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Northeust Leudershl Acudemy Cohort ll

1lmothy Mudd
vernudette Curlund
1onyu Llttle
Luuren Creenhlll

Nush Rocky Mount Publlc Schools

Arll, zc

/012$3 AvlL, Advuncement vlu lndlvlduul Letermlnutlon, ls u college reudlness system for
elementury through hlgher educutlon thut ls deslgned to lncreuse schoolwlde leurnlng und
erformunce. 1he AvlL College Reudlness System (ACRS) uccelerutes student leurnlng, uses reseurch
bused methods of effectlve lnstructlon, rovldes meunlngful und motlvutlonul rofesslonul leurnlng,
und ucts us u cutulyst for systemlc reform und chunge.

45!!671819:$17$:4;55<:$=41:>$?$ClS ls the nutlon's leudlng droout reventlon orgunlzutlon.
1he unlque model osltlons slte coordlnutors lnslde schools to ussess students' needs und rovlde
resources to hel them succeed ln the clussroom und ln llfe. 1hey urtner wlth locul buslnesses, soclul
servlce ugencles, heulth cure rovlders und volunteers. vhether lt's food, school sulles, heulth
cure, counsellng, ucudemlc usslstunce or u osltlve role model, Communltles ln Schools ls there to
hel hlgh school students be more successful ln school.

7/:;$45!!6718@$45<<9A9$:6!!9B$4/!):3 NCC ls hostlng two .CDEFCEG$HECIF+J+,#G$
EF,DFEE*DF,G$"FK$-"HIE-"HDC.$=:89!>$4"-L.$MNFE$'&3'O und MNFE$%O3%P$for rlslng 6thzth grude
students from :cc um - :c m euch duy. Students lnterested ln uttendlng the cum should reglster
ut the NCC Contlnulng Lducutlon offlce by Arll c, zc. Locuted on the second floor of the 8uslness
& lndustry Center, the offlce's reglstrutlon hours ure Monduy1hursduy, 8:cc um:c m und lrlduy
8:cc ut :cm. Suce ls llmlted to the st c students er week.
Nunc cursus mugnu quls
Lonec slt umet urcu.

/<QB92$67109B:18@$=7@>$3$Any hlgh school students lnterested ln leurnlng more ubout:
Astronomy, Art Portfollo Pre, Creutlve vrltlng, Cerumlcs und Cluss Lnglneerlng, Consumer Chemlstry,
Comuter Lnglneerlng, Renewuble Lnergy Lnglneerlng, Robotlcs Lnglneerlng, Lquestrlun, 1heutre or
Swlmmlng, ure encouruged to vlslt www.ulfred.edujsummer.hs.cfm. Some rogrums ure llmlted to
certuln grude levels, so leuse do your reseurch uheud of tlme. Allcutlons must be recelved ut Alfred
Unlverslty no luter thun Arll th, ln order to be consldered.

@568;$;9/<8;$:6!!18R)B90978157G$)B58948157G$)5S9B$3$1hls lRLL, heulth und
reventlon summlt ls just for hlgh school students. 1olcs lnclude: Sulclde reventlon, heulthy
relutlonshls und heulthy sexuullty. 1he event wlll be held on Muy th from :c:c und reglstrutlon
wlll be held from 8:c:c. 1hls event wlll be held ut the Euwthorne lnn, locuted ut zc Elgh Street,
vlnstonSulem, NC z,c.

26T9$67109B:18@$$3 Luke Unlverslty roudly unnounces Summer College for Elgh School Students,
u fourweek rogrum deslgned to enhunce your students' reudlness for future udmlsslon to un
undergruduute degree rogrum ut u selectlve und restlglous unlverslty or college. Summer College for
Elgh School Students, held 'une z'uly z6,zc, offers un ucudemlcully chullenglng und culturully
exundlng exerlence for young men und women who wlll be worklng und cometlng ln u truly globul
world ufter they comlete thelr unlverslty yeurs.
vlslt htt:jjsummersesslon.duke.edujvlsltlng_studentsjsummercollegeforhlghschoolstudents.

S/T9$Q5B9:8$67109B:18@$3 LLNS Q vuke lorest ls u threeweek summer rogrum thut equls
current hlgh school students wlth un ucudemlc foundutlon necessury to become globul cltlzens. Cur
ucudemlc theme ls Sustulnublllty:Cerute Locully und Lxtend Clobully. Lownloud LLNS ullcutlon und
submlt wlth short essuys und offlclul hlgh school trunscrlt. lens.wfu.edujuly. Rlslng hlgh school
junlors und senlors ure ellglble to uly. Allcutlons ure revlewed on u rolllng busls now untll the
rogrum ls full.

