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Raising Raw-Vegan ChiIdren

An eBook by Storm and Jinjee TaIifero

The "Raw-Vegan Diet" (which is also called the "All-Live Diet" in this eBook) is a lifestyle in which a diet of
un-heated foods are eaten, including fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds, and not including meat, dairy, or
any animal by-products.
n this ebook we want to share the ways that we have found to make the all-live diet work well for our
children! We don't know if these same ways will work for you. Every person is different. Every parent is
different. Every child is different. Every family is different. There is no cookie-cutter mold diet that will work for
everyone. So hope this ebook will inspire you to find your own right all-live diet for your family! Even the
same family is constantly changing, and so we are constantly changing the way we eat. We talk about our
changing. We talk about our victories. We talk about our defeats. Sometimes we are confused. But we are
dedicated to this path, we believe in this path, our extensive studies show that all-live foods are undoubtedly
the best nutrition for humans to eat, and usually we manage to find a way to stay with it. When we fall off the
path, we always learn new reasons for why we want to get back on the path!
The All-Live Diet is becoming more and more popular. At the same time the opposition to it is becoming
stronger. This is natural, because the diet threatens to take hold of the mainstream, which would cause a
major shift in financial distribution, affecting primarily the food industries and the medical industries. These
are two of the most powerful and influential industries in the world today. And they are linked very closely
with the media, government, and war industries. f the All-Live Diet became accepted by the
scientific/medical industry as the right diet for humans, then our world would change very fast. Maybe too
fast. And so one has to take this opposition to the all-live diet in stride. One should perhaps not get too
angry. Anger is health-depleting anyway. We should be patient. But it is essential that if we want the best of
health for our family, we must think for ourselves!
We must be aware that Doctors do not deal in health, but in sickness. They have no use for diet and
exercise. Theirs is the realm of pills and surgeries. Pills and surgeries affect health, not diet and exercise, in
the mind and training of the Doctor. This is changing and there are wonderful Doctors who embrace the
validity of prevention and holistic health, but there are still a vast number of people walking around in what
we might think of as "the dark ages". The Dark Ages of treating symptoms instead of causes, of cutting out
parts of the body instead of giving the body time to heal, of trusting books rather than intuition, of putting faith
in man's knowledge rather than the Universe/God/Nature.
The balance was first disturbed when the Christian Church threw out the Mother Spirit, and claimed
Patriarchy. Now we see that the Mother Spirit (the female face of God) is trying to come back into the world.
The number of female singers (divas) each bringing in unique feminine energy via music, beauty, ideas, and
creativity is a witness to this. The Gospel of Mary was recently found and validated. t had been stricken from
the bible by those who wanted to limit the Priesthood to men. believe that women are only very slowly
coming into their power. The Women's Liberation Movement was a small step. But we are still not doing our
real work as women. This is obvious, because if we were really exerting the full spectrum of our energy and
power there would be no war at this time. And the so-called healing industries would not be run by men with
intrusive pills and surgeries. The profit motive would be offset by spiritual ethics and higher ideals.
As parents we have a unique chance to influence the world, the future. We are our child's primary educators.
We are more than that. We are the King and Queen of our child's Entire Kingdom. We are even more than
that. We are the Father/God and Mother/Spirit until the child develops her own relationship with her Universal
Creator. We set the vibe for our home. Our energy, our life-energy, our life, our ideals, our thoughts, our
feelings, our actions, our appearance, our environment, our words will be the first backdrop, the first reality,
the first world that the child experiences. The child will instinctively model herself after us. The child will do as
we do, rarely as we say. And what we give to our child, our child will give to her children, and so on and on
as we affect perhaps millions of people throughout the future. t is a humbling power, an awesome
responsibility, and the greatest of joys.
At times we will feel it is absolutely impossible, we feel we will certainly fail. At times we are amazed by the
successes. t seems like magic. The child will grow with love. Love is more important than anything else. This
mysterious power is the best of food for the child's spirit. And with a well-fed spirit everything else becomes
possible. And loving takes no time at all. And it takes no effort for the parent. t is just there. So your main
work is already done. Relax. think relaxing is the key to life. learned this during my childbirth labors. t is an
essential ingredient to a good labor. t is an essential ingredient to a good life. t is an essential ingredient to
health. t is an essential ingredient to letting the all-live diet work for you and your family.
Conversely, the all-live diet will help you relax. Your colon will no longer be stressed. And then the rest of
you can more easily relax also.
will tell you the story about my pregnancies and child-births, because these taught me other very important
lessons about the loveliness of the all-live diet.
Storm, my husband, delivered all my babies, at home, unassisted except by a young woman friend present
at the first birth. All of them were "successful" home births. No tearing. Mother and baby healthy and happy.
All of the babies nursed right away and continuously for many years afterwards. We read many many books
on birthing and midwifery, and loved especially Frederic LeBoyer's "Birth Without Violence". His philosophy is
to bring a child into the world with low lights in a home environment, to place the newborn immediately on his
Mother's body to nurse while the fluids are massaged in to protect the skin. t is a beautiful book with
astounding photographs showing the difference in the facial expressions between a child being held upside
down and spanked, screaming under bright lights compared with the blissed look of wonder of a newborn
handled with reverence and respect for natures wisdom. have newly discovered a wonderful website called
unassistedbirth.com where have learned that even "pushing" is a doctor-prescribed notion that inhibits the
ease of childbirth. This showed my how far still am from tuning into my own intuition. 'm looking forward to
my next labor with this "new" knowledge!
When found out was pregnant with Raven, my first child, had only recently gone raw and was not yet
secure enough to trust the diet with the development of a new life! So was vegan (eating no animal
products but no restrictions on cooking food) during most of my pregnancy, force-feeding myself cooked
grains and lentils, and sandwiches of ground peanut butter on whole wheat bread to get my "complete
proteins" every day! also did lots of fresh raw foods. Little or no junk foods. My labor with Raven was
around 30 hours. Magical. Wonderful. But long and arduous. mmediately after felt as if had had a life and
death experience, and was just glad to be alive. But all was well. took it easy for a week or so; as easy as
one can with a newborn!
When was pregnant with Jome, my second child, had been 100% all-live for quite a while. remained
100% all-live during my pregnancy. was pretty sold on the healthfulness of the diet by now, and had also
read about women having easy labors on the all-live diet. Sure enough, my labor with Jome was only 45
minutes long. The only ripple in the whole thing was that when his head popped out he didn't cry and so
thought he was dead, until he came all the way out and made a sound. After gave birth said "Wow! don't
even feel like 've given birth!" After nursing Jome helped clean up the birthing scene.
When found was pregnant with Shale, my third child, had slipped off the path and was eating a lot of
cooked vegan food again. My diet had in fact become a little less strict than during my first pregnancy,
including even non-vegan chocolate on occasion. This slip happened after we moved from California to
Canada and didn't know if could be all-live during the winter due to the cold and the seeming scarcity of
fresh organic food. didn't want to slip as far as did. And wanted to get back to 100% all-live almost right
away, but it took 2 years of trying! eventually did eat an all-live diet during a Canadian winter, after learning
where to find fresh organic foods, and it was fine!
Anyway, was geared up to have a really quick labor, based on the concept that each labor becomes easier
as your body gets more used to having babies. But such was not the case! My labor with Shale took 40
hours! Everything was fine again. t was another peak experience, like the others. Only longer, and a bit more
painful than necessary!
About two weeks after this experience finally made it back to 100% all-live after two years of trying to get
there! My pregnancy/labor experiences had shown me somehow beyond a doubt that this all-live diet was
what humans were meant to eat. have realized now that the quality and elasticity of the body's tissues
becomes completely different on a diet of living foods. Your cells are built using the foods you eat. f you eat
food that is low in nutrients, then your cells are going to be a completely different "matter" than if they were
built with sufficient nutrients.
n our years of on-and-off 100% all-live eating have learned some things 'd love to pass on here.
How to get kids to eat and love live foods
Getting kids to eat live foods can be challenging. Especially if they have had bad experiences with cheap
commercial out of season unripe or over-ripe bland mealy fruit or limp overcooked vegetables. And this is all
most kids have ever experienced! Here are some ways to re-introduce them to the joys of living foods!
-Wild Foods, Foraging: There is nothing as magical and rich and fairytale-ish as picking berries in the woods!
And absolutely nothing tastes better to a kid than wild berries eaten right off the bush, warm from the sun!
Find local hikes, ask around, and see if you can score the ultimate all-live food outing! n B.C. Canada there
are wild blackberries growing everywhere in the fall. One area had the most amazing little wild raspberries.
They weren't quite raspberries. We called them wine-berries because they reminded me of some candy of
that name from my childhood. Here in the mountains of California where we live, have only found one hike
with wild berries. t goes to a waterfall. And there are about 4 different kinds of wild berries all of which are
new to me! - Wild gooseberries (the yummiest!), wild red currants, wild black currants (the absolute
yummiest!), and wild blueberries.
Before Raven would ever eat greens, she would eat wild greens! She could eat as much wild sorrel (a sour
green leaf herb) as 'd let her! (Too much sorrel isn't good; it has a similar acid to rhubarb which can be hard
on your kidneys). But she would also eat an abundance of Miner's Lettuce, which is wonderfully healthy.
There are many kinds of wild greens that are delicious and nutritious. Somehow, kids will make an exception
to eating greens when they pick them themselves in the enchanted forest! And, they DO taste better! And,
they are about 400 times as rich in nutrition as even any organic produce. This is because the land that
organic produce is grown on has probably served as farmland for the past 100 years, and the soil is rather
depleted (especially if it has ever been commercially farmed, which is more than likely) compared to the rich
virgin forest floor, far from car pollution and spray-drift, mulched with naturally decomposing trees and plants.
t is the ideal way to eat. have experienced eating a handful of wild greens and feeling more satisfied than
have ever felt, as though didn't need to eat another thing for a week.
