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lnteractive Iextbook Answer Key

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Copyright by Holt, Rinohart and Winston. All rights rosorvod.
Interactive Textbook Answer Key 1 Level Creen
Chapter 1 5cience in Our
1. Scionco is tho procoss of asking quostions,
soarching for answors, and gathoring
knowlodgo about tho natural world.
2. Answors will vary. Answors should illustrato
instancos of answoring a quostion by obsorving
causo and offoct in tho natural world.
3. books, magazinos, and tho Intornot
4. conduct additional rosoarch, ropoat tho
oxporimont, porform anothor oxporimont
5. Sho is woaring safoty gogglos.
6. Possiblo answors may includo: air and wator
pollution, ovorflowing landfills, running out
of natural rosourcos
7. air, wator, soil
8. Bocauso tho car doos not burn fuol, thoro is no
oxhaust. Thoroforo, thoro is loss air pollution
in tho city.
9. By tosting wator quality, sciontists can
dotormino if humans aro polluting tho
wator and damaging tho onvironmont.
1. Answors will vary. Howovor, tho dofinition
should includo that scionco involvos asking
quostions and sooking answors to undorstand
our natural world.
2. making obsorvations, rosoarching in a
library, porforming an oxporimont
3. Possiblo answors may includo: An onginoor
may uso sciontific knowlodgo to build safor
vohiclos, buildings that can withstand oarth-
quakos, computors that can prodict dangorous
woathor, or machinos usod in hospitals.
4. top row: b6.1 troos
middlo row: z9,1OO L
bottom row: 1J,bOO kWh
5. Possiblo answors may includo oxamplos of how
scionco has mado it possiblo to woar clothos
mado of synthotic fibors, uso a computor,
uso oyoglassos to soo bottor, drivo to school
in a car, produco modication that you might
uso, and rocyclo usod products.
1. a sorios of stops sciontists uso to answor
quostions and to solvo probloms
2. by using tho sonsos to gathor information
3. a possiblo answor to a quostion
4. piocos of information gathorod by
oxporimontation or obsorvation
5. an oxporimont that tosts only ono variablo
at a timo
6. Ho is making obsorvations by moasuring
tho dinosaur bonos and collocting data by
rocording tho moasuromonts.
7. to holp thom form oxplanations basod on
tho data
8. It holps thom soo information in tho data
moro oasily.
9. An incorroct hypothosis can toll sciontists
that thoy aro looking in tho wrong placo
for information or can point thom in now
10. Sharing rosults allows othor sciontists to
ropoat tho oxporimont and soo if thoy got
tho samo rosults.
1. Tho sciontist can mako obsorvations and
colloct data from tho obsorvations.
2. Sciontists ask quostions to focus thoir
rosoarch. Tho quostions holp thom plan
oxporimonts that will toll thom what thoy
want to know.
3. ask a quostion, mako obsorvations, form a
hypothosis, tost tho hypothosis, analyzo tho
rosults, draw conclusions, communicato
4. writo a papor, givo a talk, or publish on tho
5. Answors includo: A sciontist might nood
to ropoat an oxporimont if sho makos a
mistako, if sho has unoxpoctod or unusual
rosults, or if sho noods moro data to draw
a conclusion.
6. A hypothosis is a sciontist's bost guoss at an
answor to a quostion. Difforont sciontists
may havo difforont idoas about what is tho
bost answor to a quostion.
1. Possiblo answors includo: scalo, matorial,
dimonsion (zD vorsus JD), ability to porform
functions, tomporaturo
Copyright by Holt, Rinohart and Winston. All rights rosorvod.
Interactive Textbook Answer Key 2 Level Creen
LeveI Creen Answer Key CONTINUED
2. Answors includo: A modol allows you to
obsorvo a volcanic oruption without having
to bo noar a roal volcano, it can show you
tho innor workings of a volcano, it is safor
than a roal volcano.
3. A physical modol would show tho shapo of
tho wavo and how it movos.
4. J.b4 billion pooplo
5. an oxplanation for many hypothosos and
6. Thoy mako now obsorvations that show an
oldor thoory is wrong.
7. A law is a summary of many oxporimontal
rosults and obsorvations.
1. physical, mathomatical, and concoptual
2. top row: mathomatical
third row: physical
bottom row: concoptual
3. Answors includo: It is a difforont sizo, it is a
difforont tomporaturo, it is mado of difforont
matorials, it doosn't function liko Earth
(orbit, gravity, plato toctonics, otc.).
4. A sciontific thoory oxplains an obsorvation
or why a hypothosis is corroct. A sciontific
law tolls only what happons. It doosn't
oxplain why it happons.
5. A physical modol could bo usod to roprosont
a human hoart. It would allow you to soo and
touch somothing that you usually can't soo.
1. Possiblo answors: oyoglassos, a magnifying
glass, a toloscopo
2. a balanco
3. a computor
4. All tho units aro multiplos of ton.
5. bO,OOO m
6. Aroa is a product of longth and width, so
only tho sum total of moasuromonts mattors,
not tho proportion or shapo of an objoct.
7. 6 cm 4 cm = z4 cm
8. Mass is tho amount of mattor in an objoct.
9. bocauso you cannot moasuro tho longth,
width, and hoight of somothing that doos not
havo flat sidos
10. tho kolvin
11. J7J K
12. got pormission, liston to instructions, road
diroctions and safoty information
1. volumo = longth width hoight, so
volumo = J cm 4 cm 6 cm = 7z cm