7/:;$;9/<8;$4/B9$M6715B$05<67899B$)B5AB/!$3$Students uges 8 ure encouruged to
uly to become u volunteer ut Nush Eeulth Cure thls summer from 'une cthAugust znd. ln order to
be consldered students must cull (zz) 6z88. Leuve your nume und uddress wlth them und un
ullcutlon ucket wlll be mulled. Comleted ullcutlon muterluls ure due to Nush Eeulth Cure no luter
thun Arll th. No lute ullcutlons wlll be ucceted.

1789B7/8157/<$U/446</6B9/89$)B5AB/!$=1U>$3$1he lnternutlonul 8ucculuureute rogrum
ulms to develo lnqulrlng, knowledgeuble und curlng young eole who hel creute u better world
through lnterculturul understundlng und resect. 1o thls end, the orgunlzutlon works wlth schools,
governments und lnternutlonul orgunlzutlons to develo chullenglng rogrums und rlgorous
ussessment. 1hese rogrums encouruge students ucross the world to become uctlve,
comusslonute, und llfelong leurners who understund thut other eole, wlth thelr dlfferences, cun ulso
be rlght. 1hls rogrum ls llmlted to students who uttend Rocky Mount Elgh School.

Pruesent vltue nlsl.
Servlng the Purents of Nush
Rocky Mount Schools

Purents ure encouruged to luy un
uctlve role ln thelr teenuger's
educutlon ln the NushRocky
Mount Publc School System. 1he dlstrlct's
webslte ls the rlmury source of lnformutlon for
urents. Luch school cun be uccessed from the
dlstrlct's homeuge. lndlvlduul school websltes
ullow urents to uccess ull ertlnent lnformutlon
to usslst them ln urtlclutlng ln thelr chlld's
educutlon. Most of the teuchers ln secondury
educutlon huve lndlvlduul websltes, whlch ullow
urents to get u ersonullzed vlew of whut ls
huenlng dlrectly ln the clussroom.
Purent rogrums ln Nush Rocky Mount Schools
ure udvertlsed on the muln webslte und osted
ln lndlvlduul schools. Purents ure ulso ket
lnformed through ConnectLd culls, newsletters, e
mull und telehone communlcutlon, und soclul
networklng sltes. 1he urent webslte for Nush
Rocky Mount Publlc Schools cun be uccessed ut

Click to access the
NRMPS Parent Involvement Policy



1he ultlmute goul ls to ussure thut North Curollnus
locul 1een Court rogrums oerute under the
ollcles set forth by the Leurtment of 'uvenlle
'ustlce, estubllsh und meusure outcomes for thelr
rogrums, und rovlde quullty rogrummlng for
both the juvenlle offenders served und the teen
volunteers lnvolved ln servlce to the locul
North Curollnu Cooerutlve Lxtenslon
rovldes fumllles wlth reseurchbused
unswers to duytoduy chullenges. Lxtenslon
educutors ure reudy wlth unswers on
controlllng household lnsects, rotectlng
wellwuter, munuglng fumlly budgets,
hellng fumllles lmrove thelr eutlng hublts,
und deullng wlth the lssues reluted to eurly
chlldhood, urentlng und uglng.
Pregnuncy Cure Center ls u center
commltted to rovldlng women und men
wlth utodute lnformutlon ln order to
muke lnformed declslons ubout
regnuncy, sexuul heulth, und
1he 8oys & Clrls Club ls u Youth Leveloment
Crgunlzutlon dedlcuted to romotlng the heulth,
soclul, educutlonul, vocutlonul, culturul, churucter und
leudershl develoment of youth. lt ulms to hel
young eole lmrove thelr llves by bulldlng self
esteem und develolng vulues und skllls durlng
crltlcul erlods of growth.


Sylvun deslgns u leurnlng lun seclflcully for euch chlld. 1he
key to ersonul lnstructlon ls Sylvun lnslght u fourste
rocess whlch lncludes ussess, lun, teuch, und then uly.
1he result ls the ersonul leurnlng students need to be
whomever they uslre to be.
Nush Communlty College, u ubllc comrehenslve educutlonul
lnstltutlon wlth un oendoor udmlsslons ollcy, wus founded
ln 6,. 1he College's mlsslon ls to rovlde un ufforduble
educutlonul envlronment whlch reures students for college
trunsfer und rewurdlng cureers.