-Growing foods together: an equally rich introduction to living foods for kids is to grow a garden! f you
possibly can, grow a garden in your yard. Otherwise, use large planters. Or as a last resort, sprout something
in your kitchen! Kids love to see something grow! t is like magic! And they feel like the magicians! " made
something grow!" is a very tangible way for them to see that they have the power to make things happen in
the world. They like every part of the gardening process: digging up the soil, planting the seeds, watering,
weeding, and harvesting. And they are much more likely to try a vegetable that they raised themselves from
a seed than anything you can buy in a store. And you can bet it is going to taste a whole lot better too!
Freshness is a gift. Organic is a gift. And eating out of your own garden is about the highest nutrition you can
get. Almost as good or as good as wild foods, depending where you are.
When we first moved to Canada we grew a garden. t was spring. And we ate out of the garden all summer.
got an envelope full of mixed lettuce seeds from a little organic farmer with the energy of an elf. planted
them technically too thickly, didn't know about "thinning", and got a little forest of different kinds of lettuces,
mustard greens, arugula (rocket), and herbs. The land had planted them in was right next to an old growth
forest, had been old growth forest not 20 years since, and was beautifully rich. There were all kinds of herbs
and berries growing on the land too. And down the street was a beautiful big lake that we swam three times
a week. We packed the kids in a row boat, Jome in his car seat. Storm rowed and swam over the lake.
Then on the way back rowed and Storm swam. This combination of eating out of the garden and exercising
in nature's elements had us "ringing" on a new level. That's when the name "The Garden Diet" came about
for our website.
-Sprouting: f you can't garden, you can sprout. You can buy a sprouting kit at a health food store, seeds and
all. Follow the instructions and in a few days you'll be growing sprouts! And eating them too! About the recent
scares about salmonella poisoning from sprouts. spoke with my sprout lady and she said that she wasn't
selling them at the farmer's market anymore because they shut all the little sellers down. She said however
that it was the big growers that were the dangerous ones. Sprouts have to consciously attended to. You can't
grow them industrially! My baby Shale loves sprouts on their own. Just give her a plate full of sprouts and
she's in seventh heaven, and busy for a half an hour. t sounds strange, but then she has never had cooked
food, so she enjoys lots of things the older two won't touch.
-Visit to the Farm: Another great way to get the benefits of gardening, is to make friends with the local
organic farmers. Drop by and visit the farms with your kids, ask if you can all help out, work for a couple of
hours, and you'll be invited to graze on the fresh pickings. Your kids can try all kinds of foods. They will
probably be willing to try any food they are allowed to pick, because it is quite exciting for kids to pick food
from the ground or from a tree! And the food will be as fresh as it can be! Within minutes it will start to lose
some of its nutritional content. t is such a wonderful quality experience eating food as you pick it!
-U-Pick: Many farms hang out U-Pick signs, especially in the fall, harvest-time. You can then drive up and
pick fruit and vegetables and pay very reasonable prices. We have several farms staked out, and often drive
half a day to get to our favorite U-Pick farms. n the summer we go to Goleta, CA and pick apricots at a
family farm. n the fall Ananda Marga Farms in Lake Hughes, California has U-Pick peaches grown by
monks in saffron robes. We go to B.D.'s ranch in Ojai every week and get 2 crates of oranges for only $16
-Preparing foods together: Do you get the idea that kids are hands-on interactive types? You're right. So
another way to interest them in food, is to let them help make it! talked to one raw mum who ended up
being the block Mama. All the neighborhood kids loved coming to her house because they got to chop
vegetables there! My kids love chopping vegetables too. Even as babies, they get a dull "butter" knife and do
their best with an avocado. Then you can put each chopped vegetable out on a separate plate and you have
a buffet. The kids love to mix and match their own food that they helped to make! They can make it into a
"pizza salad" (colorful like pizza: red, yellow, and orange bell-peppers, mushrooms, red onions, tomatoes,
celery, carrots, jicama). They can make "burritos" (wrapping the chopped veggies up in lettuce leaves).
Dressings can be added. (see recipes below).
-Educating your kids about All-Live Foods: Kids are smart. And they like to learn. And they are open-
minded. They pick up on simple truths. We talk openly with our kids about why we eat all-live foods, why
other foods are not as health-giving, and why most people don't know about this way of eating. As we work
in this field they are exposed to information as we learn it. As we are excited about everything we learn, they
feel this too.
-Raw-Vegan Live Food events: Our kids have heard many of the live food raw-vegan speakers who travel
around teaching and lecturing about this diet. They always chose to stay and listen, and it seems to have had
a big effect on them to know that there are others out there saying the same or similar things as their
-Advertising to your own kids?: We have an ad campaign advertising fruit to kids. Radio Disney airs our
spots in NYC. We recently came up with an idea to put up ads for fruits and vegetables on our
takeafruitbreak.com website that parents can download and put up in their homes. These would be clever
ads that would make your mouth water. We have learned a lot about the tricks of the trade that junk food
advertisers use to get people to buy their products. They almost always use water in their ads, because that
is what people really crave. And most candy advertisers use fruit in their ads because that is what kids truly
crave. Using the names of places and times in the names of foods makes foods sell better. Repetition is the
name of the game though. f you can get your message in-front of prospective clients three times, you will
most likely set up a desire for your product.
Unfortunately the fruit growers in general do not have the money to get their ads out in the numbers that junk
food manufacturers do. So even before kids can talk they are programmed to drink soft-drinks when thirsty,
and eat candy bars when hungry. t is hard to compete with the billions of dollars that are spent each year
trying to program your children. But "advertising in your home" will allow you to "broadcast" the images and
messages that you want your kids to see. By putting up beautiful posters of fruits and vegetables that your
kids will see several times a day, you can out-do the mass-media mind control machine.
We have lots of other free downloadable products coming soon to our takeafruitbreak.com site too - memory
games to color in, pictures to color in, place-mats to color in. That way you are engaging your child in helping
to create the advertising. Fast food restaurants try to reach kids through toys and games. Eventually we'll
have T-Shirts, hats, and all the items that advertisers use to saturate your life with images and ideas of their
products. Except we'll be advertising fruit.
Overcoming Societal Obstacles
Many parents and kids worry about being considered socially "strange" in school if they eat an all-live diet.
Another common worry is that kids will be peer-pressured into eating a normal diet. Both are very real
concerns. Here are some ideas that might help.
-The Sharing Solution: One all-live Mum who sends her kids to school packs extra fruit in the lunch-boxes so
that her kids can share with friends. She says it never comes back. nstead of being teased for their diet,
your kids will have school-mates trying to figure out how to get in on the extra fruit!
-Lunch-box Tips: Pack lots of food. Let the amount make up for the fact that all the so-called "essential" food
groups are not there. nclude fruit servings, vegetable servings, and nut/seed servings. All-live trail mix.
When sending apple slices, you can dip them in fresh-squeezed lemon juice and the apples will not turn
brown. But whole foods are best anyway. Celery and carrot sticks with a tahini dip.
-Get your School/Community in on the Act: f you can get the school/community involved in the health of
their students, you will generate some like-minded friends instead of people who look at you as though you
hail from another galaxy. Here are some ideas that might help.
-Advertise in Your Schools: Present the problem of junk-food advertising to kids as told above and take the
grass-roots in-house advertising solution into the school. Maybe your school's photography class can do a
photo shoot and create the ads to put up in your school! They don't have to look like ads. Beautiful artistic
pictures of fruit with no words will do!
-The Field Trips Solution: Arrange field trips for your child's class to organic farms. t is very therapeutic for
kids to get their hands in the earth! t teaches them about nature, their connection to it, the cycles of the
seasons, and of course, where their food comes from. This will be great for the teachers and parents,
making their work easier, as it will "mellow out" the kids.
-The Home-schooling Solution: The solution that we have chosen to do is to avoid a lot of these common
worries by home-schooling our kids. This also allows us to have more control over what our children are
learning. think that parents can provide the most relevant education for their children, based on who their
children are, their culture, their background, and their unique gifts and strengths. When the children are
more formed and more solid in their sense of who they are, it is easier for them to resist peer-pressure and
to understand and explain their lifestyle.
-Educating the Grandparents: Often the greatest societal impediment and opposition to your food-choices
are your child's grandparents! They will worry. They will be offended that you don't wish to partake of the
foods that have been family traditions for centuries. And they may have trouble respecting your choices as a
parent. Fortunately there are more and more good articles and books coming out that are geared to a
mainstream audience. You don't want to give the grandparents David Wolfe saying "Cooked Food is Poison"
unless you want to spend the next 10 years in a fight with your Mother. You don't know how much your
parents went through and sacrificed to give you what they believed to be the best food for you. You can't turn
around and tell them that they poisoned you! This is an area that must be handled with the utmost of tact.
Remember, the mainstream medical/scientific community at large does not yet officially back your claims.
However, some good books for grandparents are:
"The Greatest Diet on Earth" by Karen Curinga
"The Raw Gourmet" by Nomi Shannon
And some good articles are:
More scientific proof than you ever wanted for the raw diet, by Arthur M.
Baker MA, NHE Self-Health Care Systems
Dr. Gina Shaw on the B12 issue
Recent Scientific Study shows heating carbohydrates is toxic!