2. tho litor
3. You would oxpoct to soo symbol A (oyo
protoction) bocauso it cautions to woar
safoty gogglos to provont any oyo injury from
a chomical that splashos, and symbol C
(chomical safoty) bocauso it cautions that
tho chomical can bo dangorous.
4. Put onough wator in a graduatod cylindor for
tho strawborry to bo submorgod. Moasuro
tho amount of wator. Put tho strawborry in
tho wator and thon moasuro tho wator again.
Tho difforonco botwoon tho socond and first
moasuromonts is tho volumo of tho strawborry.
Chapter 2 Weathering and
5oiI Formation
1. broaking down rock by physical moans
2. No, bocauso it is tho oxpansion of ico that
causos ico wodging.
3. Running wator movos rocks around. As tho
rocks aro movod by tho wator, thoy bump into
ono anothor. This bumping causos abrasion.
4. Thoir tunnoling broaks rocks into small piocos.
It also oxposos moro surfacos to woathoring.
5. wator, air, and acid
6. Tho minorals in granito dissolvo vory slowly
in wator. It takos a long timo for onough
minorals to dissolvo for tho rock to broak
7. activo volcanoos and burning fossil fuol
8. tho prosonco of acidic groundwator and rock
that can bo dissolvod
9. Acids woakon tho rock and mako it crack.
Tho rock in woakonod aroas is moro likoly
to bo romovod by mochanical woathoring.
Copyright by Holt, Rinohart and Winston. All rights rosorvod.
Interactive Textbook Answer Key 3 Level Creen
LeveI Creen Answer Key CONTINUED
Factor How does it cause cbemical
Water Water can dissolve mineral
rains in rock and cause the
rock to break down.
Acid precipitation Acids are more reactive
than plain water. Acids in
precipitation can quickly
dissolve rocks.
Acids in roundwater Acids in roundwater can
dissolve rock and carve hue
caves underround.
Acids from livin
Livin thins leave acids
behind when they touch rock.
The acids can weaken the rock
and cause it to crack.
Air Cxyen in the air can react with
metals and other compounds
to form new compounds. This
can weaken rock.
1. wator, wind, and gravity
2. (clockwiso from tho top)
Wator soops into cracks in tho rock.
Wator froozos.
Ico pushos on tho cracks.
Tho cracks oxpand.
Tho ico molts.
3. Acids can broak tho bonds botwoon minorals
in rocks. Thoy can also dissolvo rocks.
4. Both happon whon non-rock matorial movos
into cracks in a rock, oxpands, and causos
tho cracks to widon.
1. Dovils Towor would probably bo much
largor bocauso tho outor rock would not
havo worn away as much.
2. Chomical woathoring happons whon acid,
wator, or air roact with rock. Only tho
outsido of a rock is oxposod to thoso agonts,
so only tho outsido oxporioncos chomical
3. 96, 96, 19z, 19z
4. Tho odgos and cornors aro whoro tho most
surfaco aroa is found.
5. Froozing and thawing aro dopondont on tom-
6. Wator on slopos has moro onorgy to woathor
rock than wator that isn't moving.
1. tomporaturo, moisturo, olovation, slopo
2. Largo rocks havo loss surfaco aroa for thoir
volumo than small rocks. Thoroforo, a smallor
portion of tho rock is oxposod to woathoring.
It takos longor for tho rock to woar away. Tho
small rock has moro surfaco aroa for its vol-
umo, so it woathors away fastor.
3. Tho rock on tho boach would bo affoctod by
wavos and a lot of wator. Tho rock on tho
sido of tho mountain would bo affoctod by
fast-moving wator and possibly by high winds.
It probably would also bo oxposod to coldor
tomporaturos than tho rock on tho boach.
4. Tho longor rivor probably carrios tho small-
ost sodimont. Tho rocks in tho longor
rivor travol a longor distanco boforo thoy
drop. Thoroforo, thoy havo moro chanco
to woathor. Tho particlos will tond to bo
smallor than thoso in tho shortor rivor.
1. Tho rocks from which thoy form havo
difforont compositions.
2. (from loft to right) rosidual soil, transportod
3. tho amounts of difforont-sizod particlos in
a soil
4. about zb timos
5. organic matorial that comos from docayod
6. O, A, and B
7. lomon juico
8. paront rock, acid procipitation, and fortilizors
9. Rainwator loachos nutrionts from tho soil.
10. Croundwator doosn't ovaporato as fast in
cold climatos.
Iyge of climate 0escrigtion of
Features of
tbe soil in tbis
Tropical climates warm
temperatures, a
lot of rain, many
livin thins
has a lot of
humus, but
may be poor in
Deserts and
arctic climates
very little rain,
few livin thins
has little humus,
poor in nutrients
forests and
amount of rain,
chanes often
has a lot of
humus, rich in
1. structuro, toxturo, fortility
2. Noithor arctic climatos nor dosort climatos
got a lot of rain.
Copyright by Holt, Rinohart and Winston. All rights rosorvod.
Interactive Textbook Answer Key 4 Level Creen
LeveI Creen Answer Key CONTINUED
3. Flowing wator can loach nutrionts out of
soils. This makos tho soils loss fortilo.
4. Most plants grow bost in soil that is slightly
acidic or noutral. If tho pH is too low or too
high, plants cannot grow.
5. tho rolativo amounts of sand, silt, and clay in
tho soil
6. minoral fragmonts, organic matorial, wator, air
1. Animals got onorgy from plants, which nood
soil to grow. Somo animals livo in soil.
Wbat does soil
Wby is it imgortant7
Nutrients Nutrients help to keep plants
healthy. Animals et enery
from plants.
Habitat Animals and other oranisms
need places to live.
Water storae Soil provides water to plants
and helps prevent hoodin.
3. Plant roots hold soil in placo. Thoy holp
to koop wind and wator from carrying tho
soil away.
4. Slow-moving wator carrios away loss soil.
5. Torracos can bo difficult and oxponsivo to
build. Thoy aro only oconomical on vory stoop
slopos whoro othor mothods don't work.
6. Crop rotation holps to koop soil nutriont lovols
high. Whon thoro aro many nutrionts in tho
soil, it can support moro plants.
1. Possiblo answor: doing things to prosorvo soil
2. wator, habitat, nutrionts
3. Woathoring happons whon rocks aro brokon
down into smallor piocos. Erosion happons
whon soil and sodimont aro movod from ono
placo to anothor.
4. soil damago and orosion
5. contour plowing, torracos, no-till farming,
covor crops, and crop rotation
6. In no-till farming, stalks from oldor crops
aro loft lying on tho ground. Tho stalks holp
to protoct tho soil from wind and rain. This
holps to roduco soil orosion.
Chapter 3 Ihe FIow of
Fresh Water
1. wator flowing downhill
2. 446 km O.6z mi/km = z77 mi
3. tho movomont of wator botwoon tho
atmosphoro, ocoan, and land
4. tho sun, clouds, ocoans
5. a group of stroams and rivors that drain an
aroa of land
6. Missouri Rivor, Arkansas Rivor, Rod Rivor
7. Thoro is moro wator flowing in tho main
8. Tho highor tho gradiont, tho fastor tho
stroam flows, and tho moro rock and soil it
can orodo.
9. bod load, suspondod load, dissolvod load
10. watorfalls, stoop banks, straight and narrow
11. Many tributarios flow into thom.
12. Two bonds in tho rivor should bo labolod.
13. Stopliko structuros on tho sidos of tho rivor
should bo labolod.
14. small dischargo
1. Tho channols got widor whon tributarios join
a stroam. A rivor has many tributarios.
2. (clockwiso from top)
Procipitation runs off into rivors.
Tho sun changos liquid wator to vapor,
which condonsos to form clouds.
3. tho sun
4. Rivors woar away matorial and carry it to
othor placos. Thoy cut into tho land and
woar it away. Thoy build up tho land in othor
1. matorial dopositod by rivors and stroams
2. slowly, quickly
3. A flood happons whon thoro is too much
wator in a stroam for tho channol to hold,
tho oxtra wator flows ovor tho sidos of tho
4. damago buildings, drown plants and ani-
mals, wash away land
Copyright by Holt, Rinohart and Winston. All rights rosorvod.
Interactive Textbook Answer Key 5 Level Creen
LeveI Creen Answer Key CONTINUED
5. Sinco flash floods happon unoxpoctodly,
thoy can trap pooplo driving noar rivors.
6. Pooplo build dams to guido floodwator to
rosorvoirs for storago. Pooplo build lovoos to
act as walls against tho sidos of rivors.
1. Floods occur whon thoro is too much wator
for tho channol of a rivor to hold. Hoavy
rainfall or molting snow can triggor a flood.
Iyge of degosit How is it
Wbere is it
Alluvial fan by the slowin
of a stream
on a hat plain;
on land
Delta by the emptyin
of a river into
a lare body of
in the water
Floodplain by the
overhowin of
water from a
river's channel
on land,
alonside the
3. A flood can bo holpful bocauso it brings now
soil to tho farmlands noar tho rivor. It can bo
dostructivo bocauso it is poworful onough to
damago housos, buildings, and wildlifo aroas.
4. dams, lovoos
1. wator that is found undorground
2. riso
3. tho fraction of a rock's volumo that is takon
up by poros
4. Shalo has a high porosity but a low pormo-
ability. It can hold a lot of wator in its poros,
but bocauso tho poros aron't linkod, tho
wator can't flow through it.
5. Thoy touch tho wator in many placos.
6. procipitation
7. whon tho wator tablo moots tho Earth's
surfaco and wator flows out
8. a crack in tho cap rock abovo an aquifor
9. Woll 1 will produco wator bocauso it taps
tho aquifor.
10. limostono
11. Stalactitos hang from tho coiling, stalagmitos
grow from tho floor.
12. Sinkholos can form whon cavos collapso.
1. Tho wator tablo providos a frosh sourco
of wator for pooplo and tho onvironmont.
If pooplo want to drill a woll, thoy nood to
know whoro tho wator tablo is locatod to
know whoro and how doop to mako tho woll.
2. Rocks with many difforont particlo sizos
tond to havo lowor porositios than rocks
mado of a uniform particlo sizo.
3. If roads aro built ovor a rochargo zono, loss
wator will bo ablo to soop into tho aquifor.
4. A woll is a holo that is dug doop into tho oarth
to roach tho wator tablo, to got wator. A spring
forms whon tho wator tablo roachos tho sur-
faco naturally and flows out of tho ground.
5. cavos and sinkholos
6. A stalactito and a stalagmito grow so largo
that thoy join togothor.
1. pollution that comos from a singlo sourco
2. Runoff can carry chomicals to wator bodios.
3. oxygon that is dissolvod in wator
4. animal wasto
5. Thoy cloan wasto matorials out of wator.
6. Not all pollutants in wator aro solids that sottlo
out, somo aro dissolvod in tho wator. Primary
troatmont romovos only wastos that sottlo out.
7. It adds chlorino to tho wator to disinfoct it.
8. to holp cloan wastowator whon no sowago
troatmont plant is availablo
9. bathing, toilots, laundry
10. 81/1OO
Ibings You Can 0o to Conserve Water
Use water-savin toilets and showerheads.
Water the lawn at niht, or don't water it at all.
Run the dishwasher and washin machine only
when they are full.
Turn off the water when you brush your teeth.
Collect rainwater for use in waterin plants.
Take shorter showers.
1. Pollution can docroaso tho amount of dis-
solvod oxygon in tho wator. Animals and
plants dopond on this oxygon to livo. Thoy
will dio if thoro is not onough oxygon.
Copyright by Holt, Rinohart and Winston. All rights rosorvod.
Interactive Textbook Answer Key 6 Level Creen
LeveI Creen Answer Key CONTINUED
2. Sowago troatmont plant: Wastowator passos
through sovoral tanks. Bactoria uso oxygon
to oat tho wasto. Wator is troatod with chlo-
rino and roloasod into a wator sourco. Plant
troats wator from many housos.
Soptic tank: Wastowator passos into ono tank.
Wator is roloasod into tho ground. Tank troats
wator from ono houso.
In contor: Wastowator flows into tanks, and
wasto sinks to tho bottom. Bactoria oat tho
3. Whon farmors wator thoir crops, much of
tho wator soops into tho groundwator. This
runoff thon travols to tho rivor. Tho wator
can carry pollutants such as posticidos, for-
tilizors, and animal wasto. Sinco this pollu-
tion comos from many difforont farms, it is
nonpoint-sourco pollution.
Chapter 4 Agents of
Erosion and Deposition
1. Wavos romovo sand from shorolinos during
orosion and add sand during doposition.
2. 1z s
3. Crashing wavos can broak solid rock apart.
Wator can ontor cracks in tho rock and
broak piocos off.
4. If tho storm doos not includo strong winds,
largo wavos will probably not bo producod.
5. Soa archos aro connoctod to tho mainland,
but soa stacks aro not.
6. a body of rock that sticks out into tho soa
7. A boach is an aroa along a shorolino that is
covorod by matorials that woro carriod thoro by
8. quartz
9. Sand particlos aro washod away during storms.
10. Wavos wash onto tho boach in tho samo
diroction that thoy wash off tho boach, so
thoro is no sidoways movomont of wator.
11. a ridgo of dopositod matorial in opon wator
12. a sandbar that is connoctod to tho shorolino
13. Barrior spits aro connoctod to tho shoro, but
barrior islands aro not.
1. A shorolino is tho boundary botwoon land
and wator. A boach is part of a shorolino that
is mado of dopositod sodimont.
2. Answors includo: wind (producos wavos,
which orodo and add to tho shoro), wavos
3. Tho sand can havo difforont colors, which
como from tho kind of rock it is mado from.
Black sand can form from tho woathoring of
dark-colorod lava. Light-colorod sand may bo
mado of light-colorod minorals, such as quartz.
4. Wavos carry sand up tho shoro parallol to
thoir diroction of travol. Tho wavos wash
back into tho ocoan porpondicular to tho
shorolino. This causos sand to movo in a
zig-zag pattorn parallol to tho shorolino.
5. soa archos, soa stacks, hoadlands, wavo-cut
torracos, soa cavos
1. Thoy hold tho soil and rock in placo.
2. Largo particlos aro too hoavy, and tho wind
doosn't havo onough onorgy to carry thom.
3. tho procoss in which small sodimont par-
ticlos aro romovod by tho wind, loaving
bohind largor particlos
Process 0escrigtion
Saltation Lare particles bounce and
skip alon the round.
Dehation Small particles are removed
by wind.
Abrasion Rock pieces are worn away by
wind-carried sand.
5. Fast winds havo moro onorgy, so thoy can
lift largor particlos.
6. a mound of wind-dopositod sand
7. tho samo diroction tho wind is blowing
8. Tho windward slopo has a gontlor anglo than
tho slip faco.
1. dosort pavomont, doflation hollows
2. aroas with littlo plant covor and/or with fino,
looso soil or sand, such as coastlinos and
3. Studont should labol tho gontly sloping sido
windward slopo" and tho stooply dipping sido
slip faco", tho arrow should point to tho right.
4. Whon wind hits a barrior, such as a plant, a
rock, or a building, it slows down. Tho sodi-
mont that it has boon carrying is dopositod
onto tho barrior, making tho barrior largor.
Evontually, tho barrior is complotoly covorod
by sodimont, forming a duno.
Copyright by Holt, Rinohart and Winston. All rights rosorvod.
Interactive Textbook Answer Key ? Level Creen
LeveI Creen Answer Key CONTINUED
5. Tho wind can carry small particlos tho
farthost bocauso thoy woigh tho loast.
1. continontal and alpino
2. a hugo, moving shoot of ico
3. Claciors aro mado of frozon wator.
4. Horns and artos form whon two or moro
cirquos affoct tho samo part of a mountain.
5. It contains particlos of many difforont sizos.
6. Stratifiod drift is matorial that is dopositod
by wator that comos from molting glaciors.
1. till, stratifiod drift
2. latoral, modial, torminal, ground
3. Continontal glaciors form on largo aroas of
rolativoly flat land. Alpino glaciors form on
top of high mountains.
4. Snow falls on an aroa but doos not molt
ovor tho courso of tho yoar. Ovor timo, moro
snow builds up in tho aroa. Tho woight of
tho snow abovo pushos down on tho snow
bolow, causing tho snow at tho bottom to
turn into ico. This ico is a glacior.
5. A block of ico is loft bohind as a glacior
rotroats. Whon tho ico molts, tho matorial in
it gots dopositod around tho outsido of tho
block. This makos a doprossion, callod a
kottlo, in tho contor.
6. A glacior doposits unsortod matorial if, as
it molts, tho sodimont in it drops to tho
ground. A glacior doposits sortod matorial
if, as it molts, its wator carrios smallor sodi-
mont farthor than largor sodimont.
1. tho stoopost slopo at which particlos do not
movo downhill
2. Tho slopo is groator than tho anglo of
3. Thoy can carry away, bury, and dostroy
4. hoavy, wot soil, romoval of plant roots,
oarthquakos, construction
5. Wator probably docroasos tho anglo of
roposo, bocauso wotting soil that is not mov-
ing can causo it to start moving downhill.
6. Croop happons slowly.
Iyge of mass
Landslide Material moves suddenly and rapidly
down a slope.
Rock fall Loose rocks fall down a steep slope.
Mudhow A lare amount of mud moves
downhill very quickly.
Lahar Water mixes with volcanic ash to
produce a fast-movin, danerous
Creep Material moves downhill very slowly.
1. landslidos, mudflows, rock falls, croop, lahars
2. Mass movomont can causo proporty damago
and injury.
3. If tho anglo of a slopo is groator than tho
anglo of roposo, mass movomont will occur.
4. gravity
5. Landslidos involvo tho fast movomont of largo
amounts of matorials of many difforont sizos. In
mudflows, thoro is fast movomont of mud only.
6. sizo, shapo, woight, and composition of tho
particlos making up tho matorial
Chapter 5 Ihe Atmosphere
1. nitrogon and oxygon
2. about 11/bO
3. wator vapor, carbon dioxido
4. tho prossuro producod by tho air abovo a
5. Tho air prossuro is highor around tho troo
than around tho plano.
6. Air tomporaturo in tho atmosphoro can
incroaso or docroaso with altitudo.
7. about 8O km
8. Pooplo and othor living things livo in tho
troposphoro. It is whoro woathor happons.
9. It diffors from placo to placo.
10. It absorbs harmful ultraviolot onorgy.
11. bocauso tho tomporaturos aro so high thoro
Copyright by Holt, Rinohart and Winston. All rights rosorvod.
Interactive Textbook Answer Key S Level Creen
LeveI Creen Answer Key CONTINUED
Layer How
and gressure
cbange as you
move bigber
Troposphere Temperature
This densest
layer contains
most of the
Weather and
clouds are here.
Stratosphere Temperature
Cases are
in layers; it
contains the
ozone layer.
Mesosphere Temperature
It has the lowest
Thermosphere Temperature
It has auroras
and the hihest
1. Possiblo answor: tho gasos that covor tho
surfaco of a body in spaco
2. Difforont layors aro mado of difforont gasos.
Difforont gasos absorb difforont amounts of
tho sun's onorgy.
3. Tho prossuro curvo should go from tho
uppor loft to tho lowor right of tho diagram
(docroasing with altitudo).
4. Casos in tho atmosphoro absorb onorgy from
tho sun, whon thoy absorb onorgy, tho air
tomporaturo goos up.
1. bO
2. Somo of it gots absorbod by tho atmosphoro.
Tho rost of it gots scattorod and rofloctod.
3. Possiblo answors: radiation from tho sun,
conduction from tho ground, air convoction
4. Conduction, bocauso hoat is transforrod
botwoon two objocts that aro touching.
5. It risos and cools.
6. wator vapor and carbon dioxido
7. L should bo on a short-wavolongth ray, H
should bo on a long-wavolongth ray.
1. Possiblo answors: radiation, bocauso tho
hoat movos as wavos through tho air to
tho marshmallow, convoction, bocauso hot
air carrios onorgy from tho firo toward tho
Iyge of energy
How energy is transferred
Radiation Enery travels as electromanetic
Convection Heat circulates; warm air rises
and cool air sinks.
Conduction Heat moves from warm objects
to cold objects.
3. Tho hoat movos by convoction. Warm air
risos and cools off. Cool air sinks and thon
warms up. Tho air is constantly moving.
4. Clobal warming can bo causod by tho
groonhouso offoct. Tho groonhouso offoct
causos Earth's air tomporaturo to incroaso.
1. moving air causod by difforoncos in air
2. H should bo insido tho balloon, L should bo
outsido tho balloon.
3. Somo parts of Earth got moro onorgy from
tho sun than othors.
4. sinking
5. trado winds, wostorlios, polar oastorlios
Wind belt Location
Ioward tbe
eguator or
toward tbe
Trade winds 0 to 50 toward the
Westerlies 50 to 60 toward the
Polar easterlies 60 to 90 toward the
7. Tho trado winds moot and riso horo. Tho air
is moving up rathor than along tho surfaco.
8. Earth's rotation causos surfaco curronts to
follow curvod paths.
9. toward tho wost
10. uppor troposphoro, lowor stratosphoro
11. Tho jot stroam is in difforont placos. Tho pilot
would want to catch or avoid tho jot stroam.
12. Clobal winds blow in ono diroction, but
local winds can blow in any diroction.
13. An L should bo on tho arrow ond of oach
wind path, winds blow from H to L.
1. Arrows can go clockwiso or countorclock-
wiso, arrows should point from H to L,
sinking air should bo labolod C", rising air
should bo labolod W."
Copyright by Holt, Rinohart and Winston. All rights rosorvod.
Interactive Textbook Answer Key 9 Level Creen
LeveI Creen Answer Key CONTINUED
2. wostorlios
3. During tho day, tho mountains warm up
and tho air abovo thom warms and risos.
At night, as tho mountains cool off, tho air
cools down and sinks, producing winds.
4. No. Winds aro causod by difforoncos in air
prossuro, which aro causod by difforoncos in
1. Ozono forms whon othor pollutants roact
with ono anothor and with air in tho pros-
onco of sunlight.
Pollutant Primary
gollutant or
Natural or
caused by
Car exhaust primary human-caused
Dust primary natural or
Czone secondary human-caused
Paint chemicals primary human-caused
Pollen primary natural
Sea salt primary natural
volcanic ash primary natural
3. vohiclo oxhaust
4. motor vohiclos
5. If thoro is not onough vontilation, pollutants
can got trappod insido.
6. Answors will vary.
7. Pooplo burn coal for onorgy.
Pollutants aro roloasod.
Pollutants combino with wator in tho air.
Acid rain falls in tho lako.
Fish dio.
8. Ozono in tho stratosphoro blocks UV light,
which can bo harmful to humans.
0zone in tbe
0zone near tbe
Forms naturally from human activity
Is not a pollutant a pollutant
Protects Earth from
Uv rays
harmful to livin thins
10. Short-torm offocts happon quickly and go
away onco tho pollution is gono. Long-torm
offocts dovolop ovor a long timo and do not
go away oasily.
11. Tho oloctricity to run thom must bo gonor-
atod. Many oloctrical powor plants burn fos-
sil fuols to gonorato oloctricity. This causos
pollution in tho aroas noar, and downwind
of, tho powor plants.
1. Burning fossil fuols puts primary pollutants
into tho air, causing air pollution. Somo of
thoso pollutants can combino with wator in
tho atmosphoro to mako acid procipitation.
Vohiclo oxhaust combinos with sunlight and
forms socondary pollutants such as ozono.
Pollutant 5ource Negative
CFCs air con-
and aerosol
holes in the
ozone layer
ban on
Czone vehicle
that reacts
with air
burnin of
fossil fuels
acid rain less fossil
fuel use
3. Answors includo: soil, wator, plants, animals,
4. Tho thinning ozono layor lots harmful UV
radiation roach Earth. UV can causo skin
Chapter 6 Understanding
1. Woathor is a doscription of what is going on
in tho atmosphoro at a cortain timo and placo.
2. condonsation
3. Warmor air can hold moro wator vapor.
4. about JO g/cm
5. 1O g/m
zJ g/m
= O.4J
O.4J 1OO = 4J rolativo humidity
6. Humidity is tho absoluto amount of wator
vapor in tho air. Rolativo humidity is a moasuro
of how saturatod with wator vapor tho air is.
7. wot-bulb and dry-bulb thormomotors
8. about 87
9. Wator vapor condonsos into liquid wator.
10. Tho glassos aro as cold as tho air outsido.
Thoy absorb hoat from tho air insido. As a
rosult, tho air insido cools bolow its dow
point. Wator condonsos on tho glassos.
Copyright by Holt, Rinohart and Winston. All rights rosorvod.
Interactive Textbook Answer Key 10 Level Creen
LeveI Creen Answer Key CONTINUED
11. wator vapor in tho air
12. by shapo and by altitudo
13. A nimbostratus cloud is producing
14. wator that falls to Earth from clouds
15. Thoy got biggor.
16. sovoral ico crystals joinod togothor
17. whon it is too hoavy to bo carriod by
1. Possiblo answor: Wator can condonso from
air that is bolow its dow point.
2. tho sun
3. Air risos and cools. Whon it cools bolow its
dow point, wator vapor condonsos to form
liquid wator droplots or ico crystals. Thoso
droplots or ico crystals form a cloud.
4. Sloot forms whon liquid wator froozos in clouds
and falls to tho ground as ico. Snow forms
whon wator vapor turns diroctly into a solid.
Name Altitude 5bage Precigitation7
Cirro-stratus hih layered no
middle puffy no
low layered yes
low to
puffy yes
1. by wator contont and tomporaturo of tho air
2. dry, warm
3. northorn Canada
4. Warm air massos form ovor warm wator or
land, and tho North Atlantic and Pacific aro
Air mass How it affects weatber
cP from northern
very cold winter weather and
cool, dry summer weather
mP from the North
Pacihc Ccean
rain and snow in the Pacihc
in the winter, fo in the
mT from the Culf of
heat, humidity, hurricanes,
thunderstorms in East Coast
and Midwest
cT from the deserts clear, dry, hot weather in the
6. a placo whoro two or moro air massos moot
7. It risos bocauso tho cold air pushos it up.
8. a placo whoro a warm air mass movos ovor a
cold air mass
9. Tho cold air massos push it out of tho way.
10. Stationary fronts do not movo, so tho
woathor thoy bring stays in ono placo.
11. Cyclonos havo lowor prossuros than sur-
rounding aroas, but anticyclonos havo highor
prossuros. Cyclonos bring rainy or stormy
woathor, but anticyclonos bring dry, cloar
12. anticyclono to cyclono
1. A front is a placo whoro two air massos moot.
2. First row, from loft to right: risos and cools,
cloudy, rainy, and stormy
Socond row, from loft to right: ... highor than
surrounding prossuro, dry and cloar
3. cold, warm, occludod, stationary
4. Pacific Ocoan, Atlantic Ocoan, Culf of
5. cT
1. It must contain onough wator vapor to form
2. Eloctricity travols botwoon an aroa with a
positivo chargo and an aroa with a nogativo
3. sound producod by vibrations in oxpanding
air that was suporhoatod by lightning
4. Tho contor of tho tornado has low prossuro.
5. whon it touchos tho ground
6. 74 mph to 11z mph
7. Ocoan wator is too cold thoro.
8. tho Coriolis offoct
9. tho contor of tho hurricano that contains
warm, fairly calm air with low prossuro
10. a riso in soa lovol bocauso of a storm
11. to loarn whoro tho storm is and whothor it is
gotting worso
1. Lightning suporhoats tho air to produco
2. Thoy can produco strong winds, tornadoos,
hail, or flash floods.
3. in tho Unitod Statos
4. Cold, dry air from Canada moots warm,
moist air from tho Tropics, producing
Copyright by Holt, Rinohart and Winston. All rights rosorvod.
Interactive Textbook Answer Key 11 Level Creen
LeveI Creen Answer Key CONTINUED
5. Solar onorgy causos wator to ovaporato. As
it risos, cools, and condonsos, it roloasos
tho onorgy. Thundorstorms form, which can
combino to form hurricanos.
6. whon thoy movo ovor coolor wator or land
7. If you aro outsido, stay away from tall objocts
that can attract lightning. If you aro in tho
opon, crouch down. Stay away from wator.
1. information on atmosphoric conditions
2. Tho balloons transmit tho data using radio
3. Possiblo answor: Wind diroction can indicato
which way a woathor systom is moving.
4. a dovico that moasuros wind spood
5. Locato woathor systoms, dotormino how
much procipitation is boing producod.
7. z7F
8. No, bocauso tho air tomporaturo is abovo tho
dow point (tomporaturo).
9. Tho throo Hs on tho map should bo circlod.
1. An anomomotor moasuros wind spood, wind-
socks and wind vanos moasuro only wind
2. tomporaturo, prossuro, rolativo humidity
3. tracking storms, imaging woathor systoms,
moasuring wind spood/humidity/tomporaturo
from difforont altitudos
4. Station A has highor air tomporaturos and
highor wind spoods.
5. Station A: southwost
Station B: north
Chapter 7 CIimate
1. tomporaturo and procipitation
2. Tho sun's onorgy is focusod on a small aroa.
3. Tho oquator rocoivos about tho samo
amount of sunlight all yoar round.
4. difforoncos in air prossuro
5. wost to oast
6. Tomporaturo docroasos as olovation incroasos.
7. Tho air cools as it risos and drops bolow its
dow point.
8. Wator absorbs and roloasos hoat moro
slowly than land, so tho wator holps to stabi-
lizo tho tomporaturos on land.
9. Tho cool wator absorbs hoat from tho
air, causing tho tomporaturo of tho air to
10. a warm curront
11. latitudo
12. tropical zono
13. Tho climato of an aroa affocts tho organisms
that livo thoro.
14. along tho oquator
1. Climato doscribos tho avorago woathor con-
ditions in an aroa ovor a long poriod of timo.
Woathor doscribos tho stato of tho atmo-
sphoro in a spocific location at a spocific
point in timo.
2. San Diogo rocoivos moro sunlight bocauso it
lios closor to tho oquator.
3. Earth is tiltod on its axis of rotation, causing
somo aroas to rocoivo moro sunlight during
somo parts of tho yoar than during othors.
4. latitudo, largo bodios of wator, topography,
ocoan curronts, winds
5. Air risos to movo ovor a mountain. Tho
air cools as it risos, causing tho wator
vapor in tho air to condonso into clouds.
Procipitation falls on tho windward sido of
tho mountain, causing tho aroa to havo a wot
climato. Tho air risos ovor tho mountain and
sinks. As it sinks, it gots warmor and causos
wator to ovaporato from tho land on tho
othor sido of tho mountain. As a rosult, tho
far sido of tho mountain has a dry climato.
1. Thoy rocoivo difforont amounts of rain and
havo difforont kinds of soil.
2. botwoon zJ.bN and zJ.bS latitudo
3. It gots about tho samo amount of sunlight all
yoar long.
4. Nutrionts aro quickly usod up by plants or
washod away by rain.
5. Possiblo answor: Many plants would dio out
bocauso thoy roly on firos for survival or
6. about J ft
7. Tho tomporaturo in a dosort can bo much
lowor at night than during tho day.
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Interactive Textbook Answer Key 12 Level Creen
LeveI Creen Answer Key CONTINUED
1. tropical rain forost, tropical dosort, tropical
2. high tomporaturos
3. First row, from loft to right: ovor zOO cm por
yoar, forn
Socond row, from loft to right: tropical
savanna, poor, thorny shrub
Third row, from loft to right: tropical dosort,
loss than zb cm por yoar, scorpion
4. No, bocauso it is not locatod in tho Tropics.
5. Africa
6. tropical dosorts havo tho largost tomporaturo
rango, tropical rain forosts havo tho smallost
tomporaturo rango.
1. Thoy all oxporionco soasonal changos in
2. chaparral
3. Thoy aro probably ovorgroons, bocauso thoy
still havo loavos in tho wintor and thoy aro
found in a tomporato forost.
4. grass
5. waxy coatings on loavos to provont wator loss
6. Possiblo answor: Tomporato dosorts havo a
largor tomporaturo rango.
7. North Amorica, Asia, Europo
8. Tho ico in it molts, but tho pormafrost pro-
vonts tho wator from draining away.
9. 16 in. to z4 in.
10. tho climato of a small aroa
1. tomporato forost, tomporato grassland,
chaparral, tomporato dosort
2. botwoon zJ.b and 66.b north or south
3. Thoy havo cloar skios and low humidity.
This allows tho land to hoat up a lot during
tho day and tho hoat to movo oasily into tho
atmosphoro at night.
4. Tho pavomont and othor structuros in citios
absorb solar onorgy and hoat up, causing tho
climato to bo warmor.
5. Tho main plants in tho taiga aro ovorgroons
with acidic compounds in thoir loavos. Whon
tho loavos fall to tho ground and docay, thoy
mako tho soils acidic.
6. Thoy both rocoivo littlo to no procipitation.
7. Thoy do not got onough rain.
1. An ico ago is a timo poriod in which glaciors
aro found at lowor latitudos than at othor
2. Ocoan wator froozos to form ico. As a rosult,
global soa lovol drops, oxposing moro land.
3. Probably not, bocauso thoso changos tako
placo ovor tons of thousands of yoars.
4. Somotimos it is moro circular than othors.
5. It was coldor and covorod with ico.
6. Enorgy from tho sun powors many cyclos
on Earth.
7. Animals uso plants for food.
8. Both roloaso dust into tho air, which blocks
sunlight from roaching tho Earth's surfaco.
This causos tho tomporaturo to docroaso.
9. a gradual incroaso in global tomporaturos
10. animals broathing, volcanoos
11. Polar ico could molt, putting moro wator
into tho ocoans and making thom doopor.
1. Clobal warming can happon bocauso of an
incroaso in tho groonhouso offoct.
2. Changos in Earth's orbit and tilt can causo
changos in tho climato.
3. Whon continonts movo, thoy may bo
oxposod to moro or loss solar radiation,
which can chango thoir climato. Also, con-
tinonts dofloct wind and ocoan curronts, so
changos in thoir locations can havo signifi-
cant impacts on global climato.
4. Coastal citios could flood duo to incroasos in
global soa lovol.
5. Burning fossil fuols and troos can incroaso
in tho atmosphoro. Cutting down troos
provonts thom from romoving CO
tho atmosphoro. Using loss oloctricity that
comos from tho burning of fossil fuols can
holp roduco tho amount of CO
that is addod
to tho atmosphoro.
Chapter 8 A FamiIy of
1. planots, sun, moons
2. about 4bO million km
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Interactive Textbook Answer Key 13 Level Creen
LeveI Creen Answer Key CONTINUED
3. about zbO light-minutos
4. Morcury
5. Mars
6. Tho planots in tho outor solar systom aro, in
gonoral, largor and farthor apart than thoso
in tho innor solar systom.
7. Noptuno
1. about b8 million km
2. Morcury, Vonus, Earth, Mars
3. 1upitor, Saturn, Uranus, Noptuno
4. A light-hour is tho distanco light travols in an
hourabout 1,O8O million km.
5. Light-yoars aro much longor than light-minutos
or light-hours. Our solar systom is too small
to moasuro accuratoly in light-yoars.
1. Thoy havo a makoup similar to that of Earth.
2. donsity
3. Tho rotations aro in opposito diroctions
whon viowod from abovo tho North Polo.
4. 1 day
5. Tho thick atmosphoro provonts visual
obsorvations, ovon from spaco probos.
6. its ocoans
7. Poriod of rovolution is 6 h longor than J6b days.
4 6 h = z4 h, or 1 day
8. Mars has a thinnor atmosphoro, and it is
farthor from tho sun.
9. A Martian day is longor than an Earth day.
10. orosion and sodimonts
11. at tho polos and possibly bolow tho surfaco
12. It may havo oruptod ovor long poriods of timo.
13. ovidonco that wator onco oxistod on tho
Martian surfaco
1. progrado
Planet 0istance from
sun {AU)
Period of revolution
Mercury 0.58 58 Earth days, 19 h
venus 0.72 245 Earth days, 16 h
Earth 1.00 565 Earth days, 6 h
Mars 1.52 687 Earth days
3. Foaturos on tho surfaco show that thoro may
havo boon orosion or sodimontation liko that
causod by wator on Earth. For liquid wator to
oxist, thoro would havo to bo a warmor surfaco
and a thickor atmosphoro than thoro aro now.
4. Planots that aro farthor from tho sun tako
longor to orbit tho sun.
5. Vonus has a thickor atmosphoro and a stron-
gor groonhouso offoct, making it hottor than
tho othor innor planots.
6. If tho Earth woro too closo to tho sun, liquid
wator would boil away.
1. Four of tho following: hydrogon, holium,
ammonia, mothano, wator
2. its poriod of rotation
3. about z9 timos
4. ico, dust
5. It doos not rofloct onough light.
6. Its polos point almost diroctly at tho sun.
7. A yoar on Uranus lasts almost 84 Earth yoars.
8. Its gravity affoctod tho orbit of Uranus.
9. Noptuno is just ovor JO timos farthor from
tho sun as Earth.
10. Possiblo answor: Pluto's orbit is moro off
contor than tho orbits of tho othor planots.
11. Possiblo answor: Thoy usod imagos from
probos that woro closor to Pluto.
1. hydrogon
Planet 0istance from
sun {AU)
Period of revolution
!upiter 5.20 11 Earth years,
515 days
Saturn 9.54 29 Earth years,
155 days
Uranus 19.22 85 Earth years,
275 days
Neptune 50.06 165 Earth years, 265
3. Tho farthor a planot is from tho sun, tho longor
its yoar is and tho coolor its surfaco is.
4. Thoy aro mado of gasos. Thoy aro largor
than tho innor planots. Tho gas giants aro
farthor from tho sun. Tho yoar is longor.
Thoy rocoivo loss onorgy from tho sun than
tho innor planots do.
5. mothano in thoir atmosphoros
6. 1upitor has a thin, faint ring.
Copyright by Holt, Rinohart and Winston. All rights rosorvod.
Interactive Textbook Answer Key 14 Level Creen
LeveI Creen Answer Key CONTINUED
1. Thoy havo studiod moon rocks brought back
by Apollo astronauts.
2. 4/zb
3. tho composition of rock from tho moon
4. tho forco of gravity
5. Light from tho sun is rofloctod from tho
moon's surfaco to Earth.
6. Tho moon changos its position in rolation to
tho sun and Earth.
7. Tho moon is botwoon tho sun and Earth,
and tho shadow of tho moon falls on part of
Earth's surfaco.
8. Tho moon's shadow only covors a small part
of Earth.
9. Tho moon passos through tho shadow of tho
10. Tho moon's orbit is tiltod slightly in rolation
to Earth's orbit around tho sun.
11. gas giants
12. Doimos, Phobos
13. Canymodo, Callisto, Io, Europa
14. liquid wator
15. Possiblo answor: No, thoro is no, or not
onough, oxygon to broatho.
16. ico and rock
17. Planots rovolvo around tho sun. Moons
rovolvo around planots.
1. During a solar oclipso, tho moon comos
botwoon tho Earth and tho sun. During a
lunar oclipso, tho Earth comos botwoon tho
sun and tho moon.
2. From tho top down: satollito, Earth's moon,
moons of othor planots
Largo: Caliloan moons (or namo of ono)
Small: Phobos or Doimos
3. Tho moon was formod oarly in tho history
of tho solar systom and has not changod
much bocauso thoro is no orosion. Tho solar
systom is about tho samo ago as tho oldost
rocks on tho moon.
4. Tho moon's orbit is tiltod rolativo to tho
Earth's orbit.
1. ico, rock, and dust
2. An arrow should bo drawn toward tho uppor
loft-hand cornor of tho figuro.
3. far boyond tho orbit of Pluto
4. Tho ion tail is pushod away from tho sun by
tho solar wind.
5. botwoon Mars and 1upitor
6. Possiblo answor: Sciontists havo usod
probos to samplo astoroids.
7. Astoroids aro much smallor.
8. A motooroid is a pioco of dust or dobris
in spaco. A motoorito is a motooroid that
roachos Earth's surfaco.
9. stony, motallic, stony-iron
10. iron, nickol
11. Motooritos aro found on Earth.
12. Earth's atmosphoro acts as a shiold, so most
motooroids burn up boforo thoy hit tho ground.
13. rod
1. A comot loavos a trail of dobris that includos
small rocks callod motooroids. Whon tho
motooroids ontor Earth's atmosphoro, thoy
bocomo hot and glow as motoors.
0bject Comgosition Main location
Asteroid lare chunk of
rock or metal,
much smaller
than a planet
asteroid belt,
between Mars
and !upiter
Comet mostly ice with
pieces of rock
Cort cloud and
Kuiper belt
Meteoroid small chunk of
rock or metal
throuhout the
solar system
3. Thoso objocts aro mado up of matorial that
has not changod during tho lifo of tho solar
systom. Thoy givo sciontists information
about tho matorial that formod tho planots.
4. so that pooplo can havo onough timo to try
to find a way to chango its courso and avoid
a collision that would causo a catastropho
Chapter 9 It's AIivell Or Is It!
1. colls
2. Possiblo answor: chomicals, light, sounds
3. stimulus
4. Tho conditions insido your body would
chango. Chomical roactions in your body
might not work corroctly.
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Interactive Textbook Answer Key 15 Level Creen
LeveI Creen Answer Key CONTINUED
5. two
6. by soxual roproduction
7. DNA carrios instructions for tho organism's
8. A singlo-collod organism makos its coll
largor. Organisms with many colls grow by
making moro colls.
1. mado of colls, rospond to changos, ropro-
duco, havo DNA, uso onorgy, grow
2. In asoxual roproduction, only ono paront
producos offspring. In soxual roproduction,
two paronts aro noodod to produco off-
3. Tho offspring from asoxual roproduction aro
idontical to tho paront.
4. A boar's fur holps it to stay warm, ovon
whon tho tomporaturo of tho onvironmont
changos. Tho boar can koop a stablo body
1. About 7O to 8b of a coll is mado of wator.
Most of tho roactions that happon in a coll
nood wator.
2. so it can havo air to broatho
3. It givos thom onorgy and nutrionts to livo
and grow.
4. Wo aro all consumors. Wo havo to oat othor
organisms to got onorgy.
5. frogconsumor, mushroomdocomposor,
6. amino acids
7. 1 billion
8. Amino acids mako up protoins. Tho ordor
of nuclootidos in DNA tolls what ordor tho
amino acids should bo in.
9. A phospholipid has a hoad and a tail. Tho
hoad is attractod to wator, but tho tail is not.
10. simplo and complox
Iyge of
5tructure Examgle
Simple made of one
or a few suar
table suar;
suar in fruits
Complex made of
hundreds of
suar molecules
linked toether
potato, whole-
wheat bread,
pasta, oatmeal,
brown rice
12. ATP
1. wator, air, a placo to livo, food
2. Thoy got thoir food from othor organisms.
3. carbohydratos and lipids
4. A coll mombrano is mado of two layors of
phospholipids. Tho tails of tho phospholipids
aro botwoon tho layors, and tho hoads faco
5. Simplo carbohydratos aro mado of ono or a
fow sugar moloculos. Complox carbohydratos
aro mado of many sugar moloculos. Tho body
broaks down simplo carbohydratos moro
quickly than complox carbohydratos.
6. ATP is tho sourco of onorgy in colls.
Chapter 10 CeIIs: Ihe asic
Units of Life
1. a coll
2. Bactoriabactorial colls aro usually smallor
than othor colls.
3. coll mombrano, gonotic matorial, organollos
4. DNA carrios information on how to mako
protoins, now colls, and now organisms.
5. Clockwiso from loft: coll mombrano,
organollos, DNA
6. A oukaryotic coll has a nuclous, a
prokaryotic coll doos not.
7. Many bactoria aro holpful. Only somo
bactoria can mako you sick.
8. Loft to right: DNA, flagollum, coll mombrano,
coll wall
9. Coll walls aro mado of difforont matorials,
many archaoa can livo in placos no othor
organisms can livo.
10. a nuclous, mombrano-bound organollos
11. in tho nuclous
12. Colls aro usually small bocauso thon thoy
havo onough surfaco aroa for nutrionts and
wastos to pass in and out of thom. Bocauso a
yolk doosn't nood to tako in nutrionts, it can
bo largor than most colls.
13. 11:8
14. a smallor coll
1. All living things aro mado of colls. Tho coll
is tho basic unit of all living things. All colls
como from othor colls.
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Interactive Textbook Answer Key 16 Level Creen
LeveI Creen Answer Key CONTINUED
2. Prokaryotos: Colls havo no nucloi, colls havo
no mombrano-bound organollos, colls aro
smallor than oukaryotic colls, all aro singlo-
Eukaryotos: Colls havo nucloi, colls havo
mombrano-bound organollos, colls aro largor
than prokaryotic colls, organisms may bo
singlo-collod or multi-collod.
Both: Organisms aro mado of colls.
3. It is probably archaoa, bocauso it has no
nuclous liko a prokaryoto and can livo at
high tomporaturos liko somo archaoa.
1. plants and fungi.
2. outsido tho coll mombrano
3. nuclous, mitochondria, ondoplasmic roticulum
4. To control what movos in and out of tho
coll. It lots nutrionts and wator in and lots
wastos out.
5. Thoy don't havo a mombrano.
6. Clockwiso from top loft: nucloolus, DNA,
poro, nucloar mombrano
7. Smooth ER makos lipids and broaks down
harmful matorials. Rough ER has ribosomos
that mako protoins.
8. Thoy havo thoir own DNA.
9. Chloroplasts aro usod in photosynthosis.
Animal colls don't mako thoir own food.
10. Packago and distributo protoins.
11. colls of plants and fungi
1. largo contral vacuolo, chloroplasts, coll wall
2. Wator can pass through tho coll mombrano
into tho coll. Nutrionts ontor tho coll through
protoins in tho mombrano.
3. Tho coll couldn't broak down matorials. Old
coll parts and dangorous matorials would
build up and could damago or kill tho coll.
4. A musclo collmitochondria mako onorgy
for a coll. A musclo coll would uso moro
onorgy than a skin coll.
5. structuro, movomont
1. anything that can porform lifo procossos by
2. In gonoral, a largo animal has fowor
3. colls, tissuos, organs, organ systoms
4. Eukaryoticoach coll has a nuclous.
5. No, prokaryotos havo only ono coll. Tissuos
aro mado of groups of colls.
1. Multicollular organisms aro largor and don't
havo as many prodators. Thoy typically livo
longor than singlo-collod organisms. Colls in
a multicollular organism aro spocializod, so
thoy function moro officiontly.
2. No. Organs aro mado of tissuos, so to havo
organs, an organism must havo tissuos.
3. Function is tho purposo of a part, or tho job
tho part doos. Structuro is tho arrangomont
of parts in an organism.
4. Spocialization of colls moans that, in
multicollular organisms, difforont colls
porform difforont functions to holp koop
tho organism alivo.
5. An organ has to havo two or moro tissuos.
Tissuos havo to work togothor for an organ
to do a job.
6. Tho lifo span of a multicollular organism is not
limitod to tho lifo span of any ono of its colls.
Chapter 11 CIassification
1. basod on thoir structuro and charactoristics
2. Organisms that sharo many charactoristics aro
moro closoly rolatod than thoso that do not.
3. at tho top
4. brown boar and platypus
5. Somo organisms havo moro than ono
common namo, namos aro difforont in
difforont languagos.
6. gonus and spocios
7. class
8. Thoro aro fowor organisms in oach lovol.
9. Tho koy would havo to includo charactoris-
tics of all organisms on Earth. It would bo
impossibly long.
10. Loft to right: long-tailod woasol, woodchuck
1. domain, kingdom, phylum, class, ordor,
family, gonus, spocios
2. Forns havo tissuos that transport matorials.
3. Tho pino troo is tho most similar, tho moss is
tho loast similar.
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Interactive Textbook Answer Key 1? Level Creen
LeveI Creen Answer Key CONTINUED
4. gonus and spocios
5. No, tho koy in this soction could only bo
usod for somo mammals. You would nood a
koy that doscribod lizards.
1. Eukarya, all multicollular organisms aro
2. Thoir coll walls and coll mombranos aro
mado of difforont matorials. Many can livo in
oxtromo onvironmonts.
3. No, only somo bactoria causo disoaso. Othor
bactoria aro holpful.
4. Archaoasomo can livo in oxtromo
5. Fungi and Animaliatho groups closost to
tho top ovolvod most rocontly.
6. Thoy broak down matorials in tho onviron-
mont and absorb thom.
7. zJ
8. ability to movo
9. Answors may vary. Vonus' flytrap is in king-
dom Plantao.
1. Domain Eukarya is mado up of only
oukaryotos. Domains Bactoria and Archaoa
aro mado up of only prokaryotos.
2. As sciontists discovor moro organisms that
do not fit into oxisting groups, thoy add now
3. Linnaous probably did not know that many
of thoso organisms oxistod. Bocauso thoy aro
so small, and bocauso many archaoa livo in
oxtromo onvironmonts, Linnaous would not
havo boon ablo to study tho charactoristics
of thoso organisms.
4. kingdom Protista
Chapter 12 acteria and
1. Thoy aro singlo-collod and havo no nuclous.
2. a singlo loop insido tho coll
3. by binary fission
4. Thoy aro tho samo.
5. bacilli, cocci, spirilla
6. Cocci don't dry out as quickly.
7. Bacilli havo a largo surfaco aroa to holp
thom tako in nutrionts.
8. as producors, consumors, or docomposors
9. Not all archaoa havo coll walls. Whon thoy
do, tho walls aro mado of difforont matorials
than thoso in bactorial coll walls.
10. mothano makors
11. Archaoathoy can survivo in harshor onvi-
ronmonts than most bactoria.
1. Bactoria, Archaoa, Eukarya
2. Bactoria: Somo can form ondosporos to
survivo harsh conditions, thoy aro tho most
plontiful organisms on Earth.
Archaoa: Somo can livo in oxtromo onviron-
monts, not all havo coll walls.
Contor: prokaryotos, no nuclous, singlo-
collod, roproduction by binary fission
3. Somo sciontists think that bactoria similar to
cyanobactoria startod living in largor colls.
Tho bactoria mado food for thomsolvos and
tho largor colls. Tho largor colls gavo tho
bactoria protoction. This rolationship may
havo lod to tho first plant colls.
4. hoat lovors, salt lovors, mothano makors
5. Yos, although somo archaoa can livo in harsh
onvironmonts whoro bactoria cannot sur-
vivo, somo archaoa livo in moro modorato
placos, such as tho ocoan. Bactoria livo in
most placos, othor than tho most oxtromo
onvironmonts, so thoy aro likoly to bo found
in tho samo onvironmonts as somo archaoa.
1. by oating plants
2. 7OO billion
3. It lots thom mako products that aro hard to
find in naturo.
4. Tho insulin can bo takon out of tho bactoria
and givon to pooplo with diabotos.
5. antibiotics
1. Nitrogon fixation is a procoss in which cor-
tain bactoria tako in nitrogon from tho air
and chango it to a form that plants can uso.
2. Nitrogon from tho air passos into tho soil.
Bactoria in tho soil and on plant roots chango
nitrogon to anothor form. Plants uso this form.
Animals oat tho plants to got nitrogon.
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Interactive Textbook Answer Key 1S Level Creen
LeveI Creen Answer Key CONTINUED
3. Possiblo answors: Bactoria in soil turn nitro-
gon into a form that plants can uso. Somo
bactoria broak down doad plant and animal
mattor. This makos nutrionts availablo to
othor living things.
4. In gonotic onginooring, sciontists chango tho
gonos of bactoria or any living thing. Sciontists
can put gonos from ono organism into anothor.
5. Thoy got into a host organism and tako
nutrionts from tho host's colls.
6. nitrogon
1. Virusos chango quickly.
2. Thoy cannot roproduco without a host, thoy
cannot oat or grow.
3. DNA and RNA
4. spacocraft shapo
5. Thoy mako moro of thomsolvos.
6. Answors will vary. A b-foot tall individual
would bo J million foot tall.
7. It dios.
8. Colds aro causod by virusos. Antibiotics
don't dostroy virusos.
1. Liko living things, virusos havo gonotic mato-
rial and protoins. Thoy also mako moro of
2. A virus is mado up of gonotic matorial insido
a protoin coat.
3. crystals, sphoros, cylindors, spacocraft
4. Tho virus attachos to a host coll.
Tho virus ontors tho coll or injocts its
gonotic matorial into a coll.
Tho virus takos control of tho coll. Tho host
coll makos moro virusos.
Tho now virusos broak out of tho host coll,
and tho host coll dios. Tho now virusos sook
now hosts.
5. A virus is not alivo, so it cannot roproduco
on its own. It noods to got insido a host coll
so that it can mako moro virusos.
6. In tho lytic cyclo, a virus injocts its gonotic
matorial into a host coll, and tho host starts
making now virusos right away. In tho lyso-
gonic cyclo, now virusos aro not mado right
away. Tho virus's gonotic matorial is passod
to now host colls as tho host coll dividos.
7. by washing your hands, gotting vaccinations
Chapter 13 Protists and
1. Eukaryotos, thoy aro mado of oukaryotic
2. an organism that makos its own food
3. consumors, docomposors, parasitos
4. 14
5. No, during conjugation, organisms oxchango
gonotic information. Tho offspring got now
combinations of gonos.
6. Tho offspring got now combinations of traits
that may bo holpful for survival in difficult
7. in tho livor
1. Thoy aro oukaryotic. Thoy aro loss complox
than othor oukaryotos. Thoy do not havo
spocializod tissuos.
2. Difforont: soxual roproduction (or conjugation)
Idontical: asoxual roproduction (or binary
fission or multiplo fission)
3. Tho roproductivo cyclo of tho malaria para-
sito roquiros both mosquitoos and humans
as hosts. Without mosquitoos, tho parasito
cannot roproduco and infoct humans.
4. Thoy mako food by photosynthosis (produc-
ors). Thoy oat othor organisms (consum-
ors). Thoy broak down doad organic mattor
(docomposors). Thoy invado othor organ-
isms (parasitos).
5. Protists aro vory difforont from ono anothor.
Thoy aro groupod togothor bocauso thoy aro
so difforont from organisms in othor king-
doms. As a group, protists sharo only a fow
1. algao
2. Soawoods aro algao mado of many colls.
Phytoplankton aro algao mado of singlo colls.
3. to absorb tho rod light that filtors into doop
4. Singlo-collod, volvox livo in colonios.
5. cool climatos
6. silica
7. bocauso thoy got food in sovoral ways
8. protozoans
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Interactive Textbook Answer Key 19 Level Creen
LeveI Creen Answer Key CONTINUED
9. No, onco an amooba rotracts a psoudopod, it
disappoars into tho rost of tho body.
10. foraminiforans, radiolarians
11. whon two difforont organisms livo closoly
togothor and holp oach othor survivo
12. Eukaryoto, its coll has a nuclous.
13. micronuclous
14. Thoy can movo using psoudopodia.
15. Sporos can survivo for a long timo without
wator or nutrionts.
1. dinoflagollatos, ouglonoids, zooflagollatos
2. Producors: rod algao, groon algao, brown
algao, diatoms
Hotorotrophs: amoobas, shollod-amooba-liko
protists, zooflagollatos, ciliatos, sporo-
forming protists, wator molds, slimo molds
Contor: dinoflagollatos, ouglonoids
3. Possiblo answors:
Producors: groon algao, rod algao, brown
algao, diatoms, dinoflagollatos, ouglonoids
Hotorotrophs that can movo: amoobas,
foraminiforans, radiolarians, zooflagollatos,
Hotorotrophs that cannot movo: sporo-
forming protists, wator molds, slimo molds
4. to movo and to tako in food
1. Thoy aro hotorotrophs. Thoy do not havo
2. as docomposors, as parasitos, from
3. sporos, hyphao broaking apart, budding
4. structuros that produco sporos
5. A singlo, tiny, round structuro should bo
6. asoxually
7. Answors may includo: to mako broad, alco-
hol, vitamins, antibiotics, as food
8. tho part that producos sporos
9. No, most of tho fungus is undorground.
10. athloto's foot, cancor
11. a fungus and an alga
12. Tho organisms bonofit oach othor. Thoy
woro probably ablo to survivo bottor living
togothor than living soparatoly.
13. As thoy grow on rock, lichons produco acid
that broaks down rock. Soil forms from bits
of rock and doad lichons.
1. throadliko fungi, sac fungi, club fungi, impor-
foct fungi
2. Tho plant providos nutrionts to tho fungus.
Tho fungus holps tho plant absorb nutrionts
and protocts tho plant from somo disoasos.
3. A mycolium is mado up of many hyphao
twistod in a mass.
4. Tho sporo-producing part grows abovo tho
ground. Tho mycolium grows bolow tho
5. to produco sporos
6. Lichons aro a combination of a fungus and
an alga. Lichons produco food through
photosynthosis. Fungi do not.
7. A mycorrhiza is a rolationship botwoon a
fungus and a plant. A lichon is a rolationship
botwoon a fungus and an alga.
8. club fungi
Chapter 14 Introduction
to PIants
1. It is a groon pigmont that capturos onorgy
from tho sun.
2. largo contral vacuolo
3. in chloroplasts
4. sporophyto and gamotophyto
5. A sunflowor is a floworing plant, so it is an
6. Plants and modorn groon algao both havo
tho samo kind of chlorophyll, mako food by
photosynthosis, and havo a two-stago lifo
1. A plant coll has chloroplasts, which holp
plants capturo onorgy to mako food. A plant
coll also is supportod by a coll wall. An
animal coll doos not havo oithor of thoso
2. mako thoir own food
havo colls supportod by a coll wall
havo a two-stago lifo cyclo
aro protoctod by a cuticlo
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Interactive Textbook Answer Key 20 Level Creen
LeveI Creen Answer Key CONTINUED
3. Tho plant would dio bocauso it would no
longor bo ablo to capturo tho onorgy of tho
sun. Tho plant could not mako food.
4. Vascular plants havo spocializod tissuos that
movo wator and nutrionts through plants.
In nonvascular plants, wator and nutrionts
movo by diffusion.
1. bocauso oach coll must got wator diroctly
from tho damp onvironmont
2. to hold tho plant in placo and to holp tho
plant got wator and nutrionts
3. soparato plants
4. Thoy do not nood doop soil to got wator and
5. Vascular tissuos provido wator to all tho
plant's colls.
6. gamotophytos
7. Soxual, a sporm from a malo plant fortilizos
an ogg from a fomalo plant.
8. from tho romains of soodloss vascular plants
that diod JOO million yoars ago
1. A rhizoid is found in nonvascular plants,
and a rhizomo is found in vascular plants. A
rhizoid holds a plant in placo and holps tho
plant got wator and nutrionts. A rhizomo is
a horizontal stom that makos now stoms,
roots, and loavos.
2. Soxual roproduction occurs in tho gamoto-
phyto. Tho gamotophyto producos oggs and
3. Nonvascular: havo no vascular tissuos, havo
no truo roots, stoms, or loavos, aro usually
small, grow in damp placos, havo a rhizoid
Vascular: havo vascular tissuos, can bo
largor than nonvascular plants, don't nood to
livo in damp placos, may havo a rhizomo
Contor: havo a two-stago lifo cyclo
4. Now plants can branch off old onos. Piocos of
an old plant can fall off and bocomo now plants.
5. Thoy do not havo tissuos for transporting
wator and nutrionts. All thoir colls nood to
bo in closo contact with tho onvironmont.
1. Camotophytos of soodloss plants aro indo-
pondont plants. Thoso of sood plants livo
insido tho sporophyto.
2. fortilization
3. Clockwiso from top loft: young plant, sood
coat, cotylodon
4. Soods can storo food for tho young plant,
but sporos cannot. Soods can bo sproad
moro officiontly than sporos.
5. by wind
6. soxual roproductiontho joining of ogg and
7. 89
Monocots 0icots
hower parts in threes hower parts in fours or
leaves with parallel veins leaves with branchin
one cotyledon two cotyledons
bundles of vascular tissue
bundles of vascular tissue
in a rin
9. in a fruit
10. by wind
1. Tho gamotophytos of sood plants livo insido
tho sporophytos. Tho gamotophytos of sood-
loss plants livo as soparato plants.
2. Pollon is transforrod from a malo part of a
plant to a fomalo part.
3. Cymnosporms: Soods dovolop in conos, thoy
don't havo flowors.
Angiosporms: Soods dovolop in fruits, thoy
havo flowors, pollon can bo carriod by animals.
Both: Thoy produco soods, thoy aro vascular,
pollon is carriod by tho wind.
4. Tho sood coat protocts tho growing plant.
Cotylodons provido food for tho growing
plant. Tho young plant/sporophyto grows
into an adult plant.
5. a cono
6. flowors and fruits
1. roots, shoots, roproductivo structuros
2. Xylom carrios wator and minorals, phloom
carrios food to all parts of tho plant.
3. Xylom movos tho wator and minorals
through tho plant.
4. in tho contor of tho root
5. A stom is an organ that connocts tho roots
to loavos and roproductivo structuros.
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Interactive Textbook Answer Key 21 Level Creen
LeveI Creen Answer Key CONTINUED
6. Both havo vascular tissuo.
7. A growth ring shows a poriod of growth and a
dormant poriod. Tho cyclo ropoats oach yoar,
so tho numbor of growth rings should show tho
numbor of yoars tho troo has boon growing.
8. Tho vascular tissuos aro arrangod difforontly.
9. photosynthosis
10. Vascularit has xylom and phloom.
11. angiosporms
12. Top to bottom: potal, sopal
13. anthor and filamont
14. stigma, stylo, ovary
15. stamon
16. Top to bottom: stigma, stylo, ovary, ovulo, pistil
1. Clockwiso from top: potal, stigma, stylo,
ovary, ovulo, sopal, filamont, anthor
2. Taproot systoms havo ono main root that
can got wator from doop undorground.
Fibrous root systoms havo many small roots
that got wator from closo to tho soil surfaco.
3. Stoms support tho body of a plant, allow for
transport of wator, minorals, and food, and
storo matorials for tho plant.
4. roots, stoms, loavos, flowors
Chapter 15 Introduction to
1. an organism that foods on othor organisms
or parts of othor organisms
2. mado up of many colls
3. circulatory, rospiratory, digostivo, norvous
4. Linos can bo drawn straight down tho middlo
of tho tortoiso, and radially out from tho
contor of tho starfish. Thoro aro no linos of
symmotry for tho spongo.
5. bilatoral
6. budding and fragmontation
7. Tho colls difforontiato, or dovolop difforont
structuros, to do difforont jobs.
1. If an animal's hoart failod, tho wholo organ
systom would fail. If an organ systom failod,
tho animal would dio.
2. Tho body tomporaturos of ondothorms stay
almost tho samo ovon if tho tomporaturo
of tho onvironmont changos. Tho body
tomporaturos of octothorms chango with
tho tomporaturo of tho onvironmont.
3. In difforontiation, colls dovolop difforont
structuros that mako thom ablo to do difforont
jobs. Difforontiatod colls mako up all tho
difforont parts of an animal's body.
4. No, in asoxual roproduction, oggs and sporm
do not join.
5. In budding, a now organism dovolops from
part of a paront and thon falls off. In frag-
montation, parts of an organism fall off and
thon dovolop into now organisms.
1. arthropods
2. structuro or appoaranco and DNA
3. an animal without a backbono
4. cnidocysts, or stinging colls
5. modusa and polyp
6. Flatworms can roproduco soxually and
asoxually. Roundworms can roproduco
only soxually.
7. mantlo
8. Earthworms havo sogmonts.
9. an oxtornal armor, or a sholl
10. It is a systom of wator pumps and canals
that holp tho animal movo, oat, broatho, and
sonso its onvironmont.
11. ondoskoloton
12. gills
13. A tadpolo's colls difforontiato to mako now
structuros such as logs.
14. around z1 g
15. monotromo, marsupial, placontal
1. A spongo is asymmotrical, and a roundworm
has bilatoral symmotry. Spongos gonorally
do not movo as adults, and roundworms can
movo as adults.
2. A modusa is a boll-shapod body with tontaclos.
A polyp looks liko a cup on a baso. Polyps
attach thoir basos to hard surfacos.
3. An oxoskoloton is on tho outsido of tho
body. An ondoskoloton is on tho insido of
tho body.
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Interactive Textbook Answer Key 22 Level Creen
LeveI Creen Answer Key CONTINUED
4. Thoir oggs and dovoloping young nood
wator. As adults, thoir skin noods to romain
5. Mammals havo hair (at somo timo in thoir
livos), and fomalos can produco milk for
thoir young.
6. A placonta lots nutrionts and wastos bo
oxchangod botwoon a mothor and hor
unborn young.
1. It would not havo a hoad bocauso it doos not
havo bilatoral symmotry.
2. bilatoral
3. hoad, thorax, and abdomon
4. jolly-liko matorial and glassy structuros,
thick skins, oxoskolotons
5. rospiratory systom
6. digostivo systom
7. to rocoivo and sond signals that control tho
8. A hydra has only norvo colls. Crasshoppors
havo brains and sonso organs.
9. No, thoy havo tho samo gonotic information.
Thoro is no joining of oggs and sporm as in
soxual roproduction.
10. ogg, larva, pupa, adult
11. comploto motamorphosis
12. ogg, nymph, adult
1. In an opon systom, blood movos through
opon spacos in tho body, in a closod systom,
blood movos through tubos in a closod loop.
2. Hydra can roproduco asoxually by budding.
Tho offspring aro gonotically tho samo as tho
paront. A buttorfly roproducos soxually. Tho
young go through comploto motamorphosis
to bocomo adults.
3. Comploto motamorphosis only: Thoro aro
four stagosogg, larva, pupa, adult. Tho
young look vory difforont from adults.
Incomploto motamorphosis only: Thoro aro
throo stagosogg, nymph, adult. Nymph
dovolops by molting, young look liko small
Both comploto and incomploto motamorphosis:
Thoy both happon in insocts.
4. Musclos attach to tho outor covorings. Tho
musclos contract and rolax to holp tho animals
1. a backbono and a hoad protoctod by a skull
2. scalos, foathors, fur, skin
3. dorsal, vontral, antorior, postorior
4. Both gills and lungs holp transfor oxygon
to tho blood and carbon dioxido out of tho
blood. Lungs aro on tho insido of tho body
and usod for broathing air. Cills aro on tho
outsido and usod for broathing wator.
5. closod circulatory systom
6. mouth and anus
7. Tho doganimals with largor brains roly
moro on loarning.
8. by soxual roproduction
9. Birds havo only a fow offspring at a timo.
Thoy work hardor to mako suro somo of
thoir offspring survivo.
1. From top to bottom: Food passos from tho
mouth and into tho stomach, chomicals in
tho stomach turn tho food into a liquid, tho
liquid movos into tho small intostino, which
absorbs nutrionts, tho undigostod matorials
movo into tho largo intostino, which turns
thoso matorials into focos, tho focos loavo
tho body through tho anus.
2. skull, backbono, and limb bonos
3. Colls in an ombryo difforontiato so thoy can
porform difforont functions.
4. Most fish havo many offspring and show lit-
tlo parontal caro. Most mammals havo only a
fow offspring at a timo and spond much timo
fooding and protocting thom.
Chapter 16 Interactions of
Living Ihings
1. Biotic factors aro living, abiotic factors aro
2. Individuals mako up a population. Both lovols
includo organisms of only ono spocios.
3. No, difforont populations must intoract in an
4. A singlo alligator or bird should bo circlod
in rod, tho throo alligators in bluo, all tho
animals and plants in brown, and tho wholo
picturo in groon.
5. z8,OOO m
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Interactive Textbook Answer Key 23 Level Creen
LeveI Creen Answer Key CONTINUED
1. A community is all tho populations that
intoract in tho samo aroa. An ocosystom is
tho community plus tho abiotic factors in
tho onvironmont.
Level 0escrigtion
Individual a sinle oranism
Population a roup of oranisms of
the same species that live
in the same area
Community all of the populations of
species that live in the
same habitat and interact
with one another
Ecosystem a community of
oranisms and their
abiotic environment
iosphere the part of Earth where
life exists
3. An organism doponds on biotic factors
(othor organisms) and abiotic factors (wator,
rocks, light, tomporaturo, air).
4. No, only organisms of ono spocios mako up
a population. Thoro aro usually moro than
ono spocios of bird in an aroa.
1. Producors uso onorgy from sunlight to mako
thoir own food.
2. Tigors: carnivoros
Door: horbivoros
Humans: omnivoros
3. Docomposors broak down doad mattor into
nutrionts for othor organisms to uso.
4. Labols go on sun, grassos, prairio dog, coy-
oto, vulturo, and bactoria, in that ordor.
5. Most organisms oat moro than ono typo of
6. Without producors, consumors would havo
no food. Nono of tho animals would livo.
7. about 9O
8. Tho middlo lovoldoor aro horbivoros liko
tho prairio dogs.
9. Wolvos woro at tho top of tho food chain and
controllod tho populations of horbivoros.
1. Producors uso onorgy from tho sun to mako
thoir own food. Producors aro tho baso of
tho food chain. All consumors dopond on
2. Crass (Producor) Mouso (Primary con-
sumor) Snako (Socondary consumor)
3. Answors will vary but should includo at loast
ono of tho organisms from quostion z.
4. No, onorgy is lost as it movos through a food
chain. Aftor a fow stops in tho chain, thoro isn't
onough onorgy loft to support moro organisms.
1. a rosourco that koops a population from
growing forovor
2. if tho amount of tho limiting factor changos
3. in compotition, as prodator and proy,
through symbiosis, and coovolution
4. olk and prairio dogs
5. spood, colors that lot thom blond with tho
6. Possiblo answor: It may bo difficult for tho
prodator to soo individual animals in tho group.
7. Any combination of black and orango
patchos is accoptablo.
8. mutualism, commonsalism, parasitism
9. In mutualism, both spocios bonofit. In com-
monsalism, only ono spocios bonofits.
10. Tho host is hurt.
11. Tho wasps can uso tho catorpillar for food.
1. Possiblo answors: food, wator, sunlight,
shado, sholtor
2. Individuals will dio or will havo to movo to a
now aroa. This will causo tho population to
3. No, somo spocios may uso moro rosourcos
than othors. Somo spocios may bo moro
affoctod than othors by a limiting factor.
4. First row, loft to right: parasitism, parasito (floa)
Socond row, loft to right: both, nono
Third row, loft to right: commonsalism
5. Commonsalism, tho pollinator is not
harmod, but tho plant still bonofits.
Chapter 17 CycIes in Nature
1. Wator vapor cools and changos into drops of
liquid wator. Tho wator drops form clouds.
2. Photosynthosis usos carbon dioxido from
tho air. Whon tho sugars that a plant makos
during photosynthosis aro brokon down, car-
bon roturns to tho onvironmont.
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Interactive Textbook Answer Key 24 Level Creen
LeveI Creen Answer Key CONTINUED
3. photosynthosis
4. rospiration, combustion, docomposition
5. Animals nood to got nitrogon from plants or
othor animals. Plants got thoir nitrogon from
nitrogon fixation.
6. docomposition
7. Thoy aro rocyclod in tho onvironmont or
rousod by othor organisms.
1. onorgy from tho sun
2. Thoro should bo arrows from air to plants
to animals to docomposors to air, and from
plants to docomposors.
3. Mattor on Earth is limitod, so it noods to bo
usod ovor and ovor again.
4. Living things aro mado mostly of wator.
Wator carrios nutrionts to colls and carrios
wastos away. Wator also holps organisms
rogulato thoir body tomporaturos.
5. Nitrogon fixation is tho procoss in which
bactoria in soil chango nitrogon gas into a
form that plants can uso.
6. moloculos that contain carbon
1. J4
2. tho first spocios to livo or grow in an aroa
3. Lichons don't havo roots. Thoy got thoir
wator from tho air, so thoy do not nood soil.
4. tall troos
5. in placos whoro living things alroady oxist
6. woods
7. conifors
1. Abiotic factors aro tho nonliving parts of tho
onvironmont. Thoy includo wator, light, and
2. Primary succossion is tho chango from baro
rock to a community of organisms. Socondary
succossion is a chango in a community whoro
othor living things alroady oxist.
3. In socondary succossion, thoro is alroady
soil for now plants to uso. In primary
succossion, soil has to dovolop boforo
spocios othor than lichons can grow.
4. Thoro is littlo grass in a maturo forost,
bocauso tho tall troos provont tho light from
roaching tho ground. Nuts grow on many
kinds of troos. Thoroforo, thoro would bo
moro nut oators than grass oators.
5. Tall troos nood doop soil. Pionoor spocios aro
tho first spocios to livo or grow in an aroa.
Thoro usually would not bo soil in an aroa
whoro no living things had boon boforo.
6. tho varioty of spocios that livo in an aroa
7. piocos of rock that havo boon brokon down
and romains of doad lichons
Chapter 18 Properties and
5tates of Matter
1. Air has both mass and volumo.
2. Answors includo: balloons, scalo, air
3. atoms
4. Answors includo: All aro olomonts. Thoy aro
mado of singlo typos of atoms. Thoy cannot
bo brokon down into simplor substancos.
5. Elomonts aro mado of only ono typo of atom,
whoroas compounds aro mado of two or
moro typos of atoms.
6. Answors includo: Salt is solid, but chlorino
is gasoous. Salt is odiblo, but chlorino is
poisonous. Salt dissolvos in wator, but
sodium roacts violontly with wator.
7. Applo juico is a homogonoous mixturo. Tho
wator, sugars, and othor substancos aro
distributod ovonly.
8. Thoy would not bo distributod ovonly.
9. Possiblo answor: Ocoan wator is a hotoro-
gonoous mixturo bocauso it contains solid
particlos that aro not ovonly distributod
throughout. Also, somo parts of tho ocoan
aro saltior than othors.
10. Tho particlos in a colloid do not sottlo out.
11. A physical proporty is a charactoristic that can
bo obsorvod without changing tho idontity of
tho substanco.
12. Woight is a moasuro of tho forco of gravity on
an objoct. Cravity is not tho samo ovorywhoro,
so woight can diffor from placo to placo.
Mass will bo tho samo whorovor you go.
13. roactivity
14. physical: color, volumo, mass, donsity,
chomical: flammability or roactivity
1. olomonts and compounds, olomonts includo
gold, coppor, oxygon, compounds includo
carbon dioxido, wator
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Interactive Textbook Answer Key 25 Level Creen
LeveI Creen Answer Key CONTINUED
2. Compounds aro puro substancos that havo
tho samo physical and chomical proportios
throughout tho samplo. Tho atoms in a
compound aro bondod to oach othor. Mixturos
aro not puro substancos and thoroforo can
havo difforont physical and chomical proportios
doponding on tho portion of tho samplo. Tho
compononts in a mixturo aro not bondod to
oach othor.
3. top: mattor
socond row: puro substancos
bottom row, loft to right: olomonts, compounds,
homogonoous mixturos, hotorogonoous
1. It stays tho samo.
2. Tho mattor in tho marshmallow changos
form, but tho total amount of mattor doos
not chango.
3. It stays tho samo.
4. Possiblo answors includo: cut, washod,
shroddod, squoozod, ovaporatod
5. Now substancos form.
6. 1) A now substanco (wator) is formod. z)
Bonds aro brokon and roformod.
7. 1OO g
8. If its diot changos, tho color of its foathors
might chango bocauso it might not bo ingosting
tho pigmonts that givo it its pink color.
9. Possiblo answors includo: chango of shapo
and sizo
10. Most physical changos can bo rovorsod.
Most chomical changos cannot.
1. Photosynthosis and rospiration aro chomical
changos bocauso both involvo tho production
of now substancos that havo difforont
proportios from tho original matorials.
2. Dissolving sugar doos not chango tho idontity
of tho sugar. Howovor, digosting sugar
changos its chomical idontity by producing
now substancos. As a rosult, tho sugar cannot
bo rocovorod without anothor chomical
3. This is a rovorsiblo physical chango bocauso
tho substancos rotain thoir idontitios. Tho
substancos can bo soparatod by using a magnot
to attract tho iron filings or dissolving tho
sugar in wator and thon using a filtor to colloct
tho iron filings. Tho chango is rovorsiblo
bocauso tho substancos can bo soparatod.
4. Nothing, mass is noithor croatod nor
5. 1z g carbon + Jz g oxygon = 44 grams of
carbon dioxido
1. solid, liquid, gas, plasma
2. Tho atoms aro arrangod in a rogular pattorn.
3. Thoy vibrato.
4. Thoy vibrato fastor and bogin to movo
5. In tho liquid, tho particlos aro not fixod in
placo. Thoy aro not arrangod in a spocific
6. Tho particlos in a liquid can movo around
and flow past oach othor. Thoy aro not
lockod in placo.
7. Tho liquid turns into a gas.
8. Tho wator will no longor havo a dofinito
shapo or volumo.
9. Answors includo: tho amount of gas, tho
volumo availablo, tho tomporaturo of tho gas
10. by adding moro air
11. Tho balloons would inflato moro. Tho
incroasing tomporaturo would causo tho
gas moloculos to oxort moro forco on tho
12. bocauso tho idontity of tho substanco doos
not chango
13. oloctrically chargod particlos
1. As tho prossuro on a gas incroasos, its volumo
docroasos. As tho prossuro on a gas
docroasos, its volumo incroasos.
5olid Liguid 0as Plasma
vibrate in
move around,
how past
each other
move freely move freely
dehnite not dehnite;
takes the
shape of
the container
not dehnite;
takes the
shape of the
not takes
the shape
of the
hxed hxed not hxed not hxed
no no yes yes
ice water oxyen stars
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Interactive Textbook Answer Key 26 Level Creen
LeveI Creen Answer Key CONTINUED
3. Whon onorgy is addod to ico, tho wator
moloculos in tho ico vibrato fastor. Evontually,
thoy may bogin to movo around. Tho ico
molts, forming liquid wator.
4. Bocauso of tho highor tomporaturos in 1uly, tho
organizors should plan to uso loss holium to
inflato tho balloons. Tho warmor woathor
would causo tho volumo of tho balloons to
Chapter 19 Matter in Motion
1. Whon an objoct changos position ovor timo
in rolation to a roforonco point, tho objoct is
in motion.
2. tho mountain
3. Owon's dosk
4. ono positivo unit on tho Y-axis and thon ono
positivo unit on tho X-axis, or ono positivo
unit on tho X-axis and thon ono positivo unit
on tho Y-axis
5. Avorago spood doos not moan constant
spood. At timos tho bird flios fastor, and at
timos it flios moro slowly.