1he heulth deurtment offers muny servlces ln un effort to kee
resldents und our communlty heulthy. Nush County Eeulth
Leurtment (NCEL) serves ull Nush County resldents, whether
they come ln our doors us u utlent or us we reuch out us urt of
our communlty und envlronmentul heulth rogrums.

ln looklng through the lnformutlon
uvulluble uround hlgh school
currlculum und lnstructlon ln two
dlfferent dlstrlcts, lt becume cleur
thut currlculur lnformutlon becomes
more dlfflcult to flnd the older u
student gets. lor exumle, the
dlstrlct webslte hus un entlre ureu
dedlcuted to lmlementutlon of the
Common Core und Lssentlul
Stundurds, but thelr "Purent Roud
Mus' for these ureus only go u
through grude 8! Cleurly, we need to
huve thls lnformutlon uvulluble for
ALL students. See the column on the
left for other hlghllghts of our
flndlngs uround currlculum und
1he only dlstrlct currlculur gulde
found for NRMPS wus the
Common Core. Eowever, no
more seclflcs were found ut the
dlstrlct level uround CC ln the hlgh
l found no uclng guldes for
hlgh school subjects osted
unywhere on elther the dlstrlct
or lndlvlduul schools' websltes.
vhut ure the llds
Cut of the hlgh school websltes
l seurched, only hlgh school hud
seclflc ucudemlc lnformutlon
reudlly uvulluble for the vurlous
deurtments und subjects

e.e. cummlngs
Most teenugers between the uges of - , wlll
Comlete uberty und the hyslcul
trunsltlon from chlldhood to udulthood.
Reuch neurly thelr udult helght, eseclully
femules. Some mules wlll contlnue to grow
lnto thelr twentles.
Clder teenugers tylcully look hyslcully older thun
they ure. llfteenyeurolds cun be mlstuken for
twentyone yeurolds, whlch ls why some
teenugers flnd themselves ln troubllng sltuutlons.

Slnce ull klds go through flve stuges of uberty,
you'll contlnue to see older teenugers muture.
Lurlng the hlgh school yeurs, you wlll see
teenugers muture ut dlfferent rutes.

1eenugers stlll need heulthy nutrltlon, but thls ls
the tlme when urents tylcully huve the leust
lnfluence on how u teenuger euts. Modellng
heulthy eutlng hublts ls lmortunt ut thls tlme und
wlll uy off ln the long run. Lven lf teenugers ure
not eutlng the wuy you'd llke them too, they ure
curlous ubout thelr bodles und nutrltlon.

A recent Nutlonul Eeulth und Nutrltlon Survey
8c of boys und glrls ucross ethnlc grous
were ruted us huvlng u oor dlet.
Less thun of boys und glrls reuched ldeul
heulthy dlet levels.
of glrls und 6, of boys reuched ldeul
hyslcul uctlvlty levels.
Cnethlrd of udolescents hud totul
cholesterol levels ln lntermedlute or oor
U.S. Adolescents Eeulth 8ehuvlors
Rulse Rlsks of Eeurt Llseuse

vhy ls your teen so tlred?
Lveryone hus un %01+40'()&(-&< thut lnfluences
body temeruture, slee cycles, uetlte und
hormonul chunges. 8efore udolescence, the
0'1=4'()&%4&'6%'0)4"#1"/$ dlrect most chlldren to
nuturully full uslee uround 8 or .m. 8ut uberty
chunges u teen's lnternul clock, deluylng the tlme
he or she sturts to feel sleey often untll .m. or
luter. Stuylng u lute to study or soclullze further
dlsruts the lnternul clock even more.
Most teens need ubout nlne hours of slee u nlght
- und sometlmes more to mulntuln otlmul
duytlme ulertness. 8ut few teens uctuully get thut
much slee, thls ls why you see them dozlng ln
cluss. ln u recent 'ournul of School Eeulth study,
more thun c of teens
reorted sleelng less thun
the recommended nlne
hours of slee. ln the
sume study c reorted
sleelng less thun slx
hours u nlght.

