ensla.d

Case April 18,2:12-cv-02997-MCE-DAD 2013

Document 124 Filed 04/19/13 Page 7 of 7

Dear Judge England,



nd s

We have reviewed the pleadings in Grinols et al v Electoral College, U.S. Congress, Barack Obama 12-cv- 02997 before Chief Judge of the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of California. We have also reviewed a large number ofother documents and affidavits bearing on the assue of President Obama's eligibility to hold that high office. lt appears to us that the Congress and the Judiciary have ignored the evidence presented in this case which is considerable and significant. The question as to whether the Constituiion and rule of law have been violated has not been answered. This question has been hanging fire far too long. The American people deserve a definitive answer whether the candidate, who ran in the 2012 Presidential election committed fraud and used forged and fraudulently obtained iD's. Judge England, we urge you to hear this case on the merits.


l/, 1/ 't:,'t'

of T


Fo g

We, the undersigned, are Senior Officers of the Armed Forces of United States of America. We have served our country in times of peace and in WWll, the Korean War, the Vietnam War and Afghanistan- We took an oath to defend and protect the Constitution of the United States of America and we remain faithful to that oath.

bo w.


Judge Morrison C. England Chief District Judge U.S. District court Eastern District of California Courtroom #7 50'1 I street Sacramento, CA 95814-7300

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