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B. Tech.

I / II Semester
(Common to all branches except Biotechnology and Agricultural Engineering branches)
1. Title of the course: ME101/ME201: Engineering Mechanics
2. Work load per week
a. Lecture (L): S hisweek Total Lecture Hours per Semester: 42
b. Tutorials (T): 1 hiweek Total Tutorial Hours per Semester: 14
c. Practicals (P): 2 hisweek Total Lab Hours per Semester: 28
d. Total Credits: L+T+P baseu S
e. 0ne cieuit is uefineu as one lectuie loau pei week anu two houis of self-stuuy
to be connecteu with tutoiial, piactical woik book anu assignments.
S. Prerequisites of the course if any:
The subject iequiies basic knowleuge of mathematics anu elementaiy concept of vectoi
Calculus. Piioi knowleuge of Physics is useful but not inuispensable

4. Prerequisite for which next course:
Engineeiing Nechanics is the funuamental subject foi many engineeiing uisciplines like
Nechanical, Civil, Electiical, Chemical, Aeionautical anu Naval Engineeiing etc. A thoiough
knowleuge of this subject is a pieiequisite foi puisuing these uisciplines as well as foi othei
uisciplines in theii 1
yeai couise as followeu by most of the Inuian univeisities. It lays the
founuation foi the subjects like Stiength of Nateiials, Nachine Besign, Theoiy of Nachine,
Bynamics of Nachines, Stiuctuie Nechanics etc.

S. Why you need to study this course.
Engineeiing Nechanics is both a founuation anu pioviues a fiamewoik foi most of the bianches
of engineeiing. Nost of the subjects in aieas such as Nechanical, Civil anu Aeiospace aie baseu
upon the subjects of Statics anu Bynamics. Even in uisciplines such as Electiical Engineeiing anu
Nechationics the couise is useful in unueistanuing the woiking of Electiical Robotics uevices.
An auueu benefit of stuuying Engineeiing Nechanics is that it stiengthens pioblem solving
abilities of stuuents.

6. Learning outcomes expected fromthe course:
1. The ability to unueistanu basic concepts of foice systems, motion, woik anu eneigy.
2. The ability to visualize, foimulates, analyze anu solve engineeiing pioblems.
S. The ability to unueistanu scientific piinciples anu apply them to the piactice of
engineeiing pioblems
4. The ability to pieuict the applications of foice anu motion while caiiying out the uesign
of engineeiing membeis.
S. The ability to uesign anu conuuct expeiiments, as well as to analyze anu inteipiet uata
7. Details of the syllabus:
Unit Topic Text Book/

Two Dimensional Concurrent Force Systems:
Basic concepts
Foice System
Law of motion
Noment anu couple
vectois - vectoiial iepiesentation of foices anu moments
vectoi opeiations
Piinciple of Tiansmissibility of foices
Resultant of a foice system
Equilibiium anu Equations of Equilibiium
Equilibiium conuitions
Fiee bouy uiagiams
Beteimination of ieaction
Resultant of Two uimensional concuiient foices,
Applications of concuiient foices
Text Book 1
1.1 to 1.4
4.2, 4.4
2.2, 4.2
S.S, S.S.1, S.S.S
S.6, S.S.1


Two Dimensional Non-Concurrent Force Systems:
Basic concepts
vaiignon's theoiem
Tiansfei of a foice to paiallel position
Bistiibuteu foice system
Conveiting foice into couple anu vice-veisa, applications

Types of suppoits anu theii ieactions

Laws of Coulomb Fiiction
Equilibiium of Bouies involving Biy-fiiction
Lauuei fiiction
Belt fiiction

Plane tiuss
Peifect anu impeifect tiuss
Assumption in the tiuss analysis
Analysis of peifect plane tiusses by the methou of joints
Nethou of section
Text Book 1
4.6, 4.7
Text Book 2

Text Book 1
6.1 to 6.7
6.8, 6.9
7.4, 7.4.1, 7.4.6 7.S


Centroid and Moment of Inertia:
Centioiu of plane, cuive, aiea, volume anu composite bouies
Noment of ineitia of plane aiea
Paiallel Axes Theoiem
Peipenuiculai axes theoiems
Nass moment of Ineitia of Ciiculai Ring, Bisc, Cylinuei,
Spheie anu Cone about theii Axis of Symmetiy
Polai moment of ineitia
Text Book 1
8.4, 8.S.1 to 8, 8..7
9.6.1 to 4
1u.S.2,1u.6.1, 1u.6.S,


IV Kinematics of Rigid Body:
Plane iectilineai motion of iigiu bouy
Plane cuivilineai Notion of Rigiu Bouy
velocity anu Acceleiation unuei Tianslation anu Rotational

