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17 Million Rusty Locks


17 Million Rusty Locks

In The Problem Book, Master Fard Muhammad wrote of 17,000,000 rusty locks that needed to be opened by 17,000,000 keys. One of the Muhammad Speaks front page headlines proclaimed: MUHAMMAD HAS THE KEYS. Master Fard Muhammad achieved the goal that was the quest of every Egyptian, the realization of divinity while yet embodied. Muhammad derives from the Kamitic word hemet, which means prophet. Any man or woman who attains the second sphere of the Tree of Life is a prophet who has earned the ability to prophesy. The Second Sphere is called Tehuti in the Kamitic Tree or Paut and Chokmah in the Canaanite/Hebrew one. Tehuti represents the will of Ausar (god the Omnipresent). The divine will directs the omnipotent Third Sphere energy, Shekinah, Shakti, Shekem or Sakiynah. Every initiate who reached the 2nd sphere (counting from 10, to 9, to 8, etc.) becomes a hemet or a Muhammad. This Muhammad is able to direct the awesome Shakti power of Binah, the 3rd Tree of Life sphere. That power becomes metaphorically, the prophets daughter. Many of the scriptural metaphors were taken literally by the clerks (clerics) who seized control of the great religions texts and wiped out the colleges that taught the true wisdom conveyed by the masters. Those clerics were bookkeepers at best

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17 Million Rusty Locks


and had no true experience or comprehension of the divine. How could they teach accurately how to reach the kingdom of heaven if theyve never even risen above the house in which they reside? The most such clerks could convey is hearsay, and hearsay evidence is not even admissible in court. How can you be a Jehovahs Witness if youve never witnessed Jehovah? How can you be a Shaheed (witness) and all you know of Allah is hearsay? To hide the fact that none of the clerks (8th sphere thinkers) have witnessed Got at all, theyve distorted the word Shaheed and turned it into martyr. If you are blind in this world, you will be blind in the next. If you are not already a Shaheed, a witness of Allah, suicide wont magically transform you into one. Ancient Kamitic texts spoke of rusty valves that could be opened by sound tones (such as mantric vibrations), lights (colors), and plants (herbs). Without doubt the Kamitic rusty valves and the Fardian rusty locks are the same. But what are these rusty locks and what are the keys? Master Fard taught there were 17 million original people plus 2 million Indians in North America. That makes 19 million. In Fards Mathematical Theology, the 19 million were coded under the symbol original people. According to Swami Sivananda, there are 19 million nadis throughout the human body. A nadi is a channel or a meridian through which chi or prana flows. Nadis are part of the Khaibit or molecular body. They precede the physical gross body (khab) and is therefore the original person. The 19 million nadis are the original people in North America. Most of them are clogged up with dead, depleted prana (lifeforce). They are locked up and called by Master Fard 17 million rusty locks. Stretching squeezes out dead prana and unclogs the nadis so that prana can flow freely. That is why Hatha Yoga is so
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17 Million Rusty Locks


important. It and exercises like Tai Chi can take the rust out of our rusty locks. One of the best exercises for that is the Sun Salutation. That begins to unlock them, but the best rust remover is prana itself. The Chinese word for prana is Qi, the Japanese is Ki. Qi id usually spelled Chi. The highest, most refined, form of Qi is the kind at the 3rd Tree of Life sphere. That qui is controlled by the wisdom faculty of the 2nd sphere, the sphere of the hemet or Muhammad. In other words, Muhammad Has the Qi (code name for key). The will of God (Chokmah) directs or activates the power of God (Binah). In Qaballistic wisdom, Binah is said to mean understanding. But it is the same as the Arabic bint (the h of Binah is the tamarbutu or combined ht ) and could accurately be written binat. It means daughter and paraphrasically, wife. In a grand Biblical metaphor Lot went to sleep and his daughters had sex with him. The daughters gave him wine to drink and that put him to sleep. The casting of lots is a way of employing an oracle to discover the word of God. Oracles are 2nd sphere devices. Hence, Lot represents an oracle or 2nd TOL sphere consciousness. By saying Lot has sex with his daughters, it is conveying in code the wisdom faculty (2nd sphere) activates and impregnates the omnipotent potential (3rd sphere, Binah). When non-initiates read the once secret texts without understanding, theyll go away thinking it is sometimes okay to have sex with your own physical daughter. Sphere two corresponds to the higher functions of the left brain hemisphere (Tehuti) and sphere three corresponds to the higher functions of the right hemisphere (Sekert). Through various techniques the initiate learns to integrate them, i.e., they have sex with each other. In most people, only two million nadis are unclogged. Those that link to higher bodies and higher spiritual operations need to be oiled, unclogged and opened by qi or chi.
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17 Million Rusty Locks


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