Other Articles:
How to make sure your child is completely nourished
Although now realize that the all-live diet is the most nutritious, nutrient-dense and healthy diet for my kids,
went through phases of worrying. And many parents will be concerned that their children are not getting
enough nutrients on an all-live diet. Sometimes one word from a doctor or grandparent can be enough to
send you into months of worrying, despite the facts of your inner knowing and the proof of your efforts right
in-front of you. t may even drive you off the path, creating the problems that you worried about.
For instance when we went back and forth from all-live to vegan with our older kids they developed food
addictions and also slight deficiencies because they were not able to absorb nutrients as well. And although
they were eating more bulk fattening foods, they were not getting as much nourishment. For a long time we
kept them on raw oats and sprouted essene bread against our better judgement to try to put some weight on
them. Funnily it was when we at last let these foods go that they filled out better! They are at a normal weight
now eating a diet of a large variety of mostly fruit, some vegetables, and daily nutmilks. They eat many times
a day, they eat quite a lot of food, and usually they drink many glasses of fresh-squeezed orange juice every
The kitchen is almost always in use as we don't eat regular meals very often. Some days it seems 'm always
cleaning the kitchen up, or it is always messy. However it doesn't take long to prepare most all-live foods,
and clean up sometimes goes quicker for lack of pots and pans to scrub.
Anyway, usually think the fears are unfounded, but sometimes problems do occur. Sometimes deficiencies
do occur. This is the last thing you want to happen to your child. So it is good to know the signs of
deficiencies and what to do if you notice any of these signs.
-Blood Tests - f you suspect deficiencies or are just curious you can get blood-work done at a health clinic,
doctor, or holistic doctor/practitioner. f you don't wish to see a doctor you can find a practitioner by looking up
"live blood microscopy" or "live blood analysis" in your area on the web. Your test results will show if your
blood has the usual levels of vitamins, minerals and nutrients. f you are in short supply of any of these, you
will know or can research what foods you need to add or increase.
-Using Doctors for Diagnosis - We would see a doctor if we needed a mechanic to fix a broken bone. We
would see a doctor if we needed to diagnose a problem our child was having. Their diagnostics and
mechanics are awesome! These are their specialties.
-You administer the Adjustments/Cures - However we would probably not go with the Doctor's
recommended "cure" if it was a pill or operation, unless the situation was especially dire. We would seek
alternatives first that allowed the body to heal itself, such as giving it time, fasting, etc...Then we would
research herbal remedies and of course nutritional remedies. There is a book called "Nutritional Healing" by
two doctors that shows the supplements, herbs, and foods to prescribe for any condition. We do not take
supplements as we believe that vitamins and minerals are best obtained from the foods that contain them.
Another book we refer to is Dr. Norman Walker's "Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Juices". n the back is an index
of conditions and the juice concoctions Dr. Walker prescribes to heal them. These have worked consistently
in helping people. You can get these on our site at http://www.thegardendiet.com/books
-Monitoring Your Child - f your child is active and energetic, seldom or never sick, is emotionally poised, has
an interest in learning and has the ability to learn, and seems to be spiritually whole then there is probably no
reason to suspect any deficiencies. f your child is deficient she will be lethargic, unhappy, sickly and perhaps
show physical signs of deficiencies such as dark circles or bags under the eyes, blotchy skin, or very ridged
nails. These signs do not always mean that your child is deficient in nutrients. She may need more emotional
or spiritual nourishment, which you can administer by spending time with her.
-The Effects of a Parents' Worry and Faith: have seen first-hand on my own children the effects of worrying
about their health, and the effects of having confidence or faith in their health. When you worry, you are
constantly sending messages to your child that there may be something wrong with them. Children are more
sensitive to these often unspoken messages than adults. And this can actually manifest in real problems.
When you are confident that you have made the right choices for your child, you will project that confidence
on to them, and they will thrive. Studying and researching can be a great help. Experience is a wonderful
help. But perhaps it comes down to really trusting your own intuition, your own inner guidance, your own
brain and thought-processes, and your own passion.
The Stages of Childhood
-Starting a Child off All-Live: This is by far the easiest and loveliest way to do it! So much easier than trying
to change a child who already has food addictions and eating habits.
-All-Live from the Womb: Being all-live during pregnancy offers your child the most nutrition for brain-
-The Child's Decision: At some point your child will want to start making her own food choices. When Raven
told us at 9 that she was tired of this diet, we talked it over and decided to let her know we would respect her
decisions. She started eating cooked grains for a few weeks, but then went back to an all-live diet.
-Honoring the Child's Decisions: One reason think she went back on her own is that Storm gave her $5 to
buy whatever she wanted at the health-food store when they went shopping together. She ended up buying
all her favorite all-live treats, and no cooked food at all. She is very intelligent and think it was her way of
saying thank you.
-nfluencing the Child's Decisions: Although we did honor her choices, we still felt it our right and duty to try
to influence her positively. We talked to her about the benefits of the all-live diet. We always asked how she
felt after eating cooked foods so that she would notice if she didn't feel good. And as Raven is very quality-
conscious, we made our food seem like it was more valuable, more expensive, and of higher quality. This
wasn't hard, as it was true.
mportance of Exercise for All-Live Children
-Building Muscle: Living food is transmuted very well into muscle. Therefore it is good to help kids fill-out at
any age by building muscle. We don't use weights, but games, outlined below.
-Burning off Excess Energy: Many many people have found that they have an abundance of energy on the
All-Live Diet. With kids, this can be true to the power of 10! So in order to not go crazy or let your child go
crazy, you may need to do some serious exercise, sometimes or on a regular basis! We have a mountain
behind our house we can walk them up when this occurs.
-Developing Reflexes and Developing The Brain: The brain is so optimized on the All-Live diet. With
muscles, if you don't build them, they don't happen. Similarly with the brain, if you don't build it, it won't
maximize its potential. There are many exercises below that develop reflexes that develop synapses in the
brain, strengthening the brain for other future learning of all kinds, including academic learning.
Encouraging Exercise through Play
-Wheelbarrow: Holding your child's legs while they walk on their hands all over the house. Jome laughs the
entire time. He also builds his once skinny little arms up with muscle tissue. The girls love to do the
wheelbarrow too.
-Hiking, reasons for hiking: This is the best way to build the leg and bottom muscles. Also builds abdominal
muscles. Some kids love hiking. Ours go on and off of it. Sometimes having alone-time with one of the
parents is enough of a lure to get them out on a hike. Sometimes we have to come up with creative reasons
to go for a hike, like hunting for rattlesnake eggs or building a fort on top of the mountain. Hiking is awesome
all-around, offering valuable and healing time in nature, a way to burn off excess energy, and a total workout.
-Baboon Races: A fun game and another arm-building exercise. Touch your toes. Now walk your hands
forward. You're in position to baboon race. n this position you walk or run, racing across the biggest room in
your house, or the lawn. The competition is fierce in our house for winning the Baboon Race. At any time,
someone might call "Baboon Race" and its on!
-Stick Fighting: Another arm builder, energy burner, and good also for developing reflexes. With the "Bo"
stick, Storm swings low and slow at their legs, and they jump over it. He also leads them in stick fights, but it
is allowed only when he is watching. They have learned to block, and the object is to tap the opponent.
-Martial Arts: Good muscle builder and good for developing reflexes. And kids love it.
-Rock Hopping: Hopping the rocks on a stream bed builds synapses like nothing else! The child has to judge
distance and terrain and adjust constantly. Results in an extremely coordinated and graceful body.
-Water Play: Tests have shown kids need water play. t expands their intelligence. suppose it is beginning
physics. Shale will play in a bath all day.
-River Play: But she'll play in a river all day too, in total bliss. And at the river, they are expending lots of
energy, jumping rocks, throwing rocks, building dams, playing in waterfalls. A great way to spend a day.
-Mountain Climbing: Kids love to climb. They are naturally courageous and if this is fostered instead of shut
down, they can take this courage with them into adult life. think that if more kids were allowed to do this type
of thing, then they wouldn't have to resort to crime and other silly acts to prove their courage.
Getting Support
-Online Support Groups: t is very helpful, perhaps essential, to have a support network of friends who have
the same dietary lifestyle. Eating is culturally a very social thing. And social events are likewise often
centered around eating. Working in the all-live field has helped us build a small social network. As has our
website. A wonderful social network exists online via online bulletin boards or "support groups" as think of
them. On these websites there are general "topics" such as Raw Food Discussion, Sharing Raw Journals,
and Raw Food Events, and specific "topics" such as sharing regarding a particular disease. When you click
on the topic you want to see, you see a list of messages that you can click on and just read or respond to.
You can also start a new discussion or topic by posting a message. Most lists require you to register, which is
usually a simple online process of choosing a user name and password. Some lists become argumentative.
Others are highly supportive. Here are some of the more supportive ones dedicated to Raw Food:
A discussion for parents of All-Live babies!:
Although originally started to discuss healing from the birth control shot via all-live foods, this board has
become a lively and supportive community:http://pub41.ezboard.com/bdepoprovera
A very supportive and nurturing board for all-live discussion and social chatting about life in general, run by a
Buddhist woman:
Raw-mmortal. Seems like a nice group:
A very popular board for discussion of alternative cures for a variety of diseases:
An active but sometimes argumentative/hostile board dedicated to living foods:
A board especially for Raw-Vegan Christians
David Wolfe's Bulletin Board
Paul Nison's Bulletin Board
-All-Live Potlucks: For a list of local raw potlucks across the U.S.A and Canada you can visit:
f you don't see one in your area, start one! (t can be monthly or weekly). Put up flyers at your local health
food stores, farmers' markets, yoga studios and at chiropractors' and alternative health practitioners offices. f
you make one friend who you can talk with openly about your lifestyle and who shares your views, it can
make all the difference. t can help you to be able to stick with the diet when obstacles come up.
