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frnin i +i

~n v i^i fii^


i ~n (v) 1z,zaas(vn.n.) uii finniz zc.as.za1z

lr-i i i ii i r i r l li ln li - i i
-ii (n i i(n -i i in- i i a.as.zaz l- i
ii lin li i ;
i n- -i lil-,ss i iii s ii l-n iii r i iii
() i () ii i, li i i -() s,zaac -.~.
i- niii :a n-n, zaz ,ii n- -i iri l-ln nl-n i n; ii i
n l-ln i - niii aaszaz i r; ii;
n lr-i i i ii, n lil- i iii r i iii z ,ii
--i ilni i in n r, n l-ln i lilii i i n (lin
ln li - in -ii i n- - i i niii aaszaz
l- i ii lin ni r
+in +n+ii 1sa v fuf+ i +saa iv funir
. -i i ;i i i l i i -lri i - i - i
n- -i - i ; lni ri ri ni|
z liii i -i lii lil-,sc (sc i rz) nnn l(ll-n i
: iri li i i (n -iiini i (i () iii li ini ri ,
(ri - i (n l l(lrn - - ri ri ni|
lr-i i ini ii - - i i n- i lnln ii
lnin i ini ri ni|
+zin + fiiii f+-+ +i ri^
+in i -ii (r -ii r i i ni r l- i-i ni
i n(ln r l- - ( i i ; -(n li i ( i( i rn
i(ni ri ni, nl (il ll-ilni lln ri i i( rini r |
i i iiil l- (i) i(i, l(li (-ni i -i ii
lln ri i lin r |

ii ,ii,

lnln - l( (- ( ini)
lr-i i i |

i -() z,zaas (-. ~ .) li li-i/aaz zc.as.zaz
. l(i i l( ( ii li l(, -ii --i, lr-i i|
z. l(i i li l( -ii - ( i ni -i, lr-i i|
:. l(i i li l(, - l(, lr-i i|
. --n iil l(, lr-i i i, li-i|
r. li ( i , iin i, li-i |
c. -i--n in, lr-i i|
/. -i-n l(iinii, lr-i i|
s. -in ( li i ni, lr-i i, li-i/aa, i
li a/aszaz i - a lnln lni lrn|
s. ni i;|

lnln l( (- ( i ni)
lr-i i i

(Authentative English Text of this Department Notification No: Shram
(A)1-2/2009(M.W.) dated Shimla-2, as required under clause (3)
of Article 348 of the Constitution of India).


No.Shram (A)1-2/2009(M.W.) Dated Shimla-2 26-09-2012

Whereas the Governor, Himachal Pradesh is of the opinion that the
minimum rates of wages in respect of unskilled category of workers in the
Scheduled employment of Agriculture may be revised with effect from

And Whereas as per provisions of clause (a) of sub-section (1) of section 5
read with section 9 of the Minimum Wages Act, 1948, a Minimum Wages
Advisory Committee was constituted vide Notification No:Shram(A)4-8/2006-
MW-Part, dated; 30
August, 2012 and the meeting of the said Committee was
held on 4.09.2012;
Now therefore, in exercise of the powers conferred by clause (a) of sub-
section (2) section 5 of the said Act, the Governor of Himachal Pradesh is
pleased to revise the minimum wages of the workers working in above
mentioned Scheduled Employment w.e.f. 01.09.2012 as per recommendations
of the said Committee as under:-

Un-skilled workers Rs-150/- per day or Rs-4500/- per month.

There will be no distinction between the minimum wages of male or female and
adult or non-adult for the same and similar nature of work.
Wages of Apprentices shall be regulated under the Apprenticeship Act,
1961(No. 52 of 1961).
Where any class of work is performed on piece work basis, the wages shall not
be less than the time rate prescribed for that category.
25 % increase shall be applicable over and above the minimum wages in the
Scheduled Tribal Areas in Himachal Pradesh.
The definition of unskilled will be as under:-

Unskilled: - An unskilled employee is one who does operations that involve the
performance of simple duties, which require the experience of little or no
independent judgment or previous experience although familiarity with the
occupational environment is necessary. His work may thus require in addition
to physical exertion familiarity with variety of articles or goods.

By order,

Addl. Chief Secretory (Lab. & Emp.) to the
Government of Himachal Pradesh, Shimla-2.

No. Shram (A)1-2/2009(M.W.) Dated Shimla-171002 the 26-09-2012.
Copy for information and necessary action to:-
1. The Special Secretary-cum-Pr.PS to the Honble Chief Minister H.P.
2. The Special PS to the Honble Labour Minister, H.P.
3. The Special PS to the Honble Chief Secretary to the Govt. of H.P.
4. All the Administrative Secretaries to the Govt. of H.P., Shimla.
5. The Director, Labour Bureau, GOI, Shimla-171004, H.P.
6. All the Deputy Commissioner, H.P.
7. All the Head of Departments, Himachal Pradesh.
8. Labour Commissioner-cum-Director of Employment, H.P. Shimla-171001
w.r.t. his letter dated 07
September, 2012 with 10 spare copies.
9. Guard File.

Addl. Secretary (Lab. & Emp.) to the
Government of Himachal Pradesh

frnin i +i
~n v i^i fii^


i ~n (v) 1z,zaas(vn.n.) uii finniz zc.as.za1z

lr-i i i ii i r i r l + i i+ f+i f+nii,
-i fi,,+fi^,-i ui+ ln li nnn i i
(ni i-nii i n- l -i i i i a.as.zaz ii lin
li i ;
i n- -i lil-,ss i iii s ii l-n iii r i iii
() i () ii i, li i i -() s,zaac -.~.
i- niii :a n-n, zaz ,ii n- -i iri l-ln nl-n i n; ii i
n l-ln i - niii aaszaz i r; ii;
n lr-i i i ii, n lil- i iii r i iii z ,ii
--i ilni i in n r, n l-ln i lilii i i n (lin
ln li - in -ii i n- - i i niii aaszaz
l- i ii lin ni r

+in+ii + ^ ii lin +un
f++ -iif+
1 z a
+zin +n+i .. . .. .
liini,l-i i,iii,l-- - n ||,l-
nl r~ i - i(ii,i l- n
,--i ,--i l-,-(i, l-- l -
-,i; i; - ,;l- i ,li l-ini
, i, i -- , i i ( i- l- ,
- ( ii, (i- ,i (i- , -i ii , i
, i - , ni , - r ~ , ii r~
(a r i ) ,iii ( a : i ) , l l--i - ,
- |
ra .aa raa .aa
q+in +n+i .. . .. .
i - n ||, - n ||, i( - , l--i
n || , l-i l- n ||, -,-~- --,
i - -, - , iiii, ri -- , l-
- -, l--i ( i- - ), - , l---
n || l- n || , iili , --i
,-ii , l , (i;-(ii,-i- -, (ii
- l n || , -n || , i; l- n || ,
cr.aa sra.aa
l -i ~ , ri l- , ri i - , ri
( , ri - , (-i i , ,
(lrn,(i) ,r- - , , (~i;,i
- , - - , i -i i i- , , - - (
--i il) -l -- , - i - ,
-- , r~ (r i i ; +) ii ,
i(niii , - - , r(i- , ri( , ,
iii (a s i) , --i , -- - , i-i
;l-lii n || , ni , nii,ri (
- - ,i-i ;-ili, -i --- , ;i(ii
- - , - ii - -, i;-ii; -ii ii |

--i , i , --i l ,z z zs. -
i , zc.rc -

+in +in^i .. . .. .
i - n | , - n | , l--i n ,
l-i l- n | , ri ~- n | , ri
- i - , - i - , - i;( ,,i-
n . || , i ln, l-, i -n || i
, i- i- , i- i;( , i i -
n | ,i i - n || ,i i;( ,l- n
|| , il i l --i , - n ||
,i; l- n ,i-i i;( , ri -l ,
l- i;( , l-i - ,ii-- l- n ||
, (ii l-, - i- , -i;( ,
i - ii l- , i ; l- , -ii i; l-
, li n i - l-, ((i) i - l- , r- l-
, ; -i l- , l- , ii , i-i l-
, i; i; l- , ll - i - l- ,
--i-, ii- -i; , i l n i - , i
i - , i i - , i - ,i
i - , i- , li- , n l
i - , i l ni- , i i-, (i)
i -i- , i; i - i - i ~ ,n -
, - , l--i ,l- l--i , -i -i i ,
i;- ( i; lrn) , ri i;- (i;
lrn) , - ii i - , iii ,-ii ,
i;,i- l ,l l- ni- , l ,
-i (lrn) , - , l- ,i;- , -i~
,( il- , - , (i;-, i-
n ,iii ( s i i + ) , - i - ,
;-; , i;( , - i, i i i - , i
ii( i- , -i - i - , n -i; i
ss.ss rccs.aa
l - , ri l , , (l--i , -i --- ,
-- i;( , - ii -l , ii - i- ,
(i i - , (ii i - n ||

i +in n .. . .. .
( i l i - , (ii -l n | ,
i - n |, (ii i- n | , - n | ,
-l i i i - , -,l--i i i -
l--i , ;-ii , i-- l- n | , (
, i-- (ll() , (-l) , ri i-
, - l--, -i (lrn ) , i i , i;( ,
i i;(, i-- , (i- , i-i
;-ili ;-ili , l- ii;
zz.zz /zc/.aa
fnf+ i ^ u+++ +ii +ci
l-- -i ;- , i ;- , ( ;- ,
--ii , --i-ii, (i; , -i- i ,
l n ,l , ;in i l n ,
-(ii , - - - - , i l- , i;( ( i ,
i , - - ) , , - l ;- , ri
--i i , iill , --i ni |
ss.ss rccs.aa
. -i i ;i i i l i i -lri i - i - i
n- -i - i ; lni ri ri ni|
z. liii i -i lii lil-,sc (sc i rz) nnn l(ll-n i
ini |
:. iri li i i (n -iiini i iii li ini ri , (ri l(li-
(n l l(lrn - (n rn i i ini |
. l ln li - li ln -ii li (n l(ll- i
(lin ri li ni r ni -ii (n l i i i i
ini in ri , -i (n l liiln n- -i - - i
i ri i ini|
r. ni in i-ii i -i i n- za(i) lnin
i li ini nin i ini|

c. n ini ii - (l-in l-iiiii ri;i ;l- l(nn
li ii - in -ii l(li (ni - -i i n-
ii lnin i li ini in ri ni|
/. lr-i i ln ini ii - n- -i zr (i)
li i ini in ri ni | ln ini i i - l-iiiii ri;i
;l- li ii - in -ii i ii - a () lnin i ini
in ri ni|
+zin,q+in,+in,+in + fiiii f+-+ +i ri^
(i) +in i -ii (r -ii r i i ni r l- i-i
ni i n(ln r l- - ( i i; -(n li i ( i(
i rn i(ni ri ni, nl (il ll-ilni lln ri i i(
r | i iiil l- (i) i(i, l(li (-ni i -i ii
lln ri i lin r |
(ii) q+in ,i -i (r -i r i i-in i -i i lln
-( i i- ni ri l- l li l, ini i ii ln l(r
i l i ri -r-( i li ,ii li ini ri ln - lin
ni i -lin si- ; i i i i il-n i -i ii
n ri il-n ri ni |
(iii) i i -ii (r -ii r i l(iii -(nn lii i i n
ini i i - i- ri i ni i l-- ii i | (r
(i, li~ i nin l- , (r li ln li ni ri , i i ( l(-nn ni
ini ri |
(iv) +in +in -i (r -i r i i i ini i -
i- ri i i i -ili i i inii ( ii |

ii ,ii,

lnln - l( (- ( ini)
lr-i i i |

i -() z,zaas (-. ~ .) li li-i/aaz zc.as.zaz
. l(i i l( ( ii li l(, -ii --i, lr-i i|
z. l(i i li l( -ii - ( i ni -i, lr-i i|
:. l(i i li l(, - l(, lr-i i|
. --n iil l(, lr-i i i, li-i|
r. li ( i , iin i, li-i |
c. -i--n in, lr-i i|
/. -i-n l(iinii, lr-i i|
s. -in ( li i ni, lr-i i, li-i/aa, i
li a/aszaz i - a lnln lni lrn|
s. ni i;|

lnln l( (- ( i ni)
lr-i i i

(Authentative English Text of this Department Notification No: Shram
(A)1-2/2009(M.W.) dated Shimla-2, as required under clause (3)
of Article 348 of the Constitution of India).