1O m


z.b s
= 4 m/s
7. a straight diagonal lino from O,O to tho point
1O s, 7 m
8. No, volocity noods a diroction.
5ituation Wbat cbanges
Raindrop fallin faster and
Runner oin around a
turn on a track
Car takin an exit off a
speed and direction
Train arrivin at a station speed
aseball bein cauht by
a catcher
aseball hit by a batter speed and direction
Answers will vary. speed and direction
10. Yos, his spood is incroasing.
11. It slows down.
12. positivo for incroasing spood, nogativo for
docroasing spood
1. Spood is tho rato at which an objoct movos,
but volocity is tho rato at which an objoct
movos in a particular diroction.
2. From loft to right: at rost, positivo accolora-
tion, constant volocity, docoloration
3. Tho skatoboard starts at rost and spoods up
for 1b s. It stops for b s. It spoods up for
1O s. Thon it turns around and spoods back
to its starting point.



8O m


4O s
= z m/s
1. diroction and sizo
2. balancod forcos
3. Arrow pointing right is tho sizo of both small
arrows combinod.
4. Tho ropo would not movo. Tho forcos would
bo balancod.
5. Tho motion of tho objoct will not chango.
6. It will chango its motion.
1. Not forco is tho total forco acting on an
objoct. If all of tho forcos balanco oach othor
out, thoro is no not forco.
2. You push down on podals, you push tho han-
dlo bars in oithor diroction, and your woight
pushos down on tho soat.
3. 1O N to tho right, 1J N down
4. Tho objoct on tho loft will movo or accolor-
ato to tho right. Tho objoct on tho right will
movo or accolorato down.
5. Balancod forcos havo a not forco of O N, and
tho objoct will not chango its motion. If tho
not forco is othor than O, tho forco is unbal-
ancod and tho objoct will chango its motion.
1. Friction is a forco that opposos tho motion
botwoon two surfacos that touch.
2. Usually, tho hills and valloys aro vory tiny.
3. Tho ball on tho rough surfaco will stop first
bocauso of groator friction, or a groator
unbalancod forco.
4. whon tho forco that is appliod to an objoct at
rost causos tho objoct to movo
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Interactive Textbook Answer Key 2? Level Creen
LeveI Creen Answer Key CONTINUED
5. A lubricant makos tho surfacos smoothor by
filling up tho valloys and coating tho hills.
6. to roduco friction
7. Mako surfacos roughor and incroaso tho
forco botwoon two surfacos.
1. Friction makos it hardor to got objocts
moving and koop thom moving.
2. Static friction is friction botwoon two surfacos
that aro not moving. Kinotic friction is botwoon
moving surfacos. Possiblo oxamplos: Friction
botwoon tho floor and a rofrigorator that is
boing pushod but is not moving is static fric-
tion. Friction botwoon tho floor and a rofrigora-
tor that has startod to slido is an oxamplo of
kinotic friction.
3. Skotch should show smoothor surfacos,
poaks and valloys havo loss roliof.
4. Croaso, oil, and wax aro lubricants. Thoy
roduco tho friction botwoon surfacos that touch.
5. Friction always acts in a diroction opposito
tho diroction of motion.
6. Tho car would not stop. Friction botwoon
tho tiros and tho road is noodod to start or
7. Tho forcos must bo unbalancod, bocauso tho
objoct starts moving (it is accolorating).
1. forco of attraction botwoon objocts causod
by thoir massos
2. Thoir massos aro small, so thoy don't havo
much gravity.
3. All objocts in tho univorso attract oach othor
bocauso of gravitational forco.
4. massos of objocts, distanco botwoon objocts
5. gravity
6. Cravitational forco is groator botwoon
objocts with largo massos.
7. J N
8. Wo aro on Earth, but tho sun is vory, vory far
9. As tho distanco botwoon two objocts
incroasos, tho gravitational forco docroasos.
As tho distanco botwoon two objocts
docroasos, tho gravitational forco incroasos.
10. Mass is tho amount of mattor in an objoct,
but woight is tho amount of gravitational
forco on an objoct.
11. 1,b88 N on Earth, z71 N on tho moon
12. Cravity pulls down, and tho sholf pushos up.
1. Cravity is a forco of attraction botwoon
objocts. It is dotorminod by tho massos of
objocts and tho distanco botwoon thom.
2. It will got largor.
3. Tho astronaut has tho samo mass on Earth
and tho moon, but tho astronaut has a
groator woight on Earth than tho moon.
Tho mass doos not chango, bocauso it is
tho amount of mattor in tho astronaut. Tho
woight is groator on Earth bocauso Earth's
gravity is groator.
Earth PIanet X
Mass of
80 k 80k
Weigbt of
784 N 1,568 N
5. Studont should circlo tho first pair. Tho
roason givon should bo that tho sphoros aro
tho largost pair of massos soparatod by tho
smallost distanco.
Chapter 20 Forces and
1. Tho cannonballs hit tho ground at tho samo
2. Colf ball should bo drawn at tho samo
hoights as tho tablo tonnis ball.
3. z9.4 m/s, aftor tho third socond, tho ball
is moving 9.8 m/s fastor than it was at
tho ond of tho socond socond. Thon,
19.6 m/s + 9.8 m/s = z9.4 m/s.
4. u
= G T
= 9.8


z s = 19.6 m/s
5. T =



T =
98 m/s


9.8 m/s



= 1O s
6. tho flat papor
7. Tho crumplod papor has a groator not forco
acting on it.
8. whon tho forco of air rosistanco oquals tho
forco of gravity
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Interactive Textbook Answer Key 2S Level Creen
LeveI Creen Answer Key CONTINUED
9. A gravity arrow should bo pointing down,
and an air rosistanco arrow should bo point-
ing up, arrows should bo tho samo longth.
10. tho applo
11. Novor, ovory objoct with mass has woight.
12. Tho shuttlo and astronauts aro falling at tho
samo rato.
13. orbit farthor from Earth
14. Thoro should bo a straight, horizontal lino
drawn from tho shuttlo's curront position to
tho right-hand sido of tho figuro.
15. an unbalancod forco
16. Tho arrow should point from tho moon to
tho Earth.
17. horizontal motion and vortical motion
18. abovo tho bulls-oyo
19. horizontal, gravity, curvod
20. 9.8 m/s
, gravity causos ovorything to
accolorato by 9.8 m/s
1. No, objocts in froo fall aro affoctod only by
gravity. Parachutists aro affoctod by gravity
and air rosistanco.
Cause Effect
Cravity acts on a fallin
The object accelerates
toward Earth.
Air resistance equals
ravity and acts in the
opposite direction.
The fallin object reaches
terminal velocity.
3. u
= G T
= 9.8


J.b s = J4.J m/s
4. contripotal forco
5. Cravity affocts vortical motion. Cravity
slows upward vortical motion of tho projoc-
tilo and incroasos downward vortical motion
of tho projoctilo.
1. Thoy aro tho samo sizo.
2. It will not chango spood or diroction.
3. It will stay at rost.
4. It will continuo to movo at tho samo volocity.
5. Tho distancos would bo groator.
6. Apply an unbalancod forco in tho diroction
opposito to its motion.
7. Friction slows it down.
8. Tho grocorios havo no unbalancod forco acting
on thom. So thoy continuo moving in a straight
9. Tho golf ball has loss mass or loss inortia.
10. tho pickup truck
11. Arrows should point from porson to cart,
arrows in loft-hand and middlo figuros aro
tho samo longth, arrow in right-hand figuro
is longor.
12. nowtons (N), or kgm/s
13. 1O kgm/s
, 1O kgm/s
1.Oz kg, 9.8 m/s
14. & = MA
& = (1,zbO kg)(4O m/s
& = bO,OOO N
15. action forco = down arrow, roaction
forco = up arrow
16. Thoy aro tho samo sizo.
17. Tho battor is oxorting a forco on tho bat,
which is groator than tho forco oxortod by
tho ball.
18. Tho action forco" arrow should point from
tho ball toward tho ground. Tho roaction
forco" arrow should point from tho ground
toward tho ball.
19. Earth is much biggor than tho objoct, so its
accoloration is vory small.
1. Objocts with largo massos havo largo inortia.
2. Tho arrow should bo tho samo sizo and
diroction as tho arrow in tho quostion.
3. An arrow should point loft. Its longth should
bo tho difforonco in longth of tho arrows
shown in tho quostion.
4. Incroaso tho forco on tho objoct, docroaso
tho mass of tho objoct.
5. Tho action forco is tho push by my foot on
tho ball. Tho roaction forco is tho push by
tho ball on my foot.
6. & = MA, & = 4O kg 4.b m/s
= 18O N
1. tho product of tho objoct's mass and volocity
2. incroaso in its spood or its mass
0bject Momentum
A train movin at 50 km/h most momentum
A bird sittin on a branch
hih in a tree
no momentum
A truck movin at 50 km/h less momentum
A rock sittin on a beach no momentum
4. its mass and its volocity
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Interactive Textbook Answer Key 29 Level Creen
LeveI Creen Answer Key CONTINUED
5. P = M V
P = 6 kg 1O m/s at tho pins
P = 6O kgm/s at tho pins
6. Tho arrow should bo 1.b cm long and
pointing up.
7. Tho arrow should point from tho dark ball to
tho right-hand sido of tho figuro. It should bo
tho samo sizo as tho arrow in tho top imago.
8. whon outsido forcos aro prosont
1. No, tho train has moro momontum bocauso
it has a largor mass. Momontum is volocity
timos mass. Bocauso both havo tho samo
volocity, tho objoct with largor mass has
moro momontum.
2. parkod car, car moving at bO km/h, train
moving at bO km/h, train moving at 8O km/h
3. P = M V
P = z.b kg 4.8 m/s south = 1z kgm/s south
4. During a collision, momontum is noithor lost
nor gainod (as long as no outsido forcos aro
5. 1 kgm/s north
Chapter 21 Forces in FIuids
1. any matorial that can flow and tako tho
shapo of its containor
2. tho forco oxortod on a givon aroa






4. Tho arrows would still bo tho samo longth.
Tho prossuro insido still must oqual atmo-
sphoric prossuro.
5. It docroasos.
6. about 1/z
7. Tho woight of tho ontiro atmosphoro is push-
ing down.
8. Tho woight of moro and moro fluid is push-
ing on tho samo aroa.
9. zO1 kPa
10. Whon you suck on tho straw, you suck air
out of it. Sinco thoro is loss air in tho straw,
tho air prossuro is lowor.
11. Tho prossuro insido tho lungs is groator than
tho prossuro outsido.
1. Tho particlos of tho fluid hit tho walls of
tho containor. Tho forco thoy oxort causos
2. Donsity is tho mass of a substanco dividod
by its volumo. Matorials that aro moro donso
will oxort moro prossuro than matorials that
aro loss donso.



z.b N


O.O1z m

4. A musclo in your chost contracts. Tho
volumo of your chost gots largor. Air
prossuro insido your chost is lowor than
atmosphoric prossuro. Air flows into
your lungs. Tho musclo in your chost
rolaxos. Tho volumo of your chost gots
smallor. Air prossuro insido your chost
is highor than atmosphoric prossuro.
Air flows out of your lungs.
1. Fluid prossuro incroasos with dopth.
2. difforoncos in prossuro
3. J.6 N
4. float
5. Its woight is oqual to tho buoyant forco of
tho wator it displacos.
6. moro
7. Tho buoyant forco is groator than tho log's
8. tho mass of an objoct dividod by its volumo
9. If it is donsor than wator, it will sink. If it is
loss donso than wator, it will float.
10. Croator, air is moro donso than holium, so
tho samo volumo has a groator mass.
11. Tho volumo of tho ship is much largor than
tho volumo of tho stool usod to mako it.
12. If tho shapo incroasos tho volumo, tho
objoct's donsity docroasos.
13. by lotting wator into its ballast tanks
14. by lotting gasos into, or roloasing thom from,
tho swim bladdor
1. Whon tho forco is romovod, tho wood will
pop back up to tho surfaco bocauso tho
buoyant forco is groator than tho woight of
tho wood block.
Copyright by Holt, Rinohart and Winston. All rights rosorvod.
Interactive Textbook Answer Key 30 Level Creen
LeveI Creen Answer Key CONTINUED



4,81O g


Jbb mL

DENSITY = 1J.b g/mL
3. Its volumo or mass can chango.
4. If tho objoct's donsity is groator than tho
donsity of tho fluid, tho objoct will sink in
tho fluid. If tho objoct's donsity is tho samo
as or loss than tho donsity of tho fluid, tho
objoct will float.
1. As tho spood of a moving fluid incroasos, tho
fluid's prossuro docroasos.
2. You nood moving fluid (air) to croato
prossuro difforoncos to lift tho kito.
3. It is tho upward forco on an objoct that is
moving in a fluid.
4. wing sizo and thrust
5. thrust and lift
6. countorclockwiso
7. tho forco that opposos or rostricts motion in
a fluid
8. Thoir wing flaps can chango tho shapo and
aroa of tho wings.
9. No, bocauso tho fluid would not bo confinod
in tho systom.
10. &
= !




= zOO cm

zO N


b cm
= 8OO N
11. bocauso hydraulic dovicos in thom multiply
1. Tho fastor tho fluid spood, tho lowor tho
prossuro. Tho lowor tho spood, tho highor
tho prossuro.
2. Labol abovo tho wing should bo fastost air
spood", bolow tho wing, highost prossuro."
3. drag
4. Prossuro is tho samo ovorywhoro in tho bal-
loonPascal's principlo.
5. Thrust holps a plano fly fastor, which
docroasos tho prossuro on top of tho wings.
Bocauso tho prossuro is lowor on top, tho
prossuro undornoath croatos lift. That makos
tho plano fly.
Chapter 22 Work and
1. Work is dono whon a forco causos an objoct
to movo in tho diroction of tho forco.
2. Tho bowlor doos work on tho ball.
3. Tho objoct movos whon tho forco is appliod.
Tho objoct movos in tho diroction of tho forco.
4. 1) yos, z) no, J) yos, 4) no
5. 7 = & D = JOO N zO m = 6,OOO 1
6. 7 = & D = 8O N z m = 16O 1
7. Tho porson who supplios loss forco must
movo tho objoct a farthor distanco.
8. Both do tho samo amount of work. Tho
olovator has tho groator powor output.
9. 0 =


1,zOO 1


1z s
= 1OO W
10. It can do tho samo amount of work in loss timo.
1. No, in ordor for work to bo dono on an
objoct, tho objoct has to movo in tho diroc-
tion of tho forco.
2. No, onco tho ball loavos tho pitchor's hand,
ho is no longor doing work on tho ball,
bocauso ho is no longor applying a forco on
tho ball.
3. 7 = & D = 1O N 1O m = 1OO Nm, or 1OO 1
4. Work is tho transfor of onorgy to an objoct
by using a forco that causos tho objoct to
movo in tho diroction of tho forco. Powor is
tho rato of doing work.
5. You can incroaso tho amount of work that
you do in a spocific amount of timo. You can
docroaso tho timo it takos to do tho samo
amount of work.
6. 0 =


1zO 1


J s
= 4O W
1. by loworing tho sizo or diroction of tho forco
2. Romoving tho snow in your drivoway: snow-
shovol, plow, snowblowor
Cotting you to school in tho morning: bus,
car, van, biko, skatoboard
Painting a room: paint brush, rollor
Picking up tho loavos from your front yard:
rako, lawnmowor, loafblowor
Drying your hair: hair dryor
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Interactive Textbook Answer Key 31 Level Creen
LeveI Creen Answer Key CONTINUED
3. tho work you do on a machino, tho work
dono by a machino
4. input forco, output forco
5. tho forco you apply
6. Thoy both do tho samo amount of work on
tho box.
7. 7 = & D = bO N O.JO m = 1b 1
8. Tho input forco is loss than tho output forco.
Tho input forco oquals output forco.
9. -! =




6b N
= z
10. -% =


-% =
9O N


1OO = 9O
11. output forco
1. A ramp docroasos tho forco you nood to
apply to tho objoct. You do tho samo work
but ovor a longor distanco.
2. A machino changos tho sizo or tho diroction
of tho forco.
3. Tho work input is tho work you do on tho
machino. Tho work output is tho work tho
machino doos on anothor objoct.
4. -! =


1zO N


zO N
= 6
5. Somo of tho work dono by a machino is usod
to ovorcomo friction.
6. -% =


-% =
zb 1


7b 1
1OO = O.JJ
1. An input forco is appliod to a bar that
rotatos at tho fulcrum to lift a load.
2. Tho mochanical advantago would docroaso
bocauso tho distanco to tho load is incroasod.
3. In a socond-class lovor, tho load is botwoon
tho fulcrum and tho input forco. It doos not
chango tho diroction of tho input forco.
4. Tho output forco is always loss than tho
input forco.
5. a simplo machino with a groovod whool that
holds a ropo or cablo
6. Tho output forco is always tho samo as tho
input forco.
7. 4
8. It will got smallor.
9. -! =



-! =
7b cm


7.b cm
= 1O
10. An input forco smallor than tho objoct's
woight is appliod ovor a longor distanco.
11. -! =



-! =
1O m


z.b m
= 4
12. It would bo largor.
13. a machino mado of two or moro simplo
14. Tho lovor cuts tho can with a wodgo. Tho
whool and axlo movo tho wodgo around tho
top of tho can to cut it opon.
15. Thoy havo many moving parts and a good
doal of friction.
1. First-class: Tho fulcrum is botwoon tho input
forco and tho load.
Socond-class: Tho load is botwoon tho ful-
crum and tho input forco.
Contor: Thoro aro a fulcrum, a load, and an
input forco.
2. -! =



-! =
1.8 cm


O.6 cm
= J
3. A wodgo is a simplo machino mado of
two moving inclinod planos. A scrow is an
inclinod plano wrappod around a cylindor.
4. tho work output
Chapter 23 Energy and
Energy kesources
1. onorgy
2. Enorgy movos from tho tonnis playor to tho
Tho tonnis rackot doos work on tho ball.
Enorgy movos from tho tonnis playor to tho
3. moving



O.bO kg (1O m/s)



5. its position
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Interactive Textbook Answer Key 32 Level Creen
LeveI Creen Answer Key CONTINUED
6. Pull back farthor on tho bow string.
'0% = JOO N 1OO m = JO,OOO 1
8. kinotic and potontial onorgy
9. Pin B should bo circlod.
10. tho kinotic onorgy from tho movomont of tho
particlos in an objoct
11. potontial onorgy
12. Tho oloctrons in tho wiros movo to tho
amplifior. Tho moving oloctrons do work.
13. oloctrical onorgy for tho amplifior, sound
onorgy for tho guitar
14. light onorgy
15. In nucloar fusion, nucloi join, in fission,
nucloi split apart.
16. nucloar fusion
1. tho objoct's mass and tho objoct's spood
'0% = 16 N z.b m = 4O 1



z,OOO kg (zb m/s)



4. Cravitational potontial onorgy, as hor hoight
incroasos, hor potontial onorgy, or storod
onorgy, incroasos. At tho top of hor jump,
sho is not moving, so all of hor kinotic
onorgy has bocomo potontial onorgy.
5. Thoy both causo moloculos to vibrato so that
tho onorgy can travol.
6. Nucloar fusion is moro important bocauso
tho sun producos onorgy by this roaction.
Without onorgy from tho sun, thoro would bo
no lifo on Earth.
1. 1) potontial onorgy
z) kinotic onorgy
2. by strotching it
3. Food has chomical onorgy.
You oat food.
Your body storos tho chomical onorgy of tho
Chomical onorgy is convortod into
1) mochanical onorgy
z) thormal onorgy
J) oloctrical onorgy
4. chomical
5. 1) kinotic onorgy, z) thormal onorgy,
J) sound onorgy
6. Alarm clock: light, sound, thormal
Hair dryor: thormal, sound
Light bulb: light, thormal
Blondor: kinotic, sound, thormal
7. It convorts onorgy into work and onorgy into
a difforont form.
8. 1) chomical, z) kinotic, J) kinotic, 4) moving
1. gravitational potontial onorgy
2. Tho potontial onorgy is convortod into
kinotic onorgy.
3. You got onorgy from tho food you oat. Tho
body convorts tho chomical onorgy from tho
food into chomical onorgy it can uso. This
chomical onorgy can thon bo convortod into
kinotic onorgy to do any activity.
4. Plants chango light onorgy from tho sun into
chomical onorgy.
5. kinotic onorgy to movo tho motor in tho
vacuum, sound onorgy, thormal onorgy as
vacuum warms up
6. A machino changos tho onorgy that is put
into it into othor forms of onorgy. Your
body changos tho food put into it into othor
onorgy forms.
1. friction
2. a) largost, b) loss, c) loss
3. thormal onorgy
4. Enorgy cannot bo croatod or dostroyod.
5. Light and hoat onorgy aro givon off from tho
light bulb to tho air outsido tho bulb.
6. Machinos must havo a constant supply of
7. Car A
1. No, tho law of consorvation of onorgy says
that onorgy is not croatod or dostroyod. Tho
mochanical onorgy is convortod into thormal
and sound onorgy.
2. Middlo row of ovals, loft to right: tracks, cars
Bottom row of ovals, loft to right: thormal,
3. friction
Copyright by Holt, Rinohart and Winston. All rights rosorvod.
Interactive Textbook Answer Key 33 Level Creen
LeveI Creen Answer Key CONTINUED
1. onorgy rosourcos that can novor bo roplacod or
aro roplacod moro slowly than thoy aro usod
2. tho sun
3. coal, natural gas, oil (potroloum)
4. Tho numbor of barrols of oil producod will
5. fossil fuols
6. nucloar fission
7. convorts solar onorgy into oloctrical onorgy
8. Middlo column, top to bottom: rivors, wind
Right column, top to bottom: sun, atoms in
tho rock, sun
9. It doos not produco a lot of onorgy.
10. It's ronowablo, inoxponsivo, and not polluting.
1. A nonronowablo onorgy rosourco gots usod
up or doosn't roplaco itsolf as quickly as
it is usod. A ronowablo onorgy rosourco is
roplacod as quickly as it is consumod.
2. Fossil fuols aro onorgy rosourcos that como
from doad plant and animal matorial. Thoso
plants usod tho sunlight to storo onorgy, and
tho animals ato thoso plants.
3. Tho nuclous of a uranium atom is split in
two by a procoss callod nucloar fission.
This procoss gonoratos thormal onorgy. Tho
thormal onorgy is usod to boil wator and
mako stoam. Tho stoam turns a turbino of a
gonorator. Tho gonorator changos tho kinotic
onorgy into oloctrical onorgy.
4. goothormal onorgy
5. It works woll only whoro it is sunny and
works only whon tho sun is shining.
Chapter 24 Heat and Heat
1. tomporaturo
2. Cas B
3. tho avorago kinotic onorgy of tho substanco's
4. Tho avorago kinotic onorgy of tho particlos
docroasos, and tho particlos slow thoir
5. tho incroaso in tho spaco a substanco takos
up whon tho tomporaturo of tho substanco
6. Kolvin
7. Right column, top to bottom: 11JF, zOC,
J18 K, z41C
8. No, thoy soparato parts of tho bridgo so thoy
can oxpand and not broak.
9. It coils or uncoils bocauso tho tomporaturo
in your homo changos.
10. Morcury flows and closos tho oloctric circuit.
1. Tho tomporaturo of a substanco is a moasuro
of tho avorago kinotic onorgy of its particlos.
Tho moro kinotic onorgy an objoct has, tho
groator its tomporaturo.
2. # =


(& Jz) =


(77 Jz) = zbC
3. b K, a chango of 1 kolvin is tho samo as a
chango of 1 Colsius dogroo.
4. It moasuros tomporaturo from tho thormal
oxpansion of tho liquid in tho thormomotor.
Morcury and alcohol aro ofton usod in thor-
momotors bocauso thoy oxpand at a con-
stant rato.
5. Tho air insido tho balloon is hoatod. This
makos tho particlos movo fast and sproad out.
Thoy aro thon loss donso than tho air around
tho balloon. If thoy aro loss donso, thoy aro
lightor. So tho balloon goos into tho air.
1. tho onorgy that movos botwoon objocts that
aro at difforont tomporaturos
2. from tho girl's back to tho stothoscopo
3. Enorgy will movo from tho warmor objoct to
tho coolor objoct until both aro at tho samo
4. tho transfor of thormal onorgy whon two
objocts touch oach othor
5. avorago kinotic onorgy
6. Thormal conductors transfor thormal onorgy
oasily. Thormal insulators transfor thormal
onorgy poorly.
7. tho transfor of thormal onorgy by tho movo-
mont of a liquid or gas
8. sinks or falls, convoction curronts
9. oloctromagnotic wavos
10. Thoy think that too much onorgy will
bocomo trappod and mako Earth too warm.
11. a pioco of motal
12. tho amount of onorgy it takos to chango tho
tomporaturo of 1 kg of a substanco by 1C
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Interactive Textbook Answer Key 34 Level Creen
LeveI Creen Answer Key CONTINUED
13. Load, bocauso it takos tho loast amount of
onorgy to chango tho tomporaturo of 1 g.
14. tho substanco's mass, its chango in tompora-
turo, and its spocific hoat
HEAT = (4,184 1/kgC) O.z kg
(8OC zbC)
HEAT = 46,Oz4 1
1 Hoat is tho transfor of thormal onorgy
botwoon two objocts that havo difforont
tomporaturos. It doosn't mattor what tho
tomporaturos of tho objocts aro. Hoat causos
objocts to fool hot or cold.
2. Middlo row of ovals, loft to right: conduc-
tion, radiation
Bottom blank oval: wator boiling
HEAT = (1z8 1/kgC) O.O1b kg (1OC)
HEAT = 19.z 1
1. statos of mattor
2. gas
3. froozing, molting, boiling, and condonsing
4. Tho tomporaturo stays tho samo. Tho graph
shows a horizontal lino whoro thoro is a
chango of stato.
5. Enorgy is roloasod.
6. chomical onorgy
7. 8.J68 1
1 Calorio


4,184 1
= z Calorios
1. how fast its particlos movo, tho attractivo
forcos botwoon tho particlos, and tho atmo-
sphoric prossuro
2. froozing, molting, boiling, and condonsing
3. Enorgy is usod to chango tho arrangomont of
tho moloculos. It is not usod to chango tho
3. with pH papor or a pH motor
4. Hoat may bo addod to broak chomical
bonds. Hoat is roloasod whon now chomical
bonds form.
5. In a physical chango, tho substanco always
stays tho samo, it is just in a difforont form.
In a chomical chango, a substanco changos
into a complotoly now substanco.
6. 6z7,6OO 1
1 Calorio


4,184 1
= 1bO Calorios
1. It has a high spocific hoat.
2. It is movod by a pump through pipos.
3. by convoction curronts
4. It movos through a duct.
5. to roduco tho amount of hoat that ontors or
loavos thom
6. A passivo solar hoating systom doos not
havo moving parts as an activo systom doos.
7. 1) Passivo: walls and windows, z) Activo:
solar onorgy colloctors, pipos, pumps, fan,
wator storago tank
8. Tho fuol is burnod outsido tho ongino.
9. to gonorato oloctricity
10. tho powor stroko
An lnternal Combustion Engine: Four 5tegs
Cause Effect
Intake stroke: The piston
in the cylinder moves
Casoline and air enter the
Compression stroke: The
piston in the cylinder
moves back up.
The as mixture ets
Power stroke: A spark plu
inites the fuel mixture.
The as mixture expands
and pushes the piston
Exhaust stroke: The piston
in the cylinder moves
back up.
Exhaust ases are pushed
out of the cylinder.
12. Its tomporaturo is incroasing, and it's turning
back into a gas.
13. to compross tho rofrigorant
14. mako tho tomporaturo of tho wator riso,
which can harm animals living in thom
15. A powor plant pumps in cool wator from a
Tho cool wator is usod to absorb thormal
Tho cool wator hoats up.
Tho warm wator is put back into tho rivor.
Tho wator tomporaturo in tho rivor risos.
Tho ocosystom and tho animals may bo
Copyright by Holt, Rinohart and Winston. All rights rosorvod.
Interactive Textbook Answer Key 35 Level Creen
LeveI Creen Answer Key CONTINUED
1. In a hot-wator hoating systom, wator is
hoatod and pumpod into radiators in tho
rooms of tho houso. Tho wator in tho radia-
tors is usod to hoat tho air in tho room. In a
warm-air hoating systom, air is hoatod and
thon pumpod through ducts to tho rooms of
tho houso.
2. During tho intako stroko, air and gasolino
aro brought into tho cylindor, thoy aro com-
prossod during tho comprossion stroko.
3. In an oxtornal combustion ongino, tho fuol
is burnod outsido tho ongino. In an intornal
combustion ongino, tho fuol is burnod insido
tho ongino.
4. A cooling systom movos thormal onorgy in
tho diroction opposito to tho normal flow.
Thormal onorgy movos from an aroa of low
tomporaturo to an aroa of high tomporaturo.
This roquiros work.
5. Its boiling point must bo lowor than room
tomporaturo. This is so it can condonso oasily.
6. Powor plants tako in cool wator and transfor
tho wasto thormal onorgy to tho wator. This
hoats up tho wator. This warm wator is put
back into tho starting wator sourco. Whon
tho wator tomporaturo risos, tho animals and
onvironmont can bo harmod.
Copyright by Holt, Rinohart and Winston. All rights rosorvod.
Interactive Textbook Answer Key 36 Level Red
Chapter 1 5cience in Our
1. Scionco is tho procoss of asking quostions,
soarching for answors, and gathoring
knowlodgo about tho natural world.
2. Answors will vary. Answors should illustrato
instancos of answoring a quostion by obsorving
causo and offoct in tho natural world
3. books, magazinos, and tho Intornot
4. Plan tho oxporimont, rosoarch similar
oxporimonts, roviow your oxporimont with
an adult, and tako safoty procautions.
5. conduct additional rosoarch, ropoat tho
oxporimont, porform anothor oxporimont
6. Tho sciontist is woaring glovos as a safoty
moasuro in tho laboratory. This moasuro
minimizos his risk of bocoming infoctod
from tho matorials ho is handling.
7. Possiblo answors may includo: air and wator
pollution, ovorflowing landfills, and running
out of natural rosourcos
8. by dovoloping now tochnologios liko cloanor-
burning gasolino and now ways to cloan up
9. A motoorologist studios nonliving things liko
tho woathor and atmosphoro. A zoologist
studios living things (animals).
1. Answors will vary. Howovor, tho dofinition
should includo that scionco involvos asking
quostions and sooking answors to undorstand
our natural world.
2. making obsorvations, rosoarching in a
library, porforming an oxporimont
3. A motoorologist may prodict tornadoos,
hurricanos, and othor sovoro woathor so that
pooplo can tako propor safoty procautions.
4. top row: 4z,OOO kWh
bottom row: 1z motric tons
5. Possiblo answors may includo oxamplos of how
scionco has mado it possiblo to woar clothos
mado of synthotic fibors, uso a computor,
uso oyoglassos to soo bottor, drivo to school
in a car, produco modication that you might
uso, and rocyclo usod products.
1. a sorios of stops sciontists uso to answor
quostions and to solvo probloms
2. Answors will vary.
3. to holp guido thoir rosoarch
4. If thoy aro not accurato, thon a sciontist
cannot bo suro that his or hor rosults aro
5. moasuromonts of longth, tomporaturo, shapo
6. a possiblo answor to a quostion
7. Thoy aro all possiblo answors to tho quostion,
and thoy aro all tostablo.
8. Prodictions aro basod on hypothosos.
Thoroforo, prodictions can indicato tho
nocossary tosts to dotormino whothor tho
hypothosos aro truo.
9. Thoy could catch doformod and undoformod
frogs and oxamino thom for parasitos.
10. A factor is anything that can affoct tho outcomo
of an oxporimont. A variablo is tho only factor
that changos in a controllod oxporimont.
11. An oxporimontal group has a variablo that
changos. A control group doos not.
12. Croup 1 is tho control group, bocauso it
rocoivod no UV light. UV light is tho variablo.
13. to oliminato tho offocts of difforoncos
botwoon individuals





15. Answors will vary. In gonoral, nogativo
rosults can toll sciontists that thoy aro looking
in tho wrong spot or can point thom in now
16. Sharing rosults allows othor sciontists to tost
thom and dotormino whothor thoy aro roliablo.
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1. Tho factors affocting control and oxporimontal
groups aro tho samo, oxcopt for tho variablo.
Tho variablo changos botwoon oxporimontal
2. Possiblo answors includo: A sciontist might
mako moro than ono hypothosis to answor
a quostion. A sciontist might analyzo tho
rosults of an oxporimont in difforont ways.
3. oral prosontations, papors, Intornot
4. a statomont of causo and offoct that can bo
usod to plan an oxporimont
5. to chock to mako suro ho or sho didn't mako a
mistako or to produco moro data for analysis
6. ropoat tho oxporimont or look at tho quostion
in a difforont way
1. Possiblo answors includo: scalo, matorial,
dimonsion (zD vorsus JD), ability to porform
2. An advantago is that tho modol shows tho
dosign of tho building boforo it is built. A
drawback is that tho modol doos not show
tho actual sizo of tho building.
3. top row: mathomatical
middlo row: physical
bottom row: concoptual
4. Sciontists could build a physical modol with
spocial sonsors that moasuro bito prossuro
whon tho modol closos its jaws.
5. an oxplanation for many hypothosos and
6. A law is a summary of many oxporimontal
rosults and obsorvations.
1. physical, mathomatical, and concoptual
2. Modols aro usod to holp sciontists oxplain idoas
in scionco. Thoy holp you visualizo things
you cannot normally soo or undorstand.
Thoy also holp sciontists soarch for now
sciontific information.
3. Possiblo answors includo: It doosn't show
tho motion of a moloculo, how a moloculo
roacts, tho sizo of tho moloculo, how a
moloculo changos stato, or tho difforoncos
botwoon moloculos.
4. A sciontific thoory oxplains an obsorvation
or why a hypothosis is corroct. A sciontific
law tolls only what happons. It doosn't
oxplain why it happons.
5. As sciontists mako moro obsorvations, tho
now obsorvations may show that tho old
thoory is incomploto or incorroct. Thon,
tho sciontists havo to chango tho thoory to
accommodato tho now obsorvations.
6. a physical modol, bocauso it would show
tho structuro of somothing that you usually
can't soo
1. a balanco
2. bocauso grains and body parts aro not all tho
samo sizo
3. All tho units aro multiplos of 1O.
4. bO,OOO m
5. Aroa is a product of longth and width, so
only sum total of moasuromonts mattors, not
tho proportion or shapo of an objoct.
6. Mass is tho amount of mattor in an objoct.
7. volumo = J cm 4 cm 6 cm = 7z cm

8. bocauso you cannot moasuro tho longth,
width, and hoight of somothing that doos not
havo flat sidos
9. Donsity is a moasuro of how much mattor is
in a givon volumo.
10. tho kolvin
11. J7J K
12. liston to instructions, don't tako shortcuts,
road diroctions, pay attontion to safoty
1. longth and width
2. tho litor
3. donsity = mass/volumo, so donsity of
osmium = zz6 grams/1O cm
= zz.6 g/cm

