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Trees are so important that all of the integrated psychoscience texts (scriptures) of antiquity speak reverently of them. In the Kamitic texts Ausar (God) was buried within a tree, The Buddha achieved enlightenment while meditating beneath a bodi tree. Both Genesis and Revelation refer to the Tree of Life. The word tree means three etymologically. A tree is an apt symbol for life in the 3-dimensional actuality. (I sometimes use actuality instead of reality for the third dimension because this world isnt ultimately real. Its largely an illusion. But this is a dimension of action and, via karma, samsara and maya, were all acting, playacting, fulfilling a script. So sometimes I use actuality for this dunya (lower realm) to remind myself that it isnt really real.) A tree is nourished from three sources. Its fed from its roots, its leaves and its branches. It feeds on water, carbon dioxide and light. Earth minerals feed the tree through the roots. Sunlight is photosynthesised by the green leaves. A genealogical tree depicts a familys ancestors and descendants are the branches.

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3/23/2013 7:01 PM



A trees three-fold nature symbolizes the Trinitarian nature of the 3rd dimension. This three-fold nature unfolds as: past, present and future; length, width and volume; conscious, subconscious and superconscious; biology, chemistry and physics; economics politics and military; biology, psychology and spirituality; asana, pranayama and mantra; mineral, vegetable and animal kingdoms; Mongoloid, Negroid and Caucasoid racial classifications; Rajil, Bashir and Insaan Quranic creation myths and Neanderthal, Cro-Magnon and Homo Sapiens anthropological myths. In physics the three-fold signature manifests as proton, electron and neutron and as the three types of neutrinos. In Religion the three-fold signature is expressed as Brahma (creator), Vishnu (Preserver) and Shiva (Destroyer or Transformer). In other systems it is depicted as Father, Son and Holy Ghost; Ausar, Auset and Heru; and Allah, Rahman and Rahim. Astrology explores this actualitys trinitarian nature in its triplicities: Cardinal, Fixed and Mutable signs and Angular, Succedent and Cadent Houses. Yoga theory discusses it as the three gunas. Trees symbolize all those triplicities and more. The roots symbolize the past; the trunk, branches and leaves represent the present; the fruit and flowers represent the future, the descendents of the tree family. Fruit and flowers are the sex organs of a tree. Since boy trees cant get up and date girl trees, they depend upon bees and humming birds to take the male trees pollen to the sexual organ (flower) of the female tree. Those relationships are among the infinite interrelationships and interdependencies which exist in nature. Acknowledgement of, respect for and conduct according to the underlying interrelationships and interdependencies which exist among all things in the universe is the real divine law (law of Maat) that is reversed in every religion. Living in accord with that divine law is called wisdom. A tree is dependent upon bees and bees are dependent upon trees. Animals (including humans) need trees to convert carbon dioxide into oxygen and trees depend upon animals to convert 02 (oxygen) into CO2 (carbon dioxide). It is monumentally stupid for humans to destroy forests since without forests we cannot breathe. No amount of money or jobs is worth the oxygen produced by a tree.

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3/23/2013 7:01 PM



Whether liberal or conservative, atheist or religious, all people should support ecological living. We are not separate from and lords over nature. We are part of nature and interdependent and interrelated with the other parts. The Egyptians said their divine archetype was buried in a tree. This tells us that to get to a real relationship with God one has to do so through the intermediary of nature. The ecological movement isnt just a political movement. At its fundamental core, its a divine movement. Thoughts are like seeds and if placed in the right environment and watered, they will grow and bear fruit. The results of our thoughts (actions, events, circumstances) are the fruit. The Scripture tells us that a good word is like a good tree. It bears its fruit in season. And evil word is like an evil tree. The bearing of fruit in season refers to the timing mechanism between a thought (prayer, belief or statement) and its outcome as experience in the three-dimensional realm. The Tree of the Knowledge of good and evil refers to the science of negative and positive. This encompasses yin/yang, binary systems, polarities and even the off/on switches within the DNA molecule. Some trees are in possession of a rich and benevolent consciousness. Psychics and Sensitives are able to sense that consciousness. In the past, scientists (Shamans, natural priests) have communed with the spirits of some trees. Trees that have consciousness are usually very protective over the humans who dwell beneath its limbs and leaves or who reside within its sphere of influence. Science has proven that plants feel pain, experience fear and respond positively to love, music and kindness. Like trees, humans are trinitarian. People have a physical body, an energy body and a spirit body. The energy and spirit bodies can ascend to the heavens, but safe ascension requires knowing how to ground and root the energy that flows through the soles of the feet down into the earth. Some irritability, overabundance of yang or testosterone and emotional irritability can be healed by literally hugging a tree. The martial arts embrace the Tree posture facilitates rooting like a tree. Like trees, people are fed water (genetic memory) via their roots (ancestors). They consume light (education) through the leaves of books. And they are nourished on air (gas) via psychic intuition and revelation.
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3/23/2013 7:01 PM



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