No.Shram (A)1-2/2009(M.W.) Dated Shimla-2 26-09- 2012

Whereas the Governor, Himachal Pradesh is of the opinion that the minimum
rates of wages in the Scheduled employment of Construction or Maintenance
of Roads or Building Operations, Stone Breaking and Stone Crushing may
be revised in respect of un-skilled and other categories of workers with effect
from 01.09.2012;

And whereas as per provisions of clause (a) of sub-section (1) of section 5 read
with section 9 of the Minimum Wages Act, 1948, a Minimum Wages Advisory
Committee was constituted vide Notification No:Shram(A)4-8/2006-MW-Part,
dated: 30
August, 2012 and the meeting of the said Committee was held on
Now therefore, in exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (2) of
section 5 the said Act, the Governor of Himachal Pradesh is pleased to revise
the minimum wages of the workers working in above mentioned Scheduled
Employment w.e.f. 01.09.2012 as per recommendations of the said Committee
as under:-

Category of Workers Revised Wages
1 2 3
Rupees Rupees
Bhisthi/Chimini Cleaner/ Chowkidar/
Distemperer Grade-II/Glazier/Helper for
Plumber or Workshop/Rock Cutting
Labour/Stone Breaker/Stone
Chiseler/Sweeper/Spray man for Bitumen/
Pipelinemen /Electrical Coolie/Security
Guard/Beldar /Cleaner-Tractor & Road Roller
& concrete mixer/Majdoor /Survey Boy/
Watchmen/ Tea boy/Peon/Dresser/
Oilmen/Greaser/ Messhelpers/ Boy Helper (0
to 5 years)/ Khalasi (0 to 3 years)/Bill
Distributors/ Mucker
150 4500 .0
Carpenter Grade-II/ Mason Grade-II/ Sewer
Man/Black Smith Grade-II/ Sanitary Fitter Grade-
II/Painter/Melter Mate/Sprayman Roads/
Craneman/ Badhani/Upholster /Fitter
Attendant/Black Smith (Boatman)/ Caneman/
165.00 4950.00
Distempterer Grade-I/Fitter Grade-II/ Flour
Polisher/Stone Dresser / Mali/ Well Sinker/ White
Washer/ Work Shop Mechanic Grade-
II/Turner Grade-II/Pipe Fitter Grade-II/Brick
Moulder/Assistant Fitter/ Assistant Fireman/
Assistant Welder/ Assistant turner/ battery Charger/
Dresser/(Qualified /Experienced)/Hammer Man
/Cook/ Vulcaniser/ Nozzle Man/ Tunnel Man/ Alloy
Trolley Operator/ Attendant (Store Office) Mechanical
Attendant/ Tunnel Jublliman/ Tunnel Man / Helper (
5 years and above ) Oil Cleaner/Navgani/ Mate/Head
Watchman/ Assistant Leveler/Khalasi ( 3 to 8
years)/stone Dresser/ Pump Attendant/Auto
Electrician Grade-II/ Gardner/ Gauge reader/ Asstt.
Lab Attendant/ Enquiry Attendant/Telephone

Stone Breaker/Rock carrier Breaker/Stone
Carrier 1 inch to 2 inch Rs.1128.41Cft
1 to 1 inch Rs.1264.56Cft
Carpenter Grade-I/ Mason Grade-I/Black Smith / Sanitary
Fitter Grade-I/ Upholster Grade-I/Astt. Pump Operator/
Pump Operator/ Pump Driver/ Chargeman Grade-II/Water
Supply Fitter / Carpenter Grade-II/ Compressor Operator/
Compressor Driver/ Darji or Tailor Grade-I/ Darji or Tailor
Grade-II/Crasher Driver/ Stone Dresser for ornamental
work/ Plumber Grade-I/ Pipe Fitter Grade-I/Auto Driver/
Asstt. Mechanic/ Mixer Driver/ Mixer Operator/ Structural
Fitter Grade-II/ Workshop Fitter / Generator Operator/
Generator Driver/ Plant Shop Fitter/ diesel Engine Fitter/
Trolley Line Fitter / Crushing Plant Fitter/ B. Plant Fitter/
Jack Hammer Fitter/ Electrical fitter/ Bunch Fitter/ Shaper/
Auto Fitter/ Pipe Line Fitter/ refrigerator Plant Fitter/
Tractor Operator/Shaft Minor/ Kochring Operator/Dozer
Operator/ Roclain Operator/ Scrapper Operator/ Loader
operator/ Crane Operator/ Eucild operator/ Wagon Drill
Operator/ Boaring Operator/ SLD crane Operator/ B Plant
Operator/ Ice Plant Operator or Welder/ Gas Cutter/ turner/
Black Smith/ Tin Smith/ Traction Battery Charger/ Line
Man/) Telephone Operator/ Khalssi / Jamadar/ Winder/
Blaster Driller/ Winch Fitter / Compounder/Painter /Miller
/Climber/ Moulder/ Levellers/ Saw Mill Cutter/Cable
Joiner/Foreman Grade-II/Khalasi( 8 years to above) /Tracer
Operator E.M.E./Driver/Compressor/Rocker Showel
Operator/Snow Cutter Operator /Loco Operator/Driller
Mason for Glazed Type work/Work Mistry/Motor Mate /
Tractor Driver/Telephone mechanic/D.G. Set Operator
/Wireless Operator/Workshop Forman Grade-II.

188.98 5669.00
Carpenter for furniture only/Workshop Mechanic Grade- 242.22 7267.00
I/ChargemanGrade-I/Workshop Foreman Grade-
I/TurnerGrade-I/Mechanic All Round Operator
/Mason/Mistry and Carpenter Mistry/Structural Fitter
Grade-I/Surveyor/Draftsman / Assistant Foreman/
Machinist / Compounder (Qualified) Road Roller
Driver/Bulldozer Driver/ Wireman/ Auto Electrician/
Electrician/ Chemical Analyser.
Clerical and non Technical Supervisory Staff Rupees Rupees
Bituman Tyre Inspector/Road Inspector/Work Inspector/
Store Keeper/ Store Munshi/ Supervisor/Meter Reader/
Ledger Booking Clerk/ Bill Clerk/ Irrigation Booking Clerk/
Patwari/ Complaint Attendant/ Ferro Printer/ Driver
(Jeep/Car/Tractor) Clerk/ Mechanic Inspector / Assistant
Store Keeper/Accounts Clerk/Stenographer.
188.98 5669.00

1. There will be no distinction between the minimum wages of male or female
and adult or non-adult for the same and similar nature of work.

2. Wages of Apprentices shall be regulated under the Apprenticeship Act,
1961(No. 52 of 1961)

3. Where any class of work is performed on piece work basis, the wages
shall not be less than the time rate prescribed for that category.

4. If any category of workers employed in the scheduled employment is not
mentioned specifically, such category of workers shall not be paid less
than the minimum rates of wages fixed for the similar category having the
same skill.

5. 20% increase will be admissible over and above the minimum rates of
wages to the workers working inside the tunnels.
6. 25 % increase shall be applicable over and above the minimum rates of
wages in different categories of workers working in Under Construction
Hydro- Electric Power Projects located in Non- Tribal Areas.

7. 25% increase shall be applicable over and above the minimum wages in
the Scheduled Tribal Areas in Himachal Pradesh. In case of workers
working in the Under Construction Hydro- Electric Power Projects in
Tribal Areas an additional 10% increase shall be applicable.
The definition of unskilled/semiskilled/skilled/highly skilled will be as

(i)Unskilled: - An unskilled employee is one who does operations that involve
the performance of simple duties, which require the experience of little or no
independent judgment or previous experience although familiarity with the
occupational environment is necessary. His work may thus require in addition
to physical exertion familiarity with variety of articles or goods.

(ii).Semi-skilled: - A semiskilled worker is one who does work generally of
defined routine nature wherein the major requirement is not so much of the
judgment, skill and but for proper discharge of duties assigned to him or
relatively narrow job and where important decisions made by others. His work
is thus limited to the performance of routine operations of limited scope.
(iii)Skilled: - A skilled employee is one who is capable of working efficiently of
exercising considerable independent judgment and of discharging his duties
with responsibility. He must posses a thorough and comprehensive knowledge
of the trade, craft or industry in which he is employed.
(iv). Highly Skilled: - A highly skilled worker is one who is capable of working
efficiently and supervises efficiently the work of skilled employees.

By order,

Addl. Chief Secretary (Lab & Emp) to the
Government of Himachal Pradesh, Shimla-2.

No. Shram (A)1-2/2009(M.W.) Dated Shimla-171002 the 26-09-2012.
Copy for information and necessary action to:-
1. The Special Secretary-cum-Pr.PS to the Honble Chief Minister H.P.
2. The Special PS to the Honble Labour Minister, H.P.
3. The Special PS to the Honble Chief Secretary to the Govt. of H.P.
4. All the Administrative Secretaries to the Govt. of H.P., Shimla.
5. The Director, Labour Bureau, GOI, Shimla-171004, H.P.
6. All the Deputy Commissioner, H.P.
7. All the Head of Departments, Himachal Pradesh.
8. Labour Commissioner-cum-Director of Employment, H.P. Shimla-171001
w.r.t. his letter dated 07
September, 2012 with 10 spare copies.
9. Guard File.

Addl. Secretary (Lab. & Emp.) to the
Government of Himachal Pradesh

frnin i +i
~n v i^i fii^


i ~n (v) 1z,zaas(vn.n.) uii finniz zc.as.za1z

lr-i i i ii i r i r l i -i- l(r ln
li nnn i i (ni i-nii i n- l -i i i
i a.as.zaz ii lin li i ;

i n- -i lil-,ss i iii s ii l-n iii r i
iii () i () ii i, li i i -() s,zaac
-.~. i- niii :a n-n, zaz ,ii n- - i iri l-ln nl-n i
n; ii i n l-ln i - niii aaszaz i r; ii;
n lr-i i i ii, n lil- i iii r i iii z ,ii
--i ilni i in n r, n l-ln i lilii i i n (lin
ln li - in -ii i n- - i i niii aaszaz
l- i ii lin ni r

v v
ii , iii ,--ir~ ,-(i , i - , ni ra lnl raa ln-i
(i) +ii+ci (+in )
(ii - li i ; i( ri ra lnl raa ln-i
ri ;-ili
ri -l
ri l-
ri l--i
ri i -
ri (~
ri -
ri i l n i-
ri -iil--
ri i-
ri i ~ i;
ri -
rs.ss lnl /cs ln-i

ri ri --
ri -i-
ri - -
ri ;-ili -l
ri l-i
(ii - l i i;-i i; i li -i ri
i i (i i i(i il ri , l i i; -i
i; i li -i ri ) |
ri -i ~


-l , l- , ;-ili , l--i , i - , (~
,i l n(i- , - , -iil-- , i - l-l--i ,
(i i; , - , ri ~- i- ,;-ili , -l
,l-i , -i ~|

lnl i

r -l ii- r ;-ili , n
(i; --i (l) ;-il
lnl i
i v

i- - , i- i , -i;l-- , --i -i;l-- , -i;l--
--i , i;- , ,ri li , l n , l--i ,
i , -i - - - |
lnl i

i;-- , liil-- , ;-- , , --i ni n
,lii -- i (i; , ri --ii n , i-- ,
li , -i ;-- |

lnl i

r l--- , r , i l- , rli | zs./

lnl i


z -

: i - -

ii- -i;- l n

lnl i
lnl i

lnl i

lnl i


. -i i ;i i i l i i -lri i - i - i
n- -i - i ; lni ri ri ni|
z. liii i -i lii lil-,sc (sc i rz) nnn l(ll-n i
ini |
:. iri i ; i (n -iiini i (i () iii li ini ri , ni
-i (n l l(lrn - - ri ri ni|
. l ln li - li ln -ii li (n l(ll-
(lin ri li ni r, ni -ii (n l i i i i
ini in ri - (n l liiln n- -i - -i
i ri i ini |
r. ni in -ii i -i i n- i lnin i
li ini nin i ini |

c. ini ii - (l-in l-iiiii ri;i ;l- l(nn li ii
- in -ii l(li (ni - -i i n- i i lnin
i ini ri ni |
/. lr-i i ln ini ii - n- -i i lnin i
ini in ri ni | ln ini ii - l-iiiii ri;i ;l-
li ii - in -ii i ii - lnin lnln ini in
ri ni |

+zin,q+in,+in,+in + fiiii f+-+ +i ri^
(i) +in i -ii (r -ii r, i i ni r l- i-i
ni i n(ln r, l- - ( i i; -(n li i ( i(
i rn i(ni ri ni, nl (il ll-ilni lln ri i i(
rini r | i, iiil l- (i) i(i, l(li (-ni i -i
ii lln rii lin r |
(ii) q+in ,i -i (r -i r, i i-in i -i i
lln -( i i- ni ri l- l li l, ini i ii ri ri
n -i lin ni i i i ii l(r i ri , ri -r-( i
li ,ii li ini r| ; i i ii , il-n i -i ii
n ri il-n rni |
(iii) i i -ii (r -ii r, i l(iii -(n lii i i n
ini i - i- ri i ni i l-- ii i | (r
(i, li~ i nin, l- (r li ln li ni ri , i i ( l(-nn ni
ini ri |
(iv) +in +in -i (r -i r, i i i ini i -
i- ri i i i -ili i i inii ( ii |

ii ,ii,

lnln - l( (- ( ini)
lr-i i i |

i -() z,zaas (-. ~ .) li li-i/aaz zc.as.zaz
. l(i i l( ( ii li l(, -ii --i, lr-i i|
z. l(i i li l( -ii - ( i ni -i, lr-i i|
:. l(i i li l(, - l(, lr-i i|
. --n iil l(, lr-i i i, li-i|
r. li ( i , iin i, li-i |
c. -i--n in, lr-i i|
/. -i-n l(iinii, lr-i i|
s. -in ( li i ni, lr-i i, li-i/aa, i
li a/aszaz i - a lnln lni lrn|
s. ni i;|

lnln l( (- ( i ni)
lr-i i i

(Authentative English Text of this Department Notification No: Shram
(A)1-2/2009(M.W.) dated Shimla-2, as required under clause (3)
of Article 348 of the Constitution of India).