4. You would oxpoct to soo symbol A (oyo
protoction) bocauso it cautions to woar
safoty gogglos to provont any oyo injury
from a chomical that splashos, and symbol C
(chomical safoty) bocauso it cautions that
tho chomical can bo dangorous.
Chapter 2 Ihe CeII in Action
1. tho movomont of particlos from aroas of high
concontration to aroas of low concontration
2. by diffusion
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3. Tho zOO moloculos of wator havo a highor
concontration of wator bocauso 1OO of tho
moloculos aro wator.
4. Wator movos into it by osmosis.
5. by osmosis
6. onorgy
7. Tho vosiclo in tho third picturo should bo
1. Both involvo moving largo particlos across
tho coll mombrano. In ondocytosis, particlos
movo into tho coll. In oxocytosis, particlos
movo out of tho coll.
2. Osmosis is tho diffusion of wator across a
somipormoablo mombrano.
3. During passivo transport, particlos movo
from aroas of high concontration to aroas of
low concontration. During activo transport,
particlos movo from aroas of low concontra-
tion to aroas of high concontration. Activo
transport usos onorgy from tho coll, and pas-
sivo transport doos not.
4. channols
5. An arrow should point from tho puro wator
to tho wator mixod with sugar.
1. chloroplasts
2. glucoso and oxygon
3. collular rospiration, formontation
4. glucoso and oxygon
5. carbon dioxido, wator, onorgy (ATP)
6. Plants and animals wouldn't havo oxygon for
collular rospiration. Thoy couldn't uso collu-
lar rospiration to got onorgy.
7. ATP
1. plant colls
2. Plant colls uso carbon dioxido, wator, and onorgy
from tho sun to mako food by photosynthosis.
3. Chloroplasts mako food for tho plant, and
mitochondria broak down tho food to
roloaso onorgy.
4. Each procoss givos tho othor tho matorials
it noods. Collular rospiration usos oxygon
and glucoso and producos carbon dioxido,
wator, and ATP. Photosynthosis usos carbon
dioxido, wator, and sunlight and producos
glucoso and oxygon.
5. Collular rospiration usos oxygon to broak
down food. Formontation doos not. Collular
rospiration producos moro onorgy than for-
6. No, if colls don't havo onough oxygon, thoy
broak down glucoso using formontation.
Whon you oxorciso, for oxamplo, your mus-
clo colls uso up oxygon quickly. Whon thoro
is not onough oxygon loft, tho musclo colls
uso formontation.
1. Tho coll must mako a copy of its DNA.
2. binary fission
3. Chromatids aro copios of chromosomos that
aro hold togothor at tho contromoro.
4. intorphaso, mitosis, cytokinosis
5. oight moro
6. prophaso, motaphaso, anaphaso, tolophaso
7. coll plato
1. In prokaryotic colls, tho DNA is on a singlo,
circular chromosomo. Tho DNA of oukary-
otos is storod on many chromosomos.
2. During intorphaso, chromosomos aro copiod.
Mitosis bogins with prophaso. Tho
chromosomos condonso.
During motaphaso, tho nucloar mombrano
dissolvos. Tho chromosomos align.
During anaphaso, tho chromatids soparato
and movo to opposito sidos of tho coll.
During tolophaso, tho nucloar mombrano
forms. Tho chromosomos longthon, and
mitosis onds.
During cytokinosis, tho cytoplasm dividos.
3. A coll makos a copy of its DNA boforo it
dividos so that oach now coll will rocoivo a
copy. Each now coll will bo an oxact copy of
tho paront coll.
4. Eukaryotic colls havo moro chromosomos
to copy than prokaryotic colls. Tho nucloar
mombrano of a oukaryotic coll also has to
broak down boforo tho coll can divido.
Chapter 3 PIant Processes
1. a groon pigmont that absorbs light onorgy
2. in tho grana of chloroplasts
3. glucoso and oxygon
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Interactive Textbook Answer Key 39 Level Red
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4. mitochondria
5. Tho plant couldn't tako in carbon dioxido. It
couldn't mako food.
6. Circlos should bo around tho structuros on
tho sidos of tho stoma, thoy opon and closo
7. chomical onorgy
1. It roflocts tho groon wavolongths of sunlight.
2. Mitochondria broak down food to provido
onorgy. Thoy tako part in collular rospiration.
Pbotosyntbesis Cellular resgiration
Cells make food for the
Cells break down food to
provide enery.
Cxyen is produced. Cxyen is used to break
down food.
4. stomata and cuticlo
5. Thoy form tho baso of almost all food chains
on Earth. Thoy also produco oxygon, which
most organisms nood for collular rospiration.
6. Thoy would loso too much wator.
1. stigma
2. ovulo
3. Soods aro fortilizod ovulos. Fruits aro ovarios
that havo grown largor to protoct tho soods.
4. Tho ovulos should bo circlod.
5. Protoct tho sood and sproad soods to now
6. if conditions woro not right for a now plant
to grow
7. tho root
8. If no othor plant of tho samo spocios woro
availablo for pollination, a plant could still
roproduco, asoxually.
1. Soxualit involvos tho joining of a sporm
and an ogg.
2. In pollination, pollon lands on tho stigma. In
fortilization, a sporm joins with an ogg.
3. A maturo plant producos flowors.
Flowors aro pollinatod.
Eggs aro fortilizod.
Tho ovary bocomos a fruit, and ovulos
bocomo soods.
Soods aro sproad. Thoy sprout and grow into
now plants.
4. vory cold woathor, vory dry woathor
5. plantlots, tubors, runnors
6. Plants nood roots first so thoy can start to
got nutrionts from tho soil. Also, tho roots
hold tho plant in placo.
1. anything that causos a roaction in your body
2. Tho X should bo on tho right sido of tho
picturo. A plant will grow toward light.
3. Arrow points down.
4. It must havo boon growing upsido down.
Plant stoms grow away from gravity.
5. 7.z h
6. chlorophyll
7. orango and yollow pigmonts
1. A nogativo tropism is growth away from
a stimulus. A positivo tropism is growth
toward a stimulus.
2. Colls farthost from tho light grow longor
than colls facing tho light. This causos tho
shoot to bond toward tho light.
3. plant growth in rosponso to gravity
4. chango in tho longth of days
5. Short-day plants nood short days and long
nights in ordor to start roproducing. Long-day
plants nood longor day longths to roproduco.
6. Chlorophyll hidos tho othor pigmonts in tho
7. Evorgroon loavos aro covorod with a thick
cuticlo that protocts thom from cold and dry
Chapter 4 Heredity
1. tho study of how traits aro inhoritod
2. Thoy grow quickly, and thoy havo many
traits that aro oasy to soo.
3. In cross-pollination, sporm from ono plant
fortilizo oggs of anothor. In solf-pollination,
sporm fortilizo oggs of tho samo plant.
4. Pollon can bo carriod by organisms, such as
insocts, or by tho wind.
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Interactive Textbook Answer Key 40 Level Red
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5. Traits aro tho difforont forms of a
6. Mondol romovod tho anthors from tho flowor
of tho plant with round soods.
7. tho dominant trait
8. dominant and rocossivo
9. Corroct ratios, from top to bottom:
J.OO:1, z.96:1, z.8z:1, z.9b:1, J.14:1, z.84:1
10. J:1
1. A truo-brooding plant is ono that will pro-
duco offspring with all its samo traits whon
it solf-pollinatos.
2. Dominant, in tho first gonoration, a rocossivo
trait disappoars.
3. Truo-brooding plants with whito flowors
woro crossod to produco plants that all had
purplo flowors. Whon solf-pollinatod, thoy
producod throo plants with purplo flowors
and ono with whito.
1. a vorsion of a gono
2. tho appoaranco of an organism
3. ono rocossivo allolo and ono dominant allolo
4. Homozygous, both of its allolos aro tho samo
5. 000P and PP
6. Thoy all havo at loast ono dominant allolo.
7. bO of tho offspring aro homozygous.
0 P
0 00 0P
8. Thoro aro only two allolos for oach trait.
9. Tho offspring would probably bo ono color.
Thoy would bo tho color of tho dominant allolo.
10. In poa plants, ono gono affocts flowor color.
Tho gono that controls fur color in tigors
affocts moro than ono trait.
11. Possiblo answors: hair color, skin color, oyo
color, hoight
1. Conos carry tho instructions for a trait.
Allolos aro tho difforont vorsions of a gono.
2. If ono individual is homozygous for a
dominant trait, and tho othor individual
is hotorozygous for a dominant trait, tho
two individuals havo difforont gonotypos.
Howovor, thoir phonotypo is tho samo,
bocauso thoy show tho samo trait.
3. zb of tho offspring will havo groon soods.
9 Y
9 99 9Y
4. Each trait that Mondol studiod in poas was
controllod by a singlo gono. Hoight in humans
is dotorminod by tho intoraction of many gonos.
Hoight can also bo affoctod by onvironmont.
1. a pair of chromosomos that carry tho samo
2. 46
3. Sox colls do not havo homologous
4. to koop tho total numbor of chromosomos
tho samo from ono gonoration to tho noxt
5. Whon tho sox colls joinod, tho offspring would
havo twico as many chromosomos as tho paront.
6. two timos
7. four
8. Mondol did not know how traits woro car-
riod in tho coll. Whon Sutton saw moiosis
happon, ho roalizod that gonos must bo
locatod on tho chromosomos.
9. Ono, thoro is only ono possiblo allolo from
oach paront. Tho offspring will all havo tho
samo combination.
10. XY
11. Studonts should circlo tho XX combinations.
12. a disordor whoso gonos aro carriod on tho X
13. first row, loft to right: XX, XY, socond row,
loft to right: XX, XY
14. tho malo with tho X
15. Circlod: solid dark shapos, undorlinod:
two-tonod shapos
1. gono, chromosomo, coll
2. No, moiosis only happons in colls that
bocomo sox colls.
3. all dividod circlos should bo circlod, fomalo
4. dark-colorod squaros should havo a squaro
around thom, malo
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Interactive Textbook Answer Key 41 Level Red
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5. Tho trait is probably sox-linkod. No fomalos
in tho family aro affoctod, though somo aro
carriors. Tho only onos who havo tho trait
aro malos.
Chapter 5 Cenes and DNA
1. Thoy all havo a sugar and a phosphato.
2. sugar and phosphato
3. 4b guaninos and bb adoninos
4. Thymino pairs with adonino, guanino pairs
with cytosino.
5. It roplicatos.
6. An old strand was part of tho original DNA,
and a now strand was not.
1. Conos dotormino inhoritod traits of organ-
isms, thoy aro locatod on chromosomos.
2. Tho four DNA nuclootidos diffor in which
baso is prosont.
4. Chromosomos aro mado up of DNA and
5. Protoins aro rosponsiblo for unwinding,
copying, and rowinding DNA strands during
6. sugar, phosphato, baso
1. about bO8 in.
2. chromatin
3. DNA, protoins
4. DNA coilod around protoins
5. If tho DNA did not roplicato boforo coll divi-
sion, tho now colls would havo difforont
amounts of DNA than tho original coll.
6. in tho nuclous
7. 1b
8. DNA contains thymino, but RNA contains uracil.
9. DNA is a doublo strand, and RNA is a singlo
10. DNA makos a copy of itsolf callod mosson-
gor RNA. mRNA has tho samo ordor of basos
as ono of tho DNA strands. mRNA loavos
tho nuclous and goos to tho ribosomo in tho
cytoplasm, whoro protoins aro mado.
11. tRNA dolivors amino acids from tho
cytoplasm to tho ribosomo.
12. a chango in tho nuclootido-baso soquonco of
13. Tho othor strand also changos.
14. substitution
15. changing individual gonos within organisms
1. Possiblo answors: chromosomos, chromatin,
2. oight
3. DNA, mRNA, ribosomo, protoin
4. Conos dotormino traits. DNA mutations can
causo changos in protoins that mako up tho
gonos. If tho gonos chango, tho traits chango.
Tho now trait could bo inhoritod if tho
chango is on a sporm or ogg coll.
5. ovidonco in criminal casos, dotormining
whothor two pooplo aro rolatod
Chapter 6 Ihe EvoIution of
Living Ihings
1. Its bright colors warn prodators that it is
poisonous, so it is loss likoly to bo oaton.
2. Possiblo answor: hiding whon prodators aro
3. tho procoss in which populations chango
ovor timo
4. Somo fossils aro tho actual romains of
organisms. Othors aro signs that an organ-
ism oxistod.
5. Eithor fossil is accoptablo as an answor. Tho
trilobito is similar to modorn crustacoans.
Tho forn is similar to modorn forns.
6. Fossils from difforont organisms aro found
in rocks of difforont agos.
7. Similar bonos in oach imago should bo tho
samo color, with a difforont color for oach
typo of bono.
8. Thoso chomicals aro not prosorvod in fossils.
9. Modorn whalos aro mammals, not fish.
10. Modorn whalos havo no back logs, and thoy
cannot livo on land. Both havo front limbs
and aro or woro mammals.
11. Fossils or bonos of oach spocios sharo somo
traits with fossils of oarlior spocios.
12. hippopotamusos
13. camols and llamas
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Interactive Textbook Answer Key 42 Level Red
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1. Similar bonos aro found in tho arms of
humans and tho wings of bats. Tho similari-
tios in forolimb bonos suggost that humans
and bats had a common ancostor.
2. From top to bottom: orangutans, chimpan-
zoos, humans, gorillas
3. Spocios A is probably most closoly rolatod to
spocios B, bocauso thoir DNA is most similar.
1. about 6OO mi
2. South Amorica
3. Thoy woro similar to, but not oxactly liko, tho
finchos in Ecuador. Tho finchos on oach island
woro difforont from thoso on othor islands.
4. Tho cactus finch is adaptod to oating cacti.
Thoroforo, it probably livos in a dry, dosort-liko
onvironmont whoro cacti can grow.
5. tho procoss in which woll-adaptod organisms
survivo and pass on thoir traits, but loss woll-
adaptod organisms do not
6. Thoy holpod Darwin roalizo that tho traits
of organisms can chango and that traits can
sproad through populations.
7. starvation and disoaso
8. It gavo ovidonco that Earth is much oldor than
sciontists had proviously thought.
9. Soloctivo brooding: holpod Darwin roalizo that
traits of organisms can chango with timo and
that traits can sproad through populations,
Malthus's idoas on population growth:
holpod Darwin roalizo that not all of an
organism's offspring will survivo to roproduco,
Earth is vory old: holpod Darwin roalizo that
slow changos can produco largo difforoncos
ovor a long poriod of timo
10. Thoy havo traits that holp thom avoid dying.
1. Lyoll's book gavo ovidonco that Earth is vory
old. Bocauso Earth is vory old, thoro has boon
onough timo for organisms to chango slowly
ovor timo.
2. Tho finchos havo difforontly shapod boaks
basod on tho typo of food thoy primarily oat.
3. During natural soloction, cortain individuals
survivo bocauso thoy havo traits that givo thom
a survival advantago ovor othor individuals.
During soloctivo brooding, pooplo brood individ-
uals for traits that pooplo find appoaling or uso-
ful, ovon if tho traits havo no particular survival
4. Darwin roalizod that Malthus's idoas apply to
all spocios. Most individuals produco moro off-
spring than can survivo. Tho sizo of a popula-
tion is limitod by tho availability of rosourcos,
starvation, disoaso, and prodation.
5. ovorproduction, inhoritod variation, strugglo to
survivo, succossful roproduction
1. Pooplo hunt tuskod olophants.
2. somothing that kills insocts
3. Thoy would all dio.
4. It will probably docroaso.
5. Spociation happons whon now spocios form
bocauso of ovolution.
6. Difforont onvironmontal factors may affoct tho
populations, loading to difforont adaptations.
7. South Amorica
1. soparation, adaptation, division
2. salty wator, changing wator lovol, high risk of
boing crushod botwoon or against rocks
3. mountains, canyons, lakos
4. Insocts havo many offspring, and thoy havo a
short gonoration timo.
5. Organism B will probably bo ablo to adapt
moro quickly to onvironmontal changos
bocauso it has a short gonoration timo and
producos many offspring por gonoration.
Chapter 7 Ihe History of
Life on Earth
1. a sciontist who studios organisms that livod
in tho past
2. No, bocauso only tho shapo of tho sholl is pro-
sorvod. Tho insido" of tho cast is just sodimont.
3. dotormining tho ago of a rock or fossil
comparod with othor rocks or fossils
4. Absoluto dating finds tho ago of an objoct in
yoars, but rolativo dating finds its ago comparod
with othor objocts. Absoluto dating is moro
prociso than rolativo dating.
5. It docroasos.
6. It would bo moro difficult for thom to sharo
information about Earth's history, bocauso thoir
timo scalos would havo difforont divisions.
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7. Triassic, 1urassic, Crotacoous
8. If tho spocios cannot adapt to coolor
tomporaturos, all of its mombors will dio.
9. Tho part of Pangaoa that looks liko Africa
should bo circlod.
10. Thoy aro carriod along as tho platos movo.
1. Possiblo answor: Tho goologic timo scalo is
a calondar that goologists uso to study tho
Earth's history.
2. impacts, volcanic oruptions, changing ocoan
3. Fossil C is probably tho oldost, bocauso it is
tho closost to tho bottom.
4. An organism dios and is buriod in sodimont.
Tho body of tho organism rots away, loaving
an improssion in tho sodimont. Thon, difforont
sodimont fills tho improssion. This sodimont
thon hardons into a fossil callod a cast.
1. about 4.1 billion yoars
2. Enorgy from radiation or storms causod
simplo chomicals to roact.
3. a procoss in which a living thing convorts
sunlight, wator, and carbon dioxido into
food and oxygon
4. Cyanobactoria roloasod oxygon during
5. Cambrian, Ordovician, Silurian, Dovonian,
Carboniforous, Pormian
6. in tho ocoans
7. crawling insocts
8. Many spocios of roptilos ovolvod during tho
9. Sciontists think that birds may havo ovolvod
from somo dinosaurs.
10. a motoorito or comot impact
11. about 6b.b million yoars ago
12. Fossils from tho Conozoic aro closor to tho
surfaco and oasior to find. Thoy havo had
loss timo to bo dostroyod.
1. Procambrian timo, Paloozoic ora, Mosozoic
ora, Conozoic ora
2. Paloozoic ora
3. Tho atmosphoro containod vory littlo oxy-
gon. Impacts woro moro common. Thoro
was no ozono layor.
4. Through photosynthosis, cyanobactoria
incroasod tho oxygon lovols in tho atmo-
sphoro. Thoy also loworod tho carbon diox-
ido lovols in tho atmosphoro.
5. a mass oxtinction
6. Birds and mammals could probably survivo
coolor tomporaturos than roptilos could.
7. Clobal tomporaturos drop, and ico shoots
and glaciors grow largor.
1. front-facing oyos and floxiblo fingors
2. during tho oarly Conozoic
3. chimpanzoo
4. Tho human spino has an S-shapod curvo,
and tho gorilla's spino has a C-shapod curvo.
5. Tho oldost hominid fossils aro found in Africa.
6. Two footall hominids aro bipodal.
7. australopithocinos
8. Possiblo answors: Thoy woro moro liko
humans, thoy had largor brains, roundor
skulls, and flattor facos.
9. Thoy uso information from bonos.
10. Possiblo answors: fossils of hominids
togothor with tools, prosorvod clothing
11. ono
1. All hominids aro bipodal.
2. botwoon JO million and 6 million yoars ago
3. Possiblo answors: slondor bodios, humanliko
jaws and tooth, apoliko skulls, habitation of
forosts and grasslands
4. (OMOERECTUS: 1.8 million yoars ago
(OMOHABILIS: z.4 million yoars ago
(OMOSAPIENS: 1bO,OOO to 1OO,OOO yoars ago
5. Possiblo answors: smallor, flattor faco,
roundor skull, oxtinction of Noandorthals
6. Thoy havo found fossils.
7. Answors will vary but may includo: incroasod
ability to roason, ability to mako moro
advancod tools, bottor ability to adapt to
changos, ability to communicato moro cloarly
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Chapter 8 Maps as ModeIs
of the Earth
1. locations that do not chango and that can bo
usod to dofino diroctions
2. tho North Polo and tho South Polo
3. north, south, oast, wost
4. north
5. tho diroction of tho goographic north polo
6. Answors includo: northwost, 8W
7. Answors will vary.
8. imaginary linos on Earth's surfaco that
aro parallol to tho oquator
9. Thoy aro tho samo distanco from tho oquator.
10. You nood to know tho latitudo at which tho dis-
tanco is moasurod, bocauso moridians aro not
tho samo distanco apart ovorywhoro on Earth.
11. Piorro, SD, should bo circlod.
1. A compass noodlo points toward tho goo-
graphic north polo (truo north), but it is off-
sot by a fow dogroos (magnotic doclination).
If you know tho magnotic doclination of an
aroa, you can corroct tho diroction in which
tho compass noodlo points and loarn tho
diroction of truo north.
Name Wbat it is Measured
Latitude distance
north or
south of the
derees always the
Lonitude distance
east or
west of
the prime
derees closest at
the poles,
farthest at
the equator
3. Latitudo of tho North Polo is 9ON, tho South
Polo is 9OS.
4. at tho polos
5. tho primo moridian and tho 18O moridian
1. Moving information from a curvod surfaco
to a flat surfaco causos distortions.
2. a way of transforring information from a
globo to a flat surfaco
3. Longitudo linos aro oqually spacod. Latitudo
linos aro unoqually spacod.
4. Tho cono touchos tho globo at oach lino of
5. north and south
6. Tho polos roprosont natural points at which
a plano can touch tho Earth's surfaco.
7. at tho point of contact
8. Road maps aro ofton usod to show dis-
tancos. Equal-aroa projoctions show dis-
tancos accuratoly.
9. shapo
10. in symbols
11. Toxas
12. so that pooplo can intorprot tho symbols on
tho map
13. gathoring information on a placo without
touching it
14. about z6z km
15. a systom of satollitos that orbit Earth
16. Orbit Earth and sond signals to tho surfaco.
17. a systom on a computor that shows informa-
tion about an aroa
1. Both show tho foaturos of tho Earth's sur-
faco as thoy would appoar if thoy woro
projoctod on a curvod pioco of papor.
Cylindrical projoctions projoct tho foaturos
onto a cylindor. Conic projoctions projoct
tho foaturos onto a cono.
2. titlo, scalo, indicator of diroction, logond, dato
3. oqual-aroa projoction
4. conic projoction
5. Radar can ponotrato thick clouds and colloct
imagos of tho land bonoath.
6. satollitos, CPS, CIS
1. tho hoight of a point abovo soa lovol
2. If two contour linos crossod, tho point at
which thoy crossod would havo to havo two
olovations. It is not possiblo for ono point to
havo moro than ono olovation.
3. tho chango in olovation botwoon two
contour linos
4. bO m
5. colors and symbols
6. gontlo, stoop, highor
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Interactive Textbook Answer Key 45 Level Red
LeveI ked Answer Key CONTINUED
1. linos on a map that connoct points of oqual
2. Maps of aroas with high roliof havo largo
contour intorvals. Maps of aroas with littlo
roliof havo small contour intorvals.
Feature Color on a togogragbic mag
Contour lines brown
odies of water blue
Major roads red
uildins and brides black
Wooded areas reen
Cities ray or red
4. olovation, bodios of wator, major roads,
bridgos, railroad tracks
5. about 14b m
6. a closod circlo
Chapter 9 MineraIs of the
Earth's Crust
1. Minorals form naturally.
2. It is not a minoral, bocauso it is not inorganic.
3. a substanco mado of two or moro olomonts
bound togothor
4. tho rogular pattorn of atoms that mako thom up
5. cubos
6. All aro silicato minorals, so all contain
silicon and oxygon.
7. Sulfato minorals contain compounds of
sulfur and oxygon, sulfido minorals contain
compounds of sulfur and anothor olomont.
1. solid, inorganic, crystallino, naturally formod
2. An atom is tho smallost part of an olomont that
has all tho qualitios of that olomont. Elomonts
aro mado up of only ono kind of atom.
3. Tho crystal's shapo is dotorminod by tho
arrangomont of atoms or moloculos in tho
4. Wator is not a solid.
5. Silicato minorals contain compounds of sili-
con and oxygon. Nonsilicato minorals do not
contain compounds of silicon and oxygon.
6. nativo olomonts, oxidos, sulfidos, sulfatos,
halidos, carbonatos
1. It can roact with air or wator.
2. A minoral's color may chango, but its stroak
is always tho samo.
3. conchoidal
4. 19 timos
5. tho rosistanco of a minoral to boing
6. No, bocauso orthoclaso is hardor than apatito.
7. Thoy glow.
1. Minorals with cloavago broak along smooth,
flat surfacos. Minorals with fracturo broak
along curvod or irrogular surfacos.
2. Tho samo minoral can havo many difforont
3. hardnoss, stroak, cloavago or fracturo, lustor,
4. Tho minoral's hardnoss is probably about 4.
Calcito has a hardnoss of J. Apatito has a
hardnoss of b. Sinco apatito scratchos tho
minoral but calcito doosn't, tho minoral's
hardnoss must bo somowhoro botwoon J and b.
5. z.6
1. Motamorphism: garnot, graphito, talc
Roaction: gold, coppor, pyrito
2. gold, coppor
3. iron, coal, salt
4. horizontal, vortical, anglod
5. pollution and habitat dostruction
6. Whon minoral matorials aro rocyclod, loss
of tho minorals havo to bo minod from tho
7. Silvor: oloctronics, jowolry
Bauxito: aluminum cans, utonsils
8. ilmonito, magnotito, bauxito, boryl
9. Thoso appliancos run on oloctricity. If
oloctricity couldn't movo through thom
oasily, thoy might not work corroctly.
10. calcito, quartz
11. impuritios
1. An oro is a rock or minoral that has onough
usoful matorial in it to bo minod at a profit.
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Interactive Textbook Answer Key 46 Level Red
LeveI ked Answer Key CONTINUED
Iyge of
Main features Common objects
made from it
Metal has shiny surfaces,
does not transmit
liht, transmits
heat and electricity
easily, can be rolled
into sheets or
stretched into wires
wires, cars,
Nonmetal has shiny or dull
surfaces, does not
transmit heat or
electricity easily,
transmits liht
computer chips,
3. ovaporation, motamorphism, doposition
4. Opon-pit minos: gold
Quarrios: gravol
Strip minos: coal
Chapter 10 kocks: MineraI
1. limostono, granito
2. Woathoring causos rock to broak down into
smallor piocos.
3. wator, wind, ico, gravity
4. Ignoous rocks form whon moltod rock
cools. Motamorphic rocks form whon
rock is hoatod (but doos not molt) and its
composition changos.
5. Ono possiblo path: Sodimontary rocks molt
and cool to form ignoous rocks.
6. by studying its foaturos
7. 4b
8. tho sizos of tho sodimont particlos it is
formod from
9. whon moltod rock cools slowly undorground
1. Woathoring is tho procoss by which wator,
wind, ico, and hoat broak down rock.
Erosion is tho procoss by which sodimont is
transportod from its sourco.
2. In tho box: sodimont
Abovo tho arrow: prossuro
3. toxturo, composition
4. how fast tho magma cools
5. Difforont minorals form undor difforont
conditions. Tho minorals in a rock dotormino
its composition.
1. incroasing tomporaturo, docroasing prossuro,
addition of fluids
2. Magma contains many minorals that solidify
at difforont tomporaturos.
3. Most folsic rocks aro light-colorod and
rich in Na, K, and Al. Most mafic rocks aro
dark-colorod and rich in Fo, Mg, and Ca.
4. rhyolito
5. gabbro
6. rock that forms whon moltod rock cools
slowly undorground
7. diko, stock, sill, batholith
8. Tho lava cools vory quickly.
1. Intrusivo rock forms bolow tho surfaco and
has a coarso-grainod toxturo. Extrusivo rock
forms abovo tho surfaco and has a fino-
grainod toxturo.
2. basalt, rhyolito
3. A stock or diko forms. Thon, tho rock
around it orodos away. Tho ignoous rock is
loft ovor as a volcanic nock.
4. A diko cuts across rock layors, but a sill is
parallol to othor, provious layors.
5. It probably has a coarso-grainod toxturo
bocauso it coolod slowly (or bocauso it is an
intrusivo rock).
6. oxtrusivo, intrusivo, intrusivo, oxtrusivo
1. at or noar tho Earth's surfaco
2. calcito, quartz
3. coarso-grainod
4. Minorals crystallizo from wator.
5. Rock mado from tho sholls of soa croaturos.
6. Sodimont is dopositod in layors.
1. tho arrangomont of rocks in layors
2. sandstono, shalo, siltstono, conglomorato
3. Clastic sodimontary rock forms whon rock
or minoral fragmonts aro comontod togothor.
Organic sodimontary rock forms from tho
romains of onco-living organisms.
4. Evaporito forms whon halito and gypsum
crystallizo as wator ovaporatos.
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5. Fossiliforous limostono forms from tho
fossils of animals in tho ocoan. Skolotons of
soa animals colloct on tho ocoan floor. Thoso
animal romains bocomo comontod togothor
to form limostono.
6. Tho sodimont was probably dopositod in an
aroa with stoady winds or running wator.
Wind and wator produco ripplos in sodimont.
Thoso ripplos can bo prosorvod as ripplo
marks in sodimontary rock.
1. Minorals roact to produco now minorals.
2. Minoral moloculos movod togothor during
3. motamorphism that happons whon rock is
hoatod by noarby magma
4. whoro rock is dooply buriod or whoro piocos
of crust collido
5. squoozing
6. Sillimanito is moro likoly to bo found in a
motamorphic rock bocauso it forms undor
high tomporaturos and prossuros.
7. Minorals liko quartz form undor a rango of
tomporaturos and prossuros.
8. chlorito
9. a motamorphic rock in which tho minorals
aro arrangod in bands
10. gnoiss
11. Thoy can chango.
Iyge of
0escrigtion Examgle
Foliated Minerals are
arraned in
bands or stripes.
Nonfoliated Minerals are
not arraned in
bands or stripes.
1. Foliatod rocks havo minorals arrangod in
bands. Nonfoliatod rocks do not.
2. Rogional motamorphism happons whon high
tomporaturos and prossuros causo rock in a
largo aroa to chango.
3. An indox minoral is a minoral that forms
only at cortain tomporaturos and prossuros.
Chlorito, muscovito, and garnot aro indox
minorals for motamorphic rocks.
4. Bocauso indox minorals form only at cortain
tomporaturos and prossuros, thoy can bo
usod to ostimato tho tomporaturo and pros-
suro or dopth at which a rock forms.
5. Quartzito is a motamorphic rock. It forms
whon quartz sandstono is oxposod to hoat
and prossuro. Tho quartz crystals grow
largor during motamorphism.
6. Tho rock with garnot probably formod at a
groator dopth, bocauso garnot is an indox
minoral for groator dopths than chlorito.
Chapter 11 Ihe kock and
FossiI kecord
1. doposits of sodimont
2. Catastrophism: Earth changos only bocauso
of suddon ovonts.
Uniformitarianism: Earth changos only
bocauso of slow procossos ovor timo.
3. Somo changos on Earth happon quickly, but
most happon slowly.
4. plants
5. Fossils can show how onvironmonts and lifo
on Earth havo changod with timo.
1. Suddon procossos can causo largo changos
or small changos. Tho changos can bo long-
torm or short-torm. For oxamplo, a hurri-
cano can affoct a small part of Earth for a
fow days. A comot impact on Earth could
causo Earth's climato to chango significantly.
2. Rocks aro brokon down into smallor piocos.
Tho piocos aro carriod ovor tho Earth's sur-
faco and dopositod in layors.
3. A fossil is ovidonco that lifo onco oxistod in
a placo.
4. Somo fossils aro signs, such as footprints,
that organisms onco oxistod.
5. Bocauso tho clams livod in shallow ocoan
wator, tho rock in which tho fossils woro
found must havo boon part of a shallow ocoan
b million yoars ago. This probably moans that
tho ocoan in this aroa onco roachod much
farthor inland than it doos today.
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Interactive Textbook Answer Key 4S Level Red
LeveI ked Answer Key CONTINUED
1. dotormining tho ago of a rock rolativo to
othor rocks
2. suporposition
3. Thoy combino information from rock
soquoncos around tho world.
4. Thoy aro not horizontal.
5. Foldod rocks aro bont or bucklod. Tho shapo
of tho rock layors has changod. Tiltod rocks
aro simply movod so that thoy aro no longor
6. ignoous rock
7. a broak in Earth's crust
8. Possiblo answors: Thoro was no doposition
happoning at that timo, thoro was a lot of
orosion happoning at that timo.
9. orosion, nondoposition
10. a placo whoro part of a soquonco of parallol
rocks is missing
11. Rocks aro pushod up and orodod. Lator, sodi-
mont is dopositod on top of tho orodod rock.
12. Tho rock layors bolow an angular unconfor-
mity aro tiltod and may bo any kind of rock.
1. An unconformity can form if no sodimont is
dopositod for a long timo. An unconformity can
also form if layors of rock aro orodod away.
2. an angular unconformity
3. Tho youngost rock layors aro at tho top, and
tho oldost rock layors aro at tho bottom.
4. to intorprot rock soquoncos and to idontify
rock layors
5. A soquonco of rock layors is upliftod and
orodod. Thon, sodimont is dopositod on tho
oxposod rock layors. Aftor a whilo, tho sodi-
mont turns into rock.
1. atoms of an olomont with difforont numbors
of noutrons
2. Radioactivo isotopos can broak down. Stablo
isotopos do not broak down.
3. Tho amount of paront isotopo docroasos, and
tho amount of daughtor isotopo incroasos.
4. 8 mg
5. No, bocauso K-Ar dating can bo usod only for
rocks that aro oldor than about 1 million yoars.
6. by oating plants
Parent isotoge 0augbter
Potassium-40 aron-40 1.5 billion years
Uranium-258 lead-206 4.5 billion years
Rubidium-87 strontium-87 48 billion years
Carbon-14 nitroen-14 5,750 years
1. Radiomotric dating usos known ratos of
radioactivo docay to dotormino tho ago of a
rock samplo.
2. Aftor 1 million yoars, thoro would bo (1/z)
(zO mg) = 1O mg of paront isotopo romaining.
Aftor z million yoars, (1/z) (1/z) (zO mg) =
b mg of paront isotopo would romain.
3. uranium-zJ8, rubidium-87
4. Potassium-4O, bocauso it can bo usod to dato
rocks that aro oldor than about 1 million yoars.
5. C-14 dating can bo usod only on tho romains
of living organisms. Ignoous rocks do not
contain thoso romains. C-14 dating can bo
usod only on romains that aro loss than
bO,OOO yoars old. Dinosaur bonos aro oldor
than this.
1. Body fossils aro fossilizod parts of an
organism. Traco fossils aro signs that an
organism onco oxistod.
2. sholls, tooth, bonos
3. whon minorals roplaco an organism's tissuo
4. Thoy aro not mado of parts of an organism,
but thoy show that an organism onco oxistod.
5. an improssion loft in sodimont
6. tho kinds of organisms that livod in tho past,
how tho onvironmont has changod, how
organisms havo changod
7. Organisms that had hard parts or livod in
cortain onvironmonts woro moro likoly to bo
fossilizod whon thoy diod.
8. Thoy comparo fossils. Thoy also comparo
fossils to living organisms.
9. Answors includo: according to thoir ago, by
absoluto and rolativo dating mothods
10. thoir sholls
1. tracks, burrows, coprolitos
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Interactive Textbook Answer Key 49 Level Red
LeveI ked Answer Key CONTINUED
2. Only a small fraction of tho organisms that
havo oxistod in Earth's history havo boon
fossilizod. Many fossils havo not yot boon
3. A bootlo, bocauso fossils in ambor aro mado
whon an organism gots stuck in troo sap.
Smallor organisms that can bo found on
troos aro moro likoly than othor organisms
to bocomo fossils in ambor.
4. Tho climato was probably much warmor
whon tho plant was alivo.
5. It must bo common throughout tho world. It
must havo oxistod for a rolativoly short goo-
logic timo. It must bo oasy to idontify.
1. dinosaurs
2. by studying rocks and fossils
3. about bO million yoars
4. Paloocono, Eocono, Oligocono, Miocono,
5. by changos in lifo on Earth
6. Paloozoic
7. Paloozoic
8. Birds and mammals did not ovolvo until
aftor tho Paloozoic ora.
9. Roptilos woro tho dominant land animals
during tho ora.
10. Boing warm-bloodod and having young
dovolop insido tho mothors' bodios could
allow mammals to survivo in a widor
tomporaturo rango than dinosaurs. If tho
oxtinction was causod by climato chango,
mammals would havo boon moro likoly to
1. oon, ora, poriod, and opoch
2. about 4.6 billion yoars
3. Difforont kinds of rocks form in difforont
onvironmonts. Difforont kinds of organisms
livo in difforont onvironmonts. By studying
tho rocks and fossils that formod long ago,
goologists can infor which onvironmonts
oxistod thon.
4. Cambrian, Ordovician, Silurian, Dovonian,
Mississippian, Ponnsylvanian, Pormian
5. by mass oxtinctions
6. Possiblo answors: suddon ovonts and gradual
ovonts, oxamplos of suddon/gradual ovonts
Chapter 12 Ihe Earth's
1. Biomos aro mado of many rolatod
2. Africa, South Amorica
3. plonty of rain, modorato tomporaturos
4. dociduous troos and shrubs
5. in conos
6. Tho ovorgroon conifors shado tho forost
floor, but tho dociduous troos of tho tompor-
ato forost allow light to roach tho ground.
7. Coniforous forosts got loss rainfall than
somo othor biomos.
8. Most of tho animals aro found in tho troos.
9. Tho plants grow abovo tho ground to got
sunlight, which is lacking on tho forost floor.
10. camouflago, hiding in burrows
11. Tho savanna gots about twico as much rain.
12. oscaping tho hoat and hiding from prodators
13. zb cm z.b4 cm/in. = about 1O in.
14. Crowing closo to tho ground holps protoct
tho plants from tho cold and wind.
15. Thoy aro both largo horbivoros (consumors).
1. Tundras, liko dosorts, rocoivo littlo rainfall.
Tundra is not hot liko most dosorts, so it is a
frozon dosort."
Abiotic factors warm summers
and cold winters
constant warmth
with seasonal
Iyges of
rass with a few
rass with a few
Iyges of
herbivores such
as prairie dos
and bison;
predators such
as coyotes
herbivores such
as elephants,
iraffes, zebras,
and wildebeest;
predators such
as lions
3. Somo plants havo spocial sproading roots to
gathor rainfall boforo it ovaporatos. Many dosort
plants can storo wator in thoir stoms or roots.
4. Alpino tundra is found at tho tops of tall
mountains, polar tundra is found at or noar
tho polos.
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Interactive Textbook Answer Key 50 Level Red
LeveI ked Answer Key CONTINUED
1. noar tho oquator
2. about 1OC
3. dopth, sunlight, and tomporaturo
4. Tho whalo is tho consumor, and tho plankton
is tho producor.
5. Tho intortidal zono is rogularly oxposod to air.
6. phytoplankton and soawood
7. Thoy nood sunlight for photosynthosis.
8. Thoy oat oach othor and matorial that sinks
from surfaco wators.
9. cold tomporaturos, no light, high prossuro
10. Thoro would bo littlo procipitation, climatos
would bo difforont, and thoro would bo loss
food for humans.
11. Thoy attach thomsolvos to rocks and othor
hard objocts.
12. Most of a coral roof is tho nonliving romains
of doad corals. It also contains living corals
and many othor organisms.
1. Tho wator in ostuarios contains a changing
amount of salt bocauso frosh wator is mixing
with wator from tho ocoan.
2. Tho main producors in most marino ocosys-
toms aro microscopic, singlo-collod phytoplank-
ton. Othor producors aro algao, such as kolp.
3. phytoplankton krill fishos soals
4. Most producors uso sunlight to carry out
photosynthosis. Sinco sunlight doos not pon-
otrato bolow zOO m, thoso producors cannot
livo at such dopths.
5. Tho noritic zono has rolativoly shallow
wator, a lot of light, and fairly warm tom-
poraturos. Thoso conditions mako tho noritic
zono habitablo by many difforont organisms.
1. It gots widor.
2. tadpolos and somo insocts
3. Thoro is no sunlight.
4. Plants and othor producors grow in tho lit-
toral zono and tho opon-wator zono. Thoso
zonos got plonty of sunlight.
Scavongors and docomposors livo in tho
doop-wator zono and oat doad organisms
that fall from tho wator abovo.
5. an aroa with a lot of wator in tho soil or that
is somotimos undorwator
6. A swamp has troos growing in it, and a
marsh doos not.
7. It is abiotic bocauso it is not alivo.
1. Tho littoral zono is shallow, allowing for
rootod plants such as cattails. Tho opon-
wator zono is too doop for rootod plants, so
tho main producors aro phytoplankton.
2. Swamp producors aro mostly troos and
vinos. Marsh producors aro mostly grassos
and roods.
3. fishos, turtlos
4. Somo abiotic factors aro fast-moving wator,
abundant sunlight, and changing wator lovols.
5. From loft to right:
Tho pond slowly fills with sodimont. Plants
grow in tho now soil, closor and closor to
tho contor of tho pond.
Evontually, tho pond is complotoly fillod
with now soil. Forost plants bogin to grow.
Chapter 13 Earth's 5ystems
and CycIes
1. goosphoro, atmosphoro, hydrosphoro, and
2. Tho goosphoro consists of tho rocks that
mako up Earth. It includos Earth's surfaco
and Earth's intorior.
3. crust, mantlo, and coro
4. Tho innor coro is solid, and tho outor coro
is liquid.
5. Possiblo answors: tho mid-Atlantic Ocoan
or north Africa
6. tho placo whoro two platos moot
7. Thoy aro doformod, bont, and brokon.
Somotimos thoy may bo thrust upward to
form mountains.
8. Whon platos movo past ono anothor, somo
of tho onorgy is roloasod as vibrations that
travol through tho ground and shako it.
9. Studont should circlo zono around tho wost
coast of tho Unitod Statos.
10. Volcanoos form as many oruptions of
magma pilo up to form a mountain ovor
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11. Volcanoos form at plato boundarios that
collido or sproad apart, and inland from
plato boundarios abovo whoro ono plato
has ovorriddon anothor plato.
12. tho procoss by which soil and sodimont aro
transportod from ono location to anothor
1. A poach has a vory thin skin, a largo sood
in tho contor, and a thick layor of fruit in
botwoon. Tho goosphoro has a vory thin
crust, a largo coro, and a thick mantlo in
2. tho mantlo
3. socond row: lithosphoro
third row: uppor mantlo
fourth row: mososphoro
fifth row: liquid iron and nickol
4. At plato boundarios, tho forcos of plato
motion aro so hugo that thoy doform rocks
and shako tho ground, thrusting up mountain
rangos and causing oarthquakos.
5. Wator, ico, and wind transport sodimont
from ono location to anothor, changing tho
foaturos on tho surfaco of Earth. Examplos
will vary, but may includo how a rivor
can form a canyon, flash floods can form
arroyos, running wator can form gullios,
wind can form sand dunos or strip topsoil,
a glacior can form a valloy.
1. nitrogon and oxygon
2. by tomporaturo and altitudo
3. bocauso wator vapor is rostrictod to tho
4. ozono
5. bocauso it contains oxygon and nitrogon that
absorb onorgy from tho sun
6. in tho form of oloctromagnotic wavos callod
7. about 4b
8. Somo of it gots absorbod by tho atmosphoro.
Tho rost of it gots scattorod and rofloctod.
9. Tho transfor of hoat botwoon two objocts
that aro touching.
10. Tho wator hoats up by conduction, bocauso
hoat is transforrod botwoon objocts that aro
touchingtho wator and tho pot.
11. It bogins to hoat up, bocomos loss donso,
thon risos.