Resettlng the lnternul Clock
86@=$1)(%A"1%0A7)Llm llghts us bedtlme urouches und
then turn off ull llghts durlng slee. ln the mornlng,
exose your teen to brlght llght. 1hese llght cues cun
hel estubllsh slee utterns.)
C++.)%1)&'(/7 Lncouruge your teen to wlnd down ut the
end of the duy. Llscouruge stlmulutlng uctlvltles such
us vldeo gumes, televlslon, comuter use und text
vhy ls slee so
Most teenugers huve
trouble wuklng u ln the
mornlng. Purt of thls ls
becuuse they stuy u luter.
8ut urt of lt ls blologlcul.
Clder teenugers
shortchunge slee, whlch
cun hlnder thelr
develoment. Lon't be
ufruld to let them slee
lute - on weekends!

1he 1eenuge 8ruln Multltusklng
ln udolescents, the refrontul cortex - the
bruln reglon vltul to controlllng thought,
reslstlng lmulses, und concentrutlng
uttentlon - ls stlll ln develoment (lelm,
Connectlon utterns between neurons ure
stlll formlng und ure belng shued by stlmull
und feedbuck (lbld).
Multltusklng, whlch sreuds uttentlon thln,
lnvolves very dlfferent mentul utterns thun
slngletusk focus. 1eenugers ure more
vulneruble to uny effects thls behuvlor muy
huve (lbld).
Cllfford Nuss, u cognltlve sclentlst ut Stunford
Unlverslty found thut hlgh multltuskers were
bud ut fllterlng lrrelevunt lnformutlon from
relevunt. Elgh multltuskers hud dlmlnlshed
ublllty of rlorltlzlng und mentul orgunlzutlon.
Most udolescents reuch Pluget's stuge of
3-4/'()-.+4'1%-0$ (uges z und older), ln
whlch they develo new tools for
munlulutlng lnformutlon. Prevlously, us
chlldren, they could only thlnk concretely,
but ln the formul oerutlons stuge they cun
thlnk ubstructly und deductlvely.
Adolescence ls u tlme of greut
udutublllty ln the bruln. vlth the
onsluught of dlfferent neurotrunsmltters
und hormones uffectlng thelr brulns,
thelr declslonmuklng und leurnlng
utterns ure lnflux. Neurosclentlsts now
know thut the refrontul cortex urts of
the teen bruln resonslble for those
lmortunt oerutlons ure not fully
develoed untll thelr mldtwentles. 1hls
meuns thut lt mlght be unreusonuble to
exect teenugers to huve ull the
brulnower they need to muke good
At uge , thrlll seeklng und lmulslvlty
euks, whlch exlulns why teens seek
dungerous exerlences. 1he u slde of
thls ls thls sensutlon seeklng ulso creutes
the teen to sreud thelr wlngs und
lnslre them to meet new frlends und try
new exerlences thut hel them become
more lndeendent.
(Sydney, zcc)

Adolescents often go off on
tungents, seemlng to urgue slde
lssues for no uurent reuson, thls
cun be hlghly frustrutlng to muny
udults. Adults need to glve
udolescents suce und tlme to
exerclse thelr new reusonlng
Adolescents ure more wllllng to
tuke rlsks ln stuklng out u osltlon
verbully, ln whut muy seem to be
brush, ls uctuully bruvudo to cover
u hlsjher unxlety. 8ulld trust by
belng u good llstener. 1ry to flnd
whut ls reullstlcully osltlve ln whut
ls belng suld und relnforce thut.
Adolescents cun be very "me
centered'. lt tukes tlme to tuke
others' ersectlves lnto uccount.

Yes, lt's Normul for
Adolescents to.
Adolescents' newfound ublllty to thlnk
crltlcully encouruges them to flnd
dlscreuncles, contrudlctlons, or
excetlons ln whut udults (ln
urtlculur) suy. Sometlmes they ure
more oenly crltlcul wlth udults wlth
whom they feel eseclully sufe becuuse
lt glves them u sufe suce to try thelr
new crltlcul thlnklng skllls. Adults
should not tuke thls ersonully.
Lverythlng ls u "blg deul' to teens. lor
some udolescents belng overly
drumutlc or exuggerutlng thelr olnlons
und behuvlors slmly comes wlth the

Lverythlng ls so
luml Curclu,

Lunguuge & Llterucy Leveloment
Adolescents enterlng the udult world ln the zst century wlll reud und wrlte more thun ut
uny other tlme ln humun hlstory. 1hey wlll need udvunced levels of llterucy to erform
thelr jobs, run thelr households, uct us cltlzens, und conduct thelr ersonul llves. 1hey wlll
need llterucy to coe wlth the flood of lnformutlon they wlll flnd everywhere they turn.
1hey wlll need llterucy to feed thelr lmuglnutlon so they cun creute the world of the future.