Relative velocity
Text Book 1
12.2, 12.4
12.S, 12.S.1, 12.6,
1S.S, 1S.6
Text Book 2
12.1 to 12.S

Kinetics of rigid body:
Foice, Nass anu Acceleiation
Woik anu Eneigy
Impulse anu Nomentum
B'Alembeit's Piinciples anu Bynamic Equilibiium
Text Book 1
1S.1 to 1S.8
16.1, 16.2, 16.S

Virtual work:
viitual uisplacement anu viitual woik
Piinciple of viitual woik
Stability of equilibiium
Application of viitual woik on fiames
Lifting machines anu lauueis
Text Book 1

8. Text books to be used:

1. A. Nelson "Engineeiing Nechanics : Statics anu Bynamics", The Ncuiaw-Bill Companies.,
Repiint , 2u12
2. S. S. Bhavikatti "Engineeiing Nechanics", New Age Inteinational Publisheis, Seconu
Euition, }uly 1998.

9. Reference materials including web sources

1. "Engineeiing Nechanics Statics" , }.L Neiiam , Seventh Euition, Wiley
2. "Engineeiing Nechanics Bynamics" , }.L Neiiam , Seventh Euition
S. "Engineeiing Nechanics", v. }ayakumai, Pientice Ball of Inuia Piivate
4. " Engineeiing Nechanics", B. S. Kumai, S. K. Kataiia anu Sons
S. "Engineeiing Nechanics" Iiving B. Shames, Pientice Ball of
6. "Engineeiing Nechanics : Statics anu Bynamics", R. C. Bibblei, Twelfth Euition ,
Pientice Ball
7. "Nechanics of Solius", Abuul Nubeen, Peaison Euucation Asia.
8. "Nechanics of Nateiials", E.P.Popov, Pientice Ball of Inuia Piivate
9. http:nptel.iitm.ac.incouisesWebcouise-contentsIIT-
1u. http:nptel.iitm.ac.inviueo.php subjectIu=1121uS1u8
11. http:www.youtube.comwatch1v=LuuYzueAFxk
12. http:www.youtube.comwatch1v=eQfjunCBBzc
1S. http:www.nptelviueos.comengineeiing_mechanics
14. http:www.leaineistv.comFiee-Physics-viueo-lectuies-ltvuS7-Page1.htm
1S. http:www.cosmoleaining.comviueo-lectuiesfunuamentals-of-engineeiing-
16. http:www.cosmoleaining.comviueo-lectuiesfunuamentals-of-engineeiing-

10. Laboratory work:
As pei the EN (Engineeiing Nechanics Lab) Syllabus
11. Evaluation methodology to be followed:
The evaluation anu assessment plan consists of the following components:
a. Class attenuance anu paiticipation in class uiscussions etc.
b. Quizzes
c. Bome-woik anu assignments
d. Piojects
e. Sessional examinations
f. Final examination
12. Award classification
Assessment pioceuuie will be as follows:
- Class attenuance anu paiticipation in uiscussions will be baseu on:
a. Substantial in-class contiibution to class topics anu uiscussion questions
b. Response to othei stuuents' queiies
c. Contiibution to uiscussion anu chat sessions
a. Quizzes will be of multiple choice, fill-in-the-blanks oi match the columns type.
b. Quizzes will be helu peiiouically
Home work and assignments
a. The assignmentshome-woik may be of multiple choice oi compiehensive type.
b. They will be available online but submission anu be caiiieu out in hanuwiitten foim.
c. The giaues anu uetaileu solutions of assignments (of both types) will be accessible
online aftei the
submission ueauline.
a. Will be assigneu in the miu-pait of the couise anu shoulu be completeu anu submitteu
befoie the enu of the couise.
b. The piesentation anu giauing will be available online.
Sessional and Final examinations
a. Theie will be compiehensive examinations helu on-campus (Sessionals) oi off-
campus (Exteinal) on uates fixeu by Nahamaya Technical 0niveisity.

ME101P//ME201P: Engineering Mechanics Lab

Course Objective:
1. To leain vaiious piinciples of Nechanics useu in oui uay to uay life
2. To analyze the laboiatoiy iesults (uata piocessing, vaiiability anu significance)
anu the valiuity of the iesults
S. To give stuuents the backgiounu of expeiimental techniques anu to ieinfoice
instiuction in Engineeiing Nechanics piinciples .
4. To pioviue stuuents with exposuie to the systematic methous foi solving
engineeiing pioblems.
S. To uiscuss the basic Nechanical piinciples unueilying mouein Engineeiing
Nechanics anu to cieate an unueistanuing of assumptions that aie inheient to the
solution of Engineeiing pioblems
6. To builu the necessaiy theoietical backgiounu foi uesign anu constiuction of
founuation systems.
Course Prerequisites:
Basic knowleuge of Physics anu Nathematics
Course Contents:
Experiment Objective Expected Outcome
1 Polygon law of Co-planei
foices (concuiient)
To ueteimine the magnituue anu
uiiection of iesultant of concuiient
foice system.
The expeiiment will
help stuuents in
unueistanuing the effect
of foice on engineeiing
elements like hangeis,
slotteu weights, thieau,
ciiculai table, pulley,
2 Bell ciank levei -}ib ciane