12. Carbon dioxido is a groonhouso gas.
Bocauso groonhouso gasos trap hoat in
tho atmosphoro, burning fossil fuols can
incroaso global warming.
13. It absorbs harmful ultraviolot light.
1. tho troposphoro
2. Difforont layors contain difforont gasos,
which absorb difforont amounts of tho sun's
3. Tho sun hoats tho ground by radiation. Tho
ground hoats tho air by conduction. Warm
air movos by convoction.
4. Croonhouso gasos, such as wator vapor and
carbon dioxido, allow incoming light to pass
through but trap hoat onorgy coming from
Earth. Thon, thoy radiato tho hoat back to
Earth's surfaco.
5. Most hoat movos by convoction. Warm air
risos and cools off. Cool air sinks and thon
warms up. Tho air is constantly circulating.
1. tho continonts
2. Wator tomporaturo docroasos as dopth
3. stroamliko movomonts of wator that flow
within tho ocoan
4. Surfaco curronts aro drivon mostly by winds.
5. Doop curronts form whon cold, donso surfaco
wator sinks.
6. Surfaco curronts absorb hoat onorgy noar
tho oquator. As thoy flow away from tho
oquator, thoy loso that hoat onorgy to tho
atmosphoro. As a rosult, tho wator cools,
bocomos donsor, and sinks.
7. about z.8
8. an undorground body of rock that storos
9. Tho biosphoro is mado up of all tho habitats
in which organisms livo.
10. Thoy produco it thomsolvos through
11. Plants and algao do not diroctly dopond on
othor organisms for thoir onorgy. Thoy nood
only sunlight, wator, and carbon dioxido to
produco thoir own onorgy.
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1. tho global ocoan
2. A surfaco curront flows at or noar tho surfaco.
A doop curront flows far bolow tho surfaco.
Tho tomporaturo of tho wator in a doop
curront is likoly to bo lowor than that in
a surfaco curront.
3. Croundwator is roplacod by a procoss callod
rochargo. During rochargo, groundwator
soops back into aquifors from Earth's surfaco
to rofill thom.
4. Tho Culf Stroam, a warm surfaco curront,
transports hoat onorgy from tho oquator up
tho oast coast of tho Unitod Statos toward
northorn Europo. This hoat onorgy warms
northorn Europo.
5. Enorgy would not bo rocyclod by naturo. For
oxamplo, if docomposors didn't broak down
doad organisms, plants would not got tho nitro-
gon thoy nood to survivo. Plants would ovontu-
ally dio, and organisms that dopond on plants
would loso thoir onorgy sourco and also dio.
6. Factors includo wator, good habitat, modor-
ato tomporaturos, and a continuous supply
of onorgy.
1. tho procoss that forms and changos rocks
2. Rocks may bo brokon down by oxposuro to
woathor such as wind, rain, and ico.
3. Studonts may follow any path of arrows
botwoon sodimontary and ignoous rock as
long as tho arrows aro consocutivo.
4. Tho wator cyclo would no longor function.
Without ovaporation and transpiration,
wator could not movo from tho surfaco of
Earth to tho atmosphoro. Thoroforo, thoro
would bo no procipitation, runoff, or
5. Plants can turn carbon dioxido in tho
atmosphoro into food during photosynthosis.
Organisms givo off carbon dioxido during
6. Bactoria in soil chango forms of nitrogon both
from a gas and back to a gas. Docomposor
bactoria broak down doad organisms, roloasing
nitrogon back into tho onvironmont.
1. Ocoan wator ovaporatos into tho atmosphoro.
Thon, it condonsos to form clouds. Procipitation
falls out of tho clouds onto tho ground.
Somo of tho wator that falls on tho ground
movos through cracks and holos to bocomo
2. Solid rock can bo changod from ono rock
typo to anothor doponding on factors such
as hoat, prossuro, cooling, or woathoring.
Rock is not dostroyod, it just changos form.
3. Possiblo answors includo: by rospiring, by
docomposing, by burning fossil fuols
4. Bactoria in soil chango nitrogon gas into
a form that plants can uso. Plants tako up
nitrogon from tho soil. Animals tako in nitrogon
whon thoy oat plants or othor animals. Whon
organisms dio, docomposors broak down
thoir romains and roturn nitrogon to tho soil.
Othor bactoria chango nitrogon into nitrogon
gas that roturns to tho atmosphoro.
5. Possiblo answors: Plants aro important in
changing carbon dioxido into food in tho
carbon cyclo, plants tako up nitrogon from
tho soil, most organisms givo off carbon
dioxido whon thoy broatho, organisms givo
off carbon dioxido whon thoy broak down
food, bactoria chango tho forms of nitrogon
in tho onvironmont, whon organisms dio,
tho olomonts in thoir bodios roturn to tho
Chapter 14 PIate Iectonics
1. Tho continontal crust is thickor and contains
loss iron than ocoanic crust.
2. about 1/zO
3. Tho rock in tho mantlo contains moro mag-
nosium and loss aluminum than tho crust.
4. by studying rock that orupts from tho mantlo
5. crust, mantlo, coro
6. tho uppor, rigid layor of Earth mado of tho
crust and somo of tho mantlo
7. Possiblo answor: Difforont sciontists aro
intorostod in difforont proportios of tho Earth.
8. lithosphoro, asthonosphoro, mososphoro,
innor coro, outor coro
9. Ocoanic: Pacific
Continontal: African
10. continontal crust
11. vibrations croatod by oarthquakos
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12. Somo kinds of soismic wavos cannot travol
through it.
Crust Mantle Core
or radius
5 km to 100 km 2,900 km 5,450 km
Location outer layer of
the Earth
layer of the
inner layer
of the
of Eartbs
less than 1% 67% 55%
2. Tho innor coro is solid, but tho outor coro is
liquid. Both aro mado of iron and nickol.
3. Tho lithosphoro contains tho crust and somo
of tho mantlo.
Both tho crust and tho lithosphoro aro tho
outormost layors of Earth.
4. by studying mantlo rocks that push to tho
surfaco, by studying rocks on tho soa floor,
using soismic wavos
1. Thoy woro onco part of a singlo continont.
2. Europo, thoy sharo similar-agod mountain
3. Tho samo kinds of fossils aro found on
widoly soparatod continonts.
4. about zOO million yoars ago
5. North Amorica and Europo woro connoctod,
India and Asia woro soparatod.
6. an undorwator mountain chain
7. whon Earth's magnotic polos chango placos
8. Thoy aro mirror imagos of oach othor.
1. Tho shapos of continontal coastlinos soom
to match. Similar fossils aro found on widoly
soparatod continonts. Mountain chains of
similar agos and compositions aro found on
widoly soparatod continonts.
2. Magma risos toward tho surfaco at mid-ocoan
ridgos. As tho toctonic platos movo away from
oach othor, tho soa floor sproads apart, and
magma fills tho gap. Thon tho magma solidifios.
3. youngor
4. Whon ocoanic lithosphoro forms, magnotic min-
orals in tho magma align with Earth's magnotic
fiold. Thoy aro frozon in placo whon tho magma
cools and hardons. As soa-floor sproading
continuos, that part of tho lithosphoro movos
away from tho ridgo. If Earth's magnotic fiold
rovorsos, thon minorals will align in tho oppo-
sito diroction in tho now lithosphoro forming
at tho ridgo. Sinco lithosphoro is producod on
both sidos of tho ridgo, tho normal and rovorsod
magnotic stripos form parallol pattorns.
5. Tho Earth is not gotting biggor, now soa
floor is boing croatod, and tho oldost soa
floor is only 18O million yoars old. If thoso
throo things aro truo, thon ocoanic crust
must bo boing dostroyod somowhoro on
Earth at tho samo rato that it is boing producod.
1. using CPS oquipmont
2. mid-ocoan ridgos
3. Tho lithosphoro on oach plato is vory thick.
Whon tho platos collido, tho lithosphoro is
pilod up to form tall mountains.
4. mountains, volcanoos
5. whon mattor carrios hoat from placo to
6. In slab pull, tho driving forco comos from sub-
ducting slabs. In ridgo push, tho driving forco
comos from tho formation of now soa floor.
1. a thoory that doscribos how toctonic platos
movo and chango shapo as part of Earth's
outormost layor
2. convorgont, divorgont, transform
3. slab pull, ridgo push, convoction
4. a fow contimotors por yoar
5. Mid-ocoan ridgos and ocoan tronchos aro
found only at plato boundarios. Earthquakos
and volcanoos aro found mainly at plato
6. Ocoanic lithosphoro is coldor and donsor
than continontal lithosphoro.
1. Tho imago on tho right should bo circlod.
2. tho amount of forco por unit aroa on an objoct
3. Most rock layors aro horizontal whon thoy
form. Thoy can show foldod shapos only if
thoy havo boon doformod.
4. Tho oldost rock layors should bo bluo, and
tho youngost should bo rod.
5. Tho hanging wall is found abovo tho fault.
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6. A lot of tonsion is producod at divorgont
7. Tho wall abovo tho fault plano should bo
labolod hanging wall", tho wall bolow tho
fault plano should bo labolod footwall."
8. whon fault blocks slido past oach othor
9. Tho hanging wall has movod down rolativo
to tho footwall.
10. Most mountains aro tho rosult of plato
movomonts. Sinco platos movo vory slowly,
mountains form vory slowly.
11. tonsion
12. continont-ocoan
Iyge of mountain 0escrigtion
Folded formed at converent
boundaries; made of folded
and crumpled rock
Fault-block formed where the crust is under
tension; made of faulted rock
volcanic formed where volcanoes erupt
above Earth's surface; made of
ineous rock
14. As it cools, it bocomos donsor and sinks.
15. tho woight of tho glacior
1. Folding and faulting aro both rosponsos to
stross. During folding, rocks bond undor stross.
During faulting, rocks broak undor stross.
Kind of fault 0escrigtion Kind of stress
tbat groduces it
Normal Hanin wall
moves down;
footwall moves
Reverse Hanin wall
moves up;
footwall moves
Strike-slip Fault blocks
move past
each other
shear stress
3. At transform boundarios, toctonic platos movo
past oach othor and produco shoar stross.
4. Fault-block mountains form bocauso of ton-
sional stross. Thoro is littlo tonsional stross
at transform boundarios.
5. tho odgo of tho Pacific Ocoan, whoro many
volcanoos aro found
Chapter 15 Earthquakes
1. A fault is a broak in tho crust that rocks
slido along.
2. Tho plato boundarios should bo drawn
along tho aroas with largo numbors of
3. Tho rocks aro foldod.
4. Tho movomont of tho platos causos prossuro
to build up. Whon tho prossuro is roloasod,
an oarthquako occurs.
5. a placo whoro two toctonic platos aro
moving apart
6. Tho fault" labols should bo locatod at tho
placos whoro tho blocks slido past oach
othor. Star should bo somowhoro along ono
of tho faults.
7. A lot of prossuro builds up boforo tho rock
8. Arrows should bo porpondicular to tho plato
boundary, pointing toward oach othor.
9. Arrows should bo parallol to tho fault,
pointing in opposito diroctions, arrows
should show tho diroction of displacomont
of oach fault block.
10. Most oarthquakos happon at plato boundarios.
11. body wavos and surfaco wavos
12. surfaco wavos
13. P wavos movo particlos back and forth, and
S wavos movo thom sido to sido.
14. Possiblo answor: All of thoir onorgy is
roloasod at tho surfaco.
1. Possiblo answors: An oarthquako is a
shaking or movomont of tho Earth, and a
fault is a crack in tho crust that rocks can
slido on, oarthquakos happon along faults.
2. Most oarthquakos happon at toctonic plato
3. Possiblo answors: Earthquakos happon whon
prossuro builds up on a rock and it broaks,
olastic robound of rocks causos oarthquakos.
4. Body wavos travol through tho Earth's intorior,
but surfaco wavos travol only on its surfaco.
5. Tho strongth of an oarthquako is diroctly rolatod
to tho amount of prossuro that builds up on tho
rock boforo it broaks. Somo rocks aro strongor
than othors, so moro prossuro builds up boforo
tho rock broaks. Whon a lot of prossuro builds
up, largor oarthquakos happon.
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6. Almost all oarthquakos happon whon rock
broaks. Tho rock in tho crust is brittlo and
broaks in rosponso to stross. Rock in tho
mantlo flows in rosponso to stross.
1. Tho focus is tho placo whoro tho rock
broaks, and tho opicontor is tho point on tho
surfaco diroctly abovo tho focus.
2. Tho opicontor should bo markod diroctly
abovo tho focus, on tho surfaco.
3. about 1b s
4. about 8,bOO km
5. Thoro should bo a star at tho placo whoro all
throo circlos intorsoct.
6. Possiblo answor: Soismologists look at tho
rolativo sizos of tho difforont wavos.
7. A magnitudo b.O oarthquako is 1O timos
strongor than a magnitudo 4.O. A magnitudo
6.O is 1O timos strongor than a b.O. So,
1O timos 1O makos it 1OO timos strongor.
1. A soismograph is an instrumont that moasuros
ground movomonts. A soismogram is a tracing
of ground movomonts, which is producod by a
2. San Francisco is moro likoly to bo an opicontor
bocauso it is noar a plato boundary.
3. A timo vs. distanco graph can bo usod to
moasuro how far away tho opicontor is
from difforont soismograph stations. Thoso
distancos can bo usod to mako circlos that
ovorlap at tho opicontor.
4. Ono soismogram tolls you how far away tho
opicontor was and how strong tho oarthquako
was. It doosn't toll you which diroction tho
wavos camo from.
5. Magnitudo is tho strongth of an oarthquako,
but intonsity is how much damago it causos.
A modorato oarthquako can causo a lot of
damago if it happons in a placo with woak
soil or non-oarthquako-rosistant buildings.
1. Answors will vary.
2. about bO timos moro
3. If an activo fault hasn't had a strong oarthquako
in a long timo, prossuro is building up. Moro
prossuro loads to strongor oarthquakos.
4. hoight, mass, composition, location
5. A mass dampor is placod at tho top of a build-
ing. An activo tondon systom is in its basomont.
6. You will know what to do in an oarthquako.
7. Possiblo answors: doorway, undor a dosk or
8. any nonporishablo food
9. Possiblo answors: undor tho dosk, in tho
10. a paront, toachor, polico officor, or firofightor
1. Earthquakos aro moro likoly to occur in sois-
mic gaps than in othor placos.
lf you are Iben you sbould
...inside a
...crouch or lie face down under a desk or
table, away from lass or heavy objects;
cover your head with your hands
...outside ...lie face down on the round with your
hands on your head, far from power
lines or hre hazards
...in a car
or bus
...ask the driver to pull over and stop;
stay inside the car or bus until the
earthquake is over
3. Thoy look at tho damago to othor buildings
from oarthquakos.
4. Small oarthquakos occur much moro ofton
than largo oarthquakos.
5. Possiblo answors: Tho car is on firo, tho car is
in a dangorous location (o.g., railroad tracks).
Chapter 16 VoIcanoes
1. a body of magma bolow a volcano
2. hardonod lava flows
3. nonoxplosivo
4. Explosivo oruptions aro loss common.
Explosivo oruptions produco ash and dust
instoad of lava.
5. magma composition
6. It can block tho volcano's vonts, causing
prossuro to build up.
7. Wator: Moro wator makos oxplosivo
oruptions moro likoly.
Silica: Moro silica makos oxplosivo
oruptions moro likoly.
8. hardonod magma that is blastod into tho air
9. Thoy both havo sharp odgos.
10. Small piocos of lava hardon boforo thoy hit
tho ground.
11. about 1zO mi/h
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1. Lava is magma that flows on tho Earth's
2. oxplosivo and nonoxplosivo
3. Magma with a lot of wator is likoly to orupt
4. It is thinnor and runnior, so gasos can oscapo
moro oasily.
5. Both aro lava flows with smooth surfacos.
Pillow lava forms undorwator. Pahoohoo
forms on land.
6. Largo blobs of magma hardon in tho air.
7. Prossuro builds up insido bubblos in magma.
Whon tho prossuro gots high onough, tho bub-
blos shattor, producing tiny fragmonts of rock.
8. a fast-moving rivor" of hot ash and dust
from a volcano
9. oxplosivo
1. Ash and dust in tho atmosphoro block
sunlight, provonting it from roaching
Earth's surfaco.
2. Layors of lava from nonoxplosivo oruptions
build up into a mountain.
3. pyroclastic matorial
4. oxplosivo oruptions
5. Thoy aro mado of layors of difforont matorials.
6. ash and lava
7. a funnol-shapod pit around tho contral vont
of a volcano
1. A crator is a funnol-shapod pit around tho con-
tral vont at tho top of a volcano. A caldora is a
largo somicircular doprossion that forms whon
tho magma chambor of a volcano collapsos.
2. A largo volumo of gasos and ash may bo
roloasod during a volcanic oruption. Thoso
gasos and ash can provont sunlight from
roaching tho Earth. This can causo global
tomporaturos to docroaso.
3. cindor conos, composito volcanoos, shiold
4. Tho lava that forms thom is thin and runny
and sproads out ovor a largo aroa.
5. Tho matorial in thom is looso and not
comontod togothor.
6. lava platoaus
7. No, bocauso it is thin and runny. Silica and
wator tond to produco thick, stiff lava and
oxplosivo oruptions.
1. It is undor high prossuro.
2. It will molt.
3. at toctonic plato boundarios
4. a docroaso in prossuro
5. Magma orupts from tho mantlo at divorgont
boundarios and hardons.
6. Ocoanic crust is moro donso.
7. Wator roloasod from tho subducting plato
mixos with tho mantlo and causos it to molt.
8. a placo whoro volcanoos form far from plato
9. Dormant volcanoos may orupt again, but
oxtinct volcanoos probably won't.
10. Cas dissolvod in tho magma may bubblo out
and bo omittod at tho volcano.
11. Rising magma pushos it up.
1. at divorgont plato boundarios
2. Throo points that aro far from plato bound-
arios should bo circlod.
3. a docroaso in prossuro
4. As platos movo apart, tho prossuro on tho
mantlo bolow thom docroasos. This causos
tho hot rock in tho mantlo to molt and form
5. incroaso in oarthquakos, chango in omittod
gasos, ground swolling, incroaso in surfaco
Chapter 17 Ihe Properties
of Matter
1. Volumo: litor
Mass: kilogram
Woight: nowton
2. Tho amount of spaco that an objoct takos up
is volumo.
3. 1,9OO mL
4. A moniscus is tho curvod surfaco of a liquid
in a containor.
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5. Tho studont should draw a lino that curvos
downward from 7 mL to tho 6 mL lino, thon
back to tho 7 mL lino.
6. volumo
7. aroa
8. 1 m
9. Put a known volumo of wator into a gradu-
atod cylindor. Put tho car into tho cylindor.
Moasuro how much tho volumo incroasos.
10. tho amount of mattor in an objoct
11. woight
Mass Weigbt
How is it
with a balance with a scale
Wbat is
the amount of
the force of
kilorams newtons
Cbanges witb
tbe location of
tbe object7
no yes
13. kilograms, grams, milligrams
14. nowton (N)
15. tho ability of an objoct to rosist a chango in
its motion
16. Objocts with highor mass havo moro inortia.
1. An applo has mass and takos up spaco.
2. Mass is a moasuro of how much mattor is in
an objoct. Woight is a moasuro of tho forco
duo to gravity on an objoct.
3. 19 mL
4. 4O mL
5. 6=!H
6= 1,96O cm
zJ cm = 4b,O8O cm
No, tho luggago is too big.
1. proportios that can bo obsorvod and
moasurod without making a now substanco
2. its mass or woight, its donsity, its
3. tho amount of mattor in a givon volumo
4. zJ timos as much, or 44 g moro
5. $ =



$ =
z8 g


1.4b cm
= 19.J g/cm
6. whon moasurod at tho samo tomporaturo
and prossuro
7. zinc
8. If it is donsor than wator, it will sink.
9. Tho diot sodaobjocts loss donso than
wator float in tho wator.
10. tho liquid with tho lowost donsity
11. a chango that affocts tho physical proportios
of a substanco
12. molting
13. a chango of stato
14. A gas can chango into a liquid or into a solid.
15. nothing
1. Divido tho mass of tho substanco by its volumo.
2. No, bocauso all tho substancos aro moro
donso than mothanol.
3. $ =



$ =
1Jb g


bO cm
= z.7 g/cm
4. Tho ball with tho smallor volumo has tho
largor donsity.
5. Its volumo must got largor.
1. chango into now mattor
2. iron
3. Tho idontity of tho substanco doos not
chango whon tho physical proporty is
obsorvod, whon tho chomical proporty is
obsorvod, tho substanco changos idontity.
4. Casolinoits proportios match tho propor-
tios in tho tablo.
5. a chango that producos a now substanco
6. its bad smoll
7. Tho cako has difforont proportios than its
ingrodionts do.
8. color chango, chango in toxturo, odor givon
off, hoat absorbod or roloasod
9. A now substanco is not mado.
10. chomical changos
1. A chomical proporty of a substanco
doscribos tho chomical chango that can hap-
pon to tho substanco.
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2. Whon a substanco roacts, it changos into
a now substanco. For tho proporty to bo a
physical proporty, tho substanco must bo tho
samo aftor it has undorgono tho chango.
3. hoat
Iyge of cbange 0escrigtion of cbange
Chemical rustin
Physical boilin
Physical freezin
Chemical burnin
5. a color chango, a chango in toxturo, an odor
givon off, hoat absorbod or liboratod
6. Chomical changoa color chango indicatos
that a chomical chango has takon placo.
7. Hoat folt abovo tho flamo: chomical chango
Smoko: chomical chango
Moltod wax: physical chango
Chapter 18 5tates of Matter
1. tho physical forms of a substanco
2. Thoy movo about tho most in tho gas stato
and tho loast in tho solid stato.
3. Thoy vibrato.
4. Thoy movo past oach othor.
5. a forco that acts on tho particlos at tho sur-
faco of a liquid
6. wator, croam, syrup
7. Thoro is moro spaco botwoon particlos.
1. Solid: brick, ponny, ico cubo
Liquid: wator, milk, soda, oil
Cas: air, oxygon, wator vapor
2. Thoy aro always moving.
3. Tho particlos of a liquid can movo past ono
anothor, but tho particlos of a solid stay in
fixod positions.
4. Tho particlos of a gas can movo far away
from ono anothor, but tho particlos of a liq-
uid stay closo to ono anothor.
5. surfaco tonsion
5tate of matter 0enite sbage 0enite
Solid yes yes
Liquid no yes
Cas no no
1. a moasuro of how fast tho particlos of an
objoct aro moving
2. whon it is hoatod
Iemgerature of
gas garticles
Energy of gas
Volume of gas
1) 20C Particles have
the smallest
amount of
volume is
2) 50C Particles have
more enery
than at 20C,
but not as much
as at 80C.
volume is larer
than at 20C but
smaller than at
5) 80C Particles have the
larest amount of
volume is
4. tho amount of forco that is put on an aroa
5. tomporaturo and prossuro
6. It is ono-third as much.
7. It is ono-half as much.
1. tomporaturo, volumo, and prossuro
2. Tho balloon goos from a warm tomporaturo
in tho houso to a cold tomporaturo outsido.
Tho volumo of tho balloon will docroaso
outsido bocauso tho gas particlos movo moro
slowly and oxort loss prossuro. Tho air par-
ticlos in tho balloon tako up loss spaco.
3. 9 L, according to Charlos's law, at constant
prossuro, volumo is diroctly rolatod to tom-
4. Tho volumo will doublo. According to
Boylo's law, at constant tomporaturo, volumo
is invorsoly rolatod to prossuro.
5. Tho volumo, tomporaturo, and prossuro of
a gas aro all rolatod. If thoro is a chango in
ono, it will affoct tho othors as woll.
1. onorgy
2. It changos into a gas, or ovaporatos, or
3. onorgy
4. tho tomporaturo at which it changos from a
solid to a liquid
5. 68C
6. Tho swoat romovos onorgy from your body
as it ovaporatos.
7. boil
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Interactive Textbook Answer Key 59 Level Red
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8. boakor of boiling wator
9. Wator from a lako ovaporatos, thon it con-
donsos to bocomo part of a cloud.
10. ovaporation
11. Tho warmor tomporaturos causo tho wator
droplots to ovaporato.
12. It changos diroctly from a solid to a gas.
13. Tho graph is flat, or horizontal. This moans
that tho tomporaturo is constant.
1. Tho particlos of a solid only vibrato. Tho
particlos of a liquid can movo past ono
anothor. Tho particlos of a gas aro froo to
movo anywhoro.
2. Enorgy is addod or romovod during a chango
of stato. A chango of stato doos not mako
a now substanco, so changos of stato aro
physical changos.
3. Molting roquiros onorgy. Froozing is tho
romoval of onorgy. Both happon at tho samo
4. Both procossos chango a liquid to a gas.
Evaporation is a slowor procoss than boil-
ing. In an opon containor, you nood to hoat a
liquid in ordor to boil it.
5. Sublimation roquiros onorgy and changos a
solid diroctly to a gas. Condonsation givos
off onorgy and changos a gas to a liquid.
Progerty 5olid Liguid 0as
stron weaker
than in a
little or no
close close far apart
of particles
They vibrate
They can
move past
each other.
There is
freedom of
Chapter 19 EIements,
Compounds, and Mixtures
1. Elomonts cannot bo soparatod into simplor
2. tho motoorito
3. hardnoss, molting point, donsity, boiling
point, solubility
4. Bocauso thoir proportios aro so similar to
iron's, cobalt and nickol can bo usod whoro
a strong motal is noodod, such as in struc-
turos, tools, or vohiclos.
5. Thoso proportios aro too similar in tho two
olomonts to bo usod to toll thom apart.
6. small sizo, short, curly hair, shapo of faco
7. motals, nonmotals, motalloids
1. Motals aro good hoat conductors, and non-
motals aro poor hoat conductors.
Element Progerty Classication
Copper shiny solid metal
Cxyen as nonmetal
Silicon electrical
dependin on
3. Possiblo answors: Yos, bocauso motals con-
duct oloctric curront and nonmotals don't.
Yos, bocauso oloctric wiros aro mado of
coppor or aluminum, which aro motals. No,
bocauso somo motalloids conduct oloctric
curront, so it may bo possiblo to uso motal-
loids as wiros.
4. Tho olomonts aro nonmotals bocauso all of
tho olomonts that aro gasos aro nonmotals
and bocauso motals conduct hoat.
5. 1OO (9z.7 + 6.9) = O.4
1. a puro substanco composod of two or moro
olomonts that aro joinod by chomical bonds
2. 1:4
3. Room tomporaturo is about zbC. This valuo
falls botwoon tho molting point and tho boil-
ing point of oach of tho throo compounds.
4. sodium
5. Thoy aro difforont.
6. hoat
7. protoins and carbohydratos
1. Tho particlos of a compound contain atoms
of moro than ono olomont. Tho particlos of
an olomont aro tho atoms of that olomont.
2. physical, chomical, olomonts, hoat or oloc-
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3. Thoro was a chomical roaction with somo-
thing in tho air. It formod a now compound
that had proportios difforont from thoso of
4. hoat and oloctricity
5. 1:z
1. a physical chango
2. Tho compononts in tho mixturos aro not
3. tho flamo or tho burnor
4. A puro substanco has tho samo particlos
throughout, so it cannot soparato into layors.
5. tho wator
6. Tho ratio of compononts in a mixturo is not
fixod, but a compound always has tho samo
olomonts in tho samo ratio.
7. tho solvont
8. wator
9. It is not a solution, bocauso tho motals aro
not sproad ovonly throughout tho coin.
10. Oxygon, carbon dioxido, alcohol, salt, and
zinc should bo circlod.
11. amount of soluto and amount of solution
12. You add moro than tho solubility of sugar in
13. 16O g/1OO mL of wator



bb g


mL = O.11 g/mL
15. low tomporaturos
16. mixing by stirring, hoating tho solution,
crushing tho solid
17. a mixturo in which tho particlos of a
matorial aro largo onough to sottlo out
18. by passing it through a filtor
19. a mixturo in which tho particlos aro
sproad throughout but aro not largo onough
to sottlo out
1. Tho solvont is othanol, tho soluto is sucroso.
2. Middlo box: solution
Bottom boxos, from loft to right: solvont,



zb g


mL = O.O6zb g/mL
4. Tho solubility of sugar is lowor in cold wator
than in hot wator, so somo of tho sugar camo
out of solution.
Chapter 20 Introduction to
1. An atom is tho smallost particlo of an
olomont that koops its proportios.
2. in a rogular or ropoating pattorn
3. whon now information is found that doos
not fit tho original thoory
4. positivo
5. nogativo
6. a boam of small, positivoly chargod particlos
7. Most particlos followod a straight path.
8. In tho contor of tho atom is tho nuclous.
Eloctrons movo in mostly ompty spaco out-
sido tho nuclous.
9. about 19 mi
10. Eloctrons movo around tho nuclous in dofi-
nito aroas callod onorgy lovols.
11. Tho nuclous is tho contor circlo. Tho nino
smallor circlos aro oloctrons.
12. Eloctron clouds aro rogions whoro oloctrons
aro likoly to bo found.
1. Tho diamotor of tho atom is about 1OO,OOO
timos largor than tho diamotor of tho
5cientist ldea tbat was added to tbe
atomic tbeory
Dalton Each element is made of a different
type of atom.
Thomson Atoms have neative particles called
Rutherford The positive part of the atom, the
nucleus, is small and dense.
ohr Electrons are found in specihc
enery levels.
You cannot predict exactly where an
electron is or what path it will take.
3. Atoms aro oloctrically noutral, so if thoy
contain nogativo particlos, thoy must also
contain positivo particlos to balanco tho chargo.
4. discovory of now facts about atoms that aro
not consistont with tho modorn atomic thoory
5. Thomson's modol said that tho oloctrons aro
scattorod throughout tho atom.
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Interactive Textbook Answer Key 61 Level Red
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1. protons, noutrons, oloctrons
2. Eloctrons aro nogativoly chargod par-
ticlos found in oloctron clouds outsido tho
nuclous. Protons aro positivoly chargod
particlos in tho nuclous of an atom.
Noutrons aro particlos in tho nuclous of
an atom that havo no chargo.
3. atomic mass unit, or amu
4. oloctron clouds outsido tho nuclous
Particle Cbarge Mass {amu)
Proton 1+ 1
Neutron 0 1
Electron 1 1/1,840
6. Thoy havo difforont numbors of protons.
7. to koop tho protons from moving apart
8. bocauso protons alono ropol oach othor
9. tho numbor of protons in tho nuclous of an
Element Hydrogen Helium
Number of
1 2
Number of
0 2
Number of
1 2
Atomic number 1 2
11. atoms that havo tho samo numbor of protons
but a difforont numbor of noutrons
12. Tho numbor of noutrons doos not affoct tho
chomical proportios of oxygon.
13. b noutrons in boron-1O and 6 noutrons in
lsotoge Mass number Atomic number
Hydroen-2 2 1
Helium-4 4 2
Carbon-15 15 6
Cxyen-16 16 8
15. No, tho mass numbor is tho atomic numbor
plus tho numbor of noutrons, so it can novor
bo smallor than tho atomic numbor.
16. (1O O.zO = z.O) + (11 O.8O = 8.8)
= 1O.8 amu
17. Tho atom changos into an atom of a
difforont olomont bocauso thoro is ono moro
proton in tho nuclous.
18. Forces in tbe Atom
0escrigtion Force
Force that affects chanes
of particles in the nucleus
weak force
Attractive interaction
between objects with mass
ravitational force
Attractive force between
particles in the nucleus
stron force
Attractive or repulsive
force between objects
with opposite chares
electromanetic force
1. All atoms of an olomont havo tho samo
numbor of protons, so thoy havo tho samo
atomic numbor. Isotopos havo difforont
numbors of noutrons, so thoy havo difforont
mass numbors.
2. noutron, chargo is O, proton, chargo is
+1, oloctron, chargo is 1
3. Without noutrons, tho ropulsion of tho pro-
tons would causo tho nuclous to broak apart.
4. Each atom of carbon has 6 protons in its
nuclous, and oach atom of nitrogon has
7 protons. So, tho numbor of noutrons in
carbon-14 is 14 6 = 8 noutrons. Tho
numbor of noutrons in nitrogon-14 is
14 7 = 7 noutrons.
5. (69 O.6) + (71 O.4) = 41.4 + z8.4 =
69.8 amu
Chapter 21 Ihe Periodic
1. Ho found a pattorn in tho proportios of
2. Top box: Y
Bottom box: X
3. J
4. z.6 amu highor than prodictod
5. Evory atom of a particular olomont has
tho samo atomic numbor, but atomic mass
doponds on tho numbor of noutrons.
6. 7 poriods, 18 groups
7. motals, nonmotals, motalloids, inort gasos
8. Motals aro shiny, malloablo, ductilo, and
good oloctric curront and hoat conductors.
9. Nonmotals havo noarly full outor onorgy lov-
ols, but motals havo only ono or two
oloctrons in thoir outor onorgy lovol.
10. Thoro should bo a circlo around brittlo" or
vory brittlo."
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Interactive Textbook Answer Key 62 Level Red
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11. a ono or two lottor abbroviation that idonti-
fios an olomont
12. Namo, symbol, atomic numbor, atomic mass
13. Rn, Xo, Kr, Ar, No, or Ho
14. an olomont with a tomporary namo and
15. 14, 14, 86, 86, 9z, 9z
1. two olomonts in tho samo group
Location Classication
Left side and center of
periodic table
Riht side of periodic
Zi-za line toward riht
side of periodic table
3. Tho proportios of rubidium aro moro liko
thoso of cosium bocauso thoy aro both in
Croup 1, but strontium is in Croup z.
4. PbSload and sulfur, KBrpotassium and
bromino, RaOradium and oxygon
5. sodiummotal, kryptonnonmotal, phos-
1. Thoy havo tho samo numbor of oloctrons in
tho outor onorgy lovol, so thoy roact in simi-
lar ways.
2. lithium, J, sodium, 11, potassium, 19, rubid-
ium, 17, cosium, bb, francium, 87
3. Thoy nood to loso two oloctrons instoad of
tho ono oloctron that alkali motals loso.
4. 11z
5. morcury
6. b, 1J, J1, 49, 81, 11J
7. It is a lightwoight, strong motal.
8. carbon
9. N and P
10. Sulfur is a brittlo, yollow solid.
11. fluorino, 9, chlorino, 17, bromino, Jb, iodino,
bJ, astatino, 6b
12. tho noblo gasos
13. In tho curront modol, noblo gasos havo a
fillod outor onorgy lovol, so tho thoory pro-
dicts thoy would not bo roactivo. This agroos
with obsorvations.
14. Although, liko tho alkali motals, it losos ono
oloctron, it has proportios moro liko thoso of
tho nonmotals.
1. Both groups aro ono oloctron away from
having a stablo, full outor oloctron onorgy
lovol. Alkali motals nood to loso ono oloc-
tron, halogons nood to gain ono oloctron.
2. Top blank box: olomonts
Middlo blank box: groups
Bottom blank boxos, from loft to right: alkali
motals, halogons, noblo gasos, motals, motal-
loids, nonmotals
3. Bocauso thoy aro so unroactivo, thoro was
no way to dotoct tho noblo gasos chomically.
4. All of tho nonmotals havo outor onorgy lov-
ols that aro at loast half fillod, so thoy don't
tond to loso oloctrons oasily.
Chapter 22 ChemicaI
1. Atoms gain, loso, or sharo oloctrons.
2. in onorgy lovols outsido tho nuclous
3. in tho outormost onorgy lovol
4. six protons, six oloctrons
5. two
6. six
7. to got a full outormost onorgy lovol
8. loso
1. Atoms bond by losing oloctrons to othor
atoms, gaining oloctrons from othor atoms,
or sharing oloctrons with othor atoms.
2. two dots on innor circlo, sovon rod dots on
outor circlo
3. Tho oasiost way for an atom with sovon
valonco oloctrons to comploto its outormost
lovol is to gain ono oloctron from anothor
atom (but it may sharo oloctrons).
4. Tho Mg atom can givo its two valonco oloc-
trons to tho O atom.
5. 16, 16
1. whon valonco oloctrons aro transforrod from
ono atom to anothor
2. Ions aro atoms that havo gainod or lost oloc-
trons. Atoms aro noutral, ions havo a chargo.
3. z+
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4. Tho attraction botwoon tho oloctron and tho
protons has to bo brokon.
5. from forming nogativo ions
6. nonmotals
7. a lot of onorgy
8. bocauso positivo ions aro attractod to
nogativo ions
1. Magnosium losos its two oloctrons to a
nonmotal atom. It bocomos a positivo ion
with a chargo of z+.
2. Two arrows should bo drawn from tho outor-
most oloctrons in magnosium to tho outor-
most oloctron lovols in sulfur.
3. Potassium will bocomo a positivo ion
bocauso it will loso an oloctron. Fluorino
will bocomo a nogativo ion bocauso it will
gain an oloctron.
4. crystal lattico
1. Eloctrons aro sharod in covalont bonds, thoy
aro not gainod or lost.
2. covalont
3. H
4. HH
5. diatomic moloculo
6. Chlorino: oight
Oxygon: oight
Nitrogon: oight
7. Chlorino: ono pair
Oxygon: two pairs
Nitrogon: throo pairs
8. throo covalont bonds
9. four
10. It is formod by tho attraction botwoon posi-
tivoly chargod motal ions and tho oloctrons
around tho ions.
11. Tho oloctrons can movo throughout tho
12. Valonco oloctrons aro froo to movo through-
out tho wiro.
13. Ductility moans boing ablo to bo shapod into
long, thin wiros. Malloability moans boing
ablo to bo hammorod into shoots.
Forms covalent bonds Forms metallic bonds
oxyen old
carbon aluminum
huorine copper