No.Shram (A)1-2/2009(M.W.) Dated Shimla-2 26-09- 2012

Whereas the Governor, Himachal Pradesh is of the opinion that the
minimum rates of wages in the Scheduled employment of Public Motor
Transport may be revised in respect of un-skilled and other categories of
workers with effect from 01.09.2012;

And Whereas as per provisions of clause (a) of sub-section (1) of section 5
read with section 9 of the Minimum Wages Act, 1948, a Minimum Wages
Advisory Committee was constituted vide Notification No:Shram(A)4-8/2006-
MW-Part, dated; 30
August, 2012 and the meeting of the said Committee was
held on 4.09.2012;
Now therefore, in exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (2) of
section 5 the said Act, the Governor of Himachal Pradesh is pleased to revise
the minimum wages of the workers working in above mentioned Scheduled
Employment w.e.f. 01.09.2012 as per recommendations of the said Committee
as under:-

General Staff Unskilled Rs.150 /- per day, Rs.4500 /- per month

(a).Peon , Chowkidar, Store Helper, Sweeper, porter, Daftri
(b) Workshop Staff (Unskilled)

Workshop Mazdoor without having any experience
Rs. 150 /- per day, Rs. 4500 /- per month

Semiskilled Rs.158.98- per day, Rs.4769/- per month

1. Asstt. Electrician
2. Asstt. Mechanic
3. Asstt. Fitter
4. Asstt. Black Smith
5. Asst. Carpenter
6. Asstt. Welder
7. Asstt. Turner
8. Asstt. Boaring Barman
9. Asstt. Machinist
10.Asstt. Cushion Maker
11.Asstt. Volcanisor
12. Asst. Painter
13. Asstt. Upholster
14. Asstt. Tyreman
15. Asstt.Sprayman
16. Asstt. Electrician Mechanic
17. Asstt. Retrader
18. Workshop Mazdoor having ITI Certificae or having 2 years of probation
period who has no ITI Diploma
19. Assistant Molders.

Machanic, Fitter, Blacksmith, Carpenter, Welder, Boring
wireman, Machanist, Cusion Maker, Tinsmith, Volcanizer,
Painter, Upholster, Tyreman, Spray Painter, Electrician
Machanic, Retreader, Moulder, Turner.Workshop Mazdoor
having ITI certificate or having 2 years of probation period
who has no ITI Diploma. The ITI certificate holder who are
working in the same trade.
Rs. 182.23 per day
or Rs.5467.00 per

Head Mechanic Carborator, Head Electrician, Garrage
Rs.212.22 per day
or Rs.6367.00 per

1 Group-A
Out Agent, Out Agency Clerk, Typist, Steno typist,
Store-day book Writer, Clerk, Assistant Cashier,
Booking Clerk (Restorer), Ledger Keeper, Petrol Pump

2 Group-B
Chief Inspector, Receptionist, Inspector, Checker,
Stenographer A Grade, Station Supervisor, Assistant
Store-Keeper A Grade, Accountant, Cashier, Tyre

3 Group-C
Head Assistant, Head Clerk, Auditor, Head Cashier.

Rs. 182.23 per day
or Rs.5467.00 per

Rs.196.35 per day
or Rs 5891.00 per

Rs.248.17 per day
or Rs.7445.00 per
Per Day Per



4.Part-Time Booking Clerk

Rs. 188.48.

Rs. 170.41

Rs. 56.23
Rs. 1687.00


1. There will be no distinction between the minimum wages of male or
female and adult or non-adult for the same and similar nature of work.

2. Wages of Apprentices shall be regulated under the Apprenticeship Act,
1961(No. 52 of 1961)
3. Where any class of work is performed on piece work basis, the wages
shall not be less than the time rate prescribed for that category.

4. If any category of workers employed in the scheduled employment is not
mentioned specifically, such category of workers shall not be paid less
than the minimum rates of wages fixed for the similar category having the
same skill.

5. 20% increase will be admissible over and above the minimum rates of
wages to the workers working inside the tunnels.

6. 25 % increase shall be applicable over and above the minimum rates of
wages in different categories of workers working in Under Construction
Hydro- Electric Power Projects located in Non- Tribal Areas.

7. 25% increase shall be applicable over and above the minimum wages in the
Scheduled Tribal Areas in Himachal Pradesh. In case of workers working
in the Under Construction Hydro- Electric Power Projects in Tribal Areas
an additional 10% increase shall be applicable.

The definition of unskilled/semiskilled/skilled/highly skilled will be as
(i) Unskilled: - An unskilled employee is one who does operations that
involve the performance of simple duties, which require the experience of little
or no independent judgment or previous experience although familiarity with
the occupational environment is necessary. His work may thus require in
addition to physical exertion familiarity with variety of articles or goods.
(ii) Semi-skilled: - A semiskilled worker is one who does work generally of
defined routine nature wherein the major requirement is not so much of the
judgment, skill and but for proper discharge of duties assigned to him or
relatively narrow job and where important decisions made by others. His work
is thus limited to the performance of routine operations of limited scope.

(iii) Skilled: - A skilled employee is one who is capable of working efficiently
of exercising considerable independent judgment and of discharging his duties
with responsibility. He must posses a thorough and comprehensive knowledge
of the trade, craft or industry in which he is employed.
(iv).Highly Skilled: - A highly skilled worker is one who is capable of working
efficiently and supervise efficiently the work of skilled employees.

By order,

Addl. Chief Secretary (Lab & Emp) to the
Government of Himachal Pradesh, Shimla-2.

No. Shram (A)1-2/2009(M.W.) Dated Shimla-171002 the 26-09-2012.
Copy for information and necessary action to:-
1. The Special Secretary-cum-Pr.PS to the Honble Chief Minister H.P.
2. The Special PS to the Honble Labour Minister, H.P.
3. The Special PS to the Honble Chief Secretary to the Govt. of H.P.
4. All the Administrative Secretaries to the Govt. of H.P., Shimla.
5. The Director, Labour Bureau, GOI, Shimla-171004, H.P.
6. All the Deputy Commissioner, H.P.
7. All the Head of Departments, Himachal Pradesh.
8. Labour Commissioner-cum-Director of Employment, H.P. Shimla-171001
w.r.t. his letter dated 07
September, 2012 with 10 spare copies.
9. Guard File.

Addl. Secretary (Lab. & Emp.) to the
Government of Himachal Pradesh

frnin i +i
~n v i^i fii^


i ~n (v) 1z,zaas(vn.n.) uii finniz zc.as.za1z

lr-i i i ii i r i r l +i+ v ifi +ii+i
(i ln li nnn i i (ni -ii i n-
l -i i i i a.as.zaz ii lin li i ;

i n- -i lil-,ss i iii s ii l-n iii r i
iii () i () ii i, li i i -() s,zaac
-.~. i- niii :a n-n, zaz ,ii n- - i iri l-ln nl-n i
n; ii i n l-ln i - niii aaszaz i r; ii;
n lr-i i i ii, n lil- i iii r i iii z ,ii
--i ilni i in n r, n l-ln i lilii i i n (lin
ln li - in -ii i n- - i i niii aaszaz
l- i ii lin ni r

+nifi +i ^ ri +i,
frii nri
+r +i, ^,
ri ii+, i
i u ii
frii nri +i,
^, r(
+zin v v
r ~ , ii l-- - , ~ i ,
iii , ii , -(i ,
-ii , n-- , (i-- , i
, , - , ,
, - , i- - -
, i-,lni, i , i- ,
ii , i--- , i ; -i i
i i ri ri |
ra .aa
raa .aa
z/.s lnl

:sz.aa ln-i

r i-, -i-,ii -i- ,
ini-i ,ri ,n-i
l -i,ri i;-
,rii - , (i; l--- ,
;-ili ,l-, (,
l-- - r(i;,
i; ,--i, l nl- n,
i, -ii,i(-,
ri-ni; , ri l--i ,
lnl nii sz.
aa ln-i
a. lnl nii

ril- , ri-,
ri(~ ,ri;-ili ,
, ri ~- , rii
, ii i , - , (i- ,
l~-l(i ; , (- , (i ,
l-- li -l , - ,ri;-
ii , ii ( i - ,
(i -l-)ri --i i ,
l--i - , ri-ii-,
;i(il - - , - ii - -,
i;-ii; -ii ii|

l--i , l-l--i , (i- ,
li -l , i-, - ,
i;( , ri- , -
(- l n ) , -l, r(i;
, i, --(i ,
-,l- , i-- ,
- iii - , -i ,
ni ~l--i , i - , ii (
i- (il(i, -i - , l -i
i - , ~- , i;i ,
i , (i ,n-ii- ,
-iil-- , (~ , -i ~ , li
(-l-) , -i- ,
lil-- , ( - l( ,--ii
, r ( - , r(i ((--
--i; ri - ), i;-| i;a -ia
i;a -ii ii i ;i - -
i r ri |
lnl nii rccs.
aa ln-i
cc.zz lnl
nii ss/.aa


--i i , (n - ) ,
iii , - iii , r
, r- , r ,
ri ,r-l ,
;-ili , i- , (i;,
- , - (- l n ) |
/s.ca lnl
r:rs.aa ln-i
. -i i i i i l i i -lri i - i - i
n- -i i i ; lni ri ri ni|

z. liii i -i lii lil-,sc (sc i rz) ii l(ll-n i
ini |
:. iri li i i (n -iiini i (i () iii li ini ri ,
(ri - i (n l l(lrn - - ri ri ni|
. l ln li - li ln -ii li (n l(ll-
(lin ri li ni r ni -ii (n l i ;i i i
ini in ri , - (n l liiln n- -i -
-i i ri i ini |
s. lr-i i ini ii - -i i n- i lnln zr
(i) lnin i ini ri ni |

+zin,q+in,+in,+in + fiiii , +i ri^
() +in i -ii (r -ii r i i ni r l- i-i
ni i n(ln r l- - ( i i; -(n li i ( i(
i rn i(ni ri ni, nl (il ll-ilni lln ri i i(
rini r | i i iiil l- (i) i(i, l(li (-ni i -i
ii lln ri i lin r |
(z) q+in ,i -i (r -i r i i-in i -i i lln
-( i i- ni ri l- l li l, ini i ii ri r ln
- lin ni i i i -~ ii ln l(r i r, ri
-r( i li ,ii li ini r| ; i i ii il-n i -i
ii n ri il-n r ni |
(:) i i -ii (r -ii r i l(iii -(n lii i i n
ini i i - i- ri i ni i l-- ii i | (r
(i, li~ i nin l- , (r li ln li ni ri , i i ( l(-nn ni
ini ri |
() +in +in -i (r -i r i i i ini i -
i- ri i i i -ili i i inii ( ii |

ii ,ii,

lnln - l( (- ( ini)
lr-i i i |

i -() z,zaas (-. ~ .) li li-i/aaz zc.as.zaz
. l(i i l( ( ii li l(, -ii --i, lr-i i|
z. l(i i li l( -ii - ( i ni -i, lr-i i|
:. l(i i li l(, - l(, lr-i i|
. --n iil l(, lr-i i i, li-i|

r. li ( i , iin i, li-i |
c. -i--n in, lr-i i|
/. -i-n l(iinii, lr-i i|
s. -in ( li i ni, lr-i i, li-i/aa, i
li a/aszaz i - a lnln lni lrn|
s. ni i;|

lnln l( (- ( i ni)
lr-i i i

(Authentative English Text of this Department Notification No: Shram
(A)1-2/2009(M.W.) dated Shimla-2, as required under clause (3)
of Article 348 of the Constitution of India).


No.Shram (A)1-2/2009(M.W.) Dated Shimla-2 26-09- 2012

Whereas the Governor, Himachal Pradesh is of the opinion that the
minimum rates of wages in the Scheduled employment of Shops and
Commercial Establishments may be revised in respect of un-skilled and other
categories of workers with effect from 01.09.2012;

And Whereas as per provisions of clause (a) of sub-section (1) of section 5
read with section 9 of the Minimum Wages Act, 1948, a Minimum Wages
Advisory Committee was constituted vide Notification No:Shram(A)4-8/2006-
MW-Part, dated; 30
August, 2012 and the meeting of the said Committee was
held on 4.09.2012;
Now therefore, in exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (2) of
section 5 the said Act, the Governor of Himachal Pradesh is pleased to revise
the minimum wages of the workers working in above mentioned Scheduled
Employment w.e.f. 01.09.2012 as per recommendations of the said Committee
as under:-

Category of employees Where no
benefit is
Where food, tea &
Un skilled Rupees Rupees
Helper/Shop Assistant/ Pelledar/ Chowkidar/
Peon/ Sweeper/ Masalchi/ Gateman/
Waterman/ Cleaner/ Packer/ Mazdoor/
Lander/ Unlander/ Messanger/ Clock Room
Attendant/ Porter/ Bhishit/ Beldar/
Fireman/ Pandi/ Posterman/ any other
worker doing un skilled job.

Rs.150 /-Daily

Rs.4500 /-

Rs 127.48/-Daily

Rupees Rupees
Head porter, Pantryman/Coffee-Teamaker/
Chapatiman/ Assistant Baker/Gate Keeper
(Cinema) / Asst. Lineman / Assistant
Operator/ Binder Assistant/ Bill Collector
/Convesser / Cook/Assistant Halwai/Book
Binder/ Sticher/ Rulling-cutting/Auctioners
/Mali/ Sewerman/ Hotel Guide/ Assistant
Mistry/ Assistant Fitter/ Assistant Turner/
AssistantWelder/ Assistant Electrician/
AssistantSalesman/ Assistant Barbar/ Dhobi,
Pressman/Boilerman/ Film Rewinder/
163.73 Daily

140.41 Daily

Waiter/Bearer/ Assistant Radio
Machanic/Painter/ WhiteWasher/Pakora and
Chanamaker/Clerk (Non-matric), Assistant
Store Keeper/ Distributor and Assistant
Machine man. Enquiry Attendent/ Telephone
Attendent, ITI Certificate Holder.
Skilled: Rupees. Rupees.
Assistant Tailor/Cutter (Tailoring)
Confectioner/Baker/ Steward/ Butler/ Fitter/
Compounder / Goldsmith./ Shoe Maker /
Shawl-CarpetWeaving/ Compositor/ Cinema
Clerk/(Matric)/ Munim /receptionist/
Waiter/Bearer/ Storekeeper/ headwaiter
/Head bearer (Western Style
Hotels)/Lineman.ITI certificate holder who are
working in the same trade.
188.98 Daily
5669.00 P.M.
166.22 Daily
4987.00 P.M

Highly Skilled Rupees. Rupees.
Store Keeper/ Clerks (Graduates) Accountant
/Head Cashier/ Head Cook/ Head
Butler/Head Baker/ Head Confectioner/Head
mechanic/ Electrician/ Foremen/
Supervisor./ Tailor/Cutter (Tailoring)
200.41 P.D
178.60 P.D
5358.00 P.M


1. There will be no distinction between the minimum wages of male or
female and adult or non-adult for the same and similar nature of work.