(Moore, L.v., et ul., Adolescent llterucy: A osltlon stutement for the Commlsslon on
Adolescent Llterucy of the lnternutlonul Reudlng Assoclutlon. , Newurk, LL: lnternutlonul
Reudlng Assoclutlon )
Muny of the .z mllllon students who leuve
hlgh school euch yeur wlthout u dllomu huve
low llterury skllls. ln Amerlcu toduy, one ln four
students fulls to gruduute from hlgh school on
tlme. Afrlcun Amerlcun und Lutlno students
dro out of hlgh school ut neurly double the
rute of thelr whlte eers (C8.5)2$'#B)*/" zc).
1he consequences for the lndlvlduuls und the
costs to the nutlon ure stuggerlng ln terms of
lost wuges und eurnlngs over u llfetlme, whlch
ure estlmuted ut ubout s bllllon er yeur
(D3&#>8,3#B)'", zcc). lor those who eurn u
dllomu, un lncreuslng number of students
must tuke remedlul course work uon enterlng
college, but the results ure not romlslng:
students who enroll ln u remedlul reudlng
course ure less llkely to eventuully eurn u
degree or certlflcute (E$48/,#C)*15& zcc6).
More thun ever students need udvunced
llterury skllls to succeed ln u fustuced
globul economy. Yet, over the ust four
decudes, the llterucy erformunce of
seventeen yeurolds n the Nutlonul
Assessment of Lducutlonul Progress
(NALP) hus remulned flut (D3&#F$"8)/G'#
H&.)+"#B$+0, zcc). lnternutlonul meusures
of reudlng luce Amerlcun flfteen yeur
olds fourteenth umong develoed nutlons
ln reudlng, lugglng behlnd countrles such
us Polund, Lstonlu und lcelund
(Crgunlzutlon for Lconomlc Cooerutlon,
1he develoment of strong llterucy skllls
requlres exllclt lnstructlon und u
contlnuum of suorts from blrth through
grude twelve. Lnsurlng thut ull young
eole gruduute wlth udvunced llterucy
skllls ls essentlul for the success of the
modern world.

5&M&5#8/#+&$08/,#$(38&M&2&/"#(D3&#F$"8)/G'#H&.)+"#B$+0;zcc). D3&'&#+&'*5"'#+&M&$5#"3$"#28558)/'#)A#4)*/,#

1wentyflve ercent of elghthgrude students und z, ercent of twelfthgrude students
scored below the buslc level ln reudlng, whlch meuns they do not even huve urtlul
mustery of the urorlute grudelevel knowledge und skllls.

Cnly 8 ercent of elghthgrude students ellglble for free und reducedrlce lunch
reuched the roflclent level ln reudlng, comured wlth ercent of thelr more uffluent

Cnly ercent of Afrlcun Amerlcun, 8 ercent of Elsunlc, und zz ercent of Nutlve
Amerlcun elghth gruders scored ut or ubove the roflclent level ln reudlng.

Cnly ercent of elghthgrude Lngllsh leurners scored ut or ubove roflclent on the
NALP reudlng ussessment, , ercent scored below buslc.

Eulf of lncomlng nlnth gruders ln urbun, hlghoverty schools reud three yeurs or more
below grude level.

Students wlth low llterucy skllls ultlmutely dro out, muklng u u slzeuble ortlon of the
neurly ,,ccc students who dro out of hlgh school every school duy.

Poor und mlnorlty students comrlse u slgnlflcuntly lurge ercentuge of the .z mllllon
students who dro out of school every yeur. Cnly 8 ercent of Elsunlcs, , ercent of
Afrlcun Amerlcuns, und ercent of Nutlve Amerlcuns gruduute from hlgh school,
comured to more thun threequurters of whlte und Aslun students.

Advunced llterucy skllls ucross content ureus ure the best uvulluble redlctors of
students' ublllty to succeed ln lntroductory college courses. Yet, slnce the 6cs, there
hus been u steudy decllne ln the dlfflculty und sohlstlcutlon of the content of the texts
students huve been usked to reud.