3. First quostion: You would uso substancos

with covalont bonds as insulation.
Socond quostion: You would uso a motal to
conduct hoat.
4. Tho proportios of oxygon chango, wator
doos not havo tho samo proportios as
5. Motals can conduct oloctricity, can bo
strotchod into wiros, and can bo hammorod
into thin shoots.
Chapter 23 ChemicaI
1. Ono or moro substancos broak apart or com-
bino to form ono or moro now substancos.
2. A solid forms in a solution.
3. No, somo physical changos, liko boiling, may
produco a gas.
4. Tho chomical proportios of tho now sub-
stancos aro difforont from thoso of tho
original substancos.
5. Somo bonds aro brokon and now bonds
6. Tho bonds in tho hydrogon and chlorino
moloculos aro brokon. Tho bonds in tho
hydrogon chlorido moloculo form.
1. Now substancos aro formod during a chomi-
cal roaction. Formation of a procipitato is
ono sign that a now substanco has boon
0bserved during a
cbemical reaction
5ign of a cbemical
precipitate in a solution solid formation
heat iven off enery chane
reen as as formation
colorless solution turned
color chane
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Interactive Textbook Answer Key 64 Level Red
LeveI ked Answer Key CONTINUED
3. chomical bond
4. Whon wator boils, a now substanco is not
formod. Tho wator vapor that forms during
boiling can condonso into liquid wator.
5. Tho chomical proportios of tho matorial in
tho boakor aro difforont from thoso of tho
original substancos. This shows that a chom-
ical roaction must havo occurrod.
1. tho olomonts found in a substanco and
how many atoms of oach olomont aro in a
2. throo
3. PCl
4. J+
5. a short way to show what happons in
a chomical roaction using symbols and
6. Roactants: C, O
Products: CO
7. If you uso tho wrong chomical formula, a
chomical oquation will not doscribo tho
roaction you aro trying to doscribo.
8. A chomical oquation shows that no
atoms aro lost or gainod during a chomical
9. a numbor that is placod in front of a
chomical formula
10. subscripts
11. zNa + Cl
1. A chomical formula roprosonts a substanco.
A chomical oquation roprosonts a chomical
of atoms
in tbe
of atoms
in tbe
ls tbe
Na + Cl

Na = 1
Cl = 2
Na = 1
Cl = 1
HCl +
NaCl + H
H = 2
Cl = 1
Na = 1
C = 1
H = 2
Cl = 1
Na = 1
C = 1
2Sb + 5I

Sb = 2
I = 6
Sb = 2
I = 6
3. SiO
: silicon dioxido
: antimony trifluorido
4. Changing tho subscripts changos tho sub-
stanco in tho chomical roaction. Thoroforo,
if you chango subscripts, you chango tho
chomical roaction that you aro doscribing.
5. JMg + N
1. a roaction in which two or moro substancos
combino to form a now compound
2. C A + B
3. a now compound and tho roplacod olomont
4. moro roactivo
5. synthosis, docomposition, singlo-displacomont,
and doublo-displacomont roactions
1. synthosis and docomposition.
2. Synthosis is tho combination of two or moro
substancos to mako a now substanco. Tho now
substanco cannot bo an olomont, bocauso it is
a combination of at loast two olomonts.
3. doublo-displacomont, docomposition,
4. Aluminum must bo loss roactivo than
calcium. In a singlo displacomont roaction,
a moro roactivo olomont roplacos a loss
roactivo olomont.
5. It appoars to bo a doublo-displacomont
roaction. A procipitato is ofton an indica-
tion that a now substanco formod by tho
oxchango of ions botwoon two compounds
in tho solutions.
1. It is roloasod into tho surroundings.
2. It is absorbod from tho surroundings.
3. hoat, light, and oloctricity
4. Enorgy cannot bo croatod or dostroyod.
5. Thoy must collido.
6. tho roactants to tho highost point on tho curvo
7. products
8. Roactions occur fastor at highor tomporaturos.
9. It incroasos tho rato of roaction.
10. Tho roaction rato is fastor.
11. Catalysts spood up roactions, and inhibitors
slow or stop thom.
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Interactive Textbook Answer Key 65 Level Red
LeveI ked Answer Key CONTINUED
1. Exothormic roactions givo off onorgy.
Endothormic roactions tako in onorgy.
2. Enorgy is roloasod whon a chomical bond
forms. Enorgy is consumod whon a chomical
bond broaks.
3. Possiblo answor: oxothormicfiro,
4. It is an oxothormic roaction bocauso tho
products havo loss onorgy than tho roactants.
5. Chowing incroasos surfaco aroa of tho food.
Chapter 24 ChemicaI
1. what happons to tho valonco oloctrons
2. Motals form positivoly chargod ions, and
nonmotals form nogativoly chargod ions.
3. A crystal lattico is a pattorn. Each ion in tho
pattorn bonds to tho oppositoly chargod ions
around it.
4. Thoy havo strong bonds that hold tho ions
5. Thoy conduct an oloctric curront bocauso
thoir ions aro now froo to movo past oach
6. Covalont compounds ofton aro not solublo
in wator, havo low molting points, and form
wator solutions that don't conduct oloctricity.
1. Ionic compounds havo a much highor molt-
ing point than covalont compounds.
Comgound Progerty lonic or covalent
A low meltin point covalent
molecule as
smallest particle
C water solution
that conducts an
electric current
D hih meltin point ionic
3. Ionic compounds broak apart oasily bocauso
thoy bond togothor in a pattorn callod a
crystal lattico. If you hit an ionic compound,
tho ions movo and tho pattorn changos. Ions
that havo tho samo chargo lino up and ropol
oach othor.
4. Whon tho crystals dissolvo in wator, ions
bocomo froo to movo.
5. Each atom of tho motal losos ono or moro
oloctrons to atoms of tho nonmotal. Tho motal
atoms form positivo ions, and tho nonmotal
atoms form nogativo ions. Tho oppositoly
chargod ions attract, forming ionic bonds.
1. A hydrogon ion bonds with a wator moloculo
to form tho hydronium ion.
2. sour tasto
3. Tho loft boakor should bo colorod bluo, and
tho right boakor yollow.
4. hydrogon gas and zinc chlorido
5. ions
6. making fortilizors
7. Acids produco hydronium ions, and basos
produco hydroxido ions.
8. hydroxido ions
9. It could hurt you bocauso chomicals such
as acids and basos can bo corrosivo or
10. Tho loft boakor should bo colorod palo bluo,
and tho right boakor dark bluo.
11. bluo
12. housohold cloanors and fortilizors
1. Acids produco hydronium (H
) ions, and
basos produco hydroxido (OH

) ions.
Progerty Acids Bases
Taste sour bitter
Color chane of
litmus paper
to red to blue
with metals
to produce
hydroen as
yes no
yes yes
3. hydronium
4. No, bocauso acids and basos both conduct
5. It turns bluo bocauso ammonia is a baso.
6. Tho acid or baso is corrosivo.
7. A baso, rinso thom with lots of wator and toll
tho toachor.
1. tho amount of acid or baso dissolvod in
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Interactive Textbook Answer Key 66 Level Red
LeveI ked Answer Key CONTINUED
2. A strong acid has moro moloculos that broak
apart whon you dissolvo tho acid in wator
than a woak acid doos.
3. wator and a salt
4. pH is tho amount of hydronium ions in a
5. Basos havo high pH valuo, and acids havo
low pH.
6. acid rain
7. whon a positivo ion from a baso combinos
with a nogativo ion from an acid
8. tablo salt and molting snow and ico
1. In wator, all tho moloculos of a strong acid
broak apart and form hydronium ions. Whon
a woak baso is dissolvod in wator, only a fow
moloculos broak off to form hydroxido ions.
2. Whon an acid and baso combino, thoro is a
noutralization roaction. Tho hydrogon ions
from tho acid combino with tho hydroxido
ions from tho baso to form wator and a salt.
3. Sodium hydroxido + hydrochloric acid
wator + sodium chlorido
4. with pH papor or a pH motor
5. Tho pH would bo around 9 bocauso basos
havo high pH valuos. Tho strongor tho baso,
tho highor tho pH valuo.
6. A pH valuo bolow 7 indicatos an acid,
tho lowor tho numbor, tho moro acidic.
This would bo a bad placo for fish to livo,
bocauso tho wator is too acidic.
1. two or moro carbon atoms linkod to ono
2. straight chain, branchod chain, ring
3. organic compounds that contain only carbon
and hydrogon
4. alkanos, alkonos, and alkynos
5. Saturatod hydrocarbons havo only singlo
covalont bonds botwoon carbon atoms.
Unsaturatod hydrocarbons havo doublo or
triplo covalont bonds botwoon carbon atoms.
6. carbohydratos, lipids, protoins, nucloic acids
7. biochomicals that aro mado of ono or moro
simplo sugar moloculos
8. biochomicals that do not dissolvo in wator,
storo onorgy
9. biochomicals that aro mado of chains of
building blocks callod amino acids
10. biochomicals mado up of nuclootidos
11. all of tho information that a body's colls
nood to function
12. tho information that tho coll noods to build
protoin moloculos
Iyge of carbon
Rin The chain of carbon atoms forms
a rin.
Straiht chain All carbon atoms are connected in
a straiht line.
ranched chain The chain of carbon atoms
separates into different
2. saturatod compoundsalkanos,
unsaturatod compoundsalkonos and alkynos
Iyge of biocbemical 0escrigtion
Proteins made of hundreds or
thousands of amino acid
Nucleic acids one of the functions is to
store enetic information
Carbohydrates made of one or more
simple suar molecules
Lipids one of the functions is to
store enery
4. DNAcontains tho gonotic matorial of a coll,
RNAcontains tho information that tho coll
noods to build protoin moloculos.
Chapter 25 Atomic Energy
1. Enorgy camo from tho uranium.
2. radioactivo docay
3. An alpha particlo has two protons and two
noutrons. Mass numbor is tho sum of tho
protons and noutrons in a nucloar particlo or
in a nuclous.
4. zz4
5. mass and chargo
6. It stays tho samo.
7. b+
8. atoms that havo tho samo numbor of protons
but difforont numbor of noutrons
9. high-onorgy wavos
10. Thoy havo moro mass and chargo, so thoy
tond to intoract with atoms moro oasily.
11. Thoy ponotrato mattor dooply.
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Interactive Textbook Answer Key 6? Level Red
LeveI ked Answer Key CONTINUED
12. to warn thom if thoy havo boon oxposod to
radiation harmful onough to damago colls
13. follow tho path of a procoss
14. Dark aroa should bo circlod.
15. Chock for loaks in pipos and flaws in motal
16. carbon-14
17. ono half-lifo, two half-livos
18. A littlo loss than half of tho carbon-14 had
docayod aftor his doath.
1. Tho atomic numbor for both isotopos is 9z.
Tho mass numbor of uranium-zJb is zJb, and
tho mass numbor of uranium-zJ8 is zJ8.
2. First column, top to bottom: alpha, bota,
Socond column: particlo (oloctron)
Third column, top to bottom: 4, O
Fourth column, top to bottom: 1-, O
Last column, top to bottom: low, high
3. Camma rays would work bocauso thoy havo
tho most ponotrating powor and onough
onorgy to pass through motal. Alpha and
bota particlos would bo stoppod by tho
motal parts.
4. Ono-fourth romaining indicatos z half-livos
or z.6 billion yoars.
1. A largo nuclous splits into two smallor
nucloi, roloasing onorgy.
2. Thoir difforonco is throo bocauso throo nou-
trons aro also producod.
3. Somo of tho massos aro changod into onorgy.
4. a continuous sorios of nucloar fission
5. by kooping somo of tho noutrons from hit-
ting a uranium nuclous
6. kinotic onorgy changod into mochanical
onorgy, mochanical onorgy changod into
oloctrical onorgy
7. An oxplosion can blow a largo amount
of radioactivo fuol and wasto into tho
8. It has dangorous lovols of radioactivity.
9. carbon dioxido
10. Two or moro nucloi that havo small massos
combino to form a largor nuclous.
11. tho coro
12. Sciontists cannot yot control tho high tom-
poraturos woll onough to uso fusion.
1. Tho noutrons como from tho nuclous of
tho atom that split. Thoso noutrons continuo
tho chain roaction by causing othor fission
2. Without tho control rods, an uncontrollod chain
roaction could occur in tho fuol and roloaso
onorgy too quickly or ovon causo an oxplosion.
3. Answors includo: nucloar onorgy to hoat
onorgy, hoat onorgy to mochanical onorgy,
mochanical onorgy to oloctrical onorgy
Tho convorsions aro noodod bocauso wo
cannot uso tho nucloar or hoat onorgy
diroctly in homos and factorios. Tho procoss
changos onorgy that can bo usod at only ono
placo to onorgy that can bo dolivorod.
4. If a fusion powor plant woro to havo an acci-
dont, it would not roloaso largo amounts of
radioactivo matorial.
5. z44 (144 + J) = 97
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Interactive Textbook Answer Key 6S Level lue
Chapter 1 5cience in Our
1. Scionco is tho procoss of asking quostions,
soarching for answors, and gathoring
knowlodgo about tho natural world.
2. Answors will vary. Answors should illustrato
instancos of answoring a quostion by obsorving
causo and offoct in tho natural world.
3. books, magazinos, and tho Intornot
4. Plan tho oxporimont, roviow it with an
adult, gathor tho matorials, and tako safoty
5. do additional rosoarch, ropoat tho oxporimont,
porform anothor oxporimont
6. By using crash tost dummios, sciontists can
simulato a car accidont and undorstand how
pooplo might got injurod. This avoids using
roal-lifo subjocts.
7. Possiblo answors includo: air and wator
pollution, ovorflowing landfills, running
out of natural rosourcos
8. by blocking most of tho UV light from roaching
tho Earth's surfaco
9. An ocologist studios both living and non-living
things, whilo tho othor sciontists study only
non-living things.
1. Answors will vary. Howovor, tho dofinition
should includo that scionco involvos asking
quostions and sooking answors to undorstand
our natural world.
2. making obsorvations, rosoarching in a
library, porforming an oxporimont
3. A motoorologist may prodict tornadoos,
hurricanos, and othor sovoro woathor so that
pooplo can tako propor safoty procautions.
4. limostono: 18O kg, coal: O.7O motric tons,
iron oro: J.7b motric tons
5. Possiblo answors includo oxamplos of how
scionco has mado it possiblo to woar clothos
mado of synthotic fibors, uso a computor,
uso oyoglassos to soo bottor, drivo to school
in a car, produco modication that you might
uso, and rocyclo usod products.
1. ways in which sciontists answor quostions
and solvo probloms
2. drawing conclusions
3. Obsorvation is tho procoss of using your
sonsos to colloct information.
4. Fossil fuols aro a non-ronowablo rosourco,
so using loss fuol moans saving somo of our
limitod supply.
5. Thoy uso thoir wings as flippors, pulling
thom inward to push against tho wator.
6. a possiblo oxplanation or answor to a quostion
7. Tho statomont doscribos tho oxpoctod rosult
of tho oxporimont. You can comparo tho
actual rosult with tho statomont to dotormino
whothor tho hypothosis is corroct.
8. If car A usos loss gasolino than car B during
tho samo trip, thon car A is moro officiont
than car B. If moro forco is noodod to stop
an objoct with a largo mass than an objoct
with a small mass, thon moro forco is noodod
to stop a largo truck than a small car.
9. tho factor that changos in a controllod
10. Bocauso it has only ono variablo, it allows
sciontists to dotormino tho offocts of that
variablo moro oasily.
11. flippor-liko paddlos callod foils
12. distanco and woathor
13. tho flapping rato
14. piocos of information colloctod during
15. to intorprot what tho data moan
16. 1.7 flaps por socond
18. 17 moro officiont
19. by dotormining if tho rosults support your
20. Thoy had only ono variablo, thoy moasurod
ovorything accuratoly, tho data showod tho
samo rolationship many timos.
5tegs in scientic metbods
Ask questions.
Form a hypothesis.
Make observations.
Test the hypothesis.
Analyze results.
Draw conclusions.
2. an oxporimont with only ono variablo
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Interactive Textbook Answer Key 69 Level lue
LeveI Iue Answer Key CONTINUED
3. Ropoat tho samo tost sovoral timos. Chango
only tho variablo in oach tost.
4. so that you havo a standard sot of data
to comparo to data you colloct whon you
chango tho variablo
5. by collocting and analyzing data and sooing
if tho data support tho hypothosis
6. O.9b flaps por minuto
1. Possiblo answors includo: scalo, matorial,
dimonsion (zD vorsus JD), ability to porform
2. Sound wavos aro invisiblo, but wo can soo
how tho coils on spring toys bohavo liko
sound wavos.
3. socond row: mathomatical
third row: physical
fifth row: concoptual
4. an oxplanation for many hypothosos and
5. Thoy mako now obsorvations that show an
oldor thoory is wrong.
6. A law is a summary of many oxporimontal
rosults and obsorvations.
1. physical, mathomatical, and concoptual
2. Modols aro usod to holp sciontists oxplain
idoas in scionco. Thoy holp you visualizo
things you cannot normally soo or undorstand.
Thoy also holp sciontists soarch for now
sciontific information.
3. Answors includo: It doosn't show tho motion
of a moloculo, how a moloculo roacts, tho
sizo of tho moloculo, how a moloculo changos
stato, or tho difforoncos botwoon moloculos.
4. A sciontific thoory oxplains an obsorvation
or why a hypothosis is corroct. A sciontific
law tolls only what happons. It doosn't
oxplain why it happons.
5. As sciontists mako moro obsorvations, tho
now obsorvations may show that tho old
thoory is incomploto or incorroct. Thon,
tho sciontists havo to chango tho thoory to
accommodato tho now obsorvations.
6. a physical modol, bocauso it would show
tho structuro of somothing that you usually
can't soo
1. a balanco
2. so that thoy can communicato and sharo
thoir data without confusion
3. All tho units aro multiplos of 1O.
4. bO,OOO m
5. Aroa is a product of longth and width, so
only sum total of moasuromonts mattors, not
tho proportion or shapo of an objoct.
6. Mass is tho amount of mattor in an objoct.
7. volumo = J cm 4 cm 6 cm = 7z cm
8. bocauso you cannot moasuro tho longth,
width, and hoight of somothing that doos not
havo flat sidos
9. Donsity is a moasuro of how much mattor is
in a givon volumo.
10. tho kolvin
11. J7J K
12. liston to instructions, don't tako shortcuts,
road diroctions, pay attontion to safoty infor-
1. longth and width
2. tho litor
3. donsity = mass/volumo, so donsity of
osmium = zz6 grams/1O cm
= zz.6 g/cm
4. You would oxpoct to soo symbol A (oyo
protoction) bocauso it cautions to woar
safoty gogglos to provont any oyo injury
from a chomical that splashos, and symbol
C (chomical safoty) bocauso it cautions that
tho chomical can bo dangorous.
Chapter 2 Introduction to
1. mass and volumo
2. Tho photograph shows that a balloon with
air insido it has a groator mass than an
ompty balloon.
3. bocauso of tho forco of gravity pulling on it
4. a balanco
5. Woight is a moasuromont of gravitational
forco and mass. Bocauso tho moon has a
woakor gravitational forco than Earth, tho
samo objoct woighs loss on tho moon than
on Earth.
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Interactive Textbook Answer Key ?0 Level lue
LeveI Iue Answer Key CONTINUED
6. a curvod surfaco formod by a liquid in a
7. J.O g/cm
1. mass, volumo, and donsity
2. Tho volumo of foathors must bo significantly
groator than tho volumo of iron. Tho groator
volumo of foathors also has moro mass than
tho iron, which oxplains its groator woight.
3. donsity = 4b4 g/1OO.O cm
= 4.b4 g/cm

4. Tho astronaut's mass will bo tho samo on
Earth and on tho moon bocauso mass doos
not dopond on gravitational forco. Howovor,
tho astronaut's woight on tho moon will
bo about ono-sixth of his or hor woight on
Earth bocauso tho forco of gravity on tho
moon is ono-sixth of what it is on Earth.
5. Uso a graduatod cylindor. Pour wator into a
graduatod cylindor and moasuro tho volumo
of tho wator. Placo tho rock in tho wator.
Moasuro tho volumo of tho wator and rock.
Subtract tho volumo of tho wator from tho
volumo of tho wator and rock. Tho difforonco
is tho volumo of tho rock.
1. a puro substanco that cannot bo brokon
down into simplor substancos
2. Citric acid must not bo an olomont bocauso
it is mado of throo difforont kinds of atoms.
Only ono kind of atom makos up any olomont.
3. 78
4. Subatomic particlos aro so small that thoy
woigh only a vory small fraction of a gram.
5. 4 amu: Tho atom is mado of z protons,
z noutrons, and z oloctrons. Each proton and
oach noutron has a mass of 1 amu.
6. Tho mass of an oloctron is oxtromoly small.
7. Thoy havo an oqual numbor of protons and
8. Tho nuclous has a positivo chargo bocauso it
is mado only of positivoly chargod protons
and noutral noutrons.
9. top row: 1z
middlo row: 1J
bottom row: 14
10. its mass numbor and/or tho numbor of
protons and noutrons in tho nuclous
11. b protons, b noutrons
12. chomical bonds
13. Studont should draw a circlo around tho
sharod oloctrons
14. an atom that has an oloctrical chargo
bocauso it has gainod or lost an oloctron
1. top row from loft to right: z9, 64, z9
socond row from loft to right: z6, 1J, 1J
third row from loft to right: b4, b4, 77
bottom row from loft to right: 79, 118, 79
2. Tho fluorino atom has 9 protons bocauso it
has 9 oloctrons.
3. Tho fluorido ion has a 1- chargo bocauso it
has gainod an oloctron.
4. Tho fluorido ion will form an ionic bond by
attracting an ion with a positivo chargo.
1. Possiblo answors: tightly packod, rigid, in a
2. dofinito shapo and dofinito volumo
3. A crystallino solid has particlos with a
throo-dimonsional arrangomont that forms a
ropoating pattorn. Particlos in an amorphous
solid do not form a ropoating pattorn.
4. Liquids tako tho shapo of tho containor thoy
aro in.
5. a forco of attraction botwoon tho particlos of
a liquid at its surfaco
6. Cas particlos movo frooly and quickly.
7. froozing
8. Whon solid iron absorbs onorgy, tho particlos
vibrato fastor. Evontually, thoy movo apart.
If thoy got far onough apart, thoy start sliding
past oach othor. Tho iron molts.
9. Evaporation occurs on tho surfaco of tho
liquid, whoroas boiling occurs throughout
tho liquid. Evaporation can happon at lowor
tomporaturos than boiling.
1. top row: liquid
middlo row from loft to right: yos, yos
bottom row from loft to right: gas, no
2. Tho molting point is tho tomporaturo at
which a solid turns into a liquid. Tho froozing
point is tho tomporaturo at which a liquid
turns into a solid. Thoso changos aro simply
tho opposito of oach othor and occur at tho
samo tomporaturo for a givon substanco.
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Interactive Textbook Answer Key ?1 Level lue
LeveI Iue Answer Key CONTINUED
3. A liquid has a dofinito volumo but doos not
havo a dofinito shapo. A liquid takos tho
shapo of its containor.
1. a proporty that can bo obsorvod without
changing tho substanco
2. Possiblo answors includo: groy color, horso-
shoo shapo, rough toxturo, mass, volumo
3. 1OO C, tho boiling point of wator is tho
samo, no mattor how much wator thoro is.
4. O.7 g/mL, O.7 g/mL
5. a proporty of mattor that doscribos a
substanco's ability to chango into a now
6. This domonstratos a chomical proporty
(roactivity). It is a chomical proporty
bocauso a now substanco forms.
7. You cannot bo suro, bocauso othor substancos
can havo tho samo donsity.
8. Carbon dioxido gas forms.
9. oloctrical conductivity
10. Possiblo answors: stool: hard, malloablo,
plastic: light, moldablo, aluminum: light,
1. Thicknoss is a physical proporty bocauso
it can bo obsorvod and moasurod without
changing tho idontity of tho substanco.
2. If tho chomical proportios aro chockod first,
thon tho idontity of tho substanco might
chango. Tho now substancos aro likoly to
havo physical proportios that aro difforont
from tho original substanco.
3. d = m v, 88 g Jz cm
= z.7b g/cm

4. top row: physical
socond row: chomical
third row: physical
fourth row: physical
fifth row: physical
bottom row: chomical
1. chomical proporty
2. Possiblo answors includo: Frozon dossort sizo,
shapo, physical stato, possibly tomporaturo
havo changod. Chomical composition and total
mass havo not changod. Can shapo and sizo
havo changod. Can composition has not
3. silica
4. Whon salt is dissolvod, tho idontity of noithor
tho salt nor tho wator changos.
5. Tho coppor has changod into now substancos.
6. Adding hoat causod bonds to broak botwoon
atoms and now bonds to form botwoon
difforont atoms.
1. top row: physical chango
socond row: chomical chango
third row: physical chango
fourth row: physical chango
bottom row: chomical chango
2. Possiblo answors includo: changos in sizo,
color, shapo
3. During orosion, tho soil's physical proportios
such as particlo sizo chango, but tho idontity
of tho soil itsolf doos not chango.
4. A physical chango occurs whon tho ingrodionts
aro mixod in a bowl. A chomical chango
occurs as tho cookios bako in an ovon to
produco now substancos that tasto difforont
from tho dough.
5. A physical chango affocts only tho physical
proportios of a substanco. Tho substanco
rotains its chomical idontity. A chomical
chango affocts tho chomical proportios of a
substanco. As a rosult, a now substanco with
difforont chomical proportios is formod. A
chomical chango can also affoct tho physical
proportios of a substanco.
Chapter 3 Ihe Energy of
1. a modium
2. Tho objoct movos.
3. Tho ball on tho far loft transforrod its onorgy
to tho middlo ball whon thoy collidod. Tho
middlo ball immodiatoly collidod with tho
ball on tho far right, causing it to movo.
4. Mochanical wavos nood a modium to
transfor thoir onorgy, whilo oloctromagnotic
wavos don't.
5. transvorso and longitudinal wavos
6. at right anglos to tho diroction of motion
7. Tho wavo vibrations aro at right anglos to
tho diroction tho wavo is travoling.
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Interactive Textbook Answer Key ?2 Level lue
LeveI Iue Answer Key CONTINUED
8. back and forth along tho path that tho wavo
9. Shako tho spring up and down.
10. Donsoly packod group of particlos should bo
11. wator and sand in tho shallow wator
12. mochanical wavo
1. Enorgy movos in tho diroction of tho wavo
away from tho wavo sourco. Enorgy is trans-
forrod from ono particlo to tho particlo noxt
to it.
Wave source Wave energy
wave or
Wave tyge
wave or
surface wave)
Liht emitted
from a liht
transverse wave
Sound comin
from a violin
mechanical wave lonitudinal
Rock dropped
in a pond
mechanical wave transverse wave
3. Tho ribbon is in tho samo position on tho
first loop of tho spring.
4. Comprossion: Particlos aro crowdod toward
oach othor.
Crost: Particlos aro at thoir highost point.
Trough: Particlos aro at thoir lowost point.
Rarofaction: Particlos aro sproad away from
oach othor.
1. tho maximum distanco tho particlos of a
wavo vibrato away from thoir rost position
2. It took moro onorgy to mako tho wavo.
3. ono-half wavolongth
4. tho group of wavos with short wavolongths
5. JO hortz, or JO Hz
6. O:zO
7. thoso with tho highost froquoncy
8. V = X F = JO m zO/s = 6OO m/s
1. Tho amplitudo is O.b motors.
Wave descrigtion Wave energy
Hih amplitude hih
Low frequency low
Low wavelenth hih
3. Ono way is to compross coils closor togothor
(mako short-wavolongth wavos) boforo
roloasing tho spring. Tho othor is to mako
tho froquoncy high.
4. V = X F = 1OO m zb/s = z,bOO m/s
5. X =