2. Wages of Apprentices shall be regulated under the Apprenticeship Act,
1961(No. 52 of 1961)

3. Where any class of work is performed on piece work basis, the wages
shall not be less than the time rate prescribed for that category.
4. If any category of workers employed in the scheduled employment is not
mentioned specifically, such category of workers shall not be paid less
than the minimum rates of wages fixed for the similar category having the
same skill.

5. 25 % increase shall be applicable over and above the minimum of wages
in Tribal Areas in Himachal Pradesh.

The definition of unskilled/semiskilled/skilled/highly skilled will be as
(i) Unskilled: - An unskilled employee is one who does operations that
involve the performance of simple duties, which require the experience of little
or no independent judgment or previous experience although familiarity with
the occupational environment is necessary. His work may thus require in
addition to physical exertion familiarity with variety of articles or goods.
(ii) Semi-skilled: -A semiskilled worker is one who does work generally of
defined routine nature wherein the major requirement is not so much of the
judgment, skill and but for proper discharge of duties assigned to him or
relatively narrow job and where important decisions made by others. His work
is thus limited to the performance of routine operations of limited scope.

(iii) Skilled: - A skilled employee is one who is capable of working efficiently
of exercising considerable independent judgment and of discharging his duties
with responsibility. He must posses a thorough and comprehensive knowledge
of the trade, craft or industry in which he is employed.

(iv) Highly Skilled: - A highly skilled worker is one who is capable of working
efficiently and supervises efficiently the work of skilled employees.

By order,

Addl. Chief Secretary (Lab & Emp) to the
Government of Himachal Pradesh, Shimla-2.

No. Shram (A)1-2/2009(M.W.) Dated Shimla-171002 the 26-09-2012.
Copy for information and necessary action to:-
1. The Special Secretary-cum-Pr.PS to the Honble Chief Minister H.P.
2. The Special PS to the Honble Labour Minister, H.P.
3. The Special PS to the Honble Chief Secretary to the Govt. of H.P.
4. All the Administrative Secretaries to the Govt. of H.P., Shimla.
5. The Director, Labour Bureau, GOI, Shimla-171004, H.P.
6. All the Deputy Commissioner, H.P.
7. All the Head of Departments, Himachal Pradesh.
8. Labour Commissioner-cum-Director of Employment, H.P. Shimla-171001
w.r.t. his letter dated 07
September, 2012 with 10 spare copies.
9. Guard File.

Addl. Secretary (Lab. & Emp.) to the
Government of Himachal Pradesh

frnin i +i
~n v i^i fii^


i ~n (v) 1z,zaas(vn.n.) uii finniz zc.as.za1z

lr-i i i ii i r i r l (ili ni ni ln
li - i i -ii (n i i(n -i i n- i i
a.as.zaz ii lin li i ;
i n- -i lil-,ss i iii s ii l-n iii r i
iii () i () ii i, li i i -() s,zaac
-.~. i- niii :a n-n, zaz ,ii n- - i iri l-ln nl-n i
n; ii i n l-ln i - niii aaszaz i r; ii;
n lr-i i i ii, n lil- i iii r i iii z ,ii
--i ilni i in n r, n l-ln i lilii i i n (lin
ln li - in -ii i n- - i i niii aaszaz
l- i ii lin ni r

+n+ii + ^ ii lin +un n
f++ nif+
1 +in v v
() (ii i lnii
(z) ~ii (si ni)
(:) (lnii)
ra.aa raa.aa
c:./: sz.aa
rr. ccz.aa
z -iif^^ v +i,^ fc- if^
v v
() ((ii)
(z) -ii (lii)
(:) l--i
a + +cf+^ v fc- if^ i, n+n n
() - i
(z) - i i l n , i l n
(:) i l--
+ + i fc- i, vfn i v v
() - l--i - (i;
(z) - l--i
s + i, c +ni, (+ +in) ri, +ni,
(i-i) +-riir+ (fi ir+) ( nifc^)
() -i ri (ii l--i
(z) ni
(:) l- - l--i ,r ~ l--i
() li-
(r) ii
(c) -ii



c n++i, nif^^ v fc- vc+i+ v v
() -(
(z) -i; i; i -
(:) - i;(
() - i i;(


z nf+n +ci v v
() -
(z) i--
(:) -ii , -i;l--

a i fnn + v v
() -ii l--i
(z) (i;
(:) r l--i
() (i i;(
(r) l- - l--i
(c) l--i
(/) r~
(s) -- -


s +-ii vci+ v v

() l
(z) -ii (i;,-ii i


in v v
in vcc (in ~i) i, z+z.zz zzcz.aa
r in+

. -i i i i i l i i -lri i - i - i
n- -i - i ; lni ri ri ni|
z. liii i -i, lii lil-,sc (sc i rz) ii l(ll-n i
ini |
:. iri li i i (n -iiini i iii li ini ri , (ri - i
(n l l(lrn - - ri ri ni|

. l ln li - li ln -ii li (n l(ll-
(lin ri li ni r, ni -ii (n l i i i i

r. ini in ri, - (n l liiln n- -i -
-i i ri i ini |

r. lr-i i ini ii - n- -i lnln i lnin
i ini in ri ni |
+zin,q+in,+in,+in + fiiii f+-+ +i ri^
(i) +in i -ii (r -ii r, i i ni r l- i-i
ni i n(ln r l- - ( i i; -(n li i ( i(
i rn i(ni ri ni, nl (il ll-ilni lln ri i i(
r | i - iiil l- (i) lnln l(li (-ni i -i
ii lln rii lin r |
(ii) q+in ,i -i (r -i r, i i-in i -i i
lln -( i i- ni ri, l- l li l, ini i ii ri
ri , ln - lin ni i ii -~ ii ln l(r i r,
ri -r( i li ,ii li ini r| ; i i i i il-n
i -i ii n ri il-n rni |
(iii) +in i -ii (r -ii r, i l(iii -(n lii i i n
ini i i - i- ri i ni i l-- ii i | (r
(i, li~ i nin l- , (r li ln li ni ri , i i ( l(-nn ni
ini ri |
(iv) +in +in -i (r -i r i i i ini i -
i- ri i i i -ili i i inii ( ii ni ri |

ii ,ii,

lnln - l( (- ( ini)
lr-i i i |
i -() z,zaas (-. ~ .) li li-i/aaz zc.as.zaz
. l(i i l( ( ii li l(, -ii --i, lr-i i|
z. l(i i li l( -ii - ( i ni -i, lr-i i|
:. l(i i li l(, - l(, lr-i i|
. --n iil l(, lr-i i i, li-i|
r. li ( i , iin i, li-i |
c. -i--n in, lr-i i|
/. -i-n l(iinii, lr-i i|
s. -in ( li i ni, lr-i i, li-i/aa, i
li a/aszaz i - a lnln lni lrn|
s. ni i;|

lnln l( (- ( i ni)
lr-i i i

(Authentative English Text of this Department Notification No: Shram
(A)1-2/2009(M.W.) dated Shimla-2, as required under clause (3)
of Article 348 of the Constitution of India).


No.Shram (A)1-2/2009(M.W.) Dated Shimla-2 26-09- 2012

Whereas the Governor, Himachal Pradesh is of the opinion that the
minimum rates of wages in the Scheduled employment of Forestry Industries
may be revised in respect of un-skilled and other categories of workers with
effect from 01.09.2012;

And whereas as per provisions of clause (a) of sub-section (1) of section 5
read with section 9 of the Minimum Wages Act, 1948, a Minimum Wages
Advisory Committee was constituted vide Notification No:Shram(A)4-8/2006-
MW-Part, dated; 30
August, 2012 and the meeting of the said Committee was
held on 4.09.2012;
Now therefore, in exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (2) of
section 5 of the said Act, the Governor of Himachal Pradesh is pleased to revise
the minimum wages of the workers working in above mentioned Scheduled
Employment w.e.f. 01.09.2012 as per recommendations of the said Committee
as under:-

Category of Workers Revised Minimum Wages
Daily Monthly

Rs.150 .00 Rs.4500 .00
1 Felling of trees
(1)Lopper (Changi)
(2)Feller (Garani)
2 Logging and sawing including timber passing
1.Dresser (Panchani)
2.Sawyer (Charani)
3 Carriage stacking and timber passing by manual labour
1. Mazdoor for carriage
2. Mazdoor for loading and un loading of



Carriage of timber by Aerial ropeways :
1.Span Mistry-cum-Supervisor
2.Span Mistry
5 Carriage by water slide (pucci Nalli) dry slide (Pathru), Nullah Bhaan Darya
Bahaan (River floating):

1.Mohri-wala Mistry


3.Asstt. Mistry/ Helper Mistry
6. Jamadar

6 Mechanised logging and timber extraction
2.Ski-line Operator
3 Truck Driver
4. Compressor Driver
7 Clerical Staff
3.Munshi Typist clerk
Rs.179 .98
8 Saw Mill Workers
1.Band Saw Mistry
3.Head Mistry
4.Boiler Driver
5.Assistant Mistry
6.Planner Mistry
8.Cutter man
9 Katha Extraction
1.Feller and Chipper
2. Katha Supervisor/Katha Processor

Highly Skilled
Boiler Attendant (Ist Class) Overseer, Head Foreman= Rs.242.22.P.D. Rs.7267

1. There will be no distinction between the minimum wages of male or
female and adult or non-adult for the same and similar nature of work.

2. Wages of Apprentices shall be regulated under the Apprenticeship Act,
1961(No. 52 of 1961)

3. Where any class of work is performed on piece work basis, the wages
shall not be less than the time rate prescribed for that category.

4. If any category of workers employed in the scheduled employment is not
mentioned specifically, such category of workers shall not be paid less
than the minimum rates of wages fixed for the similar category having the
same skill.

5. 25 % increase shall be applicable over and above the minimum of wages in
Tribal Areas in Himachal Pradesh.

The definition of unskilled/semiskilled/skilled/highly skilled will be
as under:-
(i) Unskilled: - An unskilled employee is one who does operations that
involve the performance of simple duties, which require the experience of little
or no independent judgment or previous experience although familiarity
with the occupational environment is necessary. His work may thus require in
addition to physical exertion familiarity with variety of articles or goods.
(ii) Semi-skilled: - A semiskilled worker is one who does work generally of
defined routine nature wherein the major requirement is not so much of the
judgment, skill and but for proper discharge of duties assigned to him or
relatively narrow job and where important decisions made by others. His work
is thus limited to the performance of routine operations of limited scope.
(iii) Skilled: - A skilled employee is one who is capable of working efficiently
of exercising considerable independent judgment and of discharging his duties
with responsibility. He must posses a thorough and comprehensive knowledge
of the trade, craft or industry in which he is employed.
(iv) Highly Skilled: - A highly skilled worker is one who is capable of working
efficiently and supervises efficiently the work of skilled employees.

By order,

Addl. Chief Secretary (Lab & Emp.) to the
Government of Himachal Pradesh, Shimla-2.

No. Shram (A)1-2/2009(M.W.) Dated Shimla-171002 the 26-09-2012.
Copy for information and necessary action to:-
1. The Special Secretary-cum-Pr.PS to the Honble Chief Minister H.P.
2. The Special PS to the Honble Labour Minister, H.P.
3. The Special PS to the Honble Chief Secretary to the Govt. of H.P.
4. All the Administrative Secretaries to the Govt. of H.P., Shimla.
5. The Director, Labour Bureau, GOI, Shimla-171004, H.P.
6. All the Deputy Commissioner, H.P.
7. All the Head of Departments, Himachal Pradesh.
8. Labour Commissioner-cum-Director of Employment, H.P. Shimla-171001
w.r.t. his letter dated 07
September, 2012 with 10 spare copies.
9. Guard File.

