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Conclusion The writer can draw the conclusion based on the result of observation and interview concerning the implementation of Communicative Language Teaching at SLTP N 1 Nguter Sukoharjo. It can be concluded as follows: Firstly, the objective of teaching consists of general and specific objectives. The general objective is to develop the mentality of the students. In specific objective is the guidance of the teacher to the students interest in learning English as early as possible and the students are expected to have good knowledge about language skills. Secondly, the type of syllabus comprises topic-based syllabus. It means that the details of the lesson, which are taught to the students, are not arranged based on the language skill but on the theme and sub-theme. In SLTP N 1 Nguter Sukoharjo, the teaching English focused on teaching English reading, writing and speaking. The syllabus is suitable with the objective of teaching that is to help the students to do the test accurately and quickly. Thirdly, types of teaching learning activities are based on task-based instruction. The teacher gives the task to the students and the students do the task. The procedure of teaching and learning activity is the presentation. In teaching activity, the teacher dominates and controls the most time and the activity is monotonous. This means that the teaching and learning activity at SLTP N 1 5 7

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Nguter Sukoharjo is suitable with the theory because the interaction among the three elements is harmonious. Fourthly, the roles of the students are as the subject not the object and as a negotiator. The teachers are not only giving the lesson and exercise, but also as a manager, a facilitator, a counselor, an instructor, and an evaluator. The result of implementation of Communicative Language Teaching at SLTP N 1 Nguter Sukoharjo is successful and effective. It means before the teacher used the method of communicative language teaching the students cannot understand to the materials or the students passive, but after the teacher uses the method of communicative language teaching the students more active than before. So the English teaching- learning process will be better than before. Fifthly, the role instructional materials are significant for teaching learning activities and used to support the teaching- learning process in the classroom. The teacher at the first year of SLTP N 1 Nguter Sukoharjo uses textbook and other references. It consists of theme, students activities language focus and exercise. Sixthly, the classroom procedures in SLTP N 1 Nguter Sukoharjo are the teacher uses ESA (Engage, Study, and Active) as the classroom presentation. Seventhly, evaluation is one of the ways to know the students proficiency in understanding the material and important in teaching- learning process because the main purpose of evaluation is to improve and to know the achievement during and after the teaching and learning. In SLTP N 1 Nguter Sukoharjo, the teacher gives evaluation by using test. There are many kinds of test: periodical test, mid test, and final test.

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The implementation of Communicative Language Teaching at SLTP N 1 Nguter Sukoharjo has strengths and weaknesses based on the teacher, students and syllabus. The strengths such as: the students can share their opinion each other that they can solve discussion and be active in any occasions, beside that they can solve problem together, the students have many opportunities in classroom activity. The weaknesses are: located in condition when the students have less reading subject. The students cannot describe how to find main idea, topic, synonym, antonym and reference. And the students of SLTP N 1 Nguter Sukoharjo are still poor pronunciation. The writer help the students to pronounce some words by using phonetic coding for overcome the pronunciation problem. B. Suggestion After the writer draws the conclusion of the implementation of Communicative Language Teaching at SLTP N 1 Nguter Sukoharjo, the writer going to present the suggestion to the teacher and other researcher dealing with teaching learning process. The suggestions are as follows: 1. For the Teacher a) The teacher has to give an opportunity to the students to express their own ideas in answering the teachers question and exercise. The teacher should make the students learn actively to do the exercise. b) The teacher should create the situation of the teaching- learning process as comfort as possible to support the process.

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c) The teacher must be more creative and attractive to chance the media of the teaching. 2. For the other prospective researchers The writer realizes that this research paper is not final and perfect yet. There are still many weaknesses dealing with the theory or method or perhaps the idea because of the limited skill of the writer. She also understands that this research paper only gives a little contribution in English teaching. However, the writer is sure that it will be useful and this research paper can be used as a starting point to investigate the topic more completely and comprehensively. There is a point that can be observed and developed. The use of Communicative Language Teaching in teaching English can be observed deeply, whether this approach is flexible or not to be intensively used and developed. Other prospective researchers may use the findings to enlarge and deepen further research.

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