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Assignment #1 1) Do a page by page summary of Encoding/Decoding IN YOUR OWN WORDS. Dont state his points in his words.

It should look like this: p.1 - Hall explains the shape and organization of encoding and decoding, and also mention the importance of the deliberation of the whole process of encoding and decoding.

p.2 - Hall introduces the way or the process of the encoding and decoding. One the other hand, Hall also says the rule or the policy of the whole process, and the meaning of each part in the chain. That mean each part has to follow the rule; otherwise, everything will become meaningless. p.3 In this page, Hall says some character in television communicative process. The importance and characters of language in the creative process. Also circulation and reception are parts in television production process. The language is the meaning point in the encoding and decoding. p.4 Hall displays the purport of decoding, which can be some major influence for people. The significance of social and economic relations in the whole chain. He also narrates the deviation of informations translation in the decoding process, which will make people misunderstanding and deflection of message understanding. p.5 In this part, Hall explain the imperfection of Behaviourism in the

communicative process. In the television production display method, there are two different ways, one is visual and another one is aural. The message transmission process is a process which is 3D to 2D. And also the significance of sign for human being.

p.6 - In the part, Hall describes the importance of code in the system, and the whole process of decoding. The difference of visual and aural code, which may has some different understanding. Another point is the inside structure of advertisement production.

p.7 - In there, Hall narrates decoding code is diversified, and how to decode will make sense for the code. Also, the decoding has the order and rules for the process, which called performative rules. p.8 - In this part, Hall shows the argument about subjective capacity, and quote somebodys idea to support this point. He also describes the definition of objective in the television production. He discuss the relationship between audiences and people who make the television communication; they focus on different content and also have different understanding of the same idea. p.9 Hall gives us very clear definition for encoding and decoding, and straightforward describes the distinction of them. And also, he definite shows there are no correspondence between encoding and decoding. Furthermore, he discuss about this correspondence point by point.

p.10 In this part, Hall deals with the hegemony. He gives very simple and clear definition for the hegemony. And also, he discuss the relationship between hegemony, correspondence, and misunderstanding. p.11 Finally, Hall shows us the main point of code. There always combine with Benefit-based relationships, no matter it is national interest or class interest. Furthermore, this also is the real significance on it.

2) What is the relationship between coding and decoding?

3) Explain his three categories of decoding a. Dominant/hegemonic It is not only the articulate upper level of ideology, nor are its forms of control only those ordinarily seen as manipulation or indoctrination. It is a lived system of meanings and values.

b. Negotiated Negotiation is a dialogue between two or more people or parties, intended to reach an understanding, resolve point of difference, or gain advantage in outcome of dialogue, to produce an agreement upon courses of action, to bargain for individual or collective advantage, to craft outcomes to satisfy various interests of two people/parties involved in negotiation process.

c. Oppositional Oppositional, as we all know it is something about opposite. Also known as the blocked opportunities framework or the caste theory of education, is a term most commonly used in studying the sociology of education to explain racial disparities in educational achievement,

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