Addl. Secretary (Lab. & Emp.) to the
Government of Himachal Pradesh

frnin i +i
~n v i^i fii^


i ~n (v) 1z,zaas(vn.n.) uii finniz zc.as.za1z

lr-i i i ii i r i r l i i il -ii
ln li nnn i i (ni i-nii i n- l
-i i i i a.as.zaz l- i ii lin li i,
i n- -i lil-,ss i iii s ii l-n iii r i
iii () i () ii i, li i i -() s,zaac
-.~. i- niii :a n-n, zaz ,ii n- - i iri l-ln nl-n i
n; ii i n l-ln i - niii aaszaz i r; ii;
n lr-i i i ii, n lil- i iii r i iii z ,ii
--i ilni i in n r, n l-ln i lilii i i n (lin
ln li - in -ii i n- - i i niii aaszaz
l- i ii lin ni r

+n+ii +i ^ ii lin
n +un
fuf+ ifuni
+in +n+i ra.aa

raa .aa

q+in +n+i
l- -, ;-ili, l-- l-, l--
-,l- - (~, l-- -i~, l-- i-
i -, l-- l--i, l--i-,i;ini,
l--(i- , i;in i, l-- -ii, ;--
-, ;---i(-, l-( i --, (i-,
i---,i-, i-, -- n |, -ii (
-- , -i- , i- , -- n | , -ii (
, - - - -il- - rn- |
i;-ii; -ii ii|
r/.s /z.aa

+in +n+i

-ii~-- , ;-ili , l- ,i- , - , -i ~ ,
l--i , i - i-, -, i - , l--i- ,
r-ii, (i -- n ||, (ii i- ,
;-ili i-, ; i;( , i-- ,
l-- -l--- , -ii- , li , (-l- ) ,
~ - , -(innni , -i;l-- , --ii | i;-ii;
-ii ii, i ;i - - i r ri |
ss.ss rccs.aa
+in +n+i
ii - - (i- ii ) , i( i, r i- | zz.zz /zc/.aa

. -i i i i i l i i -lri i - i - i
n- -i - i ; lni ri ri ni|
z. liii i -i, lii lil-,sc (sc i rz) ii l(ll-n i
ini |
:. iri li i i (n -iiini i (i () iii li ini ri ,
(ri -i (n l l(lrn - (-i;- -) - ri ri ni|
. l ln li - li ln -ii li (n l(ll-
(lin ri li ni r, ni -ii (n l i i i i
ini in ri, - (n l liiln n- -i -
-i i ri i ini |
r. lr-i i ini ii - n- -i lnln i lnin
i ini in ri ni |
+zin,q+in,+in,+in + fiiii f+-+ +i ri^
(i) +in i -ii (r -ii r, i i ni r l- i-i
ni i n(ln r, l- - ( i i; -(n li i ( i(
i rn i(ni ri ni, nl (il ll-ilni lln ri i i(
r | i i iiil l- (i) lnln l(li (-ni i -i ii
lln ri i lin r |
(ii) q+in ,i -i (r -i r, i i-in i -i i
lln -( i i- ni ri, l- l li l, ini i ii ri
ri , ln - lin ni i ii -~ ii ln l(r i r,
ri -r( i li ,ii li ini r| ; i i i i il-n
i -i ii n ri il-n r ni |
(iii) +in i -ii (r -ii r, i l(iii -(n lii i i n
ini i i - i- ri i ni i l-- ii i | (r
(i, li~ i nin l- , (r li ln li ni ri , i i ( l(-nn ni
ini ri |
(iv) +in +in -i (r -i r i i i ini i -
i- ri i i i -ili i i inii ( ii ni ri |

ii ,ii,

lnln - l( (- ( ini)
lr-i i i |

i -() z,zaas (-. ~ .) li li-i/aaz zc.as.zaz
. l(i i l( ( ii li l(, -ii --i, lr-i i|
z. l(i i li l( -ii - ( i ni -i, lr-i i|
:. l(i i li l(, - l(, lr-i i|
. --n iil l(, lr-i i i, li-i|
r. li ( i , iin i, li-i |
c. -i--n in, lr-i i|
/. -i-n l(iinii, lr-i i|
s. -in ( li i ni, lr-i i, li-i/aa, i
li a/aszaz i - a lnln lni lrn|
s. ni i;|

lnln l( (- ( i ni)
lr-i i i

(Authentative English Text of this Department Notification No: Shram
(A)1-2/2009(M.W.) dated Shimla-2, as required under clause (3)
of Article 348 of the Constitution of India).


No.Shram (A)1-2/2009(M.W.) Dated Shimla-2 26-09- 2012

Whereas the Governor, Himachal Pradesh is of the opinion that the
minimum rates of wages in the Scheduled employment of Chemical and
Chemical Products may be revised in respect of un-skilled and other
categories of workers with effect from 01.09.2012;

And whereas as per provisions of clause (a) of sub-section (1) of section 5
read with section 9 of the Minimum Wages Act, 1948, a Minimum Wages
Advisory Committee was constituted vide Notification No:Shram(A)4-8/2006-
MW-Part, dated; 30
August, 2012 and the meeting of the said Committee was
held on 4.09.2012;
Now therefore, in exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (2) of
section 5 of the said Act, the Governor of Himachal Pradesh is pleased to revise
the minimum wages of the workers working in above mentioned Scheduled
Employment w.e.f. 01.09.2012 as per recommendations of the said Committee
as under:-

Category of Workers Revised minimum rates
Unskilled Rs. 150 .00 P.D
Rs. 4500 .00. P.M.
Semi Skilled
Assistant Electrician ,Assistant Fitter, Assistant
Turner, Assistant Welder, Assistant Moulder,
Assistant Plant Operator, Assistant Blacksmith,
Assistant Copraman, Re-irrigation, Assistant ,
Jamadar, Eastman, East cultivator, Switch Board
Attendant, Wireman, Postalman, Fireman, Oilman,
Pumpman Grade-I, Machine Levellor, Selector, Cutter-
cum-Market seller/Empular, Hageman. ITI Certificate
Rs.157.48 P.D.
Rs.4724.00 P.M.


Saltman, Electrician, Fitter, Copperman, Turner,
Moulder, Blacksmith, Plant operator, Mason,
Carpenter, Assistant Foreman, Head Jamadar, Boiler
Attendant Grade-II, Workshop Foreman, Electrician
Foreman, Engine Driver, Draughtsman, Assistant
Chemist, Machineman, Cashier/Clerk (Matriculate),
Salesman, Receptionist, Typist, Store-keeper.I.T.I.
certificate holder who are working in the same trade.

Rs.188.98 P.D.
Rs.5669.00 P.M.

Highly Skilled

Boiler Attendant (First-Class) Overseer, Head Foreman Rs. 242.22 P.D.
Rs.7267. 00 P.M.

1. There will be no distinction between the minimum wages of male or female
and adult or non-adult for the same and similar nature of work.

2. Wages of Apprentices shall be regulated under the Apprenticeship Act,
1961(No. 52 of 1961)

3. Where any class of work is performed on piece work basis, the wages
shall not be less than the time rate prescribed for that category.

4. If any category of workers employed in the scheduled employment is not
mentioned specifically, such category of workers shall not be paid less than
the minimum rates of wages fixed for the similar category having the same

5. 25 % increase shall be applicable over and above the minimum of wages in
Tribal Areas in Himachal Pradesh.

The definition of unskilled/semiskilled/skilled/highly skilled will be as
under :-
(i) Unskilled: - An unskilled employee is one who does operations that
involve the performance of simple duties, which require the experience of little
or no independent judgment or previous experience although familiarity with
the occupational environment is necessary. His work may thus require in
addition to physical exertion familiarity with variety of articles or goods.
(ii) Semi-skilled: - A semiskilled worker is one who does work generally of
defined routine nature wherein the major requirement is not so much of the
judgment, skill and but for proper discharge of duties assigned to him or
relatively narrow job and where important decisions made by others. His work
is thus limited to the performance of routine operations of limited scope.
(iii) Skilled: - A skilled employee is one who is capable of working efficiently
of exercising considerable independent judgment and of discharging his duties
with responsibility. He must posses a thorough and comprehensive knowledge
of the trade, craft or industry in which he is employed.
(IV). Highly Skilled: - A highly skilled worker is one who is capable of working
efficiently and supervises efficiently the work of skilled employees.

By order,

Addl. Chief Secretary (Lab & Emp) to the
Government of Himachal Pradesh, Shimla-2.

No. Shram (A)1-2/2009(M.W.) Dated Shimla-171002 the 26-09-2012.
Copy for information and necessary action to:-

1. The Special Secretary-cum-Pr.PS to the Honble Chief Minister H.P.
2. The Special PS to the Honble Labour Minister, H.P.
3. The Special PS to the Honble Chief Secretary to the Govt. of H.P.
4. All the Administrative Secretaries to the Govt. of H.P., Shimla.
5. The Director, Labour Bureau, GOI, Shimla-171004, H.P.
6. All the Deputy Commissioner, H.P.
7. All the Head of Departments, Himachal Pradesh.
8. Labour Commissioner-cum-Director of Employment, H.P. Shimla-171001
w.r.t. his letter dated 07
September, 2012 with 10 spare copies.
9. Guard File.

Addl. Secretary (Lab. & Emp.) to the
Government of Himachal Pradesh

frnin i +i
~n v i^i fii^


i ~n (v) 1z,zaas(vn.n.) uii finniz zc.as.za1z

lr-i i i ii i r i r l ; ill n ni n ln
li nnn i i (ni i-nii i n- l -i i
i i a.as.zaz ii lin li i ;
i n- -i lil-,ss i iii s ii l-n iii r i
iii () i () ii i, li i i -() s,zaac
-.~.i-, niii :a n-n, zaz ,ii n- -i iri l-ln nl-n i
n; ii i n l-ln i - niii aaszaz i r; ii;
n lr-i i i ii, n lil- i iii r i iii z ,ii
--i ilni i in n r, n l-ln i lilii i i n (lin
ln li - in -ii i n- - i i niii aaszaz
l- i ii lin ni r

+n+ii +i ^ ii lin
+un n
fuf+ funi
+in ra .aa raa .aa
- n||, - n||, in |||, i - n || ,
i - n ||| , -ii- , -iil-- , i - n ||,
n ||| , r -il n i; , i; n ||,
i - n |||, - - n |||, -i l n ||| ,
- n||| ,i , i l - , - n |||,
-l-l , l- -, -l n - , - ,
;-i - n |||, -i n ||| ,ni; n ||| ,
l , ili- , - , r-l i - n |||,
i i i- n ||| , - -ii i -||| ,
i n |||, i;- n ||| , ~ n ||| ,
l-l--i n ||| , i;i , r -- n ||| ,;-i
i;- n ||| ,i ;- n ||| , l-- i
; i;( n ||| , i-
- n|| ,- n || , l n ||, i ,i -
n ||,i-- n||,-l--,i- , n ||
,i; n ||, - - n ||, -i l- n||,
i - n ||, - n ||, - n||,;-i-






n || ,-i n ||, ni; n ||, r-ii i-
n ||, i ( i -ii i - n || - -ii
i - n||, ni ~ i -ii i- n ||, l- n
|| , i - ,- - n || , i;- n ||, -ii;--
n || , ~ n ||,l-l--i n || ,r--
n ||, l--i n || ,,- - n ||, ;-i
i;-n ||, ;-ili n || ,i- i; nii
i i; n ||, ( (i ;- n || , (i ;-
n||, l-- i ; i;( n || ,-i ~n ||,
(i;, i;-ii; -ii ii i ;i - - i
r ri |

i +in
- n |, ni; ln -i i - n|, i--
n |,l-~ n |, ;-i - n |,ni ~ i -ii
i - n |,l- n |,i - , - - , i;-
n |,n( n |, l-i n |,(i ;- ,-i ~,
i- n|, - - n|,;-iii n|,i-
nf+n +ci

li (-l--), , ~-,-i;l--, --ii|

ln l


/zc/.aa ln


. -i i i i i l, i i -lri i - i - i
n- -i - i ; lni ri ri ni|
z liii i -i, lii lil-,sc (sc i rz) ii l(ll-n i
ini |
: iri li i i (n -iiini i (i () iii li ini ri ,
(ri -i (n l l(lrn - - ri ri ni|

l ln li - li ln i-nii ili (n l(ll-n (lin
ri li ni r, ni i-nii (n i i ii (i -i (n
l ln -i i n- i - -i i ri i ini |
r n in i-nii - , n- -i i i lnln i
lnin i ini ri ni |

c. lr-i i ini ii - l-in l-iiiii ri;i ;l- l(nn
li ii - in i-nii i l(li (ni - -i i n- i
lnln zr (i) lnin i ini ri ni |

/. lr-i i ln ini ii - -i i i lnln zr
(i) lnin i ini ri ni| ln ii - l-iiiii ri;i
;l- li ii - in i-nii i ii - -i, i n- (n
i a () lnin i lnln ini in ri ni |

+zin,q+in,+in,+in + fiiii f+-+ +i ri^
(i) +in i -ii (r -ii r, i i ni r l- i-i
ni i n(ln r, l- - ( i i; -(n li i ( i(
i rn i(ni ri ni, nl (il ll-ilni lln ri i i(

r | i i iiil l- (i) lnln l(li (-ni i -i ii
lln ri i lin r |
(ii) q+in ,i -i (r -i r, i i-in i -i i
lln -( i i- ni ri, l- l li l, ini i ii ri
ri , ln - lin ni i ii -~ ii ln l(r i r,
ri -r( i li ,ii li ini r| ; i i i i il-n
i -i ii n ri il-n r ni |
(iii) +in i -ii (r -ii r, i l(iii -(n lii i i n
ini i i - i- ri i ni i l-- ii i | (r
(i, li~ i nin l- , (r li ln li ni ri , i i ( l(-nn ni
ini ri |
(iv) +in +in -i (r -i r i i i ini i -
i- ri i i i -ili i i inii ( ii ni ri |

ii ,ii,

lnln - l( (- ( ini)
lr-i i i |

i -() z,zaas (-. ~ .) li li-i/aaz zc.as.zaz
a. l(i i l( ( ii li l(, -ii --i, lr-i i|
. l(i i li l( -ii - ( i ni -i, lr-i i|
z. l(i i li l(, - l(, lr-i i|
:. --n iil l(, lr-i i i, li-i|
. li ( i , iin i, li-i |
r. -i--n in, lr-i i|
c. -i-n l(iinii, lr-i i|
/. -in ( li i ni, lr-i i, li-i/aa, i
li a/aszaz i - a lnln lni lrn|
s. ni i;|

lnln l( (- ( i ni)
lr-i i i

(Authentative English Text of this Department Notification No: Shram
(A)1-2/2009(M.W.) dated Shimla-2, as required under clause (3)
of Article 348 of the Constitution of India).


No.Shram (A)1-2/2009(M.W.) Dated Shimla-2 26-09- 2012

Whereas the Governor, Himachal Pradesh is of the opinion that the
minimum rates of wages in the Scheduled employment of Engineering
Industries may be revised in respect of un-skilled and other categories of
workers with effect from 01.09.2012.