Common questions answered
-The B12 Question: Great debate arises over this issue. Some say the body produces B12 in the small
intestine if a diet rich in plants is consumed. Some are adamant that B12 can only be gotten from meat.
personally believe this is a myth or meat-industry generated propaganda. My research shows that if you are
B12 deficient, you know it. You can barely walk. And know enough highly healthy long-term raw-vegans
who are plainly not deficient, including Storm who hasn't eaten meat in over 30 years, that must conclude
that meat is absolutely not required for optimum health.
-The Protein Question: A great worry from society regarding this diet is that the formerly primary food group,
meat, is not present, and therefore the diet is protein deficient. Recently the U.S. government turned the
recommended food pyramid upside-down so that meat, formerly the largest recommended food group is
now the smallest. Diary has also become small instead of large. And the formerly smallest group, fruits and
vegetables, is now the largest. Grains are still in the middle. The government did this because of the health
crisis in our country. t became obvious that something was very wrong with our diets. And new research
showed that many diseases are caused from an excess of protein.
There are three main categories of nutrient-sources that all foods fall into: Proteins, Carbohydrates, and
Fats. t has recently been shown and reported in the media extensively that heated carbohydrates contain
potentially tumor-causing toxins. t has also been made clear that heated fats are highly toxic. think it will
not be long until it is shows that heated proteins are also dangerous. think it follows. Anything that heat
touches is changed on a molecular level. f you change organic molecules what happens to them? Are they
still useful to our body? Can we absorb the nutrients in them? Do the nutrients still exist in them? f we can
absorb them, and build cells from them, what will the condition of our cells be? These are questions that
need to be researched. hope that many live food enthusiasts will go into science and medicine and study
biology, chemistry, and medicine to answer these questions with the awareness that they have received from
their experiences eating all-live foods. Awareness and perception do have an influence over scientific
findings. This has been proven by the new discoveries of Quantum Physics such as that molecules changed
their movements according to what the observing scientist thought he would see. This acts on the smallest,
most subtle, and central particles of matter.
-The Calcium Question: Many people still believe that you need to have dairy products in your diet to obtain
enough calcium. However tests have shown that calcium from dairy products is actually harmful to our
bodies. t is not absorbed well, and can form calcium deposits in the body, especially around joints. Calcium
from plant sources is what our bodies require. Plants contain sufficient amounts of protein and calcium to
meet our needs. Our society thinks "more is better", but this has proven to be false in the case of excess
protein and calcium from dead and cooked animal products in our systems.
-The ron Question: Another meat-industry generated myth, in my humble opinion, is that we need to eat
meat to get enough iron. Dark leafy greens are rich in iron, as well as vitamin C, which is necessary to have
in the system in order to absorb iron. So do beets, pomegranates, and stone-fruit such as peaches,
nectarines, and apricots. Meat contains high levels of iron but no vitamin C to help absorb it.
-The Vitamin Question: n my Biology text book it plainly says that vitamins are destroyed by heat. So why do
health professionals keep saying that this raw food diet is mumbo jumbo?! Did they skip Biology 101? All the
vitamins you need are available in a variety of un-heated fruits and vegetables. The fresher the better. And
organic only please!
Common mistakes and pitfalls
t is safe to feed your baby raw if you nurse your baby. Nursing provides all the nutrients needed for proper
brain development. t is the only food that provides adequate nutrition to infants.
t is safe to bring up your children raw provided they have an ample variety of foods in sufficient quantity and
the diet includes fresh organic food, preferably garden-grown in your own garden.
Proper nutrition is much more important for developing bodies than it is for adults who are already fully
grown. f proper nutrition is not obtained, if deficiencies occur, there can be serious health problems for your
call the raw-vegan diet The Extreme Diet because like extreme sports, if you don't know what you are
doing, it can be very dangerous. And, accidents will happen. However, extreme sports are courageous and
stark ways to celebrate being in a magnificent body on a magnificent planet! Why let fear of potential pain
and death relegate you to a bland life of safety and security? Your skill shall take you through this. n extreme
sports you must study, train, and prepare. n the extreme diet you must study, train, and prepare.
Some people have brought up thriving healthy raw kids who become perfectly formed and highly-functioning
adults. There have also been many casualties and tragedies in the search for the right way to eat, due to
serious mistakes made by well-meaning parents who wanted a better life for their children and the world.
These parents have usually been cruelly punished by society and the system whereas the parents of the
tragedies of obese children received consolation and pats on the back for doing the best they could under
the circumstances.
f a vegetarian, vegan, or raw-vegan child dies or becomes sick, the parents are often imprisoned and the
other children taken away by the state.
f an obese child dies or becomes sick, which is far more common, it is considered the fault of society. The
parents are held entirely blameless and unaccountable. Rather than getting jail time, the parents are
comforted and consoled, and referred to grief counseling. Their other children, often also obese, are never
taken away. f overweight children were taken away from their parents, a third of the children in this country
would become wards of the state.
How terribly unfair that these well-intentioned parents, who suffer just as much at their loss, who are bravely
attempting to change the world for the better, should be so brutally punished for daring to be different, for
having the audacity to think for themselves.
Perhaps 100 babies have died in the over 2000-year old history of the raw-vegan movement. 1000's of
babies die every year as a result of the Standard American Diet. t doesn't even make the news.
These raw-vegan parents are people who try hard, who struggle valiantly, who study relentlessly, who
research tirelessly, who seek truth courageously. t is not their fault that there are no government approved
raw-vegan diet guidelines to follow. There should be! t is not their fault that the Standard American Diet has
failed our society.
The FDA and Universities should be given money to research the healing properties in foods, the nutritional
content of raw foods vs. cooked foods in all fruits and vegetables. Studies should be done on test groups of
long term raw-vegans to determine the long-term effects of various raw-vegan diets. Exhaustive research
should be conducted by government so that tax-paying citizens do not have to do all the research
themselves, on themselves. The FDA is paid to figure out what is safe to eat. That is their job, funded by the
taxpayers. They already know that cooked food is unsafe to eat. Why do they not begin to research the raw-
vegan diet. They ought to demand the labeling of all cooked and processed foods as "containing
carcinogens and mutagens that have been shown to cause tumors in laboratory animals". (See article on
fda.gov about Acrylamide in heated carbohydrates).
With that said, here are some of the reasons that the all-live diet has failed children in the past:
-Limiting the Diet: Recent reports of a child in Florida who died on a raw-vegan diet told that the child had
been limited to a diet of corn, avocado, and one or two other specific foods. Variety is very important on an
all-live diet. t is not surprising that limiting the diet to four particular foods over a long period of time caused
severe deficiencies resulting in death.
-Limiting Salt, Oil, Honey, Fruit, Vegetables, Nuts, Fats: There are many many different kinds of all-live diets.
Here are some things various raw-vegans are "against".
Some say to limit or even avoid fruit intake because fruits in our society have been bred to be too sweet, or
because all sugar is evil. have had experiences with Candida and have found that when fruit sugar and
refined sugar are in the system at the same time then the fruit sugar reacts together with the refined sugar to
worsen candida symptoms. However when there was no longer any refined sugar in the system could eat
all the fruit wanted including lots of orange juice with no candida symptoms.
Some claim that vegetables are not meant to be consumed by people because early man has been shown to
be frugivores (entirely fruit eating). Studies done on people eating a fruitarian diet show that this can be
healthful for about 3 years, after which deficiencies can begin to show up. have heard of long-term
fruitarians who are said to thrive on the diet. However as haven't yet met any personally, am inclined to
say that vegetables are necessary for ultimate mineralizing nutrition for kids.
Many claim that oils are bad for you because they are processed. We find that extra-virgin cold-pressed
organic olive oil, flax seed oil, and hemp seed oil are minimally processed and if of good quality are highly
beneficial. We include these oils in our children's foods to provide essential fatty acids which are necessary
for developing the brain. We have seen some long-term raw-vegans who avoid oils who are prematurely
aged and low-functioning. We have seen others who seem to do well with no oils. t is a personal choice for
adults. But would not take the chance of leaving oils out of a pregnant Mother's or a child's diet.
-Not Enough Quantity, Kids Need Bulk: Many raw-vegan children are thin. do not think this is bad if the
child is otherwise healthy. We are used to seeing children who are overweight. Our society purposely likes
fat babies so that in case of famine the baby will survive. However the likelihood of famine in today's society
is pretty much nonexistent, or is at least far less than when this survival tactic first developed. Because of
this tendency to keep babies fat, normal babies look thin in comparison. My three year old Shale is two
pounds underweight according to the doctor. However, the nurse went and got all the other staff in the clinic
to come in and ooh and aah over our three kids. They have an alertness, a shining spirit, and glowing health
that is unusual and seems to hypnotize people.
At times have tried to fatten up my kids. And have found that to do this, they need to eat a lot of food!
Simple. Eating just three meals a day may not be enough on an all-live diet. We buy fruit by the crate, and
we let the kids eat whenever they are hungry. Sometimes this means grazing almost all day, eating a few
fruits each hour. Sometimes we make huge raw pies with almond crusts, fruit fillings, and oil, salt, and honey,
and the kids will eat several servings. Almost every day we make nutmilks. But the thing that have found
that really helps put on weight, strangely, is eating vegetables in bulk regularly. When served Jome a large
plate of celery sticks every day for a week noticed he put on weight. Perhaps the sodium and calcium
combination in the celery helped him absorb his food better or retain more water.