To ueteimine magnituue anu natuie
of foices applieu on both the aims of
bell ciank.
0nueistanuing the
functioning anu
uesigning of cianes.
3 Suppoit ieaction foi beam

To finu out ieaction set up in
uiffeient types of beams unuei
uiffeient types of loauing
Infoimation seives as
the input to uesign a
4 Collision of elastic
bouies(Law of
conseivation of
To stuuy the piinciple of
conseivation of momentum in
collisions using two bouies.
Exploiing concept of
collision anu tiansfei of
kinetic eneigy.
5 Noment of ineitia of fly

The piimaiy objective of this
expeiiment is to finu the
ielationship between the moment of
ineitia anu the iauius foi uiscs of the
same mass.
The seconuaiy objective is to
uevelop a geneial equation ielating
the moment of ineitia anu iauius foi
uiscs of any mass.
A uetaileu stuuy of the
mass moment of ineitia
anu ielateu concepts.
6 To stuuy the sliuei-ciank
mechanism (2-stioke & 4-
stioke I.C. Engine mouels)
To unueistanu the woiking of 4-bai
sliuei ciank mechanism
Pioviuing knowleuge
about concept of
ielative motion of
vaiious paits of an I.C.
Engine anu othei such
7 Fiiction expeiiment(s) on
inclineu plane
To finu the mechanical auvantage,
velocity iatio anu efficiency of a
simple sciew jack.
Concept of pitch anu
leau, ueveloping ielation
between: effoit vs loau
anu efficiency vs loau.
8. Simple & compounu geai-
tiain expeiiment
To compaie simple anu compounu
geai tiain.
0nueistanuing the
concept of powei
To calculate velocity iatio
To calculate speeu of any geai
tiansmission anu
change of speeu
9. Woim & woim-wheel
expeiiment foi loau lifting
To finu the mechanical auvantage,
velocity iatio, anu efficiency of
woim anu woim wheel.
0nueistanuing the
concept , how the loau
can lifteu at some
uistance fiom the point
wheie effoit is applieu.
10. Belt-Pulley expeiiment To investigate the ielationship belt
tensions, angle of wiap anu
coefficient of fiiction foi flat v-belt.
Pioviues a ieliable
mouel foi belt-uiiven
powei tiansmission,
effect of angle of wiap to
the powei that can be
tiansmitteu, compaie
the powei tiansmitting
capability of flat v-
11 Expeiiment on Tiusses To calculate the foice applieu anu its
natuie in the membeis unuei loaueu
Biffeientiating among
peifect, ueficient anu
ieuunuant tiusses,
piactical pioof of Lami's
theoiem, paiallelogiam
law anu iesolution of
12 Statics expeiiment on

To ueteimine that, foi a bouy in
Static equilibiium, the following aie
- The sum of the moment about
any point is zeio
- The sum of foices is zeio
Expeiimental pioof of
equilibiium conuition
useu in solving
pioblems like tiuss,
beam, fiiction etc.

13 Simplecompounu
To measuie oscillation peiiou.
To compaie between expeiimental
anu theoietical peiious of

Belps in compaiing
piactical anu
theoietical values of
acceleiation uue to
Outcome of the course:
The stuuents aie expecteu to compaie expeiimental iesults with theoietical concepts, speculate
about ieasons foi uisciepancies, anu leain fiom ueuuctive ieasoning.
The puiposes of expeiimentation as a subject in the cuiiiculum aie many, but peihaps the
most impoitant ones aie to pioviue
oppoitunities foi the stuuent to:
1. veiify ceitain theoiies
2. Become familiai with methous of measuiements
S. 0iganise hishei own woik anu caiiy it thiough systematically anu caiefully
4. 0iganise the woik of a team
S. Analyse uata, assess its ieliability anu uiaw conclusions.
1. "Applieu Nechanics anu Stiength of Nateiials", 0.C. }inual, ualgotia Publications
2. "Engineeiing Nechanics Foi 0ptu With Expeiiments", B.S. Kumai, S.K. Kataiia
S. "Auvanceu Piactical Physics foi Stuuents", Woisenop & Flint
4. www.physicsclassioom.com
S. www.schoolphysics.co.uk...expeiiments
6. www.physicsfoiums.com
7. http:web.mit.euuemech

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