(Alllunce for Lxcellent Lducutlon, (zc). 70)5&'(&/"#58"&+$(4. Retrleved from webslte:

lnstructlonul recommendutlons for older
reuders dlffer only sllghtly from those
for younger reuders.

1hey cun be orgunlzed lnto flve generul
vord study

Absent from thls llst ure honemlc
uwureness und honlcs. lor most older
reuders, lnstructlon ln udvunced word
study, or decodlng multlsyllublc words,
ls u better use of tlme thun lnstructlon ln
the more foundutlonul reudlng skllls
(such us decodlng slnglesylluble words)
whlch muny older reuders huve
uccomllshed. Cf course, we recognlze
thut older reuders ossess u runge of
knowledge und skllls, und there muy be
older reuders who would roflt from
lnstructlon ln the more foundutlonul skllls.

lnteruct wlth text ln u motlvuted und
struteglc wuy.
Euve lmroved comrehenslon und
reudlng outcomes when enguged wlth
Reud more und thus huve more uccess
to u vurlety of tolcs und text tyes.
Are lnterested und curlous ubout
tolcs und content ln texts und reud to
flnd out more.

Muy reud slnglesylluble words
effortlessly but huve dlfflculty
decodlng longer multlsyllublc words.
Muy luck knowledge of the wuys ln
whlch sounds mu to rlnt.
Euve dlfflculty breuklng words lnto
Cften do not use word unulysls
strutegles to breuk words lnto
Successful reuders know thut letters und
letter utterns ure ussocluted wlth
sounds und thut these sounds blend to
muke the words thut we reud. 1hey ure
uble to use thls knowledge to decode
unknown or dlfflcult words whlle they ure
reudlng. As they reud, reuders roflclent ln
word study ulso emloy structurul
unulysls strutegles to breuk words lnto
smuller meunlngful urts thut hel them
decode und understund words. 1he
followlng outllnes churucterlstlcs common
to successful und struggllng reuders.

A content goul ls u questlon or urose
for reudlng. Content gouls emhuslze
the lmortunce of und lncreuse lnterest ln
leurnlng from whut we reud (Cuthrle
& Eumenlck, zcc). 1euchers cun hel
students flnd u urose for reudlng und
foster thelr curloslty durlng reudlng.)
vhen students choose whut they reud,
whut uctlvltles they enguge ln reluted
to reudlng, und wlth whom they work,
thelr motlvutlon lncreuses, us does the
tlme they send reudlng.)
Students enjoy reudlng texts thut they
flnd lnterestlng und choose to contlnue
reudlng these texts durlng free tlme
(Cuthrle & Eumenlck, zcc). lurther,
eole remember lnterestlng lnformutlon
more thun lnformutlon they flnd
Adolescents ure motlvuted by worklng
together (lvey, , Nlchols &
Mlller, ). vhen students cun
colluborute soclully on reudlng und
reudlng reluted tusks, they flnd the work
more motlvutlng und often contlnue
worklng even ufter comletlng the
usslgned tusk (Cuthrle & Eumenlck,
1he Eunger Cumes
1rlckster's Cholce
1he Perks of 8elng u
1he Clver
1he Slsterhood of
1ruvellng Punts
1he Luvlncl Code
Llttle vomen
1he Undomestlc Coddess
1he Skln l'm ln
1he llrst Purt Lust
Clty of the 8eusts
Purrot ln the Cven: Ml vldu

'umes 8uldwln
Lmotlonul develoment durlng udolescence
lnvolves estubllshlng u reullstlc und coherent
sense of ldentlty ln the context of relutlng to
others und leurnlng to coe wlth stress und
munuge emotlons (Suntrock, zcc), rocesses
thut ure llfelong lssues for most eole.
ldentlty refers to more thun just how
udolescents see themselves rlght now, lt ulso
lncludes whut hus been termed the "osslble
self'whut lndlvlduuls mlght become und
who they would llke to become (Murkus &
Nurlus, 86). Lstubllshlng u sense of ldentlty
hus trudltlonully been thought of us the centrul
tusk of udolescence (Lrlkson, 68), ulthough lt
ls now commonly ucceted thut ldentlty
formutlon nelther beglns nor ends durlng
udolescence. Adolescence ls the flrst tlme,
however, when lndlvlduuls huve the cognltlve
cuuclty to consclously sort through who they
ure und whut mukes them unlque.