And Whereas as per provisions of clause (a) of sub-section (1) of section 5
read with section 9 of the Minimum Wages Act, 1948, a Minimum Wages
Advisory Committee was constituted vide Notification No:Shram(A)4-8/2006-
MW-Part, dated; 30
August, 2012 and the meeting of the said Committee was
held on 4.09.2012.
Now therefore, in exercise of the powers conferred by clause (a) of sub-
section 5 of the said Act, the Governor of Himachal Pradesh is pleased to revise
the minimum wages of the workers working in above mentioned Scheduled
Employment w.e.f. 01.09.2012 as per recommendations of the said Committee
as under:-

Rs. 150 .00.P.D
Rs. 4500 .00 P.M.
Semi skilled
Taper Grade-III, Turner Grade-III, Driller Grade-III, Romer
Grade- III, Shareman Grade-III, Machine man,
Machinist/Operator Grade- III, Bragar Grade- III, Head
Spinning Winder, Liner Grade- III,Press Operator Grade- III,
Spray Painter Grade- III, Transfer Fixer Grade- III, Assembler
Grade- III, Cobbler, Rubber Rosin Cutter, Tailor Grade- III,
Material Checker, Fitter Frame, Numbering man, Frame
Sender, Electroplater Grade-III, Mopper Grade- III, Grinder
Grade- III, Pickler, Polishman, Buferman, Head Mechanic
Operator Grade- III, Thread/Roller Operator Grade- III, Book-
screw Machine Operator Grade- III, Feeder Grade- III, Dye
Maker Grade- III, Welder Grade- III, Tin Smith Grade- III, Pipe
Reader, Hammer man Grade- III, Electric Lineman Grade-
III,Voucher Inspector Grade- III, Lister Diesel Engine Driver
Grade-III, Oilman.
Taper Grade-II, Turner Grade-II, Driller Grade-II, Shaper
Grade-II, Shaperman Grade-II, Slaughterman Grade-II,
Machanist/ Operator/Brager Grade- II, Liner Grade- II, Spray
Rs. 157.48 P.D.
Rs.4724.00 P.M.

Painter Grade- II, Transfer Mixer Grade- II, Press Operator
Grade- II, Assembler Grade- II, Tailor Grade- II, Electroplater
Grade-II, Moper Grade- II, Grinder Grade- II, Head Machine
Operator-II, Thread and Roller Machine Operator Grade-II,
Book screw Machine Operator Grade-II, Gold Draw Machine
Operator Grade-II, Fitter Grade-II, Carpenter/Pattern Maker
Grade-II, Dye Maker Grade-II, Saister Grade-II, Welder Grade-
II, Tinsmith Grade-II, Hammerman Grade-II, Blacksmith
Grade-II, Tool Setter Grade-II, Electrical Lineman Grade-II,
Electrician Grade-II, Armature Winder and Coil winder Grade-
II, Cable Jointer Grade-II, Voucher Inspector Grade-II, Lister
Diesel Engine Driver Grade-II, Moulder Grade-II, Supervisor,
ITI Certificate Holder who are working in the same trade.

Rs.188.98 P.D.
Rs.5669 .00 P.M
Highly Skilled
Turner Grade-I, Grinding Machine Operator-I, Slaughterman
Grade-I, Miller Grade-I, Electroplater Grade-I, Gold Draw
Machine Operator Grade-I, Fitter Grade-I, Carpenter/Pattern
Maker, Dye maker Grade-I, Engraver Grade-I, Blacksmith
Grade-I,Voucher Inspector, Moulder, Dye Setter Grade-I, Tool
Setter Grade-I, Electrician Grade-I,Shaperman Grade-I.
Rs. 242.22 P.D.
Rs.7267.00 P.M.

Clerical Staff
Cashier (Matriculate) Clerk, Salesman, Typist Storekeeper.

Rs. 167.67 P.D.
Rs.5030.00 P.M.


1. There will be no distinction between the minimum wages of male or
female and adult or non-adult for the same and similar nature of work.

2. Wages of Apprentices shall be regulated under the Apprenticeship Act,
1961(No. 52 of 1961)

3. Where any class of work is performed on piece work basis, the wages
shall not be less than the time rate prescribed for that category.

4. If any category of workers employed in the scheduled employment is not
mentioned specifically, such category of workers shall not be paid less
than the minimum rates of wages fixed for the similar category having the
same skill.

5. 20% increase will be admissible over and above the minimum rates of
wages to the workers working inside the tunnels.
6. 25 % increase shall be applicable over and above the minimum rates of
wages in different categories of workers working in Under Construction
Hydro- Electric Power Projects located in Non- Tribal Areas.

7. 25% increase shall be applicable over and above the minimum wages in
the Scheduled Tribal Areas in Himachal Pradesh. In case of workers

working in the Under Construction Hydro- Electric Power Projects in Tribal
Areas an additional 10% increase shall be applicable.

The definition of unskilled/semiskilled/skilled/highly skilled will be as

(i)Skilled: - An unskilled employee is one who does operations that involve the
performance of simple duties, which require the experience of little or no
independent judgment or previous experience although familiarity with the
occupational environment is necessary. His work may thus require in addition
to physical exertion familiarity with variety of articles or goods.
(ii)Semi -skilled: - A semiskilled worker is one who does work generally of
defined routine nature wherein the major requirement is not so much of the
judgment, skill and but for proper discharge of duties assigned to him or
relatively narrow job and where important decisions made by others. His work
is thus limited to the performance of routine operations of limited scope.
(iii)Skilled: - A skilled employee is one who is capable of working efficiently of
exercising considerable independent judgment and of discharging his duties
with responsibility. He must posses a thorough and comprehensive knowledge
of the trade, craft or industry in which he is employed.
(iv). Highly Skilled: - A highly skilled worker is one who is capable of working
efficiently and supervises efficiently the work of skilled employees.

By order,

Addl. Chief Secretary (Lab & Emp) to the
Government of Himachal Pradesh, Shimla-2.

No. Shram (A)1-2/2009(M.W.) Dated Shimla-171002 the 26-09-2012.
Copy for information and necessary action to:-
1. The Special Secretary-cum-Pr.PS to the Honble Chief Minister H.P.
2. The Special PS to the Honble Labour Minister, H.P.
3. The Special PS to the Honble Chief Secretary to the Govt. of H.P.
4. All the Administrative Secretaries to the Govt. of H.P., Shimla.
5. The Director, Labour Bureau, GOI, Shimla-171004, H.P.
6. All the Deputy Commissioner, H.P.
7. All the Head of Departments, Himachal Pradesh.
8. Labour Commissioner-cum-Director of Employment, H.P. Shimla-171001
w.r.t. his letter dated 07
September, 2012 with 10 spare copies.
9. Guard File.
Addl. Secretary (Lab. & Emp.) to the
Government of Himachal Pradesh

frnin i +i
~n v i^i fii^


i ~n (v) 1z,zaas(vn.n.) uii finniz zc.as.za1z

lr-i i i ii i r i r l i ini (-i i-i)
ln li - i i -ii (ni i in -i i n-
i i a.as.zaz ii lin li i ;
i n- -i lil-,ss i iii s ii l-n iii r i
iii () i () ii i, li i i -() s,zaac
-.~.i-, niii :a n-n, zaz ,ii n- -i iri l-ln nl-n i
n; ii i n l-ln i - niii aaszaz i r; ii;
n lr-i i i ii, n lil- i iii r i iii z ,ii
--i ilni i in n r, n l-ln i lilii i i n (lin
ln li - in -ii i n- - i i niii aaszaz
l- i ii lin ni r

+n+ii +i ^ ii lin +un n
ii ini - i~ -i, ;- iiii i, ii , -
, ii ,l(l-ii, i i l n, ri l n, l n (iln,
ni il i - li ln ii - ,i
-ii i- nin
ra.aa lnl
raa.aa ln-i

v^ fui f fui +i ui+ ++ in fuf+z li ni- li
lni ni ni r, ni a.sc lnli i -ir - lnln (n
l- ni|
^ fuif fui +i ui+ ++ in fuf+ : li ni- li
lni ni ni r, ni s.z lnli lnln i -ir - l- nii|
^ fuif fui +i ui+ ++ in fuf+ c li ni- li
lni ni ni r, ni c. lnli lnln i -ir - l- nii|
fui ui+ + fnv f+ifu c +n+i +i +ni i lni , i, i
n l a.sc , s.z , c. ln li i l- n |
i iii i i iii i - ni n -ii i r.a: lnl i
cz.aa ln-ir l- n|
;- -ii -, lni i ii (ii -, ra.aa
lnl, raa.aa
l n - (, -iiinln (ii -,
i-i -i (i , - - i-

(i -, -i i i-, -i- , -i;-
i nii l (nii) iil- r |
iiri ii
i, ri i, nii ri, -i r ;-il, i ra.aa lnl,
raa.aa ln-ir
in i- i li in r nii ;- -(i, -ii
nii - - l--ln r |
- :a.aa, lnl :saa.aa, ln-i

fnf+ v ^ u+++ i+i +iin

. ~i iii z/s.r lnl ( s:r.aa ln-i (l) -i -n
z. ll ss.ss lnl ( rccs.aa ln-i -i -n i(i
:. -ii zaz.r lnl ( cac/.aa ln-i -i -n l(ii
i ll i n r |
. iii,iii,iii r.a lnl ( cz.aa ln-i
nii -n l(ii ii n |
ilnl ln-i
r. -i zra.s /rzr.aa
c. i;( (i,i,-- ) zr. ccz.aa
/. -l zr:.ca /cas.aa
s. l-i-- -l z.a cz.aa
s. ;-ili--l n | zr:.ca /cas.aa
a. ;-ili--l n || z.a cz.aa
. -i i i i i l, i i -lri i - i - i
n- -i - i ; lni ri ri ni|
z liii i -i, lii lil-,sc (sc i rz) ii l(ll-n i
ini |
: iri i ; i -iiini i (i () iii li ini r, (ri
-i (n l l(lrn - - ri ri ni| -iiini i i
( iii li ini ri , (ri l(l- (n l liiln -
(n i i i ini|
l ln li - li ln i-nii i i ; (n l(ll-n (lin ri
r, ni i-nii (n i i ii (i -i (n l ln
-i i n- i - -i i ri i ini |
+zin,q+in + fiiii f+-+ +i ri^
(i) +in i -ii (r -ii r, i i ni r l- i-i
ni i n(ln r, l- - ( i i; -(n li i ( i(
lin r, nl (il ll-ilni lln ri i i( rini r | i

i iiil l- (i) lnln l(li (-ni i -i ii lln
ri i lin r |
(ii) q+in ,i -i (r -i r, i i-in i -i i
lln -( i i- ni ri, l- l li l, ini i ii ri r,
n - lin ni i ii iln ii ln l(r i r, ri
-r( i li ,ii li ini r| ; i i i i il-n i -i
ii n ri il-n r ni |

ii ,ii,

lnln - l( (- ( ini)
lr-i i i |

i -() z,zaas (-. ~ .) li li-i/aaz zc.as.zaz
. l(i i l( ( ii li l(, -ii --i, lr-i i|
z. l(i i li l( -ii - ( i ni -i, lr-i i|
:. l(i i li l(, - l(, lr-i i|
. --n iil l(, lr-i i i, li-i|
r. li ( i , iin i, li-i |
c. -i--n in, lr-i i|
/. -i-n l(iinii, lr-i i|
s. -in ( li i ni, lr-i i, li-i/aa, i
li a/aszaz i - a lnln lni lrn|
s. ni i;|

lnln l( (- ( i ni)
lr-i i i

(Authentative English Text of this Department Notification No: Shram
(A)1-2/2009(M.W.) dated Shimla-2, as required under clause (3)
of Article 348 of the Constitution of India).


No.Shram (A)1-2/2009(M.W.) Dated Shimla-2 26-09- 2012

Whereas the Governor, Himachal Pradesh is of the opinion that the
minimum rates of wages in the Scheduled employment of Tea Plantation may
be revised in respect of un-skilled and other categories of workers with effect
from 01.09.2012;
And Whereas as per provisions of clause (a) of sub-section (1) of section 5
read with section 9 of the Minimum Wages Act, 1948, a Minimum Wages
Advisory Committee was constituted vide Notification No:Shram(A)4-8/2006-
MW-Part, dated; 30
August, 2012 and the meeting of the said Committee was
held on 4.09.2012;
Now therefore, in exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (2)
section 5 of the said Act, the Governor of Himachal Pradesh is pleased to revise
the minimum wages of the workers working in above mentioned Scheduled
Employment w.e.f. 01.09.2012 as per recommendations of the said Committee
as under:-

Category of Workers Revised Minimum Wages
Field workers in Tea Plantation employed on
plantation up rooting, spraying, manufacturing,
shade lopping, hocing ,pruning weeding,
plucking etc. known as unskilled workers
employed in the operation;
Rs 150 .00 Per day or
Rs.4500 .00 per month.

A-Grade Leaves -- If plucker plucks more than 12 kilogram of tea leaves he
or she will get Rs.10.86 paise per kilogram extra as incentive.
B Grade Leaves If plucker plucks more than 13 kilogram of tea leaves he or
she will get Rs.8.12 paise per kilogram extra as incentive.
C-Grade Leaves- If plucker plucks more than 16 kilogram of tea leaves he or
she will get Rs 6.11 paise per kilogram extra as incentive.
The piece rates workers employed for plucking will get Rs.10.86 paise, Rs.
8.12paise Rs.6.11 paise per kilogram for A,B,C grade of teas leaves
SEMI-SKILLED:Workers engaged in Tea Factory & Tea Plantations. Rs.154.03
per day, Rs.4621/- per month

Include lift Mazdoor withering Mazdoor, Daily 150.00 Monthly 4500
Relling room workers, shifting Mazdoor,
fermenting room workers, tea boys ,
sorters, tea makers, time keeper and carriers (Jhalli)

Cleaners, Assistant Cleaner, Garden Assistant, Daily 150.00 Monthly 4500
Muharirs etc. who maintain records of a field
work and also includes sweeper, Mali and Mate.