-Wavering, Being Swayed by Society and Doctors: f we go off the path whenever we get scared by doctors
or grandparents or other well-meaning people, then we can create confusion, food addictions, weight loss
and poor health for our kids.
-Occasional Treats are a Trick: When we indulge in occasional treats because we don't want to deprive our
child of a normal childhood we can create again confusion, food addictions, weight loss and poor health.
People will be quick to blame the all-live diet for the illness rather than the candy. Straddling the fence is far
more dangerous than being clear and simple about your lifestyle choices.
-The Easy Path, TV And Junk Food as Escape for Us: f there is a TV in the house it is very hard to resist
putting the kids in-front of it at times so that we can get a pressing job done or have some peace of mind.
However TV and junk food go hand in hand. Commercials are powerful and effective, and will totally
undermine your efforts and hard work. Billions of dollars and the most brilliant, talented and creative minds
are work to create customers out of your children, to program them to crave foods that are not in their best
interest, but that rather will create repeat customers for life (food addicts). Advertising has become a fine
science, and even if you are aware of how it works, it still works on you!
We don't usually have a TV but we were staying in a house recently that did. We were watching a film
together, and during the first commercial break, there was a Domino's Pizza commercial. During the second
commercial break the same commercial came on and noticed that a doorbell rang during the commercial.
As study advertising and have worked in advertising, thought "How clever. t makes you think of the pizza
man at the door". The next commercial break the same commercial came on again and found myself
thinking " wish the pizza man WAS at our door!". ( hadn't eaten or craved pizza in over 10 years!). f
advertising works on adults who understand how advertising works, then imagine what it does to children!
"Programming" is the only word for it.
What is more common that seeing children sitting in-front of the TV eating junk food. TV makes kids want
junk food. And junk food leaves kids so energy-depleted that all they want to do is watch TV. t is a match
made in hell! t seems so easy, the path of least resistance, to give your kids a bag of chips and put them in-
front of the TV. But in reality you are creating a lot of problems for yourself and your child. t is an addictive
cycle. t is depleting of health. t leads to attitudes in your child that you will not recognize. The child's energy
builds up inside of them and becomes very uncomfortable, and ends up being released all at once later, often
in some kind of tantrum or other uncontrolled energy. The child is not learning to think for herself but to
absorb information about life. The child is not being exposed to real life but to a distorted depiction of real life.
When you read a book to a child they paint the pictures of the story in their minds. When they watch TV, the
mind has nothing to add or create. Everything is filled in for them. There is no space for the imagination to
wander, grow and develop.
Junk food is not just bad for you, it is depleting. t can rapidly deplete all the optimum nutrition you have put
into your child. t will destroy your child's desire for good foods. Once you have tasted MSG or "natural
flavoring" as its more commonly used derivatives are now called, the taste is so powerful that most live foods
seem bland in comparison. f you want an all-live child, you need to go all the way!
Essential Elements to nclude in the Raw-Vegan Child's Diet
-Omega Fatty Acids (absolutely essential, but only in small amounts!)
-Flax Seeds, Flax Oil
-Hemp Seeds, Hemp Oil
-Olives, Olive Oil
(f you prefer not to use oils, the seeds and olives themselves will provide this in some smaller quantity.
However, a small quantity is all that is needed).
-Really Raw Honey in small doses: Don't feed honey to infants. t is toxic to them. There is a brand of honey
called "Really Raw" that is best, when your kids are over 2. t is perhaps not essential, but it is a rich food
that is a miracle food. t has been used in healing, as an antiseptic. Moderation is key. Too much honey can
make you bloat, and can act as a refined sugar.
-Celtic Sea Salt in small doses: Celtic Sea Salt is unprocessed, un-heated, and un-refined. You can see
small flecks of gray in it. These are minerals. t is mineral-rich. And your body needs sodium (salt). There is
sodium in many vegetables too. Don't over-do the Celtic Sea Salt. Salt in moderation is good for you. Salt
overdone is harmful.
-Sea Weed in small doses: Seaweed is a good source of minerals and protein. The rich sodium content
means don't overdo it!
-Abundant Fruits! Fruits are the natural food for kids to eat. f they were in nature, they would gravitate
towards fruit and live on it! Fruits have an enormous variety of vitamins and minerals. They provide
carbohydrates and protein. Some even provide fat (coconuts, durian, and avocado). Feed you children a
wide variety of in-season fresh organic fruits.
-Abundant Vegetables! Vegetables provide minerals, vitamins, fiber, carbohydrates, and protein. A wide
variety, a lot of bulk, and fresh, organic, in-season, and locally grown whenever possible!
-Generous Nuts and Seeds! Nuts and seeds provide abundant proteins, carbohydrates and fats. Very recent
studies show that nuts provide a superior protein to meat. read in the newspaper yesterday that the
President is promoting nuts to cut down on heart disease.
How to Make t Financially on The Raw-Vegan Diet
People ask if it isn't very expensive to eat an all-live diet. t can be. Organic food is pricey. Here are some
tips to make it less expensive than a standard diet!
-Farmers Markets
Where farmers gather once a week, set up stalls and sell their produce.
http://www.gardenofhealth.com - List of all farmers markets in the U.S.A. Good deals still to be had. Good
place to develop relationships with the farmers and arrange a trip to their farm.
-Shopping from the Farmer
You can get great deals direct from the farmer. Especially if you do some work trade. Or you can buy their
"2nds" (fruit that is not good-looking enough for the stores, although it is often the best-tasting fruit!).
-Shop for under $1.00 a lb.
f you are shopping at a health-food store, the prices are often quite high for organic foods. But large health-
food stores will have competitive prices on some items. When 'm on a strict budget, look at the price of all
the produce and take some of each thing (that looks good) that is under $1.00 a lb. ts amazing how this
cuts my grocery bill. What end up with has often inspired new recipes.
-Buying by the Crate
You can get deals from your health-food store if you order by the crate. We used to order organic oranges by
the crate from our local supermarket when we lived in Canada, and the store gave them to us at cost!
-2nds from the Produce Department
At the end of the day the produce department throws away a lot of produce, whether in a supermarket or
health-food store. f you come in at closing time and ask the produce person, they may be happy to give you
lots of "2nds", which are often great for smoothies and juices. But don't eat things that are actually going bad.
There are molds that can kill you.
Making it Taste Great!
Condiments to keep on hand (and tips) that can make any foods taste great!
-Medjool Dates (an alternative to sweetening with honey)
-Celtic Sea Salt
-Oils (cold-pressed organic olive, flax, and hemp)
-Nut Butters (almond, hazelnut)
-Tahini (sesame seed butter)
-Vinegar (Organic Apple Cider Vinegar "with the mother")
-Keep it Organic!
Whole Foods our kids love (Whole Foods are more easily digested than mixtures/recipes)
-Whole Fruits
-Seasonal Fruits
-Stone Fruits
-Young Coconuts
-Pineapple Guavas
-Strawberry Guavas
-Lemon Guavas
-Wild Berries
-Vegetables (some are technically fruits because they contain seeds, but they are listed here because they
are usually eaten with vegetables)
-Bell Peppers
-Sweet Peas
-Wild Greens
-Fresh Nuts from the shell
-Sunflower Seeds
-Pumpkin Seeds
-Sesame Seeds
-Flax Seeds
-Hemp Seeds
A word about nuts. Most nuts are heated during processing, even if labeled "raw". The exceptions to this are
almonds and filberts (also called hazelnuts). t is good to stick to almonds and filberts when buying bulk
shelled nuts. Other nuts are good if you can buy them fresh and in the shell. Nuts go rancid quickly. You can
taste rancid oil (it is bitter) so this is easy to avoid. We have been getting mixed nuts in the shell from the
supermarket and they are very fresh right now (it is October, harvest time!).
The Recipes Kids Love
-Fruit Salads
-Orange Juice
-Apple Juice
-Grape Juice
-Pomegranate Juice
-Berries-Buffet style "salads"
-Pizza Salads
-Vegetable Juice (think V8)
-Raw "Soups"
-Raw Cakes
-Raw Candy
-Fruit Pies
-Coconut Banana Cream
-Veggie Sticks and Dip
-Almond Butter
-Cashew Butter and Peanut Butter (Not Good!)
-Almond Milk
-Sunflower Seeds Milk
-Pumpkin Seeds Milk
-Hemp Seeds Milk
-"Fish Flakes"
-Fruit Salads: f you only use three kinds of fruits at a time, the combinations and permutations of fruit salads
you can make are endless. You never have to eat the same fruit salad twice! Our kids' favorites use the fruits
in the list above. Best not to mix melons with other foods though. Get creative. Use interesting color
combinations. Use fruits that grow close in the same region together. A tropical fruit salad of mango,
pineapple, and banana. Or the more exotic Durian, young coconut, and tamarind (all available at Asian
Markets). Or the fall fruit salad of peaches, apples, and grapes. Or the two-fruit salad such as blueberries
and bananas. Let your child make up some fruit salads and name them funny names together.
-Smoothies: Blend any three fruits together. Use a juice base of orange juice (juiced in your citrus juicer),
apple juice (juiced in the vegetable juicer), or grape juice (juiced in the vegetable juicer or blender). Then you
add chunks of fruit (fresh, not frozen) into the blender with the base juice and blend away. The result is like
an ice cream you can drink. You can add ice into the blender to make it more so if you want.
-Orange Juice: Juice in an electric citrus juicer (about $20 at a home store). Always drink your fruit and
vegetable juices fresh, as it will oxidize and lose nutrients quickly.
-Apple Juice: Cut up apples and put through the vegetable juicer.