ldentlty lncludes two concets.
"'$)'B-=1)-0+$+(37 1hls lncludes bellefs ubout
one's uttrlbutes (e.g., tull, lntelllgent), roles
und gouls (e.g., occuutlon one wunts to
huve when grown), und lnterests, vulues, und
bellefs (e.g., rellglous, olltlcul).
TJ(-B'(U)$+(3Q+$1++/ refers to how much we
llke or urove of our ercelved selves us u
T?.+&%3%&U)$+(3Q+$1++/ refers to how much
we feel ubout certuln urts of ourselves (e.g.,
us un uthlete or student, how one looks,
Selfesteem develos unlquely for euch
udolescent, und there ure muny dlfferent
trujectorles of selfesteem osslble over the
course of udolescence. (2lmmermun,
Coelund, Shoe, & Llelmun, ,).
1hus, selfesteem, whether hlgh or low, muy
remuln relutlvely stuble durlng udolescence
or muy steudlly lmrove or worsen.
Lnguge udolescents wlth nonthreutenlng
Llsten nonjudgmentully (llsten more thun
you seuk). 1hls enubles udolescents to
know you vulue thelr olnlon.
Ask oenended questlons thut requlre
teens to tulk through thelr unswers und not
slmly unswer yes or no.
Avold "why' questlons. vhy questlons ut
eole on the defenslve.
Mutch the udolescent's emotlonul stute,
unless lt ls hostlle. 1hls mukes the
udolescent feel llke hejshe ls understood.
Self Concet & Self ldentlty

Low selfesteem develos lf there ls u gu
between one's selfconcet und whut one
belleves one "should' be llke (Eurer, c).

1he followlng churucterlstlcs huve been
ldentlfled to be ussocluted wlth low self
leellng deressed
Lucklng energy
Llsllklng one's ueurunce und rejectlng
leellng lnsecure or lnudequute most of
the tlme
Euvlng unreullstlc exectutlons of oneself
Euvlng serlous doubts ubout the future
8elng excesslvely shy und rurely
exresslng one's own olnt of vlew
Conformlng to whut other's wunt und
ussumlng u submlsslve stunce ln most

1he most lmortunt thlng ls to
ldentlfy the ureu thut ls
lmortunt to the udolescent.
1rylng to lmrove globul self
esteem ls dlfflcult, but hellng
udolescents to lmrove thelr
selfconcets ln seclflc vulued
ureus ls both double und
contrlbutes to globul self
Eel u teen fuce u
roblem lnsteud of
uvoldlng lt.
Lncouruge u teen to
exlore u self lnterest und
hel them flnd resources
to enguge ln the uctlvlty.
Roleluy dlfflcult
conversutlons so thut the
teen ls more comfortuble
ln hundllng reul llfe

\I/,$,8/,#Q(3))5'; zcc).
Students who ure bored or lnuttentlve or who ut
llttle effort lnto schoolwork ure unllkely to beneflt
from better stundurds, currlculum, und lnstructlon
unless schools, teuchers, und urents tuke stes to
uddress thelr luck of motlvutlon.
Students who ure motlvuted to leurn huve hlgher
uchlevement, show better understundlng of the
concets they ure tuught, und huve lower droout

School rogrums thut rewurd students wlth
money, rlzes, or rlvlleges for ucudemlc
uccomllshments or effort ure more effectlve lf
they rewurd students for musterlng u certuln sklll,
such us reudlng u book or solvlng u roblem. 1hey
ure less successful lf they rewurd students for
reuchlng u certuln level of erformunce, such us
recelvlng u usslng score on u test.
Cffer dlverse extrucurrlculur events, clubs und
oortunltles. Students ure sure to flnd
somethlng thut ueuls to thelr lnterest und wlll
connect. 1hls offers chunces to form eer
grous und bond wlth mentors.
lntegrute communlty servlce wlth ucudemlcs to
lgnlte students' lnterest und motlvute them to
work hurder. 1o be effectlve, reseurch shows
thut these rogrums should be ullgned wlth the
school's currlculum und ucudemlc stundurds und
encouruge students to reflect on whut they ure
leurnlng. Plucebused leurnlng ullows udolescents to
see the connectlon between whut they ure leurnlng
und thelr communltles.
Schools should offer school rogrums thut focus on
uttendlng college by lmmerslng students ln u
"collegegolng culture' ruther thun just lnslrlng
them to go to college.

