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Bio2 Active Learning Module DNA Structure 1. In the last unit, we learned that the monomers of nucleic acids are called nucleotides. Label the following components of the nucleotide (figure on left): 1. Ribose sugar, 2. Nitrogenous base, 3. Phosphate.

2. In the figure to the right, label the same nucleotide components on nucleotides on both sides of the double helix. 3. Which two components make up the backbone of the the DNA polymer? 4. Why is the DNA sequence ACTG not the same as GTCA? 5. Fill in the complementary nucleotide sequence on this imcomplete double helix:

6. Refer to question 5. What is the primary sequence of the top strand? 7. Refer to question 5. What is the primary sequence of the bottom strand? 8. What does the term anti-parallel orientation mean?

Name: Bio2 Active Learning Module DNA Replication/Mitosis 1. Consider the replication bubble that is partially drawn out for you. Complete the figure by adding the following features: a. Finish labeling the 5 and 3 ends of the parental DNA strands b. Add the leading strand to the left half of the bubble c. Add the lagging strand to the left half of the bubble d. Label the ends of the leading and lagging daughter strands with 5 or 3 e. DNA polymerase f. Helicase g. Origin of replication h. DNA ligase

2. What does the term semi-conservative replication mean?

3. On the back of the page, draw a line separating the page in half. Draw cartoon mitosis (as we did in class), labeling the representative stages and major events that occur during each of these stages.

Name: Bio2 Active Learning Module Meiosis 1. On the back of the paper, draw two chromosomes, one duplicated, the other non- duplicated. Labeling the parts: 1. Sister chromatids, 2. Centromere 2. What is the difference between a somatic cell and a gamete? 3. What is the difference between autosomes and sex chromosomes? 4. Define homologous chromosomes. 5. On the back of the paper, draw out the steps in cartoon meiosis. Label each stage of meiosis, describing the major events that occur. 6. Using your completed mitosis and meiosis cartoons, complete the table below, comparing these two processes: MITOSIS MEIOSIS Number of chromosomal duplications Number of cell divisions Number of chromosomes in daughter cells How chromosomes line up during metaphase Genetic relationship of daughter cells to parent cell Which kind of cell? 7. Refer to the cartoon of the gamete below. In the cartoon gamete, there is a tetrad (homologous pair of chromosomes) aligned with each other. Show how crossing over can swap out part of the chromosome. Draw your result in the empty gamete.

A A a a

B B b b

Name: Bio2 Active Learning Module Meiosis 8. During which stage of meiosis does crossing over occur? 9. What is the Principle of Independent Assortment in your own words? 10. Give definitions for the following chromosomal alterations in your own words. 11. A male individual has suffers from a relatively rare (~1 out of 600 males) genetic condition in which they possess 47 chromosomes including TWO X chromosomes and ONE Y chromosome. Individuals with this disorder have feminized features, are typically sterile, and may have reduced IQ. Propose a mechanism by which this may have occurred.

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