-Grape Juice: Blend in your blender
-Pomegranate Juice: buy this at the farmers' market in the fall. t tastes full of iron.
-Berries: A very healing kind of fruit that is as favorite of kids. Great for weaning kids off candy.
-Buffet style "salads": Cutting up vegetables, serving on unique plates, letting the kids serve themselves,
making their own salad.
-Pizza Salads: Using colorful pizza toppings in a buffet-style salad as above
-Veggie Sticks and Dip: Cut up any vegetables (cucumbers, zucchini, carrots, celery, broccoli, bell peppers,
jicama, etc...) and serve attractively. Make a dip like this: two tablespoons of tahini, juice of half a lemon, 1/4
teaspoon of Celtic Sea Salt, 1/8th cup of water. Stir until the consistency of a dip. Tastes like a cheese dip or
sour cream and onion dip.
-"Raw Summer Pesto". You can eat it straight (in small quantities!), spread it on avocado slices, dip veggies
in it, or use it on zucchini/squash/eggplant sliced in your spiral slicer (saladacco) for a pesto pasta-like dish.
Mix together in blender or food processor:
1/2 cup olive oil
2 bunches basil
1 bunch thyme
1 bunch dill
1/2 cup pine nuts
2 medium cloves garlic
1/2 teaspoon Celtic Sea Salt
-"Pesto Nori Wraps"
Add to the above a tablespoon of raw cold-packed honey, 1/2 cup of sprouts, and 7 yellow cherry tomatoes,
mix with the pesto and wrap in raw (sun-dried) Nori (seaweed/sushi) sheets.
-Vegetable Juice (think V8): Vegetable juice isn't just for adults. f you add lemon and tomatoes to any
vegetable juice, you'll get a V8! Use carrots and celery as the base, as its less "strong" than your kale juice!
-Raw "Soups": f you make a nice vegetable juice, you can make it into a soup by adding chopped
vegetables and optionally heating it up on low. You should still be able to put your finger in it. Then its not hot
enough to kill the enzymes and nutrients.
-Fruit Pies: Put almonds or soaked almonds (or other nuts) into the blender and blend up. f you soak
almonds for a few hours first then they become "living", they germinate, and are much easier to chew and
digest. Might need a high powered blender like a K-Tek or Vitamix. Add honey, salt, oil, dates. Mix and
spread on a plate. There is your crust. You can vary the quantity of the ingredients to taste to make different
textures and flavors of crust. You can add baking spices like cinnamon, nutmeg, and cardamom for extra
flavor. Next you add the fruit filling. You can blend up the fruit and/or slice it up. Peach cobbler using sliced
peaches with cinnamon and honey for the filling. Mashed and also sliced Bananas with honey and lemon
juice for lemon cream pie.
-Coconut Banana Cream: This tastes just like a sweet cream! Put a banana, the meat from a young coconut,
and the juice of a half a small lemon in the blender and blend up until creamy. Can also add a tablespoon of
honey in this mixture to sweeten.
-All-Live Brownies: Blend one cup non-soaked almonds to a fine powder in a blender. Add three tablespoons
olive oil. Add 4 dates. Add 3 tablespoons of honey. Add a dash of Celtic Sea Salt. Blend again. Now in a
bowl put in 3 tablespoons of raw carob powder. Add 2 tablespoons of olive oil. Add a dash of Celtic Sea Salt.
Add 3 finely chopped dates. Add 2 tablespoons of honey. Stir it until it is the consistency of chocolate icing.
Then stir it into the almond mixture so that it becomes like a marble cake or peanut butter blondie. Then
shape it and cut it into squares like brownies. Eat in-front of the kids and describe how good it is, because it
is too good to share with kids!
-Raw Candy: Go back to the pie crust or almond cake in the previous recipes. Roll the "crust" into balls.
Energy candy!
-Almond Butter: You can buy raw almond butter in the health-food store. You can mix it with honey and
cinnamon, roll into balls, and it makes a cookie dough candy. You can put it on apple slices. Or put it into the
hollows of celery sticks (remember peanut butter boats?). Or put it ontop of banana slices (banana boats).
-Peanut Butter (Not Good! Toxic!)
-Almond Butter Milk: You can put a tablespoon of almond butter in a blender. Add a 1/2 tablespoon of honey
or three medjool dates. Add a pinch of Celtic Sea Salt. Add a dash of olive, hemp, or flax seed oil. Add two
cups of water. Blend until like a milk-shake.
-Almond Milk: Soak a cup of almonds for 24 hours. Peel the skins off. Blend up with honey, dates, salt, oil,
and water. t makes a very fine quality milk.
-Seedmilks: Using any of the seeds below you can make milks as above
-Sunflower Seed Milk (soak sunflower seeds for two hours first)
-Pumpkin Seed Milk (soak sunflower seeds for two hours first)
-Hemp Seed Milk (you can buy hulled hemp seeds in containers in health food stores)
-Fish Flakes
Called Fish Flakes because they taste just like and have the same texture as those little cheesy goldfish
crackers kids love. You just take a cup of raw rolled oats (we are still researching whether raw rolled oats are
REALLY raw. t seems the "steel-cut" ones may be). You add 1/8 cup of olive and/or hempseed oil. Then
you add a 1/4 teaspoon of salt. Stir it up well so all the oats are coated with oil. Lots of good omega fats!
Here also are our recipes from The Garden Diet eBook. Some of the recipes may be repeats, or slight
variations. Many of these below are well-loved by the kids. put stars next to the ones they like, with five
stars being the "yummiest" rating. But before the recipes, 've also included our junk food cravings raw
replacement chart and our "Basics of Preparing Raw Recipes" section:
All the cravings listed below are followed by their raw replacement. These can all be found in the next section
on recipes.
Milk - nutmilk
Milkshake - nutmilk smoothie
ce Cream - nutmilk smoothie with almond butter, chilled (semi-raw)
Meat, Sushi - Nut Sushi
Meat, Meat Loaf - Nut Loaf
Pizza - Nut Pizza
Candy - Nut Candy
Chocoloate - Raw Carob Treat
Candy Bar - Almond Butter Candy
Pastry, Breakfast Cereal, Pies - Oatmeal Treat
Sushi - Veggie Sushi Rolls
Dessert - Sensuous Fruit Salad
Apple Pie - Raw Apple Pie
Salad Dressings - Raw Salad Dressings
Cheese - Tahini Cheese
ce Cream, Milk Shakes, Candy - Fruit Smoothies
Puree, Pudding, Jello - Watermelon Juice
Chip Dip - Sprouted Humus
Liverwurst, meat, beans & rice - Seed Pat
Protein Shake - Tahini Milk
Milk - Cantaloupe Milk
Ratatouille, talian sauce dishes - Raw Ratatouille, Raw Tomato Sauce
Thai Food - Raw Thai Lemon Coconut Soup
Burritos - Sunflower Herb Pat
Drugs and Alcohol - Green Juice
Raw Food Preparation is a creative process. The recipes listed here give a basis and are not necessarily to
be followed to the letter. Sometimes just by changing or substituting one vegetable for another you can come
up with a totally different recipe. Very seldom do ever prepare any of my recipes the same way twice.
Spices: use numerous herbal seasonings to add accents to any of the recipes, including rosemary, thyme,
basil, tarragon, oregano, summer savory, cayenne, paprika, cumin, curry, turmeric, sage, vanilla bean, etc. f
you can get these herbs fresh, or grow them in your kitchen or garden, all the better. Otherwise organic dried
versions are acceptable.
Replacements: Some basic cooking replacements use are flax oil in place of butter, nut-meal (ground nuts)
in place of meat, and marinated vegetables in place of cooked vegetables. also use finely ground almonds
(nut-meal) in place of flour for pie crusts and other types of crusts.
Nut-meal: blend nuts in food processor or blender until it turns to powder. Add Celtic Sea Salt and Olive Oil.
This can be a pizza crust or pie crust. For pizza crust blend in Celtic Sea Salt and herbal spices. For pie crust
add dates, cinnamon, nutmeg, and/or cloves. Using almond meal as a base for crusts you can create a whole
variety of different dishes.
Sweetening: To sweeten foods we use honey. You can replace this with medjool dates or raw agave (cactus)
nectar. Some people believe honey is not vegan because bees make it. However we distinguish between
insects and other animals and therefore don't see honey as animal product. We have done extensive
research on honey and are convinced it is extremely healthful, as long as it is used in moderation.
Salt: Celtic Sea Salt is used because this type of salt is water-soluble, it dissolves in water. Therefore it can
break down, dissolve, in your system, unlike normal table salt, which is to be avoided at all costs! As with
honey, Celtic Sea Salt is very healthful, as long as it is used in moderation. Otherwise it can be damaging.
Garnishing (Making the dish pretty!):
Please also experiment with and add your own garnishing to the recipes below. Some garnishing ideas:
- place fruit and/or vegetable slices around the edges of the plate in a circle
- create an artistic flourish or arrangement of garnishing using colors and shapes
- use a bed of red or green leaf lettuce
- cut garnishing into pretty or interesting shapes
- for fruit dishes: banana slices, kiwi slices, strawberries, strawberry slices, dried coconut sprinkles, and
almonds make the prettiest garnishing
- for vegetable dishes: red onion rings, lettuce, carrot slices, thin curly carrot strips, different colored bell
peppers, cucumber slices, different colored cabbage cut in this curly strips, jicama wedges, and asparagus
tops make nice garnishing.
