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1-leadership effectiveness?

Fiedler model Hersey and Blanchard's situational theory leader member exchange theory The path-goal Leader-participation models

2- Reward power, Legitimate power, Information power and Expert power?

Reward power: People comply with the wishes or directives of another because doing so produces positive benefits Legitimate power: represents the formal authority to control and use organizational resources Information power: comes from access to and control over information Expert power: effect wielded as a result of expertise, special skill, or knowledge.

3-Scandinavian Studies
the previous behavioral approaches that focused in on only two behaviors may not appropriately capture leadership in the twenty-first century. Moreover, while initial conclusions need to be guarded without more confirming evidence, it also appears that leaders who demonstrate development-oriented behavior have more satisfied employees and are seen as more competent by those employees

4_Span of control?
How many employees can a manager efficiently and effectively direct? The wider or larger the span, the more efficient the organization. . Assuming Span of 8
1 8 64 512 4,096

1 4 16 64 256 1,024 4,096

Assuming Span of 4

5-The virtual organization:

The virtual organization (also sometimes called the network or modular organization), typically a small, core organization that sources major business functions. In structural terms, the virtual organization is highly centralized, with little or no departmentalization.

Self Actualization

6-The Hierarchy of needs theory:



Physiological: hunger, thirst, shelter.


Safety: security and protection from physical and emotional harm. Social: affection, belongingness, acceptance, and friendship Esteem: self-respect, autonomy, and achievement; status, recognition, and attention. Self-actualization: growth, achieving one's potential, and self-fulfillment

7-Theories X and Y:

8-The Managerial Grid
The Managerial Grid: A graphic portrayal of a two-dimensional view of leadership style was developed by Blake and Iton. They proposed a managerial grid (sometimes also now called the leadership grid) based on styles of "concern for people" and "concern for production,"
Concern for People

9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1





1,1 1 low

3 4 5 6 7 Concern for Production

9,1 9 High

9-The matrix structure

The matrix structure: Essentially, the matrix combines two forms of departmentalization: Functional: The strength of functional departmentalization lies in putting like specialists together, which minimizes the number necessary while allowing the pooling and sharing of specialized resources across products.. Product: It facilitates coordination among specialties to achieve on-time completion and meet budget targets. Furthermore, it provides clear responsibility for all activities related to a product Under Programs Academic Departments Accounting Administrativ e Studies Finance Information and Decision Sciences Marketing Organization alBeor Quantitative methods Graduate Mas ters PhD Research Executive Developmen t Community Services

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