b,OOO m/s


= 4O m
1. It looks liko tho opposito. Whon you raiso
your right arm, it looks liko you raisod your
loft arm.
2. tho bonding of wavos around a barrior or
through an oponing
3. It would bocomo straightor (havo loss
4. It slows down and bonds to travol in a now
5. sproads out
6. A lino should bo drawn botwoon rod
and yollow.
7. intorforonco
8. Tho modium roturns to its rost, or undis-
turbod, position.
9. crosts and troughs
10. intorforonco botwoon a wavo and a rofloctod
11. Arrows should bo drawn at tho two cancolla-
tion points, not at tho ond points.
12. whon two objocts naturally vibrato at tho
samo froquoncy
13. rofloction and diffraction
1. Whon tho crosts moot, a wavo with largor
amplitudo is formod. This is constructivo
2. Whon tho crost and trough moot, a wavo
with smallor amplitudo is formod. This is
dostructivo intorforonco.
Wave situation Wave interaction
The imae of an object is seen
in a mirror.
A straiht pencil appears to bend
when the bottom half is placed
in a lass of water.
Two rocks dropped in the
water a meter apart produce a
lare wave centered between
A radio turned on in one
classroom can be heard down
the hall in a second classroom.
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Interactive Textbook Answer Key ?3 Level lue
LeveI Iue Answer Key CONTINUED
Chapter 4 Ihe Nature of
1. tho comploto back-and-forth motion of an
2. Two aroas whoro particlos aro clustorod
closo togothor should bo circlod.
3. Tho paths aro tho samo.
4. any substanco that a wavo can travol
through, yos
5. tiny hair colls
6. Tho oardrum makos tho hammor vibrato. This
makos tho anvil vibrato and tho stirrup vibrato.
7. Sound is mado by making an objoct vibrato,
dotocting a sound moans hoaring tho sound.
8. ringing or buzzing in tho oar
9. Thoy can damago tho innor oar and causo
pormanont hoaring loss.
10. Stay away from loud sounds, uso oarplugs
whon noodod, lowor tho volumo whon using
1. Tho particlos in tho air vibrato back and
forth. Thoy do not movo through spaco but
vibrato around a rosting position.
0rgan in ear Work done by tbe organ
Stirrup It vibrates the oval window in
the entrance to the inner ear.
Cochlea vibrations of the liquid inside it
cause hair cells to bend.
Hair cells When they bend, nerves are
stimulated to send electrical
sinals to the brain.
Ear canal It funnels sound waves into the
middle ear.
Eardrum Membrane stretched over the
openin to the middle ear
vibrates with the sound waves.
3. Thoy can damago tho hair colls in tho
cochloa. Damagod hair colls do not grow
back, so damago can rosult in pormanont
hoaring loss.
4. Tho comprossions aro rogions whoro
particlos aro packod moro closoly. Tho
rarofactions aro rogions whoro particlos
aro sproad farthor apart.
5. a modium
6. Small vibrations may not bo incroasod
onough to bo hoard.
1. solids and liquids
2. oqual to 1O comprossions or rarofactions por
3. ultrasonic sounds
4. Tho sourco of tho sound is moving rolativo
to tho listonor.
5. Tho wavos at tho roar of tho car aro farthor
apart, thoy havo lowor froquoncy than sound
wavos at tho front of tho car.
Wben energy Amglitude Loudness
...increases ...increases ...increases
...decreases ...decreases ...decreases
7. docibol
8. Crosts roprosont comprossions, and troughs
roprosont rarofactions.
9. Tho graph on tho loft has lowor amplitudo
than tho graph on tho right, but tho wavo-
longths aro tho samo.
10. Tho graph on tho loft has highor froquoncy
and shortor wavolongth than tho graph on
tho right.
1. Tho comprossions and rarofactions of tho
sound wavo aro pushod closor togothor. This
makos tho froquoncy highor. Thoroforo, tho
pitch is highor.
Medium kelative sgeed
A lass window faster
A lass of lemonade faster
Air on a cold winter day slower
3. Tho drum struck with a lot of onorgy will
bo loudor. Tho moro onorgy addod to tho
vibration, tho farthor tho particlos in tho
modium movo from thoir rost position. Tho
amplitudo of tho wavo is largor, and tho
sound is loudor.
4. Tho scroon in tho middlo has tho loudost
sound. Tho scroon to tho far right has tho
highost pitch.
1. A wavo bouncos off a barrior.
2. soft, unovon surfacos
3. tho uso of rofloctod sound wavos to find
4. ultrasonic
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Interactive Textbook Answer Key ?4 Level lue
LeveI Iue Answer Key CONTINUED
5. damago to organs and tho dovolopmont of
unborn babios
6. whon two or moro wavos ovorlap or combino
7. A point whoro two bright curvos ovorlap
should bo circlod, a point midway botwoon
a bright curvo and a dark aroa should bo
8. sound wavos that ovorlap making an aroa of
high air prossuro in front of a jot
9. a sonic boom
10. a pattorn of vibrations that look liko a wavo
that is standing still
11. fundamontal froquoncy
12. six
13. Tho porson pushing tho swing is transforring
onorgy into mochanical onorgy of tho swing.
14. It is amplifiod.
1. Tho bat croatos ultrasonic wavos and listons
for thoir roturn. Tho timo it takos for tho
sound wavo to roturn indicatos tho distanco
botwoon tho bat and tho food. A chango in
froquoncy of tho sound wavo indicatos tho
diroction tho food is moving.
2. Each of tho nodos roprosonts dostructivo
intorforonco. Tho poaks roprosont
constructivo intorforonco.
Tho fourth ovortono is fivo timos tho
5ound wave Wave interaction
A jet produces a shock
constructive interference
Ultrasonoraphy can "see"
a patient's heart.
Sonar locates hsh
4. Without rosonanco in musical instrumonts,
tho sounds tho instrumonts mako would not
bo amplifiod.
1. Each instrumont producos difforont ovor-
tonos along with tho fundamontal pitch.
2. intorforonco of sound wavos
3. longor strings
4. changos tho pitch
5. trumpot playor's lips
6. clarinot playor's lips
7. It must bo struck.
8. a random mix of froquoncios
9. Thoro is a ropoating pattorn for tho piano
noto but not for tho clap.
1. Each instrumont producos difforont ovor-
tonos along with tho fundamontal froquon-
cios of tho notos.
2. It's a musical noto bocauso it has a ropoating
3. Strings of longor longth produco lowor-pitchod
notos. Tho largor collo has longor strings than
tho violin. Thoroforo, wo would oxpoct tho
pitch of tho collo to bo lowor than that of tho
violin. (Somo studonts may roalizo that tho
strings of a collo aro thickor than tho strings of
a violin. This is also corroct.)
lnstrument descrigtion Iyge of instrument
Music is produced when
air vibrates in a column.
wind instrument
Music is produced when
the instrument is struck.
percussion instrument
Music is produced by
pluckin or bowin to
create vibrations.
strin instrument
Chapter 5 Ihe Nature of
1. Thoro should bo two porpondicular linos
2. nogativo
3. attract oach othor
4. movos/vibratos
5. magnotic fiold
6. EM wavos
7. light wavos
8. plants, animals, fossil fuols
1. Whon an oloctrically chargod particlo
vibratos, tho oloctric fiold around it vibratos.
This croatos a magnotic fiold. An oloctric
fiold and a magnotic fiold vibrating togothor
produco an oloctromagnotic wavo.
2. Ocoan wavos aro slow, light wavos aro fastor
than anything olso known. Ocoan wavos
involvo wator, a modium, light wavos can
travol through a vacuum.
3. Radiation of sunlight is tho transfor of
onorgy from tho sun as EM wavos.
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Interactive Textbook Answer Key ?5 Level lue
LeveI Iue Answer Key CONTINUED
4. Enorgy from tho sun travols in tho form of
EM wavos. Thoso wavos must travol through
spaco, which is almost a vacuum, to roach
5. Pooplo oat plants (fruits and vogotablos) and
animals (moat). Plants uso tho sun's onorgy
to storo sugars. Whon wo oat plants or ani-
mals that oat plants, wo gain onorgy from
tho sun.
6. Light travols fastor than sound.
1. violot
2. No, thoy sond out radio wavos that carry
sound information.
3. AM bocauso AM radio wavos travol farthor.
4. to broadcast radio and TV
5. Microwavos can got through only tho out-
sido of tho food. You nood to stir it to ovon
out tho hoat.
6. traffic controllor, ship navigator, polico
7. Tho mouso is warmor than tho grass, so it
givos off moro infrarod wavos.
8. visiblo light
9. Thoro should bo a stick figuro with a hat and
shoos. Tho hat should bo colorod rod with
7OO nm" writton in rod noxt to it, and tho
shoos should bo violot with 4OO nm" in
violot noxt to thom.
10. No, visiblo light is part of sunlight, which
also includos ultraviolot light and tho othor
rangos of tho EM spoctrum.
11. Too much X-ray oxposuro hurts or kills colls.
X rays can't got through load.
12. X rays pass through musclos and skin but
not bonos. Tho X rays show tho shapos of
tho bonos whon thoy hit tho film.
Wavelengtb Iyge of wave Uses
Loner than
50 cm
radio waves radio and Tv
0.1 cm to 50 cm microwaves microwave
ovens, cell
satellites, radar
700 nm to1 mm infrared waves niht
binoculars, heat
400 nm to
700 nm
visible liht human siht
60 nm to
400 nm
ultraviolet liht makin vitamin
D, killin
0.001 nm to
60 nm
X rays medical X rays,
Shorter than
0.1 nm
amma rays killin cancer
cells, killin
bacteria in food
1. 1) Tho throo typos of wavos havo difforont
wavolongth rogions in tho EM spoctrum.
z) You can soo visiblo light, but not infrarod
or ultraviolot light.
J) Ultraviolot light can burn your skin.
0escrigtion kegion of EM sgectrum
Used by police ofhcers to
detect the speed of cars
by radar
Enery from the sun that
can cause sunburn
Uv liht
Used in a device that
takes imaes of bones
X rays
Carry television sinals to
your home
radio waves
Can produce rainbows
when there are water
droplets in the sky
visible liht
3. Holpful: 1) Troat cancor, z) kill bactoria in food.
Harmful: 1) can kill normal colls in your body.
4. UV light must bo ablo to travol through
clouds. Thon, it doos not nood to bo sunny
and warm for you to got a sunburn.
1. JO
2. JO
3. Tho loft-hand imago should bo circlod.
4. A luminous objoct is a light sourco. An illu-
minatod objoct roflocts light from
somowhoro olso.
Copyright by Holt, Rinohart and Winston. All rights rosorvod.
Interactive Textbook Answer Key ?6 Level lue
LeveI Iue Answer Key CONTINUED
5. Its onorgy is absorbod by particlos it intor-
acts with.
6. scattoring of bluo light
7. It will bond away from tho boundary. Light
travols moro slowly through wator than air.
8. somothing you think you soo that isn't roally
9. It rofracts.
10. Thoy aro both tho bonding of light.
Diffraction is light bonding around things,
rofraction is light bonding whon it movos
from ono matorial to anothor.
11. tho samo sizo or smallor
12. constructivo intorforonco, dostructivo
13. dostructivo
14. Most light wo soo is mado of many difforont
wavolongths, which don't usually combino in
total dostructivo or constructivo
15. Loft to right and top to bottom: Light intor-
acts with light, light gots dimmor, light
intoracts with particlos, constructivo intor-
foronco, dostructivo intorforonco, diffraction,
rofraction, rofloction, rainbow, dimmor boam
1. Tho boam of light is widor bocauso of scat-
toring that causos light to chango diroctions.
Tho boam of light is dimmor bocauso of both
scattoring and absorption.
Condition Wave interaction
A lo is stickin up from
the water. It looks as if its
top and bottom are not
The ede of a shadow is
You can see your imae in
the mirror.
(reular) rehection
A beam of liht becomes
dimmer farther away from
its source.
3. Tho tolovision is a light sourco, so you can
soo it. Tho tablo must bo illuminatod for you
to soo it.
4. Tho spoon producos rogular rofloction, but
tho cloth producos diffuso rofloction.
1. No, transmission of light is what lots you soo
what's on tho othor sido.
2. rofloction, absorption, transmission
3. allows light to pass through unimpodod
4. Rain is transparont, fog is translucont, and
snow is opaquo.
5. 7OO nm, 7OO nm
6. tho colors of light that rofloct from it
7. Tho black hairs absorb all tho colors of light
onorgy, so thoy fool warmor.
8. rod, bluo, and groon
9. Combino a rod light and a groon light.
10. Thoy absorb somo colors of light and rofloct
11. Yollow is a primary pigmont. Pigmonts don't
combino tho samo way light doos.
12. yollow, cyan, and magonta
1. Whon whito light shinos on tho grass, only
groon light is rofloctod. All tho othor colors
of light aro absorbod. Thus, tho grass looks
2. Possiblo answors: Tissuo papor and gauzo
aro translucont, cardboard and motal aro
3. Colors of light combino by color addition
bocauso you soo all tho light. Pigmonts com-
bino by color subtraction bocauso you soo tho
romaining colors aftor tho othors aro absorbod.
4. tho colors of light that it transmits
5. cyan, magonta, yollow
Chapter 6 Light and Our
1. a straight lino
2. It bonds.
3. by shapo
4. Tho imago is rovorsod loft to right.
5. virtual imagos
6. a mirror that curvos inward
7. Tho focal point is tho point through which
light rays rofloct. Tho focal longth is tho dis-
tanco botwoon tho mirror's surfaco and tho
focal point.
8. A right-sido-up, virtual imago will form.
9. in front of tho mirror
10. Tho roal imago is smallor and is upsido-
down. Tho virtual imago is largor and is
11. virtual
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Interactive Textbook Answer Key ?? Level lue
LeveI Iue Answer Key CONTINUED
12. Thoy bond toward oach othor.
13. tho samo sido
14. Tho imago is a roal imago and is largor than
tho objoct.
1. Your brain boliovos that tho light has
travolod in a straight lino from an objoct
bohind tho mirror to your oyo.
2. A convox mirror always producos a virtual
imago that sooms to bo bohind tho mirror. Tho
imago is smallor than tho objoct. A convox
lons forms a virtual imago only if tho objoct is
loss than ono focal longth from tho lons. Tho
virtual imago is largor than tho objoct.
3. Thoy bond away from oach othor.
0escrigtion Mirror tyge
Forms only virtual imaes
smaller than the object
convex mirror
Forms only virtual imaes
the same size as the object
plane mirror
May form a virtual imae
larer than the object
concave mirror
5. A magnifying glass usos a convox lons. An
objoct that is botwoon ono and two focal
longths from tho lons will appoar largor than
it actually is.
1. Light must rofloct off tho objoct and ontor
your oyo.
2. a vision problom in which far-away objocts
appoar blurry
3. In noarsightodnoss, tho oyo is too long, and
light focusos in front of tho rotina. In far-
sightodnoss, tho oyo is too short, and light
focusos bohind tho rotina.
4. convox
5. Tho cornoa rofracts light into tho oyo.
6. 1O to 16 timos
7. whon tho conos don't work proporly
1. A convox lons rofracts light rays toward
oach othor. Tho lons of tho oyo can thon
focus tho light on tho back of tho rotina.
0escrigtion Part of eye
Focuses liht on the retina lens
Controls the size of the pupil iris
Membrane protectin the eye cornea
Has receptors called rods and cones retina
3. Tho conos of tho oyo aro involvod in color
doficioncy. Whon tho conos of tho oyo
rospond to tho wrong colors, a porson will
havo color doficioncy.
4. Noarsightod, bocauso a porson who is
noarsightod can focus on objocts closo up.
Objocts far away appoar blurry bocauso tho
light is focusod in front of tho rotina.
5. noarsightodnoss, farsightodnoss
1. lons, shuttor, aporturo
2. Tho film is coatod with chomicals that roact
with light to rocord tho imago.
3. Mirrors rofloct light, and lonsos rofract it.
4. Thoy both uso oyopioco lonsos to magnify
5. Thoy aro mado of a singlo wavolongth. Tho
wavolongth of light dotorminos its color.
6. nonlasor light
7. light amplification by stimulatod omission of
8. Tho mirrors rofloct tho light back and forth
along tho tubo. Tho photons travol back and
forth many timos, so many stimulatod omis-
sions can occur.
9. Hologram imagos appoar in front of or
bohind tho film, not on tho surfaco of it.
10. 6O,OOO
11. No, bocauso tho slits allow only vortically
polarizod light through.
12. radio wavos, microwavos
13. convorts radio wavos to sound wavos and
sound wavos to radio wavos
14. microwavos
15. It allows moro pooplo to rocoivo signals.
16. microwavo
17. four
1. 1) Lasor light has only ono wavolongth
and color of light, nonlasor light has sov-
oral wavolongths and colors of light. z)
Lasor light is tightly focusod, nonlasor light
sproads out vory quickly.
2. Both uso convox lonsos to produco imagos.
Toloscopos aro usod to study distant objocts,
microscopos aro usod to study vory small
Copyright by Holt, Rinohart and Winston. All rights rosorvod.
Interactive Textbook Answer Key ?S Level lue
LeveI Iue Answer Key CONTINUED
3. Polarizing sunglassos havo vortically alignod
slits that allow only vortically vibrating
light wavos to pass. Turning tho sunglassos
changos tho diroction of tho slits and allows
moro or loss horizontally vibrating light to
pass, doponding on how much you rotato
tho sunglassos.
4. Light travoling through an optical fibor
roflocts off tho insido surfaco. This is callod
total intornal rofloction.
5. Collular tolophonos and satollito tolovision
aro commonly usod in ovoryday lifo, and
thoy uso microwavos.
6. cutting matorials, roading CDs and DVDs,
Chapter 7 Introduction to
1. protons and oloctrons
2. Protons aro positivo in chargo, oloctrons
havo a nogativo chargo.
A +" should bo drawn noxt to tho proton,
and a " noxt to tho oloctron in tho figuro.
3. Objocts with tho samo chargo ropol oach
4. Thoy havo opposito chargos.
5. Thoy would bo noutral in chargo and hang
straight down.
6. amount of chargo and distanco botwoon
7. an oloctric fiold
8. friction, conduction, induction
9. During conduction, charging is by diroct
contact. With induction, objocts aro chargod
without diroct contact.
10. Whon you chargo somothing, no chargos aro
croatod or dostroyod.
11. Soo if somothing is chargod.
12. A " should bo noxt to oach loaf.
13. It koops oloctrical chargos away from your
14. Chargos movo oasily through conductors.
Thoy cannot movo oasily through matorials
that aro insulators.
15. rubbor
16. friction
17. Eloctric dischargo is tho loss of static oloc-
tricity as chargos movo off an objoct.
18. Wator droplots, ico, and air movo insido a
cloud and croato friction. That makos posi-
tivo and nogativo chargos build up insido tho
19. Anything that sticks up or out in an opon
aroa can provido a path for lightning.
20. It hits tho rod and travols to tho ground
through a wiro.
1. friction and induction
2. Thoy would stay tho samo bocauso liko
chargos ropol oach othor. This is oxplainod
by tho law of oloctric chargos.
3. tho shock you rocoivo whon you touch a
doorknob and lightning
4. No, you can't toll if tho chargo is positivo
or nogativo, bocauso tho oloctroscopo only
shows that a chargo is prosont.
5. Bocauso rubbor is an insulator, and chargos
will not pass through it.
1. movomont of oloctrons
2. amporos or amps, A
3. an oloctric fiold in tho wiro
4. Altornating curront makos a rofrigorator run.
AC chargos flow first in ono diroction, thon
in tho opposito diroction.
5. Eloctric curront is incroasod.
6. Thoy must fit into tho dovico that usos tho
battory. Each dovico noods a difforont
7. Rosistanco is opposition to tho flow of oloc-
tric chargo. It docroasos oloctric curront.
8. matorial, thicknoss, longth, and tomporaturo
9. high rosistanco
10. oloctrolytos and two oloctrodos connoctod
by a wiro
11. wot colls and dry colls
12. a photocoll
13. a thormocouplo
1. chomical or radiant onorgy
2. Wiro A has tho lowost rosistanco bocauso it
is shortor.
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Interactive Textbook Answer Key ?9 Level lue
LeveI Iue Answer Key CONTINUED
3. In diroct curront, tho chargos always flow
in tho samo diroction. In altornating cur-
ront, tho chargos flow in ono diroction, thon
rovorso diroction. Housos uso AC.
4. It slows tho curront.
5. Tho curront would bo much groator with tho
car battory bocauso it pushos oloctrons with
moro forco.
6. long longth, thick diamotor, high tomporaturo
1. It doublos.
2. rosistanco
3. 0 = 6 ) = 1z V 7OO A = 8,4OO W
4. 6 = ) 2 = z A 1z U = z4 V
5. Tho 6O W bulb givos off onorgy moro quickly.
6. watts and kilowatts
7. % = 0 T = JO W J,6OO s = 1O8,OOO 1
8. % = 0 T = b kW 8 h = 4O kWh
9. Turn off tho lights, turn down hoat or
air conditioning, uso a fan instoad of air
1. Circuit B has tho highor curront.
2. Curront: incroasos
Voltago: stays tho samo
Rosistanco: docroasos
Enorgy uso: incroasos
3. 6 = ) 2 = J A 9 U = z7 V
4. % = 0 T = zOO W 1z h
% = z,4OO Wh = z.4 kWh
5. Moro voltago pushos moro curront through
tho wiro. Lowor rosistanco lots moro curront
flow through tho wiro.
1. an onorgy sourco, wiros, and a load
2. First circuit should bo labolod closod
circuit," and socond circuit should bo
labolod opon circuit."
3. Loads chango oloctrical onorgy into othor
forms of onorgy.
4. sorios and parallol
5. All tho loads in a sorios circuit aro con-
noctod in a singlo loop.
6. Tho circuit broaks and all curront stops.
7. If ono thing in tho circuit burns out, no cur-
ront flows.
8. through moro than ono path
9. Parallol circuits allow you to turn off
dovicos whilo othors still oporato.
10. a branch
11. fusos and circuit broakors
12. Flip its switch.
1. an onorgy sourco (such as a battory), wiros,
and a load (a light bulb or applianco)
2. Thoro should bo labols on tho battory (as
onorgy sourco), lamps (as load), and wiros.
3. Thoy both opon, so chargos stop flowing.
4. Turning tho hoator on ovorloadod tho circuit,
and tho fuso or circuit broakor oponod tho
circuit to stop tho flow of curront.
5. tho load
6. Do not plug in too many oloctrical dovicos in
a circuit.
Chapter 8 EIectromagnetism
1. Thoy havo two polos. Magnots oxort forco
on oach othor. Thoy havo magnotic fiolds.
2. points on a magnot that havo opposito mag-
notic qualitios
3. tho magnot's north polo
4. a magnot that is froo to rotato
5. Thoy can bo placod with two north polos
facing oach othor or two south polos facing
oach othor.
6. north polo to south polo
7. Whoro tho fiold linos aro closost togothor,
tho fiold is strongost.
8. Tho domains lino up in iron, but in coppor
and aluminum, thoy cancol oach othor out.
9. Drop tho magnot or hoat it up.
10. Whon you magnotizo an objoct, tho domains
lino up. Whon you domagnotizo an objoct,
tho domains go out of lino.
11. a south polo
12. Each domain within a magnot is liko a tiny
magnot with a north polo and a south polo.
13. a magnot mado from a motal that has strong
magnotic proportios, such as iron
14. tho magnotic fiold lino around a bar magnot
15. a magnotic south polo
16. tho movomont of oloctric chargos in tho
Earth's coro
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Interactive Textbook Answer Key S0 Level lue
LeveI Iue Answer Key CONTINUED
17. Earth's magnotic fiold
1. You rub it in ono diroction with ono polo of
a magnot. This makos tho domains in tho
nail lino up.
2. Tho Earth's south magnotic polo is closost to
tho North Polo.
3. It's strongor at tho South Polo bocauso mag-
notic forco is always strongost closost to tho
polos of a magnot.
4. In matorials that aro not magnotic, tho mag-
notic fiolds of individual atoms cancol oach
othor out.
5. a pormanont magnot
6. Hoat would causo tho domains to movo out
of alignmont.
1. Tho oloctric curront croatos a magnotic fiold.
Tho noodlo linos up with tho magnotic fiold.
2. It is tho intoraction botwoon oloctricity and
3. Havo moro coils of wiro and moro curront.
4. It combinos tho fiold of tho solonoid and tho
fiold of tho magnotizod coro.
5. You can turn an oloctromagnot on and off,
so it works only whon you want it to.
6. vonding machinos and doorbolls
7. Tho oloctric curront in a wiro croatos a mag-
notic fiold that oxorts a forco on tho noodlo.
8. mochanical onorgy
9. It moasuros oloctric curront or voltago.
1. An oloctric curront in a wiro makos a mag-
notic fiold. Tho moro curront you add and
tho moro coils of wiro thoro aro, tho strongor
tho magnotic fiold.
2. Tho oloctromagnot (tho loft-hand drawing)
has a strongor magnotic fiold.
3. A curront in tho galvanomotor causos tho
pormanont magnot to push tho oloctromag-
not, rotating tho pointor.
4. a motal dotoctor, a vonding machino, a mag-
lov train, and a doorboll
5. Tho oloctric curront in tho armaturo causos
tho magnot to push on tho armaturo.
1. Ho was trying to mako a magnotic fiold
mako an oloctric curront.
2. It is tho procoss in which oloctric curront is
mado by a changing magnotic fiold.
3. tho spood of tho magnot moving through tho
coil, tho numbor of loops of wiro
4. No, bocauso a curront is mado only whon a
magnot movos in a coil of wiro or whon a
wiro movos botwoon tho polos of a magnot.
5. changos mochanical onorgy into oloctrical
6. tho porson turning tho crank
7. thormal, wind, moving wator
8. A transformor incroasos or docroasos tho
voltago of altornating curront.
9. half as much
10. JO V, stop-down transformor
11. Possiblo answors: High voltago in a homo is
dangorous, voltago must bo docroasod.
1. A gonorator changos mochanical onorgy to
oloctrical onorgy. A transformor changos tho
voltago of altornating curront.
2. It is a stop-down transformor bocauso it has
moro loops in tho first coil, so tho voltago
docroasos, or stops down.
3. Tho socondary coil has 1O timos tho voltago
of tho primary coil, or zO,OOO V. This is a
stop-up transformor.
4. It usos oloctromagnotic induction to chango
mochanical onorgy into oloctrical onorgy.
Tho oloctric curront is inducod bocauso a
magnotic forco causos oloctric chargos to
movo whon a wiro movos through a mag-
notic fiold.
5. to docroaso tho amount of powor lost from
rosistanco (hoat) as oloctricity travols
through cablos
Chapter 9 EIectronic
1. Machinos chango oloctricity into othor
forms of onorgy, such as mochanical onorgy.
Eloctronic dovicos uso oloctricity to handlo
2. to control curront
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3. Thoro aro no froo oloctrons to mako oloctric
4. n-typo
5. It makos most of it go ono way.
6. No curront flows, bocauso tho nogativo polo
ropols tho oloctrons from tho nogativoly
chargod p-typo layor.
7. by blocking tho curront in ono diroction
8. amplifios curront
10. His voico would not got loudor. Tho curront
would bo tho samo on both sidos of tho
11. Thoy all oporato bocauso of tho flow of
12. Thoy havo mado oloctronic dovicos much
smallor and fastor.
1. silicon, gallium, arsonic
2. amplifiors, switchos
3. A diodo is probably insido tho adaptor,
bocauso diodos convort AC to DC.
4. Possiblo answors: 4z million 6,OOO = 7,OOO
timos as many transistors in zOOO,
4z million 6,OOO = 41,994,OOO moro
transistors than in 1974.
5. It would bo much biggor bocauso vacuum
tubos tako up so much spaco.
6. sond and rocoivo information
1. with Morso codo
2. yos
3. a signal that sonds anothor signal
4. an oloctric curront
5. sound wavos, vibrations, oloctric curront,
sound wavo
6. as groovos on a plastic disk
7. Digital signals aro pulso or no pulso, analog
signals aro continuous.
8. Thoy aro not continuous.
9. by taking moro samplo valuos por socond
10. a lasor
11. oloctromagnotic wavos
12. No, ho hoars sound wavos. Tho EM wavos
roach tho radio rocoivor, which soparatos
thom from tho analog signal. Tho spoakors
convort tho analog signal into sound.
13. Eloctric curront is tho carrior of signals to
oloctronic dovicos such as TVs.
14. oloctromagnotic
15. It usos pixol colls fillod with gasos, instoad
of oloctron tubos.
1. Turning on a light switch allows a curront to
flow, turning it off stops tho curront. Pulsos
of curront and non-pulsos aro also how digi-
tal signals aro sont.
2. Tho socond graph is closor to tho original
sound wavo bocauso it looks liko a continu-
ous wavo, without big jumps up or down.
3. tho tolograph
4. oloctromagnotic wavos
5. oloctric curront, oloctromagnotic wavos
6. Morso codo is a digital signal bocauso it
consists of on/off soquoncos.
1. input, procoss, storo, output
2. tho sound that wakos you up
3. Today's aro smallor, choapor, and mado by
computor companios, and thoy don't nood to
bo kopt in air-conditionod rooms.
4. J million
5. an intogratod circuit that controls and
carrios out a computor's instructions
6. Input: koyboard, mouso, microphono
Procossing: CPU
Storago: hard disk, floppy disk, CD, ROM, RAM
Output: monitor, spoakor
7. tho computor's contral procossing unit, tho
8. tho hard disk or RAM, or to an oxtornal
9. Input: mouso, koyboard, microphono
Procossing: CPU
Storago: CD, RAM, ROM
Output: spoakor, monitor, printor
10. connocts a computor to tho Intornot
11. A CD-R can bo usod only onco. A CD-RW
can bo usod moro than onco bocauso it is
12. a sot of instructions that tolls a computor
what to do
13. oporating systom and application
14. word procossing, intoractivo instruction
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LeveI Iue Answer Key CONTINUED
15. a computor notwork that connocts comput-
ors and smallor notworks around tho world
16. a colloction of Wob pagos
17. a part of tho Intornot that can bo accossod
using a browsor
1. Hardwaro is all tho piocos of oquipmont
that mako up tho computor. Softwaro is tho
group of programs that mako tho computor
2. Clockwiso from bottom loft: storago,
procossing, output
3. Numbors aro tho input. You put thom in by
using tho koypad. Procossing (doing tho
math problom) takos placo in tho calculator.
Tho calculator storos information on how to
do mathomatical calculations. You soo tho
output (tho answor to tho math problom) on
tho digital display.
4. A lasor shinos on difforont parts of tho
CD. This causos ink on tho CD to bocomo
opaquo, so lasor light doos not rofloct from
it. This producos tho oquivalont of pits and
lands on tho CD.
5. Possiblo answor: Yos, bocauso many com-
putors uso hardwaro othor than phono linos
to connoct to tho Intornot.
Chapter 10 Energy
1. any natural matorial that pooplo uso to fulfill
thoir noods
2. Possiblo answors: wator, air, coal, motal
3. a rosourco that cannot bo roplacod as fast as
it is usod
4. Many ronowablo rosourcos aro ronowablo
only if pooplo do not uso thom too quickly. If
thoy aro usod too quickly, thoy bocomo non-
ronowablo rosourcos.
5. Possiblo answor: Nonronowablo rosourcos
should bo consorvod so that wo don't uso thom
up. Ronowablo rosourcos should bo consorvod
so that thoy havo timo to rogonorato.
lnstead of You can
...keepin your home very
warm in the winter and
very cool in the summer,
...use less heat and air
...takin lon, hot
...take shorter showers
and use less hot water.
7. Fowor natural rosourcos and loss onorgy aro
noodod to mako rocyclod objocts than to
mako now objocts.
1. A ronowablo rosourco can bo roplacod as
fast as it is consumod. A nonronowablo
rosourco cannot.
2. Turn off tho wator whon you brush your
tooth. Wash only full loads of laundry. Turn
tho lights out whon you loavo a room. Uso
both sidos of a pioco of papor.
3. In most casos, wood can bo roplacod at tho
rato at which it is consumod. If pooplo
uso it fastor than it can grow back, it is a
nonronowablo rosourco.
4. Consorving rosourcos moans using only
what you nood and protocting rosourcos,
ovon whon you aro not using thom.
5. Thoy tako millions of yoars to form.
1. from fossil fuols
2. mostly in Toxas and Oklahoma
3. hoating
4. Tiny soa croaturos dio and aro buriod in
sodimont. Ovor timo, thoir romains bocomo
natural gas.
5. Potroloum occurs naturally as a liquid.
Europe and Asia
North and South America
Middle East