Raw-Gourmet Transition Recipes
The recipes in this section, Transition Recipes, are great for people who are just starting to explore the raw
vegan diet, and need to have the comforts of foods that taste like cooked foods, and that give them a similar
feeling of fullness. These recipes help convince people that raw food is not about deprivation, and that great
tasting food is a big part of the raw way of life! t is a huge step up from the SAD (Standard American Diet)
Diet. When you start a raw diet and include these recipes, the transition will be easy and gentle, and you will
slowly naturally phase them out in favor of the high-raw recipes further below, and whole foods (such as just
eating an apple or cucumber for a meal). You will also find that you don't need to eat as much to feel
nourished, the longer you are raw.
Pour a cup and a half of boiling water over a cup of cracked wheat or bulghur wheat. Let sit for 40 minutes,
covered. Chop finely: two bunches of parsley, one bunch of cilantro, one bunch of green onions (scallions), 4
tomatoes, and 3 medium sized cloves of garlic. Add to the wheat along with the juice of three medium sized
lemons, a quarter of a cup of olive oil, and a teaspoon of Celtic Sea Salt. Top with avocado slices. f you want
a creamy sauce, add an avocado sauce made by mashing one avocado with a tablespoon of apple cider
vinegar and a teaspoon of honey.
***Manna Bread: (replacement to Bread)
Manna bread or Essene bread are brands of unleavened bread. They are basically just heated for a very
short time at a very low heat so they are still full of life, as you can tell by how rich and filling they are
compared to normal bread. There are all kinds of manna bread, made from different combinations of nuts,
seeds, sprouted grains, and fruit. A real delicacy with none of the dangers inherent in bread such as wheat,
flour, eggs, butter and sugar, which all clog the body.
***Manna Bread sandwiches: (replacement to Sandwiches, subs, burgers, etc..)
Slice up avocado and tomato on Manna Bread (available at health food stores) with honey for a simple and
easy lunch. Add a little Celtic Sea Salt if desired. When we were transitioning we would sometimes live on
this for a couple of days if we were too busy to find and prepare food. Raw Tahini or Raw Almond Butter and
honey on "Carrot and Raisin" Manna Bread tastes just like carrot cake!
*****Oatmeal Treat: (replacement to breakfast cereals, pastries, pies, cakes, candy and cookies)
-1 cup raw organic steel cut oats
-1/4 cup fresh squeezed O.J.
-2 tablespoons raisins
-2 dates chopped
-1/2 banana sliced
-1 teaspoon honey
-2 tablespoons Shredded Coconut
-dash of Celtic sea salt
Mix and feast on this healthy breakfast or treat that tastes like candy!
Raw Thai Lemon Coconut Soup: (replacement to Thai Food, soup)
Juice a large squash or two. Add the milk of one young coconut. Squeeze three or four lemons. Chop 5
mushrooms, slice 2 carrots. Mix and heat on low (optional) until warm.
*****Nut Milk: (replacement to milk-shake, milk, and ice-cream cravings)
Liquefy in blender
-1 cup nuts or sunflower seeds (soaked for a couple of hours)
-Blender full of water
-1 banana (optional)
-2 tablespoons honey
-2 dates
(optional - add a dash of olive oil and dash of Celtic Sea Salt for extra taste and nutrition)
Optimum Health option: Sprouted food has far more vitality, enzymes and life energy, for it is alive and
growing. Sprouting the nuts you use will give you a super-food that will increase your energy and vitality too.
To germinate/sprout nuts: Soak nuts in water for a couple of hours to as long as overnight. You'll find some
nuts sprout faster than others. The longer you leave them in water, the stronger their life force becomes. You
may want to change the water periodically if you leave them in longer than a day. Use spring water or bottled
water if available.
*Nut Sushi: (replacement to sushi, meat, salty foods)
This recipe is oily and salty and gives a feeling of having eaten meat. t provides enough protein for two
adults for a day. Very rich and filling.
-One Cup of Nuts (Any combination of one or more of these: Brazil Nuts, Almonds, Pecans, Pine Nuts,
Sunflower Seeds, Pumpkin Seeds, Walnuts, Hazelnuts. Avoid cashews as these are processed and
packaged in a way that involves heating and harmful chemicals)
-Raw Nori Seaweed (North American harvests please, as some oriental companies catch fish in the nori nets
and grind them in with the Nori. You can instead also use lettuce leaves, nasturtium leaves, or kale leaves)
-1/4 cup Cilantro
-1 Avocado
-1 Tomato
-2 cloves Garlic
Grind nuts in food processor with S-Blade. You may also want to use a handful of either pine nuts or
sunflower seeds whole. Mix in one avocado, a 1/4 cup cilantro, a tomato, 2 chopped garlic cloves, and wrap
in Raw Nori Seaweed, which has been torn from the large sheets into 1/8ths. Stick a toothpick through the
middle to hold in place, or wrap one at a time and eat. Celtic Sea Salt can be added in moderation if desired.
**Nut Loaf: (replacement to meat, meat loaf)
This is so tasty, meatloaf will pale in comparison! Filling too.
-Two cups Nuts (Any combination of one or more or all of these: Brazil Nuts, Almonds, Pecans, Pine Nuts,
Sunflower Seeds, Pumpkin Seeds, Walnuts, Hazelnuts)
-1 Red pepper
-1 Tomato
-2 cloves Garlic
-1/2 Onion
-5 Mushrooms
-2 tablespoons Whole Pine Nuts
Grind vegetables and nuts in Food Processor with S-Blade. Spread Tahini Sauce ontop (2 tablespoons Raw
Tahini, juice of 1/2 a lemon juice, 1 teaspoon honey, and 2 cloves garlic)
****Nut Pizza: (Pizza replacement)
Grind up soaked almonds (soak for 24 hours) in Food Processor with S-Blade. Blend in olive oil, herbs and
spices. Then spread out on a plate much the same way that you would a real pizza crust. Make a cheese
sauce (see Tahini Cheese recipe in the salad dressings section below). Top with favorite vegetables
(Chopped Onions, Garlic, Raw Olives, pine nuts etc...)
****Tahini Milk: (A quick easy protein shake, replacement to milk)
Mix a spoon of tahini with water, dates, honey, a banana, and a dash of sea salt and Flax Oil (two tabe
Raw Ratatouille: (ratatouille replacement, talian food replacement)
Chop up 1 Avocado, 2 tomatoes, 1/4 cup of cilantro, 2 cloves garlic, and 1 squash. Dressing: 1 tablespoon
tahini, 1 teaspoon honey, Celtic Sea Salt to taste. Mix.
*Raw Tomato Sauce:
Blend up two cups tomatoes, 1/2 cup sun-dried tomatoes, teaspoon honey, 1/8th cup olive oil, and 1/4
teaspoon Celtic Sea Salt. A tablespoon of Apple Cider Vinegar is optional. Season with oregano, basil, and
*Sunflower Herb Pat: (Liverwurst, turkey, tofu, bread replacement)
-two cups soaked sunflower and/or pumpkin seeds (soaked for 2 hours to overnight)
-half cup fresh basil leaves
-any other fresh or dried herbs (sage, savory, thyme, rosemary, tarragon...)
-clove of garlic (optional)
-teaspoon grated ginger (optional)
-Nama Shoyu (Raw Soy Sauce) (optional)
-1 tablespoon of tahini
-juice of a lemon
-pinch of Celtic Sea Salt
-pinch of cayenne
-1 tablespoon of vinegar
-flax oil and or olive oil (two tablespoons)
Grind down in Food Processor with S-blade. Wrap in lettuce leaves, seaweed or grape leaves with
nasturtium flowers, or use as a dip for veggies. (Very nice with red pepper slices!)
**Veggie Sushi Rolls (replacement to sushi, burritos):
-Nori seaweed
-1 Avocado
-2 Tomato
-1/4 cup Wakame seaweed
-1 clove Garlic
-2 green onions
-5 Brazil Nuts (chopped course)
-dash of Celtic Sea Salt
-2 tablespoons olive oil
Chop everything up small, mix with a mashed avocado and wrap in nori or lettuce such as Romaine or Red
Salad Dressings (replacements to dressings, sauces, creams, dips, and cheeses):
****vinegar/honey olive oil dressing
just mix the three in a cup for a delicious light dressing.
***vinegar/honey/avocado dressing
mash in an avocado for a thicker dip or dressing. Stir into salad well.
****tahini dressing
-raw organic sesame tahini (buy in a jar in a health food store).
-Juice four lemons or limes and mix in bowl with whole jar of tahini (Or about two and half cups of tahini, if
you are buying your tahini in bulk).
-Chop up a couple cloves of garlic and mix in.
-Add Celtic Sea Salt to taste.
-Stuff mixture back into jar and what is left over into a bowl.
-Mix two tablespoons with a tablespoon of water and you have your salad dressing.
-Adjust water amount to desired thickness of dressing.
*****tahini dip
-same as dressing above but less water.
*****tahini "cheese"
Same as dressing but no water. Spread it on celery with a sprinkle of cayenne (optional).
**vinegar/honey/tahini dressing
mix these three ingredients and you get something between a Caesar and a Thousand sland dressing.
Our Favorite Salad (Ends most cravings!):
Eat a salad a day for all the vitamins and iron (in the greens), calcium (in the greens and tahini), and protein
(in the greens and sunflower seeds) you need. People who eat a cup of greens a day have significantly less
chance of getting heart disease, eye failure with age, and a host of other afflictions. Green food actually
heals you. The darker the green the more nutritious. Spinach is the very highest in iron and folic acid
(essential for spinal development in the unborn fetus)
-fresh organic salad mix (or any lettuce except iceberg which has little nutritional value)
-alfalfa sprouts
-wakami seaweed
-sunflower seeds
-tahini dressing
-red onion -my Brazilian friend taught me to soak red onion in juice from a lemon for a half hour, which
makes it very yummy.