Accountant 278.15 Rs.8345.00 per month plus
free accommodation
Clerks 188.98 Rs-5669.00 per month plus
free accommodation
Munshi 202.54 Rs.6076.00 per month plus
free benefits as admissible to
Peon ,Chowkidar/Chaudhary 154.04 Rs.4621.00 per month plus
free benefit as admissible.
Daily Monthly
5. Compounder Rs.250.84 Rs.7525.00
6. Driver (Jeep/ Car/ Tractor) Rs.215.41 Rs.6462.00
7. Mechanic , Rs.253.60 Rs.7608.00
8. Assistant Mechanic Rs.214.04 Rs.6421.00
9. Electrician-cum- Mechanic , Grade-I Rs.253.60 Rs.7608.00
10.Electrician-cum- Mechanic , Grade-II Rs.214.04 Rs.6421.00

The above rates are inclusive all allowances.

1 There will be no distinction between the minimum wages of male or
female and adult or non-adult for the same and similar nature of work.

2. Wages of Apprentices shall be regulated under the Apprenticeship Act,
1961(52 of 1961)

3. Where any class of work is performed on piece work basis, the wages
shall not be less than the time rate prescribed for that category.

4. If any category of workers employed in the scheduled employment is not
mentioned specifically, such category of workers shall not be paid less
than the minimum rates of wages fixed for the similar category having the
same skill.
The definition of unskilled/semiskilled will be as under:-

(i) Unskilled: - An unskilled employee is one who does operations that
involve the performance of simple duties, which require the experience of little
or no independent judgment or previous experience although familiarity
with the occupational environment is necessary. His work may thus require in
addition to physical exertion familiarity with variety of articles or goods.
(ii) Semi-skilled: - A semiskilled worker is one who does work generally
defined routine nature wherein the major requirement is not so much of the
judgment, skill and but for proper discharge of duties assigned to him or

relatively narrow job and where important decisions made by others. His work
is thus limited to the performance of routine operations of limited scope.

By order,

Addl. Chief Secretary (Lab. & Emp.) to the
Government of Himachal Pradesh, Shimla-2.

No. Shram (A)1-2/2009(M.W.) Dated Shimla-171002 the 26-09-2012.
Copy for information and necessary action to:-
1. The Special Secretary-cum-Pr.PS to the Honble Chief Minister H.P.
2. The Special PS to the Honble Labour Minister, H.P.
3. The Special PS to the Honble Chief Secretary to the Govt. of H.P.
4. All the Administrative Secretaries to the Govt. of H.P., Shimla.
5. The Director, Labour Bureau, GOI, Shimla-171004, H.P.
6. All the Deputy Commissioner, H.P.
7. All the Head of Departments, Himachal Pradesh.
8. Labour Commissioner-cum-Director of Employment, H.P. Shimla-171001
w.r.t. his letter dated 07
September, 2012 with 10 spare copies.
9. Guard File.

Addl. Secretary (Lab. & Emp.) to the
Government of Himachal Pradesh

frnin i +i
~n v i^i fii^


i ~n (v) 1z,zaas(vn.n.) uii finniz zc.as.za1z

lr-i i i ii i r i r l iiii lil-, ss i iii
(z) i (-) - ii liilin l(l-ii li ln li nnn i
i (ni -ii i -i i n- i i a.as.zaz l- i
ii lin li i ;
i n- -i lil-,ss i iii s ii l-n iii r i
iii () i () ii i, li i i -() s,zaac
-.~.i-, niii :a n-n, zaz ,ii n- -i iri l-ln nl-n i
n; ii i n l-ln i - niii aaszaz i r; ii;
n lr-i i i ii, n lil- i iii r i iii z ,ii
--i ilni i in n r, n l-ln i lilii i i n (lin
ln li - in -ii i n- - i i niii aaszaz
l- i ii lin ni r
+in +n+i 1sa.aa v fuf+ i +saa.aa v funi
q+in 1sz.+a v fuf+ i +zz+.aa v funi
+in i fnf+ +nif1aa.sa v fuf+ i sccs.aa v funi
+in z+z.zz v fuf+ i zzcz.aa v funi
. -i i i i i l, i i -lri i - i - i
n- -i - i ; lni ri ri ni|
z liii i -i, lii lil-,sc (sc i rz) ii l(ll-n i
ini |
: iri li i i (n -iiini i (i () iii li ini ri ,
(ri (n l l(lrn -i i - ri ri ni|
l ln li - li ln -ii li (n l(ll-
(lin ri li ni r, ni i-nii (n l i i i i
ini in ri - (n l liiln (n - (n i ri
i ini |

r. lr-i i ini ii - n- -i i zr (i) lnin
li in ri ni |

+zin,q+in,+in,+in + fiiii f+-+ +i ri^
(i) +in i -ii (r -ii r, i i ni r l- i-i
ni i n(ln r, l- - ( i i; -(n li i ( i(

lin r|nl (il ll-ilni lln ri i i( rini r | i i
iiil l- (i) lnln l(li (-ni i -i ii lln rii
lin r |
(ii) q+in ,i -i (r -i r, i i-in i -i i
lln -( i i- ni ri, l- l li l, ini i ii ri r ,
n - lin ni i ii il-n ii ln l(r i r, ri
-r( i li ,ii li ini r| ; i i i i il-n i -i
ii n ri il-n r ni |
(iii) +in i -ii (r -ii r, i l(iii -(n lii i i n
ini i i - i- ri i ni i l-- ii i | (r
(i, li~ i nin l- li ln li ni r, i i ( l(-nn ni
ini ri |
(iv) +in +in -i (r -i r i i i ini i -
i- ri i i i -ili i i inii ( ii |

ii ,ii,

lnln - l( (- ( ini)
lr-i i i |

i -() z,zaas (-. ~ .) li li-i/aaz zc.as.zaz
. l(i i l( ( ii li l(, -ii --i, lr-i i|
z. l(i i li l( -ii - ( i ni -i, lr-i i|
:. l(i i li l(, - l(, lr-i i|
. --n iil l(, lr-i i i, li-i|
r. li ( i , iin i, li-i |
c. -i--n in, lr-i i|
/. -i-n l(iinii, lr-i i|
s. -in ( li i ni, lr-i i, li-i/aa, i
li a/aszaz i - a lnln lni lrn|
s. ni i;|

lnln l( (- ( i ni)
lr-i i i

(Authentative English Text of this Department Notification No: Shram
(A)1-2/2009(M.W.) dated Shimla-2, as required under clause (3)
of Article 348 of the Constitution of India).


No.Shram (A)1-2/2009(M.W.) Dated Shimla-2 26-09- 2012

Whereas the Governor, Himachal Pradesh is of the opinion that the
minimum rates of wages in the Scheduled employment of Manufacturing
Process as Defined in Clause (K) of section 2 of Factories Act, 1948. may
be revised in respect of un-skilled and other categories of workers with effect
from 01.09.2012;
And whereas as per provisions of clause (a) of sub-section (1) of section 5
read with section 9 of the Minimum Wages Act, 1948, a Minimum Wages
Advisory Committee was constituted vide Notification No:Shram(A)4-8/2006-
MW-Part, dated; 30
August, 2012 and the meeting of the said Committee was
held on 4.09.2012;
Now therefore, in exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (2) of
section 5 of the said Act, the Governor of Himachal Pradesh is pleased to revise
the minimum wages of the workers working in above mentioned Scheduled
Employment w.e.f. 01.09.2012 as per recommendations of the said Committee
as under:-

Un-skilled Workers Rs.150 .00 per day or Rs.4500 .00 per month
Semi-skilled Rs.157.48 P.D. or Rs.4724.00 per month
Skilled & clerical staff Rs.188.98 P.D. or Rs.5669.00 per month
Highly-Skilled Rs. 242.22 P.D. or Rs.7267.00 per month

1. There will be no distinction between the minimum wages of male or
female and adult or non-adult for the same and similar nature of work.

2. Wages of Apprentices shall be regulated under the Apprenticeship Act,
1961(No. 52 of 1961)

3. Where any class of work is performed on piece work basis, the wages
shall not be less than the time rate prescribed for that category.

4. If any category of workers employed in the scheduled employment is not
mentioned specifically, such category of workers shall not be paid less
than the minimum rates of wages fixed for the similar category having
the same skill.

5. 25% increase shall be applicable over and above the minimum wages in
the Scheduled Tribal Areas in Himachal Pradesh.

The definition of unskilled/semiskilled/skilled/highly skilled will be as
(i) Unskilled: - An unskilled employee is one who does operations that
involve the performance of simple duties, which require the experience of little
or no independent judgment or previous experience although familiarity
with the occupational environment is necessary. His work may thus require in
addition to physical exertion familiarity with variety of articles or goods.
(ii) Semi-skilled: - A semiskilled worker is one who does work generally
defined routine nature wherein the major requirement is not so much of the
judgment, skill and but for proper discharge of duties assigned to him or
relatively narrow job and where important decisions made by others. His work
is thus limited to the performance of routine operations of limited scope.
(iii) Skilled: - A skilled employee is one who is capable of working efficiently
of exercising considerable independent judgment and of discharging his
duties with responsibility. He must possess a thorough and
comprehensive knowledge of the trade, craft or industry in which he is
(iv) Highly Skilled: - A highly skilled worker is one who is capable of working
efficiently and supervises efficiently the work of skilled employees.

By order,

Addl. Chief Secretary (Lab. & Emp.) to the
Government of Himachal Pradesh, Shimla-2.

No. Shram (A)1-2/2009(M.W.) Dated Shimla-171002 the 26-09-2012.
Copy for information and necessary action to:-
1. The Special Secretary-cum-Pr.PS to the Honble Chief Minister H.P.
2. The Special PS to the Honble Labour Minister, H.P.
3. The Special PS to the Honble Chief Secretary to the Govt. of H.P.
4. All the Administrative Secretaries to the Govt. of H.P., Shimla.
5. The Director, Labour Bureau, GOI, Shimla-171004, H.P.
6. All the Deputy Commissioner, H.P.
7. All the Head of Departments, Himachal Pradesh.
8. Labour Commissioner-cum-Director of Employment, H.P. Shimla-171001
w.r.t. his letter dated 07
September, 2012 with 10 spare copies.
9. Guard File.

Addl. Secretary (Lab. & Emp.) to the
Government of Himachal Pradesh

frnin i +i
~n v i^i fii^


i ~n (v) 1z,zaas(vn.n.) uii finniz zc.as.za1z.

lr-i i i ii i r i r l ri -,--i- ln
li - i i -ii (n i in -i i n- i i
a.as.zaz ii lin li i ;
i n- -i lil-,ss i iii s ii l-n iii r i
iii () i () ii i, li i i -() s,zaac
-.~.i-, niii :a n-n, zaz ,ii n- -i iri l-ln nl-n i
n; ii i n l-ln i - niii aaszaz i r; ii;
n lr-i i i ii, n lil- i iii r i iii z ,ii
--i ilni i in n r, n l-ln i lilii i i n (lin
ln li - in -ii i n- - i i niii aaszaz
l- i ii lin ni r
+n+ii +i ^ ii lin -i
iri +i, frii
ni +r
+i, ^, r
ri ii+i,i i
u ii frii
nri +i, ^, r
r~, iii , ii ,-(i
,-ii ,n-- , (i-- ,
- , i- - - , i -,
l-ni, ( i , i- , i i
, i--- i -i i
i ii i i ni ri |
ra.aa lnl
nii raa .aa
z/.s lnl
nii :sz.aa
q +in +n+i
-i- , ii -i - , ini-i
,ri , , ri
r(i; , (i; , -il- ,
l n , l- n , ii ,
-ii,ri - ni; , ri l--i
, ri l- ,i(-,ri
-,ri (,ri
;-ili , ri ~- ,
ri (i , ii i , - ,
,l~-l(i; ,(-,i,ri
c:./: lnl
nii sz.aa
.zs lnl
z:s.aa ln-i
li -l, -, (i;- (ii,
ii ( i - , (i
-l-) ri --i i ,
l--i- ,ri
-ii-,;i(il - - ,
- ii - -, i;-ii; -ii
ii i - - in r|

i;( , r(i; , i
, , --i( , (-
i-- , -ii i- ,
lil-- , ( -, l( ,--i
i , r (- , r (i
((-- --i; ri- ), i;a -ia
i;a -ii ii i i - -
in r|

ss.ss lnl
nii rccs.aa
cc.zz lnl
nii ss/.aa

--i i , (n - ) ,
iii , - iii ,
r , r- , r
, ri ,r-l ,
;-ili , i- ,
(i;, - , - (- l n )
zaa. lnl
//.// lnl
r:::.aa ln-i
. -i i ;i i i l, i i -lri i - i - i
n- -i - i ; lni ri ri ni|
z liii i -i, lii lil-,sc (sc i rz) ii l(ll-n i
ini |
: iri li i i (n -iiini i (i () iii li ini ri ,
(ri (n l l(lrn -i i - ri ri ni|
l ln li - li ln -ii li (n i l(ll-
(lin ri li ni r, ni i-nii (n l i i i i
ini in ri - (n l liiln n- -i - -i
i ri i ini |

c. lr-i i ini ii - n- -i i zr lnin li
in ri ni |

+zin,q+in,+in,+in + fiiii , +i ri^
(i) +in i -ii (r -ii r, i i ni r l- i-i
ni i n(ln r, l- - ( i i; -(n li i ( i(
i rn i(ni ri ni, nl (il ll-ilni lln ri i i(

r | i i iiil l- (i) lnln l(li (-ni i -i ii
lln ri i lin r |
(ii) q+in ,i -i (r -i r, i i-in i -i i
lln -( i i- ni ri, l- l li l, ini i ii ri
ri , n - lin ni i ii il-n ii ln l(r i r,
ri -r( i li ,ii li ini r| ; i i i i il-n
i -i ii n ri il-n r ni |
(iii) +in i -ii (r -ii r, i l(iii -(n lii i i n
ini i i - i- ri i ni i l-- ii i | (r
(i, li~ i nin l- li ln li ni r, i i ( l(-nn ni
ini ri |
(iv) +in +in -i (r -i r i i i ini i -
i- ri i i i -ili i i inii ( ii |

ii ,ii,

lnln - l( (- ( ini)
lr-i i i |

i -() z,zaas (-. ~ .) li li-i/aaz zc.as.zaz
. l(i i l( ( ii li l(, -ii --i, lr-i i|
z. l(i i li l( -ii - ( i ni -i, lr-i i|
:. l(i i li l(, - l(, lr-i i|
. --n iil l(, lr-i i i, li-i|
r. li ( i , iin i, li-i |
c. -i--n in, lr-i i|
/. -i-n l(iinii, lr-i i|
s. -in ( li i ni, lr-i i, li-i/aa, i
li a/aszaz i - a lnln lni lrn|
s. ni i;|

lnln l( (- ( i ni)
lr-i i i

(Authentative English Text of this Department Notification No: Shram
(A)1-2/2009(M.W.) dated Shimla-2, as required under clause (3)
of Article 348 of the Constitution of India).