Morul lssues embedded ln currlculum (eseclully Elstory)
, of ES students udmltted to cheutlng on tests (8rucey, zcc)
Cheutlng muy be on the rlse from LS to College (Coodmun, zcc,
Sellngo, zcc)
Muy leud to other lmmorul ucts ufter school (l.e. questlonuble
uccountlng ructlces)
Ultlmutely, bellefs ubout rlght und wrong lnfluence behuvlor

Morul reusonlng bused on lmmedlute consequences for
the lndlvlduul.

Morul reusonlng bused on reclroclty. An uct ls morul lf u
slmllur uct occurs ln return.

Morul reusonlng bused on concern for others or the
olnlons of others.

Morul reusonlng bused on rules, luws, und un orderly

Morul reusonlng bused on rlnclled ugreements umong

Morul reusonlng bused on ubstruct rlnclles.
Morul develoment refers to the
develoment of u sense of vulues und
ethlcul behuvlor. Adolescents' cognltlve
develoment luys the groundwork for
morul reusonlng, honesty, und rosoclul
behuvlors such us hellng, volunteerlsm,
or curlng for others (Llsenberg, Curlo,
Murhy & vun Court, ).

Adults cun hel fucllltute morul
develoment ln udolescents by modellng
ultrulstlc und curlng behuvlor towurd
others und by hellng youth tuke the
ersectlve of others ln conversutlons.
Luwrence lohlberg's 1heory of Morullty Leveloment holds thut morul reusonlng, the busls for ethlcul
behuvlor, hus slx ldentlfluble develomentul stuges, euch more udequute ut resondlng to morul
dllemmus thun lts redecessor. lohlberg followed the develoment of morul judgment fur beyond the
uges studled eurller by Pluget, who ulso clulmed thut loglc und morullty develo through constructlve
stuges. Lxundlng on Pluget's work, lohlberg determlned thut the rocess of morul develoment wus
rlnclully concerned wlth justlce, und thut lt contlnued throughout the lndlvlduul's llfetlme, u notlon
thut suwned dlulogue on the hllosohlcul lmllcutlons of such reseurch.
Cet to lnow Your Adolescent's lrlends
Connect vlth Cther Purents
1ulk to Your Adolescent
Plun Aheud for Confllct
Lon't 1uke lt Personully. Crowlng uwuy
from fumlly ls u normul urt of movlng
from chlldhood to udulthood. lf thls
does not huen it can be a barrier to
adolescents becoming independent
and happy adults.


lrlends und eers ure un essentlul urt of llfe
from chlldhood to old uge, but ln
udolescence (uround to 8 yeurs) they tuke
on u seclul slgnlflcunce. lrlends luy un
lmortunt role ln the sychologlcul
develoment of udolescents. 1hey ure urt of
u brldge thut suorts u teenuger ln thelr
journey to udulthood.
ln the udolescent yeurs, eers rovlde un
envlronment to hel ln the develoment of
muny skllls und understundlngs thut we need
to become huy und roductlve udults.
Adolescence ls u tlme when u lurge urt of
the develoment of u teenuger's
understundlng, of who they ure und whut
sort of udult they ure to become ls
huenlng . lt ls u tlme when they seurch for
u ersonul ldentlty, dlstlnct from thelr
ldentlty us u chlld or u urt of the fumlly.
1he eer grou rovldes un
oortunlty for udolescents to:
understund who they ure
leurn how to lnteruct wlth und
relute to others
shure feellngs
develo lntlmucy
flnd uccetunce
huve u sense of belonglng
leurn dlfferent wuys of roblem
feel understood
huve u sufe luce to try out new
bellefs, roles und behuvlors
develo u sutlsfylng relutlonshl
wlth oneself und others
lncreuse feellngs of selfworth
huve fun und excltement
ructlce communlcutlon skllls

Alllunce for Lxcellent Lducutlon, "1he Elgh Cost of Elgh School Lroouts: vhut the Nutlon
Puys for lnudequute Elgh Schools' (vushlngton LC: Author, August zcc)

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for Lducutlon Stutlstlcs, D3&#F$"8)/G'#H&.)+"#B$+0R#H&$08/,#<99STFBIQ#<9:9UVWX?vushlngton,
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multltuskers were bud ut

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Moore, L.v., et ul., Adolescent llterucy: A osltlon stutement for the Commlsslon on
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Progrum Eeled Strengthen Adolescents' Lmotlonul
U.S. Leurtment of Lducutlon, D3&#F$"8)/G'#H&.)+"#B$+0R#H&$08/,#<9::#und D3&#

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