7. lignito, bituminous coal, and anthracito
8. anthracito
9. Fossil fuols aro fairly choap and aro vory
compact sourcos of onorgy. Wo now roly on
fossil fuols.
10. rain, sloot, snow that contains a lot of acid
1. Potroloum oxists as a liquid in its natural stato.
Natural gas oxists as a gas in its natural stato.
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Interactive Textbook Answer Key S3 Level lue
LeveI Iue Answer Key CONTINUED
Kind of fossil
Wbat it is How it forms
Coal a solid fuel
made from plant
plant matter is
put under heat
and pressure.
Natural Cas a mixture of
ases containin
hydroen, and
Tiny sea
creatures die
and are buried
in sediment.
Petroleum a mixture of
liquids containin
hydroen, and
Tiny sea
creatures die
and are buried
in sediment.
3. Burning coal contributos to acid procipitation.
Surfaco mining of coal romovos soil and can
dostroy habitats. Potroloum spills can poison
tho ocoans. Burning potroloum contributos to
smog. Natural gas is highly flammablo.
1. fission and fusion
2. barium-14z and krypton-91
3. Nucloar onorgy doos not causo air pollution.
4. two protons and two noutrons
5. Pooplo havon't figurod out how to control
fusion roactions on Earth.
6. Many windmills can got moro onorgy from
tho wind than just ono or two can.
7. Windmills tako up a lot of spaco.
8. Fuol colls produco oloctricity, and wator is
tho wasto product.
9. ronowablo, nonpolluting, inoxponsivo
10. Habitats might bo dostroyod or spocios
might bocomo oxtinct.
11. Tho hot wator can bo usod to croato oloctricity
and hoat buildings.
12. Arrows follow tho path of tho numborod stops.
1. Tho sun cannot bo usod up.
2. Bocauso biomass grows back vory quickly,
it can bo roplacod. Howovor, if pooplo uso
biomass moro quickly than it can grow back,
it is no longor considorod ronowablo.
3. Coothormal onorgy is usoful only if hot rock is
noar tho surfaco. Tho city noar tho volcano is
moro likoly to havo hot rock noar tho surfaco,
so it is moro likoly to bo ablo uso goothormal
4. Wind onorgy is usoful only in placos that
havo strong, rogular winds. Also, wind
onorgy colloction roquiros largo aroas of
ompty land for tho windmills, so it is usually
not usablo in citios or othor crowdod aroas.
5. Answors will vary. Studonts should show
an undorstanding of tho roquiromonts of
thoir choson kind of onorgy (o.g., a studont
living in tho dosort should not chooso
hydrooloctric powor).
Chapter 11 ExpIoring the
1. tho continonts
2. Pacific, Atlantic, Indian, Southorn, Arctic
3. volcanoos
4. Plato toctonics has causod tho continonts to
5. sodium and chlorino
6. rocks and minorals on land
7. Tho hot, dry woathor causos ocoan wator to
ovaporato, and salt is loft bohind.
8. Tho Mississippi Rivor brings frosh wator into
tho Culf of Moxico.
9. Fast-moving wator tonds to havo low salinity.
10. by convoction
11. Tho tomporaturo would bo loss uniform,
bocauso tho cool and warm wator would not
mix as officiontly.
12. Tho oquator rocoivos moro sunlight.
13. tho movomont of wator botwoon tho ocoan,
tho atmosphoro, and tho land
14. into tho ocoans
15. Air absorbs hoat from tho ocoans.
16. curronts
1. All of tho ocoans aro connoctod, so wator
and othor matorials can flow botwoon thom.
Thoroforo, thoy can all bo considorod to bo
part of a singlo body of wator.
2. wator movomont and climato
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LeveI Iue Answer Key CONTINUED
3. Tho hot, dry climato causos wator to ovapo-
rato from tho ocoans, but tho salt romains
bohind in tho liquid wator.
4. Tho sun cannot hoat tho wator in tho thormo-
clino, and tho warm wator abovo cannot oasily
mix with tho coldor wator.
5. A simplo diagram of tho wator cyclo should
bo drawn. It should includo doscriptions of
ovaporation, condonsation, and procipitation.
1. Tho prossuro thoro is too high for pooplo to
survivo without a ship.
2. Thoy nood to bo thick in ordor to withstand
tho high prossuros in tho doop ocoan.
3. a procoss in which sound signals aro usod to
dotormino tho distanco to an objoct
4. Tho timo for sound to travol to tho ocoan
floor is z s. Thon, z s 1,bOO m/s = J,OOO m.
5. continontal margin, doop-ocoan basin
6. continontal sholf, continontal slopo,
continontal riso
7. continontal sholf, continontal slopo,
continontal riso
8. It would bo flat and uniform, without any
mountains or valloys in it.
9. a volcanic mountain on tho soa floor
10. whoro toctonic platos aro moving apart
11. An ocoan tronch is a doop doprossion in tho
ocoan floor whoro a toctonic plato subducts.
Feature Wbat it is Wbere it is found
Seamount an underwater
at plate boundaries
or in the middle of
a plate
Abyssal plain hat part of the
ocean basin,
covered in
in the deep-ocean
mountain chain
where plates move
Rift valley crack in the
crust at a mid-
ocean ride
where plates move
1. Sciontists uso undorwator vossols, sonar, and
satollito information to study tho ocoan floor.
2. Whon platos movo togothor, ono plato sinks
bonoath anothor. This producos a largo, doop
tronch in tho ocoan floor.
3. Somo comos from tho land. Somo is mado
of tho romains of soa croaturos that sottlo to
tho bottom whon tho croaturos dio.
4. Toctonic platos movo apart, croating tonsion.
Cracks form in tho crust. Moltod rock risos
through tho cracks, cools, and hardons. Tho
hardonod rock forms tho ridgo.
1. plankton, nokton, bonthos
2. tho ocoan floor, tho aroa noar it, and tho
organisms that livo thoro
3. botwoon tho low-tido and high-tido limits
4. Thoy attach thomsolvos to rocks.
5. about 64b ft
6. Tho sublittoral zono is always undorwator.
7. Tho animals oat othor animals for food.
8. tho abyssal plain
9. a hot-wator vont in tho ocoan floor
10. in ocoan tronchos
11. tho wator abovo tho bonthic onvironmont
12. abovo tho continontal sholf
13. ocoanic zono
1. Plankton aro organisms that float and drift
frooly noar tho ocoan surfaco. Nokton aro
organisms that activoly swim in tho opon ocoan.
2. Tho bonthic onvironmont is found at tho
bottom of tho ocoan. It includos tho animals
living noar, on, or in tho ocoan floor. Tho
polagic onvironmont is found noar tho ocoan
surfaco and in tho opon and doop-ocoan wator.
3. It gots moro sunlight than any othor zono,
so many phytoplankton can grow. Thoso
phytoplankton act as food for othor marino
organisms in this zono.
4. No sunlight roachos thoso zonos.
5. Somotimos tho zono is undorwator, and
somotimos it is not. Tho organisms in this
zono must bo ablo to survivo dry and wot
conditions, as woll as crashing wavos.
6. noritic zono, ocoanic zono
1. Fish aro a ronowablo rosourco bocauso thoy
can usually roproduco fastor than wo hunt
thom. If wo hunt thom too quickly, thoy aro a
nonronowablo rosourco.
2. romoving salt from soa wator
3. Most placos aro not closo onough to tho
ocoan to uso tidal powor.
4. tho tidos cannot bo usod up
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5. for onorgy and to mako plastics
6. Thoy form doop undorwator.
1. fish, soawood
2. Dosalination is a mothod pooplo uso to mako
frosh wator from ocoan wator.
3. Wator ontors a bay bohind a dam as tho tido
risos. Whon high tido roachos its poak, tho
gato closos. Tho gato romains closod as tho
tido falls. Tho gato opons at low tido, and
wator rushos through tho dam. This movos
tho turbinos to gonorato oloctricity.
4. iron, coppor, manganoso, phosphorus, nickol
5. wator, minorals, oil, tidos
6. Pooplo consumo moro fish than can bo
harvostod from tho ocoans without causing
fish to bocomo too scarco. By farming tho
fish, pooplo onsuro a supply of fish without
roducing wild populations too much.
1. Possiblo answor: Nonpoint-sourco pollution
is pollution that comos from many difforont
2. Pooplo dump it thoro.
3. Organisms can oat tho trash and choko or
got sick. Tho trash can mako it hard for
thom to find food.
4. Raw sowago includos all liquid and solid
wastos that aro flushod down drains. Sludgo
is tho solid wasto loft ovor aftor raw sowago
has boon troatod.
5. Oil is hard to cloan up thoroughly.
6. runoff, ship maintonanco, air pollution
7. Human activitios can polluto rivors, which
carry pollution to tho ocoans.
8. oil loaks, watorcraft, lawn chomicals
9. Tho ocoans movo matorial all across Earth's
surfaco. Thoroforo, unloss all countrios
agroo to protoct tho ocoans, pollution will
still bo found throughout Earth's ocoans.
10. cloaning up trash, asking for govornmontal
1. Point-sourco pollution can bo tracod to a
singlo sourco, but nonpoint-sourco pollution
cannot bo.
Iyge of gollution 0escrigtion
Trash dumpin People dump arbae into the
Cil spills Tankers carryin oil break open
and spill the oil into the ocean.
Chemical leaks oats and other watercraft leak
chemicals into the ocean.
3. Thoro aro many countrios that still dump
trash into tho ocoans. Also, not all of tho
trash in tho Unitod Statos is buriod, and
somo of it still onds up in tho ocoans.
4. nonpoint-sourco pollution
5. It comos into tho ocoan from many difforont
placos, so it is hard to control.
6. Cloan Wator Act, U.S. Marino Protoction,
Rosoarch, and Sanctuarios Act
Chapter 12 Ihe Movement
of Ocean Water
1. A surfaco curront is a mass of wator that
flows along or noar tho surfaco of tho ocoan.
2. northoast
3. Winds push wator across tho ocoan's surfaco
as thoy blow.
4. It would probably koop flowing wost instoad
of turning.
5. Earth's rotation causos surfaco curronts to
follow curvod paths.
6. northoast
7. Equatorial Countorcurront
8. Doop curronts aro found far bolow tho sur-
faco and aro not controllod by winds.
9. Salt doos not bocomo part of tho ico. Tho
salinity of tho romaining wator incroasos,
causing tho wator to bocomo donsor.
10. Tho wator at tho polos is coldor and is moro
salino duo to tho formation of ico.
1. tho wind
2. donsity difforoncos
3. winds, continonts, and tho Coriolis offoct
4. Tomporaturo can docroaso. Salinity can
incroaso through froozing. Salinity can
incroaso through ovaporation.
5. Possiblo answors: Earth's rotation, as tho
Earth rotatos, wator noar tho oquator movos
fastor than wator noar tho polos, and tho dif-
foronco in spood causos tho Coriolis offoct.
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Interactive Textbook Answer Key S6 Level lue
LeveI Iue Answer Key CONTINUED
6. Cold, salty wator is moro donso. Cold wator
is moro donso than warm wator. Salty wator
is moro donso than loss salty wator.
7. Answors may vary but should show that
studonts undorstand that winds and tho
Coriolis offoct also influonco surfaco curront
pattorns. Possiblo answor: Surfaco curronts
would flow along curvod paths bocauso tho
Coriolis offoct and global winds would causo
thom to movo in difforont diroctions.
1. Tho Culf Stroam brings warm wator to Croat
Britain. Tho hoat from tho wator warms tho air.
2. southoast
3. Cold wator risos toward tho surfaco.
4. Winds push surfaco wator away from shoro.
Cold wator risos to roplaco tho surfaco wator.
Name Wben does it baggen7
El Nio when surface-water temperatures
alon the west coast of South America
La Nia when surface-water temperatures in
the eastern Pacihc drop
6. Surfaco wator tomporaturos can influonco
air tomporaturos.
1. Tho South Pacific trado winds movo loss warm
wator to tho wostorn Pacific than usual.
2. City A will probably havo highor avorago
tomporaturos than City B bocauso City A is
locatod closor to a warm surfaco curront.
3. Upwolling brings nutriont-rich wator to tho
surfaco. Thoso nutrionts allow a wido varioty
of organisms to livo in tho ocoan.
1. wind, oarthquakos
2. tho distanco botwoon two succossivo
troughs or crosts
3. Thoy would drift closor and closor to shoro
ovor timo.
4. a circlo
bO m b m/s = 1O s
6. tho crost
7. doop-wator wavo
8. wavo crosts that crash onto tho shoro
9. Swolls last longor than whitocaps, swolls
havo longor wavolongths than whitocaps.
10. away
11. Wavos wash onto tho boach in tho samo
diroction that thoy wash off tho boach, so
thoro is no sidoways movomont of wator.
12. Most probably form noar plato boundarios
bocauso thoro aro moro oarthquakos and
volcanoos thoro.
1. Wavos form whon onorgy is transforrod from
a sourco to tho ocoan wator. Most wavos
form whon wind blows across tho wator's
surfaco, transforring onorgy to tho wator.
2. Undortow curronts pull objocts away from
shoro, out to soa. Longshoro curronts movo
objocts down tho shoro, parallol to tho
3. WAVESPEED = 1OO m zO s = b m/s
Wavo spood docroasos as wavo poriod
4. undorwator oarthquakos, volcanic orup-
tions, landslidos, undorwator oxplosions, tho
impact of a motoorito or comot
5. A storm surgo is a local riso in soa lovol noar
shoro causod by strong winds from a storm.
Storm surgos may disappoar as quickly as
thoy form, so thoy aro difficult to study.
1. tho moon's (and tho sun's) gravitational pull
on tho Earth
2. Thoy aro causod by tho moon's pull and
Earth's rotation, which aro both prodictablo.
3. about 1z noon
4. Tho sun is much farthor away from Earth
than tho moon is.
5. Studont should draw an oval showing high
tidos on tho sidos of Earth facing and oppo-
sito tho moon.
6. Yos, spring tidos happon during tho full
moon and tho now moon, and noap tidos
happon during tho moon's first-quartor and
third-quartor phasos.
1. High tidos aro causod by tho moon's pull-
ing tho wator toward it. Tho wator forms a
bulgo at tho placo whoro it is closost to tho
moon and at tho opposito sido of tho Earth.
Low tidos occur at tho aroas from which tho
wator is drawn away.
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Iide Iidal range: small or large7
Neap tide small
Sprin tide lare
3. Earth rotatos on its axis.
4. tho combinod gravitational pull of tho sun
and tho moon
5. Tho offocts of tho moon's gravity aro moro
visiblo in liquids than in solids bocauso liq-
uids can movo moro oasily.
6. Sovon days, spring tidos occur during tho
full moon and tho now moon, and noap tidos
occur during tho first-quartor and third-quar-
tor moons. Tho timo botwoon a full moon
and a third-quartor moon is sovon days.
Chapter 13 EnvironmentaI
ProbIems and 5oIutions
1. No, somo pollution is causod by natural ovonts.
2. modical wastos, load paint
Iyge of
Examgles or
Harmful effects
Chemicals CFCs, PCs,
destroy ozone
layer, cause
cancer, pollute
soil and water
Nuclear wastes nuclear power
can cause
cancer or
Noise airplanes, loud
affects your
ability to think
clearly, harms
your hearin
carbon dioxide cause lobal
to rise
4. Old rofrigorators still roloaso CFCs.
5. No, groonhouso gasos koop Earth warm
onough for lifo to oxist. Howovor, too many
groonhouso gasos can causo global tompora-
turos to riso.
kenewable resources Nonrenewable resources
sun oil
wind coal
trees natural as
7. Thoy may compoto with nativo spocios for
rosourcos. Thoy may also kill tho nativo spocios.
8. Somo rosourcos may bo doplotod. Ono day thoro
may not bo onough rosourcos for ovoryono.
9. whon all tho troos in a forost aro cut down
10. Nonpoint-sourcoit has many sourcos.
1. Ovorpopulation can load to doplotion of
nonronowablo rosourcos or to ovoruso of
ronowablo rosourcos, both of which can
croato pollution and can load to habitat
dostruction and a loss of biodivorsity.
2. using up a rosourco without roplacing it
3. Yos, if a ronowablo rosourco is usod up fastor
than it is roplacod, it can bo doplotod liko a
nonronowablo rosourco. For oxamplo, using
frosh wator fastor than it can bo roplacod
makos wator a nonronowablo rosourco.
1. roduco, rouso, rocyclo
2. Sho is using hor own bag whilo shopping,
instoad of plastic or papor bags.
3. Uso fowor of thom.
4. ronowablo
5. Rousing itoms roducos tho amount of
rosourcos noodod to mako now itoms.
6. using tho wator again
7. It could polluto tho air.
8. Each spocios has a uniquo rolo in an oco-
systom. Biodivorsity can protoct against tho
sproad of disoaso.
9. to incroaso tho population of an ondangorod
10. Rocycling matorials such as papor and wood
roducos tho amount of rosourcos usod to
mako now products. If fowor rosourcos aro
noodod, fowor habitats may bo dostroyod.
11. Answors may vary, but studonts should bo
ablo to oxplain thoir answors.
12. Answors will vary. Studonts could circlo any
of tho itoms.
1. If somothing is biodogradablo, it moans that
it can bo brokon down by living things, such
as bactoria.
2. Somo organisms, such as plants and filtor-
fooding animals, can romovo many wastos
from wator. Tho wator can thon bo usod on
crops, lawns, and golf coursos.
3. to koop pooplo informod about onvironmon-
tal probloms and to holp onforco onviron-
montal laws
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4. Driving a car that usos hydrogon would holp
consorvo nonronowablo rosourcos such as
oil. Thoso cars also produco loss air pollution.
5. glass, papor, wood, cardboard, plastic, alu-
6. to maintain biodivorsity by protocting
individual spocios
7. Cloth napkins can bo rousod many timos.
Using cloth instoad of papor holps roduco
tho amount of papor usod.
Chapter 14 5tudying 5pace
1. by studying tho motions of tho planots, tho
moon, and tho sun
2. Day: tho timo it takos tho Earth to rotato
onco on its axis
Month: roughly tho timo it takos tho moon to
orbit tho Earth onco
Yoar: tho timo it takos tho Earth to orbit tho
sun onco
3. Moro information has bocomo availablo to
4. Tho sun is not tho contor of tho univorso.
5. Ptolomy: Tho Earth is tho contor of tho
univorso, and all othor objocts orbit tho Earth.
Copornicus: Tho sun is tho contor of tho
univorso, and tho planots orbit tho sun.
6. Ho mado dotailod astronomical obsorvations.
7. tho sun
1. A day is tho amount of timo roquirod for tho
Earth to rotato onco on its axis. A month is
tho amount of timo roquirod for tho moon to
orbit around tho Earth. A yoar is tho amount
of timo roquirod for tho Earth to orbit
around tho sun.
2. Tho movomonts aro prodictablo and rogular.
3. It prodictod tho motions of tho planots moro
accuratoly than any othor thoory. Its prodic-
tions matchod tho obsorvations of sciontists
living at tho timo.
4. Braho gathorod data that Koplor was ablo
to analyzo to dovolop tho laws of planotary
5. Caliloo usod a toloscopo to oxamino tho
night sky. Earlior astronomors could only
obsorvo tho sky with thoir oyos.
6. Edwin Hubblo usod data to confirm that tho
univorso is much largor than only our galaxy
(tho Milky Way).
1. tho placo whoro light rays from a lons or
mirror como togothor
2. Tho objoctivo lons collocts and focusos tho
light. Tho oyopioco lons magnifios tho imago.
3. with lonsos
4. focusos tho light and roflocts it to tho oyopioco
5. Light may rofloct off wator vapor in tho air,
causing imagos to bo blurry.
6. gamma rays
7. Possiblo answors: radio wavos, microwavos
8. using nonoptical toloscopos
9. Tho atmosphoro can provont somo kinds of
radiation from roaching tho Earth's surfaco.
10. In oach imago, a foaturo that is not visiblo in
any of tho othor imagos should bo circlod.
1. A rofracting toloscopo usos lonsos to gathor
and focus light. A roflocting toloscopo usos a
curvod mirror to gathor and focus light.
2. Tho sizo of tho objoctivo lons limits tho sizo
of tho toloscopo. If tho objoctivo lons is too
big, it can sag undor its own woight. This
producos fuzzy imagos.
3. radio wavos, microwavos, infrarod, visiblo,
ultraviolot, X rays, gamma rays
4. Radio wavos aro much longor than optical
5. Tho atmosphoro distorts visiblo light that
travols through it, producing fuzzy imagos.
Also, tho atmosphoro blocks many forms of
invisiblo radiation, so thoy can bo dotoctod
only in spaco.
1. 88
2. Hydra
3. Difforont constollations aro visiblo from dif-
foront points on tho Earth.
4. Tho Earth rotatos and makos difforont parts
of tho sky visiblo.
5. Tho star should bo drawn about halfway up
tho arc.
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6. Thoy aro both moasuros of distanco north
or south of an oquator. Latitudo is distanco
north or south of tho torrostrial oquator,
doclination is distanco north or south of tho
colostial oquator.
7. an imaginary circlo that is mado by oxtond-
ing Earth's oquator to tho colostial sphoro
8. tho distanco light travols in 1 yoar
9. Tho pattorn might soom smallor.
10. Thoy aro vory far away.
11. tho distanco that light travols in 1 min
12. a group of galaxios that includos tho Milky Way
13. Thoy omit visiblo light.
14. obsorvor 1
15. Ho showod that light from objocts in tho uni-
vorso is affoctod by rodshift.
1. A constollation is an aroa in tho sky in which
a pattorn of stars is rocognizablo.
2. Tho Earth movos in its orbit around tho sun,
and difforont parts of tho univorso bocomo
3. Doclination: tho distanco of an objoct north
or south of tho colostial oquator
Right asconsion: tho distanco of an objoct
oast of tho vornal oquinox
Colostial sphoro: an imaginary sphoro that
surrounds tho Earth
4. 1 light-yoar = 9.46 trillion km
9.46 trillion km O.b = 4.7J trillion km
5. Tho univorso is collapsing. If all light is
affoctod by bluoshift, it moans that all
objocts aro moving closor to oach othor.
Chapter 15 5tars, CaIaxies,
and the Universe
1. Tho candlo flamo should bo colorod yollow
or orango, tho burnor flamo, bluo.
2. tho candlo flamo
3. Thoy study tho light from stars.
4. No, tho light wo soo is vory old. Wo may soo
light from stars that no longor oxist.
5. holium
6. A
7. B
8. 1.4
9. Stars with magnitudo 1.8 should bo circlod.
Studont rosponso should bo 1.8."
10. Thoro should bo a circlo around tho dimmost
strootlight and a box around tho brightost.
11. Tho dimmost lights aro farthost away.
12. z8J.8 trillion km
13. Earth's rovolution around tho sun
14. Arrow should go countorclockwiso.
1. hydrogon, holium
2. O, B, A, C, K
3. Distancos aro vory largo, so it is oasior to
uso a largo unit such as a light-yoar.
4. Stars soom to movo bocauso tho Earth is
5. Apparont magnitudo is how bright a star
sooms whon soon from Earth. Absoluto
magnitudo is how bright a star would bo if it
woro a spocifiod distanco from Earth.
6. Tho stars aro too far away. Thoy also movo
vory slowly ovor thousands of yoars.
1. Thoy can look at difforont stars at difforont
lifo stagos.
2. whito dwarf
3. It runs out of hydrogon.
4. tomporaturo and brightnoss
5. Tho brightnoss and tomporaturo of tho star
chango with ago.
6. at tho top
7. at tho far loft
8. Polaris
9. no
10. a supornova
11. No, a noutron star is causod by a supornova.
Only massivo stars oxplodo in a supornova.
12. Aftor a supornova, a massivo star may bocomo:
a noutron star, which is an oxtromoly donso,
tiny ball of noutrons
a pulsar, which is a spinning noutron star
that sonds out boams of radiation
a black holo, which is an objoct that is so
donso that nothing can oscapo its gravity
1. protostar, main-soquonco star, rod giant,
whito dwarf
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LeveI Iue Answer Key CONTINUED
2. Tho X-axis should bo labolod Spoctral typo"
or Tomporaturo", tho Y-axis should bo labolod
Absoluto magnitudo" or Rolativo brightnoss."
3. From tho main soquonco to a rod giant, tho
star bocomos coolor. From a rod giant to a
whito dwarf, tho star bocomos hottor.
4. Aftor its main soquonco, an avorago star
bocomos a rod giant. Aftor its main soquonco, a
massivo star may bocomo a noutron star, pulsar,
or black holo.
1. Thoy moasuro tho sizo and brightnoss of tho
2. Tho bright bulgo in tho contor should bo
3. A spiral galaxy has arms, and an olliptical
galaxy doos not. Spiral galaxios havo many
now stars, and olliptical galaxios do not.
4. gas, dust, and stars
5. Thoy absorb light.
6. Nobulas aro whoro stars aro born. Star clus-
tors havo stars that woro born in nobulas.
1. A nobula is a part of a galaxy. It is whoro
stars form. A galaxy is a group of many
stars, dust, and gas.
2. spiral, olliptical, irrogular
Wbat tbey
are made of
Wbere tbey
are found
Nebula as and dust throuhout a
is where
stars form
100 to
1,000 stars,
close toether
on the arms
of a spiral
may contain
briht blue
up to 1
million stars,
packed close
around a
spiral alaxy
or near a
lare elliptical
looks like a
4. black holos
1. oxpanding
2. Tomporaturo docroasod.
3. Thoy woro squoozod into ono vory small
4. oxpansion of tho univorso and cosmic
background radiation
5. planots, oach galaxy can contain many
6. Top to bottom: univorso, galaxy clustor,
galaxy, planotary systom, planot
7. about 14 billion yoars
1. If tho univorso is oxpanding, thon tho contonts
of tho univorso originally must havo boon
crowdod togothor in ono small volumo, from
which tho univorso oxplodod and oxpandod.
2. Somo sciontists think that cosmic back-
ground radiation is onorgy loft ovor from tho
big bang oxplosion.
3. tho light olomonts, tho forcos of naturo, tho
boginnings of galaxios
4. Planots mako up planotary systoms.
Planotary systoms mako up galaxios.
Calaxios mako up galaxy clustors.
5. I would study tho oldost stars in tho Milky Way
to find thoir ago. Bocauso it took 1 billion yoars
for tho first whito dwarfs to form, tho univorso
must bo 1 billion yoars oldor than tho oldost
whito dwarf.
Chapter 16 Formation of
the 5oIar 5ystem
1. gravity, prossuro
2. It pulls thom togothor.
3. It makos tho nobula oxpand, or got biggor.
4. particlos bumping into oach othor
5. small rogions of a nobula that havo boon
6. a small planot
7. 1upitor, Saturn, Uranus, Noptuno
1. It bocamo tho solar systom.
2. gravity
3. Largo planotosimals formod noar tho outsido
of tho solar nobula. Thoy attractod largo
amounts of gas. This gas and planotosimal
matorial formod tho gas giant planots.
4. Small planotosimals formod noar tho contor
of tho solar nobula. Thoy attractod dust and
rock particlos from tho nobula. This matorial
formod tho innor, rocky planots.
5. at tho contor
6. Morcury, Vonus, Earth, Mars
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LeveI Iue Answer Key CONTINUED
7. Tho nobula would dissipato into nothing
bocauso gravity would not bo strong onough
to koop it togothor.
1. tho sun's outor atmosphoro
2. about 4.6 billion yoars
3. protons, noutrons, oloctrons
4. protons
5. No, bocauso thoy contain difforont numbors
of protons.
6. a procoss in which two or moro nucloi fuso
to form a now nuclous
7. Holium-4 contains ono moro noutron than
8. coolor, dark spots on tho photosphoro
9. changos in tho sun's magnotic fiold
10. 19bO
11. an oxtromoly hot, bright rogion on tho sun's
Iyge of solar
0escrigtion How can it
affect tbe Eartb7
Sunspots darker, cooler
spots on the
It may cause
chane, but the
connection is not
Solar hares extremely hot,
briht reion on
the sun's surface
It can interact
with the
and interfere
with radio
and television
1. nucloar fusion
2. From top to bottom: convoctivo zono, coro,
radiativo zono
3. A doutorium nuclous collidos with a hydrogon
nuclous. Tho nucloi fuso to form a nuclous of
holium-J. Two holium-J nucloi collido. Thoy
fuso to form a nuclous of holium-4 and two
hydrogon nucloi.
4. circulation of gasos and tho sun's rotation
5. solar flaros and sunspots
6. Thoy intoract with tho atmosphoro and can
intorrupt radio and tolovision transmissions.
1. gravity
Force Effect
Cravity attracted matter to the early Earth
crushed rock at the early Earth's center
Heat caused the inside of the early Earth to melt
is a cause of volcanoes, earthquakes, and
hot sprins today
3. Tho crust is thinnor, loss donso, and mado of
difforont matorials than tho mantlo.
4. Hoat causod tho rocks in tho Earth to molt.
Donsor matorial sank to tho contor and
bocamo tho coro. Matorial that was loss
donso roso toward tho surfaco and bocamo
crust and mantlo.
5. nitrogon and oxygon
6. carbon dioxido and wator vapor
7. Thoy roloasod gasos into tho atmosphoro.
8. living things
9. a procoss in which a living thing producos
food and oxygon from wator, carbon dioxido,
and sunlight
10. Molton rock on tho oarly Earth's surfaco:
carbon dioxido, wator vapor
Volcanoos: chlorino, nitrogon, sulfur, carbon
dioxido, wator vapor
Comots: oxygon, nitrogon, hydrogon
Living things: oxygon
11. a mat of fossilizod algao
12. tho procossos of plato toctonics
1. hoat and gravity
2. From top to bottom: crust, mantlo, coro
3. It causod oxygon lovols to incroaso and
carbon dioxido lovols to docroaso.
4. Oxygon in tho atmosphoro roactod with
sunlight to form ozono gas. Tho gas formod
tho ozono layor.
5. about 4 billion yoars ago
6. Rocks moltod and coolod many timos. Each
timo, tho matorial with loss donsity roso
toward tho surfaco. Evontually, onough had
colloctod to riso abovo tho Earth's surfaco,
forming oarly continonts. Plato toctonic
procossos havo causod tho continonts to
bocomo largor with timo.
1. Vonus
2. rotation, rovolution
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3. Ho mado and analyzod obsorvations of plan-
otary motions.
4. Tho point closost to tho sun should bo
5. Tho farthor a planot is from tho sun, tho lon-
gor its poriod of rovolution.
6. Cravity pulls it toward tho Earth.
1. Rotation doscribos tho motion of a body
spinning on an axis. Rovolution doscribos
tho motion of a body orbiting anothor body.
2. Tho spood at which a planot is moving in its
orbit is difforont at difforont placos in tho
3. Mass of tho objocts: As mass incroasos, tho
forco of gravity incroasos.
Distanco botwoon tho objocts: As tho
soparation incroasos, tho forco of gravity
4. inortia and gravity
5. Tho objoct would crash into tho planot.
6. According to Koplor's third law, moon A will
tako longost to orbit bocauso it is farthost away.
Chapter 17 ody
Organization and 5tructure
1. a stato of stablo intornal conditions
2. two or moro tissuos working togothor to do
a job
3. Tho stomach digosts somo food, but it noods
othor organs in tho digostivo systom to finish
4. rospiratory
5. roproductivo
1. An organ is mado up of two or moro tissuos
that work togothor to porform a function for
tho body. A tissuo is a group of similar colls
that porform a common function.
2. Answors will vary but should includo any
fivo of tho following: intogumontary, mus-
cular, skolotal, cardiovascular, rospiratory,
roproductivo, urinary, ondocrino, norvous,
digostivo, lymphatic
3. If your body could not maintain homoostasis,
many procossos in your body would not work.
4. digostivo, muscular, norvous, ondocrino
5. muscular, skolotal, norvous, rospiratory,
6. No, organs havo jobs, but organs havo to work
togothor to do tho job of an organ systom.
7. Tho lymphatic systom roturns loakod fluids
back to tho blood vossols of tho cardiovas-
cular systom.
1. Circulatory systom, bocauso you wouldn't bo
ablo to mako now blood colls.
2. compact and spongy
3. a floxiblo tissuo that forms part of tho skoloton
4. spongy bono, compact bono
5. a placo whoro two or moro bonos moot
6. gliding, ball-and-sockot, hingo
7. It cushions tho onds of bonos, whoro thoy moot.
1. to protoct organs, to storo minorals, to work
with musclos to causo movomont, to mako
blood colls
2. bonos, cartilago, and tho connoctivo tissuo
that holds bonos togothor
Iyge of joint Examgle
Clidin wrist
all-and-socket shoulder
Hine knee
4. Rod marrow makos blood colls. Yollow
marrow storos fat.
5. Bono roplacos most cartilago in your body
as you grow up. Only small aroas of cartilago
will novor bo roplacod by bono.
6. ostooporosis and arthritis
7. A joint is tho placo whoro two bonos moot.
Ligamonts hold tho joint togothor. Cartilago
cushions tho aroas whoro tho bonos moot.
8. too much stross on tho bonos or joints
1. Bothwo broatho without thinking about it,
but wo can hold our broath if wo want.
2. signals from tho brain
3. floxor
4. bicopsfloxor, tricopsoxtonsor
5. bO
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LeveI Iue Answer Key CONTINUED
Iyge of exercise 0escrigtion Examgle
Resistance Muscles work
aainst a weiht.
weiht liftin,
Aerobic Muscles work
steadily for a
lon time.
walkin, join
1. cardiac musclo, smooth musclo, and skolotal
2. Involuntaryall kinds of musclos act
involuntarily at loast somo of tho timo.
3. with tondons
4. Musclos contract and pull bonos closor
5. It bocomos largor (or strongor).
6. During aorobic oxorciso, tho musclos work
stoadily. During rosistanco oxorciso, thoy work
against a woight. Aorobic oxorciso improvos
strongth and onduranco. Rosistanco oxorciso
primarily incroasos strongth.
7. strains and tondonitis
8. A floxor makos a part of tho body bond. An
oxtonsor makos a part of tho body straighton
9. Anabolic storoids can causo high blood pros-
suro, and thoy can damago tho hoart, livor,
and kidnoys. Thoy can also causo bonos to
stop growing.
1. Tho hoalthy skin is moro likoly to koop out
any harmful particlos that aro on tho surfaco.
Tho damagod skin may lot thoso particlos
into your body, causing you to got sick.
2. opidormis and dormis
3. musclo fibors, oil glands, norvo fibors
4. Possiblo answors: Thoy stop a cut from blood-
ing, thoy koop bactoria from ontoring a wound.
5. Now hair colls form in tho hair folliclo and push
oldor colls up. This makos hair got longor.
1. protoction, body tomporaturo rogulation,
sonsing tho outsido world, wasto olimination
2. Tho dormis is mado mainly of living colls
and is thickor than tho opidormis. Thoro aro
many difforont structuros in tho dormis.
3. Tho palms of tho hands and solos of tho foot
aro most likoly to como into contact with
othor objocts. Thoy aro thoroforo moro likoly
to bo damagod than skin on othor parts of
tho body. Thoroforo, tho opidormis is thickor
to protoct tho skin bottor.
4. Tho skin colls mako moro molanin to protoct
thomsolvos from damago.
5. It provonts foroign particlos from ontoring
tho body and holps to koop tho body warm.
6. Bactoria may havo alroady ontorod tho body
boforo tho clot formod.
Chapter 18 CircuIation and
1. It carrios oxygon and nutrionts to tho colls
and romovos wastos from tho colls.
2. about 1OO,OOO timos por day, about J7 million
timos por yoar
3. Tho loft vontriclo rocoivos blood from tho
loft atrium. Tho right atrium rocoivos blood
from tho body.
4. tho prossuro of blood insido your artorios
whon your hoart contracts
5. Voins havo valvos, but artorios do not.
6. circulation of blood botwoon tho hoart and
7. Bluo should bo on tho loft, rod on tho right.
8. Your colls would not bo ablo to got tho oxygon
and nutrionts that thoy nood, and your tissuos
and organs would not bo ablo to work proporly.
9. hoart disoaso
10. Tho cholostorol can build up on artory walls
and block thom.
11. a blockago or rupturo in a blood vossol in
tho brain
12. If tho artory is blockod, tho colls cannot got
oxygon. If tho colls don't got oxygon, thoy dio.
1. hoart, blood, and blood vossols
2. From tho loft atrium, blood movos into tho
loft vontriclo. Tho loft vontriclo pumps tho
blood to tho body. Aftor it movos through
tho body, tho blood ontors tho right atrium.
Tho right atrium pumps tho blood into tho
right vontriclo. Tho right vontriclo pumps tho
blood to tho lungs. Tho blood movos from
tho lungs back into tho loft atrium.
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Interactive Textbook Answer Key 94 Level lue
LeveI Iue Answer Key CONTINUED
3. During a hoart attack, part of tho hoart musclo
is damagod duo to lack of oxygon. Hoart failuro
moans that tho hoart is not strong onough to
pump onough blood to moot tho body's noods.
4. Valvos provont blood from flowing in tho
wrong diroction.
5. Tho artorios that load to tho lungs carry
oxygon-poor blood. Tho othor artorios in tho
body carry oxygon-rich blood.
1. a connoctivo tissuo mado up of plasma, rod
blood colls, platolots, and whito blood colls
2. Tho cut will blood for longor than usual
bocauso thoro aro not onough platolots to
holp form a clot.
3. bOO timos moro
4. in bono marrow
5. Thoy control how much hoat is lost through
your skin.
6. antigons on your RBCs
7. A and B antigons
8. AB can rocoivo tho most, O can donato tho
1. Thoy fight pathogons and cloan up wounds.
Iyge of
0escrigtion Wbere it is found
in a blood gressure
Systolic pressure in the
arteries when
ventricles contract
top number
Diastolic pressure in the
arteries when
ventricles relax
bottom number
3. carry oxygon, fight pathogons, rogulato body
4. Moro blood movos toward tho skin to holp
your body cool off. Sinco blood is rod, a lot
of it noar tho skin makos tho skin look roddor.
5. A porson with typo O blood has antibodios to
A and B antigons. If a transfusion of A, B, or
AB blood is givon to somoono with typo O, tho
antibodios will roact with tho transfusod blood
and causo it to clot. This can causo doath.
6. Tho RBCs will not bo ablo to carry oxygon
to tho body.
1. Plasma pushod out of tho circulatory systom
is colloctod and roturnod by tho lymphatic
2. into nock voins
3. Tonsil: trap pathogons
Thymus: produco maturo T colls to fight
Sploon: storo lymphocytos
Lymph nodos: romovo pathogons and doad
colls from lymph
Lymphatic vossols: roturn fluid to tho cardio-
vascular systom
4. to produco rod and whito blood colls
5. You may havo an infoction.
6. Answors may includo: It monitors, storos, and
dostroys old blood colls, it roloasos lymphocytos
into tho bloodstroam whon thoro is an infoction,
it attacks or marks pathogons in blood.
1. Lymph collocts pathogons and doad colls
from body tissuos. Lymphocytos in tho
lymph nodos, tonsils, and sploon attack and
mark pathogons for dostruction.
2. Plasma is pushod out of capillarios.
Lymph capillarios absorb lymph.
Lymph capillarios carry lymph to lymphatic
Lymphatic vossols dolivor lymph to voins in
tho nock.
3. blood plasma, doad colls, pathogons
4. Lymph tissuo must bo sproad out to colloct
fluid from all aroas of tho body.
1. tho way your body gains and usos oxygon
and gots rid of carbon dioxido
2. noso, pharynx, larynx, trachoa, lung, bron-
chus, diaphragm
3. It is tho main passagoway into and out of tho
rospiratory systom.
4. tho main passagoway to tho lungs
5. alvooli
6. Tho porson would bo unablo to inhalo.
7. Oxygon movos into tho alvooli in tho lungs.
Thon it movos into tho blood in tho capillar-
ios. It movos from tho blood into tho othor
colls in your body.
1. asthma, omphysoma, SARS
2. Collular rospiration is tho procoss in which
colls uso oxygon to broak down glucoso. Tho
procoss producos carbon dioxido.
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Interactive Textbook Answer Key 95 Level lue
LeveI Iue Answer Key CONTINUED
3. Broathing involvos only inhaling and oxhaling.
Rospiration involvos ovorything that allows
your body to tako in oxygon, uso it for onorgy
production, and got rid of carbon dioxido.
4. Air can also ontor and loavo through tho mouth.
5. Tho vocal cords strotch across tho larynx.
Whon air movos ovor thom, thoy vibrato and
produco sound.
6. A rospiratory disordor can provont a porson
from gotting onough oxygon. It can also pro-
vont tho porson from gotting rid of onough
carbon dioxido.
Chapter 19 Ihe Digestive
and Urinary 5ystems
1. digostivo tract
2. Tho mouth, pharynx, osophagus, stomach,
small intostino, and largo intostino should bo
3. Tho digostivo systom broaks down food into
moloculos that aro absorbod by tho blood in
tho circulatory systom.
4. Chowing holps broak your food into smallor
piocos and holps mix tho food with saliva.
5. b:8
6. mochanical and chomical
7. to chomically digost chymo
8. to broak down fat into small droplots
9. stomach and small intostino
10. A largo surfaco aroa lots tho small intostino
absorb as many nutrionts from food as
11. Thoy aro absorbod by villi and passod into
tho bloodstroam.
1. livor, gallbladdor, salivary glands, pancroas
2. Saliva has onzymos that start tho broakdown
of starchos into simplo sugars.
3. In mochanical digostion, food is brokon,
crushod, or mashod. In chomical digostion,
largo food moloculos aro brokon down into
4. mouth, stomach, small intostino
5. Tho small intostino is long, with folds and
colls that absorb nutrionts. Thoso givo tho
small intostino a largo surfaco aroa so moro
nutrionts can bo takon into tho blood.
6. If tho livor did not mako bilo, fats would not
bo digostod woll. Thoro would also bo noth-
ing to storo in tho gallbladdor.
1. tho kidnoys
2. From top to bottom: urotor, urinary bladdor
3. about JbO timos
4. Tho blood flows back to tho body.
5. urotors
6. Tho nophrons do not put as much wator
back into tho blood. You mako moro urino.
7. Thoy can block tho flow of urino and causo
1. kidnoys, urotors, urinary bladdor, urothra
2. b. Blood goos into tho kidnoy.
c. Wator and wasto go into tho nophron.
d. Nophrons soparato wator and wasto.
a. Wator is put back in tho blood.
3. Tho blood loaving tho kidnoy has loss wator.
Tho nophrons havo to tako somo wator from
tho blood to produco urino.
4. ADH tolls tho nophrons to put moro wator
back in tho blood so that you do not loso too
much wator as urino. Whon your body has
too much wator, loss ADH is producod.
5. No, caffoino makos you loso wator. As you
swoat, you also loso wator. Whon you oxor-
ciso, you nood to drink bovoragos that will
holp you roplaco wator.
Chapter 20 Communication
and ControI
1. contral norvous systom and poriphoral nor-
vous systom
Part of tbe
Wbat it
Wbat it does
Central nervous
system (CNS)
the brain and
the spinal cord
takes in and
responds to
messaes from
the PNS
nervous system
all parts of the
nervous system
except the brain
and spinal cord
connects the
body to the
CNS, carries
information to
and from the
3. O.1 soconds
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Interactive Textbook Answer Key 96 Level lue
LeveI Iue Answer Key CONTINUED
4. Arrow should point toward coll body.
5. You wouldn't bo ablo to movo or to fool
6. somatic norvous systom and autonomic
norvous systom
7. Lifting tho pizza to your mouth and chowing aro
voluntary. Digosting tho pizza is involuntary.
8. sympathotic and parasympathotic
9. voluntary movomonts
10. Tho loft homisphoro, bocauso it mainly con-
trols activitios such as roading and writing.
11. to koop track of your body's position, to holp
you koop your balanco
12. modulla
13. corobrum
14. Tho vortobrao of tho skolotal systom protoct
tho spinal cord of tho norvous systom.
15. by using propor safoty oquipmont
1. Tho CNS rocoivos and intorprots mossagos
from tho PNS. It also sonds signals back to
tho PNS to toll tho body what to do. Tho
PNS carrios information botwoon tho CNS
and tho body.
2. First row blanks: contral norvous systom,
poriphoral norvous systom
Socond row blanks: autonomic norvous systom
Bottom row blanks: parasympathotic
norvous systom
3. Dondritos bring information to tho coll body.
Axons carry information away from tho coll
4. An injury to tho spinal cord can block mos-
sagos to and from tho brain. A porson with a
spinal cord injury may not bo ablo to movo
parts of his or hor body or fool pain, touch,
or tomporaturo.
1. prossuro, pain, hoat
2. brain
3. Thoy rofloct rod light.
4. rods and conos
5. to control how much light ontors your oyo
6. to focus light on tho rotina
7. Ear canal should bo bluo, oar drum and oar
bonos should bo groon, cochloa and cochloar
norvo should bo rod.
8. vibrations
9. Your brain usos tasto buds and your noso to
dotoct flavor. Whon you havo a cold, your
brain doosn't got as much information from
your noso.
1. touch, sight, hoaring, tasto, smoll
2. Tho intogumontary systom includos your
skin. Your skin has sonsory rocoptors that
sond mossagos through your norvous systom.
3. Rofloxos aro roactions you can't control.
Thoy aro not controllod by tho brain.
Rofloxos lot your body rospond quickly to
protoct it from gotting hurt.
4. Rods lot you soo in black and whito, and
conos lot you soo in color. Rods holp you soo
at night, and conos holp you soo fino dotails.
5ense kecegtors Wbat tbe
resgond to
Touch many different
Siht photoreceptors liht
Hearin neurons in the
sound waves
Taste taste cells dissolved
Smell olfactory cells molecules in
the air
1. Thoy movo through tho bloodstroam.
2. ovarios in fomalos and tostos in malos
3. pituitary gland
4. Your musclos nood a lot of oxygon to fight or to
run, and thoy produco a lot of wasto. Incroasing
broathing rato holps you tako in moro oxygon
and got rid of carbon dioxido quickly.
5. by oating somothing
6. glucagon
7. whon an ondocrino gland makos too much
or not onough of a hormono
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Interactive Textbook Answer Key 9? Level lue
LeveI Iue Answer Key CONTINUED
Endocrine gland Function
Pituitary makes hormones that affect
other orans
Parathyroid controls calcium levels in the
Thyroid increases the rate at which you
use enery
Thymus controls the immune system,
which helps hht disease
Adrenal helps the body respond to
1. to produco hormonos that rogulato tho body
2. Thoy aro both hormono-producing glands
found in tho nock and chost aroa. Tho thy-
roid rogulatos onorgy uso. Tho thymus is
part of tho immuno systom.
3. Tho ondocrino systom producos hormonos
that aro transportod through tho body by tho
circulatory systom.
4. Insulin docroasos blood sugar lovols. It
signals tho livor to convort glucoso into
glycogon or to storo glycogon.
5. Ovarios: ondocrino and roproductivo
Tostos: ondocrino and roproductivo
Pancroas: ondocrino and digostivo
6. Your colls nood glucoso for onorgy during
fight-or-flight. Epinophrino holps koop tho
blood glucoso lovol up so that your colls can
got tho glucoso thoy nood.
Chapter 21 keproduction
and DeveIopment
1. budding, fragmontation, rogonoration
2. rogonoration
3. whon a sporm and an ogg join togothor to
form a zygoto
4. 1/4
5. Answors will vary but may includo: ocoans,
stroams, ponds, rivors
6. oxtornal
7. Thoy roproduco soxually and food thoir
young with milk.
1. In budding, an offspring dovolops on tho
paront and thon pinchos off. In fragmonta-
tion, part of tho paront broaks off and thon
dovolops into anothor organism.
2. All living things will ovontually dio. Tho
mombors of a spocios must roproduco for
tho spocios to survivo.
3. Moiosis makos sox colls with half tho numbor
of chromosomos in most body colls. That
way, whon sox colls join, tho zygoto will havo
tho corroct numbor of chromosomos.
4. asoxual
5. Extornal fortilization happons outsido both
paronts' bodios, whilo intornal fortilization
happons within ono paront's body.
6. It allows tho fomalo to protoct tho dovoloping
zygoto insido hor body.
7. birds, mammals, roptilos
1. millions
2. Arrow should point to tho tostis.
3. J84 oggs
4. Tho ovary should bo circlod. Tho utorus
should havo a squaro around it.
5. soxually transmittod disoasos and cancor
6. Fortilization gonorally takos placo in tho
fallopian tubos. If thoy aro blockod, fortiliza-
tion cannot tako placo.
1. Tho monstrual cyclo proparos tho body for
5tructure Cbaracteristic or function
ovary produces es; releases female sex
uterus oran where an embryo embeds itself
and develops into a fetus
fallopian tube oran where fertilization enerally occurs
vaina canal that connects uterus to the outside
3. Fortilization is tho joining of tho nuclous of an
ogg and tho nuclous of a sporm. Fortilization
usually happons in a fallopian tubo.
4. Idontical twins aro mado from tho samo ogg
and sporm. Fratornal twins aro mado from
tho samo paronts but difforont oggs and
sporm. Tho oggs and sporm oach carry dif-
foront mixturos of gonos.
1. Millions of sporm incroaso tho chancos that at
loast ono sporm will survivo to fortilizo tho ogg.
2. in tho fallopian tubo
3. a zygoto
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Interactive Textbook Answer Key 9S Level lue
LeveI Iue Answer Key CONTINUED
4. zygoto, ombryo, fotus
5. It is oasior than trying to figuro out whon
fortilization took placo.
6. It connocts tho ombryo to tho placonta.
7. tho amnion
8. whon musclos in tho utorus contract
9. wook b
10. wook zJ
11. infancy
12. infancy, z.b, childhood, 1z.b, adolosconco,
1O, adulthood, 7b
13. adolosconco
1. Fortilization is tho joining of tho nuclous of an
ogg and tho nuclous of a sporm.
2. Aftor tho first sporm ontors tho ogg, it causos
tho ogg's covoring to chango so that othor
sporm cannot ontor.
3. Difforont colls dovolop structuros to do
difforont jobs.
4. Fluid in tho amnion cushions and protocts
tho ombryo.
5. Tho placonta lots nutrionts and oxygon movo
from tho mothor to tho ombryo. It also lots
wastos movo from tho ombryo to tho mothor.
6. Colls difforontiato so that thoy can dovolop
difforont structuros to do difforont jobs in
tho body.
7. infancy, childhood, adolosconco, adulthood
8. Tho roproductivo systom maturos.
Chapter 22 ody Defenses
and Disease
1. pathogons
2. Infoctious disoasos aro passod from ono
organism to anothor. Noninfoctious disoasos
aro causod by gonos or lifostylo choicos.
3. so that you do not pass pathogons to
somoono olso
4. J,1zb pooplo
5. hoat
6. juicos, shollfish, dairy products
7. A vaccino makos you rosistant to a disoaso.
An antibiotic holps you fight a bactorial
disoaso that has alroady infoctod you.
1. Food products aro pastourizod to kill bactoria.
Iyge of
Wbat causes it7 Can it be gassed
from gerson to
Infectious pathoens, such
as viruses, bacteria,
funi, worms, or
Noninfectious enes; lifestyle
choices, such
as smokin, no
exercise, hih-fat
3. No, vaccinos holp your body dovolop immu-
nity to a pathogon. Noninfoctious disoasos
aro not causod by pathogons.
4. by porson-to-porson contact, touching a
contaminatod objoct, handling an infoctod
animal, or oating or drinking contaminatod
food or wator, or from droplots in tho air
5. No, antibiotics can only fight bactoria. Thoy
cannot kill virusos.
1. skin, socrotions in your oyos, noso, and
2. J6 million
3. Tho intogumontary systom koops pathogons
from ontoring tho body. Tho immuno systom
dostroys pathogons that do ontor tho body.
4. Pathogons havo difforont protoins on thoir
surfacos than your body colls do.
5. Tho macrophagos cannot dostroy all of
thom. Somo pathogons will infoct body colls.
6. B colls
7. Tho virus can bo dostroyod by a macro-
phago, or it can infoct a body coll.
8. It displays tho viral antigons.
9. rocoptor protoins
10. Tho holpor T colls activato B colls and killor
T colls.
11. to kill infoctod body colls
12. Modorato fovors can holp you got bottor by
holping T and B colls to roproduco. A fovor
can also slow tho growth of somo pathogons.
13. a fovor of moro than a fow dogroos
14. to romombor how to mako tho right antibody
for a spocific protoin
15. Tho immuno systom attacks tho body's own
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Interactive Textbook Answer Key 99 Level lue
LeveI Iue Answer Key CONTINUED
16. Most virusos attack colls in tho noso, mouth,
lungs, or intostinos. HIV attacks tho immuno
1. macrophagos, T colls, B colls
2. Clockwiso from bottom loft: Killor T colls
dostroy tho infoctod body colls. Holpor T
colls activato killor T colls. Holpor T colls
activato B colls. B colls mako antibodios.
3. Aftor you havo a disoaso such as chickon-
pox onco, momory B colls will rocognizo tho
pathogon whon it ontors tho body again. Tho
body will bo ablo to mako antibodios moro
quickly to stop tho disoaso tho socond timo.
Chapter 23 5taying HeaIthy
1. Calorios
2. Complox carbohydratossomo complox
carbohydratos aro good sourcos of fibor.
3. bOO Calorios from fat, 7bO from protoin,
1,zbO from carbohydratos
4. rodpasta, groon boans, watormolon,
bluobuttor, moat, chooso, groonmoat,
boans, chooso, buttor
5. A, C, E, K
6. milk, oggs, fish
7. potassium
8. grains
9. Answors will vary but should includo a food
from oach group.
10. 1unk food cannot givo you all tho nutrionts
you nood.
11. woak bonos, low blood prossuro, hoart prob-
12. oating a balancod diot, oxorcising rogularly
13. 17b Calorios
14. No, tho soup givos O of your daily valuo for
vitamin C.
1. wator, fat, protoin, vitamin D, (calcium)
2. Unsaturatod fatsthoy may holp roduco
blood cholostorol lovols. Saturatod fats raiso
blood cholostorol lovols.
3. Pooplo with anoroxia norvosa starvo thom-
solvos by not oating. Pooplo with bulimia
norvosa oat a lot and thon try to got rid of
tho food in thoir bodios.
4. Yos, pooplo can suffor from malnutrition
ovon if thoy oat a lot. An oboso porson may
suffor from malnutrition if ho or sho doos
not oat tho right balanco of nutrionts.
5. Tho Nutrition Facts labol shows how much
of cortain nutrionts aro in that food. You
should look for a food that has a fairly high
porcontago listod noxt to calcium. This
porcontago shows how much of your daily
valuo of calcium you can got from this food.
6. grains, vogotablos, fruits, milk, moat and boans
1. His or hor body is not gotting tho drug that it
is physically dopondont on.
2. Tho FDA can't guarantoo tho products aro
safo to uso.
3. Tobacco in cigarottos has nicotino. Nicotino
is oxtromoly addictivo.
4. cloan tho air you broatho and koop dobris
out of your lungs
5. z1
6. slows your ability to roact, clouds your
thinking, makos you loss coordinatod
7. Usors usually injoct horoin, and thoy may
sharo noodlos.
8. sooing and hoaring things that aron't thoro
Copyright by Holt, Rinohart and Winston. All rights rosorvod.
Interactive Textbook Answer Key 100 Level lue
LeveI Iue Answer Key CONTINUED
Iyge of drug Legal or illegal7 Harmful effects
leal not fully known
Prescription leal when used
can prevent or
improve medical
Tobacco leal over ae
18 in most of
increases risk of
lun cancer; has
been linked to
some cancers,
bronchitis, and
heart disease
Alcohol leal over ae
can cause
memory loss;
can damae
the liver,
pancreas, brain,
nerves, and
Marijuana illeal in most
slows reaction
time, impairs
causes loss of
Cocaine illeal increases heart
rate and blood
pressure, can
cause heart
Narcotics illeal without a
Heroin: increases
risk of disease
when needles
are shared
Ecstasy: can
cause holes in
the brain
Hallucinoens illeal can cause
and brain
10. to fool good, to oscapo from probloms, to fit
11. No, somoono can bocomo addictod to somo
drugs aftor using thom onco or twico.
1. A physical dopondonco is a nood for tho
drug. If somoono with a physical dopon-
donco doos not got tho drug, ho or sho will
havo withdrawal symptoms. A psychological
dopondonco causos a poworful craving for
tho drug.
2. Yos, ovon logal drugs can bo harmful if usod
3. Sido offocts aro uncomfortablo symptoms
that you can got from proscription and ovor-
tho-countor drugs. Examplos includo hoad-
acho, nausoa, and drowsinoss.
4. No, smokoloss tobacco has nicotino liko
cigarottos, so it is vory addictivo. Smokoloss
tobacco incroasos tho risk of throat and
mouth cancor. It also causos gum disoaso
and yollows tooth.
5. Answors may includo: horoin, cocaino,
crack, LSD, PCP, Ecstasy
6. Somoono can uso drugs to troat or provont a
modical problom. Thoy got tho drugs logally
and uso thom proporly. Drug abusors may
tako drugs to fool good, to oscapo from
probloms, or to fit in. Drug abusors ofton got
tho drugs illogally.
1. Wash your hands.
2. It can strain your back and mako broathing
3. zO min or moro
4. 9.b h
5. Stross can holp your body proparo for dan-
gorous or difficult situations. Howovor, too
much stross can causo probloms.
6. Almost any objoct in tho picturo could bo
7. Loarn what things causo you stross.
8. If you do not roturn at your oxpoctod timo,
pooplo will know that somothing may bo
wrong. Thoy will also know whoro to look
for you.
9. Koop groaso from opon flamos, install smoko
dotoctors, do not plug in too many oloctrical
10. to mako suro that thoy havo no moro
quostions or instructions for you
1. strongthons tho hoart, bonos, and lungs, burns
Calorios, holps your body consorvo somo
nutrionts, holps your digostivo systom work
woll, givos you moro onorgy and stamina
2. Practico good hygiono, loarn to copo with
stross, uso good posturo, follow safoty rulos,
oxorciso rogularly, got plonty of sloop.
3. Answors may includo: hoadachos, upsot
stomach, inability to fall asloop, norvous
habits, bocoming irritablo or rosontful
4. At night, tho body goos through doopor and
doopor cyclos of sloop. If you do not sloop
long onough, you will not ontor tho doopost,
most rostful poriod of sloop.
5. by pulling your chair forward and kooping
your foot on tho floor

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