No.Shram (A)1-2/2009(M.W.) Dated Shimla-2 26-09- 2012

Whereas the Governor, Himachal Pradesh is of the opinion that the
minimum rates of wages in the Scheduled employment of Hotel and
Restaurants may be revised in respect of un-skilled and other categories of
workers with effect from 01.09.2012;

And Whereas as per provisions of clause (a) of sub-section (1) of section 5
read with section 9 of the Minimum Wages Act, 1948, a Minimum Wages
Advisory Committee was constituted vide Notification No:Shram(A)4-8/2006-
MW-Part, dated; 30
August, 2012 and the meeting of the said Committee was
held on 4.09.2012;
Now therefore, in exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (2) of
section 5 of the said Act, the Governor of Himachal Pradesh is pleased to revise
the minimum wages of the workers working in above mentioned Scheduled
Employment w.e.f. 01.09.2012 as per recommendations of the said Committee
as under:-

Category of Workers Revised Wages
Where no
benefit is
Where food, tea
and combined
1 2 3
UN-SKILLED: Rupees Rupees
Helper/ Chowkidar/ Peon/ Sweeper/
Masalachi/ Gateman/ Waterman/
Messenger/ Clock Room Attendant/ Poter/
Bhishti/ Beldar/ Fireman/ Pandi/
Posterman/ any worker doing un-skilled

Rs.150 /-Daily

Rs.4500 /-

Rs 127.48/-Daily

Rs.3824 /-Monthly

Rupees Rupees
Pantryman /Coffee-Tea Maker/ Chapatiman
/ Assistant Baker/Cook/ Assistant
Halwai/Book Binder/ Sticher /Ruling
Cutting/ Auctioners /Mali /Hotel Guide
163.73 Daily

141.28 Daily

/Assistant Mistry/ Assistant Fitter/
Sewerman/ Assistant Turner /Assistant
Welder/ Assistant Electrician/ Assistant
Salesman/ Assistant Barber/ Dhobi,
Pressman/Boilerman/Film Rewinder/
Waiter Bearer /Assistant Radio Mechanic/
Painter/ White Washer/ Pakora and Chana
Maker/Clerk (Non-Matric), Assistant Store
Keeper/Distributor and Assistant
Machinman. Enquiry Attendant, Telephone
Attendant.ITI certificate holder who are
working in the other trade.
SKILLED WORKERS : Rupees. Rupees.
Keeper/Head Waiter/Head Bearer (Western
Style Hotel.) ITI certificate holder who are
working in the same trade.
188.98 Daily
166.22 Daily
4987.00 P.M
Highly Skilled Rupees. Rupees.
Store Keeper/ Clerks (Graduates)
Accountant /Head Cashier/ Head Cook/
Head Butler/Head Baker/ Head
Confectioner/Head mechanic/ Electrician/
Foremen/ Supervisor./ Tailor/Cutter
200.41 P.D
6012. 00.P.M
177.77 P.D
5333.00 P.M

1. There will be no distinction between the minimum wages of male or
female and adult or non-adult for the same and similar nature of work.

2. Wages of Apprentices shall be regulated under the Apprenticeship Act,
1961(No. 52 of 1961)

3. Where any class of work is performed on piece work basis, the wages
shall not be less than the time rate prescribed for that category.

4. If any category of workers employed in the scheduled employment is not
mentioned specifically, such category of workers shall not be paid less than
the minimum rates of wages fixed for the similar category having the same

5. 25% increase shall be applicable over and above the minimum wages in
the Scheduled Tribal Areas in Himachal Pradesh.

The definition of unskilled/semiskilled/skilled/highly skilled will be as
(i) Unskilled: - An unskilled employee is one who does operations that
involve the performance of simple duties, which require the experience of
little or no independent judgment or previous experience although
familiarity with the occupational environment is necessary. His work may
thus require in addition to physical exertion familiarity with variety of
articles or goods.
(ii) Semi-skilled: - A semiskilled worker is one who does work generally of
defined routine nature wherein the major requirement is not so much of the
judgment, skill and but for proper discharge of duties assigned to him or

relatively narrow job and where important decisions made by others. His work
is thus limited to the performance of routine operations of limited scope.
(iii) Skilled: - A skilled employee is one who is capable of working efficiently
of exercising considerable independent judgment and of discharging his
duties with responsibility. He must posses a thorough and comprehensive
knowledge of the trade, craft or industry in which he is employed.
(iv). Highly Skilled: - A highly skilled worker is one who is capable of
workingefficiently and supervises efficiently the work of skilled employees.

By order,

Addl. Chief Secretary (Lab. & Emp.) to the
Government of Himachal Pradesh, Shimla-2.

No. Shram (A)1-2/2009(M.W.) Dated Shimla-171002 the 26-09-2012.
Copy for information and necessary action to:-
1. The Special Secretary-cum-Pr.PS to the Honble Chief Minister H.P.
2. The Special PS to the Honble Labour Minister, H.P.
3. The Special PS to the Honble Chief Secretary to the Govt. of H.P.
4. All the Administrative Secretaries to the Govt. of H.P., Shimla.
5. The Director, Labour Bureau, GOI, Shimla-171004, H.P.
6. All the Deputy Commissioner, H.P.
7. All the Head of Departments, Himachal Pradesh.
8. Labour Commissioner-cum-Director of Employment, H.P. Shimla-171001
w.r.t. his letter dated 07
September, 2012 with 10 spare copies.
9. Guard File.

Addl. Secretary (Lab. & Emp.) to the
Government of Himachal Pradesh

frnin i +i
~n v i^i fii^


i ~n (v) 1z,zaas(vn.n.) uii finniz zc.as.za1z

lr-i i i ii i r i r l li ili -iii
ln li - i i -ii (ni i in -i i n-
i i a.as.zaz ii lin li i ;
i n- -i lil-,ss i iii s ii l-n iii r i iii
() i () ii i, li i i -() s,zaac -.~.
i-, niii :a n-n, zaz ,ii n- - i iri l-ln nl-n i n; ii
i n l-ln i - niii aaszaz i r; ii;
n lr-i i i ii, n lil- i iii r i iii z ,ii
--i ilni i in n r, n l-ln i lilii i i n (lin
ln li - in -ii i n- - i i niii aaszaz
l- i ii lin ni r
+in 1sa.aa v fuf+ i +saa.aa v funi
q+in 1ca.za v fuf+ i +s1z.aa v funi
+in 1aa.sa v fuf+ i sccs.aa v funi
+in zaa.+1 v fuf+ i ca1z.aa v funi
. -i i ;i i i l, i i -lri i - i - i
n- -i - i ; lni ri ri ni|
z liii i -i, lii lil-,sc (sc i rz) ii l(ll-n i
ini |
: iri li i i (n -iiini i (i () iii li ini ri ,
(ri (n l l(lrn -i i - ri ri ni|
l ln li - li ln -ii li (n i l(ll-
(lin ri li ni r, ni i-nii (n l i i i i
ini in ri - (n l liiln n- -i - -i
i ri i ini |
r lr-i i ini ii - n- -i i i lnin
li in ri ni |

+in,+in,+in,+in + fiiii fi-+fnfiu ri^
(i) +in i -ii (r -ii r, i i ni r l- i-i
ni i n(ln r, l- - ( i i; -(n li i ( i(
i rn i(ni ri ni, nl (il ll-ilni lln ri i i(
r | i i iiil l- (i) lnln l(li (-ni i -i ii
lln ri i lin r |

(ii) q+in ,i -i (r -i r, i i-in i -i i
lln -( i i- ni ri, l- l li l, ini i ii ri
ri , n - lin ni i ii il-n ii ln l(r i r,
ri -r( i li ,ii li ini r| ; i i i i il-n
i -i ii n ri il-n r ni |
(iii) +in i -ii (r -ii r, i l(iii -(n lii i i n
ini i i - i- ri i ni i l-- ii i | (r
(i, li~ i nin l- li ln li ni r, i i ( l(-nn ni
ini ri |
(iv) +in +in -i (r -i r i i i ini i -
i- ri i i i -ili i i inii ( ii |

ii ,ii,

lnln - l( (- ( ini)
lr-i i i |

i -() z,zaas (-. ~ .) li li-i/aaz zc.as.zaz
. l(i i l( ( ii li l(, -ii --i, lr-i i|
z. l(i i li l( -ii - ( i ni -i, lr-i i|
:. l(i i li l(, - l(, lr-i i|
. --n iil l(, lr-i i i, li-i|
r. li ( i , iin i, li-i |
c. -i--n in, lr-i i|
/. -i-n l(iinii, lr-i i|
s. -in ( li i ni, lr-i i, li-i/aa, i
li a/aszaz i - a lnln lni lrn|
s. ni i;|

lnln l( (- ( i ni)
lr-i i i

(Authentative English Text of this Department Notification No: Shram
(A)1-2/2009(M.W.) dated Shimla-2, as required under clause (3)
of Article 348 of the Constitution of India).


No.Shram (A)1-2/2009(M.W.) Dated Shimla-2 26-09- 2012

Whereas the Governor, Himachal Pradesh is of the opinion that the
minimum rates of wages in the Scheduled employment of Private Educational
Institutes may be revised in respect of un-skilled and other categories of
workers with effect from 01.09.2012;

And whereas as per provisions of clause (a) of sub-section (1) of section 5
read with section 9 of the Minimum Wages Act, 1948, a Minimum Wages
Advisory Committee was constituted vide Notification No:Shram(A)4-8/2006-
MW-Part, dated; 30
August, 2012 and the meeting of the said Committee was
held on 4.09.2012;
Now therefore, in exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (2) of
section 5 of the said Act, the Governor of Himachal Pradesh is pleased to revise
the minimum wages of the workers working in above mentioned Scheduled
Employment w.e.f. 01.09.2012 as per recommendations of the said Committee
as under:-

Un-skilled Workers Rs.150 .00 per day or Rs.4500 .00 per month
Semi-skilled Rs.163. 73 P.D. or Rs.4912.00 per month
Skilled Rs.188.98 P.D. or Rs.5669.00 per month
Highly-skilled Rs.200. 41 P.D. or Rs.6012.00 per month

1. There will be no distinction between the minimum wages of male or
female and adult or non-adult for the same and similar nature of work.

2. Wages of Apprentices shall be regulated under the Apprenticeship Act,
1961(No. 52 of 1961)

3. Where any class of work is performed on piece work basis, the wages
Shall not be less than the time rate prescribed for that category.

4. If any category of workers employed in the scheduled employment is not
mentioned specifically, such category of workers shall not be paid less
than the minimum rates of wages fixed for the similar category having
the same skill.

5. 25% increase shall be applicable over and above the minimum wages in
the Scheduled Tribal Areas in Himachal Pradesh.

The definition of unskilled/semiskilled/skilled/highly skilled will be as
(i) Unskilled: - An unskilled employee is one who does operations that
involve the performance of simple duties, which require the experience of little
or no independent judgment or previous experience although familiarity with
the occupational environment is necessary. His work may thus require in
addition to physical exertion familiarity with variety of articles or goods.
(ii) Semi-skilled: - A semiskilled worker is one who does work generally of
defined routine nature wherein the major requirement is not so much of the
judgment, skill and but for proper discharge of duties assigned to him or
relatively narrow job and where important decisions made by others. His work
is thus limited to the performance of routine operations of limited scope.
(iii) Skilled: - A skilled employee is one who is capable of working efficiently
of exercising considerable independent judgment and of discharging his duties
with responsibility. He must posses a thorough and comprehensive knowledge
of the trade, craft or industry in which he is employed
(iv) Highly Skilled: - A highly skilled worker is one who is capable of
working efficiently and supervises efficiently the work of skilled employees.

By order,

Addl. Chief Secretary (Lab. & Emp.) to the
Government of Himachal Pradesh, Shimla-2.

No. Shram (A)1-2/2009(M.W.) Dated Shimla-171002 the 26-09-2012.
Copy for information and necessary action to:-
1. The Special Secretary-cum-Pr.PS to the Honble Chief Minister H.P.
2. The Special PS to the Honble Labour Minister, H.P.
3. The Special PS to the Honble Chief Secretary to the Govt. of H.P.
4. All the Administrative Secretaries to the Govt. of H.P., Shimla.
5. The Director, Labour Bureau, GOI, Shimla-171004, H.P.
6. All the Deputy Commissioner, H.P.
7. All the Head of Departments, Himachal Pradesh.
8. Labour Commissioner-cum-Director of Employment, H.P. Shimla-171001
w.r.t. his letter dated 07
September, 2012 with 10 spare copies.
9. Guard File.

Addl. Secretary (Lab. & Emp.) to the
Government of Himachal Pradesh

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