**Sprouted Humus:
2 cups Garbanzo Beans - soaked overnight
1/4 cup Olive Oil
3 cloves Garlic
1/2 teaspoon Celtic Sea salt
Blend in a KTek Blender or food processor with S-blade. Then add and blend in 1/2 cup of raw tahini
***Wild Rice:
Soak wild black rice for two to three days rinsing twice a day. After the rice is soft enough to chew then use
some of the salad dressings above for a wonderful rice dish. This dish totally satisfies rice cravings. You can
also just slice avocado over a plate of soaked wild rice with olive oil and chopped green onions.
juice of 2 lemons
1/8th cup of olive oil
1/2 teaspoon Celtic sea salt
1/8th cup of apple cider vinegar
1/2 cup mountain spring water
2 slices of red onion
2 cloves of garlic, finely chopped or pressed
You can marinate mushrooms, cucumbers, broccoli, celery, or almost anything by chopping or slicing it up
and soaking it in this marinade for a few hours to overnight. Cucumber and Dill is a delicious one!
****Raw Carob Treat: (chocolate replacement)
-2 tablespoons raw almond butter (available at many supermarkets)
-1 teaspoon flax oil
-2 teaspoons raw shredded coconut
-1 teaspoon raw carob powder
-sweeten with 1 teaspoon honey or 2 dates
Mix together to taste and enjoy!
***Nut Candy: (Candy replacement):
Just as satisfying as a candy bar...Grind nuts. Add honey. Or just add honey and a sprinkle of Celtic Sea Salt
to a cup of whole nuts. Chew well!
*****Almond Butter Candy: (Candy Bar, Chocolate replacement):
2 teaspoons Raw almond butter, 1/4 cup raw dried shredded coconut, a teaspoon of flax oil, a handful of
raisins or 2 dates, a teaspoon of honey and a pinch of Celtic Sea Salt mixed together to taste and formed into
little balls or bars.
*****Coconut Cream Pie:
Crust: Blend nuts in cuisinart or blender until they turn to powder. Add a pinch of Celtic Sea Salt and 1/8th
cup of Olive Oil. Filling: Blend 4 bananas, meat of two young coconuts, 5 dates, 1/8th cup flax oil, cold
packed honey to taste, cinnamon, nutmeg, and optionally add an avocado for a rich custard-like filling.
*****Apple Pie:
Same crust as Coconut Cream Pie above (basic pie crust). Filling: Blend 4 apples not peeled but cored,
dates, flax oil, and Celtic Sea Salt
100% Simple-Gourmet Whole Raw Food Recipes (Also known as high-raw or Fruitarian)
The recipes below are more simple and eliminate honey, salt, nutbutters, and non-soaked nuts/seeds. Any of
the above recipes can also be converted to high-raw by leaving out the honey or replacing with dates,
replacing salt with a dash of celery juice or thin slices of celery, and by soaking the nuts/seeds for a few
hours to make them "live". Some people do not do well with much oil, while others find it essential. For some,
a high-raw diet will not include oil. t can be replaced with lemon juice or water in some recipes.
*Simple Olive Oil dressing
Olive oil and lemon, with grated ginger (optional)
*Simple Avocado dressings
Mashed avocado with a dash of celery juice
Mashed avocado with lemon juice
Mashed avocado with orange juice
**Avo-Tomato Treat: (Replaces salty & fatty food cravings):
Chop up an avocado and a tomato in a bowl, with a little chopped cilantro and optional dressing of juice of a
lemon wedge
Mix in blender:
one bunch cilantro
four tomatoes
5 green onions
pinch of Cayenne powder
3 tablespoons Olive Oil
1/2 teaspoon Celtic Sea Salt
Slice up jicama in thin slices to dip like potato chips!
Salsa and Avocado in Nori! This is a cool treat when you are traveling. ts nice and filling and tasty yet
simple. You make salsa (see recipe above). Mash up an avocado and mix in salsa. Wrap in Nori or lettuce
leaves. Think burrito! Yum.
****Raw Soup (Basics of Soups):
Soup is once again a thing of a delicate blend of vegetable juices.
Basic Stock: Juice a meyers lemon, a clove of garlic, a cup of olive oil, and season to taste.
Cream Soup Stock: To make a cream soup blend in 1/8th of a cup of tahini with the basic stock.
****Sprout Salad:
Mix a variety of sprouts in a big bowl, such as alfalfa, radish, broccoli, and sunflower sprouts. You can also
add some finely (tiny pieces) chopped broccoli. Use the tahini dressing from above. Mix well.
*****Cucumber/Dill Salad:
Sliced cucumber and finely chopped dill in an olive oil and lemon juice dressing
****Lemon Cream Pie:
ts funny how sometimes when you have very few ingredients around, you can come up with something
awesome completely by accident. Once all had in the house was flax oil, dried shredded coconut, lemon,
honey, and a banana. So mixed these things together for lack of anything else, and you know what - it
turned out so yummy - just like a lemon tart! used a tablespoon of honey, three tablespoons of dried
shredded coconut, a quarter of a lemon juiced, a tablespoon of flax seed oil, one banana mashed, and one
banana cut up in slices. Mixed it all together and ate with a spoon. We fought over it! f you are not into
honey, replace with a few Medjool dates.
**Sensuous Fruit Salad (Better than candy):
-1 avocado
-2 bananas
-1 mango
Chop, mix, and enjoy this texture blend from paradise!
***Durian and Orange Juice Smoothie:
Use if you can't take the smell/taste of Durian alone. Our kids won't eat durian but we can blend it up with
orange juice and they will guzzle it! Durian is an exotic fruit from Thailand, like a giant pinecone, with a
sulphuric odor, - people love or hate it - or if willing to try it several times it does grow on you! You need to
get a good ripe one or its not worth it! The meat should be creamy, not tough. To open a Durian: A Durian
has pods, and in the whole Durian you can see indents between the pods. n the middle of each pod there is
a seam to be seen between the spikes of the Durian's shell. With your thumbnails, open the seam carefully
and scoop out the yellow custard! This fruit is available at Asian Markets. t has the ability to create a feeling
of being extremely relaxed and happy if enough is eaten on an empty stomach. (Could this be the origin of
the song, Mellow Yellow?).
*****Smoothies: (Better than ice-cream and milk-shakes):
Blend up any fruit or combination of fruit in your blender alone or with orange juice.
***Watermelon Juice: (Pure, pudding, jello replacement):
Blend watermelon in your blender. A creamy smoothie!
**Cantaloupe Milk: (perfect for milk cravings):
Just take half a cantaloupe, slice it up into chunks, put it in a blender, with 4-6 ice cubes and enough water to
cover the cantaloupe. Then bend it on HGH for about a minute. When it's whipped up, it has a sweet,
creamy consistency, which is perfect for anybody who craves drinking milk.
Get Dr. Walker's Fresh Fruit And Vegetable Juice Book. t is our bible!
(Available at http://www.thegardendiet.com/books). Get a good vegetable juicer.
Dr. Walker's book prescribes combinations of vegetables juices to treat almost any ailment. 've used it with
great success. Dr. Walker, who lived to be 107 years old and healthy and active in mind and body, talks
about enzymes and their importance.
*Carrot Juice/ Carrot-Apple Juice:
Juice up carrots or carrots and apples .....yum! Juice up any combination of vegetables: celery, beet, and
cucumber - for instance. Add lemon/lime, ginger, garlic, apples and/or tomatoes for taste!
*Green Juice - The Blood Of The Planet (Replacement for coffee, drugs and alcohol) (think V-8! or Garden in
a Glass!):
This juice will get you buzzed! think of it as the blood of the planet, because its like juicing the Earth, its
green-ness. t is also the highest form of energy you can intake. The sun gives its light to plants who make
chlorophyll. This makes air. Plants live on sunlight. So if we eat plants we are eating sunlight once removed.
That's like eating energy straight from the source. ts hard to eat tons and tons of greens, but you can juice
and take in quite a bit. t is by far the most intoxicating liquid you'll even encounter. When you take vitamins,
you're not really sure of the effect they are having on you. But green juice is undeniable. feel an electrical
charge going through my every cell for about 24 hours! t makes a pregnant mothers' baby kick inside just
after you drink it. Green Juice increases your cellular health, rejuvenating every atom in your body, cleans
out toxins, heals most illnesses, and makes you not want to put anything toxic into your body because you
feel so vital and clean. t puts you in touch with your body so you can actually feel. Makes you more aware
and appreciative of the sensuous world, brings you alive, increases your mental alertness and improves all
bodily functions. have heard of people from many many sources who have healed cancer, diabetes, arthritis
and many other illnesses by doing green juice fasts. Try it. You might get hooked! Use any of the following
-dark leafy greens (lettuce, chard, kale, spinach, parsley, cilantro)
-beets (just a little at first, as the acid may be difficult for some stomachs)
-carrots (if it is too hard to get green juice down without this sweetener, blend it into juice. We use pure carrot
juice as a chaser sometimes)
-onion and/or garlic for flavor
-ginger for flavor
-lemon/lime for flavor
More Raw Recipes Online:
Please feel free to email info@thegardendiet.com to ask any questions if there is something didn't address
or cover in enough depth for you. will answer your email and also include the answer in future copies of this
eBook. You can then look at the eBook link a year from now and hopefully see a very expanded text!
PS: f you have time, we'd love to hear how you found our site!
P.P.S.: Please also help the future of our world through improving children's diets ~ join the "Take A Fruit
Break" Campaign at http://www.takeafruitbreak.com

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